Gold Exp B1P U1 Skills Test B
Gold Exp B1P U1 Skills Test B
Gold Exp B1P U1 Skills Test B
You are going to listen to people talking in ten
different situations. For questions 1–10, choose
the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to
what you hear.
B He didn’t want to take the speaking test with a 7 You hear a girl talking to her father about a music
partner. concert. What is the problem?
C He didn’t say enough in the speaking test. A Her father is planning to go out at the same time.
B The second act was extremely bad. 8 You hear two friends talking about one of their
teachers. Why do they say about her?
C None of the performers were very famous.
A The last teacher was more interesting.
B recently met the Prime Minister. 9 You hear a woman talking about losing her wedding
ring. How does she feel about it now?
C helped out in a new type of restaurant.
A scared about telling her husband
B desperate to find it
5 You hear two friends talking about a tennis match.
How did the match make them feel? C looking forward to getting a new one
A disappointed
You are going to read an article about four young people spend Saturday morning. For questions 11–17,
choose from the people A–D. The people may be chosen more than once.
Which person/people:
13 thinks their Saturdays are different from those of most children?
Task 2
Read the article again and answer the questions in your own words.
21 Why does Stuart think it would be better to work during the week?
Total: ___/50
A Stuart C Amelia
In general, I prefer to keep my Saturday mornings free.
Unfortunately, I can’t just do what I want because I
We’re expected to work hard at school and we get a lot
have to go to school. It’s not usual for children to have
of homework. Therefore, it’s important to relax at the
school on Saturdays, but mine does things differently.
weekend. My perfect Saturday would be staying in bed
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are free so we can
late and then playing computer games with my friends.
play sports, but there are classes on Saturdays
However, I’ve been working as a volunteer on
instead. We have four and half hours of lessons and
Saturdays for the last month so I don’t have much free
this year we’ve got History, Science and Maths. The
time. I’m helping out in an animal sanctuary where we
classes are all right and the teachers make an effort to
rescue dogs and cats that haven’t got a home. I have
make them interesting. The problem is that we’re all
to do different jobs like cleaning the cages, feeding the
exhausted by Saturday and it’s really hard to pay
animals and taking the dogs for walks. I must admit
attention in class. All of us have got friends who go to
that I don’t like getting up so early on Saturday.
‘normal’ schools and we know that they’re out having
However, it’s worth it because those poor animals
fun. If I had the choice, I would have extra classes
need someone to care for them.
during the week instead. I’m sure we would get more
work done that way.
D Tom
I’ve been saving up for a holiday with my friends, but it
B Nadia
hasn’t been easy. My parents give me a little money
I can never wait for Saturdays to arrive. After a whole
every week, but I usually spend that in no time. When I
week of sitting at my school desk, I have to get out and
asked my dad for more money, he encouraged me to
use up some energy. For me, Saturday morning is all
earn the money instead. He said I could do little jobs
about sports and having fun with my friends. I usually
for the neighbours on a Saturday morning. At the
get up around seven thirty and go for a jog around the
beginning, I was disappointed because I didn’t want to
park. I know it’s early, but I love that part of the day. It’s
lose my free time. Then I realised that if I didn’t work, it
so peaceful because most people are still in bed at that
would be impossible to save any money. Basically,
time. After that, I go home and have some breakfast. I
I’ve started washing the neighbours’ cars and cutting
don’t stay there long though because I usually play
the grass in their gardens. It’s not exactly hard work
football with my mates. We play in a local league and
and it’s not so bad really .I like talking to the
we have matches most Saturdays. We don’t take it too
neighbours and they pay me quite well. Although I’ve
seriously, but we enjoy having a good run around and
lost my Saturday mornings, at least I’ll be able to go on
chasing after the ball. By lunchtime, I’m usually
holiday with my mates.
exhausted and I go home for a rest!