Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics
A Research Proposal
In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Degree
Major in Educational Management
January 2022
To learners. The result of this study will help students learn how to
read creatively and enhance their reading literacy skills in English, since the
English language is a prerequisite to being globally competitive. The results
will serve as the basis for the reading interventions.
To the school. This study can help the school create more innovative
interventions on how to improve the academic performance of the students,
specifically the learners' reading literacy skills in the English language, as well
as guide the teachers in improving the students' learning experiences.
To the teachers. This research can assist teachers in improving their
teaching pedagogy and developing instructional materials that can improve
students' abilities to enhance learners’ literacy skills in English.
To the parents. This research can provide parents with the insights
and strategies they need to support their child’s literacy skills in English.
This study will determine the relationship of the Jolly Phonics approach
in enhancing the English literacy of the grade 3 pupils in Tubi-Allah
Elementary School. The grade 3 pupils will be the respondents of the study.
The study will use pre-test and post-test. The result of the pre-test and
posttest will determine the effectiveness of the Jolly Phonics Approach in
enhancing the English litearcy of the pupils. The results would serve as the
basis for promoting a framework plan to strengthen the approach and reading
engagement for all struggling readers in Tubi-Allah Elementary School,
Surallah, South Cotabato.
This chapter presents the relevant literature and related studies that
explain the variables of the study. Specifically, presented in this section is the
related literature reviews and related studies on the Jolly Phonics approach
and its effectiveness on the English Reading Skills of the students. It is also
comprised of the theoretical background, conceptual background, and
definition of terms.
Related Literature
According to Ogbemudia & Alasa, 2014, they defined The term Jolly
that means ‘fun’ and phonics refers to letter sounds used for reading. Jolly
phonics means reading through play. Jolly phonics instructional strategy is a
systematic and sequential phonics programme designed to teach children to
read and. Jolly Phonics is a fun and child centered approach to teaching
literacy through synthetic phonics. With actions for each of the 42 letter
sounds, this multi-sensory method is very motivating for children and
teachers, who can see their students achieve. The sounds are taught in a
specific order (not alphabetically). This enables children to begin building
words as early as possible. Jolly Phonics teaches children the six key skills
for reading and writing. The programme continues through school enabling
the teaching of essential grammar, spelling and punctuation skills. The key
advantages of the approach are that it teaches children all the main letter
sounds early on and to relate the sounds to the symbols and so understand
the alphabetic code used for reading and writing. As a result, the children's
achievements are very much greater, not only in reading, but also in their
writing. Because the children have a way of writing each letter sound, they are
able to write whatever they want, early on, in a way that is readable hence,
learning to read and write fluently are vital skills for children.
There are five primary learning steps in this method. a first step,
learning the 42 primary letter sounds (split into 7 categories), which pupils do
while the order of the letters is not alphabetical. Second, when studying letter
construction, children discover how the letters produce a sound. This step
helps students recognize the letter and know how to write it when they hear
the sound. Finally, when blending, students listen to the sounds and combine
them to form a word. Forth, by identifying sounds in words, this step helps
students spell better by listening to the sounds in words. Finally, after spelling
the tricky words, this step contains different words that do not go along with
all the above items.
Jolly Phonics might include teaching "tricky words" like the photo,
"was," and "the." According to Hall (1996), teachers should adopt the Jolly
Phonics technique. She emphasized that while systematic phonics is a very
successful method for beginning students, it must be explained by the
teacher, particularly when it comes to learning writing graphemes. Smith
(2003) also emphasized the need for systematic phonics instruction when
teaching reading to students. He described reading as a process that involved
mixing and segmenting the sounds together as part of his phonic technique,
which was centered on discovering a set of letter-sound relationships. He
emphasized the significance of this process for beginning readers, particularly
young students. In practice, Jolly Phonics differs from the traditional approach
because it is multi-sensory and meets all of the demands of learners, whether
they are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.
Phonics Implementation
Through the use of synthetic phonics, Jolly Phonics teaches kids how to
recognize alphabetic letter sounds. Each of the seven groups contains one of
the 32 letter sounds. Six to seven different letter sounds will be included in
each group. In contrast to the traditional method of teaching phonics, which
had students memorize the sounds in alphabetical order, joyful phonics had
pupils learn the sounds from easiest to hardest. As they learn the phonemes
starting at the lowest level first, they will feel more at ease, especially the
weaker learners. Blending is used to combine the letter sounds as an addition
to the Jolly Phonics program. Blending is one of the methods used to connect
phonemes to create understandable words. The combination of many sets of.
Blending uses the fundamental strategy for learning to read words in any
case. A fantastic alternative for teaching phonics to young readers is Jolly
Phonics Blending Phonemes, which combines both phonics teaching
methods. The foundation of reading and spelling is the capacity to identify
and distinguish the different sounds inside a word (phonemic awareness),
and then to combine those sounds into a word. Bernhardt (2011), Puteri
(2017), Alvermann & Earle (2003).
