Aid To Multiple Choice Questions in Surgery - 230304 - 020620
Aid To Multiple Choice Questions in Surgery - 230304 - 020620
Aid To Multiple Choice Questions in Surgery - 230304 - 020620
ISBN 978-955-4851-07-8
Published by
Bhathiya Publications
Edited by
RW Seneviratne
MMAJ Kumara
MBBS(Peradeniya) MS(Colombo) FRCS(England)
Senior lecturer in Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna.
RW Seneviratne
MBBS(Ruhuna) FRCS(England) MSc(Birmingham) MS(Colombo)
Senior lecturer in Surgery ,Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna.
JPM Kumarasinghe
MBBS(Ruhuna) MS(Colombo)
Senior lecturer in Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna.
RP Abeywickrama
MBBS(Colombo) MS(Colombo) MRCS(Edinburgh)
Senior lecturer in Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna.
UI Hapuaarachchi
MBBS(Ruhuna) MD(Colombo) FRCA(UK) FCARCSI(Ireland)
Senior lecturer in Anaesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna.
MB Samarawickrama
MBBS(Ruhuna) Ms(Colombo)
Senior lecturer in Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna.
Many believe that MCQs assess the factual knowledge and the same fact is
considered to be one of the major limitations of MCQs. However, MCQs can be
made in such a way that they assess higher order thinking which goes beyond
memorizing and recalling facts and data. They can be based on real life scenarios
and made to asses higher learning taxonomies. For this to happen, the creator of
MCQ has to have a wide knowledge on the subject, analytical mind and also be a
critical thinker. Despite all limitations MCQs are popular and widely used in
undergraduate evaluations.
Authors of this book appear to have considered all these aspects in compiling this
book. They have made MCQs and SEQs covering all major areas of general
surgery applicable to medical undergraduates. Writing a book of MCQ and SEQ is
not an easy task. It requires dedication and commitment.
Finally, I take this opportunity to congratulate authors of this book for the
splendid work and hope that medical undergraduates will find this book useful
and informative.
Many books are around which contain multiple choice questions in the field of
surgery and related specialties. However, ones by Sri Lankan authors with special
emphasis on knowledge required for local settings are few. This book is designed
for the benefit of local undergraduates, postgraduates as well as practicing
doctors including general practitioners. It will test presentation, investigations
and management of surgical conditions prevalent in Sri Lankan clinical practice.
Authors expect this book will
Five responses usually follow; 2 easy, 1 intermediate, 1 difficult and 1 for the
master, template. First three, check competence whilst last two are
discriminatory responses. Responses are made right or wrong by an examiner,
although by convention there should be more rights than wrongs in the overall
paper. Words like 'always' and 'never' are excluded from terminology respecting
vagaries in clinical conditions. Similarly loose terms such as 'can be', 'may be' and
'more common' are best avoided.
The examiner's objectives of setting up an MCQ can span a wide range. Checking
knowledge on facts of figures is common. 'Middle third of the esophagus is
normally lined by stratified squamous epithelium' is such a design.
Understanding of principles of anatomy can be achieved by a response like
'Ethmoidal sinusitis has a higher chance of producing cavernous sinus
thrombosis than frontal sinusitis. A physiological principal such as 'An
unconscious patient always need airway protection' and pathological principal
such as 'Lobar pneumonia usually heals with moderate cavitation of lungs', latter
an incorrect response are amenable to assessment. Management concepts can
be assessed in a statement such as 'Two attacks of quinsy is an indication for
tonsillectomy'. Checking common sense and commonality is evident in response
'Gonococcal infection is a common cause for anterior urethral strictures'.
Student's exposure to ward work can be assessed with responses such as 'Acute
appendicitis is a recognized cause of epigastric pain. One's updated knowledge
can also be assessed and familiarity with important rules and laws such as
Goodsall's law and ulnar paradox are tested easily. Candidate's awareness of
unique features such as 'Mellon seed bodies' and 'Owl's eye appearance' are
popular among some examiners.
Candidate should read the question carefully first time while underlining key
words. Dangerous Deja-Vu feeling can engulf the candidate reading the question
second or third time, persuading him to mark wrong responses as being correct.
As negative marking is a feature in MCQ examinations, many good candidates
leave examination hall early after the initial round of answering.
Finally, candidate will have to mark the answer right or wrong. In this he has to
have a guess at examiner's mind. Following are some of the principles examiners
follow when they are constructing a response.
Some candidates often with superficial knowledge and cavalier attitude tend to
answer many questions beyond their capabilities and land in the failed group.
Some other candidates whose logical thinking run too deep may also think that
examiners are out to trap them. This 'seeing crocodiles in the washing basin'
mind frame, leads to 'paralysis by over analysis' which prevent them from
answering even relatively straightforward questions. Candidate's right level of
attitude should fall in the middle ground between these two extremes.
1.1 Which of the following are true regarding fluid and electrolyte balance?
1.3 Which of the following are true regarding metabolic response to trauma?
Answers to question 1.1
A) TRUE-This is the best method to replace fluid and chloride ( Cl- ) lost.
B) FALSE- The requirement is 1mmol/kg/day
C) FALSE-Replacement should be done gradually.
D) FALSE-This is replaced by 5% dextrose.
E) FALSE-It is approximately 2.5 liters per day
1.4 Regarding shock,
A) In Neurogenic shock heart rate fails to rise in line with the drop in blood
B) Elderly patients with hypertension, are sometimes in shock with blood
pressure in normal range.
C) Central venous catheters are suitable for rapid fluid resuscitation.
D) Patients in profound hypovolemic shock do not respond adequately to
inotropic therapy.
E) In a patient with normal vital signs after resuscitation persistent lactic
acidosis and low mixed venous oxygen saturation indicate reduced tissue
1.6 Following infections and most likely causative organisms are correctly
Answers to question 1.4
1.7 Which of the following are true regarding tourniquets?
Answers to question 1.7
1.10 A supine X-ray of abdomen will be recommended in diagnosis of
A) perforated viscera.
B) Pancreatitis.
C) Cholelithiasis.
D) region of bowel obstruction.
E) imperforate anus.
1.11 Radiotherapy
Answers to question 1.10
A) lingual nerve.
B) chorda tympani nerve.
C) otic ganglion.
D) glossopharyngeal nerve.
E) marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve.
2.2 Which of the following are true or false regarding the periorbital
A) It is associated with conjunctivalhemorrage and subconjunctival
B) It results from injury to emissary veins.
C) It indicates direct injury to periorbital region.
D) The bleeding is deep to the aponeurosis of the scalp.
E) Numbness of upper face…… associated.
2.3 Which of the following conditions in the anterior triangle of the neck are due
to developmental abnormality?
A) Thyroglossal cyst.
B) Branchial cyst .
C) Pharyngeal pouch.
D) Branchial sinus.
E) Thyroglossal fistula.
Answers to question 2.1
A) TRUE - Lingual nerve is directly related to the deep part of the gland, thus it
is at risk of damage during this surgery.
B) FALSE -The chorda tympani joines with the lingual nerve at the infra
temporal fossa.
C) FALSE -The otic ganglion is a small parasympathetic ganglion located
immediately below the foramen ovale in the infratemporal fossa and on the
medial surface of the mandibular nerve. It is not related to the
submandibular gland.
D) FALSE - It is not related to the submandibular gland.
E) TRUE -Although marginal mandibular nerve is not directly related to the
gland, it can be damaged during the incision for the surgery as it descends
below the mandible before ascending back near angle of the mandible.
2.6 Effects of dysfunction of the recurrent branch of the median nerve in carpal
tunnel syndrome include?
Answers to question 2.4
E) FALSE -Froment's sign indicates paralysis of the adductor plolicis muscle
which is supplied by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve.
2.7 A man was taken to the surgical casualty following a stab injury to the
abdomen. The knife was penetrating the rectus abdominis muscle about 5cm
above the symphysis pubis. Through which anatomical layers the knife could
have passed?
A) Iliocolic.
B) Right colic.
C) Middle colic.
D) Superior rectal.
E) Left colic.
2.9 Which of the following instances will injure the parital pleura?
Answers to question 2.7
A) TRUE - The parietal pleura extend in to the root of the neck as the cervical
pleura thus it can be damage in a stab to the neck.
B) TRUE - Similarly the pleura extend below the 12th rib where it is vulnerable
during nephrectomy through the loin incision.
C) TRUE - Diaphragmatic pleura can be injured during the aspiration of a liver
D) TRUE - During transhiatal oesophagectomy mediastinal pleura (part of the
parietal pleura) is damaged.
E) FALSE -Parietal pleura is not affected.
A) 12 lead ECG.
B) Serum urea & electrolytes.
C) Prothrombin time.
D) 2D echo.
E) Fasting blood sugar.
3.2 Which of the following is/ are true/false about preparing a patient for major
elective surgery?
3.4 Which of the following is/are true regarding maintenance of airway?
3.5 Which of the following is/are true or false regarding postoperative nausea
and vomiting (PONV)?
Answers to question 3.4
3.7 Which of the following are true/false regarding development of stridor
6hours after total thyroidectomy.
Answers to question 3.7
A) FALSE – The risk is minimal because spinal anaesthesia uses very small
amounts of bupivacaine compared to epidural.
B) TRUE - This happens in overdose.
C) FALSE - Ultrasound visualizes nerve and other structures.
D) TRUE - 4% solution is used during awake fibre optic intubation.
E) TRUE - This has replaced cumbersome and risky Biers Block in experienced
3.10 Regarding regional anaesthesia.
3.11 Which of the following causes will lead to desaturation (< 94%) in post
anaesthesia care unit (recovery area)?
A) Pulmonary aspiration.
B) Prolong use of nitrous oxide intraoperatively.
C) Shivering.
D) Pulmonary oedema.
E) Airway obstruction.
3.12 Post-operative agitation in the post anaesthesia care unit could be due to
A) use of ketamine.
B) urinary bladder distension.
C) TURP syndrome.
D) hypothyroidism.
E) awareness during anaesthesia.
Answers to question 3.10
4.1 Which of the following clinical features are suggestive of critically ill patient?
4.3 Which of the following are true regarding fluid and blood products?
Answers to question 4.1.
A) TRUE- Some patients can be managed at HDU but central lines and intra-
arterial lines may require ICU care.
B) FALSE- They do not need inotropes.
C) FALSE- Ventilation like CPAP can be managed at HDU.
D) TRUE - This is a requirement for ICU.
E) FALSE- This can be done in an HDU. Failure of two or more organs need ICU
4.4 Which of the following are true regarding vital organs?
A) is a drug reaction.
B) bleeding occur from minor abrasions.
C) sudden fall in platelet count below 150 × 109/l is suggestive.
D) APTT is increased and inr is decreased.
E) heparin is contraindicated.
Answers to question 4.4
A) FALSE- In this age group, 30% develop DVT and approximately 1% develop
pulmonary embolism.
B) TRUE- Many underestimates this risk.
C) FALSE- Computer tomograghy is now favoured over others.
D) FALSE- It is also used for bilateral Ilio-femoral thrombosis.
E) FALSE- This right ventricular strain pattern can occur in other conditions and
may not be present in PE.
4.7 Hypercalcaemia is reduced by
A) intravenous fluids.
B) calcitonin.
C) bisphosphonates.
D) hydrochlorothiazide.
E) steroids.
4.9 Which of the following are true regarding sepsis /systemic inflammatory
response syndrome (SIRS)/ multi organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and acute
lung injury (ALI)?
Answers to question 4.7.
A) FALSE- Five types have been identified where defects in insulin synthesis or
secretion occurs.
B) FALSE- Many of these patients presents in the mid- twenties.
C) TRUE - Ketosis is unusual in this type of diabetes.
D) FALSE- Insulin requirements are low and are not required initially as the
most common type shows marked sensitivity to small doses of
E) FALSE- Diabetes is associated with deafness in the recessively inherited
Wolfram syndrome and in the condition of maternally inherited diabetes
and deafness.
5.1 A 36-year-old man is admitted one hour after having kicked in the abdomen.
He is conscious, communicates and has moderate abdominal pain. Abdomen is
distended. On monitoring Pulse rate is 110bpm and BP is 120/100 Hgmm.
A) Diaphragmatic Breathing
B) Elevated systolic Blood Pressure
C) persistent penile erection
D) Flaccid Paralysis of lower limbs
E) Anal sphincter spasm
Answers to question 5.1
5.4 In a patient with blunt trauma to the chest which of the following findings are
likely to indicate the need for thoracotomy?
5.5 A 18 year old woman present to Emergency Department with 30% scalds
involving Face, upper limbs and front of the trunk. She was brought in 3 hours
after injury. Her weight is 60kg.Which of the following statements are correct on
the management of her condition.
5.6 A 30 year old driver of a car is brought in to hospital after a lorry hitting him
on his side of the vehicle.
Answers to question 5.4
A) TRUE - ATLS has to be adhered at every stage. Airway and C-spine is the first
B) FALSE - Right pneumothorax is expected.
C) FALSE - In class 1 shock upto 750ml blood can be lost while above
parameters are maintained.
D) TRUE - GCS and AVPU scale can both be undertaken.
E) FALSE - Splinting of fracture femur comes under Circulation component of
the primary survey
5.7 Regarding a patient with Major trauma
5.9 Which of the following are true regarding injuries to the thoracic viscera?
Answers to question 5.7
5.10 Which of the following are true regarding blunt trauma to the abdomen?
A) Tachycardia.
B) Hypotension.
C) Tissue hypoxia.
D) Hypothermia.
E) Diminished level of consciousness.
Answers to question 5.10
6.2 Which of the following sports injuries usually require open or arthroscopic
surgical repair?
6.3 An 80 years old woman is admitted with a fracture involving neck of the
femur sustained one week ago. She has dysuria and a small decubitus ulcer over
right buttock. She is suffering from Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD).Which of the following are true regarding the situation?
A) FALSE - Spiral fractures heal early due to higher contact area between
fracture surfaces.
B) FALSE - This is a description of Montagia fracture.
C) TRUE - A Patient who raise hand to protect the face when assaulted by
another with a stick in the night suffer from this injury which is the classic
description of the mechanism.
D) TRUE - This is a rule although good reduction ensure that disability is
E) FALSE - This is usually reduced and managed with the aid of a sling and
6.4 Which of the following fracture-nerve injury associations are common?
Answers to question 6.4
A) FALSE - Axillary nerve can be injured while radial nerve injury is common in
shaft fractures
B) FALSE - Posterior dislocation of hip is typically associated with this injury.
C) FALSE- Spinal cord ends at lower border of L1 and cauda equina can get
injured with this fracture.
D) TRUE - This injury can occur immediately or later(Tardieu ulnar nerve
E) FALSE - Common peronial nerve is related to neck of fibula.
6.7 Posterior dislocation of the hip joint is
Answers to question 6.7
6.10 Which of the following are true regarding ankle and foot
6.12 Which of the following pathological conditions of the upper limb come
under repetitive strain injury?
A) De quervain's tenosynovitis.
B) Skier's thumb.
C) Guyon's canal syndrome.
D) Lateral epicondilitis.
E) Frozen shoulder.
Answers to question 6.10
A) FALSE- Volar slab is applied but ORIF with buttress plate is often required.
B) FALSE- This is managed with collar and cuff.
C) TRUE- This ……provided no neurological signs are provided two of the three
spinal column should be intact.
D) TRUE- This severs the blood supply to the neck.
E) TRUE- This would take a long time to heal.
Answers to question 7.1
7.4 Regarding Knee
A) Jogging excercises.
B) Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulphate.
C) Quadriceps strengthening excercises.
D) Intra articular corticosteroids.
E) Knee replacement
Answers to question 7.4
A) FALSE - They should be low impact and aerobic such as cycling and
B) FALSE - Benefits are marginal
C) TRUE - This is of moderate benefit.
D) TRUE - This offers short term pain relief
E) TRUE – This is recommended In appropriate selected patients when other
options are not effective.
7.7 Regarding amputation of lower limb
7.8 'Red flag' sign for patients with back pain include
A) Saddle anaesthesia
B) Associated urinary tract infections
C) Use of steroid
D) Age more than 70
E) Right leg straight leg raising test more than 300
Answers to question 7.7
A) FALSE-Figure is 2-4%
B) TRUE- Common Tissue disorders are implicated.
C) FALSE- Finger is over 90%
D) TRUE-This implys the possibility of a central disk and spincter damage
E) TRUE - Others may need steroid injections or microdiscectomy.
8.2 Which of the following findings favour palliative approach for carcinoma of
8.3 Which of the following statements is/are true regarding gastro oesophageal
reflux disease (GORD)?
E) FALSE -PPI s are the most effective drug treatment for GORD.
8.5 Which of the following are true of risk factors for development of carcinoma
of the stomach?
