Grammar 2
Grammar 2
Course Description
This course is a continuation of Structure 1 course with the focus on analysis of
simple major verb patterns, and introduction to structural patterns and components
of complex sentences. This course will cover complex sentences; main clauses +
sub-clauses; and focus on clauses: noun, adjective, and adverb clauses.
Course Objectives
This course is aimed at:
1. enabling students to understand a little complex sentence
2. providing students with stronger bases of the knowledge of English
3. encouraging and facilitating students to apply the theories in structure courses in
relation to writing, reading, and speaking.
4. write sentences with correct patterns
Students will be graded A, B, C, D, E, and F based on their gained scores of all
assignments, mid term and final test.
Attendance Policy
Students are required to attend at least 12 of the whole 16 sessions. Students who
miss class frequently will lose opportunities to practice their skill in class and
therefore they will have their points for class attendance and participation lowered.
Students with more than 4 absence will not be eligible for the final examination.
Assignment Policy
Prior to each topic discussed, students are expected to do exercises from student -
work book.
Tentative Schedule
Session 1: Review
Session 2: Modal Verbs (May(have),might(have), must(have), can’t(have),
could (have), needn’t(have) meaning and usage
Session 3: Sentence Pattern: It takes/ took + N + to infinitive
Session 4: Sentence Pattern (N (sbj) + Vc + N + N (obj. complement)
(N (sbj) + Vc+ N + Adjective
Session 5: Sentence Pattern It + be + (for + noun) + adj + to infinitive
It + seem/sound/etc + that clause
Session 6: Question Tags (are you ?, doesn’t he)
Session 7: Auxiliaries in short answers (So am I, Neither am I, I think so, etc)
Session 8: Sentence Pattern (N (sbj) + Ve + N (obj) + to infinitive + …
(N (sbj) + Ve + N (obj) + ing form
(N (sbj) + Ve + N (obj) + bare infinitive
Session 8: Mid-term test
Session 9: Causative have, make. Get, let
Session10: Past Custom (Be/get) Used to
Session12: Articles/Determiners (a(n), the
Session13: Articles/Determiners ( All(of),no/none of, most(of), both(of),
either(of) /neither(of)
Session14:Articles/Determiners Some and any,
some/any(one,where,thing,body) (a)little, (a)few, much, many,
a lot, plenty, all, every, whole
Session15: Reflexive Pronoun
Session16: Final Examination
Bobrow, Jerry and Covino, William A. 1992. GMAT Preparation. Cliffs Notes,
John and Sons, New York.
Hornby, A.S. 1975. Guide to Patterns and Usage in English. Oxford, UK.
Murchia, M.C. and Freeman D.L. 1983. The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL
Teacher’s Course. Newbury House Publishers, Inc., London.
Robert, Paul. 1961. English Sentences. New York: Hartcourt and Brace. Inc
Sharpe, Pamela J. 1995. Barron’s Students’ #1 Choice TOEFL. Barron’s
Educational Serries Publication.
Thomson, A.J. and Martinet A.V. 1986. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford
University Press.