Class - 4 Ch. - 3 Adjectives (Quality, Quantity and Number)
Class - 4 Ch. - 3 Adjectives (Quality, Quantity and Number)
Class - 4 Ch. - 3 Adjectives (Quality, Quantity and Number)
Adjectives can be divided into three broad categories quantity and quality and Number.
We get these numeral adjectives to know the quantity by asking a question ‘how much?’ to a
noun or pronoun.
These quantity telling words tell us the amount of noun but does not tell the exact number.
Adjectives of Quantity are used when we don’t want the exact number of noun.
• He has no qualification.
Adjectives of Quality
We get Adjectives of Quality by asking question ‘of what kind?’ to a noun to know the
quality of noun.
• He is a clever boy.
• He is a nice guy.
• My son is wise.
• Or in easy words we can say that "It tells us the exact number of something"
• Let's say someone asks me "Ms Manisha , Tell Me How Many Students Are In Your
Examples Sentences: