Alternative Medicine Conversation Class
Alternative Medicine Conversation Class
Alternative Medicine Conversation Class
Do you think alternative medicine is just a fad? They’re snake oil salesmen.
What kind of people use alternative medicine? A fool and his money are easily parted.
Do you think we can find all the medicines we need from the natural world I find the very idea of it absolutely ridiculous.
rather than using manufactured drugs? It’s based on theories which are highly questionable.
Should governments fund alternative medicines and treatments? There’s no such thing as chakra.
Alternative Therapies and Medicines
Exercise 1: What types of alternative medicines and therapies do the pictures show?
Exercise 2: Match the alternative therapies with their descriptions:
reiki homeopathy acupuncture Ayurvedic medicine hypnosis massage meditation aromatherapy diet therapy
1. It consists of various postures and breathing exercises which 5. It’s a mind and body practice which puts a person in an altered
helps in improving flexibility and promote relaxation state of consciousness to facilitate behavioural or emotional
2. It involves the insertion of very fine and thin needles into the changes in the person
skin at specific points (meridians) along a person's body. These 6. Therapists manipulate a person's muscles and other soft tissues
needles are then manipulated by hand or by electrical by rubbing and kneading muscles and joints in the body to
stimulation to remove the blocked energy flow and re-achieving promote health and wellness.
the person's qi (also known as chi) balance. 7. It’s a mind body practice used to relieve stress and promote
3. It is the traditional Hindu system of medicine practiced in India relaxation. It involves clearing the mind of all thoughts.
for more than 5,000 years. Practitioners use a whole lot of 8. It’s an Energy Healing Therapy used to restore physical,
techniques like herbal remedies, diet therapy, massage therapy, emotional, mental and spiritual balance.
breathing exercises and meditation to restore the imbalance in 9. It uses a variety of diets to improve health and treat certain
the body’s system (three doshas) which are responsible for health conditions.
illness and maintain a healthy prana or life energy. 10. It’s a healing method which uses aromatic plant extracts and
4. A substance that causes disease symptoms in an average person essential oils e.g. lavender, peppermint.