Reader - Living Together Class-5
Reader - Living Together Class-5
Reader - Living Together Class-5
Social Studies
Where do you live? How many people live in your house? Do you know
someone who lives alone? When you look at the animals around you,
Why People
Started Living what do you observe? Do they live alone or in groups?
In this chapter, we are going to learn more about the need for living
together. Specifically, we will see:
2 Need of LivingTogether
Why people started living together?
Living in groups has always been the way of all societies in this world.
Ever since mankind came into existence on this planet, the basic way to Overview
survive was through living in groups.
Living in groups is taken for granted today, because we evolved that Why People
Started Living
way. But have you ever wondered how people started living together? Together
Some groups of early humans collected food and wood from various
places and brought them to their common eating spots. Sharing vital
resources with other members of the group led to stronger social bonds
and enhanced their chances of survival.
3 Need of LivingTogether
As society progressed, no individual could be completely self-sufficient
and had to depend on others to fulfil some of the needs. This inter
dependency was possible when people
Overview stayed close together. Expanding social
networks eventually led to the complex
social lives of modern humans.
Why People
Started Living
We live in our house with our families.
The families that live near our houses are
Forms of Living called our neighbours. All the
neighbours and buildings around our
home form our neighbourhood.
Challenges of
Living Together Fig 3: Neighbours help each other
4 Need of LivingTogether
Forms of living together
Challenges of
Types of settlement Living Together
5 Need of LivingTogether
A town is an area with many
houses, shops and stores where
Overview people live and work. A town is
bigger than a village and
smaller than a city.
Why People
Started Living
Fig 5: A town
Forms of Living
A metropolis is a large city,
which is a significant economic,
political, and cultural centre for
Challenges of
Living Together a country. It is an important hub
for regional or international
connections, commerce, and
Fig 6: A metropolitan
6 Need of LivingTogether
Scan the QR code for a video on evolution of settlements
a group of villages in
a Taluka.
7 Need of LivingTogether
Suburb- a medium-sized
community near a large city.
In a suburb, houses are close
together. Suburbs have houses
with lawns and terraces. There
may also be apartment
Why People
Started Living buildings. You may see parks
and playgrounds in suburbs.
Fig 9: A suburb in Delhi
For example, Sriperambudur near
Forms of Living
Together Chennaiis a suburb.
In sub-urban and urban communities, there are some facilities that have
been created to improve the way these complex communities function.
We will study some of them here.
8 Need of LivingTogether
Modern Gated communities
Forms of Living
Challenges of
Living Together
9 Need of LivingTogether
Resident Welfare Association(RWA)
Challenges of
Living Together Challenges of Living Together
As there are substantial benefits to forming social groups, there are also
some challenges of living together.
10 Need of LivingTogether
Neighbours: The families that live near our houses are called our
Neighbourhood: A geographic area, with identified boundaries, within
an urban centre, suburb or country residential subdivision.
Community: A community is a social unit of any size that shares Why People
Started Living
common values, or that is situated in a given geographical area (e.g. a Together
village or town)
RWA: A Resident Welfare Association is a group that represents the
Forms of Living
interests of the residents of a specific urban or suburban locality in Together
Indian cities
Refugee camp: A shelter for people who have been displaced from their
homes in case of war or any o ther political or religious cause Challenges of
Living Together
11 Need of LivingTogether