Answers to question 8.4
A) FALSE - Leiomyoma of GI tract are colectively known as GIST. They may arise
from any part of GI tract but 50% are found in the stomach. Mucosa
overlying the tumour is normal and a supportive biopsy may miss the
B) TRUE- This is a recognised risk factor. There is a high incidence of gastric
carcinoma in populations with high prevalence of H.Pylori. H. Pylori
infection is associated with gastritis, gastric atrophy and intestinal
C) FALSE – Betel chewing is associated with oral and esophageal malignancies.
D) TRUE - Patients with pernicious anaemia and gastric atrophy are at an
increased risk.
E) TRUE -Other risk factors include high salt intake,low fibre intake and
positive family history.
Answers to question 8.7
A) FALSE -Chronic gastric ulcers are much more common on the lesser curve
especially at incisura angularis.
B) FALSE- It does not provide this high degree of accuracy
C) FALSE –Surgery is occasionally required for complicated ulcers. Vast
majority of uncomplicated ulcers are treated medically.
D TRUE – Surgery is rarely required.
E) FALSE -An erect plain chest radiograph will reveal free gas under the
diaphragm in an excess of 50% of the cases.
9.1 A patient with obstructive jaundice due to a stone in the common bile duct
had a failed ERCP.He became febrile and collapses 48 hour later. Which of the
following is/are correct regarding immediate management?
A) Cancer arising from tail of the gland is usually curable with distal
B) Maturity onset diabetes is not uncommon.
C) They often present with palpable Gall Bladder.
D) Peri ampullary cancers have better prognosis.
E) They can be treated palliatively with Whipples (Pancreatico-duodenectomy
and gastrointestinal bypass) procedure.
Answers to question 9.1
curative intent.
9.5 A patient is diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. What are the investigations
that would help in assessing the severity of the condition?
Answers to question 9.4
9.7 Regarding asymptomatic gall bladder stones
A) They are the most common indication to seek medical advice by patients
with gallbladder stones.
B) Majority will present with symptoms during the next two years
C) Cholesterol stones are more common than brown pigment stones
D) All such patients with diabetes must be treated with early
E) They need to be treated with cholecystectomy due to the risk of
development of cancer
Answers to question 9.7
A) TRUE - they are diagnosed incidentary when uss abdomen is performed for
other reasons.
B) FALSE - about 1-2% of asymptomatic patients will develop symptoms per
year requiring surgery.
C) TRUE - Most are composed of altering layers of cholesterol crystals and
musin. Less frequent are the black pigment stones associated with chronic
haemolytic disorders and brown pigment stones associated with
D) TRUE - Diabetics have a high risk of perforation during an attack of acute
E) FALSE - Asymptomatic gallstones do not usually require treatment on this
basis. However many are offered elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy as
the ease of surgery outweights the risks of complications.
baseline levels.
A) Haemochromatosis is a cause
B) Incidental detection of right hypochondrial mass is the most common
mode of presentation
C) It is not seen in children
D) Treatment is palliative
E) Radiotherapy has no place in treatment of primary cancer
9.12 Which of the following are true regarding imaging of the biliary system?
Answers to question 9.10
A) FALSE - Around 1/3 of patients will have liver metastases at the time of
diagnosis and 50% will develop liver metastases at some point in life
accounting for majority of deaths
B) FALSE - Alfa fetoprotein level is elevated in hepatocellular CA. Increased
levels with metastases are rare.
C) FALSE - Portal vein embolization is complementary and not curative when
used alone. When combined with surgical resection it improves outcome.
This redirects portal blood to segments that will remain after surgery, thus
increasing their size.
D) TRUE - Liver surgeons are increasingly aggressive in treatment and the only
absolute limitation on what can be resected is in terms of leaving enough
functional liver behind.
E) TRUE -Single or several well localized liver metastases can now be resected
with relatively low mortality and morbidity. Use of Argon laser and
harmonic scalpel has immensely facilitated liver resection.
10.3 The causes of a newborn not passing meconium within 48 hours of birth
A) Ileal atresia.
B) Infantile pyloric stenosis.
C) Hirschsprung disease.
D) Hypothyroidism.
E) Necrotizing entero-colitis.
Answers to question 10.1
10.4 A 30 year old man presented with passing of loose stools mixed with blood
and mucous for 6 months. Features in favour of Crohn's disease over Ulcerative
colitis include,
A) Anal tags
B) Episodes of intestinal obstruction
C) Visual disturbances
D) Polyarthralgia
E) Resistant UTI
10.5 A 40 year old man presented with painful and tender perianal lump at 4 o
clock and fever for 2 days. He complains of two similar episodes over last one
year. Perianal fistula associated abscess, is suspected.
10.6 Constipation is
Answers to question 10.4
10.7 Regarding anal fissures
Answers to question 10.7
A) Infertility.
B) Epididymo-orchitis
C) Susceptibility to trauma.
D) Torsion.
E) Malignancy.
11.3 Which of the following statements are correct regarding the management
of a ten year old boy who presents with an acutely painful scrotum?
Answers to question 11.1
A) TRUE – They should be fixed in the scrotum with in the first year of life for
best outcome
B) FALSE – There is no added risk.
C) TRUE – Testis in a more superficial location with less mobility is more
susceptible to trauma.
D) TRUE – When it is inside the abdomen testis can move freely and get torted
E) TRUE – Orchidopexy may not diminish the risk but accessibility improve the
prospects of early diagnosis
A) TRUE – Many remain asymptomatic and smaller ones can pass through
without symptoms.
C) TRUE – Usually, small amount of hematuria is common and sometimes it is
the only symptom.
D) TRUE –Around 90% stones are radio opaque.
E) TRUE – Obstructed urinary system if infected, need to have urgent
decompression to prevent sepsis.
