CHCECE035 Assessment Task 3 Placement 2 v2

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CHC30121 – Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

CHCECE035 – Support the holistic learning and development of children

Assessment Task 3 – Project Placement 2

Student Name Sherin Subhan

Student ID 8064033

Group Literacy Experience Placement 2

Students’ name: Sherin Subhan Setting:
Date/s of implementation: Number of children play experience is
25/03/2023 intended for: 5-10

Social Play Stage supported: N/A Supports:

Solitary Creativity
Parallel Imagination
Associative Dramatic Play
Name of experience: Story Time Age of child: 3-5 years


1.Children’s storybook selected - include title, author and illustrator (if applicable)
When I’m Feeling HAPPY
by Trace Moroney

2. Explain how this particular storybook incorporates literacy principles

When I read this book out loud, I will incorporate different tones of voice in relation to the story and
The book has some rhythm like “I feel B-B-BOUNCY”
This book is based around a central message, which is quite popular in children's books.

3. List the song/s you have chosen to include in your literacy experience. Describe the
associated actions or finger-plays which encourage engagement and the development of fine
motor skills.
The song that I want to incorporate in your literacy experience is ‘If You're Happy and You Know It’
The associated actions used to encourage engagement and the development of fine motor skills are:
clapping hands when the song says ‘clap your hands’ and stomping feet when the song says ‘stomp
your feet’.
4. Discuss how your song or rhyme choice demonstrates the value of children’s linguistic
heritage and the use of home languages
As the lines of the song repeat the repetition not only fosters consistency but also improves memory
Children that have good working memories are better able to recall and expand upon prior knowledge
as well as draw connections between ideas, which demonstrates the value of children’s linguistic
heritage and the use of languages.

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The song ‘If You're Happy and You Know It’ is famillar song that many children would be able to recall
it just by the tune.
If parents are willing or interested, we could ask them to translate the song into their home-spoken
language to express their heritage.
5. Additional material/equipment/space required (include any safety requirements and any props
you will use for your literacy experience)

● Group time area

● Cushions
● Rug
● Book

6. How do the set up and safety requirements of your literacy experience comply with the
National Quality Standards and related regulations?
I will be actively supervising the children during my literacy experience to comply with the National
Quality Standards and related regulations and and maintain the ratio all the time.
● Quality area 2
● Standard 2.2 Safety
● Element 2.2.1 Supervision
● Regulation 123: Educator to child ratios—center-based services (even though my presence as
a student means that I am not counted within the ratio)
● Regulation 115: Premises designed to facilitate supervision.

7. How does your literacy experience comply with the regulations for children’s health & safety,
educational program and practice, physical environment and relationships with children?
I will gather the children for a literary experience during the group time before lunch or before
afternoon tea. I will ensure the area it tidy, comfortable and suitable for group time as the educator is
actively supervising and I was read the book for the children.
By allowing everyone to voice their thoughts and ask questions, I will make sure to always create an
inclusive environment.
● Standard 2.1: Each child’s health and physical activity is supported and promoted.
○ Element 2.1.1 Each child’s wellbeing and comfort is provided for, including appropriate
opportunities to meet each child’s need for sleep, rest and relaxation.
● Standard 2.2: Each child is protected.
○ Element 2.2.1: At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure
children are protected from harm and hazard.
● Standard 7.1: Governance supports the operation of a quality service.
○ Element 7.1.2: Systems are in place to manage risk and enable the effective
management and operation of a quality service.
National Regulations
● Regulation 12: Meaning of serious incident.
● Regulation 84: Awareness of child protection law.
● Regulation 147: Staff members [records].
● Regulation 155: Interactions with children.
● Regulation 156: Relationships in groups.
● Regulation 168: Education and care services must have policies and procedures.
● Regulation 175: Prescribed information to be notified to the Regulatory Authority.
8. How does this activity link to the learning framework? (identify a max of 2 outcomes)


● Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect

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● Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing
9. Reason for chosen experience (e.g. observed child’s interest, teacher initiated, community, child
This experience it both because of a childs observed interest in reading books with an adult and
teacher-initiated in which a selected the book and extend on ther learning about feelings and how to
deal with then and a song to go along.
Therefore I've prepared this experience thoughtfully and in accordance with that observation.

10. How will this literacy experience encourage children to explore aspects of social skills,
such as turn taking, caring for others and the environment?
Children may need to sit neatly while reading books so that everyone can see; I will help them to
reposition at some time to serve as an example. I'll take a seat while reading the book so that
everyone can view it and not feel excluded. In order to ensure fairness and turn-taking, if they talk at
the same time, I will ask them to allow one child speak first.
Reading to kids can support their development of empathy because books offer a wealth of social
interaction examples that kids can learn from. For instance, scenes rich in character conversation can
teach kids both good and poor conflict resolution techniques.
11. How will this experience stimulate the children’s enjoyment of literacy?
Reading to young children helps them learn new words, sharpens their memories, and develops their
listening abilities. Also, it fosters creativity and critical thinking. We can use it to lay the groundwork for
developing literacy.
It encourages kids to grow their friendship networks and familial ties. Also, it fosters a connection
between kids and the natural environment, much like in the novel.

12. Explain how this storybook will encourage the exploration of the social elements
It will encourage children to sit down together and create connections with one another which will
impact their social development positively.

They'll have more self-assurance in expressing their feelings and emotions. Children’s imagination and
curiosity can be stimulated by reading.
Children that have good social skills can communicate, collaborate, share, play together, and develop
their body language. In addition to enhancing mental capacity and cognitive ability, having strong
social skills also promotes general mental wellness.

13. Describe how you will encourage engagement within the group to expand children’s
thinking .
Throughout this reading experience, I will raise questions, give everyone a chance to share their
thoughts, work with the kids to solve problems, and add new words to their vocabulary.
Children will have the opportunity to speak up in front of huge crowds or when interacting with
We may encourage children to think more sophisticatedly and abstractly by having in-depth talks with
them about what they are doing, posing open-ended questions to stimulate their thinking, and giving
them time to reflect on and assess the success of their efforts.
14. Describe how you will expand the children’s foundation literacy skills
● Rhyming and singing
● ​Let the children know about the concept of title, author, illustrator
● Turning the pages of the book
● Letting them guess how the story will go

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15. Detail the strategies you will use to promote learning, development and children’s agency
e.g. encouraging the child by acknowledging efforts, asking open-ended questions (provide possible
examples), using Auslan signs to support communication, ensure tubs of relevant resources are
available on shelves at child’s level to support child-initiated play extension etc.

I will ask open-ended questions like

● “What do you think is the next thing that makes the bunny feel happy, can you guess?”
● “Tell me what makes you happy?”
● “Which words do you think best describe this character?

Acknowledging the children’s efforts for staying still, waiting for the friend to speak.

I will ask expand upon the story tell with a song after reading.
16. Document what you witnessed during implementation of the experience? (e.g. what did the
children do, what did you do, what did other educator do in this play if applicable, what was the children’s
When I read the book to the children, most of them were quietly sitting down in front of me.
During group time, the teacher was nearby to watch me read to and interact with the kids.
The children were excitable during the song, but some didn’t do the actions.
17. Reflection - Evaluation of literacy experience (e.g. what went well / didn’t go well, equipment,
positioning, developmentally appropriate, WHS)
Not all children were completly focused as it was another childs birthday and we were going to have
blue dino saur cake for afternoon tea.
Most of the children sang along to the song ot were listening intently.
Thought the children already knew the book, i thought it best to stick to a simple on without too many
words and a goo message.

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