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with video
skills practice
Language «! W
Jack C. Richards
Series Editor: David Bohlke

Welcome to Interchange Fourth Edition, the
world's most successful English series!
Interchange offers a complete set of tools for learning how to
communicate in English.

Student's Book
with NEW Self-study DVD-ROM
Unit 7 |
Does it have a view?

Exercise 1 ,
Page 1 of 3

Complete the cor.vorwtoiv Type the correct form of do or do not. This exercise has three pages.

Trsng: This is a nice house. Does It have a garage

Maya: Yos, It

Trtngi what about the bedrooms? Do they have big


Maya: No. they . but the bedrooms

very big.

> iwwiwpj g. a I,
' > v >
1 1 11 > -
• Complete video program with • Additional vocabulary, grammar, speaking,
additional video exercises listening, and reading practice
• Printable score reports to submit to teachers

Available online

2. What do these people do?

A B*M W* T/M «* wrrwt v*fV* UM « •wntoM

interchange Arcade Online Workbook

• Free self-study website • A variety of interactive activities that correspond
• Fun, interactive, self-scoring activities to each Student's Book lesson

• Practice vocabulary, grammar, listening, • Instant feedback for hundreds of activities

and reading • Easy to use with clear, easy-to-follow instructions

• MP3softhe class audio program • Extra listening practice

• Simple tools for teachers to monitor progress

such as scores, attendance, and time spent online
Author's acknowledgments
A great number of people contributed to the J. Kevin Varden, Meiji Gakuin University,
development of Interchange Fourth Edition. Particular Yokohama, Japan
thanks are owed to the reviewers using Interchange,
Rosa Maria Valencia Rodriguez, Mexico City, Mexico
Third Edition in the following schools and institutes -
Chung-Ju Fan, National Kinmen Institute of
their insights and suggestions have helped define the
Technology, Kinmen, Taiwan
content and format of the fourth edition:
Shawn Beasom, Nihon Daigaku, Tokyo, Japan
Ian Geoffrey Hanley, The Address Education Center,
Gregory Hadley, Niigata University of International
Izmir, Turkey
and Information Studies, Niigata, Japan
James McBride, AUA Language Center,
Chris Ruddenklau, Osaka University of Economics
Bangkok, Thailand
and Law, Osaka, Japan
Jane Merivale, Centennial College,
Byron Roberts, Our Lady of Providence Girls'
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
High School, Xindian City, Taiwan
Elva Elena Pena Andrade, Centro de Auto Aprendizaje
Simon Banha, Phil Young's English School,
de Idiomas, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Curitiba, Brazil
Jose Paredes, Centro de Educacion Continua de la
Flavia Gonsalves Carneiro Braathen, Real English
Escuela Politecnica Nacional (CEC-EPN),
Center, Vi^osa, Brazil
Quito, Ecuador
Marcia Cristina Barboza de Miranda, SENAC, Recife,
Chia-jung Tsai, Changhua University of Education,
Changhua City, Taiwan
Raymond Stone, Seneca College of Applied Arts and
Kevin Liang, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
Technology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Roger Alberto Neira Perez, Colegio Santo Tomas de
Gen Murai, Takushoku University, Tokyo, Japan
Aquino, Bogota, Colombia
Teachers at Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de
Teachers at Escuela Miguel F. Martinez,
Ecatepec, Mexico City, Mexico
Monterrey, Mexico
Teachers at Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-
Maria Virginia Goulart Borges de Lebron, Great
Azcapotzalco, Mexico City, Mexico
Idiomas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Teachers at Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon,
Gina Kim, Hoseo University, Chungnam, South Korea Monterrey, Mexico
Heeyong Kim, Seoul, South Korea
Mary Grace Killian Reyes, Universidad Autonoma de
Elisa Borges, IBEU-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Tamaulipas, Tampico Tamaulipas, Mexico
Jason M. Ham, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea Teachers at Universidad Estatal del Valle de Ecatepec,
Rita de Cassia S. Silva Miranda, Instituto Batista de Mexico City, Mexico
Idiomas, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Teachers at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de
Teachers at Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico - Zaragoza, Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico Teachers at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de
VictoriaM. Roberts and Regina Marie Williams, Mexico - Iztacala, Mexico City, Mexico
Interactive College of Technology, Luz Edith Herrera Diaz, Veracruz, Mexico
Chamblee, Georgia, USA
Seri Park, YBM PLS, Seoul, South Korea
Teachers at Internacional de Idiomas,
Mexico City, Mexico
Marcelo Serafim Godinho, Life Idiomas,
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Self-assessment charts revised by Alex Tilbury

Grammar plus written by Karen Davy

CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Teacher instructions

Work in groups of three

Listen ice/^^
and practice

Work with a partner.

Open your books.

Give me your paper. For homework, please

Close your books

Plan of Intro Book
Titles/Topics Speaking Grammar
It's nice to meet you. Introducing yourself and friends; Possessive adjectives my, your, his, her;
Alphabet; greetings and leave-takings; saying hello and good-bye; asking the verb be; affirmative statements
names and titles of address; for names and phone numbers and contractions
numbers 0-10, phone numbers,
and email addresses

PAGES 8-13
What's this? Naming objects; asking for and giving Articles a, an, and the; this/these, it/they;
Possessions, classroom objects, personal the locations of objects plurals; yes/no and where questions
items, and locations in a room with be; prepositions of place: in,

in front of, behind, on, next to, and under


PAGES 16-21
Where are you from? Talking about cities and countries; The verb be: affirmative and negative
Cities and countries; adjectives of asking for and giving information statements, yes/no questions, short
and appearance; numbers
personality about place of origin, nationality, first answers, and Wh-questions
11-103 and ages language, and age; describing people

PAGES 22-27
Whose jeans are these? Asking about and describing clothing Possessives: adjectives our and their,
Clothing; colors; weather and seasons and colors; talking about the weather pronouns, names, and whose; present
and seasons; finding the owners continuous statements and yes/no
of objects questions; conjunctions and, but,
and so; placement of adjectives
before nouns

PAGES 30-35
What are you doing? Asking for and telling time; asking Time expressions: o'clock, a.m., p.m.,
Clock time; times of the day; about and describing current activities noon, midnight, in the morning/
everyday activities afternoon/evening, at 7:00/night/
midnight; present continuous
PAGES 36-41
My sister works downtown. Asking for and giving information Simple present statements with
Transportation; family relationships; about how people go to work or regular and irregular verbs; simple
daily routines; days of the week school; talking about family members; present yes/no and Wh-questions; time
describing daily and weekly routines expressions: early, late, everyday, on
Sundays/weekends/ weekdays

PAGES 44-49
Does have a view?
it Asking about and describing houses Simple present short answers; there is,
Houses and apartments; rooms; and apartments; talking about the there are; there's no, there isn't a, there are
furniture furniture in a room no, there aren't any

PAGES 50-55
What do you do? Asking for and giving information Simple present Wh-questions with do
Jobs and workplaces about work; giving opinions about arid does; placement of adjectives after
jobs; describing workday routines be and before nouns


Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading Interchange Activity

Linked sounds list of names, phone

Writing a "Famous classmates": Introducing
Listening for the spelling of names, numbers, and email addresses yourself to new people
phone numbers, and email addresses
PAGE 114

Plural -sendings Writing the locations of objects "Find the differences": Comparing two
Listening for the locations of objects pictures of a room

PAGE 115

Syllable stress Writing questions requesting "Board game": Finding out more about
Listening for countries, cities, and personal information your classmates
languages; listening to descriptions
of people
PAGE 118

The letters s and sh Writing questions about what people "Celebrity fashions": Describing
Listening for descriptions of clothing are wearing celebrities' clothing

and colors
PAGES 116-117

Rising and falling intonation Writing times of the day "What's wrong with this
Listening for times of the day; listening "Friends Across a Continent": picture?": Describing what's wrong
to identify people's actions Reading an online chat between with a picture
two friends
PAGE 119

Third-person singular -s endings Writing about your weekly routine "Class survey": Finding out more about
Listening for activities and days of "What's Your Schedule Like?": classmates' habits and routines
the week Reading about three people's daily
PAGE 120

Words with th Writing about your dream home "Find the differences": Comparing
Listening to descriptions of homes; "Unusual Homes": Reading about two apartments
listening to people shop for furniture two unusual homes
PAGE 121

Reduction of do Writing about jobs "The perfect job": Figuring out what
Listening to people describe their jobs "Job Profiles": Reading about four jobis right for you

unusual jobs
PAGE 122

Titles/Topics Speaking Grammar
UNIT 9 PAGES 58-63
Do we need any eggs? Talking about food likes and dislikes; Count and noncount nouns; some
Basic foods; breakfast foods; meals giving opinions about healthy and and any; adverbs of frequency: always
unhealthy foods; talking about foods usually, often, sometimes, hardly
you have and need; describing ever, never
eating habits

UNIT 10 PAGES 64-69

What sports do you play? Asking about free-time activities; Simple present Wh-questions; can
Sports; abilities and talents asking for and giving information for ability; yes/no and Wh-questions
about abilities and talents with can


UNIT 11 PAGES 72-77

What are you going to do? Asking about birthdays; talking about The future with be goingto; yes/no and

Months and dates; birthdays, holidays, plans for the evening, weekend, and Wh-questions with be going to; future
festivals, and special days other occasions time expressions

UNIT 12 PAGES 78-83

What's the matter? Describing health problems; talking Have + noun; feel + adjective; negative
Parts of the body; health problems and about common medications; giving and positive adjectives; imperatives
advice; medications advice for health problems


UNIT 13 PAGES 86-91

You can't miss it. Talking about stores and other places; Prepositions of place: on, on the corner
Stores and things you can buy there; asking for and giving directions of, across from, next to, between; giving
tourist attractions directions with imperatives

UNIT 14 PAGES 92-97

Did you have fun? Asking for and giving information Simple past statements with regular
Weekends; chores and fun activities; about weekend and vacation activities and irregular verbs; simple past yes/no
vacations; summer activities questions and short answers


UNIT 15 PAGES 100-105

Where did you grow up? Asking for and giving information Statements and questions with the
Biographical information; years; about date and place of birth; past of be; Wh-questions with did, was,
school days describing school experiences and and were
UNIT 16 PAGES 106-111
Can she cali you later? Describing people's locations; making, Prepositional phrases; subject and
Locations; telephone calls; invitations; accepting, and declining invitations; object pronouns; invitations with Do
going out with friends making excuses you want to. . . ? and Would you like
to. . . ?; verb + to


Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading Interchange Activity

Sen tence sues* Writing about mealtime habits "Snack survey^ Taking a survey about
Listening for people's food preferences
Good Luc k": Rea ding
Ea ting for snacks you eat and comparing answers
about foods people eat for good
luck in the new year
PAGE 123

Pronunciation of con and can? Writing questions about Sports "Hidden talents'”: Funding out more
Listening for people's favorite sports to An Interview with Shawn
about your classmates' hidden talents
watch or play; listening to people talk Johnson": Read ng a b out th e i life *

of an Olympic athlete
PAGE 124
about their abilities

Reduction of going to Writing about weekend plans "Guessing game": Making guesses
Listening to people talk about their "What Are You G oi n g to Do o n Yo u r a bout a classmate's plans
evening plans B r thday?i
Reading abo ut b rthday
: i

customs in different places

PAGE 125

Sentence intonation Writing advice for health problems G vi n g a civice for

"H el pful ad v ice" : i

Listening to people talk about health "10 Simp le Ways to 1 m p rove You some common problems
problems? listening for medications Health"; Reading about ways to
improve your health
PAGE 126

Compound nouns Writing directions "Giving directions^: Asking for

Listening to people talk about


Edinburgh's Royal Mile": Reading directions in a neighborhood

shopping; listening to directions. about popular tourist attractions in

Edinburgh Scotland
PAGES 127,128

Simple past -ed endings Writing about last weekend "Past and present": Comparing
'Did You Have a Good your classmates' present lives with
Listening to people taik about their
past summer activities Weekend?": Reading about four their childhoods
people's weekend experiences
PAGE 129

Negative contractions Writing questions about a young "Life events": Making a time line of

Listening for places and dates of birth person's life important events in your life

f u rn i n g Pa i n to Ga i n" : Reading about
a young woman's life
PAGE 130

Reduction of to and have to Writing about weekend pians "Let’s make a date!": Making plans
Listening to phone conversations; "Around Los Angeles: This with your classmates

listening to voice -mail messages Weeken d ": Rea d i n g a bou t eve nts
web page
PAGE 131
on a

It's nice to meet you.
CONVERSA TION My name is Jen nifer M[ller.
** Listen and practice.

Michael: Hello. My name is Michael Ota.

Jennifer: Hi. My name is Jennifer Miller.
Michael: it's nice tomeet you, Jennifer.
Jennifer: Nice to meet you, too.
Michael: I'm sorry. What's your last name again?
Jennifer: It's Miller.

first names last names

1 1
Jennifer Miller
Michael Ota

PAIR WORK Introduce yourself to

your partner.

** Listen and practice.

Popular Names
in the U.S.
for Both Males and Females

Taylor Lautner Taylor Swift


Circle the names you know.

What are some popular names for males in your country? for females?
What names are popular for both males and females?


What's your name? My name is Taylor.

What's his name? His name is Michael.

What's her name? Her name is Jennifer.

Complete the conversations. Use my, your, his, or her.

1. A: Hello. What's YPUr. name? 2. A What's name?

B: Hi name is Antonio. B name is Michael.
What's name? A And what's name?
A: name is Nicole. B name is Jennifer.

PAIR WORK Practice the conversations with a partner.

**> Listen and practice.

abcdefghijk Imnopqrstuvwxyz
B CLASS ACTIVITY Listen and practice. Then practice
with your own names. Make a list of your classmates' names.
Mv Classmates
A: What's your name? Sarah Conner
B: My name is Sarah Conner. Jennifer Miller
A: Is that S-A-R-A-H?
B: Yes, that's right.

A: How do you spellyour last name? C-O-N-N-O-R?

B: No, it's C-O-N-N-E-R.

LISTENING First names

i* How do you spell the names? Listen and check (/) the correct answers.

1. Q Kara 2. Q Mark 3. Shawn 4. D Sophia

O Cara 0 Marc 0 Sean 0 Sofia
It's nice to meet you. 3

<U Listen and practice.

Miss Ito (single females) Ms. Chen (single or married females)
Mrs. Morgan (married females) Mr. Garcia (single or married males)

** Listen and write the titles.

1 Lopez 2 Smith 3. Kim 4 Anderson

ft, s*'-'"

Listen and practice.

Great, thanks!
How about you, Lisa? I'm just fine, Alex,

Thank you.

Good morning, Mr.

Garcia. How are you?

Good afternoon, Linda

How are you? Good evening,
Mrs. Morgan. Hello, Miss Chen
How are you?

Pretty good, thanks.

How are you doing?
I'm OK, thank you

CLASS ACTIVITY Go around the class. Greet your classmates formally

(with titles) and informally (without titles).

4 Unit 1
CONVERSATION He's over there.

A <* Listen and practice.

Jennifer: Excuse me. Are you

Steven Carson?
David: No, I'm not. He's over there.
Jennifer: Oh, I'm sorry.

Jennifer: Steven? This is your book.

Steven: Oh, thank you. You're in my
class, right?

Jennifer: Yes, I am. I'm Jennifer Miller.

Steven: Hey, David, this is Jennifer.

She's in our math class.
David: Hi, Jennifer.

Jennifer: Hi, David. Nice to meet you.

GROUP WORK Greet a classmate. Then introduce him or her to

another classmate.

"Hey, Ming, this is . .


I'm Jennifer Miller. Are you Steven Carson? I'm = am I

You're in my class. Yes, am.I You're = You are

She's in our class. (Jennifer is in our class.) No, I'm not. He's = He is
He's over there. (Steven is over there.) She's = She is

It's Miller. (My last name is Miller.) How are you? It's = It is

I'm fine.

Complete the conversation with the correct words in parentheses
Then practice with a partner.

David: Hello, Jennifer. How are (is / are) you?

Jennifer: (She's / I'm) fine, thanks.
(I'm / It's) sorry - what's your name again?
David: (He's / It's) David - David Medina.
Jennifer: That's right! David, this (is / am) Sarah Conner.
(She's / He's) in our math class.
David: Hi, Sarah (I'm / It's) nice to meet you.
Sarah: Hi, David. I think (you're / I'm) in my English class, too.
David: Oh, right! Yes, I (are /am).

It's nice to meet you. 5

B Complete the conversations. Then practice in groups.

Nicole: Excuse me Ar <?

you Steven Carson?
David: No, not. My name
David Medina. Steven over there.
Nicole: Oh, sorry.

Nicole: you Steven Carson?

Steven: Yes, I

Nicole: Hi Nicole Johnson.

Steven: Oh, in my math class, right?
Nicole: Yes, I

Steven: nice to meet you.

C CLASS ACTIVITY Write your name on a

piece of paper. Put the papers in a bag. Then
take a different paper. Find the other student.

A: Excuse me. Are you Jin-sookCho?

B: No, I'm not. She's over there.
A: Hi. Are you Jin-sookCho?
C: Yes, I am.

Listen and
Linked sounds

practice. Notice the linked sounds.

mimmim mrnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
t m

I'mAntonio. She'sjwer there. You're in my class.

"‘-r -rr.c. nTT^trrn -~T.7.r 'rnrri.r.i y


and practice.

two three
3 4
four five
5 6

B PAIR WORK Practice these phone numbers and

email addresses. Then listen and check your answers.

"Her name is Allison Parker. Her work phone number is

four-oh-two, five-five-five, two-three-oh-one. Her cell . .

6 Unit 1
LISTENING A class list
A i*Jennifer and Michael Name !§• Phone number Email address
are making a list of classmates'
David Mediha 212-555-1337
phone numbers and email addresses.
Listen and complete the list.
Sa rah Conner
Steven Carson
Micole Johnson

B CLASS ACTIVITY Make a list of your classmates' names, phone numbers,

and email addresses.

A: What's your name? A: And what's your phone number?

B: I'm Anna Silva. B: It's 201-555-2491.

INTERCHANGE 1 Famous classmates

Meet some "famous classmates." Go to Interchange 1 on page 1 14.


A 'fc Listen and practice.

B CLASS ACTIVITY Go around the room. Say good-bye to your classmates

and teacher.

It's nice to meet you. 7

What's this?
c> Listen and practice.

What’s in your bag?

an umbrella
Ja hairbrush

Ja laptop

U a cell phone
a wallet a camera

Source: ^ ose(^ ° n int8rviews wi ^ peo ^ e ^ etween Q 9 es °f 1 ^ Qn d 30

Check (S) the things in your bag
What other things are in your bag ?

ARTICLES Classroom objects


B PAIR WORK Find and spell these things in your classroom.


board desk eraser pen wall A: This is a board.

book bag dictionary map pencil wastebasket B: How do you spell board ?
chair door notebook table window A: B-O-A-R-D.
V j


rr.n tr Tr: '» h i
i i . iwnn»~ ii n i
j. in
It's . . . interesting.

Wn Listen and practice.

Wendy: Wow! What are these?

Helen: They're earrings.
Wendy: Oh, cool! Thank you, Helen.
They're great!
Helen: You're welcome.
Rex: Now open this box!
Wendy: OK. Uh, what's this?
Rex: It's a scarf.
Wendy: Oh. It's interesting. . . .

Thank you, Rex. It's very nice.

PRONUNCIATION Plural -s endings

A 4* Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of the plural -s endings.

s = /z/ s = /s/ (e)s = /iz/

earring earrings desk desks pencil case pencil cases
phone phones laptop laptops class classes
book bag book bags wastebasket wastebaskets box boxes

\ Say the plural forms of these nouns. Then complete the chart.

briefcase map newspaper purse

stamp television ticket watch

/z / /s/ /iz/


C t* Listen and check your answers.

What's this? 9
rmv m.f
mm mmmmm

Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.

1. A: What are these ? 2. A: What ? 3. A: What

B: .They’re keys. B: B:

A t* Listen and practice.

A: What's this called in English? A: What are these called in English?

B: I don't know. B: I think they're called chopsticks.
C: It's a credit card. A: How do you spell that? * .

A: How do you spell that? B: C-H-O-P-S-T-l-C-K-S.

C: C-R-E-D-l-T C-A-R-D.

B GROUP WORK Choose four things. Put them on a desk.

Then ask about the name and spelling of each thing.

10 Unit 2
*j> Listen and practice.

Kate: Oh, no! Where are my car keys?

Joe: I don't know. Are they in your purse?
Kate: No, they're not.
Joe: Maybe they're on the table in the

Server: Excuse me. Are these your keys?

Kate: Yes, they are. Thank you!
Server: You're welcome. And is this your
Kate: Hmm. No, it's not. Where's your
wallet, Joe?
Joe: It's in my pocket —
Wait a
minute! That is my wallet!

Yes/No and where questions wit
Is this your wallet? Where's your wallet?
Yes, it is. / No, it's not. It's in my pocket.

Are these your keys? Where are my keys?

Yes, they are. / No, they're not. They're on the table.

Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.

s this your umbrella? 3. A: Where your sunglasses?

1. A: !

B: No, not. B: on the table.

these your keys? A: No, not. They're my sunglasses!

B: Yes, are. Thanks! B: You're right. My sunglasses in

my purse.
2. A: Where my glasses? 4. A: this my pen?
your glasses? B: No, not. It's my pen.
B: Are
A: Sorry is my pen?
A: No, they're
B: Wait! they in your pocket? B: on your desk.
A: Yes, are. Thanks! A: Oh, you're right!

B GROUPWORK Put three ofyour things in a bag. Then choose three

different things. Find the owner of each thing.

A: Is this your pen, Yuko? A: Are these your keys, Sergio?

B: No, it's not. C: Let me see. Yes, they are.

What's this? 1
WORD POWER Prepositions; article the

C? Listen and practice.

Where are the keys?

The keys are in the box.

in front of

on next to

B Complete these sentences. Then listen and check your answers.

1 . The books are .in the 2. The cell phone is 3. The map is
book bag

4. The chair is 5. The wallet is 6 . The sunglasses are

C PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about the pictures in part B.

A: Where are the books?

B: They're in the book bag.

LISTENING Kate's things

Listen. Where are Kate's things? Match the things with their locations.

1. earrings d a . under the table

2. watch b. in front of the television
3. sunglasses c. on the chair
4. camera d. in her purse

12 • Unit 2
PAIR WORK Now help Joe find his things. Ask and answer questions.

briefcase cell phone newspaper umbrella

camera glasses notebook wallet

A: Where's his briefcase?

B: It's on the table.

INTERCHANGE 2 Findthedifferences

Compare two pictures of a room. Go to Interchange 2 on page 1 1 5.

What's this? 1

Units 1-2 Progress check

How well can you do these things? Check (/) the boxes.


Introduce myself and other people (Ex, 1 G o

Say hello and good-bye (Ex. 1 G G ©
Exchange contact information, e.g., phone numbers (Ex. 2) Q G ©
Understand names for everyday objects and possessions (Ex. 3) G 0 ©
Ask and answer questions about where things are (Ex. 4, 5) 0 0 0


Complete the conversation. Use the sentences and questions in the box.

Matt: .
Hi... How a re you?
Nicki: I'm fine, thanks My name is Matt Carlson.
Oh, are you in my English class?
Matt: Pretty good, thanks
How about you
Nicki: And I'm Nicki White.
y Hi. How are you?
It's nice to meet you, Nicki.
Nicki: Nice to meet you, too.
Well, have a good day.
Matt: Yes, I am.
Matt: See you in class.

PAIR WORK Practice the conversation from part A. Use your
own information. Then introduce your partner to a classmate.

"Malena, this is my friend. His name is Tetsu. . .


CLASS ACTIVITY Write your phone number on
a piece of paper. Then put the papers in a bag.
Take a different paper and find the owner.
Write his or her name on the paper.

A: Ali, is your phone number 781-555-1532?

B: No, it's not. Sorry!
A: Mila, is your . . . ?

LISTENING What's this? What are these?

X* Listen to the conversations. Number the pictures from 1 to 6.



What's wrong with this room? Make a list. Find 1 0 things.

B PAIR WORK Ask and answer Where questions A: Where's the chair?
about the picture. B: It's on the desk.

Write five yes/no questions about the picture in Exercise 4. Three have
"yes" answers, and two have "no" answers. Then ask a partner the

A: Isthe chair behind the clock?

B: No, it isn't.

WHAT’S NEXT? 1 rl" MI '

Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything?

Units 1-2 Progress check 15

I \

tf) Where are you from?
••mimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, mrnmrnmmmmmmm mm
** Listen and practice.

The Ten Largest Cities Countries

1. Tokyo a. Brazil
Cities in the World 2. Seoul b. China
3. Mexico City c. India
4. New York City d. Indonesia
5. Mumbai e. Japan
6. Jakarta
f. Mexico
7. Sao Paulo
g. South Korea
8. Delhi
h. the U.S.
9. Osaka
10. Shanghai
(based on population In the metropolitan area q* 0 L »*6 3*8 by p *9 3*$ q*tr 6 'z e *
t :s43msu v


Match the cities with the countries. Then check your answers at the bottom of the Snapshot.
What other large cities are in each country? What large cities are in your country?

CONVERSATION Are you from Seoul?

*+ Listen and practice.


Tim: Are you from California, Jessica?
Jessica: Well, my family is in California now,
but we're from South Korea originally.
Tim: Oh, my mother is Korean - from Seoul!
Are you from Seoul?
Jessica: No, we're not. We're from Daejeon.
Tim: So is your first language Korean?
Jessica: Yes, it is.

Listen to Jessica and Tim talk to Tony,

Natasha, and Monique. Check (/) True or False.

1. Tony is from Italy. 0 o

2. Natasha is from New York. L_j
3. Monique's first language is English. Cj


Negative statements and yes/no questions wit

not from New York, Are you from California? Iam. I'm
not late, Am I early? you are. you're
not from Russia, Is she from Brazil? she is. she's

not from Italy, Is he from Chile? he is. No, he's

•_ #

not English, Is it Korean? It IS. it's

not from Japan, Are you from China? we are. we're

not early, Are we late? you are. you're
not in Mexico. Are they in Canada? they are they're

A Complete the conversations. Then practice

with a partner.

1. A: Hiroshi, are you and Maiko from Japan?

B: Yes, we
A: Oh? you from Tokyo?
B: No, not from Kyoto.

2. A: Laura from the U.S.?

B: No, not. She's from the U.K.

A: she from London?

B: Yes, she But her parents are from
Italy not from the U.K. originally.
A: Laura's first language Italian?

B: No, not English.

3. A: Selina and Carlos from Mexico?

B: No, not from Brazil.
A: you from Brazil, too?
B: No, not. I'm from Peru.
A: So, your first language Spanish?
B: Yes, it

Match the questions with the answers. Then practice with a partner.

1. Are you and your family from Canada? 4 a. No, he's not. He's from Singapore.
2. Is your first language English?
b. Yes, she is. She's from California.

3. Are you Japanese? c. No, it's Japanese.

not. It's

4. Is Mr. Ho from Hong Kong? d. No, we're not. We're from Australia.
5. Is your mother from the U.S.? e. Yes, we are. We're from Kyoto.

C PAIR WORK Write five questions like the ones in part B. Then ask and answer
your questions with a partner.

Where are you from? 1

PRONUNCIATION Syllable stress
in » niinril m , m
I| W
to Listen and practice. Notice the syllable stress.

Qo O O Q <3 O o Q ®
China Japan Canada Morocco
Turkey Brazil Mexico Malaysia

i i* What is the syllable stress in these words? Add the words

to the chart in part A. Then listen and check.

English Spanish Arabic Korean

Mexican Honduras Chinese Peru

C GROUP WORK Are the words in part A countries, nationalities,

or languages? Make a chart and add more words. Then check your
answers in the appendix at the back of the book.

Countries Nationalities Lanauaaes

China Chinese Chinese
Mexico Mexican Spanish


Where are these people from? Check (/) your guesses.

Penelope Cruz Robert Pattinson Haru Nomura Cate Blanchett Javier Hernandez
CJ Mexico 0 the U.S. O South Korea O Australia 0 Brazil
O France 0 the U.K. O Japan O New Zealand 0 Mexico
0 Spain 0 Canada 0 China O South Africa 0 Chile
B PAIR WORK Compare your guesses. Then
check your answers at the bottom of the page.

A: Is Penelope Cruz from Mexico?

B: No, she's not.
A: Is she from France? S enensny > ueder •£ ->m am z uieds •
i :sjsmsuv

18 » Unit 3

i* Listen and practice.

Emma: Who's that?

Jill: He's my brother.
Emma: Wow! He's cute. What's his name?
Jill: James. We call him Jim.
Emma: Oh, how old is he?
Jill: He's twenty-one years old.

Emma: What's he like? Is he nice?

Jill: Yes, he is - and he's very smart, too!
Emma: And who's that?
Jill: My sister Tammy. She's only twelve.
She's the baby of the family.



If Listen and practice.

11 eleven 21 twenty-one 40 forty

12 twelve 22 twenty-two 50 fifty

13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 60 sixty

14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 70 seventy

15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 80 eighty

16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 90 ninety

17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 100 one hundred
18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 101 one hundred (and) one
29 twenty-nine 102 one hundred (and) two
19 nineteen
20 twenty 30 thirty 103 one hundred (and) three

Listen and practice. Notice the word stress.

q Q Q Q 0 9 O Q
fourteen — forty fifteen — fifty sixteen — sixty
thirteen - thirty

C PAIR WORK Look at the people in Jill's family for one minute.
Then close your books. How old are they? Tell your partner.

Howard -52 C. Jackie -49 D. Megan - 23 E. Tim and Tom - 14

A. Helen -76 B.

Where are you from? 19


Wh-questions vsit

What's your name? Who's that? Who are they?

My name is Jill. He's my brother. They're my classmates.
Where are you from? How old is he? Where are they from?
I'm from Canada. He's twenty-one. They're from Rio.
How are you today? What's he like? What's Rio like?
I'm just fine. He's very nice. It's very beautiful.

Who's = Who is

A Complete the conversations with Wh-questions.

Then practice with a partner.

1. A: Look! Who’s that ?

B: Oh, he's a new student.

A: ?

B: I think his name is Ming.

A: Ming? ?

B: He's from China.

2. A: Serhat, ?
B: I'm from Turkey - from Istanbul.
A: ?

B: Istanbul is very old and beautiful.

A: ?

B: My last name is Erdogan.

3. A: Hi, John ?

B: I'm just fine. My friend Teresa is here

this week - from Argentina.
A: Oh, cool. ?
B: She's really friendly.
A: ?

B: She's twenty-eight years old.

B PAIR WORK Write five Wh-questions about your partner and five Wh-questions
about your partner's best friend. Then ask and answer the questions.
1 1


Partner Partner's best friend

Where are you from? Who's your best friend?

20 Unit 3
WORD POWER Descriptions
>«<wm j:

u. :

t'^,.< )j ix. jji.i jj JJiJW ’

<m mm mmrnmmmmmmmmmmm *

A %» Listen and practice.

a. pretty d. talkative g. serious j. tall m. thin

b. handsome e. quiet h. shy k. friendly
c. good-looking f. funny i. short I. heavy

B PAIR WORK Complete the chart with words from part A. Add two more
words to each list. Then describe your personality and appearance to a partner.

LISTENING Who's that?

in Listen to three descriptions. Check (/) the two correct words for each description.

1. Elena is . . . short pretty friendly

2. Marco is . . . tall nice shy
3. Andrew is . . . talkative funny friendly


Play a board game with your classmates. Go to Interchange 3 on page 1 1 8.

Where are you from? • 21

Whose jeans are these?

A C* Listen and practice







%* swimsuits

Complete the chart with words from part A.

C PAIR WORK Look around the classroom. What clothes do you see? Tell a partner.

"I see jeans, a sweater, boots, and . .

A O Listen and practice. orange


| p white K [j
light gray i q green


B GROUP WORK Ask about favorite colors.

A: What are your favorite colors?

B: My favorite colors are dark green and purple. dark
C GROUP WORK Describe the clothes in Exercise

A: The suit is beige. purple

B: The pajamas are light blue.

CONVERSATION It's a disaster!

Listen and practice.

Pat: Great! Our clothes are dry.

Where is my new blouse?

Julie: What color is it?
Pat: It's white.
Julie: Here's a light blue blouse.
Is it

No, it's not mine — Wait.

It is mine. It's a disaster!
Julie: Oh, no! All our clothes are
light blue.

Pat: Here's the problem. It's these

new blue jeans. Whose
jeans are these?
Julie: Uh, they're mine. Sorry.

j PRONUNCIA TION The letters s and sh

A <*' Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of s and sh.

1. suit socks scarf

2. shirt shorts shoes

B Read the sentences. Pay attention to the pronunciation of s and sh.

1 . This is Sandra's new shirt. 3. Where are my shoes and socks?

2. These are Sam's purple shoes! 4. My shorts and T-shirts are blue!

Whose jeans are these? 23

Adjectives Pronouns Names
my mine Pat's blouse Is/

your yours Julie's jeans IzJ

These are his socks. These socks are his. Rex's T-shirt /iz/

her hers
our ours Whose blouse is this? It's Pat's.
their theirs Whose jeans are these? They're Julie's.

m — J .1 J ...JJ. .IJ.J. JJ.1JJ- JJJ l -UJ,!

J li

A Complete the conversations with the correct words in parentheses.

Then practice with a partner.

1. A: Hey! These aren't our (our /ours) clothes!

B: You're right (Our /Ours) are over there.

2. A: These aren't (my / mine) gloves. Are

they (your /yours)?
B: No, they're not (my / mine). Ask Sally. Maybe
they're (her /hers).

3. A: (Whose /Yours) T-shirts are these? Are they

Julie's and Pat's?
B: No, they're not (their /theirs) T-shirts. But
these socks are (their /theirs). And these
shorts are (your /yours).

B CLASS ACTIVITY Put one of your things in a box. Then choose a

different thing from the box. Go around the class and find the owner.

A: Diego, is this watch yours?

B: No, it's not mine. Maybe it's Rex's.

LISTENING His shirt is green .


A Listen to someone describe these clothes. Number the pictures from 1 to 6.

B PAIR WORK Now talk about the people. What colors are their clothes?

A: What color is Patrick's shirt?

B: It's green and white.

24 Unit 4
V Listen and practice.

Weather and Seasons Around the World

warm. It's very sunny. It's raining. It's hot and humid,

It's snowing. It's very cold,

It's cool. It's cloudy and windy.

What season is it now?

What's the weather like today?
What's your favorite season?

CONVERSA TION It's really cold!

•I* Listen and practice.

Pat: Oh, no!

Julie: What's the matter?
Pat: It's snowing! And it's windy, so
it's really cold.

Julie: Are you wearing your gloves?

Pat: No, I'm not. They're at home.
Julie: What about your scarf?
Pat: It's at home, too.
Julie: Well, you're wearing your coat.
Pat: But my coat isn't very warm.
And I'm not wearing boots!
Julie: Let’s take a taxi.

Pat: Good idea!

Whose jeans are these? 25


I'm not or: Conjunctions

You're You're not You aren't It's snowing,
She's wearing shoes. She'snot She isn't wearing boots. and it's windy.
We're We're not We aren't It's sunny,
They're They're not They aren't but it's cold.
It's windy,
It's snowing. It's not It isn't raining
SO it's very cold

Complete these sentences. Then compare with a partner.

My name is Claire. I W.wMr. \UB a green It's very hot today. Toshi and Noriko
suit today. I high heels, too. shorts and T-shirts. It's really
It's raining, but I a raincoat. sunny, so they sunglasses.

Phil a suit today - he It's cold today, but Kathy a

pants and a jacket. coat. She gloves and a hat.
He a light blue shirt, but She boots. She
he a tie. sneakers.

26 Unit 4
Present continuous yes/no questions
Are you wearing gloves? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Is she wearing boots? Yes, she is. No, she's not./No, she isn't.
Are they wearing sunglasses? Yes, they are. No, they're not./No, they aren't.

people part A.
PAIR WORK Ask and answer these questions about the
wearing a green suit? 7. Is Philwearing brown pants?
1. Is Claire
8. Is he wearing a blue shirt?
2. Is she wearing a raincoat?
9. Is he wearing a tie?
3. Is she wearing high heels?

AreToshi and Noriko wearing swimsuits? 1 0. Is Kathy wearing boots?

Are they wearing jackets? 11. Is she wearing a coat?

Are they wearing sunglasses? 12. Is she wearing a hat and gloves?

A: Is wearing a green suit?

Claire adjective + noun
B: Yes, she is. Is she wearing a raincoat?
A: No, she's not. or No, she isn't. My suit is black.
I'm wearing a black suit.
C Write four more questions about the people mmmmmmm
in part A. Then ask a partner the questions.

LISTENING He's wearing a T-shirt!

A fe Listen. Write the names Bruce, j

Beth, Jon, Anita, and Nick in the

correct boxes.

8 GROUP WORK Ask questions about

the people in the picture.

A: Is Bruce wearing a light brown jacket?

B: Yes, he is.
C: Is he wearing a tie?

c GROUP WORK Write five questions

about your classmates. Then ask and
answer the questions.

INTERCHANGE 4 Celebrity fashions

What are your favorite celebrities wearing? Go to Interchange 4 on pages 116 117.

Whose jeans are these? 27

Units 3-4 Progress check
How well can you do these things? Check (/) the boxes.

Very well OK A little

Ask and answer questions about countries of origin, nationalities,

and languages (Ex. 1
Understand descriptions of people (Ex. 2)
Ask and answer questions about people's appearance
and personality (Ex. 2, 5)

Ask and answer questions about people's possessions (Ex. 3)

Talk and write about my and other people's favorite things (Ex. 4)
Ask and answer questions about what people are wearing (Ex. 5)


Match the questions with the answers. Then ask and answer the
questions with a partner. Answer with your own information.

1. Are you from Malaysia? .....b a. very beautiful.


2. Where are you and your family from? b. Yes,she is.

3. What is your hometown like? c. We're from Mexico.
4. Is English your first language? d. My best friend is Kevin.
5. Who is your best friend? e. Yes, they are.
6. Are your classmates Brazilian? f. No, it's not. It's Spanish.
7. How old is your best friend? g. He's nineteen.
8. Is our teacher from the U.S.? h. No, I'm not. I'm from Thailand.

LISTENING Who's that?


A v Listen to four conversations. Check (/) the correct description

for each person. You will check more than one adjective.

1. Min-ho 0 tall 0 short 0 funny 0 friendly 0 talkative 0 quiet

2. Ryan 0 tall 0 short 0 funny 0 serious 0 friendly 0 shy
3. Angela 0 thin 0 heavy 0 pretty 0 shy O nice 0 friendly
4. Helen 0 thin 0 heavy 0 quiet 0 shy 0 serious 0 funny
B Write five yes/no questions about the people in part A. , 5 p

Then ask a partner the questions. Is Min-ho friendly?

Is Ryan tall?

CLASS ACTIVITY Draw three pictures of clothes on different pieces

of paper. Then put the papers in a bag. Take three different papers,
go around the class, and find the owners.

A: Gina, is this your cap? A: Young-woo, are these your pants?

B: No, it's not mine. Maybe it's Emi's. B: Yes, they're mine. Thanks!

A Write your favorite things in the chart. Then ask a partner about
his or her favorite things. Write them in the chart.

1. season
2. color .... J, *• >

3. clothes

B Compare answers. What's the same? What's different? Write sentences.

— 1 J 1
" ' ’ “ ’ “ !

Summer is my favorite season, and it's Kyle's favorite season. That’s the same.
My favorite color is blue, but Kyle's favorite color is brown, so that's different.


GROUP WORK Think of a student in the class. Your classmates
ask yes/no questions to guess the student.

A: I'm thinking of a student in this class.

B: Is it a man?
A: Yes, it is.

C: Is he short?
A: No, he isn't.
D: Is he wearing blue jeans?

Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything?

Units 3-4 Progress check 29

® What are you doing?
SNAPSHOT rsr'r.Trrsm.

** Listen and practice.

Source: Time Service Department, U.S. Naval Observatory

Which cities are in the same time zones?

Which cities are in your time zone?

CONVERSATION What time is it there?

Listen and practice.

Debbie: Hello?
John: Hi, Debbie. This is John.
I'm calling from Australia.
Debbie: Australia?
John: I'm at a conference in Sydney.
Debbie: Oh, right. What time is it there?

John: It's 1 0:00 p.m. And it's four o'clock

there in Los Angeles. Right?
Debbie: Yes - four o'clock in the morning!
John: 4:00 a.m.? Oh, I'm really sorry.
Debbie: That's OK. I'm awake . . . now.

one-oh-five. It s one-nneen.
It's one o'clock It's

It's five after one. It's a quarter after one.

It's one-thirty.
It s a quarter to two

A: What time is it?

B: It's twenty after two. or It's two-twenty.

twelve (o'clock) It's four (o'clock)

It's seven (o'clock) It's

inthe morning. It's 12:00 p.m. inthe afternoon.

It's 7:00 a.m. It's noon. It's 4:00 p.m.

ten (o'clock) at night. It's twelve (o'clock) at night

It's seven (o'clock) It's

1 2:00 a.m.
inthe evening. It's 10:00 p.m. It's

It's 7:00 p.m. It's midnight.

B PAIR WORK Say each time a different way.

1 . It's nine o'clockthe evening. "It's 9:00 p.m."

in 5. It's 3:00 a.m.

2. It's eight o'clock in the morning.

6. It's 6:00 p.m.

3. It's twelve o'clock at night.

7. It's 4:00 p.m.

4. It's three in the afternoon.

8. It's 1 2:00 p.m,

What are you doing? 31

It's 4:00 p.m. in Vancouver.
— ~
HIM ii-
- -

-T..MI mil -M -n'n

ajsmSu ^^
Tracy and Eric are calling friends
in different parts of the world. Listen.
What time is it in these cities?

Vancouver 4;00 j?. HI-

Sao Paulo


CONVERSA TION I'm really hungry!

Listen and practice.

Steve: Hi, Mom.

Mom: What are you doing, Steve?
Steve: I'm cooking.
Mom: Why are you cooking now?
It's two o'clock in the morning!
Steve: Well, I'm really hungry!
Mom: What are you making?
Steve: Pizza.
Mom: Oh? What kind?
Steve: Cheese and mushroom.
Mom: That's my favorite! Now I'm
getting hungry. Let's eat!

PRONUNCIATION Rising and falling intonation

im Ws

Listen and practice. Notice the intonation of the yes/no and


Is she getting up? What's she doing?

Are they sleeping? What are they doing?

** Listen to the questions. Draw a rising arrow (_*) for

rising intonation and a falling arrow (*•*) for falling intonation.

1. ...r*. 2 3 4 5 6.

32 Unit 5
Present continuous Wh-questions *

r>. ..,

Los Angeles 4:00 a.m. \

Mexico City 6:00 a.m, j
New York City

What's Victoria doing? What's Marcos doing? What are Sue and Tom doing?
6:00 a.m. ( so he's getting up. They're having breakfast.
She's sleeping right now. It's

What's Celia doing? What are Jim and Ann doing? What's Andrei doing?
She's going to work. It's noon, so they're eating lunch. He's working.

What's Permsak doing? What's Hiroshi doing? What are you doing?
He's checking his email. .... I'm
He's eating dinner right now. It's . .

k PAIR WORK Ask and answer the questions about the pictures.

Who's sleeping now? What's Celia wearing?

1 .

What's Marcos wearing? sleep — sleeping

2. Who's having breakfast? 6.
Why is Marcos getting up? get — getting (+ t)

Where's Andrei working?
Where's Hiroshi checking
8. Why are Jim and Ann have —> having (- e)
his email? having lunch?

B GROUP WORK Write five more questions about the pictures.

Then ask and answer your questions in groups.

What are you doing? 33

WORD PO WER Activities

A <u Listen and practice. "She's playing tennis."

B PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about the pictures in part A.

A: Is she playing soccer?

B: No, she's not.
A: What's she doing?
B: She's playing tennis.

C ^ What's Mary doing? Listen to the sounds and number the actions from 1 to 8.

O dancing ( ) eating dinner i

) riding a bike ( j swimming

PH driving i

J playing tennis CD shopping ( j

watching television

INTERCHANGE 5 What's wrong with th is picture?

"rr.-’7TTrrrfitrtrrrrrr?r*ttJrTrirrtrtrrfn'i, rrrfT/tr/r/r/,rrr7rrr,rfT/f

What's wrong with this picture? Go to Interchange 5 on page 1 1 9.

34 Unit 5

Friends Across a Continent

under each picture.
Skim the conversation. Write the name of the correct person

Meg Martin and Kathy O'Brien chat online almost every day. Meg is an
is in the U.S.
exchange student from the U.S. She's studying in Mexico. Kathy

megm: Hi, there!

kathyo: Hi, Meg!

megm: What are you doing?

kathyo: I'm sitting on my bed with my

laptop. I'm doing my homework.

megm: What are you working on?

