Confessions of A Shopaholic Movie Worksheet

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Confessions of a shopaholic

Movie worksheet
While watching activities.
1.-Write the vocabulary that you don’t know, then write a word list (glossary) with the meaning in
Spanish language.

After watching activities.

Choose the right answer:

2.-Who is the main character of the movie?

Suze Cleath-Stuart Jane Bloomwood

Derek Smeath Rebecca Bloomwood

3.- Complete the line: There were real prices and...

Finnish prices Mum prices

Dad prices Parent prices

4.-According to Rebecca Credit cards are_________

Memory cards Magic Cards

Plastic card
Money cards

5.- Who are the people in the following pictures? Name and describe them.

She's a thoughtful He is obsessed with He's a hard worker

Rebbeca friend and gives work, I would say who is mainly
Bloomwood is an good advice to that is a tireless focused on his job. is
American Rebecca at all worker. a social person
journalist who times, and the most despite having a lot
lives in New important thing is of money.
York. She is that she always
addicted to stays by her in
shopping, and happy and bad
that is why she moments. Rebecca
gets into debt. She deserves having
has a hard time friends like her
because she loses because she's
her job, which charismatic and
makes it difficult comprehensive.
for her to pay for
her expenses

6.-Write in your own words: What does “shopaholic” mean?

A shopaholic person is someone who enjoys going shopping and buying unnecessary things and does
it a lot; in conclusion, they are someone who cannot stop themselves from doing this.
7.-What advice would you give Rebecca, the main character of the movie?

I would advise Rebecca not to be swayed by the looks of her clothes, her purse, or a single pair of
shoes. I would also tell him that it is okay to use credit cards for things that are really necessary, not
to generate an addiction. Learning to manage addictions is important because, with them, not only
the financial situation is complicated but also the people we love are hurt.

8.- What is the main message of the film?

The main message of shopaholic is to convey that, on many occasions, people tend to have voids that
are not filled with material things. Generally, people seek to feel fulfilled through material things that
only last a moment. This film teaches us how to learn to live happily without the things we cannot

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