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ANG-2029Content-based Writing II: TESLWinter 2021

Action Research Project: Maximizing the Target Language

Sample Outline

The following traditional outline can serve as an example for formatting and completing your own
outline. Refer to the Action Research Project task description for the criteria for each of the paper’s

I. Introduction
A. A variety of aspects in successful language learning has been studied in the field.
B. Evidence in second language acquisition (SLA) research has shown that in order to have
an efficient language learning environment it is essential to provide an environment rich with the
target language (TL).
C. Thesis statement
1. To identify the strategies used by an English as a second language (ESL)
teacher to maximize his/her own use of the TL
2. To identify the strategies used by an ESL teacher to maximize his/her
students’ use of the TL.

II. Literature Review

A. Gunderson & Johnson (1980)
1. Objectives divided in two : teacher’s role in CL activities and students’ reaction
towards CL activities
2. Methodology: teacher and observers observed in real time and took notes, + post
questionnaire. In a junior French high school teacher + 60 students
3. Results:
Almost all students’ perception was that they were important in the group.
Almost all students wanted to pursue their French study
Almost all students felt the teacher cared for their learning.
4. Implications for maximizing the TL: CL activities boost the students’ positive
attitude towards learning a TL. It’s a win if they leave with an attitude equal or higher than when
they entered the classroom.
B. Bassano (2003)
1. Objectives: to describe why learners fail to use the TL in partnered work
2. Recommendations: make sure learners have required vocabulary, clear
instructions and meaningful tasks for them.
3. Implications for maximizing the TL : keeping learners to use the TL in the
classroom can be helped with motivational and reminders strategies as well as having a resource
C. Turnbull (2006)
1. Objectives: to provide various strategies to teachers to have learners maximize
the use of the TL.
2. Recommendations:
Using imagery, gestures and neighbouring words are strategies recommended to maximize the
teachers’ use of L2. Emergencies, situations to support L2 learning and compare/contrast forms are
all acceptable reasons to resort to L1.
3. Implications for maximizing the TL: maximizing the use of the TL directly affect
language acquisition and any strategy that supports this optimization is beneficial, as well as light use
of L1 to support learning.
D. Crichton (2009)
1. Objectives: to look at how five successful teachers achieved to teach a TL to their
2. Methodology: 5 ML teachers and a sample of students in Scottish middle-class
high schools, by teachers’ and observers observations, note taking, audio recordings and students
ANG-2029Content-based Writing II: TESLWinter 2021

3. Results: 5 strategies and 1 result of these strategies were observed: formulaic

expressions, natural digressions, focus on meaning, encouraging output and encouraging interaction
→ conscious attention
4. Implications for maximizing the TL : maximizing the use of the TL leads to an
overall success for students in their language acquisition. The teachers’ characteristics help towards
this goal.

III. School Context

A. School
1. Location: Polyvalente de Charlesbourg
2. Special characteristics
3. Rank on the low-income index/ socio-economic status index: 9,82/4,57
4. Groups observed : Secondary 1 and 5
5. Teachers’ position regarding maximizing the TL: positive, tries to enforce it as much
as possible, adapts his strategies according to the group dealth with.
B. Groups observed
1. Grades 1 & 5
2. Special characteristics: ESL, CORE, Santé Globale
C. Teachers’ position regarding maximizing the TL
1. Degree to which teacher felt it was possible to speak TL vs L1: TL is always possible,
L1 to make sure some important clarifications are understood. Disciplinary measures sometimes in
L1, especially Santé Globale.
i. Justification: Santé Globale students have 2 classes of English of an hour
and fifteen minutes out of their 7 day cycle of 4 periods a day. (2/28), so resorting to L1 happened
more often.
ii. How much TL vs L1 teacher spoke:
2. Degree to which teacher felt it was possible for students to speak TL vs L1
i. Justification
ii. How much TL vs L1 students spoke

III. Methodology
A. Data collection
1. Observation periods
i. Number of times cooperating teacher observed: 10 days
ii. Dates and time observations took place 10 mondays in the classroom
iii. Grades observed 1 and 5
iv. Types of groups teacher was observed in ESL, Core, Santé Globale
2. Discussions with cooperating teacher
i. Number of times discussions occurred a lot of informal discussion, but my
dyad partner and I directly asked
ii. When discussions occurred in between classes, teachers’ room
iii. What was discussed informal conversations about everything, his use of
previous content in other programs transferred into his actual programs.
3. Note-taking
i. Instrument used (tracking sheet) personal notes
ii. What was noted strategies to maximize the TL
B. Data analysis
1. Note-taking
i. Strategies identified by drawing on previous research
IV. Results
A. Strategies used by the teacher to maximize his/her personal use of English in the classroom
1. Strategy
i. starts the year in english and sticks to it all year long.
2. Strategy
ANG-2029Content-based Writing II: TESLWinter 2021

i. slower speech and uses a pronounced accent from Quebec to be

3. Strategy
i. Use of imagery and gestures
B. Strategies used by the teacher to maximize his/her students’ use of English in the classroom
1. During whole-class exchanges
i. Strategy
a. During lie-detector games, he shows on the smartboard how to
adapt their questions to the topic at hand ( when did you go ___ )
ii. Strategy
a. Natural digressions, asking about week-ends, talking about
different rivers in the world ( where is… the amazon?)
iii. Strategy
a. Example taken from observations
2. During group or pair work
i. Strategy
a. Reminders, by walking around
ii. Strategy
a. He tries to get them to do tasks that are meaningful to them
iii. Strategy
a. Example taken from observations

V. Discussion (Points marked by * are not necessary to include in the discussion section.)
A. Degree to which it was possible to identify strategies previously identified in the literature
1. Link with previous research
2. Link with previous research
3. Link with previous research
B. *Examples of strategies which could have been used instead of the L1
1. Link with previous research
2. Link with previous research
3. Link with previous research
C. Examples of optimal uses of the L1
1. Link with previous research
2. Link with previous research
3. Link with previous research
D. *How teacher enriched more advanced students’ vocabulary/range of functional language
1. Example
2. Example
3. Example

VI. Conclusion
ANG-2029Content-based Writing II: TESLWinter 2021

A. Reformulated thesis statement

1. To identify the strategies used by an English as a second language (ESL)
teacher to maximize his/her own use of the TL
2. To identify the strategies used by an ESL teacher to maximize his/her
students’ use of the TL.
B. Summarizing results
C. Personal position on maximizing the TL

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