Imci Rle
Imci Rle
Imci Rle
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Agdao Health Center
- It is a government facility which caters hwalth
Herbal Presentation (video advertisement/reporting)
services to the people in Agdao, Davao City. It
has the most numbered patients enrolled in one Relevance 30%
of the programs of DOH, the National
Tuberculosis Program. Team work 30%
- Forest tea or wild tea - For asthma, cough and fever, boil chopped raw
- A shrub with small, shiny nice-looking leaves that fruits or leaves in 2 glasses of water left for 15
grows in wild uncultivated areas and forests minutes until the water left in only 1 glass
(decoction). Strain
Uses - For dysentery, colds and pain, boil a handful of
- Diarrhea, stomach ache leaves and flowers in water to produce a glass full
of decoction 3 times a day.
Preparation - For skin diseases (dermatitis, scabies, ulcer,
eczema) and wounds, prepare a decoction of the
1. Pound or cut about half cup of Tsaang gubat
leaves. Wash and clean the skin/wound with the
2. Then add in 2 cups of water
- For headache, crushed leaves may be applied on
3. Boil for 10 to 15 minutes, with open pot cover
the forehead
4. Let it sleep and strain
- For rheumatism, sprain, contusions, and insect
5. Store in a glass jar
bites, pound the leaves and apply on the
6. Consume within the day
Ampalaya (Momordica charantia)
Ulasimang bato - For diarrhea
- Silver bush or shiny bush Preparation:
- Pansit-pansitan
- Warm decoction is used for gargle.
- A weed with heart-shaped leaves that grow in
- Freshly pounded leaves are used for toothache.
shady parts of the garden and yard.
Guava leaves are to be washed well and chopped.
Uses: Boil for 15 minutes at low fire. Do not cover pot.
Cool and strain before use.
- Lower uric acid (Rheumatism and gout)
Yerba Buena (Mentha cordifelia)
- Wash the leaves well. One and a half cup leaves
are boiled in two glassful of water over low fire. - Peppermint
Do not cover pot. Cool and strain. Divide into - A small multi-branching aromatic herb. The
three parts and drink each part 3 times a day. leaves are small, elliptical and with toothed
- May also be eaten as salad. Wash the leaves well. margin.
Prepare one and a half cups of leaves (not closely - The stem creeps to the ground and develop roots.
packed). Divide into three parts and take as salad
3 times a day.
- For pain in different parts of the body as
headache, stomachache
- Rheumatism, arthritis and headache
- Cough and cold
Bawang (Allium sativum)
- Swollen gums & toothache
- Garlic - Menstrual and gas pain
- A low herb and grows up to six cms high - Nausea and fainting
- Leaves are flat and linear - Insect bites & Pruritus
- Bulbs consist of several tubers
- For pain in diff. parts of the body, boil chopped
- For hypertension leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes. Cool
- Toothache and strain.
- Lowers cholesterol levels in the blood - For rheumatism, arthritis and headache, crush the
fresh leaves and squeeze sap. Massage sap on
Preparation painful parts with eucalyptus.
- May be fried, roasted, soaked in vinegar for 30 - For cough and cold, get about 10 fresh leaves and
minutes, or blanched in boiled water for 5 soak in a glass of hot water. Drink as tea. Acts as
minutes. Take two pieces three times a day after an expectorant.
meals. - For toothache, cut fresh plant and squeeze sap.
- For toothache, pound a small piece and apply to Soak a piece of cotton in the sap and insert this in
affected part. aching tooth cavity. Mouth should be rinsed by
gargling salt solution before inserting the cotton.
Caution: take on full stomach to prevent stomach and
intestinal ulcers. To prepare salt solution: add 5g of table salt to one
glass of water.
- For menstrual pain and gas pain, soak a handful of
Bayabas (Psidium guajava) leaves in a glass of boiling water. Drink infusion.
It induces menstrual flow and sweating.
- Guava
- For nausea and fainting, crush leaves and apply at
- A tree about 4 to 5 meters high with tiny white
nostrils of patient.
flowers with round or oval fruits that are eaten
- For insect bites, crush leaves and apply juice on
affected part or pound leaves until paste-like and
Uses: rub this on the affected part.
