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Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 33 (2021) 426–433 ORIGINAL ARTICLE

doi:10.1093/icvts/ivab092 Advance Access publication 6 May 2021

Cite this article as: Menna C, Fiorelli S, Massullo D, Ibrahim M, Rocco M, Rendina EA. Laryngeal mask versus endotracheal tube for airway management in tracheal
surgery: a case–control matching analysis and review of the current literature. Interact CardioVasc Thorac Surg 2021;33:426–33.

Laryngeal mask versus endotracheal tube for airway management in

tracheal surgery: a case–control matching analysis and review of the
current literature
Cecilia Mennaa,*,†, Silvia Fiorelli b,†
, Domenico Massullob, Mohsen Ibrahima, Monica Rocco b
Erino Angelo Rendinaa
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Clinical and Surgical Translational Medicine, Sant’ Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Division of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Department of Clinical and Surgical Translational Medicine, Sant’ Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University of
Rome, Rome, Italy

* Corresponding author. Division of Thoracic Surgery, Sant’ Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University of Rome, Via di Grottarossa 1035, 00189 Rome, Italy. Tel: +39-06-
33775773; e-mail: [email protected] (C. Menna).

Received 18 November 2020; received in revised form 9 February 2021; accepted 18 February 2021

OBJECTIVES: The endotracheal tube (ETT) and the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) are possible strategies for airway management during tra-
cheal resection and reconstruction for tracheal and laryngotracheal stenosis. The goal of the study was to analyse and compare outcomes
in the LMA and ETT groups.
METHODS: Between 2003 and 2020, a total of 184 patients affected by postintubation, post-tracheostomy and idiopathic stenosis who
had tracheal or laryngotracheal resections and reconstructions via a cervicotomy were retrospectively enrolled in this single-centre study.
In 29 patients, airway management was achieved through LMA during tracheal surgery, whereas in 155 patients, it was achieved through

The first two authors contributed equally to this work.

Presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Barcelona, Spain, 8–10 October 2020.

C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.
C. Menna et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 427

ETT. A case–control matching analysis was performed with a 1:1 ratio, according to age, gender, body mass index, aetiology and length of
stenosis (1–4 cm), resulting in 22 patients managed through LMA (LMA group) matched with 22 patients managed through ETT (ETT
RESULTS: No significant differences were found in the reintubation rate, 30-day mortality and postoperative length of stay. Operative
time was shorter in patients with LMA (96.23 ± 34.72 min in the ETT group vs 76.14 ± 26.94 min in the LMA group; P = 0.043). Intensive care
unit (ICU) admission rate and stay were lower in the LMA group [18 in the ETT group vs 8 in the LMA group, odds ratio = 10.17, confidence
interval (CI) 95% 1.79–57.79; P = 0. 009; 22.77 ± 16.68 h in ETT group vs 9.23 ± 13.51 h in LMA group; P = 0.005]. Dysphonia was more fre-
quent in the ETT group than in the LMA group (20 in the ETT group vs 11 in the LMA group, odds ratio = 13.79, CI 95% 1.86–102;
P = 0.010).

CONCLUSIONS: LMA is a feasible option for airway management in tracheal surgery, with lower operative time, ICU admission rate, ICU
length of stay and postoperative dysphonia occurrence.
Keywords: Tracheal stenosis • Tracheal resection • Airway management • Laryngeal mask airway • Endotracheal tube

