Enhancement Reading Program-Proposal and Workplan
Enhancement Reading Program-Proposal and Workplan
Enhancement Reading Program-Proposal and Workplan
I. Project Summary Information
A. Project Title: Enhancement Reading Program
B. Project Proponent: _________________________
C. Project Location: Alabang Elementary School
D. Target Beneficiaries: GRADE TWO
E. Cooperating Proponent: Teachers, Master Teachers, Principal, Parent
and Learners
II. Rationale
Children with learning difficulties have the same psychological needs and characteristics as
other children. Some of them, however, may be less able to organize their perception or to
comprehend abstract ideas and concepts. Some may have poor memory, poor level of
motivation, and short span of attention in work situations or associated behavioral
problems. Above all, owing to encounters with failure they tend to have low expectations of
themselves at school, also low aspirations. Non- reader or poor readers often have low
opinions of themselves and their abilities. Many times, they feel isolated and behavior
problems can surface. They can perform poorly in other subjects because they cannot read
and understand the materials. Often the reader tends to “give up”.
So that, Alabang Elementary School, Grade 2 Department are providing extra instructional
time to help children achieve levels of literacy that will enable them to be successful through
their school careers and beyond.
On the other hand, this project are allow building Parent-Teacher relationships and
essential for establishing school-family partnership that constitutes the foundation for all
other forms of family involvement in education.
This is the major results that this project should realize to increase reading
appreciation and complement the formal classroom curriculum with interactive
learning sessions and improve the over-all language competencies of learners
particularly in building vocabulary skills, while refining their knowledge of various
concepts in the field of study and values education.
V. Project Benefits/Beneficiaries
Struggling learners will be guided by their adviser in each grade level by meeting
these learners every day depending on their remedial class session and the type
of training needed. Parents could be benefited too and proud of that their
children strive to extend their services to a greater number of individual. All
class advisers also serve as mediator in implementing the project as remedial
This project requires each classroom a remedial session every day that conducted
by the remedial teacher /class adviser. The Grade 2 class advisers will determine
the learners who needed remediation based on their assessment tool (ex. PHIL.
IRI ) and cooperate by scheduled times that student must attend remedial
classes. Each of the class advisers of AES would strictly monitor struggling
learners about their reading improvement using Remedial Assessment Checklist.
This product of this project targeting such as; spelling, grammars, writing,
phonics, and word identification skill and comprehension skill that provides
beneficiaries to strengthen their reading appreciation.
1. Selection and Entrance Exam August 2022- July Principal, Class P300 MOOE
classification of (Test 2023 adviser,
learners who Questionnaires) Remedial
will undergo on reading
one week Teacher
Reading Class
2. Information Letter to Parents August 2022- July Remedial P100 MOOE
dissemination Contact Number 2023 Reading
and (Parent-Teacher Teacher,
orientation Conference Students,
of parents Parents
and students
letters and
3. Assessment Pre-Test August 2022- July Remedial P300 MOOE
of learners’ Questionnaire 2023 Reading
reading level Photocopy of Teacher,
by giving Pre-Story, November-PHIL-IRI Students
Test Answering of English Month
4. Embracing Reading short August 2022- July Learners and P300 MOOE
reading even fables and 2023 Relatives
at home with legends.
the guidance
of the
sisters, or
brothers, etc.
5. Evaluation of Furnish Post August 2022- Reading
learners’ Test: Oral and July 2023 Teachers and
reading level written Reading Students
Prepared by: