The Aviator ANSWERS
The Aviator ANSWERS
The Aviator ANSWERS
The Aviator
Sample Answer Key
Your name:
Name of the client you are assessing: Howard Hughes
Name of the movie: The Aviator
1.) When did this behavior start? How long has it been going on?
Aside from issues related to cleanliness and order, what other
persistent thoughts or compulsive actions is Mr. Hughes aware of?
What events or situations trigger his behavior? What coping skills
does he use at present? How often and for how long does he engage
in ritualistic behavior?
3.) Does Mr. Hughes have any close friends? How often does he see
other people? How has the anxiety diminished has quality of life?
What does he do on a daily basis for enjoyment? What kind of
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relationships does he have with others? Has anyone in his family
suffered with an anxiety disorder?
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Could the client have any other psychiatric disorder? If so, list
and include supporting DSM-IV-TR criteria.
Yes, possibly Schizophreniphorm disorder. Client had two or more of
the following:
Disorganized speech**
Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior**
Negative symptoms**
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