Ship Hull Design

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Lecture Note of Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant

Part I. Ship Design
Ch. 6 Structural Design

Fall 2017

Myung-Il Roh

Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Seoul National University

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


 Ch. 1 Introduction to Ship Design

 Ch. 2 Introduction to Offshore Plant Design
 Ch. 3 Hull Form Design
 Ch. 4 General Arrangement Design
 Ch. 5 Naval Architectural Calculation
 Ch. 6 Structural Design
 Ch. 7 Outfitting Design

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Ch. 6 Structural Design

6.1 Generals & Materials

6.2 Global Hull Girder Strength (Longitudinal Strength)
6.3 Local Strength (Local Scantling)
6.4 Buckling Strength
6.5 Structural Design of Midship Section of a 3,700 TEU
Container Ship

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

6.1 Generals & Materials

(1) Stress Transmission

(2) Principal Dimensions
(3) Criteria for the Selection of Plate Thickness,
Grouping of Longitudinal Stiffener
(4) Material Factors

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(1) Stress Transmission

Inner Bottom Plate


Side Girder

Center Girder

Web frame

Plate Longi. Web frame Girder

: Stress Transmission

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

DNV Rules, Jan. 2004,Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 1

(2) Principal Dimensions 101

The following principal dimensions are used in accordance with DNV rule.
1) Rule length (L or Ls)
: Length of a ship used for rule scantling procedure

0.96  LWL  L  0.97  LWL

 Distance on the summer load waterline (LWL) from the fore side of the
stem to the axis of the rudder stock
 Not to be taken less than 96%, and need not be taken greater
than 97%, of the extreme length on the summer load waterline (LWL)
Example of the calculation of rule length
LBP LWL 0.96·LWL 0.97·LWL L
250 261 250.56 253.17 250.56
250 258 247.68 250.26 250.00
250 255 244.80 247.35 247.35

2) Breadth
: Greatest moulded breadth in [m], measured at the summer load waterline

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


DNV Rules, Jan. 2004,Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 1

(2) Principal Dimensions 101

3) Depth (D)
: Moulded depth defined as the vertical distance in [m] from baseline to
moulded deck line at the uppermost continuous deck measured amidships

4) Draft (T)
: Mean moulded summer draft (scantling draft) in [m]

5) Block coefficient (CB)

: To be calculated based on the rule length

CB  , (  : Moulded displacement in sea water on draft T)
1.025  L  B  T

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(3) Criteria for the Selection of DNV Rules, Jan. 2004,Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 1

Plate Thickness, Grouping of Longitudinal Stiffener

1) Criteria for the selection of plate thickness
 When selecting plate thickness, use the provided plate thickness.

(1) 0.5 mm interval

Ex) 15.75 mm  16.0 mm
(2) Above 0.25 mm: 0.5 mm 15.74 mm  15.5 mm
(3) Below 0.25 mm: 0.0 mm

2) Grouping of longitudinal stiffener

For the efficiency of productivity, each member is arranged by grouping
longitudinal stiffeners. The grouping members should satisfy the following rule.
Average value but not to be taken less than 90% of the largest individual
requirement (DNV).
Ex) The longitudinal stiffeners have design thickness of 100, 90, 80, 70, 60 mm. The average
thickness is given by 80 mm×5. However, the average value is less than 100mm×90% =
90 mm of the largest individual requirement, 100 mm.
Therefore, the average value should be taken 90 mm×5.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


1) DNV Rules, Jan. 2004, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec.2

(4) Material Factors 2) James M. Gere, Mechanics of Materials 7th Edition,

Thomson, Chap.1, pp.15~26

 The material factor f1 is included in the various formulae for

scantlings and in expressions giving allowable stresses.1)

Material Yield Stress  Material

Designation (N/mm2)  NV  NS Factor (f1)
NV-NS 235 235/235 = 1.00 1.00

NV-27 265 265/235 = 1.13 1.08

NV-32 315 315/235 = 1.34 1.28
* Yield Stress (σy) [N/mm2] or [MPa]:
NV-36 355 355/235 = 1.51 1.39 The magnitude of the load required to
cause yielding in the beam.2)
NV-40 390 390/235 = 1.65 1.47
* NV-NS: Normal Strength Steel (Mild Steel)
* NV-XX: High Tensile Steel

* High tensile steel: A type of alloy steel that provides better mechanical properties or greater
* A: ‘A’ grade ‘Normal Strength Steel’
resistance to corrosion than carbon steel. They have a carbon content between 0.05-0.25% to
retain formability and weldability, including up to 2.0% manganese, and other elements are * AH: ‘A’ grade ‘High Tensile Steel’
added for strengthening purposes.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

6.2 Global Hull Girder Strength

(Longitudinal Strength)

(1) Generals
(2) Still Water Bending Moment (Ms)
(3) Vertical Wave Bending Moment (Mw)
(4) Section Modulus

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(1) Generals

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Interest of “Ship Structural Design”

 Ship Structural Design

What is designer’s major interest?

 Safety:
Won’t ‘it’ fail under the load?

a ship global

a stiffener
a plate

Let’s consider the safety of the ship from the point of global strength first.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Dominant Forces Acting on a Ship

What are dominant forces acting on a ship in view of the longi. strength?

z w(x):weight
w( x) weight of light ship, weight of cargo, and
x consumables

hydrostatic force (buoyancy)
b( x )

x on the submerged hull

hydrodynamic force induced by the wave

What is the direction of the dominant forces?

The forces act in vertical (lateral)
direction along the ship’s length.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Longitudinal Strength
: Overall strength of ship’s hull which resists the bending moment, shear
force, and torsional moment acting on a hull girder.
Longitudinal strength loads
: Load concerning the overall strength of the ship’s hull, such as the bending moment,
shear force, and torsional moment acting on a hull girder

Static longitudinal loads


x Loads are caused by differences between weight and

buoyancy in longitudinal direction in the still water

Hydrodynamic longitudinal loads


x Loads are induced by waves

1) Okumoto,Y., Design of Ship Hull Structures, Springers, 2009, P.17

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Idealization of the Ship Hull Girder Structure

How can we idealize a ship as a structural member?

 Structural member according to the types of loads

① Axially loaded bar: structural member which supports forces directed along
the axis of the bar

② Bar in torsion: structural member which supports torques (or couples) having
their moment about the longitudinal axis

③ Beam: structural members subjected to lateral loads, that is, forces or

moments perpendicular to the axis of the bar

Since a ship has a slender shape and subject to lateral loads, it will
behave like a beam from the point view of structural member.

y w

Ship is regarded as a beam. x



Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Applying Beam Theory to a Ship

y w

w f  x
x x
V ( x) V ( x)

M ( x) M ( x)

y( x)
f x 
If there are supports at the x
ends, deflection and slope of AP FP
the beam occur. Actually, there are no supports at the ends of the ship.
However, the deflection and slope could occur due to inequality of the
buoyancy and the weight of a ship. For this problem, we assume that there are
* James M. Gere, Mechanics of Materials, 6th Edition, Thomson, Ch. 4, p. 292 simple supports at the A.P and the F.P.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Correction of a Bending Moment Curve

Before correction

After correction
M ( x)

What if the bending moment is not zero at FP?
 The deflection and slope of the beam occur at FP.
 Thus, we correct the bending moment curve
to have 0 at AP and FP.

- =
* James M. Gere, Mechanics of Materials, 6th Edition, Thomson, Ch. 4, p. 292

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Actual Stress ≤ Allowable Stress

- Bending Stress and Allowable Bending Stress
1) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 5, Jan. 2004

The actual bending stress (act.) shall not be greater than the allowable bending stress (l).

M S : Largest SWBM among all loading conditions and class rule

M W : Calculated by class rule or direct calculation
(DNV Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 5 C303)
M  MW 3
 act .  S 10 [ kg / cm 2 ]

 act .   l

 l   allow  175 f1 [ N / mm 2 ] within 0.4L amidship

 125 f1 [ N / mm 2 ] within 0.1L from A.P. or F.P.

(f1: Material factor. Ex. Mild steel 1.0, HT-32 1.28, HT-36 1.39)

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Criteria of Structural Design (1/2)

 Ship Structural Design z
f  x

a ship x

The actual bending stress (act.) shall not be greater than the allowable bending stress (l).

 act .   l M M S  MW M S : Largest SWBM among all loading conditions and class rule
, σ act .   M W : calculated by class rule or direct calculation
1, 000 Ton  m Example of bending moment curve of container carrier


: allowable stress 200 Light ship

150 Ballast dep.
For instance, allowable bending stresses by 100 Ballast arr.

DNV rule are given as follows:

50 Homo 10t dep.
0 Homo 10t arr.

 50 Homo 18t dep.

 l  175 f1 [N / mm 2 ] within 0.4L amidship 100

Homo 10t arr.

 125 f1 [N / mm2 ] within 0.1L from A.P. or F.P.  200

 250
A. P 14 29 52 88 126 144 180 218 254 293 F .P

Actual bending moments at aft and forward

area are smaller than that at the midship.

What is, then, the f1?

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Criteria of Structural Design (2/2)

 act .   l
M M S  MW
σ act .  
(1) Still Water Bending Moment (Ms)
(2) Vertical Wave Bending Moment (Mw)
(3) Section Modulus (Z)

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(2) Still Water Bending Moment (Ms)

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Still Water Bending Moment (Ms)

M M S  MW
 act .   l , σ act .  
, MS: Still water bending moment
MW: Vertical wave bending moment

Hydrostatic loads along ship’s length

caused by the weight & the buoyancy

fS ( x) : distributed loads in longitudinal

direction in still water

VS ( x ) : still water shear force

VS ( x )  0
f S ( x )dx

M S ( x) : still water bending moment
M S ( x)   0
V S ( x )dx

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Distributed Loads in Longitudinal Direction

f ( x)  f S ( x)  fW ( x)
f(x): Distributed loads in longitudinal direction

fS(x): Static longitudinal loads in longitudinal direction

fW(x): Hydrodynamic longitudinal loads induced by wave

z w(x) : weight
In still water w( x)
f S ( x )  b( x )  w( x ) x
x 
z b(x) : buoyancy
b( x)

b(x): Distributed buoyancy in longitudinal direction z f S(x) = b(x) + w(x) : Load
w(x) = LWT(x) + DWT(x) fS  x 
- w(x): Weight distribution in longitudinal direction x
- LWT(x): Lightweight distribution
- DWT(x): Deadweight distribution

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Distributed Loads Load Curve, fS(x)

Actual Still Water
Shear Force, VS(x)
Actual Still Water
Bending Moment, MS(x)

in Still Water Weight, w(x)

Buoyancy, b(x) 0
VS ( x)   f S ( x)dx
M S ( x)   VS ( x)dx

 Example of a 3,700 TEU Container Ship in Homogeneous 10 ton Scantling Condition

- Principal Dimensions & Plans
Profile & plan Midship section
Principal dimension

- Loading Condition: Homogeneous 10 ton Scantling Condition (Sailing state)

* Frame space: 800mm

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Distributed Loads in Still Water

Load Curve, f (x) S
Actual Still Water
Shear Force, VS(x)
Actual Still Water
Bending Moment, MS(x)

- Lightweight Weight, w(x)

Buoyancy, b(x) 0
VS ( x)   f S ( x)dx
M S ( x)   VS ( x)dx

Example of a 3,700 TEU Container Ship


180.0 Bow Thruster
160.0 Emergency
140.0 Pump

0 25 50 74 99 125 150 175 200 226 251 276 301 326 FR. NO

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Distributed Loads in Still Water

Load Curve, f (x) S
Actual Still Water
Shear Force, VS(x)
Actual Still Water
Bending Moment, MS(x)

- Deadweight Weight, w(x)

Buoyancy, b(x) 0
VS ( x)   f S ( x)dx
M S ( x)   VS ( x)dx

Example of a 3,700 TEU Container Ship Deadweight distribution in longitudinal direction

in homogenous 10 ton scantling condition
-Loading plan in homogenous 10 ton scantling condition

-Deadweight distribution curve in homogenous

10 ton scantling condition

FR.Space : 800 mm F.P
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Distributed Loads in Still Water

Load Curve, f (x) S
Actual Still Water
Shear Force, VS(x)
Actual Still Water
Bending Moment, MS(x)

- Buoyancy Curve Weight, w(x)

Buoyancy, b(x)
VS ( x)   f S ( x)dx
0 0
M S ( x)   VS ( x)dx

Example of a 3,700 TEU Container Ship

 Calculation of buoyancy  Buoyancy curve in homogeneous 10 ton scantling condition
100 ton

(1) Calculation of sectional area

below waterline

A.P F.P FR. No
FR. Space: 800 mm

(2) Integration of sectional area over

the ship’s length

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Distributed Loads in Still Water

Load Curve, f (x) S
Actual Still Water
Shear Force, VS(x)
Actual Still Water
Bending Moment, MS(x)

- Load Curve Weight, w(x)

Buoyancy, b(x)
VS ( x)   f S ( x)dx
0 0
M S ( x)   VS ( x)dx

Load Curve f S ( x) : Loads Curve = Weight + Buoyancy

= Lightweight
Weight Curve + Deadweight Lightweight Distribution Curve Deadweight Distribution Curve
in homogenous 10ton scantling condition in homogenous 10 ton scantling condition

 

A.P F.P 0.0
0 25 50 74 99 125 150 175 200 226 251 276 301 326 FR. NO
A.P FR.Space : 800 mm F.P

Buoyancy Curve Load Curve = Weight w(x) + Buoyancy b(x)
in homogenous 10 ton scantling condition in homogenous 10 ton scantling condition
100 ton

FR.Space: 800 mm FR.No

Actual Still Water Shear Force 28

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Actual Still Water Actual Still Water

Actual Still Water Shear Force & Load Curve, fS(x)
Shear Force, VS(x) Bending Moment, MS(x)
Actual Still Water Bending Moment Weight, w(x)
Buoyancy, b(x) 0
VS ( x)   f S ( x)dx
M S ( x)   VS ( x)dx

Example of a 3,700TEU Container Ship

Load Curve f S ( x )  b( x )  w ( x )

Actual Still Water VS ( x )   f S ( x ) dx
Shear Force 0

Actual still water shear force

Design still water shear force

Actual Still Water

Bending Moment x
M S ( x )   VS ( x ) dx

Actual still water bending moment

Design still water bending moment

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Rule Still Water Bending Moment by the Classification Rule

Recently, actual still water bending moment based on the loading conditions
is used for still water bending moment, because the rule still water bending
moment is only for the tanker.

• The design still water bending moments to be taken less than

(DNV Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 5 A105)
M S  M SO [kNm] (rule still water bending moment)
M SO  0.065CWU L2 B (C B  0.7) [kNm] in sagging

 CWU L B (0.1225  0.015CB )

[kNm] in hogging
‫ܥ‬ௐ௎ : Wave coefficient for unrestricted service

The design still water bending moment shall not be less than the large of: the largest
actual still water bending moment based on the loading conditions and the rule still water
bending moment.

Design SWBM = Max(Actual SWBM, Rule SWBM) + margin

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Rule Still Water Shear Force by the Classification Rule

• The design values of still water shear forces along the length of the ship are normally not
to be taken less than
(Dnv Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec. 5 B107)
(rule still water shear force)
ksq = 0 at A.P. and F.P.
QS  k sq QSO (kN ) = 1.0 between 0.15L and 0.3L from A.P.
= 0.8 between 0.4L and 0.6L from A.P.
= 1.0 between 0.7L and 0.85L from A.P.
M SO M SO  0.065CWU L2 B(C B  0.7) [kNm] in sagging
QSO  5 (kN )
L  CWU L2 B(0.1225  0.015C B ) [kNm] in hogging

‫ܥ‬ௐ௎ : wave coefficient for unrestricted service

The design still water shear force shall not be less than the large of: the largest actual still
water shear forces based on loading conditions and the rule still water shear force.

Design SWSF = Max(Actual SWSF, Rule SWSF) + margin

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(3) Vertical Wave Bending Moment


Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Vertical Wave Bending Moment (Mw)

M M S  MW
 act .   l , σ act .  
, MS: Still water bending moment
MW: Vertical wave bending moment

Hydrodynamic loads induced by

waves along ship’s length

fW ( x ) : distributed loads induced by waves

= Froude-Krylov force + diffraction force
+ added mass force + damping force

Mr   F  ( Body Force)  ( Surface Force)

added mass
 Fgravity (r)  FFluid (r,r,r)
 Fgravity  FBuoyancy (r )  FF . K (r )  FD (r )
 FR , Damping (r, r )  FR , Mass (r, 

VW ( x ) : vertical wave shear force

VW ( x )   0
f W ( x )dx
damping mass inertia
F .K
M W ( x ) : vertical wave bending moment
M W ( x)   0
VW ( x )dx

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Dynamic Longitudinal Loads

In still water z f S(x)= b(x) – w(x): Load
fS  x 
f S ( x )  b( x )  w( x ) x

x f(x): Distributed loads in longitudinal direction

fS(x): Static longitudinal loads in longitudinal direction
fW(x): Hydrodynamic longitudinal loads induced by wave

In wave  Dynamic longitudinal loads
: Loads are induced by waves

x Vertical bending due to waves

• Ship in oblique waves

Hogging Sagging

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Dynamic Longitudinal Loads

- Direct Calculation of Dynamic Longitudinal Loads (1/2)
In still water z f S(x)= b(x) – w(x): Load
z fS  x 
f S ( x )  b( x )  w( x ) x

x f(x): Distributed loads in longitudinal direction

fS(x): Static longitudinal loads in longitudinal direction
fW(x): Hydrodynamic longitudinal loads induced by wave

In wave  Dynamic longitudinal loads fW ( x)
z ?
: Loads are induced by waves
 Direct calculation of dynamic longitudinal loads
• from 6DOF motion of ship
x   X , Y , T ,  ,  , 

 Ref.> 6 DOF motion of ship f ( x)  f S  x   fW ( x)

Yaw 
z  b( x)  w( x)  f D ( x)  f F . K ( x)  f R ( x)
additional loads in wave
Heave T

Pitch  where,
O f R ( x)  a ( x) 
x  b( x) x
Roll 
fD(x): Diffraction force at x
fR(x): Radiation force at x by damping and added mass
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, F.K
f (x): Froude-Krylov force at x
Myung-Il Roh

Dynamic Longitudinal Loads

- Direct Calculation of Dynamic Longitudinal Loads (2/2)
In wave
z  Direct calculation of dynamic longitudinal loads

Load induced fW ( x)  f D ( x)  f F .K ( x)  f R ( x)
by Wave
where, f R ( x )   a ( x ) 
x  b( x ) x

Actual Vertical Wave x

Shear Force QW ( x )   fW ( x ) dx

Actual Vertical Wave x

Bending Moment M W ( x )   QW ( x ) dx

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Rule Values of Vertical Wave Bending Moments

 Direct calculation of dynamic longitudinal loads
• Loads are induced by waves Recently, rule values of vertical
Actual Vertical Wave
Shear Force
QW ( x )   fW ( x ) dx wave moments are used,
because of the uncertainty of the
direct calculation values of
Actual Vertical Wave
vertical wave bending moments.
Bending Moment M W ( x )   QW ( x ) dx

Design VWBM = Min(Actual VWBM, Rule VWBM) + margin

The rule vertical wave bending moments amidships are given by:

M W  M WO [kNm] (DNV Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 B201)

M WO  0.11CW L2 B(C B  0.7) [kNm] in sagging L  100 0.0792  L
10.75  (300  L) / 100
3/ 2
100  L  300
 0.19CW L2 BC B [kNm] in hogging 300  L  350 10.75
L  350 10.75  ( L  350) / 150
3/ 2

α = 1.0 for seagoing condition

= 0.5 for harbor and sheltered water conditions (enclosed fiords, lakes, rivers)
CW: wave coefficient
CB: block coefficient, not be taken less than 0.6

Direct calculation values of vertical wave bending moments can be used for design vertical
wave bending moment instead of the rule values of vertical wave moments, if the value of
the direct calculation is smaller than that of the rule value. 37
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Rule Values of Vertical Wave Shear Forces

 Direct calculation of dynamic longitudinal loads
• Loads are induced by waves

Load induced by fW ( x)  f D ( x)  f F . K ( x)  f R ( x)
where, f R ( x )  a ( x)  x  b( x) x

Actual Vertical Wave x

Shear Force QW ( x )   fW ( x ) dx

Design VWSF = Min(Actual VWSF, Rule VWSF) + margin

The rule values of vertical wave shear forces along the length of the ship
are given by: (DNV Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 B203)

Positive shear force: QWP  0.3 k wqp CW LB (C B  0.7) β: coefficient according

to operating condition
kwqp, kwqn: coefficients
Negative shear force: QWN  0.3k wqn CW LB (C B  0.7) according to location in
CW: wave coefficient

Direct calculation values of vertical wave shear forces can be used for vertical wave shear
force instead of the rule values of vertical shear forces, if the value of the direct calculation
is smaller than that of the rule value.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


[Example] Rule Values of Still Water Bending Moments (Ms)

and Vertical Wave Bending Moment (Mw)

Calculate LS, CB,SCANT, and vertical wave bending moment (MW) at amidships (0.5L) of a ship
in hogging condition for sea going condition.

Given: LOA  332.0 m, LBP  317.2 m, LEXT  322.85 m, B  43.2m, Ts  14.5 m,   140,960 ton

(Sol.) Ls  0.97  LEXT  0.97  322.85  313.16 M S  M SO (kNm)

140,906 M SO  0.065CWU L2 B (CB  0.7), in sagging 
CB , SCANT   / 1.025  Ls  B  Ts    0.701
1.025  313.16  43.2 14.5  CWU L2 B (0.1225  0.015CB ), in hogging 
M w  M WO (kNm)
  1.0, for sea going condition,
M WO  0.11 CW L2 B (CB  0.7),  in sagging 
CW  10.75, if 300  L  350 (wave coefficient)  0.19 CW L2 BCB ,  in hogging 
k wm  1.0 between 0.4L and 0.65 L from A.P(=0.0) and F.P

M WO  0.19    CW  L2  B  CB , SCANT  kNm 

 0.19 1.0 10.75  313.162  43.2  0.701  6, 066,303  kNm 
at 0.5L, k wm  1.0
M W  1.0  M WO

So, M W  1.0  M WO  6, 066,303  kNm 

1) DSME, Ship Structural Design, 5-2 Load on Hull Structure, Example 4, 2005
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(4) Section Modulus

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Example of Midship Section of a 3,700 TEU Container Ship

1) First, determine the dimensions of the longitudinal
structural members such as longitudinal plates and
longitudinal stiffeners by rule local scantling.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Vertical Location of Neutral Axis about Baseline

2) Second, calculate the moment of sectional area about the

base line.

h A i i
hi : vertical center of structural member
Ai : area of structural member

3) Vertical location of neutral axis from base line ( h ) is, then,

calculated by dividing the moment of area by the total sectional area.

h A i i
<Midship section>

h 
A Upper Deck

yD Ai
h : vertical location of neutral axis
N . A.
A : total area yB
hi h

By definition, neutral axis pass through

the centroid of the cross section.
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Midship Section Moment of Inertia about N.A

- The midship section moment of inertia about base line (IB.L)

I B. L  I N . A.  A h 2

- then calculate the midship section moment of inertia about neutral axis (IN.A) using IB.L.

I N . A.  I B.L  A h 2

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Calculation of Section Modulus and Actual Stress

at Deck and Bottom

<Midship section> Section modulus

 I N . A. I
Upper Deck ZD  , Z B  N . A.
yD yB
y yD
N .A. Calculation of Actual Stress at Deck and Bottom
B.L. M M
 Deck  
 :bending stress Z D I N . A / yD
M T :Total bending moment
A: Total Area
I N . A. : Inertia moment of the midship section area about M M
neutral axis (N.A.)  Bottom  
B.L : Base Line Z B I N . A / yB

  l ,σ  
Z I N .A / y

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Global Hull Girder Strength (Longitudinal Strength)

- Definition of the Longitudinal Strength Members

※ Example of Requirement for Longitudinal Structural Member

DNV Rules for Classification of Ships

Sec. 5 Longitudinal Strength
C 300 Section modulus
301 The requirements given in 302 and 303 will normally be satisfied when
calculated for the midship section only, provided the following rules for
tapering are complied with:
a) Scantlings of all continuous longitudinal strength members shall be
maintained within 0.4 L amidships.
b) Scantlings outside 0.4 L amidships are gradually reduced to the local
requirements at the ends, and the same material strength group is applied
over the full length of the ship.
The section modulus at other positions along the length of the ship may
have to be specially considered for ships with small block coefficient, high
speed and large flare in the fore body or when considered necessary due to
structural arrangement, see A106.

