Module 1 Reading 6

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Notre Dame of Dadiangas University


Labangal, General Santos City



Reading 4
Module 1: People and their Time Page 1 of 7

Presenting Interpretative

When you read a story or poem to an audience, you have the power to open doors to a wonderful
world featured in books. Your listeners are given the chance to imagine as they listen to the reading of the
story or poem.

In this module, you will learn how to:

 Identify what is interpretative reading.

 Identify correct emotions to use in reading the poem “The Plaint of the Camel”.
 Show sensitivity towards the feeling of others through citing example.
 Perform the poem “The Plaint of the Camel” in line with the criteria.

Time Duration: 4 days

Interpretative Reading is an artistic performance. Each reader/speaker shows understanding of what

he/she reads through clear and correct pronunciation of words, appropriate vocal and facial expressions, and
hand and body gestures and movements. All these help the audience understand the thoughts and feelings of the
characters in the selection.
Interpretative Reading can be done by one person or by a group.

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Exercise 1: Pre-Assessment
Analyze the picture below and tell the emotions being projected. Write your observations on the line


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Module 1: People and their Time Page 3 of 7
Exercise 2
A. Read the poetic lines taken from Proverbs 15 of the Bible. It has been divided into five two-line stanzas
to guide the readers in their reading.

From Proverbs 15 of the Holy Bible

1 A soft answer turns away wrath:

But grievous words stir up anger.
13 A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance:
But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.
15 All the days of the afflicted are evil:
But he that is of a merry heart has a continual feast
16 Better a little with the fear of the Lord
Than great treasure and trouble therewith.
17 Better is a dinner of herbs where love is,
Than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.

The following words are found in the selection. Read each word, pronounce it correctly, then understand its

1. wrath \’rath\ - anger; violence

2. Grievous \’grē-vɘs\ - serious; causing grief, pain, anguish
3. Countenance \’kaů-tɘn-ɘn(t)s\ - appearance; expression on the face
4. Continual \kɘn-’tin-yü-ɘl\ - repeated regularly
5. Stalled \’stȯld\ - kept in a building for domesticated animals

B. Now, read the selection aloud. Pronounce the words clearly. Since you know the meaning of the
unfamiliar words, use the tone of the voice that will help the listener understand better what you

Tone of the voice refers to the sound of distinct pitch, quality, or duration. The
sound of voice and manner of expression is used to determine meaning (e.g., love,
anger , hatred, sorrow)

Try reading “A Merry Heart” again following the instructions below.

1. Say each stanza (two lines) with a change in the tone of voice to differentiate the feelings shown in line
1 and line 2.
2. Show the contrast between the two lines in each stanza with the change in tone of voice.
3. Next, change your facial expression and body language to fit meaning of each stanza.

Appropriate facial expressions as well as gestures and movements are important in

interpretative reading.
Facial Expression refers especially to the movement of the eyes and mouth. A
speaker’s facial expression should reflect thoughts and emotions.
Stress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word,
or to certain words in a phrase or sentence

Read each situation and identify the emotion that is expressed. Write the type of emotion on the line before the

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____________1. Oh, thank you! I was hoping to get a bag like this someday.
____________2. It’s your fault! You should have been more careful.
____________3. No! I can’t go into that house alone. It’s so dark!
____________4. Oh, thank you! Do you really think I’m pretty?
____________5. What shall I do this whole week? My friends have gone on vacation, and I’ll be here alone with
my aunt until my parents come to take me home.

Exercise 3
Open the link below and watch-observe the video of a girl performing an Interpretative Reading. Write your
honest descriptions from the material viewed on the lines provided.


Exercise 4
See attached file in the MOODLE to read the full copy of the text.

The Plaint of the Camel

By Charles Edward Carryl

1. What animals are mentioned by the camel? According to the camel, what made these animal luckier
than it is?

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2. Look at the picture of the camel above. Does it seem pitiful? Why do you say so?

3. While reading the poem, that do you think is the feeling of the Camel?

4. How did you know that it is the feeling of the Camel?


5. If we didn’t read the poem, how are you going to know the feeling of the Camel?

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Exercise 5
Each pupil will perform an Interpretative Reading using the piece “The Plaint of the Camel” by Charles
Edward Carryl. Refer to the criteria below in preparing the said kind of reading and just send your video while
performing in the MOODLE).
Criteria Score
Clarity of voice 10
Facial Expression 15
Total 25

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