Coerver Coaching Northwest: Staff Workbook and Junior Academy Guide
Coerver Coaching Northwest: Staff Workbook and Junior Academy Guide
Coerver Coaching Northwest: Staff Workbook and Junior Academy Guide
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storage and retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted in writing from the publisher.
Requests for permission should be addressed to Coerver Coaching NW, Attn: TR Stoneback,
13007 4th Ave So, Seattle, WA 98168
The word Coerver® and the Coerver® Coaching logo are registered trademarks of Sportsmethod
Ltd and Sportsmethod Asia Ltd.
TR Stoneback, Alfred Galustian, Charlie Cooke
Coerver Coaching NW
13007 4th Ave So
Seattle, WA 98168
[email protected]
Forward 1
Philosophy 2
Pyramid of Player Development© 3
Pyramid of Moves© 4
Section One
Warm Up 5
Warm Up - Dynamic Stretching 7
Section Two
Practice Planner 9
Section Three
Ball Mastery and Fast Footwork 11
Section Four
Junior Academy Sample 12
Section Five
5 S Coerver Pathway 20
Alfred and Charlie have dedicated their coaching careers to devising skill-training programmes for youth
coaches and players around the world.
Teaching skills should, in my opinion, be the foundation of all soccer coaching, especially at the young
formative years. I feel the Coerver Coaching Programme is the ideal way to do this.
I first studied the Coerver Coaching Programme at The Coerver Coaching Academy in Japan and since
then, have been convinced it’s the key value for both players and coaches.
I especially like their work in 1 v 1 training. Any player who has good 1 v 1 skills can often make a differ-
ence in a game, creating goal chances for himself or his teammates.
I wish the Coerver Coaching Programme had been available when I was a player!
Jürgen Klinsmann
German World Cup Champion
Coerver® Coaching Philosophy
The single most important aspect of soccer training for the young player is FUN. If the session is not enjoyable,
then the coach will struggle to keep the attention span of his/her charges. If the players enjoy what they are do-
ing they will be fully committed to it and therefore reap the benefits. The number 1 goal of our training over the
course of one of our programs is to introduce the players to the necessary skills of soccer. We aim to do this
through a series of challenges and games that will disguise the repetitions needed to acquire SKILL.
If technique is how a player physically performs a task, then skill is the application of that technique to a real life
or competitive situation. Coerver training is structured to first address the proper techniques needed to dribble,
pass, and receive a ball. The players will then be asked to employ these techniques in various “challenges”. The
challenges will be very basic to start, and then become progressively more difficult and game-like as the players
comfort level and confidence with the ball rises.
Our ultimate goal is to help the kids become creative, confident players who can handle a soccer ball. Players
who can attack 1v1, pass accurately over increasingly longer distances, and receive any ball played in their direc-
tion. The game is undoubtedly more enjoyable to play if the participants are at ease with the ball. This skill devel-
opment is a long-term process and should be measured in years, not days.
Once a certain level of technical proficiency has been reached, Coerver training adds in the tactical dimension,
forcing players to become quick-thinking decision makers. Vision, communication, and composure will come
more quickly to players who are not struggling to deal with the ball itself. The Coerver Group Attack & Defense
module is designed to address the very necessary attributes of how small groups of players combine and interact
on and off the ball.
Remember these are young players just beginning a long journey toward the end product described above. It
should be the unified goal of all of us involved in their development to foster in them a love of the sport- to make
them the future players, coaches, referees, and most importantly FANS of the world’s number 1 sport.
Coerver® Coaching Pyramid of Player Development ©
“The curriculum is based on the premise that team play is mostly a sequence of individual and
small-group competitions in different parts of the field; therefore our approach to improving
team performance is focused on individual and small-group development, especially in the for-
mative years”.
Coerver® Coaching Pyramid of Moves ©
When broken down moment by moment, the game of soccer is largely a series of 1 v 1 Moves. In a single profes-
sional match you can expect to find over 200 such occurrences. While the use of moves is not suitable for all 1 v 1
competitions, many opportunities are missed because players don’t utilize this important skill. As such, we be-
lieve 1 v 1 moves should be a crucial part of every player’s repertoire.
Teaching moves, however, is not a simple matter. As well as mastering How to execute a move, players must
learn which move to make and When and Where to make it. We hope to provide key guidance on these decisions
for coaches, teachers, and players.