4 kathyo: I'm writing an essay for Spanish
6 class. :) Where are you?

megm: I'm in a cafe with my friend Carmen.

I'm having coffee, and she's talking on
the phone outside. How is your family?

kathyo: They're all fine! My father's

watching a baseball game with his
friends. My mother is out shopping.

megm: Where’s your brother?

kathyo: John's playing soccer in the park. Oh,

wait. My phone is ringing. My mother's
calling me. have to go! Bye!

megm: OK! Bye!

Read the conversation. Who is doing these things? Complete the sentences.

1 is writing an essay.
is having coffee.
is talkingon the phone.
is watching a baseball game.
is shopping.
is playing soccer.

B PAIR WORK imagine you are texting or chatting online. Where are you?
Who are you communicating with? Write a short conversation.

What are you doing? 35

0 My sister works downtown.
Listen and practice.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Check {/ ) the kinds of transportation you use.

What are some other kinds of transportation?


^ Listen and practice.

Ashley: Nice car, Jason! Is it yours?

Jason: No, it's my sister's. She has a new
job, and she drives to work.
Ashley: Is her job here in the suburbs?
Jason: No, downtown.

Ashley: My parents work downtown,

but they don't drive to work.
They use public transportation.
Jason: The bus or the train?
Ashley: The train doesn't stop near our
house, so they take the bus.

A ^

PAIR WORK Complete the sentences about

and check your answers.
wmm ,

Paul Anne
the Carter family. Then listen husband wife

1. Anne is Paul's wife

2. Jason and Emily are their

3. Paul is Anne's
4. Jason is Anne's
5. Emily is Paul's
6. Jason is Emily's
7. Emily is Jason's father
8. Paul and Anne are Jason's

son daughter
kids = children (children)
mom = mother
dad = father

B PAIR WORK Who are the people in your family?

What are their names?

My brothers' names brother

"My mother's name is Angela. i

are David and Daniel." Jason Emily

GRAMMAR FOCUS WM >}})»', r V.yv/ w/.'//-^

... .
: ,

walk to school, I don't live far from here. don't = do not

ride your bike to school, You don't live near here. doesn't = does not
works near here, He doesn't work downtown.
takes the bus to work, She doesn't drive to work.
live with our parents, We don't live alone.

use public transportation. They don't need a car.

V Paul Carter his family. Complete the sentences

is talking about
with the correct verb forms. Then compare with a partner.

1 . My family and I
!i.V. . (live / lives) in the suburbs. My wife and I

(work / works) near here, so we (walk / walks)

to work. Our daughter Emily (work / works) downtown, verb endings: he, she, it

so she (drive /drives) to work. Our son

(don't / doesn't) drive. He (ride / rides) his bike to school. walk — walks
ride —* rides
2 . My parents the city. My mother
(live / lives) in study — studies
(take / takes) a train to work. My father is retired, watch — watches
so he (don't / doesn't) work now. He also
(use /uses) public transportation, so they (don't/ doesn't)
need a car.

My sister works downtown. • 37

impte present statements With irr

l/you/we /they he/she/it

Ihave a bike. My father has a car.
We do our homework every day. My mother does a lot of work at home.
My parents go to work by bus. The bus goes downtown.

Ashley is talking about her family and her friend Jason.

Complete the sentences. Then compare with a partner.

1 My parents have (have / has) a house in the suburbs. My mom

and dad (go / goes) downtown to work. My parents are very
busy, so I (do / does) a lot of work at home.

2. My brother doesn't live with us. He (have / has) an apartment in

the He
city. (go / goes) to school all day, and he (do / does)
his homework at night.

3. I (have / has) a new friend. His name is Jason. We

(go / goes) to the same school, and sometimes we (do / does)
our homework together.

C PAIR WORK Tell your partner about your family.

"Ihave one brother and two sisters. My brother is a teacher.

He has a car, so he drives to work."

PRONUNCIATION Third-person singular -s endings

& Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of the -s endings.

s =/s/ s=/z/ (e)s=/ tJ irregular

take takes drive drives dance dances do does
sleep sleeps study studies watch watches have has

CONVERSATION 9etupatn oon. f

O Listen and practice.

Jack: Let's go to the park on Sunday.

Amy: OK, but let's go in the afternoon.

Isleep late on weekends.

Jack: What time do you get up on Sundays?
Amy: At ten o'clock.

Jack: Oh, that's early. On Sundays,

I get up at noon.
Amy: Really? Do you eat breakfast then?
Jack: Sure. I have breakfast every day.
Amy: Then let's meet at this restaurant at
one o'clock. They serve breakfast all day!

38 . Unit 6
Simple present questions
Do you getup early? What time do you get up?
No, get up late.
At ten o'clock.
4 Does he eat noon?
lunch at What time does he have dinner?
No, he eats lunch at one o'clock At eight o'clock.

2. Do theytake the bus to class? When do they take the subway?

No, they take the subway. On Tuesdays and Thursdays.

A Complete the questions with do or does.

Do you get up on weekdays?


1 time expressions
What time you go home on Fridays?
your father work on weekends? early in the morning

your mother cook every day? late in the afternoon

your parents read in the evening? every day in the evening

6. When your parents shop? at 9:00 on Sundays

7 you check your email at night? at noon / midnight on weekdays
8. What time you have dinner? at night on weekends

9. When you study?

10. your best friend drive to class?
11. What time your father get up?

B PAIR WORK Ask and answer the questions

from part A. Use time expressions from the box.

A: Do you get up early on weekdays?

B: Yes. I get up at seven o'clock.

Unscramble the questions to complete the conversations. Then ask

a partner the questions. Answer with your own information.

1 A- Do you check your email every day. ?

you / every day / check your email / do

B: Yes, check my email every day.

2. A: ?

you / what time / lunch / do / eat

B: At 1 :00 p.m.

3. A: ?

at / start / does / eight o'clock / this class

B: No, this class starts at nine o'clock.

4. A: ?

study / you / English / do / when

B: Istudy English in the evening.

5. A:

on weekends / you and your friends / do / play sports

B: Yes,we play soccer on Saturdays.

My sister works downtown. 39

V Listen to Marsha talk about her weekly routine.
Check (/) the days she does each thing.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


get up early 0 0 0 9 © 0 ©
go to work 0 0 0 © O 0
exercise 0 0 0 m 0 0 ©
see friends 0 0 0 © 0 © 0
see family 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
study © m © 0 0 © © .j


A What do you do every week? Write things in the chart.

006 Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Day Week Month ri
mug m i |P

B GROUP WORK Discuss your weekly routines. Ask and

answer questions.

A: Igo to bed late on Fridays.

B: What do you do on Friday nights?
A: Isee my friends. We watch television or play
video games.
C: On Fridays, study in the evening. see my friends

on the weekend.

INTERCHANGE 6 Class survey

Find out more about your classmates. Go to Interchange 6 on page 1 20.

40 Unit 6

iat's your schedule like?

Look at the pictures and the labels. Who gets up early? Who gets up

their schedules.
Student reporter Mike Starr talks to people on the street about
Brittany Davis Justin Reid Maya Choo
City Tour Guide Rock Musician
College Student

Mike: What’s your schedule Mike: What’s your schedule Mike: What’s your schedule
like? like? like?

Brittany: My classes start at Justin: I get up at 6:15 a.m. Maya: Well, I work at night.

and work at 9:00. I go to work at 10:00 p.m.,

8:00 a.m., so I get up at 7:00 start

and take the bus to school. MS: And what do you do and I play until 3:00 a.m.
MS: When do your classes before work? MS: What do you do after

end? JR: I go for a run at 6:30 a.m., work?

BD: They end at noon. Then and then I have breakfast at MC: I have dinner at 3:30 or
7:00. 4:00. Then I take a taxi home.
I have a job at the library.
MS: So when do you study? MS: And after work? MS: What time do you go
BD: My only time to study is p.m., and I
JR: I finish at 6:00 to bed?
in the evening, from eight have dinner downtown. MC: I go to bed at 5:00 in

until midnight. MS: Do you work every day? the morning.

JR: No, I work on Fridays,
Saturdays, and Sundays.

A Read the article. Then number the activities in each person's schedule from 1 to 5.

Brittany Davis Justin Reid Maya Choo

He has breakfast. a. She has dinner.
a. She goes to class. a.

She takes the bus. b. He starts work. b. She finishes work.


She works. c. He eats dinner. c. She goes to bed.

d. He gets up. d. She goes to work.
d. She studies.
She gets up. e. He goes for a run. e. She goes home.

Write five sentences about your

schedule. Are you an "early bird"
or a "night owl"? Compare with
a partner.

My sister works downtown. 41

Units 5-6 Progress check
How well can you do these things? Check (/) the boxes.

I can Very well OK A little

Understand times and descriptions of activities (Ex. 1) 0 0 0

Ask and answer questions about present activities (Ex. 2) O 0 ©
Talk about personal routines (Ex. 3) O 0 ©
Ask and answer questions about routines (Ex. 4) 0 Q
Ask and answer questions about people's lifestyles and appearance (Ex. 5) 0 0 m

LISTENING Around the world

« It S 9 A.M . in Los Angeles. Vanessa is calling friends around the
world. Listen to the conversations and complete the chart.

1. Sarah New York

2. Manuel
3. Bob

Student A: Imagine your classmates are on vacation.
Student B calls you. Ask questions about
your classmates.
Student B: Imagine you are on vacation with your
classmates. Call Student A. Answer Student
A's questions about your classmates.

A: Hello?
B: Hi, it's I'm on vacation in .

A: In ... ? Wow! What are

you doing?
B: ...
A: Who are you with?
B: ...
A: What's he/she doing?
B: ...

A: Well, have fun. Bye!

A Choose one day of the week and write it in the blank.
What do you do on this day? Complete the chart.

In the morning
In the afternoon
In the evening
At night

B PAIR WORK Tell your partner about your routine.

A: On Saturdays, exercise in
the morning. I play soccer with my friends.
B: What time do you play?
A: We play at 10:00.

A Answer the questions in the chart. Check (/) Yes or No.

B CLASS ACTIVITY Go around the class and find classmates with the same answers.
Write their names in the chart.Try to write a different name on each line.

GROUP WORK Think of a famous person. Your classmates
ask yes/no questions to guess the person.

Is it a man? a woman? Is he/she tall? short?

Does he/she live in ... ? Does he/she wear glasses?

Is he/she a singer? an actor?

Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything?

Units 5-6 Progress check 43

*+ Listen and practice.

House Apartment


What rooms are in houses in your country? What rooms are in apartments
What rooms are in your house or apartment?

CONVERSATION My new apartment

V Listen and practice.

Linda: Guess what! have I a new apartment.

Chris: That's great! What's it like?
Linda: It's really nice.
Chris: Is it very big?
Linda: Well, it has a big living room, a
bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen.
Chris: Nice! Do you live downtown?
Linda: No, I don't. I live near the university.
Chris: Does it have a view?
Linda: Yes, it does. It has a great view of
another apartment building!


Does in a house?
Chris live
Do you live an apartment?

Yes, I do. / No, don't. I

does. / No, he doesn't.
Yes, he

Do the bedrooms have windows? Does the house have a yard?

Yes, it does. / No, it doesn't.
Yes, they do. / No, they don't.

A Complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner.

n da: Do you llYP in an apartment?

Chris: No, I I in a house.

Linda: it a yard?

Chris: Yes, it

Linda: That sounds nice you

Chris: No, I I
with my family.
Linda: you any brothers or

Chris: Yes, I I four sisters.

Linda: Really? your house

many bedrooms?
Chris: Yes, it It four.

Linda: you your own

Chris: Yes, I I'm really lucky.

B PAIR WORK Read the conversation in part A again. Ask and answer
these questions about Chris.

1 . Does he live in an apartment? 3. Does he live alone?

2. Does his house have a yard? 4. Does he have his own room?

PAIR WORK Write five questions to ask your partner about his or her
home. Then ask and answer the questions.

has just oneWMroom.
&. I .
> •- <

Listen to four people describe their homes. Number the pictures from 1 to 4.

Does it have a view? 45

WORD POWER Furniture

A t* Listen and practice.

armchairs curtains pictures bed

table coffee table microwave oven refrigerator lamps

sofa desk bookcase dresser chairs

3 Which rooms have the things in part A? Complete the chart.

Kitchen table stove

Dining room table


C GROUP WORK What furniture is in your house or apartment? Tell your classmates.

"My living room has a sofa, a rug, and a TV. . .


46 Unit 7
CONVERSATION There aren't any chairs.

C Listen and practice

Chris: This apartment is great.

Linda: Thanks. I love it, but I really need some furniture.

Chris: What do you need?

Linda: Oh, I need lots of things. There are some chairs in

the kitchen, but there isn't a table.

Chris: And there's no sofa here in the living room.
Linda: And there aren't any chairs. There's only this lamp.
Chris: So let's go shopping next weekend.


There are some chairs in the kitchen. There's = There is

There's a bed in the bedroom.
There's no sofa in the bedroom. There are no chairs in the living room.
There isn't a table in the kitchen. There aren't any chairs in the living room.

A Look at the picture of Linda's apartment. Complete the sentences.

Then practice with a partner.

There’s no dresser in the bedroom. 5 rugs on the floor.

1 .

chairs in the kitchen. 6 curtains on the windows.

2 .

TV in the living room. 7 mirror in the bedroom.

refrigerator. 8 books in the bookcase.

B Write five sentences about things you have or don't There are 10 desks in the classroom.
have in your classroom. Then compare with a partner.

INTERCHANGE 7 Find the differences

Compare two apartments. Go to Interchange 7 on page 121.

Does it have a view? 47

A v Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of 70/ and /5/.

/d/ /e/ /a/ /a/ /e/ /e/

There are thirteen rooms in this house. The house has three bathrooms.

B PAIR WORK List other words with /0/ and /5/. Then use them to
write four funny sentences. Read them aloud.

| ! | j
On Thursdays, their mother and father think for thirteen minutes.

LISTENING Furniture is expensive!

O Listen to Chris and Linda talk in a furniture store.
What does Linda like? Check (/) the things.

Lj armchairs a sofa 5
J a rug Cj lamps

L.J a bookcase (

a mirror LJ a coffee table Q curtains


Write a description of your dream home.

What is your dream home like?

Where is it?
What rooms does it have?
What things are in the rooms?
Does it have a view?

My dream home is a loft in a big

city. There is one large living room
with a lot of windows. There are two
bedrooms and . .

B PAIR WORK Ask your partner about

his or her dream home.

A: Does it have a view?

B: Yes, it has a very nice view of the forest.

48 Unit 7

Scan the article. Where are the lofts? Where does Dan Phillips build houses?
A Shusaku Arakawa and Madeline Gins
are famous designers. Their nine lofts

near Tokyo, Japan, are very colorful.

The apartments are blue, pink, red,
yellow, and other bright colors. Inside,
the walls are colorful, too. The floors go
up and down, and some rooms are
round. The windows have strange
shapes, so there are no curtains. There
are small doors to the outside. Inside,
there aren’t any closets. The bookcase is

in the middle of the living room.

ft Dan Phillips likes to help people. He

builds houses for artists and other
low-income people in Huntsville, Texas,

in the United States. One house, the

“tree house,” is in a large tree in the
forest. It has windows on the floor! It
also has a small kitchen. The bed is on
the upstairs floor. There is a wood-

burning stove from an old ship in the

living room. Phillips teaches people how to
build houses with recycled materials.

Read the article. What's in each home? Complete the chart.

bed on the upstairs floor bookcase closets

/colorful walls windows on the floor wood-burning stove

Arakawa and Gins's lofts Dan Phillips's free house

1. There are .colorful walls 4 There are


2 . There aren't any 5 . There is a

3 . There is a i n th 6. There is a
middle of the living room.

B GROUP WORK Talk about these questions.

1 . Imagine you are painting your house. What colors do you use? Why?
2. Imagine you are building a house. Do you use new materials or recycled materials? Why?

Does it have a view? 49

What do you do?

if Match the jobs with the pictures. Then listen and practice.

a. accountant e. electrician i. painter m. salesperson

b. bellhop f. front desk clerk j. plumber n. security guard
c. cashier g. nurse /k. police officer o. taxi driver

d. doctor h. office manager 1. receptionist p. vendor

v J

8 PAIR WORK Ask questions about the people in part A. What are their jobs?

A: What's her job?

B: She's a police officer.

A PAIR WORK Who works these places? Complete the chart with

jobs from Exercise 1 . Add one more job to each list.

A: A doctor works in a hospital.

B: A nurse works in a hospital, too.

-- •-*-"

B CLASS ACTIVITY Ask and answer Who questions about jobs. Use these words.

wears a uniform sits all day talks to people works hard

stands all day handles money works at night makes a lot of money

A: Who wears a uniform?

B: A police officer wears a uniform.
C: And a security guard ..

He works in a hotel.
. * v »> - - ' • •

tr Listen and practice.

Rachel: Where does your brother work?

Angela: In a hotel.

Rachel: Oh, really? My brother works in a hotel, too.

He's a front desk clerk.

Angela: How does he like it?

Rachel: He doesn't like the manager.

He hates it.

Angela: That's too bad. What hotel does he work for?

Rachel: The Plaza.
Angela: That's funny. My brother works there, too.
Rachel: Oh, that's interesting. What does he do?
Angela: Actually, he's the manager!

What do you do? 51

GRAMMAR FOCUS M,»a awiwiiw* i


Where do you work? Where does he work? Where do they work?

In a hospital. In a hotel. In a store.
What do you do? What does he do? What do they do?
I'm a doctor. He's a manager. They're cashiers.
How do you like it? How does he like it? How do they like it?

I really like it. It's OK. They hate it.

Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.

1. A: What... does your sister do ? 3 . A: do your parents their jobs?

B: My sister? She's a nurse. B: Oh, guess they like them.

A: does she it? A: I don't remember. do they ?

B: It's difficult, but she loves it. B: In an office in the city.

2. A: does your brother 4. A: do you ?

B: In a hotel. He's a front desk clerk. B: I'm a student.
A: Oh? does he it? A: I see. do you your classes?
B: He doesn't really like it. B: They're great. I them
like a lot.

B PAIR WORK Ask questions about these people.

Where do they work? What do they do? How do they like it?

A: Where does David work?

B: He works in . .

PRONUNCIATION Reduction of do
O Listen and practice. Notice the reduction of do.

Where do you work? Where do they work?

What do you do? What do they do?

52 Unit 8
Listen and practice.

What do you do? What's your job like?

— - ~v ~ '

I'm a florist. My job

i'm a server in a coffee I'm a firefighter. I'm a social worker.
exciting and very difficult and really isn't very exciting,
shop. It's easy, but It's It's

but love but it's pretty relaxing.

boring. I don't like my dangerous, but 1 like stressful, I

my job a my job. I like my job OK.

job much. lot.

Who likes his or her job? Who doesn't ? Why or why not?
How do they describe their jobs? Write one more adjective for each job.

w-' x' Jfj x
CONVERSATION Please be careful!

Listen and practice.

Richard: Hey, Stephanie. I hear you have a new job.

Stephanie: Yes. I'm teaching math at Lincoln
High School.
Richard: How do you like it?

Stephanie: It's great. The students are terrific.

How are things with you?
Richard: Not bad. I'm a window washer now,
you know.
Stephanie: Really? How do you like it?

Richard: It's a stressful job. And it's pretty dangerous.

Stephanie: Please be careful!

LISTENING It's pretty boring.

people talk about their jobs. Complete the chart with the correct jobs and
Listen to four

( , i;f

1. Monica
2. Hye-soon
3. Kirk
4. Philip

What do you do? 53

Placement of adjectives
ctive adjective + noun
r's job is stressful. A doctor has a stressful job.
washer's job is dangerous. A window washer has a dangerous job.

Write each sentence a different way. Then compare with a partner.

1. A doctor's job is interesting. doctor has A an. interesting joj? ;

2. A police officer's job is dangerous

3. A teacher's job is stressful
4. A plumber has a boring job.
5. An electrician has a difficult job
6. A vendor has an easy job

8 GROUP WORK Write one job for each adjective.

flight attendant
Do your classmates agree?

1. exciting attendant 4. boring

2 . easy 5 . difficult

3 . dangerous 6 . relaxing

A: A flight attendant has an exciting job.

B: I don't agree. A flight attendant's job is boring.
C: I think . .

INTERCHANGES The perfect job

What do you want in a job? Go to Interchange 8 on page 1 22.

GROUP WORK Ask three classmates about their jobs (or their
friends' or family members' jobs). Then tell the class.

Ask about a classmate's

Ask about a classmate friend or family member
Do you have a job? Tell me about your...
Where do you work? Where does he/she work?
What do you do, exactly? What does he/she do, exactly?
Is your job interesting? Is his/her job difficult?
What time do you start work? What time does he/she start work?
When do you finish work? When does he/she finish work?
Do you like your job? Does he/she like his/her job?
What do you do after work? . . What does he/she do after work? . .

54 * Unit 8
f 9

& I HHflHH
Look at the photos. Which jobs look interesting? Why?

dog groomer wedding planner

Lots of Marco Mendez’s friends walk on Lila Martin goes to nice restaurants, eats
four legs. He makes these furry friends cake, listens to bands - and gets paid for it!
beautiful. Marco is a professional dog Lila is a wedding planner. She chooses the

groomer. He likes his job a lot because it’s place, the food, and the music for people’s

never boring. Each dog has a different weddings. It’s stressful because everything
personality. What’s his favorite kind of needs to be perfect!
dog? He’s not telling!

video game designer Junko Watanabe has a sweet life. She makes
Hal Garner has his dream job. He plays bread, cookies, and cakes in her

video games all day long! Hal is a game neighborhood bakery. Junko really likes her
designer for a large video game company. job. Her salary isn’t great, but the customers
love her cakes and cookies, so she’s happy.
He makes new games and tests them. It’s
always exciting, and he almost always wins!

A Read the article. Who says these things? Write your guesses.

1 . "I go to work very early in the morning."

2. "I know every restaurant in town."
3. "After work, need to take
a bath!"
4. "I sit down all day long!"

Write a short description of a job, but don't write the name of the job.

Then read it to the class. Your classmates guess the job.

What do you do? 55

Units 7-8 Progress check
How well can you do these things? Check (/) the boxes.

1 can ... Very well OK A little

Ask and answer questions about living spaces (Ex. 1) o

Talkabout rooms and furniture (Ex. 1) o o
Ask and answer questions about work (Ex. 2) o o
Understand descriptions of jobs (Ex. 3) o
Give and respond to opinions about jobs (Ex. 4) o Q o J

kmm . j ii' i ii UKi .-
I, tiM.nww . ! Ii r-M ii j. i wt

Imagine you are moving into this apartment. What things are in the
rooms? Draw pictures. Use the furniture in the box and your own ideas.

bed desk lamp sofa

chairs dresser mirror table
V /

B PAIR WORK Ask questions about your

partner's apartment.

A: I'm moving into a new apartment!

B: That's great! Where is it?

A: ...
B: What's it like? Does it have many rooms?
A: Well, it has . .

B: Does the . . . have . . . ?

A: ...
B: Do you have a lot of furniture?
A: Well, there's ... in the . .

There are some ... in the . .

B: Do you have everything you need for

the apartment?
A: No, I don't. There's no . .

There isn't any . .

There aren't any . .

B: OK. Let's go shopping this weekend!

Complete the conversations with Wh-questions.

1 A: Where. does. your father work ..


B: My father? He works in a store. B: I'm an accountant.

A: ?

B: He's a salesperson. B: I work in an office.

? A: ?
B: He likes his job a lot! B: It's OK. guess I I like it.

B PAIR WORK Your partner asks the questions in part A.

Answer with your own information.

LISTENING Where do they work? mm

& Listen to Linda, Kyle, and Wendy talk about their jobs.
Check () the correct answers.
f /;
\A/hnt ftft fjipy rift?
Where do they work?

1. Linda Q office O store O receptionist U- doctor

2. Kyle O hospital O school Q nurse G teacher

3. Wendy Cj hotel O office


j manager O bellhop

AN INTERESTING JOB ij..igir. .ointizz......

GROUP WORK What do you think of these jobs?
Give your opinions.

A: I think a farmer has a boring job.

B: I don't really agree. think a farmer's job
is relaxing.

C: Well, I think a farmer's job is difficult

Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything?

Units 7-8 Progress check 57


Do we need any eggs?

A <& Listen and practice.

Food Guidelines For good health, eat a lot of grains,

vegetables, and fruit. Eat some dairy, meat, s

*** ^ ' !' :

3±!5,., r .V.- and other protein. Eat a little fat and oils.








What foods do you like? What foods don't you like?

I like I don't like
Make a list. Then tell a partner.
rice fish

A: I like rice, noodles, and oranges. I don't noodles cheese

like fish, cheese, and carrots. oranges carrots

B: I like . .

CONVERSATION How about some sandwiches?
Kt Listen and practice.

Adam: What do you want for the picnic?

Amanda: Hmm. How about some sandwiches?
Adam: OK. We have some chicken, but we
don't have any bread.
Amanda: And we don't have any cheese.
Adam: Do we have any lettuce?
Amanda: Let's see. ... No, we need some.
Adam: Let's get some tomatoes, too.
Amanda: OK. And let's buy some potato salad.
Adam: All right. Everyone likes potato salad.

Count and noncount nouns some and any
Count nouns Noncount nouns
an egg —
>• eggs bread
a sandwich —
sandwiches lettuce

Do we need any eggs? Do we need any bread?

Yes. Let's get some (eggs). Yes. Let's get some (bread).

No. We don't need any (eggs) No. We don't need any (bread)

\ Complete the conversation with some or any.

Amanda: The store doesn't have ...any potato salad.

Adam: Well, we have lots of potatoes. Let's make !

Amanda: OK. Do we have mayonnaise?

Adam: No. We
need to buy
Amanda: We need onions, too.
Adam: Oh, don't want
onions. hate onions! I

Amanda: Then let's get celery.

Adam: No. don't want

celery in my potato salad.
But let's put apples in it.

Amanda: Apples in potato salad? That sounds awful!

Complete the chart with foods from Exercise 1 .Then compare

with a partner.

Do we need any eggs? • 59

PRONUNCIATION Sentence stress

A <* Listen and practice. Notice the stressed words.

a a
A: Do we need any eggs? A: Do we need any lettuce?
a © © ©
B: Yes. We need some eggs. B: No. We don't need any lettuce.

B PAIR WORK Ask Do we need . . . ? questions about

the food the picture. Then look at your shopping

list and answer.

A: Do we need any oranges?

B: Yes. We need some oranges. Do we need any lettuce?
A: Let's see No. We don't need any lettuce.

t* Listen and practice.

The United States Mexico

What Do
You Have for

cereal with milk eggs

fresh fruit rice beans
orange juice soup tortillas

coffee pickles fresh fruit

green tea sweetbread
coffee with milk


What do you hove for breakfast? Check (S) the foods.

What else do you have for breakfast

60 Unit 9
CONVERSATION Fish for bre akfast?

** Listen and practice.

Sarah: Let's have breakfast together on Sunday.

Kumiko: OK. Come to my house. My family always
has a Japanese-style breakfast on Sundays.
Sarah: Really? What do you have?
Kumiko: We usually have fish, rice, and soup.
Sarah: Fish for breakfast? That's interesting.
Kumiko: Sometimes we have a salad, too.
And we always have green tea.

Sarah: Well, never eat I fish for breakfast,

but I like to try new things.

Adverbs of frequency .......

always Do you ever have fish for breakfast? iWS always

Yes,always do. usually
usually I

Sometimes do. often

often I

sometimes eat breakfast. No, I never do. sometimes


hardly ever hardly ever

never never

Sometimes I eat breakfast.

> ..y ^ ^ ,

A Put the adverbs in the correct places. Then practice

with a partner.
A: What do you^have for breakfast? (usually)
B: Well, have coffee and cereal, (often)

A: Do you eat breakfast at work? (ever)

B: Ihave breakfast at my desk, (sometimes)
A: Do you eat rice for breakfast? (usually)
B: No, have rice, (hardly ever)

B Unscramble the sentences.

never have breakfast on. weekends.

1.1/ have breakfast / on / never / weekends .1

2. work/ /snacks /eat /at /hardly ever


3. eat /for /pasta /dinner /sometimes /I

4. have / / dinner / with / often / family / my


Rewrite the sentences from part B with your own information.

Then compare with a partner.

A: I always have breakfast on weekends.

B: I hardly ever have breakfast on weekends. I usually get up late.

Do we need any eggs? 61

LISTENING Really? Never?
• •
" ,

A <u Paul and Megan are talking about food.

How often does Megan eat these foods?
Listen and check (/) Often, Sometimes, or Never.

B GROUP WORK Do you ever eat the foods

in part A? Tell your classmates.

A: I often eat pasta.

B: Really? I never eat pasta.
C: Well, I . .

A Add two questions about mealtime habits to the chart. Then ask two people
the questions. Write their names and complete the chart.

1 . Do you always eat breakfast?

2. What time do you usually eat lunch?
3. Do you ever eat cereal for dinner?
4. Do you ever go to a restaurant for breakfast?
5. What's something you never eat for lunch?

6. What do you usually drink with dinner?

7. ?

8 ?

A: Manuel, do you always eat breakfast?

B: No, I hardly ever do.

B CLASS ACTIVITY Tell your classmates about your partners' mealtime habits.

"Manuel hardly ever eats breakfast. But he always eats lunch and dinner. . .

INTERCHANGE 9 Snack survey

Complete a snack survey. Go to Interchange 9 on page 1 23.

62 Unit 9

Look at the pictures. On special occasions, do you ever eat any o f these foods?

On New Year's Day, many people eat special foods for good luck in the new year.

Greece and some other In Spain and some Latin

Some Chinese people eat In

tangerines and oranges. Mediterranean countries, American countries, people eat

“Tangerine” sounds like “luck” people eat pomegranates. 12 grapes at midnight on New
Pomegranates bring wealth in Year’s Eve - one grape for
and “orange” sounds like
“wealth” in the Mandarin the new year. good luck in each month of the
new year.

At the end of the year in On New Year’s Day in Some Americans from
South Korea, people eat southern states eat black-eyed
Sweden, people eat rice
pudding with an almond dduk guk - soup with rice peas and rice with collard

inside. Everyone tries to find cakes - for strength and greens. The black-eyed peas
the new year. are like coins, and the greens
the almond for good luck in health in
are like dollar bills.
the new year.

A Read the article. Then correct these sentences.

Mandarin, the word "tangerine" sounds like w eal th
1 . In

2. Greeks eat pomegranates. Pomegranates bring health.

3. People in Spain eat 1 2 grapes, one grape for good luck in each hour of the day.
4. Swedish people eat rice pudding with money inside.
5. Koreans eat soup with chocolate cake for strength and health.
6. Some Americans eat black-eyed peas. Black-eyed peas are like dollar bills.

8 GROUP WORK Do you eat anything special on New Year's Day for good luck?
Do you do anything special? Tell your classmates.

Do we need onyeggs 63
What sports do you play?
t* Listen and practice.

In, the Spring, people In the summer, people

play golf "* play baseball

play soccer * v play volleyball -

play basketball ^ go swimming

In the fall, people In the winter, people

play football y^
go bike riding/^
play hockey
go ice-skating
go Snowboarding
Source: Adopted from ESPN Information Please Sports Almanac

What sports are popular in your country? Check (/) the sports.
Do you like sports? What sports do you play or watch?

CONVERSATION I love sports.

4* Listen and practice.

Lauren: So, Justin, what do you do in your free time?

Justin: Well, I love sports.
Lauren: Really? What sports do you like?
Justin: My favorites are hockey, baseball,
and soccer.
Lauren: Wow, you're a really good athlete!
When do you play all these sports?
Justin: Oh, don't play these sports.

Lauren: What do you mean?

Justin: Ijust watch them on TV!

Simple present Wh-questions
What sports do you play? I play hockey and baseball.
Who do you play baseball with? I play with some friends from work.
Where do you play? We play at Hunter Park.
How often do you practice? We practice once or twice a week.
When do you practice? We practice on Sundays.
What time do you start? We start at ten o'clock in the morning.

A Complete the conversations with the correct Wh-question

words. Then practice with a partner.

1. A: Iwatch sports on TV every weekend.

B: Really? What sports do you like to watch?
A: Soccer. It's my favorite!
B; do you usually watch soccer?
A: On Sunday afternoons.
B; And do you usually watch it?
At home?
A: No, at my friend's house. He has a really big TV!

2 . A: do you go bike riding?

B: Oh, about once a month.

A: I love to go bike riding. I go every Saturday.
B: Really? do you go?
A: Usually at about one o'clock.

B: Oh, yeah? do you usually go with?

A: My sister. Come with us next time!

B Complete the conversation with Wh-questions.

Then compare with a partner.

A: What; sports d o you .


B: I like a lot of sports, but I really love volleyball!

B: I usually play with my sister and some friends.
A: -
B: We practice on Saturdays.
B: We start at about noon.
A: '"rrrvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnfrrrrfrrmrrrrr,,

B: We usually play in our yard, but sometimes we

play at the beach.

C PAIR WORK Ask your partner five questions about sports or other activities.

Then tell the class.

A: What sports do you like?

B: I don't like sports very much.

A: Oh? What do you like to do in your free time?

What sports do you play? 65

LISTENING What sports do you like}
mm. P
Listen to the conversations about sports.
Complete the chart.

Do i

Play Watch
1. Casey mu m o
2. John & ©
3. Sue m ©
4. Henry m ©

Add one question about free-time activities to the chart. Then ask two people
the questions. Write their names and complete the chart.

1. What sports do you like?

2. What sports do you dislike?
3. What do you do on Sundays?
4. What do you like to do in the summer?
5. How often do you play video games?
6 . ?

A: Jae-hoon, what sports do you like?

B: I like a lot of sports. My favorites are soccer and baseball.

8 CLASS ACTIVITY Tell your classmates about your partners' free-time activities.

** Listen and practice.

Kayla: Oh, look. There's a talent contest

on Saturday. Let's enter.
Philip: I can't enter a talent contest. What can do? I

Kayla: You can sing really well.

Philip: Oh, thanks Well, you can, too.
Kayla: Oh, no. can't sing at
I all - but I

can play the piano.

Philip: So maybe we can enter the contest.
Kayla: Sure. Why not?
Philip: OK. Let's practice tomorrow!

66 Unit 10
A Kayla is talking about things she can and can't do. Complete these sentences.

part A.
B PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about the pictures in

A: Can Kayla draw?

B: No, she can't.

part A? Ask and answer questions.

C GROUP WORK Can your classmates do the things in

"Can you draw, Pedro?"

A Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of can and can't.

/kon/ /kaent/
I can play the piano. I can't sing at all.

B PAIR WORK Your partner reads a sentence for each number. Check (/) the sentence you hear.

1.01 can sing. 2. 0 can act. 3. 0 I can dance. 4. Q I can swim.


Li I can't sing. U I can't act. 0 I can't dance. I can't swim.

What sports do you play 67

LISTENING I can do that!
v Listen to three people talk about their abilities. Check (/") the things they can do well.

WORD POWER fr,rr;rr.-r*r-"srrr' r?.'

Complete the word map with

** abilities and talents from the list.

Then listen and check.

/ bake a cake Musical or artistic Athletic

download a video
do yoga
fix a car
play chess
play the violin
ride a horse
and talents
sing English songs Technical or mechanical Other
snowboard bake a cake

tell good jokes

upload photos
write poems

B GROUP WORK Who can do the things in part A?

Make a list of guesses about your classmates.

A: Who can bake a cake?

bake a cake - Sophie
B: I think Sophie can.
download a video -
C: Who can download . . . ?

Go around the room and check your guesses.

A: Sophie, can you bake a cake?

B: Yes, I can.

INTERCHANGE 10 Hidden talents

Learn more about your classmates' hidden talents. Go to Interchange 1 0 on page 1 24.

68 Unit 1
,, , , iywwmxm WK -- wv ‘WA¥i7jr
> '

An interview with Shawn Johnson

How often do you think professionalm athletes practice? J
— .
- - t- - t

Get a sneak peek

inside the life of
this U.S. gold
Olympic gymnast!

Where are you from? What are your favorite foods?

Des Moines, Iowa. I live there now. Chicken and steak kebabs, peaches and cream,
and corn on the cob.
Who do you train with?
What do you do when you're not training'
A lot of people think have a private coach.

But train
I with 1 3 other girls at the gym! I love to ride horses and spend time with
my friends.
How often do you practice?

Most athletes train about 45 hours a week. But

What do you do for good luck?

my parents want me to have a "normal life." I always travel with my blankets. But I don't
train about 25 hours a week. usually work out
believe in good-luck charms!
four hours a day during the week, and five to six
hours on Saturdays. don't practice on Sundays.
Who are your biggest fans?
What do you eat to stay healthy My mom, dad, and of course my coach!
Ihave to watch my diet to be a healthy gymnast.
But don’t get stressed about it.

Read the interview. Then check (/) the correct answers to the questions.

1 . Who does Shawn train with?

a. C j just her coach b. 0 other gymnasts
2. How often does she practice?
a.0 25 hours week a b. O 45 hours a week
3. How much does she train on Saturdays?
a.O four hours b. © five to six hours

4. What does she like to do in her free time?

a.0 eat restaurants in b. J ride horses and be with friends

5. What does she with? travel ^ her blankets

a.0 good-luck charm
a b.

Do you think athletes have an easy life? playing


a sport fun, or hard work? Discuss your reasons with your


What sports do you play? » 69

Units 9-1 0 Progress check

How well can you do these things? Check (/) the boxes.

1 can ... Very well OK A little

Make and respond to suggestions (Ex. 1) n 0 o
Talk about food and drink (Ex. 1 , 2) a Q •
Ask and answer questions about eating habits (Ex. 2) o 0 s
Understand descriptions of sporting activities (Ex. 3) o 0 m
Ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes (Ex. 4) 0 0 m
Talk about job abilities (Ex. 5)
o 0 8 /

— S iMVrwriw^ pip
GROUP WORK Plan a class picnic. Choose two main dishes, two salads,
two drinks, and two desserts. Then tell the class.

/ N
Main dishes useful expressions

Salads Do we want any . . . ?

Drinks get/make some

Let's . . .

I don't want/like . . .

Desserts -

V /


PAIR WORK Does your partner ever have these things at the movies?
Ask questions and complete the survey.

- s ~-'

always usually

1. popcorn © ©
2. fruit o
3. soda o G
4. candy o 0
5. fish o ©
^ —6. coffee © ©
A: Do you have popcorn at the movies?
B: Yes, I always have popcorn.

LISTENING What do you play? m

O Listen to Jenny ask Ben about sports. Check (/) Ben's answers.

1. O play baseball. 3. O At 6:30 p.m. 5. Q On the weekends.

O the afternoons.

0 play basketball.
Q At 6:30 a.m. In

2. O Some friends from school. 4. O Everyday. 6. 0 At the park.

( J Some friends from work. 0 Every week. O the yard.


A Complete the chart with things you love, like, and don't like.

PAIR WORK Find out what your partner loves, likes, and doesn't
like. Then ask more questions with who, where,
how often, or when.

A: What sports do you love?

B: I love ice-skating.
A: Who do you usually go ice-skating with?


wmmmm. mmmm
GROUP WORK What can these people do well? Make a list.
Use the abilities in the box and your own ideas. Then tell the class.

fix a car
fix a motorcycle
play the piano
read music
mechanic artist musician

A: A chef can cook very well.

B: A chef can also bake things, like cakes.
C: Also, a chef can . .


Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything?

Units 9-10 Progress check « 71

What are you going to do?
\ & Listen and practice the months.

January February March April May June

Months i July August September October November December

Complete the dates. Then listen and practice.

irst 1 th eleventh 21st twenty-first

second twelfth twenty-second

third thirteenth 23 rd twenty-third
4th fourth fourteenth twenty-fourth
5th fifth 25th twenty-fifth

6th sixth vu.iwwi itll twenty-sixth

seventh seventeenth 27th twenty-seventh
8th eighth eighteenth twenty-eighth
9th ninth nineteenth 29th twenty-ninth
tenth 2Uth twentieth thirtieth


C CLASS ACTIVITY Go around the room. Ask your classmates' birthdays.

A: When's your birthday?
B: It's July twenty-first. When's yours?

CONVERSATION Birthday plans

o Listen and practice.

Angie: Are you going to do anything exciting this weekend?

Philip: Well, I'm going to celebrate my birthday.
Angie: Oh, happy birthday! When is it, exactly?
Philip: August ninth - Sunday.

Angie: So what are your plans?

Philip: I'm going to go to my friend Kayla's house.

She's going to cook a special dinner for me.

Angie: Nice! Is she going to bake a cake, too?
Philip: Bake a cake? Oh, I'm not sure.
" 1 rr,l » wn '

e future wif , ,, , , , ,

Are you going to do anything this weekend? Yes, am. I'm going to celebrate my birthday.

No, I'm not. Km going to stay home.

Yes, she is. She's going to cook a special
Is Kayla going to cook dinner for you?
No, going to order takeout.
she's not. She's

going to be there? Yes, they are. They're going to stop by after dinner.
Are your friends
No, they're net. They're going to be away all weekend.

What are these people going to do this weekend?

Write sentences. Then compare with a partner.

1. They're going to go dancing.

B PAIR WORK Is your partner going to do the things in part A

this weekend? Ask and answer questions.

"Are you going to go dancing this weekend?"

PRONUNCIATION Reduction of going to

i i
'I nn i ii riii
«, Listen and practice. Notice the reduction of going to to /gono/.

A: Are you going to go to a restaurant?

A: Are you going to have a party?
r- Ye? Wp'rp aoina to ao to Nick's Cafe.
B: No. I'm going to meet a friend.

B PAIR WORK Ask your partner about his or her evening plans. Try to reduce going to.

What are you going to do? 73

LISTENING Evening plans
A It's 5:30 p.m. What
are these people's evening
plans? Write your guesses
in the chart.


%* Listen to the AtfWSfiAUlO

interview. What are the

people really going to do?
Complete the chart.

Michelle Kevin Robert Jackie

Your guess What they're really going to do

Michelle J.S QO\ ng to .

gototh .gym .... Michelle
Kevin Kevin
Robert Robert
Jackie Jackie

INTERCHANGE 1 1 Guessin g gam e

Make guesses about your classmates' plans. Go to Interchange 1 1 on page 1 25.

<# Listen and practice.

Holidays in the United States

October 31st The fourth Thursday

in November

Source: The Concise Columbia encyclopedia

Do you celebrate any of these holidays

What are some holidays in your country? What's your favorite holiday?

74 Unit 7 7
CONVERSATION Have a good Valentine's Day.
U Listen and practice.

Mona: So, Tyler, do you have any plans for Valentine's Day?
Tyler: I do. I'm going to take my girlfriend out for dinner.
Mona: Oh, really? Where are you going to eat?
Tyler: At Laguna's. It's her favorite restaurant.
Mona: How fancy! She's going to like that!
Tyler: How about you? What are you going to do?
Mona: Well, I'm notgoing to go to a restaurant.
I'm going to go to a dance.
Tyler: Sounds like fun. Well, have a good
Valentine's Day.
Mona: Thanks. You, too.


Wh-questions with be going to 1

What are you going to do for Valentine s Day? I'm going to go to a dance.
I'm not going to go to a restaurant.
She's going to drive.
How is Mona going to get to the dance?
She's not going to take the bus.
going to eat? They're going to eot at Laguna's
Where are Tyler and his girlfriend
They're not going to eat at Nick's Cafe.

Complete these conversations with the correct form of be going


Then practice with a partner.

are going to spend (spend) summer vacation?

1. A: Where y OU
(visit) my grandparents.
B: My parents and I

(invite) to Thanksgiving dinner?

2. B: Who 3U
A: (ask) my family and some good friends.
(do) for Halloween?
3. A: What y OU
B: I don't know. I
... (not do) anything special.

4. A: How your parents (celebrate) New Year's Eve?

B: They (go) to their neighbor's party.

your (do) for her birthday?
5. A: What sister

B: Her boyfriend (take) her out to dinner.

B GROUP WORK Ask your classmates about their plans.

Use the time expressions in the box.
time expressions

A: What are you going to do tonight? tonight next week

B: I'm going to go to a party. tomorrow next month
C: Oh, really? Who's going to be there? tomorrow afternoon next summer
B: Well, Lara and Rosa are going to come. tomorrow night next year
But Jeff isn't going to be there. . . is

What ore you going to do? • 75

WORD POWER Ways to celebrate
mwmmm mmnm .

A '«* Listen and practice.

• rfsrrfrfffrfrrfr/r**T'frrrrr*~*rTr» rvrf rrrrr f*r*r*rrrtr»

decorate eat special food go to a parade give gifts



watch fireworks play music go on a picnic wear special clothes

PAIR WORK Are you going to celebrate a special day this year? Are you (or is

someone you know) going to do any of the things in part A?