11.4 Which of the following are true regarding a 65 year- old man presenting with
frank haematuria?
11.5 Which of the following are true regarding the upper urinary tract trauma?
11.6 Which of the following are true regarding carcinoma of the prostate?
Answers to question 11.4
A) False – Upper urinary tract trauma can cause bleeding in to the abdomen
without producing haematuria if ureter is avulsed.
B) True – large amount of retroperitoneal haemorrhage can cause sudden
hypovolaemic shock.
C) False – Most of the cases are managed conservatively.
D) False – They make bigger targets for forces.
E) True – Bleeding can be terminated by embolizing the damaged arteries.
11.7 Which of the following are true regarding Urethral strictures?
Answers to question 11.7
A) Hemophilus influenza is the most common cause for acute otitis media.
B) Chronic otitis media leads to conductive hearing loss.
C) Tonsillectomy is an option for the treatment of chronic otitis media.
D) Myringoplasty alone has a very high success rate in resolution of chronic
otitis media.
E) Grommets insertion is a treatment option for cholestetoma.
12.2. Which of the Following statements are true regarding salivary glands?
12.3 Which of the following statements are true regarding conditions affecting
head and neck ?
Answers to question 12.1.
A) FALSE- Stridor is the name for expiratory noise resulting from obstruction at
larynx and trachea while the noise from obstruction above the larynx is
called stertor and that at bronchi and bronchioles is called rhonchi.
B) TRUE –Post-cricoids web leading to dysphagia along with associated Iron
deficiency is given the name of Siderophenic Dysphagia. This is a
premalignant condition.
C) FALSE - Pouch usually present at left side of the neck.
D) FALSE - Tonsillectomy is indicated following development of two attacks of
E) FALSE - Haziness or a fluid level is seen.
12.4. Which of the following statements are correct regarding fractures of the
Answers to question 12.4.
12.7. Which of the following are true regarding the nose and sinusitis?
12.9. Which of the following are true regarding the oral carcinoma?
Answers to question 12.7.
12.10. Cataract
A) Conjunctivitis.
B) Glucoma.
C) Episcleritis.
D) Uveitis.
E) Chalzion .
12.12. Which of the following are helpful in differentiating acute angle closure
glaucoma from chronic open angle glaucoma?
A) Pain
B) Shape of visual field loss
C) Hypermetropia
D) Cupping of optic disk
E) Moderately dilated unreactive pupil
Answers to question 12.10
A) TRUE- This causes scleral and palpebral congestion and redness but spares
circumcorneal area.
B) TRUE- Acute glaucoma is a cause.
C) FALSE- This is a benign, self-limiting and a localized condition. Up to 1/3 can
be associated with systemic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and
systemic lupus erythematous.
D) TRUE- This can be associated with many systemic inflammatory conditions.
E) FALSE- This condition, known as “Stye”, does not usually produce changes
in conjunctiva.
A) TRUE- Acute angle closure glaucoma presents with pain, red eye, visual
impairment and sometimes with nausea and vomiting.
B) TRUE- Arcute area of loss (scotoma) is seen in Primary open angle
C) TRUE- Close angle glaucoma is common in small hypermetropic eyeballs.
D) FALSE- This is common to glaucoma of both types.
E) TRUE-This important feature also helps to differentiate acute angle
glaucoma from other conditions of Acute Red Eye.
12.13. Regarding the examination of pupillary responses
12.14. Which of the following management options are correct regarding eye
A) Floaters and flashes are usually due to tiredness and are initially managed
with 'Wait and see' approach.
B) Loss of red reflex in an eye is normal up to five years of age.
C) Dendritic ulcers are treated by tropical steroids.
D) Glass intraocular foreign bodies are visible on X-ray.
E) Obstruction of central retinal artery leads to sudden ocular pain and loss of
Answers to question 12.13.
A) FALSE- This may herald retinal detachment although typical “curtain falling
down” may follow later. Urgent referral to ophthalmologist is needed.
B) FALSE- Retinoblastoma should be strongly suspected.
C) FALSE- This can cause blindness and is absolutely contraindicated.
D) TRUE - Glass is visible on x ray specially in eyes-up and eyes-down views.
E) FALSE- Obstruction of retinal artery or vein leads to sudden painless loss of
A) TRUE - Dendritic ulcers are due to Herpes simplex virus. Acyclovir is a key
B) FALSE- Circumcorneal redness is seen in more serious conditions such as
acute angle closure glaucoma and anterior uveitis.
C) FALSE- This Presents with silent gradual visual loss and is termed “thief of
D) TRUE - This inflammation of the conjunctiva in the episclera, is often seen as
an inflammatory nodule. Visual acuity is normal. This is usually self-limiting,
1/3 may be associate with polyarthritis nodusa, systemic lupus
erythematous or rheumatoid arthritis.
E) TRUE – The retinal detachment can present with 4”f”s-floaters, flashes,
field loss and fall in acuity.
12.16. A 30 year old man develops unilateral exophthalmos three days after a
head injury. A bruit is heard over an eye. Which of the following features favour
carotico-cavernous fistula as a cause?
12.17. Which of the following diseases are among the aetiological factors for
preventable blindness?
Answers to question 12.16.
A) TRUE- This condition may follow carotid pseudo aneurysm rupture with
reflux of blood into the cavernous sinus. Increased flow manifests as a bruit.
B) TRUE- Increased retrobulbar pressure leads to papilloedema.
C) FALSE- This may lead to cavernous sinus thrombosis with a similar picture
but without bruit.
D) TRUE- Conjunctival oedema is due to venous congestion.
E) TRUE- Transmitted arterial pulsations give way to this sign.
A) microcalcifications
B) tissue asymmetry
C) cystic lesions
D) A spiculate mass
E) Increased nodularity of the breast
Answers to question 13.1.
A) FALSE - Cancers are known to occur in this age group especially in those with
genetic susceptibility harbouring BRCA 1 & BRCA 2 genes.
B) TRUE - Miscarriages increase exposure of women to oestrogen, the
dominant hormone in early pregnancy without allowing exposure to
balancing effects of progesterone in late pregnancy.
C) FALSE - Wire guided localization and excision is not preferred throughout.
D) FALSE - This is M1
E) FALSE - Male breast cancer spread early due to minimal intervening breast
13.4. A 30-year-old woman, who is currently breast-feeding her first born child,
develops an erythematous and tender area on the upper outer quadrant of one
of her breasts. She is also febrile and overlying skin has an area of black
discoloration. Which of the following statements are true concerning her
diagnosis and management?
13.5. Which of the following are true regarding a 32- year-old woman with four
children presenting with five centimeter lump in the upper outer quadrant of her
left breast?
A) FALSE - Breast cancer can occur at this age even without family history.
B) FALSE - Only about 50% with fat necrosis gives a history of trauma.
C) TRUE - If the lady has pendulous breast with lax tissue after multiple
pregnancies and lactation, mammogram can be informative.
D) FALSE - Imaging and cytology is necessary to confirm malignancy and assess
size and multi-centricity including the status of contralateral breast before
making of the treatment plan.
E) FALSE - Lumps of 5 cm or more need excision as risk of malignancy is higher.
therapy can be obviated.
A) Tubular carcinoma.
B) Absence of vascular invasion.
C) HER 2 receptor positivity.
D) Oestrogen receptor positivity.
E) Triple negative tumour.
13.8. Which of the following are true regarding treatment of a breast carcinoma?
A) Nuclear pleomorphism.
B) Vascular invasion.
C) Mitotic activity.
D) Degree of glandular-duct differentiation.
E) Lymphocytic infiltration.
Answers to question 13.7.
13.10. A 50 year old man presents with bilateral gynaecomastia of recent onset.
His prolactin level was elevated. Possibilities include
A) Pitiutary microadenoma.
B) Pitiutary macroadenoma.
C) Rathke's cleft cyst.
D) Chronic liver disease.
E) Aspirin therapy.
13.11. Which of the following are indicated for local radiotherapy after
Answers to question 13.10.
A) TRUE - Prolactinoma is the most common pituitary tumor. If the size is less
than 1cm it is considered as microadenoma which can secrete prolactin.
B) TRUE - Macroadenomas are more than 1cm tumours and they also can
secrete prolactin.
C) FALSE - This can cause pituitary insufficiency via pressure necrosis of the
pituitary gland.
D) TRUE - Failure to metabolize oestrogen causes gynaecomastia in males.
E) FALSE - Gynaecomastia has no such aetiology.
13.13. Regarding benign disease of breast.
13.15. Which of the following are true regarding the management of a breast
Answers to question 13.13.
A) Diarrhoea
B) Depression
C) Trousseau's sign
D) Pathological fractures
E) Renal failure
14.3. A 30- year- old woman presents with a small palpable nodule in the left lobe
of the thyroid gland which was noticed two weeks ago. She had no previous
history of thyroid disease. Which of the following are true regarding her
Answers to question 14.1.
A) TRUE - This will show size and consistency of nodule. It will also
differentiate prominent nodule of multinodular goiter from a true solitary
B) FALSE - T3 and TSH may be abnormal even with a normal T4 level.
C) TRUE - This is an accepted treatment for those under 40 years of age with
papillary cytology specially if the size is under one centimeter while those
over 40 undergo total thyroidectomy.
D) FALSE - The “berry picking” method is not recommended and appropriate
block dissection is indicated with lymph node metastasis.
E) FALSE - This usually occur in advanced age.
14.4. Which of the following are true regarding medullary carcinoma of the
thyroid gland?
14.5. Phaeochromocytoma
Answers to question 14.4.
A) TRUE - This has an association with MEN II, von Hippal -Lindau and NF-1
syndromes and genetic testing is useful in prediction.
B) FALSE - It is 10% bilateral, 10% inherited, 10% extra-adrenal, 10%
malignant and 10 % occur in children giving rise to the eponym“10%
C) TRUE - Haedache and palpitations are other common associated features
in pheochromocytomas.
D) TRUE – Orthostatic hypotension can occur in between hypertensive
E) FALSE - It produces hyperglycemic episodes in about 40% due to high
epinephrine and norepinephrine.
14.7. Regarding nonsurgical treatment of thyrotoxicosis
Answers to question 14.7.
A) FALSE – They are only used for a short period prior to surgery in order to
reduce vascularity.
B) TRUE - Until late teen years they are recommended antithyroid drugs.
C) TRUE –Significant number of them are unfit for surgery due to age and
D) FALSE - They only control somatic clinical features of thyroid hormone.
E) FALSE -PTU is used during pregnancy.
A) FALSE - Females between 30-50 years are the main category affected.
B) FALSE - Normokalemic PHA can occur.
C) FALSE - Majority are due to adrenal hyperplasia.
D) FALSE - Potassium sparing diuretics are used.
E) FALSE - Limited resections are done for hyperplasia
14.10. Regarding surgery for thyroid disease.
Answers to question 14.10.
15.2. During the first 48 hours following a head injury the causes of a rising
intracranial pressure include
A) Intracerebral haemorrhage.
B) Cerebral oedema.
C) CSF rhinorrhoea.
D) Meningitis.
E) Excessive hyperventilation.
Answers to question 15.1.
A) FALSE - Acquired ones are associated with life style factors such as;
hypertension, obesity and smoking congenital ones develop later in life.
B) TRUE - Berry aneurysms are commonly found in those sites.
C) FALSE - Majority are single.
D) FALSE - Interventional radiology with coil insertion is effective.
E) FALSE - Usually present with severe headache and loss of consciousness as a
consequence of a rupture.
15.4. After section of a peripheral nerve
15.5. Which of the following lesions are true regarding ring enhancing lesions on
CT scan of brains ?
Answers to question 15.4.
A) TRUE - Human axon growth rate can reach 1 mm/day in small nerves and
slightly higher in large nerves.
B) TRUE - This stimulates an electric impulse.
C) TRUE - Early end to end suturing or nerve grafting interposition under
magnification is the best option.
D) FALSE –Repair of pure motor or sensory nerves have better results than
mixed nerves.
E) TRUE - They should be frequently exercised using physiotherapy and
electrical stimulation to prevent wasting.
15.7. Regarding the management of brain tumours
15.8. A 25-year old man presents with weakness in the upper limbs, spastic
paralysis of lower limbs and priapism 12 hours after a fall. He has a pulse rate of
84/min and BP of 75/50mmHg. Which of the following statements are true?
15.9. Benign extramedullary tumour arising from left 11th thoracic nerve root
Answers to question 15.7.
Answers to question 16.1
A) TRUE- Indications to CABG include more than 50% stenosis of Left main
stem, >50% stenosis of proximal left anterior interventricular artery,
narrowing of 2 out of 3 main coronary arteries disease (triple vessel disease)
B) TRUE- However recent studies suggested that the early use of lipid lowering
agents &antiplatelet agents can improve vein grafts long term potency.
C) TRUE- This is in response to an ischeamia/reperfusion type injury.often
inotropic agents are required at this time to support the heart and
D) TRUE- This results in sternal dehiscence and mediastinitis. Treatment is
debridement and/or rewiring of the sternum. Infection are more common
in diabetics and in obese.
E) TRUE- This is due to embolism originate from a thrombus in aortic arch or
heart chambers with hypoperfusion leading to watershed infarction.
Answers to question 16.4.
16.7. During cardiopulmonary bypass procedure ,
B) Intestinal ischemia.
C) Hepatitis.
D) Fat embolism.
E) Myocardial infarction.
Answers to question 16.7.
16.10. A 70 year-old heavy smoker with history of COPD present with
spontaneous onset unilateral; pneumothorax. Which of the following facts are
Answers to question 16.10.
A) FALSE -They account for 20% and 80% are non small cell carcinomas of
which adenocarcinoma is predominant
B) FALSE - Haemoptysis is the presenting complain in approximately 50%
C) FALSE - Apical region of right lung is most commonly involved. Apical
tumours can involve lower trunk of brachial plexus when it is called
Pancoast,s tumour.
D) TRUE- Lung cancer is associated with series of paraneoplastic syndromes.
E) FALSE- wedge resection or segmentectomy are employed with intended
Answers to question 17.1
A) TRUE – These symptoms constitute Fontain III along with rest pain .Fontain
III and IV are classified as critical ischemia
B) FALSE-This per se does not suggest critical ishcheamia
C) FALSE - This is usually a feature of venous disease while ulcers on Lateral
side of ankle and tips of toes are common with arterial disease.
D) FALSE - This clinical entity, termed Lerich's Syndrome can happen early in
the disease and is due to aorto-illeal involvement.
E) FALSE - Ankle Brachial Index of 0.8 is considerd as early Perpheral vascular
17.4. A 70 years old man present with non-healing ulcer over medial side of an
ankle. He has varicose veins affecting ipsilateral leg.
A) is a lymphangioma.
B) is assocuiated with Downs syndrome.
C) is usually situated in the posterior mediastinum.
D) usually regress by puberty.
E) can be treated b injection of a sclerosant.
Answers to question 17.4.
Answers to question17.5.
A) TRUE – These are usually found where head and limbs join trunk
B) FALSE - It is often seen in Turners syndrome.
C) FALSE - Most common sites are left posterior triangle and axillas. Impact of
the effects of secondary infection depends on site.
D) FALSE - They do not regress but can expand.
E) TRUE - Surgery is the main option.
17.7. Abdominal aortic aneurysms
Answers to question 17.7.
Answers to question 18.1.
A) FALSE- In paediatric population fasting time for solids is 6 hrs, for breast
milk is 4hrs and for clear fluids it is 2hrs.
B) TRUE- Strength provided is adequate and restrictive effect which can occur
when abdominal wall is growing, is avoided.
C) TRUE – Healing is rapid.
D) TRUE- Width of the abdomen is relatively more in children.
E) FALSE- Respiratory causes predominate.
18.4. Intussusception
Answers to question 18.4.
18.7. Regarding testicular abnormalities in children
A) It is multicentric
B) Many are hereditary
C) White reflex aids diagnosis
D) Retinopathy of prematurity is a differential diagnosis
E) Enucleation of the affected eye is necessary.
Answers to question 18.7
1. FALSE- Even ectopic testis which can be found in thigh or perineum does not
reach this area.
2. TRUE- However it can retract proximally anytime.
3. TRUE- It can be situated inside the abdomen.
4. TRUE-This indicate severe histology and functional abnormalities
5. FALSE-Up to 1 year this is achievable
A) Bowen's disease
B) Solar keratosis
C) Xeroderma pigmentosa
D) keratoacanthoma
E) Dermatofibroma
19.2. Which of the following are true regarding squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
of skin?
Answers to question 19.1.
19.4.Risk facors for the development of a melanoma include
A) Exposure to sunlight
B) Albinism
C) Hairy mole
D) Blue naevus
E) Junctional naevus
A) Induration
B) Bleeding
C) Ulceration
D) Appearance of hair
E) Change in shape
19.6.Which of the following skin conditions are associated with systemic illness?