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Ho: There is no significant relationship between the level of the Jolly Phonics
approach and the level of English literacy among grade 3 pupils in Tubi-Allah
Elementary School.
Ho: There is a significant relationship between the level of the Jolly Phonics
approach and the level of English literacy among grade 3 pupils in Tubi-Allah
Elementary School.
The following terms were defined according to how they are being
used in the study:
Phonics. It is a systematic teaching approach that specifically combines
sounds with individual letters or groups of letters.
EGRA. EGRA stands for "Early Grade Reading Assessment.” This is the
assessment that will be served as the basis for selecting respondents which
will measure children's progress toward learning to read.
Literacy Skills. It is the ability to read and write. This will be the dependent
variable to measure the effectiveness of the study.
Pronunciation. One of the components to be administered in the study.
Research Design
The study uses a quasi-experimental research design method where
data will be analyzed using the pretest and posttest scores of the pupils. This
study will use this research approach to test if this reading strategy is effective
or not in enhancing English literacy. The paired samples t-test (also known as
a dependent or correlated t-test) will be utilized to compare the averages/
means, and standard deviation of two related groups to determine if there is a
significant difference between the two groups. Furthermore, data will be
gathered using modified-standardized instruments anchored from the Early
Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) toolkit and the Jolly Phonics
Sampling Technique
The researcher will use stratified sampling techniques in the selection
of the respondents. The selection of the respondents for the completion of an
exclusive number of respondents will be realized with the assistance of the
grade-three advisers through the result of their Early Grade Reading
Assessment (EGRA). Those learners who will be identified as non-struggling
readers will be the respondents.
Research Instrument
The research study is in the form of a pretest and post-test that will
utilize modified-standardized instruments. The modified-standardized
instrument is anchored on the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA)
toolkit. The EGRA is an assessment tool in the early grades, designed to
diagnose the literacy skills of the pupils. Likewise, it measures the pupil's
progress toward learning to read.
The researcher will prepare test items that consists of five parts,
consisting of items per reading component of the Jolly Phonics approach.
Each part will assess the level of performance of the Grade 3 learners in
terms of their English literacy in the following components: phonological
awareness, reading isolation, vocabulary, reading in context, reading
comprehension, and dictation.
As to the content and validity of the instrument, a master teacher of the
school, the division Education Program Supervisor in English, and the
assisstant of schools Division Superintendent of the Division of South
cotabato will also be consulted. Their comments, suggestions, and
corrections will be considered in improving the modified-standardized
After the permit is granted, the researcher will conduct the study as
soon as possible to generate and analyze the results. The groups will be
given tests (pre and post) using modified-standardized instruments before
and after the intervention. The same reading material will be utilized in the
pre-test and post-test. In this fashion, the effectiveness of Jolly Phonics could
be seen in the improvement in task scoring. This research will be carried out
for the school year 2022-2023.
Upon the collection of data, a statistical undertaking will be made
under the supervision of an external statistician to determine if the
hypotheses will be accepted or rejected. The result of the study will be used
as a basis for the preparation of the enhanced teaching strategy.
Reading in
Satisfactory 80-84%
Mean. This test will be used to ascertain the level of effectiveness of the
intervention and the mean of the pretest and posttest scores of the grade 2
Statistical Treatment
The study will employ various Statistical tools in order to answer the
statement of the problem.
To determine the level of the Jolly phonics approach of the grade three
learners in Tubi-Allah Elementary School, paired sample T-test will be used.
To ascertain the level of the English literacy of the grade three learners
in Tubi-Allah Elementary School, mean will be utilized.
To identify the relationship between the Jolly phonics approach and the
level of the English literacy of the grade three pupils in Tubi-Allah Elementary
School, ANOVA will be administered.
Jolly Phonics Method is important as it affects the behaviour and expectation of both
teachers and learners. Jolly Phonics Method can stimulate more than one sense at a time,
and, in doing so getting and attention holding. Jolly Phonics Method adopts the direct,
systematic and rapid teaching of letter sounds to pupils. This is immediately followed by
teaching them how to blend the letter sounds to form words. Jolly Phonics Method led to
improved reading achievement of pupils and an increase in teachers’ interest in teaching
English. Children taught using Jolly Phonics Method have demonstrated reading and writing
skills far ahead of their contemporaries who were taught using other methods. The method
is not only fast but it is fun and engaging thus it enables teachers and learners to carry on
their teaching and learning task in a participatory environment, motivated when learning
and allows them to work at a different pace.
2. Enough time should be allotted to the teaching of Jolly Phonics as this will help pupils to
improve in their skills of reading more sentences and a whole write up.
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