The 1 v 1 Moves Pyramid© shows our three basic categories of moves: Changes of Direction, Stops and Starts, and
Knowing how to make all the moves is only half the battle for a player, coach or teacher. Unfortunately, it’s im-
possible to categorically say exactly when and where players should use each 1 v 1 skill. Each situation on the
field is different. In any case, the coach can have very little influence during play. It is the player who must decide
which move to use, often in a split second. We will suggest when and where 1 v 1 moves can work, and enable
the coach to help prepare players to make the right decisions.
While 1 v 1 is only one part of the Coerver® Coaching curriculum, it is an important topic to us for several reasons:
1. Players with good 1 v 1 skills can often make the difference in a game, creating goal scoring chances even
though outnumbered by opponents.
2. 1 v 1 drills and games are great ways of improving speed, stamina and strength.
3. Players with 1 v 1 skills usually develop an inner-confidence. Confidence can be the vital factor in players
reaching the highest levels of the game.
After many years of experience in teaching this area, we believe young players are best taught such skills be-
tween the ages of 7 and 15. At these ages, the coordination and fluency needed for good 1 v 1 skills are devel-
oped relatively quickly. Once these skills have been learned, many players are able to use them more spontane-
ously in full pressure game situations.
The warm-up serves FOUR crucial purposes:
To cover each of these aspects we are going to warm up for about 15—20 minutes
Field: 7 x 14 yd lanes with 7 yard center markers. Need 2 lanes per 12 players.
Action: Step 1 - On coaches signal first players from each line jog at each other. Near middle, players should stop
their momentum and touch both of their hands with opposing player and jog back to line. Players in line, use the
visual cues (players touching hands) to start their runs.
Tips: Players should stop momentum by turning sideways and sitting low, eyes should immediately turn to target.
Players should watch for visual cues and be in ready position early. Players should turn opposite directions each
Step 3 - First players from each line run towards opposing players right hip (left side) and turn right, around op-
posing player and then run back to their line. Players in line use the visual cues (players turning) to start their
Step 4 - First players from each line run towards opposing players left hip (right side) and turn left, around oppos-
ing player and then run back to their line. Players in line use the visual cues (players turning) to start their runs.
Tips: Players should continue to drive their arms while turning around opposing player. Eyes to target immedi-
ately to keep turn tight. Players in line should be in a ready position early and react to visual cues signaling them
to go.
Step 5 - First player in line sprints across the area to the opposing player which is standing with both feet to-
gether and palm of hands out. First player tags the standing players hands and they both race to first players end
line where the next player in line has their feet together and hands out. The standing player that raced the first
player back now tags the player in the front of the line and they race to the standing players original end line,
Tips: Players should stop their momentum before tagging the standing player. Eyes to target, not other player.
Standing player needs to accelerate with a positive first step, watch for negative first step.
Dynamic Stretching:
If you’re like most of us, you were taught the importance of warm-up exercises back in grade school, and you’ve
likely continued with pretty much the same routine ever since. Science, however, has moved on. Researchers
now believe that some of the more entrenched elements of many athletes’ warm-up regimens are not only a
waste of time but actually bad for you. The old presumption that holding a stretch for 20 to 30 seconds — known
as static stretching — primes muscles for a workout is dead wrong. It actually weakens them. In a recent study,
athletes generated less force from their leg muscles after static stretching than they did after not stretching at all.
Other studies have found that this stretching decreases muscle strength by as much as 30 percent. Also, stretch-
ing one leg’s muscles can reduce strength in the other leg as well, probably because the central nervous system
rebels against the movements.
There is a neuromuscular inhibitory response to static stretching, the straining muscle becomes less responsive
and stays weakened for up to 30 minutes after stretching, which is not how an athlete wants to begin a workout.
THE RIGHT WARM-UP should do two things: loosen muscles and tendons to increase the range of motion of vari-
ous joints, and literally warm up the body. When you’re at rest, there’s less blood flow to muscles and tendons,
and they stiffen. You need to make tissues and tendons compliant before beginning exercise.
A well-designed warm-up starts by increasing body heat and blood flow. Warm muscles and dilated blood vessels
pull oxygen from the bloodstream more efficiently and use stored muscle fuel more effectively. They also with-
stand loads better. One significant if gruesome study found that the leg-muscle tissue of laboratory rabbits could
be stretched farther before ripping if it had been electronically stimulated - that is, warmed up.