Application of hull girder load effects

* Hughes, Ship Structural Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1983
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

The Minimum Required Midship Section Modulus and

Inertia Moment by DNV Rule
DNV Rules, Jan. 2004, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 5

The midship section modulus about the transverse neutral axis shall not be less than:
(Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 C302)

CWO: wave coefficient

Z O  WO L2 B(CB  0.7) [cm3 ]
L  300 10.75  (300  L) / 100
3/ 2

300  L  350 10.75

10.75  ( L  350) / 150
3/ 2
L  350

CB is in this case not to be taken less than 0.60.

The midship section moment of inertia about the transverse neutral axis shall not
be less than: (Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 C400)

I ship  3CW L3 B (CB  0.7) [cm 4 ]

* DNV Rules, Jan. 2004, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 5

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


1) DNV Rules, Jan. 2004,Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec.2

Material Factors (f1) 2) James M. Gere, Mechanics of Materials 7th Edition,

Thomson, Chap.1, pp.15~26

 The material factor f1 is included in the various formulae for

scantlings and in expressions giving allowable stresses.1)

Material Yield Stress  Material

Designation (N/mm2)  NV  NS Factor (f1)
NV-NS 235 235/235 = 1.00 1.00

NV-27 265 265/235 = 1.13 1.08

NV-32 315 315/235 = 1.34 1.28
* Yield Stress (σy) [N/mm2] or [MPa]:
NV-36 355 355/235 = 1.51 1.39 The magnitude of the load required to
cause yielding in the beam.2)
NV-40 390 390/235 = 1.65 1.47
* NV-NS: Normal Strength Steel (Mild Steel)
* NV-XX: High Tensile Steel

* High tensile steel: A type of alloy steel that provides better mechanical properties or greater
* A: ‘A’ grade ‘Normal Strength Steel’
resistance to corrosion than carbon steel. They have a carbon content between 0.05-0.25% to
retain formability and weldability, including up to 2.0% manganese, and other elements are * AH: ‘A’ grade ‘High Tensile Steel’
added for strengthening purposes.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Summary of Longitudinal Strength   l ,σ 
I N .A / y


Calculation of hull girder total shear force & bending moment

Still water shear forces QS Wave shear force QW

Still water bending moments MS Wave bending moment MW

(QS , MS) based on the loading conditions Direct calculation (QW , MW)
1. Weight curve W (x) 1. Wave Load curve
fW ( x )  f D ( x )  f F . K ( x )  f R ( x )
2. Buoyancy curve B(x)
2. Vertical Wave Shear force curve
3. Load curve f S ( x)  W ( x)  B ( x) QW   fW dx
4. Shear force curve Qs   f S dx 3. Vertical Wave Bending moment curve
5. Bending moment curve M S   Qs dx M W   QW dx

(QS , MS) Min. rule requirements Class rule (QW , MW)

Larger value shall be used for the design still water bending moment Direct calculation values can be used for wave shear force and
between the largest actual still water bending moment based on loading wave bending moment.
conditions and still water bending moment by rule.

Calculation of section modulus (Local scantling)

No Modify longitudinal
Actual bending stress ≤ Allowable bending stress structural members

End of design of longitudinal strength 48

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


6.3 Local Strength

(Local Scantling)

(1) Procedure of Local Scantling

(2) Local Strength & Allowable Stress
(3) Design Loads
(4) Scantling of Plates
(5) Scantling of Stiffeners
(6) Sectional Properties of Steel Sections

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Local Scantling
 Ship structure members are designed to endure the loads acting on the ship
structure such as hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads1).

 For instance, the structural member is subjected to:

Hydrostatic pressure due to surrounding water
Internal loading due to self weight and cargo weight
Hydrodynamic load due to waves
Inertia force of cargo or ballast due to ship motion
1) Okumoto, Y., Takeda, Y., Mano, M., Design of Ship Hull Structures - a Practical Guide for Engineers, Springer, pp. 17-32, 2009
2) Mansour, A., Liu, D., The Principles of Naval Architecture Series – Strength of Ships and Ocean Structures, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 2008

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(1) Procedure of Local Scantling

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Procedure of Local Scantling

- Design Procedure of Structures
Estimation of design bending moment

Main data, geometry

and arrangement
 Midship section arrangement Local scantling Ship structure design is carried
out in accordance with the
As-built ship
midship section modulus procedure shown in the figure.

Calculation of stress factor Assumption of initial

midship section modulus Each member is adjusted to have
Given by
enough local strength given by
Local scantling
the rule requirement the rule of Classification Societies
based on the mechanics of
Calculation of
actual section modulus materials.

No Required section modulus

Longitudinal This is called the “local scantling”.
Actual section modulus strength check


Rule scantling end

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Design Procedure of Structures

- Stress Factor
Why iteration is needed for the calculation of local scantling?

The actual midship section

modulus at bottom or deck is
However, the section modulus can
be calculated after the scantlings of
the members are determined.
 Assumption!

Therefore, the actual section

modulus is calculated to be equal
to the assumed section modulus by
the iteration.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Design Procedure of Structures

1) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6 C800, Jan. 2004

- Stress Factor
Why iteration is needed for the calculation of local scantling?
 Minimum plate thickness

Example) Inner bottom longitudinals1) 15.8ka s p

t (mm)

 Minimum section modulus for longitudinal stiffener
l: Stiffener span in m
83l 2 spwk
σdb: Mean double bottom stress at plate flanges, normally
s: Stiffener spacing in m not to be taken less than

Z (cm ) 3 p: Design loads = 20 f1 for cargo holds in general cargo vessel

= 50 f1 for holds for ballast
wk: Section modulus corrosion factor in tanks,
Sec.3 C1004 = 85 f1 b/B for tanks for liquid cargo

Where,   225 f1  100 f 2b  0.7 db : Allowable stress of this structural part

f1 : Material factor as defined in DNV Rules Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec.2

f 2b : stress factor
The actual midship section modulus at
Required midship section modulus
5 .7 ( M S  M W ) [cm3] at bottom or deck
bottom or deck is needed.
f 2b , 2 d  However, the section modulus can be
Zb,d Actual midship section modulus calculated after the scantlings of the
[cm3] at bottom or deck as-built members are determined.
MS: Largest design SWBM2) [kN·m]  Assumption!
MW: VWBM by class rule or direct calculation in [kN·m]
Therefore, the actual section modulus is
calculated to be equal to the assumed
2) Largest SWBM among all loading conditions and class rule section modulus by the iteration.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(2) Local Strength & Allowable Stress

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Local Strength & Allowable Stresses

- Allowable Stress for Local Strength
Max. 175 f1
Relationship between load and stress
1) Longitudinal load
induced by waves
(Hogging or Sagging)

Bottom Longitudinal BHD BHD

Longitudinal girder local etc
2) Cargo load
Max. 190 f1

Max. 225 f1
girder (db)
Max. 245 f1
3) Ballasting load

In the figure above, the meaning local Transverse


of the coefficients of the maximum

allowable stresses is as follows:
245 f1: Maximum Yield Stress
235 f1: Proportional Limit

 225 f1: The maximum allowable

stress for the local strength
uses the value less than the
maximum yield stress.
In other words, 225 f1 is used
for the yield stress, except for
the other effects.
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Local Strength & Allowable Stresses


girder (db)


Primary, secondary, and tertiary structure

* Mansour, A., Liu, D., The Principles of Naval Architecture Series – Strength of Ships and Ocean Structures, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 2008

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Allowable Stresses
- Allowable Stress for Local Strength
Max. 175 f1

Another interpretation of the figure
Example) Inner bottom longitudinals1)

The section modulus requirement is given by:

Longitudinal girder local etc 83l 2 spwk
Z (cm3 )
Max. 190 f1

where, p is the local pressure on bottom structure.
Max. 225 f1

Max. 245 f1
The nominal allowable bending stress due to lateral
pressure is used except for the longitudinal stress and
the double bottom stress.

  225 f1  100 f 2b  0.7 db

The longitudinal stress is given by the stress factor.
And the double bottom stress is given by:

σdb: Mean double bottom stress at plate flanges,

normally not to be taken less than
= 20 f1 for cargo holds in general cargo vessel
= 50 f1 for holds for ballast
= 85 f1 b/B for tanks for liquid cargo

1) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6 C800, Jan.

2004 58
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Allowable Stresses ( or l) for DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6, 7, 8, 9, Jan. 2004

Bottom Plating, Deck Plating, Bulkhead Plating, Side Plating

Strength deck 120 f1
(Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 8 C102)
Strength deck 120 f1 120 f1

N.A. 160 f1 140 f1

Bottom 120 f1 120 f1

 Minimum plate thickness
C t
15.8ka s p
140 f1 Inner Bottom Plating 
(Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6 C401)  Allowable stress at the neutral axis (N.A.) is
Longi. Girder Plating largest. And the allowable stress decreases
130 f1 proportionally from the neutral axis (N.A) to the
(Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6 C501)
deck and bottom of the section. Because actual
120 f1 Bottom Plating bending stress is smallest at the neutral axis
(Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6 C302) (N.A.), the allowable stress increases proportionally
f1: material factor from N.A to the deck and bottom of the section.
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6, 7, 8, 9, Jan. 2004

Allowable Stresses (l) for Longitudinal Stiffeners

 Minimum section modulus for longitudinal stiffener
On Decks (Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 8 C301)
83l 2 spwk
Z (cm3 )
 225 f1  130 f 2 d , max 160 f1 : Strength deck
 Longitudinal
zn  za : Continuous
225 f1  130 f 2 d , max 160 f1 decks below
zn strength deck

N.A.  Longitudinal
On Inner Bottom (Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6 C801)

225 f1  100 f 2 b  0.7 db , max 160 f1

 Longitudinal
On Double Bottom Girders
(Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6 C901)
225 f1  110 f 2b , max 160 f1
On Double Bottom (Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6 C701)
 Longitudinal
225 f1  130 f 2b  0.7 db σdb: Mean double bottom stress at plate flanges, normally not to be
taken less than
 Longitudinal = 20 f1 for cargo holds in general cargo vessel
= 50 f1 for holds for ballast
= 85 f1 b/B for tanks for liquid cargo
5. 7 ( M S  M W ) MS: Largest design SWBM [kN·m]
Zn: vertical distance in [m] from the base line or deck line to the
f 2b , 2 d  MW: Rule VWBM in [kN·m]
Zb,d: Midship section modulus [cm3] at bottom
neutral axis of the hull girder, whichever is relevant
Z b, d or deck as-built
Za: vertical distance in [m] from the base line or deck line to the
point in question below or above the neutral axis, respectively
(f2b: Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6 A201)
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Allowable Stresses DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6, 7, 8, 9, Jan. 2004

DSME, DNV Rule Commentary Book, 1991.8
Z req . 
83l 2  s  p  wk
 cm 

- Longitudinal Stiffeners (1/6)

 Calculation of f 2b ,2 d
5. 7 ( M S  M W )
f 2b , 2 d 
Z b, d
MS: Largest design SWBM [kN·m]
MW: Rule VWBM in [kN·m]
Zb,d: Midship section modulus [cm3] at bottom or deck as-built

N.A. ( Longitudinal  0) For example, 3,700 TEU Container Carrier: I  2.343e10 cm 4

Bottom: yB  9.028e cm

5.7( M S  M W )
Z B  2.595e7 cm3 f 2b   1.030
yD  10.272e 2 cm
5.7( M S  M W )
Z D  2.345e7 cm3 f2d   1.140
Section modulus of bottom is larger than that of deck,
and thus the stress factor f2b is smaller than f2d.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Allowable Stresses DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6, 7, 8, 9, Jan. 2004

DSME, DNV Rule Commentary Book, 1991.8
Z req . 
83l 2  s  p  wk
 cm 

- Longitudinal Stiffeners (2/6)

 Calculation of z n , za

Zn: Vertical distance in [m] from the base

za line or deck line to the neutral axis of
the hull girder, whichever is relevant
Za: Vertical distance in [m] from the base line
N.A. ( Longitudinal  0) or deck line to the point in question
below or above the neutral axis
zn  za
C On Decks (Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 8 C301)  l  225 f1  130 f 2 d
 Longitudinal
5. 7 ( M S  M W ) MS: Largest design SWBM [kN·m]
f 2b , 2 d  MW: Rule VWBM in [kN·m]
Z b, d Zb,d: Midship section modulus [cm3] at bottom
or deck as-built

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Allowable Stresses DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6, 7, 8, 9, Jan. 2004

DSME, DNV Rule Commentary Book, 1991.8
Z req . 
83l 2  s  p  wk
 cm 

- Longitudinal Stiffeners (3/6)

zn  za
On Decks (Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 8 C301)  l  225 f1  130 f 2 d
For example, 3,700 TEU Container Carrier:
 Longitudinal
f 2 d  1.140
Actual Assumption:
f1  1.28 f1  1.28 zn  10.272, za  0.000  zn  za  1,   l  139.800 [ MPa ]
f1  1.0
zn  10.272, za  3.712  zn  za  0.639,   l  130.300 [ MPa ]

zn  10.272, za  9.782  zn  za  0.048,   l  217.886 [ MPa ]
N.A. f1  1.0 zn
 160 [ MPa ]
(Maximum: 160)

5. 7 ( M S  M W ) MS: Largest design SWBM [kN·m] Zn: Vertical distance in m from the base line or deck line to the
f 2b , 2 d  MW: Rule VWBM in [kN·m] neutral axis of the hull girder, whichever is relevant
Z b, d Zb,d: Midship section modulus [cm3] at bottom
or deck as-built
Za: Vertical distance in m from the baseline or deck line to the
point in question below or above the neutral axis

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Allowable Stresses DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6, 7, 8, 9, Jan. 2004

DSME, DNV Rule Commentary Book, 1991.8
Z req . 
83l 2  s  p  wk
 cm 

- Longitudinal Stiffeners (4/6)

On Decks (Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 8 C301)
zn  za
225 f1  130 f 2 d
For example, 3,700 TEU Container Carrier:

f1  1.28 f 2 d  1.140
zn  10.272, za  0.000  zn  za  1,   l  139.8 [ MPa ]
On Double Bottom (Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6 C701)

225 f1  130 f 2b  0.7 db

For example, 3,700 TEU Container Carrier, Assumption: db = 0

C f1  1.28 f 2b  1.030
z n  za
f 2b, 2 d 
5.7( M S  M W ) MS : Largest design SWBM [kN·m] zn  9.208, za  0.000  zn
 1,   l  154.1[ MPa ]
MW : Rule VWBM in [kN·m]
Zb,d Zb,d : Midship section modulus [cm3] at Allowable stresses at deck are smaller than
bottom or deck as-built
those at bottom, because the distance from
Zn : vertical distance in m from the base line or deck line to the N.A to deck is longer than N.A to bottom.
neutral axis of the hull girder, whichever is relevant
Za : vertical distance in m from the base line or deck line to the If the mean double bottom stress (db) is considered as 20,
point in question below or above the neutral axis
σdb : mean double bottom stress at plate flanges, normally not to  l  225 f1  130 f 2b  0.7 db
be taken less than
= 20 f1 for cargo holds in general cargo vessel  225  1.28  130  1.030  0.7  20  140.1[ MPa ]
= 50 f1 for holds for ballast
= 85 f1 b/B for tanks for liquid cargo 64
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Allowable Stresses DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6, 7, 8, 9, Jan. 2004

DSME, DNV Rule Commentary Book, 1991.8
Z req . 
83l 2  s  p  wk
 cm 

- Longitudinal Stiffeners (5/6)

On Side Shell
(Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 7 C301)
zn  za
za 225 f1  130 f 2
zn  Longitudinal
( L  0) which is lesser.


C Max 130 f1

225 f1

5. 7 ( M S  M W ) MS: Largest design SWBM [kN·m] Zn: Vertical distance in m from the base line or deck line to the
f 2b , 2 d  MW: Rule VWBM in [kN·m] neutral axis of the hull girder, whichever is relevant
Z b, d Zb,d: Midship section modulus [cm3] at bottom
or deck as-built
Za: Vertical distance in m from the baseline or deck line to the
point in question below or above the neutral axis

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Allowable Stresses DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 6, 7, 8, 9, Jan. 2004

DSME, DNV Rule Commentary Book, 1991.8
Z req . 
83l 2  s  p  wk
 cm 

- Longitudinal Stiffeners (6/6)

On Longitudinal Bulkhead
(Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 9 C201)
zn  za
za 225 f1  130 f 2
zn  Longitudinal
N.A. ( L  0)
which is lesser.

Max 160 f1
225 f1

5. 7 ( M S  M W ) MS: Largest design SWBM [kN·m] Zn: Vertical distance in m from the base line or deck line to the
f 2b , 2 d  MW: Rule VWBM in [kN·m] neutral axis of the hull girder, whichever is relevant
Z b, d Zb,d: Midship section modulus [cm3] at bottom
or deck as-built
Za: Vertical distance in m from the baseline or deck line to the
point in question below or above the neutral axis

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


 Minimum plate thickness

15.8ka s p
t (mm)

 Minimum section modulus for longitudinal stiffener

83l 2 spwk
Z (cm3 )

(3) Design Loads

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


 Ship Motion and Acceleration

 Combined Acceleration
 Design Probability Level
 Load Point
 Pressure & Force
 Sea Pressure
 Liquid Tank Pressure

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


[Review] Loads in Wave

In still water z f S(x)= b(x) – w(x): Load
z fS  x 
f S ( x )  b( x )  w( x ) x

x f(x): Distributed loads in longitudinal direction

fS(x): Static longitudinal loads in longitudinal direction
fW(x): Hydrodynamic longitudinal loads induced by wave

In wave  Dynamic longitudinal loads fW ( x)
z ?
: Loads are induced by waves
 Direct calculation of dynamic longitudinal loads
• from 6DOF motion of ship
x   X , Y , T ,  ,  , 

 Ref.> 6 DOF motion of ship f ( x)  f S  x   fW ( x)

Yaw 
z  b( x)  w( x)  f D ( x)  f F . K ( x)  f R ( x)
additional loads in wave
Heave T

Pitch  where,
O f R ( x)  a ( x) 
x  b( x) x
Roll 
fD(x): Diffraction force at x
fR(x): Radiation force at x by damping and added mass
x f (x): Froude-Krylov force at x
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, F.K
Myung-Il Roh

[Review] 6 DOF Equation of Motion of Ship

 Pressure acting on hull
How to know 
x, x ? Linearized    I  D  R 
Bernoulli Eq. PFluid   ρgz     ρgz      
t  t t t 
By solving equations of motion,
we can get the velocities and
accelerations.  Fluid force acting on hull
 I  D  R
FFluid   PndS    ρgz ndS    (   )dS
SB SB SB t t t
 FStatic  FF . K  FD  FR

 6 D.O.F equations of motion of a ship in waves

Pressure force acting as surface force on hull
Newton’s 2nd Law
Mx   F  FBody + FSurface
 FGravity  FFluid FExternal
FF.K: Froude-Krylov force External force excluding wave
FD: Diffraction force Body force Surface force exciting force (ex. control force)
FR: Radiation force
Mx  FGravity  FStatic  FF .K  FD  FR  FExternal , dynamic  FExternal , static
I : Incident wave velocity potential
FRestoring FWave exciting FR   Ax
  Bx
 D : Diffraction wave velocity potential
 R : Radiation wave velocity potential Added Damping
mass Coefficient
M A : 6  6 added mass matrix   (FGravity  FStatic )  FWave exciting  Ax
Mx   Bx  FExternal , dynamic  FExternal , static
B : 6  6 damping coeff. matrix
C : 6  6 restoring coeff. matrix Linearization , ( FRestoring  (FGravity  FStatic )  Cx)
 M  A  x  Bx  Cx  FWave exciting  FExternal , dynamic  FExternal , static
By solving equations of motion, we can get the velocities and accelerations of the ship! 70
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(1) Ship Motion and Acceleration DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4, Jan. 2004

- Empirical Formula of DNV Rule

 Ref. 6 DOF motion of ship

Common 3C w Yaw 
a0   Cv Cv1 z

Heave T
Pitch 
Surge y
Acceleration a x  0 .2 g 0 a 0 C b
Combined Roll 
Sway/Yaw a y  0.3 g 0 a0
Heave a0 x
a z  0 .7 g 0
Acceleration Cb
Common Acceleration Parameter, a0
Tangential Roll  2 

Acceleration ar     Rr
 Tr 
Tangential Pitch  2
 CV 
, maximum 0.2 CW  Wave coefficient
ap     Rp 50
T 
CV 1  , minimum 0.8
 p  L
L  100 0.0792  L
10.75  (300  L) / 100
3/ 2
100  L  300
300  L  350 10.75
g0 : standard acceleration of gravity L  350 10.75  ( L  350) / 150
3/ 2

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(1) Ship Motions and Accelerations DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4, Jan. 2004

- Roll Angle & Roll Period

 Roll angle  Pitch angle

 Roll period  Pitch period

kr= 0.39B for ships with even transverse distribution of mass g0 : standard acceleration of gravity
= 0.35B for tankers in ballast
= 0.25B for ships loaded with ore between longitudinal bulkheads =9.81m/s 2
GM= 0.07B in general
= 0.12B for tankers and bulk carriers

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(2) Combined Acceleration

1) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 B602, Jan. 2004
2) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 B401, Jan. 2004

- Combined Vertical Acceleration (av) 3) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 B402, Jan. 2004
4) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 B303, Jan. 2004

 The acceleration along the ship’s vertical axis considering combined effect of
heave, pitch & roll motion1)
k v g o ao
av  av  max  a z 2  arz 2 , a z 2  a pz 2 
Cb  
a z  0.7 g 0
K v  Acceleration distribution factor along the length of vessel Heave Cb
 0.7 between 0.3L and 0.6L from A.P. Acceleration4) Vertical component of
a 0  Common Acceleration Parameter Vertical component of tangential pitch
tangential roll acceleration acceleration

arz  ar cos  2
z  z ar
   A cos(
<Section View> 2
 2  2
   A    cos( t )

 TR  TR
ar    Rr ar : tangential roll acceleration
Rr  2 
A   Rr
Rr : distance in m from the center of the mass
 y  Tr 
to the axis of rotation
 : angle of center of mass about
O , O y the body fixed coordinate system
 : roll angle
 A : roll angle amplitude2)
TR : period of roll3)
O  xyz : Space fixed coordinate system g0 : standard acceleration of gravity
O  xyz : Body fixed coordinate system =9.81m/s 2 73
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(2) Combined Acceleration

1) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 B602, Jan. 2004
2) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 B401, Jan. 2004

- Combined Vertical Acceleration (av) 3) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 B402, Jan. 2004
4) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 B303, Jan. 2004

 The acceleration along the ship’s vertical axis considering combined effect of
heave, pitch & roll motion1)

av 
k v g o ao av  max  a z 2  arz 2 , a z 2  a pz 2 
Cb  
K v  Acceleration distribution factor along the length of vessel Heave az  0.7 g0 Cb
 0.7 between 0.3L and 0.6L from A.P. acceleration4) Vertical component of
a 0  Common Acceleration Parameter Vertical component of tangential pitch
tangential roll acceleration acceleration
   A cos( t )
z z a TP
<Elevation View>
 p a pz  a p cos   2 
   A    cos( t )
 TP  TP
aP    Rr
Rp  2 

 x  A   Rr
 TP 
O O x

aP : tangential pitch acceleration RP : distance in m from the center of the mass

 A : pitch angle amplitude)2) to the axis of rotation
 : pitch angle  : angle of center of mass about
O  xyz : Space fixed coordinate system
O  xyz : Body fixed coordinate system TP : period of pitch 3) the body fixed coordinate system 74
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(2) Combined Acceleration 1) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 B700, Jan. 2004

- Combined Transverse Acceleration (at)

 The acceleration along the ship’s transverse axis considering combined effect of
sway, yaw & roll motion1)

at  ay 2   go sin   ary 

Transverse component of
Combined sway
the tangential roll acceleration
& yaw acceleration Transverse component
a y  0.3 g 0 a0 of acceleration of gravity by roll angle
ary  ar sin   2 
ar   A   Rr
z  z ar  Tr 
<Section View>
ar : tangential roll acceleration
 Rr : distance in m from the center of the mass
to the axis of rotation
 : roll angle
Rr  A : roll angle amplitude
 y TR : period of roll3)

y g0 : standard acceleration of gravity

=9.81m/s 2

g0 O  xyz : Space fixed coordinate system
g 0 sin 
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh O  xyz : Body fixed coordinate system 75

(2) Combined Acceleration 1) DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 B800, Jan. 2004

- Combined Longitudinal Acceleration (al)

 The acceleration along the ship’s longitudinal axis considering combined effect of
surge & pitch motion1)

al  ax 2   go sin   a px 

Longitudinal component of
Surge acceleration the pitch acceleration
Longitudinal component
a x  0 .2 g 0 a 0 C b of gravitational acceleration by pitch angle

z z a py  2 

<Elevation View> aP   A   Rr
 ap a pz  TP 

aP : tangential pitch acceleration

 RP : distance in m from the center of the mass
x to the axis of rotation
 : pitch angle
 A : pitch angle amplitude2)
TP : period of pitch 3)

g0 : standard acceleration of gravity

O  xyz : Space fixed coordinate system

g0 =9.81m/s 2

yz : of
O  xTheories Body fixed
Ship and coordinate
Offshore system
Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh
g 0 sin  76


(2) Combined Acceleration

- [Example] Vertical Acceleration
(Example) Calculate the vertical acceleration of a given ship at 0.5L (amidships) by
DNV Rule.
[Dimension] Ls=315.79 m, V=15.5 knots, CB=0.832

K v  Acceleration distribution factor along the length of vessel

k v g o ao
av   0.7 between 0.3L and 0.6L from A.P.
Cb a 0  Common Acceleration Parameter
g 0  Standard acceleration of gravity (=9.81m/sec 2 )

(Sol.) av   kv g 0 a0  / CB   0.7  9.81 0.277  / 0.832

 2.286 m / sec 2 
where, kv  0.7 at mid ship
a0  3 CW / L  Cv Cv1  3  10.75 / 315.79  0.2  0.872  0.277
Cv  L 0.5 / 50  315.790.5 / 50  0.355 or Max. 0.2
Cv1  V / L 0.5 =15.5 / 315.79 0.5 =0.872 or Min. 0.8
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

1) DNV, Fatigue Assessment of Ship Structures, p.18, 2003

(3) Design Probability Level

 Probability Level1) Extreme values
d Once 25 years

Once a day

log n
10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 N
10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 10 0 Q
Local scantlings
Hull girder strength Fatigue strength
Buckling strength
Local strength of container supports
 Design Probability Level2)
 Number of waves that the ship experiences during the ship’s life (for 25 years): about 108
 The ship is designed to endure the extreme wave (10-8 probability) which the ship encounters
once for 25 years.
(Extreme condition: Ship motion and acceleration are given as extreme values.)
 In case of design pressure, use the reduced value of 10-4 (Reduction value = 0.5×Extreme value)

Ex) Liquid Tank Pressure: Pressure, P1, considering vertical acceleration

p1   go  0.5av  hs
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(4) Load Point DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 A202, Jan. 2004

p2   go  0.67  hs   b   0.12 H bt  
- Horizontally Stiffened Plate  

 The pressure at the load point is

considered as uniform load of unit strip
 Definition of load point
1. General
: Midpoint of stiffened plate field
2. Seam & butt (In case two plates are welded)
1) When considered plate includes the midpoint
of stiffened plate field
SP 1 : Midpoint of stiffened plate field
s 2) When considered plate does not include
the midpoint of stiffened plate field
SP 2 : Nearest seam or butt line from midpoint
 Load point of sea pressure acting on the side plate
L1 SP 1
L3 SP 3

L4 Unit strip L3 SP 2

L5 L4
s : longi. spacing : Load point
SP 3
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(4) Load Point DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 A202, Jan. 2004

- Longitudinal Stiffeners (1/2)

 The pressure at the load point is
considered as uniform load
 Definition of load point
1. In vertical direction
: The point of intersection between a plate
and a stiffener
2. In longitudinal direction
: Midpoint of span
SP 1
 Load point of sea pressure acting on the side plate
l - In vertical direction
SP 2

L3 SP 3 L3

L4 L4

: Load point
L5 L5
s : longi. spacing
l : longi. span
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(4) Load Point DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 A202, Jan. 2004

- Longitudinal Stiffeners (2/2)

 The pressure at the load point is
considered as uniform load
T p3   go  0.67  hs   l   0.12 H lt  
* Pressure distribution can be changed in  Definition of load point
longitudinal direction
1. In vertical direction
: The point of intersection between a plate
and a stiffener
2. In longitudinal direction
: Midpoint of span
SP 1
 Load point of sea pressure acting on the side plate
l - In longitudinal direction
SP 2

L2 SP 3 L2 l
L3 l
2 : Load point
L4 s : longi. spacing
l : longi. span
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(5) Pressure and Force DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 C201, Jan. 2004

- Sea Pressure

 Sea pressures = Static sea pressure + Dynamic sea pressure

P  Ps  Pd
H0 : Always positive


Ps  gh0  10h0 Pd  pdp

Static Sea Pressure Dynamic Sea Pressure

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(5) Pressure and Force DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 C300, Jan. 2004

- Liquid Tank Pressure (1/7)

 The pressure in full tanks shall be taken as the greater of p1 ~ p51)

av : Vertical acceleration
p1    go  0.5av  hs P1: Considering vertical acceleration  : Roll angle

p2   go  0.67  hs   b   0.12 H bt   P2: Considering rolling motion b : The largest athwart ship
distance in [m] form the load
point to the tank corner at top
p3   go  0.67  hs   l   0.12 H lt   P3: Considering pitching motion of tank
bt & lt : Breadth and length in [m] of
p4  0.67   g o hp  Pdyn  P4: Considering overflow top of tank

 : Density of liquid cargo

p5   go hs  po P5: Considering tank test pressure hs : Vertical distance from the
load point to tank top in tank

 Maximum pressure is different depending on locations hp : Vertical distance from the

load point to the top of air pipe

(3) p0 : 25 kN/m2 general

(3) (2) (5)
(2) (2) (3) (2) pdyn : Calculated pressure drop

(5) (5) (5) (5)

(1) (4)
(1) (1)

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(5) Pressure and Force

p1   go  0.5av  hs P1: Considering vertical acceleration

p2   go 0.67 hs   b   0.12 H bt  P2: Considering rolling motion
p   g  0.67 h   l   0.12 Hl 
- Liquid Tank Pressure (2/7) 3 o s t
P3: Considering pitching motion
p4  0.67  g o h p  Pdyn  P4: Considering overflow
p5   go hs  po P5: Considering tank test pressure

 Design pressure P1 considering vertical acceleration (General)

P1  g 0 hs  0.5 av hs

Static Pressure Dynamic Pressure

Reduced value of 10-4 by probability
level is used.
(Reduction value=0.5×Extreme value)

p   ( g 0  0.5av )hs
av : Vertical acceleration
hs : virtical distance in m from load point to top of tank

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(5) Pressure and Force

p1   go  0.5av  hs P1: Considering vertical acceleration

p2   go 0.67 hs   b   0.12 H bt   P2: Considering rolling motion
 
- Liquid Tank Pressure (3/7) p3   go 0.67 hs   l   0.12 H lt  P3: Considering pitching motion
p4  0.67  g o h p  Pdyn  P4: Considering overflow
p5   go hs  po P5: Considering tank test pressure

 Design pressure P1 considering vertical acceleration (In case of side shell)

In case of side shell, the effect of sea pressure is
P  g 0 hs  0.5 av hs  10hb

hs Static Dynamic Sea

T Pressure Pressure Pressure

When we consider the design pressure, the

largest value shall be applied. The liquid cargo
pressure acting on the side shell is the highest
when the sea pressure is the lowest, i.e. in case of
minimum draft.
hb p   ( g 0  0.5av )hs  10hb
hb: vertical distance in m from load point to minimum design draft
= 2 + 0.02L for Tanker
= 0.35 T for Dry Cargo
(T: Rule Draft)

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(5) Pressure and Force

p1   go  0.5av  hs P1: Considering vertical acceleration

p2   go 0.67 hs   b   0.12 H bt  P2: Considering rolling motion
p   g  0.67 h   l   0.12 Hl 
- Liquid Tank Pressure (4/7) 3 o s t
P3: Considering pitching motion
p4  0.67  g o h p  Pdyn  P4: Considering overflow
p5   go hs  po P5: Considering tank test pressure

 Design pressure P1 considering vertical acceleration (In case of bottom shell)

In case of bottom shell, the effect of sea
pressure is considered

P   g 0 hs  0.5  av hs  10TM

hs Static Dynamic Sea

Pressure Pressure Pressure

When we consider the design pressure, the

largest value shall be applied. The liquid cargo
TM pressure acting on the bottom shell is the highest
when the sea pressure is the lowest, i.e. in case of
minimum draft.
p   ( g 0  0.5av )hs  10TM
TM: vertical distance in m from load point to minimum design draft
= 2 + 0.02L for Tanker
= 0.35 T for Dry Cargo
(T: Rule Draft)

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(5) Pressure and Force DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4 B800, Jan. 2004

- Example) Calculation of P1 Pressure

(Example) When the tank is filled up, calculate the P1 pressure of inner bottom
and deck by using vertical acceleration (av=2.286 m/s2) and dimensions of tank
which is given below.
[Dimension] Inner bottom height: 3.0 m, Deck height: 31.2m, ρ = 1.025 ton/m3
  density  ton/m3 
P1    g 0  0.5av  hs a v  Vertical acceleration
g 0  Standard acceleration of gravity (=9.81m/sec 2 )
hs : virtical distance in m from load point to top of tank

(Sol.) av  2.286 m/s 2

① Inner Bottom ② Deck
hs  31.2  3.0  28.8 m hs  31.2  31.2  0 m
P1    g 0  0.5av  hs P1    g 0  0.5av  hs
 1.025  9.81  0.5  2.286   28.2  1.025  9.81  0.5  2.286   0
 316.6 kN / m 2
 0 kN / m 2

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(5) Pressure and Force

p1   go  0.5av  hs P1: Considering vertical acceleration

p2   go 0.67 hs   b   0.12 H bt   P2: Considering rolling motion
p   g  0.67 h   l   0.12 Hl 
- Liquid Tank Pressure (5/7) 3 o s t
P3: Considering pitching motion
p4  0.67  g o h p  Pdyn  P4: Considering overflow
p5   go hs  po P5: Considering tank test pressure

DSME, 선박구조설계 5-3

 Design pressure P2 considering the rolling motion DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4, Jan. 2004

 Air pipe When the ship is rolling, the higher

static pressure is applied.

h2 Assumption:  << 1

h1  hs cos   hs
hs 

h1 hs h2  b sin   b

 hs  h1  h2
Load point  hs  b 

p2  g 0 [0.67(hs  b)  0.12 Hbt ]

In case of rolling of a ship, two The filling ratio of the most
H: Height in m of the tank
third (=0.67) of actual pressure is tank is about 98%.
bt: Breadth in m of top of tank applied considering pressure That (about 2%) is considered.
drop Roh
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il by overflow. 88


(5) Pressure and Force

p1   go  0.5av  hs P1: Considering vertical acceleration

p2   go 0.67 hs   b   0.12 H bt   P2: Considering rolling motion
 
- Liquid Tank Pressure (6/7) p3   go 0.67 hs   l   0.12 H lt  P3: Considering pitching motion
p4  0.67  g o h p  Pdyn  P4: Considering overflow
p5   go hs  po P5: Considering tank test pressure

DSME, 선박구조설계 5-3

 Design pressure P4 considering the tank overflow DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4, Jan. 2004

Air pipe The liquid of tank is filled up to air pipe in

case of tank overflow.
So, hp is used for calculating static pressure.

hp hp  vertical distance in m from the load point

hs to the top of air pipe

Load point

p  0.67   g 0 hp  Pdyn 
b Calculated pressure drop
Generally, 25kN/m2

In case of rolling of a ship, two

third (=0.67) of actual pressure is
applied considering pressure
drop by overflow.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(5) Pressure and Force

p1   go  0.5av  hs P1: Considering vertical acceleration

p2   go 0.67 hs   b   0.12 H bt  P2: Considering rolling motion
p   g  0.67 h   l   0.12 Hl 
- Liquid Tank Pressure (7/7) 3 o s t
P3: Considering pitching motion
p4  0.67  g o h p  Pdyn  P4: Considering overflow
p5   go hs  po P5: Considering tank test pressure

DSME, 선박구조설계 5-3

 Design pressure P5 considering the tank test pressure DNV Rules, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 4, Jan. 2004

Over-pressure is applied in order to have the water

head of ‘tank height + 2.5’ [m] in case of tank test
for leakage.
(Water head of over-pressure of tank test: 2.5m)
p   g 0 hs  po

po  g 0  2.5
 10  2.5
 25kN / m 2

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(4) Scantling of Plates

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Scantling of Plates (1/3)

Use of eccentric beam element

(a) Beams attached to plating (b) Structural model using eccentric beam element

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Scantling of Plates (2/3) p : “pressure” on the load point for the stiffener
Midship Secton

Side Girder
Web Frame

Bottom plate
Unit Strip plate
S 1

Bottom plate

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Scantling of Plates (3/3) p : “pressure” on the load point for the stiffener
Midship Secton  Unit Strip plate s : Longitudinals span
Side Girder Longitudinals
t : Plate thickness
N.A. : Neutral Axis
Web Frame Bottom plate

t t N.A.
Bottom plate
Unit Strip plate
s 1
S 1

Bottom plate x

fixed p fixed

Assumption 1. Cut off the unit strip plate supported by the longitudinals or girder. And
consider the unit strip plate as a “fixed-end beam” which has a span ’s’, thickness ‘t’.

Assumption 2. Consider the lateral load of the beam as a uniformly distributed load.
(Assume the pressure on the load point as an intensity of uniformly distributed load.)

Assumption 3. The design of plates is based on the plastic design.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Comparison between Stiffener and pPlate : “pressure” on the load point for the stiffener

l s

Unit strip

s : Stiffener spacing
l: Stiffener span s : Stiffener spacing

 Longitudinal stiffener attached to the plate  Unit strip plate

N.A.: Neutral Axis
Bottom plate
s t t N.A.

l s 1 1
l : Stiffener span 1 s : Stiffener spacing 1
s : Stiffener spacing M p  s l2 1 : Unit length of strip MP  p 1  s 2
12 16
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Comparison of the Elastic and Plastic Design of the Plate

- Overview
Flexure formula

 
I/y Z
Plastic Design Elastic Design
Substituting Plastic moment (Mp) Substituting Elastic moment (M)
formula: p 1  s 2 formula: p 1  s 2
Mp  M
16 12
Plastic section modulus (Zp) Elastic section modulus (Z)
1 t 2 t 2 1 t 2 t 2
Zp   Z 
4 4 6 6

Mp ps 2 s p M ps 2 s p
  , t   2 , t
Zp 4t 2 2  Z 2t 2 
assumption:    l assumption:    l
15.8 ka s p 22.4 ka s p
treq.   tk (mm) treq.   tk (mm)
l l
k a  correction factor for aspect ratio of plate field t k  corrosion addition
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Comparison of the Elastic and Plastic Design

- [Example] Thickness Requirements
Plastic moment (Mp) Elastic moment (M) Bottom plate
p 1  s 2
p 1  s 2
Mp  M t t N.A.

16 12
s 1 1
Plastic section modulus (Zp) Elastic section modulus (Z)
1 t 2
t 2
1 t
Zp   Z  Vmax 
p 1  s
4 4 6 6 L/2 L 2

① A mild steel plate carries the uniform pressure of 100 Mp 
p 1  s 2
kN/m2 on a span length of 800 mm.
0 L

Compare the thickness requirement depending on the plastic

Mp  p 1  s 2
M 16

design and elastic design.

15.8ka s p 22.4ka s p
treq.  treq. 
plastic l elastic l
15.8 1 0.8  100 22.4 1 0.8  100
  8.24  mm    11.69  mm 
235 235
The thickness requirement of the plate of plastic design is smaller than that of
the elastic design at the same pressure and on the same span.
k a  correction factor for aspect ratio of plate field
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Comparison of the Elastic and Plastic Design

- [Example] Design Pressure
Plastic moment (Mp) Elastic moment (M) Bottom plate
p 1  s 2
p 1  s 2
Mp  M t t N.A.

16 12
s 1 1
Plastic section modulus (Zp) Elastic section modulus (Z)
1 t 2
t 2
1 t
Zp   Z  Vmax 
p 1  s
4 4 6 6 L/2 L 2

② A mild steel plate has a thickness of 10 mm on a span Mp 
p 1  s 2

length of 800 mm.

0 L 16
Compare the design pressure that the maximum stresses of M
Mp 
p 1  s 2

the plate reaches the yield stress depending on the plastic

design and elastic design.
t2 l t2 l
p plastic  pelastic 
15.82 s 2 22.42 s 2
102  235 102  235
  147 [kN / m 2 ]   73 [kN / m 2 ]
15.82 0.82 22.42 0.82
The design pressure of plastic design that reaches the yield stress, is higher
than that of the elastic design on the same span with the same thickness.
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(5) Scantling of Stiffeners

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Scantling of Stiffeners (1/3) p : “pressure” on the load point for the stiffener

Side Girder

Web Frame

Bottom plate
s : longi. spacing
s be
l : longi. span

be: effective breadth

* Okumoto, Y., Takeda, Y., Mano, M., Design of Ship Hull Structures - a Practical Guide for Engineers, Springer, pp. 17-32, 2009

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


Scantling of Stiffeners (2/3) p : “pressure” on the load point for the stiffener

Side Girder
Web Frame

p 1
Vmax  psl
l 0
L/2 L

Bottom plate V 1
M psl 2
s : longi. spacing
l : longi. span
s 0 L 24
M max  psl 2
M 12

Assumption 1. Cut off the stiffener and attached plate with effective breadth. Sectional
properties of stiffener are calculated including attached plate.
Assumption 2. Consider the stiffener and attached plate as a “fixed-end beam”
supported by the web frames.
Assumption 3. Consider the lateral load of the beam as a uniformly distributed load.
(Assume the “pressure” on the load point as an intensity of uniformly distributed load.)
Assumption 4. The design of stiffener is based on the elastic design (when the load is
removed, the material returns to its original dimensions)
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Scantling of Stiffeners (3/3) p : “pressure” on the load point for the stiffener

Side Girder t
Longitudinals s
Web Frame

P 1
Vmax  psl
L/2 L
l 0

Bottom plate V 1
M psl 2
s : longi. spacing
l : longi. span
s 0

M max 
psl 2 Relation between p∙s and w
M 12
p: pressure
(load per unit area)
Shear force Bending moment p∙s: distributed load
wL (load per unit length)

L/ 2 L
x 24 w: distributed load
0 L (load per unit length)
wL 0 L/ 2
 x
2 wL2 wL2 w  ps psl 2
12 Ll 12

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(6) Sectional Properties of Steel


Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

Sectional Properties of Steel Sections

for Ship Building1) (1/12)
<Sectional properties of steel sections including attached plate> “조선설계편람”, 제 4판 (일본어), 일본관서조선협회, 1996

(Base plate dimension : bp x tp = 420 x 8)

bp tp
bp = breadth of plate (mm) tw
tp = thickness of plate (mm) d 16 19 22 25.4 28 32 35 38

A = Area including plate(cm2)

A 32.0 38.0 44.0 50.8 56.0 64.0 70.0 76.0
Z = Section modulus including plate
200 Z 215 259 305 359 401 469 521 576
d (cm3)
I = Moment of inertia of area I 3900 4730 5600 6640 7460 8790 9830 10900
tw including plate(cm4)

tw A 40.0 47.5 55.0 63.5 70.0 80.0 87.5 95.0

d 6 9 11 12.7 14 250 Z 325 390 458 536 597 694 769 845
A 3.00 4.5 5.50 6.35 7.00 I 7120 8600 10100 11900 13400 15600 17400 19200
50 Z 6.05 8.81 10.6 12.1 13.3
A 48.0 57.0 66.0 76.2 84.0 96.0 105.0 114.0
I 31.2 44.5 53.0 59.7 75.2
300 Z 455 546 639 746 829 961 1060 1160
A 3.90 5.85 7.15 8.26 9.10 I 11700 14000 16500 19300 21600 25100 27800 30700
65 Z 9.55 14.0 16.8 19.3 21.1
I 62.3 88.8 105 119 129 A 56.0 66.5 77.0 88.9 98.0 112.0 122.5 133.0
A 4.50 6.75 8.25 9.53 10.5 350 Z 606 726 847 988 1100 1270 1400 1530
75 Z 12.3 18.1 21.8 25.0 27.3 I 17700 21200 24800 29100 32400 37600 41600 45700
I 91.4 130 154 174 189
A 64.0 76.0 88.0 101.6 112.0 128.0 140.0 152.0
A 5.40 8.10 9.90 11.4 12.6
400 Z 776 928 1080 1260 1400 1610 1780 1940
90 Z 17.2 25.3 30.5 34.8 38.0
I 25300 30300 35400 41400 46000 53300 58900 64600
I 150 214 252 284 307
A 6.00 9.00 11.0 12.7 14.0 A 72.0 85.5 99.0 114.3 126.0 144.02 157.5 171.0
100 Z 20.9 30.6 37.0 42.2 46.1 450 Z 965 1150 1340 1560 1730 2000 2200 2400
I 200 284 335 376 407 I 34700 41500 48500 56500 62800 72600 80100 87700
A 7.50 11.3 13.8 15.9 17.5
125 Z 31.7 46.4 55.8 63.6 69.5 A 80.0 95.0 110.0 127.0 140.0 160.0 175.0 190.0
I 370 521 612 685 738 500 Z 1170 1400 1630 18907 2100 2420 2660 2900
A 9.00 13.5 16.5 19.1 21.0 I 46000 55000 64200 4700 82900 95700 10500 11500
150 Z 44.7 65.2 78.3 89.1 97.2
I 614 856 1000 1120 1200 A = 42*0.8 + 15*1.4 = 21 [cm2]
ZTop = 349.6 [cm3]
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh ZBottom = 97.2 [cm3]


Sectional Properties of Steel Sections “조선설계편람”, 제 4판 (일본어), 일본관서조선협회, 1996


for Ship Building1) (2/12)

<Sectional properties of steel sections including attached plate>
- Use the standard dimension of plate depending on “a” (bp× tp) => (a≤75 : 420×8, 75<a<150 : 610×10, 150≤a : 610×15)
Dimension Area Including plate
Symbol a b t1 t2 r1 r2 A I Z
Unit mm cm2 cm4 cm3

Equal angle

50 6 6.5 4.5 5.64

65 6 8.5 4 7.53
65 8 8.5 6 9.76
75 6 8.5 4 8.73
75 9 8.5 6 12.69
90.1 18.7 bp
75 12 8.5 6 16.56
191 31.9
90 10 10 7 17.00
90 13 10 7 21.71
229 39.7 tp
284 42.5
100 10 10 7 19.00
369 58.2
100 ‘’ 13 ‘’ 10 7 24.31
433 71.6
130 9 12 6 11.74
767 96.0
130 12 12 8.5 19.76
905 117
130 15 12 8.5 36.75
1030 119
150 12 14 7 34.77
1220 147
150 15 14 10 42.74
150 19 14 10 53.38
200 20 17 12 76.00
200 25 17 12 93.75
200 29 17 12 107.6

Unequal angle

100 75 7 10 5 11.87 674 72.5

100 75 10 10 7 16.50 860 96.2
125 75 7 10 5 13.62 110 97.2
125 75 10 10 7 19.00 1420 130
150 90 9 12 6 20.94 2490 181
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 90
1502017, Myung-Il Roh12 12 8.5 27.36 3060 230

Sectional Properties of Steel Sections “조선설계편람”, 제 4판 (일본어), 일본관서조선협회, 1996


for Ship Building1) (3/12)

<Sectional properties of steel sections including attached plate>
- Use the standard dimension of plate depending on “a” (bp× tp) => (a≤75 : 420×8, 75<a<150 : 610×10, 150≤a : 610×15)
Dimension Area Including plate be
Symbol a b t1 t2 r1 r2 A I Z
Unit mm cm2 cm4 cm3 tp
Unequal angle

200 90 9 14 14 7.0 29.66 5870 340

250 90 10 15 17 8.5 37.47 10300 494
250 90 12 16 17 8.5 42.95 11000 540
300 90 11 16 19 9.5 46.22 16400 681
300 90 13 17 19 9.5 52.67 17600 743
400 100 11.5 16 24 12 61.09 34200 1120
400 100 13 18 24 12 68.59 36700 1230
450 125 11.5 18 24 12 73.11 51200 1570
450 150 11.5 15 24 12 73.45 51700 1590
500 150 11.5 18 24 12 83.6 70400 2020 be
550 150 12 21 24 12 95.91 93300 2520
600 150 12.5 23 24 12 107.6 118000 3000 tp
150 75 6.5 10 10 5 23.71 2160 154
200 90 8 13.5 14 7 38.65 5650 322
250 90 9 13 14 7 44.07 9420 439
250 90 11 14.5 17 8.5 51.17 10500 499
300 90 9 13 14 7 48.57 14300 567
300 90 10 15.5 19 9.5 55.74 16000 646
300 90 12 16 19 9.5 61.90 16900 693
380 100 10.5 16 18 9 69.39 29900 989
380 100 13 20 24 12 85.71 34900 1190 be
Bulb flats tp
180 32.5 9.5 - 7 2 21.06 2860 172
200 36.5 10 - 8 2 25.23 4160 231
230 41 11 - 9 2 31.98 6610 330
250 Plant, Fall452017, Myung-Il
12 Roh - 10 2 38.13 8960 424 106
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore


6.4 Buckling Strength

(1) Column Buckling

(2) Buckling Strength of Stiffener
(3) Buckling Strength of Plate
(4) Buckling Strength by DNV Rule
(5) Buckling Strength of Stiffener by DNV Rule
(6) Buckling Strength of Plate by DNV Rule

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

James M. Gere, Mechanics of Materials 6th Edition, Thomson, pp. 748-762

Rules for classification of ships, Det Norske Veritas, January 2004, Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec.

• Definition: The phenomenon where lateral deflection may arise in

the athwart direction* against the axial working load
*선측(船側)에서 선측으로 선체를 가로지르는

• This section covers buckling control for plate and longitudinal


Flexural buckling of stiffeners plus plating Plate alone buckles between stiffeners

* Mansour, A., Liu, D., The Principles of Naval Architecture Series – Strength of Ships and Ocean Structures, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine
Engineers, 2008

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(1) Column Buckling James M. Gere, Mechanics of Materials 6 Edition, Thomson, pp. 748~762

- The Equation of the Deflection Curve

P n
 Differential equation for column buckling: EIy  Py  0  k2,k 
EI l
Using the notation k2 
, y   k y  0
2 x x
General solution of B
the equation:
y  C1 sin kx  C2 cos kx B
y M
Boundary conditions:
y(0)  0, y(l )  0 L y x
y ( 0)  C 2  0 A A y
y y
y (l )  C1 sin kL  0
1) If C1 = 0, y = 0 (trivial solution).
2) If sinkl = 0, (sinkl = 0: buckling equation)

① If kl = 0, y = 0 (trivial solution).
 n 
② If kl = nπ (n=1, 2, 3) or P    EI , it is nontrivial solution.
 l  E = modulus of elasticity
nd I = 2 moment of the section area
n x
 y  C1 sin kx  C1 sin , n  1, 2,3... EI = flexural rigidity
P = axial load
L v = deflection of column
L = length of column
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

[Example] Mode Shapes of a Cantilevered I-beam

Lateral bending (1st mode) Torsional bending (1st mode) Vertical bending (1st mode)

Lateral bending (2nd mode) Torsional bending (2nd mode) Vertical bending (2nd mode)

* Reference:
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(1) Column Buckling James M. Gere, Mechanics of Materials 6th Edition, Thomson, pp. 748~762

- Critical Stress
P n
 k2,k 
 Differential equation for column buckling : EIy  Py  0 EI l
x x
The equation of the nπx P P xP
deflection curve : y  C1 sin , n  1, 2, 3 ... B B
L y M
The critical loads :
 n 
2 L y x
P  k 2 EI    EI A
 L  A A y
y y
The lowest critical load (n=1) : 2
   2 EI
Pcr    EI  2
L L

The corresponding critical stress :

Pcr  2 EI
 cr   E = modulus of elasticity
A AL2 I = 2nd moment of area
EI = flexural rigidity
Euler’s formula P = axial load
v = deflection of column
A = area of column
L = length of column

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(1) Column Buckling James M. Gere, Mechanics of Materials 6th Edition, Thomson, pp. 748~762

- Critical Load

 Differential equation for column buckling : y   y  0 , y(0)  0 , y(L)  0

, where   P / EI
The equation of the
deflection curve : yn ( x)  C1 sin(n x / L)
The critical loads :
Pn  n2 2 EI / L2 , n  1,2,3...

y x0

The lowest critical load (n=1) : Pcr  P1   2 EI / L2

E = modulus of elasticity
I = 2nd moment of area
EI = flexural rigidity
P = axial load
y = deflection of column
A = area of column
L = length of column

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(1) Column Buckling

- Critical Buckling Stress
A critical buckling stress is often used instead of a buckling load and it can be
derived by dividing Pcr by A, the cross sectional area of the column.
Euler’s formula E = modulus of elasticity
Pcr I = 2nd moment of area
The corresponding critical stress :  cr  EI = flexural rigidity
A P = axial load
 2 EI y = deflection of column
 A = area of column
Al 2 l = length of column
  2E  
 
, where k k 2  I / A is the radius of gyration1) of the section of the column.

The ratio (l/k), often called the slenderness ratio, is the main factor which governs the critical
For large value of l/k the critical stress tends toward zero, and at small values of l/k it tends to
infinity. In Euler’s formula, the buckling stress may become infinite for a small value of l/k,
however, buckling stress never goes up above the yield stress of the material in actual
conditions, because the material would fail if the stress exceeded the yield stress.

1) The radius of gyration describes a circular ring whose area is the same as the area of interest.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(1) Column Buckling

- Curve of Buckling Stress
by theoretical consideration, a horizontal
line of yield stress connected to Euler
buckling stress is specified as an upper
limit of Euler’s buckling curve.

l Tetmayer’s formula

 cr  a  b  
 
 cr  a  b   Johnson’s formula
 cr  2 Rankine’s formula
1  b l / k 

For example, one of the Classification Societies, ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) specifies the
permissible load of a pillar or strut of mild steel material in the following equation:

 cr  1.232  0.00452   [ton  f / cm2 ]
k  
From the above equation, we can see that the ABS formula is theoretically based on
Tetmayer’s experimental result.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(1) Column Buckling

- Buckling of Thin Vertical Column Embedded at Its Base and Free at Its Top (1/2)

Suppose that a tin vertical homogeneous column is embedded at its base

(x=0) and free at its top (x=L) and that a constant axial load P is applied to
its free end.
The load either causes a small deflection  , or does not cause such a
deflection. In either case the differential equation for the deflection y(x) is
d2y d2y
EI 2  P   y  EI 2  Py  P  (1) P P
dx dx   y
(1) What is the predicted deflection when   0 ? L
- The general solution of the differential equation (1) is
P P xL
y  c1 cos
x  c2 sin x 
- The boundary conditions of the differential equation (1) are
y (0)  y '(0)  0
- If   0 , this implies that c1  c2  0 and y ( x)  0 . That is, there is no deflection.

* Zill, D.G., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 3rd edition, pp.166-174, 2006

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(1) Column Buckling

- Buckling of Thin Vertical Column Embedded at Its Base and Free at Its Top (2/2)

Suppose that a tin vertical homogeneous column is embedded at its base

(x=0) and free at its top (x=L) and that a constant axial load P is applied to
its free end.
The load either causes a small deflection  , or does not cause such a
deflection. In either case the differential equation for the deflection y(x) is
d2y d2y
EI 2  P   y  EI 2  Py  P  (1) P P
dx dx   y
(2) When   0 , show that the Euler load for this L
column is one-fourth of the Euler load for the hinged x
- If   0 , the boundary conditions give, in turn, c1   , c2  0 . xL
Then  P 
y   1  cos x 
 EI 
- In order to satisfy the boundary condition y ( L)   , we must have
 P  P P One-fourth of
   1  cos L  cos L0 L  n 2 the Euler load
 EI  EI EI
- The smallest value of Pn , the Euler load, is then P1  1   2 EI 
L or P1   2 
* Zill, D.G., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 3rd edition, pp.166-174, 2006 EI 2 4 L 

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh
Euler load 116


(2) Buckling Strength of Stiffener

Side Girder

Web Frame

Bottom plate x
s : longi. spacing
l : longi. span
It is assumed that the stiffener is a fixed-end column supported by the web frames.
Hull girder bending moment is acting on the cross section of the ship as
moment from the point view of global deformation. And it is acting on the each
stiffener as axial load from the point view of local deformation.

what is our interest? The actual compressive stress (a)

shall not be great than the critical
 Safety: buckling stress (cr)
Won’t it fail under the
load?  a   cr , where  a 

I N.A y Z
, Z  Z ( y)

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(3) Buckling Strength of Plate (1/7)

Side Girder Web Frame

Web Frame

Bottom plate
s : longi. spacing
l : longi. span
s thickness : t
 b 

0 x

A ship hull is a stiffened-plate structure, the plating supported by a system

of transverse or longitudinal stiffeners.
For practical design purpose, it is often assumed that the plate is simply
supported at the all edges, since it gives the least critical stress and is on the
safe side.

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(3) Buckling Strength of Plate (2/7)

Let us consider the rectangular plate with only supported edges as
shown in this figure.
thickness : t σ : the uni-axial compressive stress
ν : Poisson's ratio
 b  E : Modulus of elasticity
a : plate length
a b : plate width
t : thickness of the plate
0 x
 The equation of elastic buckling stress of the plate under uni-axial
compressive stress:

Et 3   4 w 4w 4w  2w

2 
 2 2 2  4    t 2  0  (1)
12(1  v )  x 4
x y y  x

where, w  w( x, y ) : deflection of the plate

* Okumoto, Y., Design of Ship Hull Structures, pp.57-60, 2009

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(3) Buckling Strength of Plate (3/7) thickness : t
 b 
 The equation of elastic buckling stress of the a
plate under uni-axial compressive stress: 0 x
σ : the uni-axial compressive stress a: plate length
Et 3
 w 4
 w  w  w
4 4 2
ν : Poisson's ratio b : plate width

  2 2 2  4    t 2  0  (1) E : Modulus of elasticity t : thickness of the plate

12(1  v 2 )  x 4 x y y  x where, w  w( x, y ) : deflection of the plate

 Because all four edges are simply supported, the boundary condition
can be expressed in the form:
w(0, y )  w(a, y )  0
deformation at the edges are zero
w( x, 0)  w( x, b)  0

 Let us assume the following formula for the solution of the equation (1),
so that the solution satisfies the boundary conditions.
 m x   n y   (2)
w  f sin    sin  
 a   b 
where, m, n are integers presenting the number of half-wave of buckles.

