Computer-Based Support For Marketing Strategy Development: European Journal of Marketing June 2000
Computer-Based Support For Marketing Strategy Development: European Journal of Marketing June 2000
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Sound and robust marketing strategy is essential to the survival and success
of any business in the increasingly complex, hostile and competitive
environment in which companies operate (McDonald, 1996; Creveling, 1994).
Nevertheless, developing a sound and timely marketing strategy is not an
easy task. Many companies are experiencing difficulties with strategic
marketing planning. There are a number of barriers to effective marketing
strategy development (McDonald, 1992b). In order to help managers
formulate good marketing strategy, computer-based information systems
have been applied to support the process of marketing strategy development
and strategic marketing planning in different ways. However, such efforts as
have been made still exhibit a disappointing degree of success. Current
information systems developed for this purpose are still in the embryonic
The authors wish to thank Dr Brian Mathews at Luton Business School for his suggestions on
the questionnaire design conducted in this study. The authors are very grateful to the editor
European Journal of Marketing,
and the two anonymous reviewers whose valuable comments have helped improve this Vol. 34 No. 5/6, 2000, pp. 551-575.
manuscript. # MCB University Press, 0309-0566
European This paper deals with computer-based support for developing marketing
Journal of strategy. The opening section of the paper examines the nature of marketing
Marketing strategy development, and this leads to a consideration of the needs for
computer-based support in developing marketing strategy. The next section
34,5/6 outlines the status and underlying problems of existing computer-based
information systems for developing marketing strategy according to the
552 literature. There follows an account of a questionnaire survey on managers'
perceived needs for computer support, current provision of computer-based
information systems, and the gaps between the needs and current provision.
The final section presents the conclusions of the paper and an outline of related
Range (£m)
Under 10 11 0.7
10.001 to 20 32 2.1
Table II. 20.001 to 20 338 22.0
Characteristics of the 50.001 to 100 427 27.7
population of UK Over 100 732 47.5
manufacturing Total sample 1540 100
companies with more
than 500 employees Note: Companies not providing employee number or turnover are excluded
Number of employees
Range Number of companies Percentage
Range (£m)
Under 10 9 1.0
10.001 to 20 12 1.3
Table III. 20.001 to 50 140 15.6
Sample composition of 50.001 to 100 235 26.1
the 900 randomly Over 100 504 56.0
selected companies Total sample 900 100
During the Autumn of 1997, a questionnaire survey package was mailed to the
marketing director of each company (or managing director if the name of
marketing director was not available). The package consisted of a covering
letter, the questionnaire and a prepaid envelope for return mailing. A follow-up
procedure was employed after a four week period. A total of 104 usable
responses were received, which gave a usable response rate of 11.5 per cent.
The characteristics of the 104 respondent companies are shown in Table IV.
The low response rate can probably be ascribed to two main reasons. First,
Number of employees Computer-based
Range Number of companies Percentage support
500 to 1000 49 47.0
1001 to 2000 28 27.0
2001 to 3000 12 11.6
3001 to 5000 8 7.7
Over 5000 7 6.7
Total sample 104 100
Range (£m)
Under 10 2 1.9
10.001 to 20 2 1.9
20.001 to 50 16 15.4 Table IV.
50.001 to 100 30 28.9 Characteristics of the
Over 100 54 51.9 104 respondent
Total sample 104 100 companies
many companies now have a policy of not taking part in any surveys; 24
companies replied to that effect here. Secondly, the questionnaire was long (31
questions) and needed to be answered by a senior member of the organisation.
However, as the survey was conducted to strengthen and extend the authors'
literature review findings, the total of 104 usable responses was felt to be
Statistical comparisons have been made to test the differences in some
characteristics between the 900 sample companies and the population of
manufacturing companies with more than 500 employees. T-tests have also
been conducted to compare the characteristics of the 104 respondent companies
with the population. The t-test results are given in Tables V, VI, VII and VIII. It
can be seen from Table V that there is a significant difference in the average
number of employees between the 900 selected sample companies and the
population of manufacturing companies with more than 500 employees. Table
VI shows that there is also a difference in the average turnover between the 900
chosen companies and the population. These differences may be mainly due to
The mail questionnaire survey results were analysed using the SPSS statistical
package and Microsoft Excel.
Managers' needs for support in developing marketing strategy. First of all, a
question was asked to identify which individuals have primary responsibility
for developing marketing strategy. This question was adapted from Fletcher
and Hart (1990). It was designed to clarify who needs computer-based support
in developing marketing strategy. Respondents were invited to choose from
listed management functional specialisms.
Marketing directors were most frequently cited as having principal
responsibility for developing marketing strategy, often jointly with managing
directors, sales directors and other relevant business managers (see Table IX).
In order to explore the nature of marketing strategy development and
managers' difficulties in developing strategy, respondents were asked to judge
whether or not each of the listed statements describes the situation in their own
companies, using a modified five point scale derived from O'Keefe (1989). The
statements were derived from the relevant research (Moutinho et al., 1993;
Curry et al., 1992; McIvor et al., 1992; Wilson and McDonald, 1994; McDonald,
Position Percentage
Marketing director 71
Managing director 41
Sales director 25
Other 21 Table IX.
Principal responsibility
Notes: Respondents were invited to choose from listed managers. Some respondents gave for developing
more than one response. The sample size n = 102. marketing strategy
European 1989a, 1992a; Brownlie and Spender, 1995; Mintzberg, 1994a, 1994b; Porter,
Journal of 1980b,1987). In particular, the nature of marketing strategy development was
Marketing measured by using five component items (see Table X). Managers' difficulties
34,5/6 in developing marketing strategy were measured by using seven items (see
Table XI). The responses and calculated Cronbach's alpha values are given in
Tables X and XI, respectively.
564 As may be seen in Table X, in regard to the nature of marketing strategy
devlopment, the majority of respondents strongly agreed or somewhat agreed
with the following statements:
. Strategic thinking is essential to developing good marketing strategy.
. Managers need a wide range of relevant information to develop
marketing strategy.
. Managers' intuition and judgement are important in developing
marketing strategy.
. Systematic analytical approaches are helpful for developing marketing
. Marketing strategy development involves a high degree of uncertainty
and ambiguity.
Moreover, as shown in Table XI, a majority also agreed that: managers lack
time to focus intensively and at length on strategic marketing issues.
Systems Percentage
Database 91.7
Spreadsheets 90.5
Marketing information 48.8
Executive information 25.0
Decision support 15.5
Expert 6.0 Table XIV.
Other computer-based 6.0 Computer-based
systems used in
Note: Respondents were asked to select from listed systems. Many respondents gave more developing marketing
than one response. The sample size n = 86 strategy
European Standard Alpha if item
Journal of Item Mean score deviation deleted
Meet information needs (n = 84) 3.06 0.83 0.8616
34,5/6 Help couple analysis with judgement (n = 83) 2.60 1.01 0.8197
Provide strategic analysis assistance (n = 84) 2.55 0.98 0.8242
Help strategic thinking (n = 84) 2.54 0.95 0.8301
568 Help understand marketing strategy factors (n = 82) 2.13 0.90 0.8418
Cope with uncertainty (n = 40) 2.18 1.07 0.8319
Improve strategy formulation practice (n = 84) 2.51 0.93 0.8257
Table XV.
Current provision of Note: Measuring scale: 1 ± no help at all, 2 ± somewhat helpful, 3 ± moderately helpful,
computer-based 4 ± very helpful, 5 ± completely helpful. Cronbach's alpha for the overall measure is 0.8544.
systems n denotes the sample size
moderate help for most requirements, except perhaps for ``meeting information
needs''. The calculated Cronbach's alpha for the construct (and the alphas if
individual items are deleted) are given in Table XV.
Factor Percentage
Factor Percentage
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