To raise the body’s temperature, a warm-up must begin with aerobic activity, usually light jogging. Most coaches
and athletes have known this for years. But many athletes do this portion of their warm-up too intensely or too
early. A number of recent studies have demonstrated that an overly vigorous aerobic warm-up simply makes you
tired. Most experts advise starting your warm-up jog at about 40 percent of your maximum heart rate (a very
easy pace) and progressing to about 60 percent. The aerobic warm-up should take only 5 to 10 minutes, with a 5-
minute recovery. (Sprinters require longer warm-ups, because the loads exerted on their muscles are so ex-
While static stretching is still almost universally practiced among amateur athletes - watch a youth soccer team
next weekend - it doesn’t improve the muscles’ ability to perform with more power, physiologists now agree. You
may feel as if you’re able to stretch farther after holding a stretch for 30 seconds, so you think you’ve increased
that muscle’s readiness. But typically you’ve increased only your mental tolerance for the discomfort of the
stretch. The muscle is actually weaker.
Stretching muscles while moving, on the other hand, a technique known as dynamic stretching or dynamic warm-
ups, increases power, flexibility and range of motion. Muscles in motion don’t experience that insidious inhibitory
response. They instead get an excitatory message to perform.
Dynamic stretching is at its most effective when it’s relatively sports specific. You need range-of-motion exercises
that activate all of the joints and connective tissue that will be needed for the task ahead. Athletes who need to
move rapidly in different directions, like soccer players, should do dynamic stretches that involve many parts of
the body.
Field: 7 x 14 yd lanes with 7 yard center markers. Need 2 lanes per 12 players.
Step 1 - On coaches first signal, first players from each line sprint in place, on coaches second signal players sprint
to first set of cones and run to the end of the zone. Once players hit the end of the zone, they perform dynamic
stretches back to their line. Players should perform at least 6 stretches per exercise.
Tips: Players should focus on technique, short steps = short arm swings. Arm swings from the shoulder not the
elbow and quick twitch feet.
Dynamic Stretches:
1. Toe Grab
2. Leg Kicks
3. Knee raises
4. Side shuffle
5. Inside Hurdler
6. Outside Hurdler
7. Karaoke
8. Arm Circles - Forward and Backward
9. Arm Swings - Front to back
10. Lunges
11. High Knees
12. Butt Kickers
13. Inside foot raise
14. Outside foot raise
15. Inside/Outside foot raise
16. Quad grab
Lesson Plan
Team/Group __________________________ Session No. ________ Date _________________
Warm up
Ball Mastery
Fast Footwork
Ball Mastery and Fast Footwork
We typically use these three setups for ball mastery and fast footwork. Once the players have learnt the tech-
niques, we can then have them work in groups of 2, 3, and 4’s.
The most successful youth teams in the United States—and indeed, throughout the world—share one common
trait: they all receive regular, well-planned training sessions that follow a uniform philosophy, as the clubs strive
to develop individual players as well as teams.
Through structured session plans and consistency of coaching methodology, each athlete is empowered to reach
the next level of play, fulfilling his or her soccer potential while contributing to and sharing in the team’s suc-
A program designed to foster proper technical development at the ages of U8 thru U14.
A comprehensive soccer education for young players looking to acquire the skills necessary to elevate their
game to the top-flight level.
A challenging environment that demands good training habits.
A program that promotes club pride and club loyalty.
The Club Academy offering is only intended as a supplement to the players’ regular training and not as a replace-
ment. By working closely with the specific age-group head coaches, Academy trainers can tailor lesson plans to
focus on individual development needs and assist in providing players with the kind of technical foundation, tacti-
cal acumen and overall motivation that will enable them to encounter success each time they take the field.