A) Pyoderma gangrenosum
B) Erythema nodosum
C) Acanthosis nigricans
D) Hidradenitis suppurativa
E) Vitiligo
Answers to question 19.4.
19.7. Lumps which are attached to the skin include
A) Sebaceous cyst
B) Congenital dermoid cysts
C) Implantation dermoid cysts
D) Ganglion
E) Nodular neurofibroma
Answers to question 19.7.
19.10. Which of the following are true regarding management of hernia
19.12.Femoral hernia,
Answers to question 19.10.
B) FALSE- In Richter's Hernia part of the bowel wall is strangulated but lumen is
C) TRUE-Caecum can come down and form part of the contents in sliding
hernia IN the right side.
E) FALSE-Mesh Repair reduces recurrence rate to 1%.
A) False- Even in females it is less common than inguinal hernia. Femoral canal
is larger and incidence of femoral hernia is higher in females
B) False- It lies medial to the vein in the femoral canal.
C) True - Inguinal ligament lies above the femoral hernia. But as it increases in
size and the lump is reflected superiorly and becomes difficult to
distinguish from direct inguinal hernia.
D) False- Femoral hernia is usually negative for a cough impulse.
E) True – Mesh plug and suturing obstructs the narrow canal well.
A) FALSE- Full Thickness Grafts give better texture and color match to that of
normal skin.
B) FALSE-Full thickness is used.
C) TRUE- The Percentage take is more with split skin grafts.They are usually
taken in 5 days as opposed to 7 days for Full Thickness Skin Grafts.
D) TRUE- The Split Skin Grafts can be harvested from wider area sand their size
can be further expanded by meshing .
E) FALSE - The Split Skin Grafts are very thin and not suitable for areas such as
20.4. Regarding reconstructive techniques
20.5 Which of the following statements are correct regarding hand infections?
A) Sausage shaped swelling of index finger following prick injury with severe
pain on passive extension need immediate surgery.
B) Fracture of neck of the fifth Metacarpal usually need internal fixation.
C) Surgical repair of digital nerve injury beyond Metacarpo-phalangial joint
are not useful.
D) Flexure tendon injury in no mans land should be repaired urgently by the
casualty surgeon.
E) Klinert traction is valuable after repair of long flexure tendons to fingers.
Answers to question 20.4.
A) FALSE- Via delaying technique or cross limb distant sites can be served.
B) False - 6:1 is achived with axial flaps
C) True – Lattisimus dorsi is also used as a free flap in other areas
D) False - MRI scan is used as US scan image is below required resolution.
E) True – This is an easily acsessible and generous site for bone graft.
A) FALSE- Most painful are pulp space infections due to rich innervations and
confined space.
B) False - Onychogryposis is treated with Total Ablation of Nail bed.
C) TRUE - Melon seed bodies are calcified bodies in distended palmer bursae
resulting from Tuberculosis ,tubercular ulnar bursitis is common as
compound palmer ganglion.
D) TRUE - This needs incision and irrigation of the flexor sheath under
anesthesia in order to prevent later adhesions.
E) FALSE - In hand Infections should be drained before fluctuation manifest as
fluctuation is late due to tissue tension. Breast abscesses too should be
drained without waiting for fluctuation as fluctuation is difficult to elicit in
the soft organ.
A) Thick skin grafts have a better take up rate than thin grafts.
B) Gastrocnemius flap is used frequently in management of compound
fracture of femur.
C) Transverse rectus abdominis flap (TRAM) can be offered at the time of
D) Radial forearm flap is a pedicled flap.
E) Ilizerov technique is employed widely in tissue expansion.
Answers to question 20.7.
A) FALSE - In the early part nutrients are taken into grafts by diffusion.
Increasing thickness makes diffusion difficult.
B) FALSE - gastrocnemius is the muscle of choice for reconstruction of soft
tissue defects are upper third of tibia as well as knee joint.
C) TRUE - This is increasingly undertaken at dedicated centres and reduce
patient distress.
D) FALSE – It is a free flap and used in head and neck reconstruction.
E) FALSE – It is a type of external fixator used in orthopaedic surgery to expand
or lengthen bones.
A) FALSE - It should be declined because the metastatic disease can stay latent
after previous apparently curative surgery.
B) FALSE - It is a general contraindication for transplantation. The risk of
acceleration of disease should be considered carefully.
C) FALSE - Ideal is zero or one but down to three mismatches (out of six MHC
loci )are acceptable.
D) FALSE - Donor age is between 2years and 70 years.
E) TRUE - Rejection is an early immunological complication.
20.10. Which of the following are true/false?
Answers to question 20.10.
A) TRUE - This also involves assessment for damage, cleaning off excess fat,
and preparing renal vein and artery for rapid anastomosis
B) FALSE - External iliac vein is approached .
C) TRUE - It can also be anastomosed end to end to internal iliac artery.
D) TRUE - Other complications include bleeding, ureteric leakage and stenosis
and development of lymphocele around kidney.
E) TRUE -Transplanted kidneys are established in iliac fossa for improved
20.13. which of the following are true/false regarding research methodology
20.15 A patient presented to a surgical clinic with radial nerve injury secondary to
fracture head of the radius. His disabilities due to this injury are
Answers to question 20.13.
A) FALSE- They examine data on disease and exposure at one particular time
B) TRUE - Subjects are selected by their exposure status allowing research to
collect reserach samples.
C) TRUE - Subjects are selected from the outset by their outcome status
D) TRUE - Long-term observation is done sometime spanning generations
E) TRUE - Level 1 evidence is supported by high quality multicentre or single
centre randomized control trial with adequate power or systematic