Electro-Motive: Division of General Motors Corporotion, La Grange
Electro-Motive: Division of General Motors Corporotion, La Grange
Electro-Motive: Division of General Motors Corporotion, La Grange
Page Page
Turbocharger Spring Drive Gear .............. 1 Water Pump Roll Pin .......... ,, ..... ...... 2
Spring Drive Gear Torquing .................. 1 Adjusting Pin-Type Slack Adjusters ..... ...... 3
Basic EMD Color Coding .................... 1 Cooling System Pressure Caps ... ,I ............ 4
Engine Pressure Detector Tubing .............. 2 inertial Air Discharge Motors ... ,, ............ 4
TURBOCHARGER SPRING DRIVE GEAR wh.ich hold the No. 2 idler gear to the inner
spider assembly.
The turbocharger spring drive gear is a preloaded
device requiring special precautions during dis- 3. Remove the lockwire from the eight l/2”-1 3
assembly or assembly of the spring spider portion bolts, which hold the turbo drive gear to the
of the gear assembly. Both sets of springs exert outer spider assembly, and torque these bolts
considerable compressive load in the assembled to 82 ft-lbs.
state. The large diameter springs must be fu!ly
compressed until the spring retainer stops are 4. Lockwire the eight turbo drive gear bolts and
reached before the smaller spring sets can be reapply the spring drive gear assembly to the
safely removed in a nearly relaxed condition. engine, being careful to engage the marked
Because considerable force is required to com- teeth correctly to ensure proper timing.
press the large springs, the use of such devices as
clamps, vises, rams, and pinch bars is extremely
hazardous and they should not be used. Since the BASIC EMD COLOR CODING
large springs must be compressed before the
smaller springs can be safely removed, a special EMD uses a basic color coding on piping and
fixture is required. Spring drive gear assemblies miscellaneous equipment to readily identify the
should be returned to EMD for repair of damaged different systems.
spring spider assemblies. Both gears can be re-
placed without any special tooling. Basically all valves, with the exception of those
located below the underframe, are color coded as
Severe turbocharger distress can cause relaxation Water - Dark Blue
of spring drive gear bolt torque. The spring drive
should. be inspected for proper bolt torque when- Fuel Oil I Red
ever a turbocharger with a locked up or dragging Lube Oil - Yellow
rotor assembly is removed.
Air - Light Green
1. Before removing the spring drive gear assem- Steam - Orange
bly, mark the engaging teeth between the No.
1 idler gear and the No. 2 idler gear and the Wash Out - Dark Green
No. 2 idler gear and the left bank camshaft
gear. This will simplify installation when the Water filler caps (without chrome finish) and
‘k, spring drive gear assembly is reinstalled. hose fittings, and boiler water fill caps, where
applicable, are painted dark blue. Fuel oil fill
2. Remove the spring drive gear assembly and caps are painted red, and the compressor oil filler
torque to 165 ft-lbs the four 5/8”-11 bolts and center bearing oil fill caps are painted yellow.
ENGINE PRESSURE DETECTOR TUBING The flexible hose assemblies are available from
the La Grange Parts Center and Branch Ware-
The air box and water line tubing to the engine houses.
Xow water and crankcase pressure detector has
been changed from rigid cupro-nickel tubing to
the flexible hose assemblies, listed below, on
production SD452 locomotives.
Cupro-Nickel Flexible Water pump support housing 8329900 has been
Tube Assy. Hose Assy. Price revised to add a l/8” x l-3/8” roll pin 273703,
Water Line 8412290 8477002 $5.28 Fig. 1, across the lube oil drain hole. The roll pin
Air Box Line 8337883 8477003 $3.95 will prevent steel bearing balls from dropping into
the accessory gear train in the event of a bearing
The new flexible hose assemblies are 100% inter- failure. This revision is being made to all water
changeable with the rigid tubing. They can also pumps rebuilt by EMD and will be standard on
be installed on any unit using the above rigid new pumps in the immediate future.
tube assemblies.
Install flexible water line hose 8477002 so that We recommend that this modification be made
the loop in the hose is toward the accessory end whenever a water pump is rebuilt, as it could
of the engine. prevent extensive gear train damage.
- 1” 18876
ADJUSTING PIN-TYPE SLACK ADJUSTERS necessary to manually move the trunnion 3/4” or
1l/16” minimal adjustment (depending on the
There have been requests for a listing of the type of slack adjuster) to relocate the pin assem-
increments of adjustment available after applica- bly into the next adjustment hole.
tion of the Electra-Motive Division’s heavy duty
pin-type slack adjusters. Listed below are the applicable brake shoe to
wheel adjustments and the resultant reduction in
Due to the fact that the hole spacings in the rod brake cylinder piston travel obtained when the
and trunnion are different, Fig. 2, it is only pin assembly is relocated.
SD HTC Single Shoe 314” (.750”) .244” each shoe (2 shoes) 1.40”
CDOLING SYSTEM PRESSURE CAPS 8387218 - 12 psi; 8437072 - 12 psi for
(Reprinted From September 8, 1970 Pointers) DDA4OX.
Experience has shown that the maximum depend- b. The tiller neck assemblies are: 8292306 -
able life of a cooling system pressure cap is 24 28, 30, 35, 38, 40 series, locomotives;
months. The following maintenance procedure is 8365260 - 45 series locomotives; 8438006
recommended to ensure safe operating conditions - DDALCOX first 15 units of order 7134;
in hot weather. 8434406 - DDA40X.
Former New
Original UTEX UTEX
Part No..- Part No. Part No. Description Applical:ion
3 183989 8379235 14729Ml-10 HP - 185 V GP28, GP30, GP35, GP38,
GP39, GP40, GP4OP, DD35,
8484292 DDA35, SD28, SD35, SDP35,
SD38, SD39, SDL39, SD40, SDP40,
554016’1 8389565 14737-10 HP - 200 v SD45, SDP45, F45, FP45, DDA4OX
NOTE: Current Replacement Parts Price Book conditions apply to all prices.