All three levels of the Club Academy have an emphasis on individual technique and skill development, and fo-
cuses primarily on the following topics:
Ball Mastery
Speed and Agility
1v1 Attacking and Defending
Shooting and Finishing
Passing and Receiving
Small Group Play
Duration: 60 minutes
Topic: Lunges, takes, using left foot to go left and right foot to go right, explosive, feints
Warm up
Water break
Ball mastery
Water break
1v1 limited pressure, 2 goal reaction exercise
1v1 gradual to full pressure, 1 way fast break attack
Water break
Small side game, 4v4
Duration: 60 minutes
Topic: Scissor, Pull behind, turning ball back and playing to teammate quickly
Warm up
Water break
Ball mastery
Water break
Limited pressure drill, with teammates
1v1 side to side game
Water break
1v1+1 one way fast break attack
Duration: 60 minutes
Topic: Puskas (v), change of direction, keeping your body in attacking position
Warm up
Water break
Ball mastery
Water break
1v1 limited pressure, with partner
1v1 gradual to full pressure
Water break
1v2, one way fast break attack,
Duration: 60 minutes
Warm up
Water break
Ball mastery
Water break
4 way fast break attack
1v1 with a wall pass
Water break
2v2 fast break attack, one way
3v3 small group game with takeover players
Duration: 60 minutes
Topic: Overlap, using second player as decoy, early passing, moves with a purpose
Warm up
Water break
Ball mastery
Water break
Overlap passing exercise
2v2 with a pass and overlap
Water break
2v2 fast break attack, one way
3v3 small group game with takeover players
Duration: 60 minutes
Warm up
Water break
Ball mastery
Water break
Passing exercise
1v1 turning exercise
Water break
1v1 turning game
1v1 + 1v1 turning game
Duration: 60 minutes
Warm up
Water break
Ball mastery
Water break
4 way fast break attack
1v1 speed, change of direction exercise
Water break
2v2 fast break attack, one way
2v2 fast break attack
General Advice for Coaches and Players
While the skills covered in this book are being taught and learnt, it is important for the coach and
the player to bear in mind the following general advice.
Make it fun - Make sure your session is fun, especially for young players. Keep a record of what
works well for future use.
Communicate effectively - Be simple, clear and calm with your instructions. Don’t shout. Smile,
praise and encourage a lot.
Make it truly a team effort - Encourage your players to ask questions and think for themselves,
and to be unafraid of making mistakes. This is how they will learn and grow. Listen to them and
be patient.
Demonstrate the skills - Demonstrating is better than talking. If you are not comfortable with
demonstrating skills, however, choose one of your better players to demonstrate. Be careful not
to demonstrate too quickly, especially if the players are new to the skills. Always demonstrate
what to do, rather than what not to do.
Goals for Players
Skill - You can never practice your skills too much. Soccer is a technical game and, as such, you
need to constantly work on improving your individual skills. Remember though, that skills need to
be used effectively in games to add to your team’s performance and capabilities.
Speed - It is important to improve both your mental and physical speed in order to use your skills
effectively in the game. Work on your mental speed, often called decision-making, by playing in
small-sided games of 3 v 3 or 4 v 4. Build your physical speed by running with the ball and re-
member that changing speeds when you are running with the ball can often deceive your oppo-
Stamina (fitness) - A good motto to follow is respect your body. Watch what you eat and drink,
and keep as fit as you can by training (although be careful, and don’t overdo it).
Sense - We use this word to mean game understanding. Here again, you need to play as much
soccer as possible; especially small-sided games. Soccer is a wonderful game because each
situation and moment in the game can be different, but the more you play to more you will be in-
volved in the various problem-solving situations that occur in the games.
Spirit - Here, the key words are always do your best. You can’t win every game, so it’s important
that your attitude and resolve are always upbeat. Whether your are winning or losing, give it your
Self-discipline - If you want to be a really good player you have to make time to practice often.
This means sometimes you may have to give up social activities, for instance.
Self-confidence - This is most important. Sometimes it is the difference between being a very
good player or not. You gain self-confidence by taking responsibility for your practice habits and
experiencing improvement and success. To be successful you not only need good skills, but also
a good attitude.
Sportsmanship - All players have an obligation to play the game fairly. Here, the key word is
respect, for your teammates, your opponents, the referee and the game.
Smile - Even the best players in the world started playing soccer because they enjoyed it as
youngsters, so the so the key words here are enjoying the game.
Coerver® Coaching DVD’s
Coerver® Coaching
Improve Your Game 3 Part DVD Set
We've created this DVD set primarily for players and their parents, friends
and team mates, unlike our previous products which are targeted primarily
at soccer coaches.
Coerver® Coaching
Make Your Move 5 DVD Set
3 Part Make Your Moves Set + 2 part A New Era Set
2 online books
Access to online drill library
Coerver® Coaching
Goal keeping Essentials
Goal keeping Essentials covers all the basics for the beginning player and
includes drills that can be modified for different skill levels, ages and field
Coerver® Coaching offers several programs for players, teams, clubs, and associations.
To find out more please call us at 206.243.3984 or email [email protected]
For more information about Coerver®
Coaching programs and products
please visit us online at