A: I'm going to go to a wedding next month. I'm going to wear special clothes.
B: Is it a traditional wedding?


I l

y ijP DW.DOij rDLjjj. ii)iijiwi rw rwi

j \v i j>i>) >wm.j! '
j » irj i)

< 'i
#> ^ijrj» j
) i
7ii < ii)vjiji > .ji

A PAIR WORK Choose any holiday or festival.

Then ask and answer these questions.

What is the holiday or festival?

When is it?

What are you going to do?

Where are you going to go?
Who's going to be there?
When are you going to go?
How are you going to get there?

A: What is the holiday or festival?

B: It's Cinco de Mayo.

A: When is it?

B: It'son May fifth.

A: What are you going to do?
B: I'm going to go to a parade

B CLASS ACTIVITY Tell the class about your partner's plans.

76 Unit 1 7

What are you going to do on

Scan the article. How old is each person going to be?


I Taipei
Elena Buenaventura ’
my sixteenth birthday.
"Tomorrow is It's

Madrid a special birthday, so we're going to have

"My twenty-first birthday a family ceremony. I'm probably going to

on Saturday, and I'm get some money in 'lucky' envelopes from


my My mother going to cook

going to go out with some relatives. is

wish me a happy birthday, they're noodles - noodles are for a long life."
friends. To

going to pull on my ear 21 times - once for

9 each year. It's an old custom. Some people
pull on the ear just once, but my friends are
very traditional!"
Philippe July
"I'm going to be 30
Mr and Mrs. next week, so I'm
Kyoto going to invite three
very good friends out to dinner. In France,
"My husband is going
to be 60 tomorrow. In when you have a birthday, you often
Japan, the sixtieth invite people out. some countries,
In I

called kanreki - it's the beginning know it's the opposite - people take
birthday is

of a new The color red represents a new

you out." ^
life, so children often give something
red as
I ?
1 y a present. What are our children going to

1 * give him? A red hat and vest!

i i

A Read the article. Then correct these sentences.

To celebrate her birthday, Elena is going to pull on her friends'


2. Ka-mei is going to cook some noodles on her birthday.

3. On his birthday, Mr. Aoki is going to buy something red.
4. Philippe's friends are going to take him out to dinner
on his birthday.
jt'x' jfx
B GROUP WORK How do people usually celebrate birthdays in your country?
Do you have plans for your next birthday? How about the birthday of
a friend

going do? your classmates.

or a family member? What are you to Tell

What are you going to do? 77

What's the matter?
POWER Parts of the body

** Listen and practice.

head hair

eyebrow mouth




chest elbow

stomach throat







B PAIR WORK Complete these sentences.

I have one . . I have two ... I have ten • .

A: I have one head, one nose, one mouth, one . .

B: And have two

I eyes, two ears, two elbows, two . .
CONVERSATION I don't feel well.

Cp Listen and practice.

Steve: Hi, Kyle. How's it going?

Kyle: Oh, hi, Steve. Not so well, actually.

I don't feel well.

Steve: What's the matter? Hey, you don't look so good.
Kyle: I have a stomachache.
Steve: That's too bad. Do you have the flu?

Kyle: No, I just feel really sick.

Steve: Well, do you want anything? A glass of soda?

Kyle: No, but thanks anyway.

Steve: Well, I'm going to have some pizza.

Is that OK?


What's the matter? How are you? Negative Positive

What's wrong? How do you feel? adjectives adjectives

feel sick. horrible fine
I have a headache. I

feel better. awful great

I have a backache. I

I have the flu. I don't feel well. terrible

miserable fantastic

A Listen and practice. "He has a backache."

a headache a stomachache a toothache

a backache an earache

a fever the flu dry eyes a sore throat

a cold a cough

B CLASS ACTIVITY Imagine you don't feel well today. useful expressions
Go around the class. Find out what's wrong with your classmates.
That's good.
I'm glad to hear that.
A: How are you today, Jun?
That's too bad.
B: I feel terrible. I have a stomachache.
I'm sorry to hear that.
A: I'm sorry to hear that.
B: How do you feel?

What's the matter? 79

LISTENING What's wrong?
Where do these people hurt? Guess.
Write down the parts of the body.

1. Jeffrey 2. Marta 3. Ben 4. Alison

Listen to the conversations. Check your guesses.

** Listen and practice.

Relief for
sore throats

Source: Based on information from Almanac of the American People

What medications do you have at home

What are these medications for?

80 Unit 12
CONVERSATION Don 't work too hard.
Listen and practice.

Dr. Young: Hello, Ms. West. How are you today?

Ms. West: Not so good.
Dr. Young: What's wrong, exactly?
Ms. West: I'm exhausted!
Dr. Young: Hmm. Why are you so tired?

Ms. West: I don't know. just can't sleep at night.


Dr. Young: OK. Let's take a look at you.

A few minutes later

Dr. Young: going to give you some

I'm pills.

Take one pill every evening after dinner.

Ms. West: OK.

Dr. Young: And don't drink coffee, tea, or soda.
Ms. West: Anything else?
Dr. Young: Yes. Don't work too hard.
Ms. West: All right. Thanks, Dr. Young.

LISTENING Let's take a look.

<U Young talk to four other patients. What does she

Listen to Dr.
give them? Check (/) the correct medications.

PRONUNCIATION Se nten ce intonation

v Listen and practice. Notice the intonation in these sentences.

Take some
aspirin. Don't drink coffee.

Try these eyedrops. Don't work too hard.

Use some muscle cream. Don't exercise this week.

PAIR WORK Practice the conversation in Exercise 6 again.

Pay attention to the sentence intonation.

What's the matter? 81


Get some rest. Don't stay up late.

Drink lots of juice. Don't drink soda.

Take one pill every evening. Don't work too hard.

— / call
y not worry
Complete these sentences. Use the correct forms of the words

not drink
not eat
in the box.

v J

i Call a dentist. 5. ... in bed.

2 Don’t worry .... too much. 6. a doctor,
3 .... two aspirin. 7. ... coffee,
4 .... to school. 8. any candy.

Write two pieces of advice for each problem.

B GROUP WORK Act out the problems from part A. Your classmates give advice.

A: I feel awful!
B: What's the matter?
A: My feet hurt.
B: Ihave an idea. Take a hot bath. And don't . .

C: Here's another idea . .

INTERCHANGE 12 Helpful advice

wmam on. «*»*. &. m
VWfffV'rrWW/W 1'.'

Give advice for some common problems. Go to Interchange 1 2 on page 1 26.

82 Unit 12

*1 S"\ Simple Ways to

I L/ Improve Your Health
improve your health? Don’t look at the article.
What are some ways to

or not, you con greatly improve your health in 10 very simple ways.
Believe it

Drink eight Do something Wear a seat

Eat breakfast.
to challenge belt. Every year,
Breakfast gives glasses of
water every day. your brain. For seat belts save
you energy for the
Water helps your example, do a thousands of lives.
body in many ways, crossword puzzle or
read a new book.
Go for a walk.
Walking is Stretch for
good exercise, and i
five minutes.
exercise is necessary Stretching is important
for good health. for your muscles.

Protect your
skin. Use lots
of moisturizer and

Take a
Floss your teeth. "time-out" —
Don't just brush a break of about
them. Flossing keeps 20 minutes. Do
your gums healthy. Get enough something different.
calcium. Your For example, get
bones need it. Dairy up and walk. Or sit
foods like yogurt, down and listen

milk,and cheese to music.

have calcium.

Source: Cooking tight

® Magazine

Read the article. Then complete the sentences.

1. To get exercise, 0.Q.for.a walk

2. To help your bones,
3. To help your muscles,
4. To keep your gums healthy,
5. To have energy for the morning,
6. To challenge your brain,

GROUP vv What things in the article do you do regularly?

What else do you do for your health? Tell your classmates.

What's the matter 83

Units 1 1-1 2 Progress check
How well can you do these things? Check (/) the boxes.

1 can ... Very well OK A little

Ask and answer questions about future plans (Ex. 1 , 2) 0 G 0

Use future time expressions (Ex. 2) 0 0 m
Understand conversations about problems (Ex. 3) 0 © m
Talk about problems (Ex. 4) 0 0 0
Ask how people are and give advice (Ex. 4) 0 o. . j

Complete the questions with names of different holidays.

y CLASS ACTIVITY Are your classmates going to do the things in part A? Go

around the class and find out. Try to write a different person's name on each line.


Complete these questions with different time expressions.
Then ask a partner the questions.

1 . How are you going to get home tonight ?

2. What time are you going to go to bed ?

3. Who's going to be here ?

4. Where are you going to go ?

5. What are you going to do 7

6. Who are you going to eat dinner with 7

What's the matter?
( jijjj.m. iu U) iimiii.i.<ji>iii.i!iiii iw,i.ii>ij»wij!^jiiiMiiwiBpppBpWi^iHW^w'iiwMi

mrrrnrm^ i i
' "

Listen to six conversations. Number the pictures from 1 to 6.

This person has This person can't

This person needs
a backache. dance very well.
some ketchup.

This person going to This person has the flu.

1 This person feels sad is

ride a horse.




Write a problem on a piece of paper. Then write

advice for the problem on a different piece of paper.
—— - -
1 '"

My ankle hurts. Get some muscle cream.

B Put the papers with problems and

the papers with advice in two different boxes. Then
take a new paper from each box. Go around the class
and find the right advice for your problem.

A: I feel terrible. A: I feel awful.

B: What's the matter? C: Why? What's wrong?

A: My ankle hurts. A: My ankle hurts.

B: can help. Get some eyedrops.

C: I know! Get some muscle cream.
A: That's terrible advice! A: That's great advice. Thanks!

WHAT'S NEXT? wm.nwwm.n nmm

w j
^ i
-t -

Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything?

Units 11-12 Progress check • 85

You can't miss it.

WORD POWER Places and things

u Where can you get these things? Match the things with the places.
Then listen and practice. "You can buy aspirin at a drugstore."

1. aspirin b
2. bread
3. a dictionary
4. gasoline
5. asandwich
6. stamps
7. a suit
8. traveler's checks

b. a drugstore

B PAIR WORK What else can you get or do in the places in part A?

A: You can get a magazine at a bookstore.

B: And you can send a package at the post office.

A U Listen to the
I need a new swimsuit
Anderson family's conversations. What do they need?
Where are they going to get the things? Complete the chart.

1. Jean a.swimsujt
2. Mom
3. Dad
4. Mike

your partner.
B PAIR WORK What do you need? Where are you going to get it? Tell

"I need a snack, so I'm going to go to a coffee shop. .

CONVERSATION It's an emergency!

b Listen and practice.

Man: Excuse me. Can you help me? Is there

a public restroom around here?
Woman: A public restroom? Hmm.
I'm sorry. I don't think so.
Man: Oh, no. My son needs a restroom - now.
It's an emergency!

Woman: Oh, dear. Well, there's a restroom in the

department store on Main Street.
Man: Where on Main Street?
Woman: It's on the corner of Main and First Avenue.

Man: On the corner of Main and First?

Woman: Yes, it's across from the park. You can't miss i

Man: Thanks a lot.

PRONUNCIATION Compound nouns


A Listen and practice. Notice the stress in these compound nouns.

gas station restroom coffee shop
post office

Q O Q 9
drugstore bookstore supermarket department store

B PAIR WORK Practice these sentences. Pay attention to the stress in the compound nouns.

There isn't a post office in the supermarket.

There's a restroom in the drugstore.
There's a bookstore in the department store. There isn't a coffee shop in the gas station.

You can't miss it. • 87


Center St.


* Main St.
LL. Main St.
Main St. Main St.

on on the corner of across from next to

The department store is on Main Street. It's next to the bank.

It's on the corner of Main and First. The bank isbetween the department
It's across from the park. store and the restaurant.
wmmmmmmmm wmimmmmmmmmmmm. mm
Look at the map and complete the sentences. Then compare with a partner.

yf usmomcF

// // ssA


1 . The coffee shop is on Second Avenue. It's the shoe store.

2. The movie theater is Park and Main. It's the park.
3. The gas station is the parking lot. It's First and Center.
4. The post office is Center and Second. It's the hospital.
5. The bank is the restaurant and the department store. It's Main Street.

I PAIR WORK Where are these places on the map? Ask and answer questions,

the park the drugstore the bookstore the hospital the shoe store

A: Where is the park?

B: It's between Park and First, across from the department store.

88 Unit 13

U Look at the map in Exercise 5. Listen to four conversations. Where are the people going?

3 4.
1 2

& Listen and practice.

Top Tourist Attractions

r -i -*r
J -uri- U i ;

Times Square

Grand Central Terminal

Central Fark

The Statue of Liberty PPPi

Rockefeller Center
The Empire State Building


What do you know about these places ? What makes them popular?
What are some popular tourist attractions in your country?

CONVERSATION Is it far from here?

t* Listen and practice.

Tourist: Excuse me, ma'am. Can you help me?

How do get to St. Patrick's Cathedral?

Woman: Just walk up Fifth Avenue to 50th Street.

St. Patrick's is on the right.

Tourist: Is it near Rockefeller Center?

Woman: Yes, it's from Rockefeller Center.
right across
Tourist: Thank you. And where is the Empire
State Building? Is it far from here?
Woman: It's right behind you. Just turn around and
look up!

You can't miss it. 89


How do I get to Rockefeller Center? How can I get to Bryant Park?
Walk up/Go up Fifth Avenue. Walk down/Go down Fifth Avenue.
Turn left on 49th Street. Turn right on 42 nd Street.
It's on the right. It's on the left.

PAIR WORK Imagine you are tourists at Grand Central Terminal.
Ask for directions. Follow the arrows.

S3 *d
S2*d St. Patick’s
Street Cathedral)
SI « S^et
\ Rockefeller
49th Street
I Center-
48 ‘* Str •*.*
47 «* Str,eet I®
? a

i a

New York
Ji Grand

4::;:J Central Ver


® 38f*
a I Str,eet
34t*i Str,eet a 37 **
0 Street
33r«i Str,
Empire 1 S
5 36 «*
eet States a
3s *h

rf*..; 1 $ Street
31st Str<eet
32nd Str,®et

A: Excuse me. How do get to the Empire State Building?


B: Walk up 42nd Street. Turn left on . .

B PAIR WORK Ask for directions to places near your school.

A: How do I get to the train station?

B: Walk...

INTERCHANGE 13 Giving directions

- : • : - • . ••
~ .....

Student A, go to Interchange 1 3A on page 1 27; Student B, go to Interchange 1 3B on page 1 28.

90 Unit 13

Edinburgh’s Royal Mile

As you read, follow the route on the map below.

3. Take a break at Spoon Cafe. Go

1. Start your walking tour at
blocks to St. Giles Cathedral. Go down the Royal Mile and turn right
Edinburgh Castle. Climb up 187 steps

for a great and look at the colorful windows on South Bridge. The restaurant is
to the top of Castle Hill

on the left.
view. Then take a tour of the castle.

Museum of 5. Continue down the Royal Mile. 6 . End your walking tour in
4. You’re almost at the
Stop at the Museum of Edinburgh Holyrood Park, right behind
Childhood, on the right on the Royal
to learn about the history of the museum.
Mile. There’s a great collection of

toys, dolls, and games here. Scotland’s capital.

Read the tourist information. Where can you . . . ?

1. restand eat lunch

2. learn about Edinburgh's history
3. take a tour
4. see beautiful windows
5. see old games

B PAIR WORK Think of places in your city or town. Plan a walking tour of your town.

You can't miss it. 91

mam ""VCi

sj Did you have fun?

l* Listen and practice.

Top Eight Things People Hate to Do

Source: Based on information from The Book of Lists

Do you hote to do these things

Whot other things do you hote to do? Why?

CONVERSATION I didn't study!

W Listen and practice.

Jason: Hi, Amy. Did you have a

good weekend?
Amy: Well, I had a busy weekend,
so I'm a little tired today.
Jason: Really? Why?
Amy: Well, on Saturday, exercised I in

the morning. Then my roommate

and cleaned, did laundry, and

shopped. And then visited I

my parents.
Jason: So what did you do on Sunday?
Amy: I studied for the test all day.
Jason: Oh, no! Do we have a test today?
I didn't study! I just watched
TV all weekend!


Simple past statements: regular verbs

on Sunday. didn't study on Saturday. Spelling
1 studied
watched You

didn't watch a movie, — stayed

home. She didn't stay out. — watched
We shopped We didn't shop for clothes, b — exercised

for groceries.

on Saturday. They exercise on Sunday. — studied

— shopped

A Tim is talking about his weekend. Complete the sentences.

Then compare with a partner.

On Friday night, I
...waited (wait) for a phone call,

but my girlfriend .
t , (not call). I just

(stay) home and (watch) TV.

On Saturday, I
(visit) my friend Frank.

We (talk) and (listen) to

music. In the evening, he (invite) some

friends over, and we (cook) a great meal.

I (not work) very hard on Sunday. I

(not study) at all. I just (walk)

to the mall and (shop).

B Complete the sentences. Use your own information.

Then compare with a partner.

1 . Yesterday, I
(watch) TV.
2 . Last night, I .
(stay) home.
3 . Last week, I .
(clean) the house.

4 . Last month, I .... (shop) for clothes,

5 . Last year, I .... (visit) a different country.

PRONUNCIATION Simple past -ed endings


A to Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of -ed.

/t/ Id/

cleaned invited
stayed visited
wr x' yy
— y

B to Listen and write these verbs under the correct sounds.

cooked exercised listened needed shopped waited

Did you have fun? 93

imple post statements: irregular verbs

i did my homework. You got up at noon. He went to the museum.

I didn't do laundry. You didn't get up at 1 0:00. He didn't go to the library.

We met our classmates. You came home late. They had a picnic.
We didn't meet our teacher. You didn't come home early. They didn't have a party.
•'Ay/ ;

** Complete the chart. Then listen and check.

Present Past Present Past Present Past

buy bought made saw

ate read / red/ sat
felt rode took

Did you do the things in the pictures yesterday? Tell your partner.

"Yesterday, I did my homework. And I did laundry. .

Write five things you did and five things
you didn't do last weekend. Thinas I did Thinqs I didn't do
I saw a movie. I didn't exercise.
GROUP WORK Tell your classmates about I studied. I didn't buy clothes.
your weekend.
I... I didn't . .

A: I saw a movieweekend. last

B: I watched TV.
didn't see a movie. But I

C: I watched TV, too! saw I . .

94 Unit 14
CONVERSATION Did you like it?

C Listen and practice.

Laura: So, did you go anywhere last summer, Erica?

Erica: Yes, did. My sister and went to Arizona.

We saw the Grand Canyon.

Laura: Really? Did you like it?
Erica: Oh, yes. We loved it!

Laura: Did you go hiking?

Erica: No, we didn't. Actually, we rode horses.
And one day we went white-water rafting
on the Colorado River!
Laura: Wow! Did you have fun?
Erica: Yes, I did. But my sister didn't like the
rafting very much.

Simple past yes/no questions
Did you have a good summer? Did Erica like her vacation?

Yes, I did. I had a great summer. Yes, she did. She liked it a lot.

Did you ride a bicycle? Did Erica and her go to Colorado?


No, I didn't. I rode a horse. No, they didn't. They went to Arizona.

A Complete the conversations. Then practice with a partner.

1 _ A: Did you ha ve. (have) a good summer?

B; Yes, I I (have) a great summer.
I (go) to the beach a lot.

2. A: you (go) anywhere last summer?

(stay) here. (get)
B: No, I I

a part-time job, so I (make) some extra money.

3. A: you (take) any classes last summer?

B; Yes, I I (take) tennis lessons, and
| (play) tennis every day!

4. A: you (speak) English last summer?

B; No, I But I (read) English books

and I (watch) English movies.

B PAIR WORK Ask the questions from part A.

Answer with your own information.

A: Did you have a good summer?

B: Yes, I did. I went swimming every day.

Did you have fun? 95

LISTENING I didn't go anywhere,
;». r ) .i.i WOT ^ W
,i, j) l j I
J.^.1) , | ., |
m IP j) I
;. | I
Listen to Andy, Gail, Patrick, and Fran. What did they do
last summer? Check (/) the correct answers.

1. Andy O stayed home U brother

visited his O went to the beach
2. Gail O saw movies U read books O watched TV
3. Patrick Q went bike riding O went swimming Q played tennis
4. Fran O worked the yard in U got job a O painted the house

WORD POWER Summer activities


A ^
Find two words from the list that go with each verb
in the chart. Then listen and check.

camping old friends

a. job
get a
a class a picnic
fun softball
/ a job swimming
/ a new bike a trip
new people volleyball

Check (/) six things to ask your partner.

Then ask and answer questions.

CJ play any sports LJ play any games

CD buy anything interesting CD read any books
CD eat any new foods o see any movies
. .... meet any interesting people 0 take any trips
LJ go anywhere interesting 0 take any classes
L_J get a job —
< i have fun

A: Did you play any sports last summer?

B: Yes, Idid. My friends and played basketball a I lot. We . .

C CL ASS AC Tell the class about your partner's summer.

"Last summer, Maria went camping with her friend Lucia.

They had a lot of fun."

INTERCHANGE 14 Past and present

lawn i
Are you different now from when you were a child? Go to Interchange 1 4 on page 1 29.

96 Unit 14
•jiijpppuiij, iii ii . i j r-
“ ' '
fl iwm ' 11 1 mmwiwflMWWgW
r‘^‘ r,l^“

l Did you have a good weekend?

Scan the chat room posts. Who had a terrible weekend?
Who enjoyed the
weekend? Who learned a lot? Who had a busy weekend?

Karen 12:45
had a great weekend. went to my best friend Mariela s

wedding. She got married in her parents' garden. She

parents served a nice meal after the
a fantastic dress! Her
ceremony. I'm really happy for her. And her new husband

really nice!

Pete 1:19
Ididn't go outside had so much work to do!
all weekend. I

On Saturday, day. On Sunday, did the dishes,

I studied all I

cleaned my apartment, and did laundry. Sunday night, !

watched a DVD for my history class. My weekend wasn't

relaxing at all!

Lacey 2:02
had an interesting weekend. went camping for the first

time. My friends and drove to the campsite on


First, we put up the tent. Then we built a fire, cooked dinner,

and told stories. On Sunday, we went fishing. didn't really I

like camping, but I learned a lot.