extreme airway narrowing [6]. In addition, endotracheal intuba-

tion is burdened by mechanical trauma, swelling, bleeding and
subsequent airway occlusion [7]. In contrast, the LMA does not
BMI Body mass index
cause mechanical stress to the freshly sutured airway and avoids
CI Confidence interval
impairing its blood supply [8]. The LMA also lowers the risk of
ETT Endotracheal tube
coughing when the patient is emerging from the anaesthesia [9].
ICU Intensive care unit
LMA allows control of the airway without interfering with the
LMA Laryngeal mask airway
subglottic region and permits fibre-optic bronchoscopy to check
the vocal cords [10].
There is no unanimous consensus about postoperative airway
INTRODUCTION management after tracheal surgery. Some authors [11, 12] com-
monly leave an uncuffed nasal tube in situ, with the distal end
Tracheal idiopathic stenosis is caused primarily by prolonged en- beyond the anastomosis for 24 h postoperatively. Other authors
dotracheal intubation or tracheostomy [1]. Surgical tracheal re- [13] leave a small ETT in place for 48 h postoperatively only when
section and reconstruction are currently the definitive treatments laryngeal oedema is present at the moment of extubation.
of choice for tracheal stenosis with a low failure rate (9%) [2]. Protective tracheostomy can also be performed [2, 11]. Some sur-
Tracheal surgery is a major therapeutic challenge and requires a geons prefer to extubate the patient in the operating room at the
highly specialized team of anaesthesiologists and thoracic sur- end of the tracheal reconstruction [2, 11].
geons. Airway management is characterized by a multidiscipli- According to the practice of each surgical centre, patients can
nary approach. Close cooperation between the surgeon and the remain intubated with an uncuffed nasal ETT for the first 24–48 h
anaesthesiologist who are ‘sharing the airways’ is paramount. The as a precaution, even though they exhibit spontaneous breathing
goal is to ensure adequate surgical access to the trachea and, si- [14]. The disadvantage of having the ETT in place during the early
multaneously, sufficient ventilation and gas exchanges. Several postoperative period is that it could impair evaluation of glottis
airway management tools (fibre-optic bronchoscope, video la- function and patency, essential in very high resections of subglot-
ryngoscope, laryngoscope) and different devices [supraglottic air- tic stenosis potentially involving the vocal fold [15]. The presence
way devices and mono- and double-lumen endotracheal tubes of the nasal tube can also cause patient discomfort, and intensive
(ETTs)] may be required during surgery [3]. Numerous techniques care unit (ICU) admission and postoperative sedation may be re-
to ensure ventilation and gas exchange can be chosen, based on quired to keep these patients comfortable [16]. Due to these con-
the level of the stenosis: jet ventilation, high-frequency ventila- cerns, different approaches using LMA as a primary airway
tion, cross-field ventilation, spontaneous ventilation, intermittent device in tracheal surgery have been tried in some surgical
apnoea technique, one-lung ventilation and extracorporeal circu- centres [7, 8, 10, 15, 17–23].
lation techniques [4]. Airway management during tracheal sur- In our centre, we began to use the LMA in 2018. The LMA was
gery can be divided into 3 distinct phases: the induction of used as the primary device in tracheal resection and reconstruc-
anaesthesia and surgical preparation of the trachea (dissection tion in order to reduce airway manipulations during surgery and
phase), resection and anastomosis of the airway (resection phase) obviate the risk of failed intubation or complications such as mu-
and, lastly, primary wound closure of the surgical field (closure cosal trauma, bleeding or perforation; to avoid mechanical stress
phase) [5]. caused by the tube on the freshly sutured airway and to limit
Although the ETT has been widely considered the standard air- postoperative complications such as restenosis, anastomosis de-
way management approach during tracheal surgery, there is no hiscence or dysphonia; to increase the patient’s postoperative
generally accepted anaesthetic strategy. Several alternative tech- comfort by reducing airway irritation and the risk of coughing
niques have been proposed [5]; the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) when the patient emerged from the anaesthesia and to avoid na-
is the device arousing the most significant interest. This new ap- sal tube positioning.
proach involving the use of the LMA lacks clinical data that con- The goal of this study was to analyse and compare outcomes
firm its advantages over traditional techniques. in the LMA and ETT groups after tracheal resection using a 1:1
The LMA can be helpful, especially in patients with severe ste- case–control matched pairs analysis, according to age, gender,
nosis in whom positioning the ETT may be impossible due to body mass index (BMI), aetiology and length of stenosis (1–4 cm).
428 C. Menna et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery

From June 2003 to May 2020, a total of 184 patients affected by
postintubation, post-tracheostomy and idiopathic stenosis
underwent tracheal or laryngotracheal resections and reconstruc-
tions via cervicotomy at Thoracic Surgery, Department of Clinical
and Surgical Translational Medicine, Sant’ Andrea Hospital,
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy. Exclusion criteria were
age <18 years, malignant tracheal stenosis and all other tracheal
Figure 1: Airway management during tracheal resection and reconstruction
surgery not including tracheal resection and reconstruction. through laryngeal mask airway (A) and nasotracheal tube (B).
After institutional review board approval (CE/7868_2020), pa-
tient records were retrospectively analysed, including demo-
graphic data, intraoperative characteristics, perioperative
complications and postoperative outcomes. A total of 22 patients
who underwent laryngotracheal resection managed by endotra-
cheal intubation (ETT group) were matched in a case–control ap-
proach with 22 patients undergoing tracheal surgery using the
LMA approach (LMA group), with a 1:1 ratio according to
according to age, gender, BMI, aetiology and length of stenosis
(1–4 cm).
The patients in the ETT group were kept intubated for 24 h af-
ter surgery as a precaution while maintaining spontaneous
breathing. In the LMA group, the supraglottic device was re-
moved in the operating room at the end of the operation. All
operations were performed by the same anaesthesiologist and
surgical team.

Airway management
An institutional, standardized ventilation strategy was applied for
all tracheal cases operated on during the study period. After es-
tablishment of standard practices for anaesthesia monitoring
(electrocardiography, invasive blood pressure, peripheral oxygen
saturation) and preoxygenation, general anaesthesia was induced
intravenously using fentanyl 2 mcg/kg and propofol 2 mg/kg and
rocuronium 0.8 mg/kg. Patients with a pre-existing tracheostomy
were ventilated primarily through the tracheostomy. Then, an Figure 2: Cross-field ventilation established through an armoured endotracheal
LMA or small nasal ETT was placed (Fig. 1A and B). Positive pres- tube (size 5) inserted into the distal stump of the trachea during the resection
sure ventilation was performed through the LMA or ETT until the phase of the operation.
airway was fully exposed. Ventilation was considered sufficient if
the positive pressure ventilation was unimpaired (median peak
changed using an exchange catheter (11 or 14-Fr Cook Airway
airway pressures <_ 25 cm H2O), and the peripheral oxygen satura-
Exchange Catheter; Cook Medical, Bloomington, IL USA) with a
tion remained >_95% with an end-tidal carbon dioxide level of
larger ETT, and the patients remained intubated with a deflated
<_45 mmHg. After we exposed the cervical trachea, we performed
cross-field ventilation with a second sterile armoured ETT (size cuff. According to our experience, in order to prevent the
5 mm) inserted by the surgeon into the distal trachea (Fig. 2). For patient’s inability to breathe spontaneously because of oedema
the resection and reconstruction period, we applied intermittent of the glottis or the trachea, the ETT was left in place as a precau-
apnoea phases. At the end of the operation, flexible bronchos- tion in the awakened and spontaneously breathing patient for
copy was performed to check the anastomosis, free the distal air- 24 h, then removed after a bronchoscopic check of the anasto-
ways from spilled blood and mucus and determine the width of mosis and vocal cords. In patients with postoperative oedema of
the glottis. the glottis, the tube could be left for a longer time while we ad-
ministered steroids.
Endotracheal intubation group
The LMA group
The ETT size was chosen according to the residual tracheal lumen
(size 3–6.5 mm). Once the trachea was transected, the ETT was The LMA was inserted after induction of anaesthesia. A second-
retired just below the vocal folds through bronchoscopy guid- generation supraglottic device (i-gel laryngeal mask, Intersurgical,
ance, and cross-field ventilation was started through the surgical Wokingham, UK) was used; the size was chosen according to a
field. After completion of the anastomosis, patients were venti- weight-based formula (size 4–5). As the anastomosis was com-
lated through the ETT again, which was kept in place during the pleted, ventilation was changed back to LMA, and the patient
entire operation. At the end of the operation, the ETT was was weaned directly from the ventilation in the operating room.
C. Menna et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 429

Surgical technique case–control approach with 22 patients undergoing tracheal sur-

gery using the LMA approach (LMA group), with a 1:1 ratio
The operations were performed in a single surgical centre by the according to age, gender, BMI, aetiology and length of stenosis
same thoracic surgeon. All patients underwent preoperative as- (1–4 cm), using a matching tolerance of ±0.2. In the matched
sessment based principally on a laryngotracheal endoscopic ex- sample, paired t-tests were used for continuous data whereas
amination. The goal was to evaluate the mobility and trophicity multinomial logit regression was used to compare categorical
of the vocal cords, the severity and extent of the stricture, the variables. Significance was accepted at P < 0.05. Data analysis was
grade of inflammation and the presence of oedema or malacia, performed using SPSS 25 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA).
thereby assessing the stability of the stenosis. Afterwards, a neck

and chest computed tomography scan was performed to allow a RESULTS
more precise evaluation of the tracheal wall status (calcification,
malacia) and of the extraluminal structures and tissues. Patient characteristics including gender, female/male ratio, age,
All patients with evidence of infection at the tracheostomy site BMI, American Society of Anesthestiology score, type of surgery
were treated preoperatively with systemic and local antibiotics (laryngotracheal/tracheal), length of stenosis, aetiology (postintu-
until sterilization was proved by microbiological analysis. bation, post-tracheostomy, idiopathic) are shown in Table 1.
Before resecting the proximal portion, the trachea was sec- Intraoperative and postoperative outcomes are shown in Table 2.
tioned below the stenotic segment, and the distal airway was Sufficient ventilation was achieved in all patients. No intrao-
intubated through the operative field by an armoured ETT. The perative anaesthesiology-related adverse events or complications
anterior-proximal portion of the trachea, before the stenotic occurred. Total operative time (time between start of anaesthesia
tract, was then divided. The tracheal reconstruction was per- induction and the emergence from anaesthesia) was shorter in
formed through an end-to-end tracheal anastomosis, performed patients with the LMA (96.23 ± 34.72 min in the ETT group vs
using interrupted sutures of 3–0 or 4–0 absorbable material (pol- 76.14 ± 26.94 min in the LMA group; P = 0.043). The admission
ydioxanone). A technical variation could include a running suture rate to and the stay in the ICU were lower in the LMA group [18
for the posterior membranous wall of the anastomosis. in the ETT group vs 8 in the LMA group, odds ratio = 10.17, 95%
Depending on the length of the resected segment and on the confidence interval (CI) 1.79–57.79, P = 0. 009; 22.77 ± 16.68 h in
degree of tension of the anastomosis, 1 or 2 strong chin-chest the ETT group vs 9.23 ± 13.51 h in the LMA group, P = 0.005].
sutures may be placed at the end of operation to maintain pa- Among possible complications, dysphonia was more frequent in
tient cervical flexion and were usually removed after 4–8 days [2]. the ETT group than in the LMA group (20 in the ETT group vs 11
in the LMA group; odds ratio = 13.79, 95% CI 1.86–102,
Admission to the intensive care unit P = 0.010). One patient in the ETT group developed restenosis,
and 1 patient in the LMA group contracted pneumonia.
The need for multiparametric monitoring postoperatively in the No significant differences were found in terms of postoperative
ICU was based on evaluation of the individual patient by the an- length of stay, intubation rate and 30-day mortality.
aesthesiologist and was based on total operative time, patient
stability and cooperation. DISCUSSION

Statistical analysis In this retrospective study, the LMA compared to the ETT ap-
proach demonstrated lower operative time, ICU admission rate
The 22 patients who underwent laryngotracheal resection man- and ICU length of stay. The LMA also reduced the occurrence of
aged by endotracheal intubation (ETT group) were matched in a postoperative dysphonia.

Table 1: Demographic, epidemiological and preoperative data in the endotracheal tube and the laryngeal mask airway groups

Variable ETT (N = 22) LMA (N = 22) P-valuea

Male gender (n/%) 12/55 12/55 0.71

Age (years), mean ± SD 47.41 ± 16.48 47.18 ± 16.81 0.96
BMI (kg/m2), mean ± SD 24.05 ± 1.86 24.45 ± 3.14 0.62
ASA (n/%)
II 14/64 11/50 0.40
III 8/36 11/50
Aetiology (n/%)
Postintubation 10/46 10/46 1.00
Post-tracheostomy idiopathic 6/27 6/27
Type of surgery (n/%)
Laryngotracheal 13/59 6/27 0.52
Tracheal 9/41 16/73
Length of stenosis (mm), mean ± SD 24.12 ± 5.65 23.61 ± 9.04 0.84
Data are expressed as mean ± SD or number of patients.
P-value determined by paired t-test or multinomial logit regression, as appropriate.
ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists; BMI: body mass index; ETT: endotracheal intubation; LMA: laryngeal mask airway; M: male; SD: standard deviation.
430 C. Menna et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery

Table 2: Intraoperative and postoperative data in the endotracheal tube and the laryngeal mask airway groups

Variable ETT (N = 22) LMA (N = 22) OR (95%CI) P-valuea

Total operative time (min), mean ± SD 96.23 ± 34.72 76.14 ± 26.94 0.043
Postoperative length of stay (days), mean ± SD 6.41 ± 1.79 6.18 ± 5.03 0.85
ICU admission rate (n/%) 18/82 8/36 10.17 (1.79–57.79) 0.009
ICU stay (h), mean ± SD 22.77 ± 16.68 9.23 ± 13.51 0.005
Postoperative complications (n/%)
Restenosis 1/4 0/0 1.00
Anastomotic dehiscence 0/0 0/0 NA
Pneumonia 0/0 1/4 1.00
Dysphonia 20/91 11/50 13.79 (1.86–102) 0.010
Postoperative intubation rate (yes, n/%)b 0/0 2/9 0.99
Postoperative deaths, 30 days (n/%) 0/0 0/0 NA
The data are expressed as mean ± SD or number of patients.
P-value determined by paired t-test or multinomial logit regression, as appropriate.
In the ETT group, intubation occurred after the extubation.
CI: confidence interval; ETT: endotracheal intubation; ICU: intensive care unit; LMA: laryngeal mask airway; OR: odds ratio; SD: standard deviation.

To the best of our knowledge, no studies have compared First, LMA may avoid the need for a potentially difficult intuba-
the use of LMA versus ETT in tracheal resection in terms of tion, especially in cases of subglottic stenosis where secure ETT
early and long-term outcomes. A recent meta-analysis study- placement is not feasible because of the lack of distance to the
ing new approaches to airway management during tracheal vocal cords. In severe stenosis, given the small diameter and the
resection also reported on conventional tube management tortuous lumen of the stenosis, an ETT even using a small tube is
and concluded that it is currently not possible to compare burdened by several risks, such as bleeding, perforation of the
the various airway techniques described in the literature and trachea or loss of control of the airway [7, 23]. Using LMA can
to reliably determine their safety profile, feasibility and out- also obviate the need for an eventual tube exchange at the end
comes [5]. of the surgical procedure, with a decrease in airway management
Historically, the preferred technique for airway management complexity with related possible complications, thus reducing
during general anaesthesia in these patients was endotracheal in- the operative time. LMAs can also defer stenosis manipulations
tubation using a narrow-diameter ETT placed above or below until surgical exposure of the trachea is complete. Once the anas-
the stenotic segment [24]. However, this management technique tomosis is performed, the LMA does not cause mechanical stress
is not free from difficulties and complications, such as the risk of to the freshly sutured airway and reduces airway irritation and
failed intubation and hypoxia or difficulty passing the tube due the risk of coughing as the patient emerges from the anaesthesia,
to subglottic stenosis and trauma to the tracheal mucosa, which thus protecting the anastomosis from dehiscence and resulting in
can lead to bleeding or even perforation at the level of the steno-
a lower rate of postoperative dysphonia. Several studies previ-
sis [25]. Some previous studies and case reports assessed LMA
ously reported a lower incidence of sore throat, hoarseness, dys-
use in patients having tracheal surgery (Table 3).
phagia, dysphonia, laryngospasm and cough using LMA rather
Asai et al. [21] in 1991 first published a case detailing the suc-
than ETT as a primary airway device [9, 18]. These findings sug-
cessful use of a classical LMA in a child with tracheal stenosis, de-
gest that, compared with ETT, LMA positioning causes less
spite an increase of airway pressure and hypercarbia during the
trauma to the vocal cords and trachea. In tracheal surgery, less
operation. These authors also reported a patient with tracheal
manipulation of the stenosis before surgery, thereby avoiding
stenosis in whom the laryngeal mask was successfully used by
maintaining spontaneous breathing and adequate ventilation mechanical stress on the anastomosis and limited irritation of the
during the whole procedure [22]. vocal cords, is paramount.
Schweiger et al. [15], in a single-centre retrospective study, In addition, the supraglottic device allows control of the airway
evaluated LMA as the primary airway device in 108 patients. without interfering with the subglottic region and permits the use
They found that LMA was feasible and safe in patients undergo- of fibre-optic bronchoscopy to check the vocal cords and the
ing laryngotracheal surgery even in cases with high-grade steno- anastomosis while the patient is ventilated. Donaldson and
sis; they achieved sufficient ventilation in 99.1% of cases. Michalek [19] first successfully used an i-gel supraglottic device
Krecmerova et al. [17] reported the use of LMA in 54 patients for airway management of a patient with subglottic stenosis and
who had laryngotracheal surgery; ventilation was feasible in a difficult intubation during a previous procedure. An i-gel is a
96.4% of patients. Schieren et al. [8] showed no perioperative an- supraglottic device that has an integrated bite block without an
aesthesia-related complications in a series of 10 patients receiv- inflatable cuff. Advanced supraglottic airway devices such as the
ing cervical tracheal resection using LMA. Six patients (60%) had i-gel may be more advantageous in tracheal surgery because of
an uneventful postoperative course. Postoperative complications the higher seal pressure, the wide breathing lumen that also
(i.e. vocal cord oedema, postoperative haemorrhage, pneumonia) allows bronchoscopic examination and the presence of an addi-
occurred in 4 patients (40%). tional channel for insertion of the gastric tube. These features
In contrast to ETT, LMA cannot bypass tracheal stenosis, but it make i-gel a more suitable airway device in situations in which a
may have several advantages that make it the preferable choice. narrow ETT is inadvisable or too challenging to be used.
C. Menna et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 431