- Ginger
- 3 – 5 pieces of kalamansi
Other materials
- Brown sugar
- Sampalok leaves - Clay pots (palayok) 2 pieces
- Wooden spoons
- Stainless strainers
- Prepare 3 handfuls of washed tamarind leaves - Empty jar/ containers/ film
- Add with 1 cup of water - Charcoal/ wood/ gas
- Boil over medium heat. Don’t cover. Wait until - Knives at least 2
mixture reduces to ½. - Chopping boards at least 2
- Strain and discard leaves - Measuring cups
- Mix ¼ cup brown sugar to the tamarind extract
- Boil until syrupy
- Add ginger (size of 5 peso coin only) Family case study
- Add 3 – 5 pcs of kalamansi. Mix. Transfer to
Duvall’s developmental stages
Storage: Beginning Family
Child bearing Family (Birth – 2 ½ years old)
Refrigerator – 5 days Families with pre-school children ( 2 ½ to 6
Room temperature – 2 days years old)
Families with school-aged children (6 to 13
years old)
Families with teenagers and young adults ( 13
Akapulko ointment
to 20 years old)
Ingredients: Families launching young adults (1st to last
child living home)
- Asunting leaves
Middle aged parents (empty nest to retirement)
- Cooking oil
Aging family (retirement to death of both
- Candle
- Combine 1:1 asunting leaves: oil (1 cup oil with
Family coping index
equal part asunting)
- Boil for 15 minutes over low medium heat. Don’t Score 1, 3, 5
Rate the family, not individual members
Rate the coping ability, not the condition
1. Physical independence Prioritization of Problems
2. Therapeutic competence
Scale for ranking Family Health Problems
3. Knowledge of Health condition
4. Application of the principles of general Nature of the problem – categorized into
hygiene health threat, health deficit & foreseeable
5. Health attitudes crisis
6. Emotional competence Modifiability of the problem – refers to the
7. Family living physical environment probability of success in minimizing,
8. Use of community facilities alleviating or totally eradicating the problem
through intervention.
Preventive potential – refers to the nature and
First level assessment magnitude of future problems that can be
minimized or totally prevented if intervention
- Is a process whereby existing and potential health
problems of the family are determined. is done on the problem under consideration
Wellness conditions
Salience – refers to the family’s perception
Health threats
and evaluation of the problems in terms of
Health deficit
seriousness and urgency of attention needed.
Stress point/ foreseeable crisis
GOAL: Cure at least 85% of the new sputum smear- Monitor the progress of patients with sputum
positive TB cases discovered smear positive TB while they are receiving
anti TB treatment, and
Detect at least 70% of the estimated new Confirm cure at the end of treatment
sputum smear positive cases
DSSM shall be the primary diagnostic tool in
- Is an infectious disease that usually affects the
NTP case finding
lungs, thought it can affect any organ in the body.
All TB symptomatic identifies shall be asked
It can develop when bacteria spread through
to undergo DSSM for diagnosis before start of
droplets in the air.
the treatment
Case finding The only contraindication for DSSM is
- Is a method od identifying and diagnosing TB
Pulmonary TB symptomatic can only undergo
cases among individuals suspected signs and
other diagnostic tests (such as CXR/ culture) if
symptoms of TB.
necessary only after they have undergone
- Fundamental to case finding is the detection of
DSSM with 3 sputum specimens
infectious cases through DSSM
No TB diagnosis shall be made based on the
Active Case Finding – a health worker’s
results of chest X ray examination alone. PPD
purposive effort to find Tb cases (among TB
result should not also be used as bases for Tb
symptomatic in the community) who do not
consult with personnel in a DOTS facility
Passive Case Finding – finding cases among
TB symptomatic who present themselves in a
DOTS facility
Classification of TB
- People with latent TB do not have any symptoms
and cannot spread TB. If they do not get
treatment. However, they may develop active TB
disease in the future, spread the disease to others,
and feel quite ill.