Jonathan 4:57
went to a rock concert with some
friends. had an awful

time! It took three hours to drive there. I didn't like the band
at all. Then on our way home, the car broke down! My
parents came and got us. finally got home at six in the I

morning. I'm so tired!

Read the chat room posts. Then correct these sentences.

.frjend.^ot married...
1. Karen got married. ...I^rens beet [

2. After the wedding, everyone went out to eat

3. Pete studied all day on Sunday
4. He watched TV Sunday night
5. Lacey went camping for the third time
6. Lacey liked camping a lot
7. Jonathan went to a rock concert with his parents
8. It took three hours to get home after the concert

story about an interesting

Do you have a weekend?
Write four sentences about it. Then tell your classmates.

Did you have fun? 97

Units 1 3-14 Progress check
How well can you do these things? Check () the boxes.

1 can ... Very well OK A little

Understand conversations about where to get things in a town (Ex. 1) o O o

Ask and answer questions about where places are (Ex. 2)
o 0
Ask for and give directions (Ex. 2) o o 0
Talkabout past activities (Ex. 3, 4)
o 0
Ask and answer questions about past activities (Ex. 4) o o 0 J

LISTENING What are you looking for?

mmmm mm
Listen to the conversations. What do the people need?
Where can they get or find it? Complete the chart.

PAIR WORK Are these places near your school? Where are they?
Ask and answer questions.

bank coffeeshop hospital post office

bookstore department store park supermarket

A: Where is the bank?

B: It's on Second Avenue. It's across from the Korean restaurant.

PAIR WORK Give directions from your school to the places in part A.
Your partner guesses the place.

A: Go out of the school and turn left. Walk for about three minutes. It's on
the right, next to the drugstore.
B: It's the coffee shop.
A: That's right!

, .

Write four statements about your last vacation.

Two are true and two are false.

I ate at an expensive restaurant.

It rained all day, every day.

I didn't go to a museum.
I read two books.

g PAIR WORK Read your statements. Your partner says

"True" or "False." Who has more correct guesses?

A: On my last vacation, I ate at an expensive restaurant.

B: False.
A: That's right. It's false, or Sorry. It's true.

Check () the things you did last weekend.
Then add two more things you did.
— : \

Q uploaded photos LJ ate in a restaurant

did laundry
LJ rode my bicycle ! j

LJ cleaned the house O went dancing

Cj played sports O played video games
0 went shopping [_J talked on the phone

0 went to a supermarket j saw a movie

0 met friends O
0 studied CD

K PAIR WORK Ask your partner about his or her weekend.

A: Did you upload photos weekend, Keiko?


B: Yes, I did. I uploaded photos of my friends.

Did you upload photos?
A: No, I didn't

GROUP WORK Join another pair. Tell them about

your partner's weekend.

"Keiko uploaded photos of her friends."

your Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything?
Look at

Units 13-14 Progress check 99

Where did you grow up?
mm wm mb

** Listen and practice.

Where Were These People Born?

a. the U.S.
b. Colombia
c. France
d. the U.K.

e. Japan

Takashi Murakami; Shakira; Christian Baie; Marion Cotiiiard; Jon Stewart

artist singer actor actress TV host

Source: www.biogrophy.corr

Match the people with the countries. Then check your answers at the bottom of the Snapshot.
What famous people were born in your country? What do they do?

CONVERSATION was born in South Korea. I

t* Listen and practice.

Chuck: Where were you born, Melissa?

Melissa: was born in South Korea.

Chuck: Oh! So you weren't born in the U.S.

Melissa: No, I came here in 2005.
Chuck: Hmm. You were pretty young.
Melissa: Yeah, I was only seventeen.
Chuck: Did you go to college right away?
Melissa: No, my English wasn't very good,
so I took English classes for
two years first.

Chuck: Well, your English is really

good now.
Melissa: Thanks. Your English is

pretty good, too.

Chuck: I hope so! I was born here.
ast of be
was born here, wasn't born in the U.K. Were you in class yesterday?

weren't very old. Yes, I was. / No, wasn't.


You were pretty young,

She was seventeen, wasn't in college, Was your first teacher American?
Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't.
We were at the hair salon. >weren't at the cafe,
Were your parents born in the U.S.?
They were born in Chile. They weren't born in Peru.
Yes, they were. / No, they weren't.

wasn't = was not weren't = were not

A Melissa is talking about her family. Choose the correct

verb forms. Then compare with a partner.
(w asn 1 weren
(was / were) all born in South Korea we
were -
My family and I

my brother
born in the U.S. (was / were) born in the city of Incheon, and

(wasn't / weren't) born in

(was / were) born there, too. My parents
Korea, my father
Incheon. They (was / were) born in the capital, Seoul. In South
(was / were) a teacher.
(was / were) a businessman and my mother

B PAIR WORK Look at the picture below. Ask and answer these questions.

1 . Was Adam on time for class yesterday? 5. Was Mrs. Carter very angry?
Was it English class? 6. Were Cindy and Mark late to class?

Was it a sunny day? 7. Were they at the board?


Was it 10:00? 8. Were the windows open?


A: Was Adam on time for class yesterday?

B: No, he wasn't. He was late. Was it English class?



Where did you grow up? 101

PRONUNCIATION Negative contractions
Listen and practice.

one syllable two syllables

aren't don't isn't doesn't

weren't can't wasn't didn't

«#• Listen and practice.

He didn't eat dinner because he wasn't hungry.

I don't like coffee, and she doesn't like tea.
This isn't my swimsuit. I can't swim.
They weren't here yesterday, and they aren't here today.

Write four sentences with negative contractions.

Then read them to a partner.

— • —— ~

I didn’t go because my friends weren't there.

CONVERSA TION grew up in Texas. l

i.ijjri.Mjiiijin:i.. i.iiiiuipir., M r n-mnri: iiw imiiriTnwrn
... ..... i -i i in ii n j- id i jit

to Listen and practice.

Melissa: So, Chuck, where did you grow up?

grew up in Texas.
Chuck: I

Melissa: Were you born there?

Chuck: Yeah. was born in Dallas. I

Melissa: And when did you come to

Los Angeles?
Chuck: In 2000.
Melissa: How old were you then?
Chuck: I was eighteen. went to I

college here.
What was your major?
Melissa: Oh.
Chuck: Drama. was an actor for I

five years after college.

Melissa: Really? Why did you become
a hairstylist?
Chuck: Because I needed the money.
And I love it. So, what do you think?

Melissa: Well, uh . .

102 Unit 15

Wh-questions with did, was, an

Where did you grow up? 1
grew up in Texas.

What did your father do there? He worked in a bank.

came to Los Angeles in 2000.
When did you come to Los Angeles? I

become a hairstylist? Because needed the money.

Why did you

Where were you born? I was born in Dallas.

When were you born? I was born in 1982.
How old were you in 2000? I was eighteen.
Drama. was an actor for five years.
What was your major in college? I

with a partner.

Match the questions with the answers. Then compare

a. Her name was Yumiko.

1 . Where were you born? 6
you grow up? b. She was really friendly.
2. Where did
c. wanted to improve my English.
3. How was your first day of school? I

d. grew up Tokyo.
4. Who was your first friend in school? I

e. In Hiroshima, Japan.
5. What was he/she like?
f. It was a little scary.
6. Why did you take this class?
part A.
B PAIR WORK Ask and answer the questions in

Use your own information.

Ask the questions. Use a year in

C GROUP WORK saying years

your answers.
1906 = nineteen oh six

1 . When were you born? 1986 = nineteen eighty-six

2. When was your father born? 2000 = two thousand

2001 = two thousand (and) one
3. When was your mother born?
2010 = two thousand (and) ten
4. When did you turn 3? 1

When did you start high school? OR twenty-ten


6. When did you begin to study English?

LISTENING When was she born?

A '<£ Listen. When were these people born?
Complete the first column of the chart.

1. Jill

2 . Roger
3 . Bianca
4 Ahmed
. >

B Where did these people grow up?

Listen again.
Complete the second column of the chart.

Where did you grow up? 1 03

A Complete the word map with
words from the list. Then listen and check.

/ cafeteria
computer lab
elementary school
high school
junior high school
physical education

B PAIR WORK Find out about your partner's elementary, junior high,
or high school days. Ask these questions. Then tell the class.

What classes did you take? Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
What was your favorite class? Why? Where did you spend your free time? Why?
What classes didn't you like? Why not? What was a typical day of school like?
Who was your best friend? What didn't you like about school?

"In elementary school, Dan spent his free time in the library
because he liked to read. , .

— *
—mmm rnmmmmm. ma mmmm .

A GROUP WORK How often does this English

class meet? What do you remember from your
last class? Ask and answer these questions.

1 . Who was in class? Who wasn't there?

2 Were you early, late, or on time?

3. Where did you sit?

4. What did you talk about?

5. What did you learn about your classmates?

6 What words did you learn?


7. Did you have any homework?

8 What did you do after class?



B CLASS ACTIVITY What does your group remember? Tell the class.

S IP "• * *
Life events

Make a time line of your life. Go to Interchange 1 5 on page 1 30.

104 Unit 15

Scan the article. Why does Mackenzie read all the time

JS) even years ago, Mackenzie Bearup hurt her knee.

She was just ten years old. A week later, the pain was
still there. The pain didn’t stop. Then she found out
about a disease called RSD. This disease tells the
brain her knee is still injured, even though it isn’t.
There is no cure for the pain. Her knee feels terrible
all the time.

Sometimes, Mackenzie felt so awful that she stayed

in bed for months. It was very difficult
to walk. Her
3 doctors tried everything: medicine, exercise, and
5 other treatments. Nothing worked except
. . .


Mackenzie read books. The books helped

lots of

her stop thinking about the pain. And she decided

to help other children forget their pain, too.

She found out about a treatment center for

children nearby. The center had a new library, but
no books. She asked all her friends and her
parents’ friends to give books. Then she put ads
in newspapers and made a website.

Mackenzie’s goal was to give 300 books to the

library. But she soon had 3,000 books,
and more
Mackenzie’s knee still hurts all the time,
were on the way! Today, that number is more than
she feels better because she’s helping other
40,000. She started an organization. Sheltering
kids with their pain.
Books now helps children in many states in the U.S.

Read the article. Then write a question for each answer.

1 _
When did Mackenzie hurt; he r knee ? Seven years ago.
? She felt terrible.
? Medicine, exercise, and other treatments.
7 They helped her forget her pain.
7 She asked her family and friends.

7 To give 300 books.

from to 7
3 Number these events in Mackenzie's life 1 (first) (last).

a. She made a website. e. She discovered books helped her pain.

b. She found out about RSD. f. She asked her friends for books.
.1 c. She hurt her knee. g. She tried lots of different treatments.
d. She started an organization.

C GROUP WORK Why do you think books help people with pain?
Can you think of other things that could help? Tell your

Where did you grow up? 1 05

53 Can she call you later?
TION She's in a meeting.
<1* Listen and practice.

Receptionist: Good morning. Digital Media.

Tony: Hello. Can I speak to Kathy Wilson, please?
Receptionist: I'm sorry, but she's in a meeting right now.
Tony: Oh.
Receptionist: Can take a message?

Tony: Yes, thanks. This is her friend Tony.

call me at home.
Please ask her to
Receptionist: Does she have your number?
Tony: Yes, she does.
Receptionist: OK. I'll give her your message.
Tony: Thank you so much.

WORD POWER Prepositional phrases


A® and Listen practice.

at home at the mall in bed in the shower on vacation

at work at the library in class in the hospital on a trip

at school at the beach in Mexico in a meeting on his/her break

V /

PAIR WORK Make a list of five friends and family members.

Give it to your partner. Where are these people right now?
Ask and answer questions.

A: Where's your brother right now?

B: He's on vacation. He's in Thailand.

LISTENING I was in the shower.^
Where was he? Complete the sentences.
A 0 ) Listen to Brian return three phone calls.

1 He was [n the shower

2. He was
3. He was
the questions.
£ Listen again. What did the callers ask? Correct

1. Donna: "Can you please call?"

2. Jun: "Can see your notes from class today?"

3. Ruth: "Can you study on Saturday night?"

Subject and object pronouns

Subjects Objects
You you
He him
She got Tony's message. Tony left her a message.
We us
They them

Complete the phone conversations with the correct
Then practice with a partner.

1. A: Can ! speak with Ms. Fee, please?

not here. But maybe can help you.
B :

A: Please give my new phone number. It's 555-2981.

2 A -
Hi, this is David. Is Mr. Roberts there?
B; 'm sorry, but 's not here right now.
Do you want to leave a message?
A: Yes. Please tell to call me at work.

3 A -
Hello, this is Carol's Cafe. Are Kate and Joe in?

No, 're not. Can help you?

left nthe tab e
A- found Kate and Joe's keys. ,°
the keys. can give • to Kate and Joe -

B: Just bring I

A* I m sorry, but csrVt. Can KatG and Jog call

B: OK.

I PAIR WORK Roleplay this phone conversation.

your new phone number.
Student A: "Call"your friend Calvin. He needs
phone. Calvin not in. Take a message.
Student B: Answer the is

PAIR WORK Change roles. This time give an email address.

Can she call you later? • 107

if Listen and practice.

Source: The U.S. Census Bureou

Check (S ) the activities that are popular in your country.

What other activities are popular in your country
What are your favorite activities 7 Why?


if Listen and practice.

Tony: Hello?
Kathy: Hi, Tony. It's Kathy. I got your message.
Tony: Thanks for calling me back. Sorry
Hi. I

you at work.
Kathy: Oh, that's OK. But have to get back soon.

What's up?
Tony: Well, do you want to see a movie with
me tonight?
Kathy: Tonight? I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to work
late tonight.
Tony: Oh, that's too bad. How about tomorrow night?
Kathy: Uh, . . . sure. I'd love to. What time do you
want to meet?
Tony: How about around seven o'clock?
Kathy: Terrific!

108 Unit 16

v Listen and
Reduction of want t o and have to

practice. Notice the reduction of

want to and have to.
/ wans/
A: Do you want to go to a party with me tonight?
B: I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to study for a test.

B PAIR WORK Practice the conversation in

Exercise 6 again. Try to reduce want to and
have to.

rfcgwuf. I

Invitations; verb

Do you want to see a movie with me tonight? Would you like to go to an art festival?

Yes, I'd love to (go to an art festival)!

Sure. I'd really like to see a good comedy.
I'd like to (see a movie), but have to work I
late. I'd like to (go), but I need to study.

I'd = I would

Complete the invitations. Then match them with the responses.

Invitations Responses

1. Would you like to go to an a. I'd like to, but don't haveI

amusement park this weekend? d a swimsuit!

Do you go to a basketball b. I'm sorry, but have to talk to


game tomorrow night? the teacher after school.
Would you see a play c. I don't really like basketball. Do you want

tonight? to do something else?

go swimming on d. like to, but can't. I'm going to go

4. Do you I'd I

Saturday? on a trip this weekend.

5. Do you play soccer after e. Yes, I'd love to. It's my favorite type
school today? of music.
Would you go to a hip-hop f. Tonight? I can't. I need to help
concert on Saturday night? my parents.

B PAIR WORK Practice the invitations from part A.

Respond with your own information.

Would you like to go to an amusement park this weekend?

have to
I'd like to, but I can't. I . .

Can she call you later? 1 09

Do you ever use these excuses? Check (/) Often, Sometimes, or Never.
Compare with a partner.

I have to babysit. LJ o
I need to study for a test.

I have to work late.

I need to go to bed early.
I want to visit my family. fj G
I have a class. 0 Q
I have a headache. Q O
I'm not feeling well. O
I need to do laundry. O
I already have plans. O
Write down three things you want to do this weekend.

I want to go to the baseball game on Saturday.

CLASS ACTIVITY Go around the class and invite your classmates

to do the things from part B. Your classmates respond with excuses.

A: Would you like to go game on Saturday?

to the baseball
B: I'm sorry, but I can't. I need to do laundry on Saturday.

LISTENING I'd love to, hut . .

i ** Tony invited some people to a party.

Listen to his voice-mail messages. Who can come?
Who can't come? Check {V) the correct answers.

1. Roy 0
2. Angie O 0
3. Brad
4. Teresa O o
5. Aaron O 0
Listen again. Why can't some people come?
Write their excuses.

INTERCHANGE 16 Let's make a date!

Make a date with your classmates. Go to Interchange 1 on page 131 .

110 Unit 16

Around this weekend search

Look at the events. Which would you like to go to? Number the

from 1 (very interesting) to 5 (not interesting).


Friday Saturday Sunday

Festivals: Music: Movies:

Bella Via Street Concert at
Painting Festival Hollywood Bowl
7:00 p.m. to midnight Various Theaters in Westwood
Santa Clarita
Come hear some great music under Check listings for times.
All day best North
the stars! Six terrific bands are going Do you want to see the
Bella Via is Italian for "beautiful street.'
to get your feet moving. Sandwiches, American films of the year? More
Watch as artists turn the streets into
pizza, and drinks for sale. than 200 films. Seats sell out fast,
works of art. This event features food,
so get tickets now.
live music, a 5-kilometer race, and
children's activities.

Art: Attractions:

Whale Tour
1 1:30 a.m. and
Hermosa Beach
3:00 p.m.
Starts at 1 1:00 am.
Do you want to see the
Do you need to decorate on the
largest animal
your home? Visit this
planet? Go ona boat
colorful art fair. Find Then
tour and learn about the amazing blue whale.

paintings, crafts, and photographs. Jewelry, too! Food and

the aquarium to see thousands of beautiful fish and
sea birds.
live music.

Read the web page. Where can you do these things? Write
two places.

1. buy clothes or jewelry

2 . buy food
3. sit indoors
4 be outdoors

5. see a live performance

GROUP WORK Where do you like to go in your city or town?

What events do you like? Tell your classmates.

Can she call you later? 1 1

Units 1 5-1 6 Progress check
How well can you do these things? Check () the boxes.

1 can
Very well OK A little

Talkabout my past (Ex. 1

Q 0 ©
Ask about famous people using simple past yes/no questions (Ex. 2) 0 0 0
Ask and answer questions about someone's past (Ex. 2)
O 0 0
Understand phone calls and leave or pass on messages (Ex. 3)
O 0 0
Ask and answer questions about things want, need, and have
to do (Ex. 4) o 0 0
Make and respond to invitations (Ex. 5)
O 0 © -j

PAIR WORK Choose three years in your partner's life. Then ask your
partner the questions and complete the chart.

CLASS ACTIVITY Tell the class about your partner's life.

"In 1 999, Raul was four. He . .


GROUP WORK Think of a famous person from the past.
Your classmates ask yes/no questions to guess the

Was he/she born in ... ?

Was he/she a singer? an actor?
Was he/she tall? heavy? good-looking?

A: I'm thinking of a famous man from the past.

B: Was he born in the U.S.?
A: No, he wasn't.
C: Was he ... ?

LISTENING On the phone
*^- 1
- WPL -.-

c Listen and check (/) the best response.

1 0 Please her to me.

Yes. tell call 4. 0 going to my parents.
I'm visit

O had a

0 Please him to me.

Yes. tell call I

2. 0 Sure. Does he have your number? 5. O love but

I'd to, I can't.

O No, not here now.

sorry. He's right 0 No, I go. was
didn't work. I at

3. 0 you do. Yes, 6. O not here

I'm sorry. He's now. right

0 No, I don't. 0 No, Sandra work is now.

at right


\ CLASS ACTIVITY Go around the class. Ask questions to complete

the chart. Try to write a different name on each line.

Find someone who ... 1

needs do laundry this weekend


wants go home early


has to babysit this week

wants to go shopping this weekend
wants to see a movie tonight
has go to the doctor this week

needs to work this weekend

doesn't want to do homework tonight

A: Megumi, do you need to do laundry this weekend?

B: Yes, I do.

PAIR WORK Share your answers with a partner.

Make a list of five things you want to do this weekend.

the class, invite your classmates to do

the things from part A. Your classmates accept or refuse the invitations.

A: Would you like to go to a museum this weekend?

B: I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to . .

C: Do you want to go to a soccer match on Sunday?

D: Sure, I'd love to! When would you like to ... ?

'miiinmnm.miuki. mmrnm. mmmm
M l Wm>l H
Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything?

Units 15-16 Progress check 1 1

Interchange activities

Imagine you are a famous person. Write your name, phone number,
and email address on the card.

/ -N

Name! ?! j?J. Ns dla I

Phone: 646:555:0031
Email: rsfa a da I @c u

1,1 '

CLASS ACTIVITY Go around the class. Introduce yourself to three

"famous people" Ask and answer questions to complete the cards.

A: Hi. My name Angelina Jolie.

is useful expressions

B: Nice to meet you, Angelina.

I'm Rafael Nadal.
I'm sorry.
A: Rafael, what's your email address?
Can you repeat that?
B: It's R-A-F-A-E-L N-A-D-A-L at C-U-P dot 0-R-G.

A: I'm sorry. Can you repeat that?

How do you spell that?





< _ J



\ ,

114 Interchange 7
PAIR WORK How are the two pictures different?
Ask questions to find the differences.

A: Where are the sunglasses?

B: In picture 1 they're next to the television.

A: In picture 2, they're in front of the television.

Interchange 2 115
GROUP WORK Take turns. Describe the people at the party.
Don't say the person's name. Your classmates guess the person.

A: He's wearing blue jeans, a yellow shirt, and a black jacket. Who is it?

B: Is it Daniel Radcliffe?
A: No, it isn't.

C: Is it Will Smith?
A: That's right.

B: They're wearing dresses. Who are they?

C: Are they Sandra Bullock and Cameron Diaz?
B: That's right.

Will Smith

Kristen Stewart

Daniel Radcliffe
Penelope Cruz

Cameron Diaz
Sandra Bullock

David Beckham

1 1 Interchange 4
George Clooney

Robert Pattinson

Jennifer Lopez

Helen Mirren Prince William

Anne Hathaway

Johnny Depp p

Jackie Chan

Interchange 4 117
PAIR WORt Play the board game. Follow these instructions.

1 . Choose a marker. Place it on Start.

2. Student A tosses a coin and moves one or two spaces. useful expressions

It's your turn.

"Heads" means move two spaces.
It's my turn.
"Tails" means move one space.
I don't know.

3 Student A asks Student B a question with the words in the space.


4 Take turns. Continue until both markers are on Finish.


A: It's "heads." I move two spaces. What's your last name?

B: It's Lee. Now it's my turn!

CLASS ACTIVITY Tell the class two things about your partner.

"Ricardo is from Quito. Quito is beautiful and very exciting."

118 Interchange3
GROUP WORK What's wrong with this picture? Tell your classmates.

"Ellen is swimming, but she's wearing high heels and a hat!"

Mrs. Smith

1 Bob 1

\ L_UUi-

Mr. Frank

— \
'l \
, ix
O 1 l jr^V- f j,, ill
1 ' Jt


Interchanges 119
CLASS ACTIVITY Go around the class and find this information.
Try to write a differentname on each line.

A: Do you get up at 5:00 a.m. on weekends, Jung-ho?

B: No, I get up at 7:00 a.m.
A: Do you get up at 5:00 a.m. on weekdays, Victor?
C: Yes, I get up at 5:00 a.m. every day.

GROUP WORK Compare your answers.
A: Victor gets up at 5:00 a.m.
B: Maria gets up at 5:00 a.m., too.
C: Jung-ho gets up at . .

120 Interchanged
find the differences
apartment and Rachel s apartment.
PAIR WORK Find the differences between Bill's

but there are three chairs in Rachel's kitchen.

A: There are four chairs in Bill's kitchen,
living room, but there's no sofa in Rachel's living room.
B: There's a sofa in Bill's

8 GROUP WORK Compare your answers.

Interchange 7 121
A PAIR WORK Imagine you're looking for a job. What do you want to do?
First, check (/) your answers to the questions. Then ask your partner the same questions.

My partner

Do you want to^.f

talk to people

help people

work from 9 to 5

use a computer

use English

work at home
work outdoors

work in an office

perform in front of people

be on TV


work with a team

wear a suit

wear blue jeans

have an exciting job

have a relaxing job

B PAIR WORK Think of a good job for your partner.

A: You want to use English, travel, and have an exciting job.

Do you want to be a tour guide?
B: No, a tour guide's job is very stressful.
A: Well, do you want to be ... ?

122 Interchanges
Complete the snack survey. Use these foods and other foods you

beef jerky
com chips

potato chips
ice cream



— ^

hot dogs

peanuts chocolates

B PAIR WORK Compare your information.

A: I often eat watermelon.

B: I never eat watermelon. sometimes eat popcorn.

Interchange 9 123
CLASS ACTIVITY Go around the class. Find someone who can and
someone who can't do each thing. Try to write a different name on each line.

Can you ... ? Can Can't

play two musical instruments
whistle a song
say "Hello" in three languages
swim underwater
raise one eyebrow
do a handstand
fix a computer
make your own clothes
say the alphabet backward
wiggle your ears

whistle a song raise one eyebrow do a handstand

make your own clothes say the alphabet backward wiggle your ears

A: Can you play two musical instruments?

B: Yes, I can. or No, I can't.

B CLASS ACTIVITY Share your answers with the class.

"Mei-li can't play two musical instruments, but Claudia can.

She can play the and the piano."

Do you have any other"hidden talents"?

124 Interchange 10
. anguage
PAIR WORK Is your partner going to do any of these things? Check (/) your guesses.

My My partner’s
Is your partner going to ... ? guesses answers

Yes No Yes No
1 . have a snack after class

2. watch TV tonight

3. go to bed late tomorrow night

4. go out with friends tomorrow night

5. go dancing this weekend

6. eat at a restaurant this weekend ;


7. go to the gym next week

8. buy something expensive this month gm,

9. go on a trip next month

get a job next summer

PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions to check your guesses.

A: Are you going to watch TV tonight?

B: Yes, am. I'm going to watch my favorite show.

CLASS ACTIVITY How many of your guesses are correct?

Who has the most correct guesses?

Interchange 1 125
; PAIR WORK Imagine you have these problems. Your partner gives advice.

I'mnew in town, and don't


know any people here. How

can make some friends?

A: I don't have any energy

B: Eat a good breakfast every day. Don't . .

B CLASS ACTIVITY Think of a problem you have.

Then tell the class. Your classmates give advice.

A: I don't understand this activity.

B: Read the instructions again.
C: Don't worry! Ask the teacher.

126 Interchange 12

Student A
A PAIR WORK Look at the map. You are on Third Avenue between
Maple and Oak Streets. Ask your partner for directions to these places.
(There are no signs for these places on your map.) Then label the buildings.

garage supermarket flower shop

A: Excuse me. How do I get to the garage?

B: Walk down Third Avenue to . .

B PAIR WORK Your partner asks you for directions to three places.
(There are signs for these places on your map.) Use the expressions in
the box to give directions.
on the corner of Street next to
Go up/Go down . . . It's . . .
It's . . .

Walk up/Walk down . . . and .Avenue.

. .
It's behind . . .

between and It's in front of . . .

Turn right/Turn left . . . It's . . . . . .

It's across from . .

Interchange 13A 127


Student B
PAIR WORK Look at the map. You are on Third Avenue between
Maple and Oak Streets. Your partner asks you for directions to three places.
(There are signs for these places on your map.) Use the expressions in the
box to give directions.

A: Excuse me. How do get to the garage? I

B: Walk down Third Avenue to . .

Go up/Go down . . . It's on the corner of . . . Street It's next to . . .

Walk up/Walk down . . . and . . . Avenue. It's behind . . .

Turn right/Tum left . . . It's between . . . and . . . It's in front of . . .

It's across from . .


Ask your partner for directions to these places.

(There are no signs for these places on your map.) Then label the buildings.

coffee shop shoe store bookstore

128 Interchange 13B

A PAIR WORK Ask your partner questions about his or her past and present.
Check (/) the answers.

A: Did you argue with your friends as a child? A: Do you argue with your friends now?
B: Yes, do. OR No, don't.
Yes, did. OR No, didn't.
I i

B: I

Did you ... as a child?

Do you . . . now?
As a < child Now
Yes No Yes No

argue with your friends J J j J

clean your room J _J j J
make your bed J j J
get up early J j J
sleep late on Saturdays J J j J
have a computer J J j J
listen to rock music J J J —— play a musical

play a musical instrument J J j

play a sport J J j J
ride a bicycle

wear glasses —
wear braces

make your bed

wear braces argue with your friends

GROUP WORK Join another pair. Tell them about changes in your partner's life.

"Hee-jin argued with her friends as a child, but she

doesn't argue with her friends now."

Interchange 14 129
What were five important events inyour life? Mark the years and
events on the time line. Then write a sentence about each one.

I was born . . I started elementary I won an award ... I opened a bank

school . .
account . .

I traveled with I graduated from I moved to a new I started college

friends... high school .. place . .

1. J. was born in 1
i 992.


8 PAIR WORK Ask your partner about his or her time line.

A: What happened in 2003?

B: Imoved to a new place.
A: How old were you?
B: I was twelve.

130 Interchange 15
Imagine next month's calendar. Write
this is 1 0 plans on the calendar.
Use these expressions and your own ideas.

go to (the movies/a party) play (basketball/video games)

go (dancing/shopping) meet (my friend/teacher)

go (on a trip/on vacation) have dinner with (my brother/parents)
study for (a test/an exam) visit (my parents/grandparents)

go out with (my girlfriend/boyfriend) see (the dentist/ doctor)



4 4 6 7 ^
1 2 3

10 11 12 13 14
8 9

17 18 19 20 21
I 15 16

23 24 25 26 27 28


! 29 30 31

8 GROUP WORK Look at your calendars. Agree on a date to do

something together.

A: Do you want to do something on March third?

B: I'd like to, but I going to play volleyball then.
can't. I'm How about March fourth?
C: That works for me. What time?

C GROUP WORK Now decide what to do together. Then share your plans with the class.

A: We can do something on March fourth. Would you like to play video games?

B: No, don't like to play video games very much. Do you

want to go to a museum?
C: Well, really don't like museums.
. .

Interchange 16 131
Grammar plus
My, your, his, her (page 3)

Use his with males and her with females: His name is David, (not: Her name is
Davtd.) Her name is Maria, (not: Hi s nam e i s Mar i a .)

Complete the conversations with my, your, his, or her.

1. A: Hello My name is Carlos.

B: Hi, Carlos. What's last name?
A: It's Gonzales.
B: How do you spell last name? Is it G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z?
A: No, it's G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-S. And what's name?
B: name is Bill Powers. Nice to meet you.
2. A: What's Ms. Robinson's first name?
B: first name is Katherine. nickname is Katie.
A: I'm sorry. What's first name again?
B: It's Katherine. And what's Mr. Weber's first name?
A: name is Peter.

B: That's right. And nickname is Pete.

The verb be (page 5)

In questions, the be verb comes before the noun or pronoun: Is he your

Don't use contractions in short answers with Yes: Are you in my class? Yes, am. I

(not: Ye s, 'm I .)

Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box.

am I'm it's she's

/ are 1 am I'm not you you're

1. A: Excuse me Are you Patty Wilson?

B: No, over there.
A: OK. Thanks.
2. A: Hi. Are Patty Wilson?
C: Yes,
A: Oh, good Sergio Baez in my English class.
C: Yes, I
nice to meet you, Sergio.

132 Unit 1 Grammar plus

Unit 2
This/these; it/they; plurals (page 10) Language
.»?* sOj+jx'
(not: What re these?)
Don't use a contraction with What + are: What are these?
nouns: These
Use this with singular nouns: This is a book. Use these with plural
are earrings.

Circle the correct words.

1. A: What's /(^hatar^ these?

B: It's / They're my earring / earrings.

2. A: What's/ What are this?

B: It's / They're a / an cell phone.

3. A: What's this / these?

B: It's /They're a /an address book.

Yes/No and where questions with be (page 11

In questions with where, the verb comes after Where: Where are my sunglasses?
(not: Wh e r e my sunglass e s a re?)

A Match the questions with the answers.

1. Is that your wallet? .
.c. .. a. They're in your purse.
2. Are these your glasses? b. No, it's not.

3. Where are my keys? c. Oh, yes, it is!

4. Is this your pen? d. It's in my pocket.

5. Where's your watch? e. No, they're not.

B Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.

are they it is they are where

it it's this / where's
— '

A: Where's my pen?
B: I don't know. Is in your book bag?
A: No, not.

B: Is your pen?
A; Yes, Thanks! Now, are my keys?
B: on your desk?
A: Yes, Thank you!

Unit 2 Grammar plus 133

Unit 3
Negative statements and yes/no questions with be (page 17)

Use be + not to form negative statements: Ana isn't a student, (not: Ana i s no
a- st ud e nt .)

You is a singular and a plural pronoun: Are you from Rio? Yes, I am./Yes, we are.
3. Unscramble the words to write negative statements.
1 . in California / not / New York City / is
New York City is not in California.
2. London / not / from / we're

not /you and Tim /in my class /are

is /my first language /Spanish /not

from /my mother /not /is /Seoul

my keys /not /are /they

B Complete the conversations.

1. A: Are you and your family from Mexico?

B: No, not from Guatemala.
2. A: your first language English?
B: Yes, it My parents from Australia.
3. A: Kenji and his friend Japanese?
B: Yes, are. But in the U.S. now.
4. A: my mother and I late?
B: No, not. early!

Wh-questions with be (page 20)

Use what to ask about things. Use where to ask about places. Use Who to ask
about people. Use What.. like to ask for a description.

Use how to ask for a description: How are you today? Use How old to ask about
age: How old is he?
In answers about age, you can use only the number or the number + years old
He's 18. or He's 18 years old.

Complete the questions with how, what, where, or who Then match the questions .

with the answers.

1. Who is that? ...A... a. We're from Thailand - from Bangkok.

2. is her name? b. She's 16.
3. is she like? c. Her name is Nittaya.
4. old is she? d. She's my sister.
5. is your family from? e. It's really beautiful.
6. is Bangkok like? f. She's a little shy.

1 34 Unit 3 Grammar plus

Unit 4
Possessives (page 24)

The noun comes after a possessive adjective: This is my T-shirt.

Don't include the pronoun: This T-shirt is mine.
noun after a possessive

Whose can be used with singular and plural nouns: Whose bag is this? Whose
keys are these?

the boxes. There are two extra words in each box.

Complete the conversations. Use the words in

his mine my your yours /whose


1. A: Whose .
jacket is this? Is it ,

B: No, it's not . Ask Nick. think

1 it's ..

her our ours your yours

2. A: These aren't books. Are they ...

B: No, they're not . Maybe they're Young-min's.

her hers their theirs whose

3. A: sweaters are these? Are they Julie's?

B: No, they're not sweaters. But these shorts are

2 Present continuous statements; conjunctions (page 26)

The present continuous is the present of be + verb + -ing: It's raining.

She's wearing shoes.
The two negative contractions mean the same: He's not/He isn't wearing a
coat. We're not/We aren't wearing gloves.

Change the affirmative sentences to negative sentences. Change the negative

sentences to affirmative sentences.
rearing hats.
1. Mr. and Mrs. Lee are wearing hats.

2. It isn't raining
3. I'm wearing sunglasses
4. You're wearing a new suit

5. Michiko isn't wearing gloves

3 Present continuous yes/no questions; adjective + noun (page 27)

In questions, the present continuous is be + subject + verb + -ing: Is it raining?

Are you wearing brown shoes?

¥ Adjectives can come before nouns or after the verb be: He's wearing a blue hat.
His hat is blue.
y Adjectives don't have a plural form: a green hat; two green hats

Write questions using the words in parentheses. Then complete the
j.s he wear rig a gra ysui/t? (wear, gray suit) 3. A: (wear, sunglasses)
1. A: i

B: No, he B: Yes -

brown boots) 4. A: (rain)

2. A: (wear,

B: No, we B: Yes -

Unit 4 Grammar plus 1 35

Unit 5
What time is it? / is it a.m. or p.m.? (page 31
Remember: you can say times different ways: 1:15 = one-fifteen or a quarter
after one.

Write each sentence in a different way.

1. It's a quarter to four. Its three forty-five

2. It's 12:00 p.m. Jt's noon.

3. It's six-fifteen
4. It's ten o'clock at night.
5. It's three-oh-five
6. It's twenty-five to eleven.
7. It's one o'clock in the morning
8. It's midnight

Present continuous Wh-questions (page 33)

Use the present continuous to talk about actions that are happening right now
What are you doing? I'm talking to you!
In questions, the be verb comes before the subject: What are you doing?

To form the continuous of verbs ending in -e, drop the e and add -ing:
have -> having.
For verbs ending in vowel + consonant, double the consonant and add -ing:
get -> getting.

What are the people doing? Write conversations. Use the words in parentheses.
1 . A: What's Steve doing? (Steve)
B; He's watching TV. (watch TV)
2 . A: (Jon and Megan)
B: (take a walk)
3. A: (you)
B: (write conversations)
4. A: (Chris)
B: (call Ashley)
5. A: (you and Taylor)
B: (shop)
6 . A: (Sara)
B: (have dinner)
7. A: (Victor and Sam)
B: (run in the park)
8 . A: (you and Paulo)
B: (chat online)

1 36 Unit 5 Grammar plus

Unit 6
statements with
Simple present statements (page 37) and Simple present
irregular verbs (page 38)

statements, verbs with he/she/it end in -s: He/She walks

In affirmative

school, but I/You/We/They walk to school.

In negative statements, use doesn't with
he/she/it and don t with all the others.

He/She/It doesn't I/You/We/They don't live here.

live here.
lives here.)
Don't add -s to the verb: She doesn't live here, (not: She

form of
Elena is talking about her family. Complete the sentences with the correct
the verbs in parentheses.

My family and I !!»?. (live) in the city. We (have)

(go) to school
an apartment on First Avenue. My sister
near our apartment, so she (walk) to school. My father
(work) in the suburbs, so he (drive) to his job.

(use) public transportation - she

My mother
the bus to her office downtown. She
(have) a new job, but she
very much. And me? Well, (not work)
(not like) it I

far from our apartment, so I

(not need) a car or public

transportation. I
(ride) my bike to work!

Simple present questions (page 39)

In and do with all the others: Does he/she/it

questions, use does with he/she/it
get up early? Do l/you/we/they get up early?
sh e ves alone?)
Don't add -s to the verb: Does she live alone? (not: Does

A Write questions to complete the conversations.

1 A: Do ^o.u use public tra nspo rtation?

B: Yes, I use public transportation.

2. A:
B: No, my family doesn't eat dinner at 5:00.
3. A:
B: No, my brother doesn't take the bus to work.
4. A:
B: No, I don't get up late on weekends.

with the morning/afternoon/evening. Use of with night:

go to school in I

Use in
the afternoon and work at night.
Use at with clock times: She gets up at 8:00
Use on with days: He sleeps late on weekends. She has
class on Mondays.

B Complete the conversation with at, in, or on.

the morning?
Does your family have breakfast together
weekends, but weekdays we're all
B: Well, we eat together
busy. My parents go to work early - 6:30. But we eat dinner together
big lunch together Sundays.
the evening, and we have a
We eat noon.Then the afternoon, we play tennis or go
to the movies.

Unit 6 Grammar plus 1 37

Unit 7
1 Simple present short answers (page 45)

Remember: l/You/We/They do/don't. He/She/It does/doesn't.

Circle the correct words.

A: Do / Does your family live / lives in an apartment?

B: No, we don't / doesn't. We have / has a house.
A: That's nice. Do / Does your house have two floors?
B: Yes, it do / does. It have / has four rooms on the first floor. And we have / has three
bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor.
A: And do / does you and your family have / has a yard?
B: Yes, we do / does. And how about you, Tim? Do / Does you live / lives in a house, too?
A: No, don't / doesn't. My wife and have / has a small apartment in the city.

B: Oh. Do / Does you like / likes the city?

A: Yes, do / does. But my wife don't / doesn't.

2 There is, there are (page 47)

4 Use there is with singular nouns: There's a bed. Use there are with plural nouns:
6 There are two chairs.
7 Use some in affirmative statements: There are some chairs in the kitchen. Use
any in negative statements: There aren't any chairs in the bedroom.

Read the information about the Diaz family's new house. Write sentences with the
phrases in the box.
/ \

there's a there are some

there's no there are no
there isn't a there aren't any

1. A living room? Yes

2. A dining room? No
3. A dishwasher in the kitchen? No
4. A table in the kitchen? Yes
5. Curtains on the windows? Yes
6. Rugs on the floors? No
7. Closets in the bedrooms? Yes
8. Bookcases in the bedrooms? No
1 .
There'e a. .living room,

138 Unit 7 Grammar plus

Unit 8
Simple present Wh-questions (page 52)
ask about places:
Use What to ask about things: What do you do? Use Where to
ask an opinion: How
Where do you work? Use How do/does like ? to for . . . . . .

does he like his job?

Complete the conversations.

i A- what does vour husband do
B: My husband? Oh, he's a nurse.

B: He works at Mercy Hospital.


B: 1 work in a restaurant.

B: I'm a cook.

B: My job? 1 don't really like it very much.

f\. 1 llali IUU UaU. vviiai

B: I'm a manager. work at a clothing


B: My brother is a doctor, and my sister is a lawyer.


B: They work very hard, but they love their jobs.

23. Placement of adjectives (page 54)

Adjectives come after the verb be: A doctor's job is stressful. Adjectives come
nouns: A police officer has a dangerous job. (not: A police
officer has-a-
job dang e rous .)
same form with singular or plural nouns: Firefighters and
Adjectives have the
police officers have stressful jobs, (not . . . have stressfuls jobs.)

Use the information to write two sentences.

1. accountant /job /boring
An a.ccpu ntant’s. job .is bori ng
An accountant, has a boring, job,
2. salesperson / job / stressful

security guard /job /dangerous

nurse /job /exciting

taxi driver /job /interesting

electrician / job / difficult

Unit 8 Grammar plus 139

Unit 9
1 Count and noncount nouns; some and any (page 59)

Count nouns name things you can count: vegetables, eggs, cookies. Count nouns
have a singular and plural form: 1 book, 2 books. Noncount nouns name things
you can't count: water, spinach, cheese.
Use some in affirmative sentences: We have some chicken. Use any in negative
sentences and questions: We don't have any bread. Do we have any cheese?

Complete the conversations with some or any.

1. A: What do you want for lunch?
B: Let's make softie sandwiches.
A: Good idea! Do we have bread?
B: I think there's in the refrigerator. Let me see No, I don't
see .

A: Well, let's go to the store. We need milk, too. And do we have

B: Yes, we do. There's cheese here, and there are
tomatoes, too.
A: Do we have mayonnaise? love I mayonnaise on
my sandwiches.
B: Me, too. But there isn't here. Let's buy
2. A: Let's make a big breakfast tomorrow morning.
B: OK. What do we need? Are there eggs?
A: There are , but think
I we need to buy more.
B: OK. And let's get yogurt, too. We don't have , and I

love yogurt for breakfast.

A: Me, too. Do you see bread in the refrigerator?
B: Yes, there's in the refrigerator.
A: Great! So we don’t need to buy at the store.
B: That's right. Just eggs and yogurt!

2 Adverbs of frequency (page 61

Adverbs of frequency usually go before the main verb: always, almost always,
usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, almost never, never. She never plays tennis.
Ialmost always eat breakfast. Sometimes can begin a sentence: Sometimes I

eat breakfast.

Rewrite the conversation. Add the adverbs in the correct places.

A: Where do you have lunch? (usually) A: Where do you usually have unc.h? I

B: Igo to a restaurant near work, (often) B:

A: Do you eat at your desk? (ever) A:

B: No, I stay in for lunch, (hardly ever) B:

A: And what do you have? (usually) A:

B: Ihave soup and a sandwich, (always) B:

A: Me, too. have a big lunch, (never)

I A:

1 40 Unit 9 Grammar plus

Unit 10 Language
1 Simple present Wh-questions (page 65)

^ Remember: who = what person where = what place /low often = what frequency
; ;

4 when = what days; what time = what time of day

6 Remember: use do or does after the question word.

Complete the questions with the correct question word and do or does. Then
the questions with the answers.

1. What sports do you like?

— a. My father and my brother.
2. you go to games with? b. Usually at three o'clock.

3. often your team play? -c. Baseball. I love to watch my team.

they play? d. Once a week.

they play? e. On Saturday afternoons.

time the games start? f. At Lincoln Park.

2 Can for ability (page 67)

p- use the base form of the verb with can. With third-person singular, don't add
plays the
an -s to can or to the base form: She can play the piano, (not: She can
p ano
i .)

or can't with
A Write sentences about the things people can and can't do. Use can
and, but, or or. (/ = can, X = can't)

1. Sally: ride a bike/ drive a car X

Sally car, ride a a car

2. John: play the piano/ play the violin /

3. Brad and George: act / sing X

4. Maria: snowboard / ice-skate X

5. Justin: upload photos X download a video X

6. Lisa: write poems X tell good jokes /

B Look at part A. Answer the questions. Write short sentences.