Table 3: Previous published studies and case reports on laryngeal mask airway use in tracheal resection and reconstruction

Author and year Study type Number of Type of stenosis Type of LMA Ventilation Main results
of publication patients strategy

Menna and Single-centre ret- n = 184 Laryngotracheal i-gel PPV LMA provided suffi-
Fiorelli et al., rospective study n = 22 patients stenosis and tra- cient ventilation in
2021 Case–control managed cheal stenosis all patients.
matching through LMA Operative time was

analysis with (LMA group) shorter in patients
1:1 ratio matched with with LMA.
n = 22 patients ICU admission rate and
managed stay were lower in the
through ETT LMA group.
(ETT group) Dysphonia was more fre-
quent in ETT group
than in LMA group.
Schweiger et al. Single-centre ret- n = 108 Laryngotracheal Classical LMA PPV and HFJV in Sufficient ventilation
[15], 2020 rospective study stenosis complex sub- using a laryngeal
glottic resections mask was possible in
or laryngotra- 107 of 108 patients
cheal (99.1%).
reconstructions In 1 patient with severe
retrognathism, correct
positioning of the
LMA was not feasible.
Postoperatively, 2
patients (1.9%) devel-
oped pneumonia.
Krecmerova Single-centre ret- n = 54 Tracheal stenosis Laryngeal mask VCV LMA was successfully
et al. [17], rospective study LarySeal inserted in 53
2017 (98.1%) patients.
One patient developed
dislocation, and repo-
sitioning was not fea-
sible due to
anatomical changes
caused by radiother-
apy and prior surgical
Schieren et al. Single-centre ret- n = 10 Laryngotracheal Classical LMA PPV and HFJV LMA insertion and sub-
[8], 2017 rospective study stenosis and tra- sequent PPV were
cheal stenosis successful in all
One patient with preop-
erative respiratory
failure had persistent
Six patients (60%) had an
uneventful postopera-
tive course.
Postoperative complica-
tions (i.e. vocal cord
oedema, postopera-
tive haemorrhage,
pneumonia) occurred
in 4 patients (40%).
Zardo et al. [23], Case report n=1 Laryngotracheal Classical LMA PPV Unexpected higher ste-
2016 stenosis nosis and conven-
tional intubation
were impossible.
Caronia et al. Case report n=1 Tracheal stenosis Classical LMA Spontaneous Successful manage-
[20], 2016 breathing ment without
Donaldson et al. Case report n=1 Laryngotracheal i-gel VCV i-gel supraglottic air-
[19], 2010 stenosis way was inserted
without difficulty,
provided a good seal
and allowed for con-
trolled ventilation
with acceptable peak
432 C. Menna et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery

Table 3: Continued

Author and year Study type Number of Type of stenosis Type of LMA Ventilation Main results
of publication patients strategy

pressures throughout
the operation.
Biro et al. [7], Case report n=1 Tracheal stenosis Classical LMA PPV and HFJV Successful manage-
2001 ment without
Adelsmayr et al. Case report n=1 High tracheal Classical LMA PPV and HFJV Peak airway pressure
[10], 1998 stenosis was limited to 15 cm
End-tidal CO2 in the nor-
mal range (33-
40 mmHg).
Asai et al. [22], Case report n=1 Tracheal stenosis Classical LMA Spontaneous End-expiratory carbon
1993 breathing dioxide tension and
arterial oxygen satu-
ration were within
normal limits.
Asai et al. [21], Case report n=1 Laryngotracheal Classical LMA PPV Increase of airway pres-
1991 congenital sure and hypercarbia
stenosis during surgery.
ETT: endotracheal intubation; HFJV: high-frequency jet ventilation; ICU: intensive care unit; LMA: laryngeal mask airway; PPV: positive pressure ventilation; VCV:
volume-controlled ventilation.

At the end of the operation, an uncuffed nasal ETT may be However, obtaining a sample size adequate for a prospective
placed with the distal end beyond the anastomosis in order to allow study could be difficult because of the relative rarity of tracheal
adequate toilette of the airway and to protect the anastomosis and resections, even in highly specialized surgical centres. Another
is commonly removed on the first postoperative day, after bron- limitation of this study is the small sample size.
choscopic review of the anastomosis. Other authors leave a small
uncuffed ETT in place for a few days postoperatively only when la- CONCLUSION
ryngeal oedema is present at the moment of extubation [26]. If air-
way management is performed through the LMA, this ‘protective’ In conclusion, this retrospective study demonstrates that LMA is
tube is obviously avoided, and consequently the need for ICU and a viable choice for airway management in tracheal surgery and
sedation in the postoperative period is reduced. Although postoper- can contribute to a favourable postoperative outcome by facili-
ative intubation as a precaution was not performed in the LMA tating lower operative times, ICU admission rate, ICU length of
group, the reintubation rate was not higher in this population. stay and postoperative dysphonia occurrence compared to the
LMA is associated with some disadvantages. First, use of the LMA ETT approach.
should be avoided in patients with a high risk of aspiration, morbid
obesity and conditions that could lead to bleeding [27]. In addition,
the application of LMA could be limited in the presence of intraoral ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
anatomical changes following radiotherapy, stiff tissue, oedema of
the upper airway and critical tracheal stenosis [17]. The safety of We would like to thank Alessia Valentini for providing the drawings
LMAs for airway management in tracheal resection and reconstruc- and Marco Giustini for statistical support.
tion, especially with regard to patient selection and the risk for ven-
tilation difficulties, has not been fully assessed [8]. Fatalities after Conflict of interest: none declared.
failed ventilation, because of increased airway resistance across
LMAs in patients with tracheal stenosis during resuscitations, have
been described previously [28]. Moreover, some sporadic reports
Author contributions
showed increased airway pressure during tracheal surgery and
Cecilia Menna: Conceptualization; Investigation; Methodology; Supervision;
hypercarbia [8, 21]. For these possible hazards, rescue airway techni- Writing—original draft; Writing—review & editing. Silvia Fiorelli: Data cura-
ques must always be available in case of LMA failure. tion; Methodology; Software; Writing—original draft. Domenico Massullo:
LMA dislocation due to neck extension and surgical manipula- Investigation; Supervision. Mohsen Ibrahim: Conceptualization; Validation.
tions can also occur. Although LMA could be easily reinserted, Monica Rocco: Data curation; Writing—review & editing. Erino Angelo
usually without adverse consequences, rescue airway manage- Rendina: Supervision; Validation; Writing—review & editing.
ment could be necessary [17].
This study has some potential weaknesses. First, its retrospec-
Reviewer information
tive nature does not allow a wide assessment of LMA use in tra-
cheal surgery. A complete prospective, randomized trial Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery thanks Alexander Kogan,
comparing LMA use with conventional ETT would be desirable, Georg Trummer and the other, anonymous reviewer(s) for their contribution
defining accurate criteria for LMA indications in tracheal surgery. to the peer review process of this article.
C. Menna et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 433

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