1. Can Brad and George sing? they can t,

2. Who can tell good jokes?

3. Can Sally drive a car?
4. Can John play the piano?
5. Who can snowboard?
6. What can George do?

Unit 10 Grammar plus 141

Unit 11
The future with be going to (page 73)

Use am/is/are + going to + base form for the future: We're going to stay home
In questions with be going to, the be verb comes before the noun or pronoun: is

he going to bake me a cake?

A Complete Robert's story. Use the correct form of be going to and
the verbs in parentheses.

Tomorrow going to be (be) a very exciting day. It's my birthday, and my friends
and I (celebrate). In the morning, Scott and I (drive)
to the beach. Our friend Sara (meet) us there. We (st

at the beach for a few hours. Then we (have) lunch at my favorite

restaurant. After lunch, Scott (go) to work, and Sara and I

(see) a movie. After the movie, we (go) to our

friend Charlie's house. He (cook) dinner for Sara and me.

B Write questions. Then look at part A and answer the questions.

1 . Robert / celebrate / with his family?

Q: ..Is Robert going, to. celebrate. fa

A: .
No, he’s going to celebrate with his friends,

2. Scott and Robert / take the bus / to the beach?

3. the friends / have lunch / at a restaurant?
4. Sara and Robert /go to a museum?
5. Sara and Robert / have dinner / at a restaurant?

Wh-questions with be going to (page 75)

Use is in questions with Who as the subject: Who's going to be there? (not: Who
are- go ng to b e-t he re ? )

Complete the conversation with the correct form of be going to.

A: What are you 0o[ng to do (do) this weekend?

B: I (have) a very busy weekend. My friend Ali (visit)

me, and we (spend) the weekend in the city.

A: That's nice you (stay) in a hotel?
B: No, we (stay) with our friend Donna. And Donna
a big party on Saturday night.
A: Really? And who (be) at the party? Do you know any of
Donna's friends?
B: No, I don't. But Ali and I (meet) everyone on Saturday night.

142 Unit 7 7 Grammar plus

Unit 12
1 Have + noun; feel + adjective (page 79)

For most health problems, use a/an have a : I cold. I have an earache. With flu,

use the: have the flu. (not: have a flu.)


Complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box.

I think I have a fever.

I feel awful, actually.

Yes. I'm going to call my doctor in a few minutes.

Yes, I do. And I have a stomachache, too.

/Hi, Chris. How are you?

A: Hi,. Chris.. How a re .you?

B: I'm terrific, thanks. How about you?

B: Oh, no! What's the matter?
B: That's too bad. Do you have a headache?
B: Are you going to see a doctor?
B: Well, feel better soon.

2 Imperatives (page 82)

Use the base form of the verb in affirmative imperatives: Go home and rest,

Use don't + base form of the verb in negative imperatives. The form doesn't
change: Don't go to school today, Pat.

Read the situations. Give the people advice. Use the phrases in the box.

/drink coffee in the afternoon

eat any cold food
exercise today or tomorrow
take an antacid
take two aspirins
work too hard
L /

Dan can't sleep at night. Pon' the afternpon,

1 .

2. Casey has a headache

3. Kristina works 1 2 hours a day
4. Michael has sore muscles
5. Min-ho has a toothache
6. Laila has an awful stomachache.

Unit 12 Grammar plus * 143

Unit 13
Prepositions of place (page 88)

Use on with the names of streets and avenues: The bookstore is on Center
Street.The theater is on Park Avenue.
Across from is another way of saying opposite: The library is across from the
theater. = The library is opposite the theater.

Circle the correct words.

A: Excuse me. Is there a gas station around here?
B: Yes, there is. It's on Third Avenue.
in /
A: Where on Third Avenue?
B: It's in / on the corner of Center Street and Third Avenue.

A: Across from / to Stacy's Department Store?

B: Yes, that's right. It's next to / from the park.
A: Thanks. Oh, and where is the post office?
B: It's on Center Street - between / next to the hospital and the bank.

A: Great. Thanks very much.

B: You're welcome.

Directions (page 90)

Walk up/Go up mean the same. Walk down/Go down also mean the same.

Bob doesn't know the city at all. Correct Bob's directions. Write the opposite
ofwhat he says.
1. Dan: How do I get to the library?
Bob: Walk up Park Avenue.
You: .No, don’t walk up Park.Avenue,. Walk down Pa rk^

2. Dan: How can I get to the park?

Bob: Turn right on Main Street.
3. Dan: How do I get to the post office?
Bob: Go down First Avenue.
Bob: It's on the left.


144 Unit 13 Grammar plus

Unit 14
Simple past statements: regular verbs and irregular verbs (pages

Use simple past verbs to about the past. Regular verbs end in - ed
talk : I

watched TV last night. For verbs ending in -e, add -d: live -» lived. For verbs
ending in vowel + consonant, double the consonant and add -ed: shop
Use didn't + base form negative statements. The form doesn't change: He

didn't shop for groceries yesterday, (not: le d dn't shopp e d fo

r groceries-
I i

y e st e rday .)

Daniela wrote an email to a friend. Complete the sentences with

the simple past form
of the verbs in parentheses.


didn’t do (not do) anything special this weekend, but I

(not go) out on Friday night. (stay) home.

a lot of fun I

(do) laundry. (help)

(clean) my room an^ I

my sister with her homework, and then we (watch) TV. On Saturday,

my friend Taylor (come) over. She (need) some new
shoes, so we (take) the bus downtown to Harry's Shoe Store. We
(shop) for a long time, but Taylor (not like) any of the shoes
(buy) some purple socks, but she (not buy)
at Harry's. She
On our way back to my house, we (stop) at the gym and
any shoes.
(not exercise) very hard. (invite)
(exercise). We I

Taylor for dinner, and my dad (cook) hamburgers in the yard. After dinner,

Taylor and I
(talk) and (play)video games. She
(not stay) very late - Mom her home at around ten.

On Sunday, my whole family (visit) my mother's best friend and her family.
They have a swimming pool, so my sister and I
(go) swimming all afternoon.

Tell me about your weekend!

Simple past yes/no questions (page 95)

Use did + base form in questions. The form doesn't change: Did you have fun
yesterday? (not: Did you had fun y esterday?)

Complete the conversation. Use the simple past form of the verbs in

A: Q\d you enjoy (enjoy) your vacation?

B; Yes, I My brother and I (have) a great time.

A; you (take) a lot of pictures?

B: No, we But we (buy) a lot of postcards.

A: That's good you (see) a lot of interesting things?

B: we
Yes, And we (eat) a lot of new foods.
A: How about you? you (have) a good summer?
B; Well, I (not go) anywhere, but I (read) a lot of good books
and (see) some great movies.

Unit 1 4 Grammar plus 1 45

Unit 15
Past of be (page 101)

Present Past
am/is was
are were

Complete the conversations with was, wasn't, were, or weren't.

1 . A: Were you here yesterday?

B: No, I I home in bed.
A: Oh, you sick?
B: No. I just really tired.
2. A: Where you born?
B: I born here in New York.
A: Really? What about your parents? they born here, too?
B: No, they They born - in Salvador.
in Brazil
3. A: Where Yusef last week? he on vacation?
B: Yes, he He and his best friend in Spain. They
in Barcelona.
A: it a good trip?
B: Yes, it was. Yusef said it a terrific trip!

Wh-questions with did, was, and were (page 1 03)

Where were you last Tuesday? (not: Wh e re

Don't use did with the past of be:
did youwer e ast Tuesday? Use did in simple past questions with other verbs:

Where did you go lastTuesday?

Because answers the question Why?

Complete the questions. Use the words in the box.

/ >

/ how what where why

how old when who
v J

1. A: How was your childhood?

B: I had a fantastic childhood!
2. A: did you grow up?
B: I grew up in Dallas, Texas.
3. A: were you when you started school?
B: I think I was five.
4. A: did you leave home?
B: In 2008.
5. A: was your best friend in high school?
B: My best friend was a girl named Alice.
6. A: was your first job?
B: I worked as a server in a restaurant.
7. A: did you leave Dallas?
B: Because wanted to live in a small

1 46 Unit 1 5 Grammar plus

Unit 16
Subject and object pronouns (page 107)

Subject pronouns usually come before verbs, and object pronouns go after

verbs: I saw him, but he didn't see me.

A Complete the conversations.

1. A: Hello. Is Mr. Chin there?
B; No, he's not here right now. Can take a message?

A: Yes. Please tell to call Rob Taylor.

B: Does have your number?
but please give it to It's 555-0987.
A: No, .

2. A: Hi. This is Eliza. Is Maria home?

B; No, at the mall with her brother. Their dad drove

this morning.
A: Oh. Well, can I leave a message?
B: Sure.
A: Sonia and are going to see
a movie tomorrow. Maybe Maria can go
B: I can ask And she can call tonight.

Invitations; verb + to (page 109)

You can use both Do you want to...? and Would you like to...? to
invite a

to do something.
same want to.
Don't confuse would like to with like to. Would like to means the

I'd (really) like to and I'd love to both mean the same as / want to.

Rewrite the conversations. Write the sentences in a different way.

Would. .you like to see. a movie tonight?
see a movie tonight? A:

1. A: Do vou want to
B: Oh, I need to work.
can't. I

2. A: Do vou want to play tennis on Saturday? A:

B: I'd love to. but have to help my parents.


3. A: I want a job at Mike's store. A:

B: You need to speak to him.
4. A: Would vou like to go to a party with me? A:

B: Iwant to, but can't. have to study.


Unit 1 6 Grammar plus 1 47

Grammar plus answer key
Unitl Unit 3
My, your, his, her Negative statements and yes/no questions
1 . B: Hi, Carlos. What's your last name? with be
A: It's Gonzales.
B: How do you spell your last name?
2. We're not from London.
Is it G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z?
A: No, it's G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-S. And what's your
3. You and Tim are not in my class.
4. Spanish is not my first language./My first language
is not Spanish.
B: My name is Bill Powers. Nice to meet you.

2. A: What's Ms. Robinson's first name?

5. My mother is not from Seoul.
6. They are not my keys.
B: Her first name is Katherine. Her nickname is

Katie. B
A: I'm sorry. What's her first name again? 1 . B: No, we're not. We're from Guatemala.
B: It's Katherine. And what's Mr. Weber's 2. A: Is your first language English?
first name? B: Yes, it is. My parents are from Australia.
A: His first name is Peter. 3. A: Are Kenji and his friendJapanese?
B: That's right. And his nickname is Pete. B: Yes,they are. But they're / they are in the U.S.
The verb be
4. A: Are my mother and I late?
1 . A: Excuse me. Are you Patty Wilson? B: No, you're not. You're early!
B: No, I'm not. She's over there.
A: OK. Thanks. Wh-questions with be
2. A: Hi. Are you Patty Wilson? 2. What is her name? c
C: Yes, I am. 3. What is she like? f
A: Oh, good. I'm Sergio Baez. You're in my 4. How old is she? b
English class. 5. Where is your family from? a
C: Yes, I am. It's nice to meet you, Sergio. 6. What is Bangkok like? e

Unit 2 Unit 4
This/these; it/they; plurals Possessives
1 . A: What are these? 1 . A: Whose jacket is this? Is it yours, Phil?

B: They're my earrings. B: No, it's not mine. Ask Nick. think it's his.

2. A: What's this? 2. A: These aren't our books. Are they yours?

B: It's a cell phone. B: No, they're not ours. Maybe they're
3. A: What's this? Young-min's.
B: It's an address book. 3. A: Whose sweaters are these? Are they Julie's?
B: No, they're not her sweaters. But these shorts
Yes/No and where questions with be are hers.

A Present continuous statements;

e 3. a 4. b 5. d conjunctions
B 2. It's raining.
B: I don't know. Is it in your book bag? 3. I'm not wearing sunglasses.
A: No, it's not. 4. You're not /You aren't wearing a new suit.

B: Is this your pen? 5. Michiko is wearing gloves.

A: Yes, it is. Thanks! Now, where are my keys?
B: Are they on your desk?
A: Yes, they are. Thank you!

1 48 Grammar plus answer key

evening, and we have a big lunch together on
3 Present continuous yes/no questions
Sundays. We eat at noon. Then in the afternoon,
1. B: No, he's not / he isn't.
we play tennis or go to the movies.
2. A: Are you wearing brown boots?
B: No, we're not / we aren't.
A: Are you wearing sunglasses?
Unit 7
B: Yes, I am.
4. A: Is it raining? 1 Simple present short answers
B: Yes, it is.
A: Does your family live in an apartment?
B: No, we don't. We have a house.
A: That's nice. Does your house have two floors?
Unit 5 B: it does. It has four rooms on the first floor.

What time is it? / Is it a.m. or p.m.? And we have three bedrooms and a bathroom on
the second floor.
3. It's a quarter after six.
A: And do you and your family have a yard?
4. It's 1 0:00 p.m.
B: Yes, we do. And how about you, Tim? Do you live
5. It's five after three.
in ahouse, too?
6. It's eleven thirty-five
A: No, don't. My wife and
I have a small apartment
7. It's one a.m.
the in city.
8. It's 12:00 a.m.
B: Oh. Do you like the city?
Present continuous Wh-questions (page 33) A: Yes, do. But my wife doesn't.

2. A: What are Jon and Megan doing?

2 There there are
B: They're taking a walk.
What are you doing? 2. There's no dining room. /There isn't a dining room.
3. A:
3. There's no dishwasher in the kitchen. /There isn't a
B: I'm writing conversations.
dishwasher in the kitchen.
4. A: What's Chris doing?
4. There's a table in the kitchen.
B: He's calling Ashley.
5. There are some on the windows.
5. A: What are you and Taylor doing?
6. There are no /There any rugs on the floors.
B: We're shopping.
7. There are closets in the bedrooms.
6. A: What's Sara doing?
8. There are no / There aren't any bookcases in
B: She's having dinner
and Sam doing? the bedroom.
7. A: What are Victor
B: They're running in the park.
8. A: What are you and Paulo doing?
We're chatting online.
Unit 8

Simple present Wh-questions

1. A: Really? Where does he work?
Unit 6 2. A: Where do you work?

Simple present statements; Simple present B: I work in a restaurant.

statements with irregular verbs A: Nice! What do you do?
We have an I'm a cook.
My family and I live in the city. B:

apartment on Avenue. My sister goes to

First 3. A: How do you like your job?
school near our apartment, so she walks to school. B: My job? don't really like very much.
I it

My father works in the suburbs, so he drives to his A: That's too bad. What do you do?
job. My mother uses public transportation - she B: I'm a manager. work I at a clothing store.

takes the bus to her office downtown. She has a 4. A: What do your brother and sister do?
new job, but she doesn't like it very much. And B: My brother is a doctor, and my sister is
me? Well, don't work far from our apartment, so
a lawyer.

Idon't need a car or public transportation. I ride A: How do they like they're jobs?
my bike to work!
2 Placement of adjectives
2 Simple present questions 2. A salesperson's job is stressful.
A salesperson has a stressful job.
A 3. A security guard's job is dangerous.
2. A: Does your family eat dinner at 5:00? A security guard has a dangerous job.
3. A: Does your brother take the bus to work? 4. A nurse's job is exciting.
4. A: Do you get up late on weekends? A nurse has an exciting job.
B 5. A taxi driver's job is interesting.
B: Well, we eat together on weekends, but on A taxi driver has an interesting job.
weekdays we're all busy. My parents go to work 6. An electrician's job is difficult.
early - at 6:30. But we eat dinner together in the An electrician has a difficult job.

Grammar plus answer key 1 49

Unit 9 Unit 11
Count and noncount nouns; some and any The future with be going to
1. A: What do you want for lunch? Tomorrow going to be a very exciting day. It's

B: Let's make some sandwiches. my and my friends and are going to

birthday, I

A: Good Do we have any bread?

idea! celebrate. In the morning, Scott and are going I

B: I think there's some in the refrigerator. Let me to drive to the beach. Our friend Sara is going to
see No, I don't see any. meet us there. We're going to stay at the beach
A: go to the store. We need some milk,
Well, let's for a few hours. Then we're going to have lunch at
too. And do we have any cheese? my favorite restaurant. After lunch, Scott is going
B: Yes, we do. There's some cheese here, and to go to work, and Sara and are going to see a

there are some tomatoes, too. movie. After the movie, we're going to go to our
A: Do we have any mayonnaise? I love some friend Charlie's house. He is going to cook dinner
mayonnaise on my sandwiches. for Sara and me.
B: Me, too. But there isn't any here. Let's 2. Q: Are Scott and Robert going to take the bus to
buy some. the beach?
2. A: Let'smake a big breakfast tomorrow morning. A: No, they're going to drive to the beach.
B: OK. What do we need? Are there any eggs? 4. Q: Are the friends going to have lunch at
A: There are some, but think we need to buy I a restaurant?
some more. A: they are.
B: OK. And let's get some yogurt, too. We don't 5. Q: Are Sara and Robert going to go to a museum?
have any, and love yogurt for breakfast.
I A: No, they're not. (They're going to see a movie.)
A: Me, too. Do you see any bread in the 6. Q: Are Sara and Robert going to have dinner at
refrigerator? a restaurant?
B: Yes there's some in the refrigerator. A: No, they're not. (They're going to have dinner
A: Great! So we don't need to buy any at at Charlie's house.)
the store.
B: That's right. Just eggs and yogurt! Wh-questions with be going to
A: What are you going to do this weekend?
Adverbs of frequency B: I'm going to have a very busy weekend. My friend
B: Ioften go to a restaurant near work. Ali is going to visit me, and we're going to spend
A: Do you ever eat at your desk? the weekend in the city.

B: No, hardly ever stay in for lunch.

I A: Are you going to stay in a hotel?
That's nice.
A: And what do you usually have? B: No, we're going to stay with our friend Donna.
B: Ialways have soup and a sandwich. And Donna is going to have a big party on
A: Me, too. never have a big lunch.
I Saturday night.
A: Really? And who's going to be at the party? Do
you know any of Donna's friends?
Unit 10 B: No, don't. But Ali and are going to meet

everyone on Saturday night.

Simple present Wh-questions
2. Who do you go to games with? a
3. How often does your team play? d Unit 12
4. When do they play? e
5. Where do they play? f Have + noun; feel + adjective
6. What time do the games start? b A: Hi, Chris. How are you?
B: I'm terrific, thanks. How about you?
Can for ability A: feel awful, actually.

B: Oh, no! What's the matter?

A: think have a fever.

2. John can play the piano and the violin.

B: That's too bad. Do you have a headache?
3. Brad and George can act, but they can't sing.
A: Yes, do. And have a stomachache, too.
4. Maria can snowboard, but she can't ice skate.
B: Are you going to see a doctor?
5. Justin can't upload photos or download a video.
A: Yes. I'm going to call my doctor in a few
6. Lisa can't write poems but she can tell good jokes.
B B: Well, feel better soon.
2. Lisa can. 4. Yes, he can. 6. He can act. A: Thanks.
3. Yes, she can. 5. Maria can.

1 50 Grammar plus answer key

B: Yes, we did. And we ate a lot of new foods.
2 Imperatives
A: How about you? Did you have a good summer?
2. Take two aspirins.
B: Well, didn't go anywhere, but read a lot of good I

Don't work too hard.


books and saw some great movies.
4. Don't exercise today or tomorrow.
5. Don't eat any cold food.
6. Take an antacid.
Unit 15
1 Past of be
Unit 13 1 . A: Were you here yesterday?

Prepositions of place B: No, wasn't. I I was home in bed.

A: Oh, were you sick?
A: Excuse me. Is there a gas station around here?
B: No. was just really tired.
Yes, there is. It's on Third Avenue.


Where on Third Avenue? 2. A: Where were you born?

B: It's on the corner of Center Street and Third
B: Iwas born here in New York.
A: Really? What about your parents? Were they
born here, too?
A: Across from Stacy's Department Store?
B: No, they weren't. They were born in Brazil - in
B: Yes, that's right. It's next to the park.
A: Thanks. Oh, and where is the post office?
B: It's on Center Street - between the hospital and
3. A: Where was Yusef last week? Was he on
the bank.
B: Yes, he was. He and his best friend were in

2 Directions Spain. They were in Barcelona.

2. You: No, don't turn right on Main Street.Turn left A: Was it a good trip?
on Main Street. B: Yes, it was. Yusef said it was a terrific trip!

3. You: No, don't go down First Avenue. Go up First

Wh-questions with did, was and were
not on the on the right. 2. A: Where
You: No, it's left. It's
3. A: How old
4. A: When
Unit 14 5. A: Who
6. A: What
1 Simple past statements: regular verbs and 7. A: Why
irregular verbs
I didn't do anything special this weekend, but I Unit 16
had a lot of fun.go out on Friday night.
I didn't I

Subject and object pronouns

stayed home. cleaned my room and did laundry.

A: Hello.Is Mr. Chin there?

helped my sister with her homework, and then

No, he's not here right now. Can I take a

we watched TV. On Saturday, my friend Taylor B:
came over. She needed some new shoes, so we
A: him to call Rob Taylor.
Yes. Please tell
took the bus downtown to Harry's Shoe Store.
B: Does he have your number?
We shopped for a long time, but Taylor didn't
No, but please give it to him. It's 555-0987.
like any of the shoes at Harry's. She bought some
Hi. This is Eliza. Is Maria home?
purple socks, but she didn't buy any shoes. On
2. A:
No, she's at the mall with her brother. Their
our way back to my house, we stopped at the

We didn't exercise very hard. dad drove them there this morning.
gym and exercised.
A: Oh. Well, can leave her a message?
invited Taylor for dinner, and my dad cooked

B: Sure.
hamburgers in the yard. After dinner, Taylor and I

A: Sonia and are going to see a movie tomorrow.

talked and played video games. She didn't stay

On Maybe Maria can go with us.

too late - Mom drove her home at around ten.
can ask her. And she can call you tonight.
Sunday, my whole family visited my mother's best
B: I

friend and her family. They have a swimming pool, + to

Invitations; verb
so my sister and went swimming all afternoon.

have to work.
1 . B: Oh, I can't. I

A: Would you like to play tennis on Saturday?

2 Simple past yes/no questions 2.
B: I'd like to, but I need to help my parents.
A: Did you enjoy your vacation?
3. A: I'd like a job at Mike's store.
B: Yes, did. My brother and had a great time.

B: You have to speak to him.

A: Did you take a lot of pictures? me?
4. A: Do you want to go to a party with
B: No, we didn't. But we bought a lot of postcards.
B: I'd like to, but I can't. I need to study.
A: That's good. Did you see a lot of interesting

Grammar plus answer key 1 5
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A2 Level 1

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