* Okumoto, Y., Design of Ship Hull Structures, pp.57-60, 2009

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(3) Buckling Strength of Plate (4/7) thickness : t
 b 
 The equation of elastic buckling stress of the a
plate under uni-axial compressive stress: 0 x
σ : the uni-axial compressive stress a : plate length
Et  w
 w
 w  w 4 4 2
ν : Poisson's ratio b : plate width

  2 2 2  4    t 2  0  (1) E : Modulus of elasticity t : thickness of the plate

12(1  v 2 )  x 4 x y y  x
where, w  w( x, y ) : deflection of the plate

 Substituting the formula (2) into the equation (1),

 m x   n y 
w  f sin    sin    (2)
 a   b 
Et 3  2  m  a
 2 
 n 2   (3) where,  
12(1  v ) b t  
m b

 Elastic buckling stress is a minimum critical stress,

therefore, we put n=1 in the equation (3),
Ideal elastic (Euler) compressive buckling stress:
 2E t m  
 el    K where, K  Minimum value of k, k    
12(1  v )  b 
 m
* Okumoto, Y., Design of Ship Hull Structures, pp.57-60, 2009
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(3) Buckling Strength of Plate (5/7) thickness : t
 b 
Ideal elastic (Euler) compressive buckling stress: a
 2E
t where, K  Minimum value of k 0 x
 el    K m   a2
σ : the uni-axial compressive stress a : plate length
12(1  v )  b 2
k    ,  ν : Poisson's ratio b : plate width
 m b
E : Modulus of elasticity t : thickness of the plate

 For the small b in comparison with t, the elastic buckling stress becomes more
than the yield stress of the plate material.
 Therefore, it is usual to use Johnson’s modification factor  p and the critical
buckling stress  c for the full range of value of t/b as follows:

 Bryan’s formula1)
2 σc : the critical compressive buckling stress
c  2E t
  el     K σel : the ideal elastic(Euler) compressive buckling stress

p 12 1  2   b 
K : plate factor (corresponding to the boundary
conditions and a/b)
ηp : plasticity reduction factor
 p  1 , when  el  ex) Coefficient K when all four edges are
simply supported
  y  y
p  y 1   , when el  2 K  4.0 a / b 1.0
 el  4 el 
K   a / b  b / a  , a / b  1.0
1 2

σy = upper yield stress in [N/mm2]

1) DSME, “선박구조설계” 13-18 Buckling, 2005.8
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(3) Buckling Strength of Plate (6/7) 1) DSME, “Ship Structural Design”, 13-18 Buckling, 2005.8

- Buckling Strength of Web Plate

Web plate of stiffener have to be checked about
In case of T-bar, it is assumed that the web plate
of stiffener is the plate simply supported by d
flange and attached plate. web plate
c  2E t , (Bryan’s formula)
  el     K
p 12 1  2   d  , K = 4.0

d  2 EK 1 attached plate
 
tw 12 1  v 2   el

σcr : the critical compressive buckling stress

σel : the ideal elastic(Euler) compressive buckling stress
ν : Poisson’s ratio
K : Plate factor (corresponding to the boundary conditions and a/b)
d : depth of web plate
t : thickness of web plate
E : Modulus of elasticity

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(3) Buckling Strength of Plate (7/7) 1) DSME, “Ship Structural Design”, 13-18 Buckling, 2005.8

- Buckling Strength of Flange Plate

bf flange
Flange of stiffener have to be checked about
It is assumed that the flange of stiffener is the
rectangular plate simply supported on one end by
web plate. web plate
c  2E  tf  , (Bryan’s formula)
  el     K
p 12 1  2   b f 
, K = 0.5

attached plate
b K 2 E 1
 
tf 12 1  v 2   el

In general, b/tf does not exceed 15.

σc : the critical compressive buckling stress
σel : the ideal elastic(Euler) compressive buckling stress
ν : Poisson’s ratio
K : Plate factor (corresponding to the boundary conditions and a/b)
bf : breadth of flange plate
tf : thickness of flange plate
E : Modulus of elasticity

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(4) Buckling Strength by DNV Rule

1) Rules for Classification of Ships, DNV, Pt. 3 Ch. 1
 Criteria for buckling strength Sec. 13, pp.92~93, January 2004

a σc = critical buckling stress in N/mm2

c  σa = calculated actual stress in N/mm2
 η = usage factor

 Critical buckling stress σc  Calculated actual stress σa

<Midship section>
 σf is yield stress of material in N/mm2  σa is calculated actual stress in general
 In plate panels subject to longitudinal stress, σa is given by
 Upper Deck
f Ms  Mw
 
 c   el , when  el  yi
2 a   zn  za 105 , N / mm2
I N . A.
f  y yi
N .A., ( y )
  f (1  ) ,when  el  f  minimum 30 f1 N/mm 2 at side
4 el 2 B.L.

consider each different stress according to location

MS : still water bending moment as given in Sec. 5
 σel for Plate  σel for stiffener MW : wave bending moment as given in Sec. 5
in uni-axial compression1) in uni-axial compression1) INA : moment of inertia in cm4 of the hull girder
Plate   0.9kE ( t  tk ) 2
σel : ideal compressive buckling stress
t  tk 2
1000 s  e l  3 .8 E ( w ) ‘σel’ is determined according to specific load.
σc : critical buckling stress
hW σf : upper yield stress in [N/mm2]
t : thickness in [mm]
Stiffener  σel for stiffener tk : corrosion addition
tw : web thickness, hw : web height
in lateral buckling mode E : modulus of elasticity
s : stiffener spacing in [m]
 el  0.001  E  IA : moment of inertia in [cm4] about the axis
Al 2 perpendicular to the expected direction of buckling
A : cross-sectional area in [cm2]
l : length of member in [m] 125
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(5) Buckling Strength of Stiffener by DNV Rule

- Stiffener in Uni-axial Compression (1/2)
1) Rules for Classification of Ships, DNV, Pt. 3 Ch. 1
 Criteria for Buckling Strength Sec. 13, pp.92~93, January 2004
(in the same way of plate)
c 

σc : critical buckling stress in [N/mm2] Usage Factor ()

 = 1.0 Deck, Single bottom & Side shell (long stiff)
σa : calculated actual compressive stress  = 0.9 Bottom, Inner bottom & Side shell (trans stiff)
in [N/mm2]  = 1.0 Extreme loads (Q = 10-8)
η : usage factor  = 0.8 Normal loads (Q = 10-4)

 Critical buckling stress σc  Calculated actual stress σa

(Uni-axial compression)
 σa is calculated actual compressive stress in general
 In plate panels subject to longitudinal stress, σa is given by
 c   el , when  el  Ms  Mw
2 a 
I N . A.
 zn  za 105 , N / mm2  
f f
  f (1  ) ,when  el 
4 el 2  minimum 30 f1 N/mm 2 at side

σel : ideal compressive buckling stress (※ Hull girder bending moment is acting on the cross
‘σel’ is determined according to specific load. section of the ship as moment from the point view of
σf : yield stress of material in N/mm2 global deformation.
And it is acting on the each stiffener as axial load from
the point view of local deformation.)
MS = still water bending moment as given in Sec. 5
MW = wave bending moment as given in Sec. 5
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh IN = moment of inertia in cm4 of the hull girder


(5) Buckling Strength of Stiffener by DNV Rule

- Stiffener in Uni-axial Compression (2/2)
1) Rules for Classification of Ships, DNV, Pt. 3 Ch. 1
 Critical buckling stress σc Sec. 13, pp.92~93, January 2004

 c   el , when  el 
f f
  f (1  ) ,when  el  σf : yield stress of material in [N/mm2]
4 el 2
‘σel‘ is determined according to specific load.

 Ideal compressive buckling stress σel  Ideal compressive buckling stress σel
of stiffener in uni-axial compression1) of stiffener in lateral buckling mode
tw  tk 2
 e l  3 .8 E ( )  e l  0 .0 0 1  E 
hW Al2
 Derivation of the coefficient ‘3.8’  Derivation of the coefficient ‘0.001’
 cr  2E t
 2 EI  2 N / mm2 cm4
From Bryan’s formula  e     K , From Euler’s formula  cr  ,
 12 1  2   b  Al 2 cm2 m2
2  2 N / mm2 cm4  2 N / mm2 (10mm) 4
 0.9038 (≒0.

12 1  2  9) cm2 m2

(10mm)2 (1000 mm) 2 ≒0.001 N/mm

And substituting K=4(for simply supported plate), the  Thickness of flange

coefficient is approximately equal to 3.8.
σel : ideal compressive buckling stress For flanges on angles and T-sections of longitudinals and other
σc : critical buckling stress highly compressed stiffeners, the thickness shall not be less than
σs : minimum upper yield stress
tw : web thickness, hw : web height
E : modulus of elasticity
t f  0.1b f  tk  mm 
s : stiffener spacing (m) bf = flange width in mm for angles, half the flange width for T-Section(m)
ν : of0.3 (Poisson's ratio of steel) tk = corrosion addition(DNV Rule : Pt. 3 Ch. 1 Sec.2 – Page15) 127
Design Theories Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh

(6) Buckling Strength of Plate by DNV Rule

- Plate Panel in Uni-axial Compression (1/4)
1) Rules for Classification of Ships, DNV, Pt. 3 Ch. 1
 Criteria for buckling strength Sec. 13, pp.92~93, January 2004

c 

σc : critical buckling stress in [N/mm2] Usage Factor ()

 = 1.0: Deck, Single bottom & Side shell (longI. stiff)
σa : calculated actual compressive stress  = 0.9: Bottom, Inner bottom & Side shell (trans. stiff)
in [N/mm2]  = 1.0: Extreme loads (Q = 10-8)
η : usage factor  = 0.8: Normal loads (Q = 10-4)

 Critical buckling stress σc From Bryan’s formula,

c  2E t
  el     K
p 12 1  2   b 
 c   el , when  el 
when  el 
,   1
2 2 p

f f  c   p el   c   el
  f (1  ) ,when  el 
4 el 2 f f  f 
when  el  , p  1  
σel : ideal compressive buckling stress 2  el  4 el 
‘σel’ is determined according to specific load.  f 
σf : upper yield stress in [N/mm2]  c   p el   c   f 1  
 4 el 

Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(6) Buckling Strength of Plate by DNV Rule

- Plate Panel in Uni-axial Compression (2/4)
1) Rules for Classification of Ships, DNV, Pt. 3 Ch. 1
 Criteria for buckling strength Sec. 13, pp.92~93, January 2004

c 

σc : critical buckling stress in [N/mm2] Usage Factor ()

 = 1.0: Deck, Single bottom & Side shell (long stiff)
σa : calculated actual compressive stress  = 0.9: Bottom, Inner bottom & Side shell (trans stiff)
in [N/mm2]  = 1.0: Extreme loads (Q = 10-8)
η : usage factor  = 0.8: Normal loads (Q = 10-4)

 Critical buckling stress σc  Calculated actual stress σa

(Uni-axial compression)
 σa is calculated actual compressive stress in general
 In plate panels subject to longitudinal stress, σa is given by
 c   el , when  el  Ms  Mw
2 a 
I N . A.
 zn  za 105 , N / mm2  
f f
  f (1  ) ,when  el 
4 el 2  minimum 30 f1 N/mm 2 at side
(※ Hull girder bending moment is acting on the cross section of the
σel : ideal compressive buckling stress
ship as moment from the point view of global deformation.
‘σel’ is determined according to specific load.
σf : upper yield stress in [N/mm2]
And it is acting on the each plate as axial load from the point view
of local deformation.)

MS : still water bending moment as given in Sec. 5

MW : wave bending moment as given in Sec. 5
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh IN : moment of inertia in cm4 of the hull girder

(6) Buckling Strength of Plate by DNV Rule

- Plate Panel in Uni-axial Compression (3/4)
1) Rules for Classification of Ships, DNV, Pt. 3 Ch. 1
 Critical buckling stress σc Sec. 13, pp.92~93, January 2004

 c   el , when  el 
f f
  f (1  ) ,when  el  σf : minimum upper yield stress of
4 el 2 material in [N/mm2]

‘σel’ is determined according to specific load.

 Ideal compressive buckling stress σel  factor k

in uni-axial compression1)
 For plating with longitudinal stiffeners
t  tk 2 
 e l  0 .9 kE ( ) (in direction of compression stress):
1000 s 8.4
k  kl  
  1.1
 Derivation of the coefficient ‘0.9’
2 
 cr  2E t  For plating with transverse stiffeners
From Bryan’s formula  e     K ,
 12 1  2   b  (perpendicular to compression stress):
2 3.1415932 2
  0.9038 (≒0.  s 2
 2. 1 l

12 1  2   
12 1  0.32
9) k  k s  c 1    
σel : ideal compressive buckling stress   l     1.1 s
σc : critical buckling stress 
σf : upper yield stress in N/mm2
t : thickness (mm) ψ = ratio between the smaller and the larger
compressive stress (positive value)
0   1
tk : corrosion addition
E : modulus of elasticity c =1.21 when stiffeners are angles or T sections
s : stiffener spacing (m) =1.10 when stiffeners are bulb flats
ν : 0.3 (Poisson's ratio of steel) =1.05 when stiffeners are flat bars
=1.30 when plating is supported by deep girders 130
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


(6) Buckling Strength of Plate by DNV Rule

- Plate Panel in Uni-axial Compression (4/4)
1) Rules for Classification of Ships, DNV, Pt. 3 Ch. 1
 Critical buckling stress σc Sec. 13, pp.92~93, January 2004

 c   el , when  el 
f f
  f (1  ) ,when  el  σf : minimum upper yield stress of
4 el 2 material in [N/mm2]

‘σel’ is determined according to specific load.

 Ideal compressive buckling stress σel  factor k

in uni-axial compression1)
 For plating with longitudinal stiffeners (in direction of
t  tk 2 compression stress): 8.4
 e l  0 .9 kE ( ) k  kl 
1000 s   1.1
 For plating with transverse stiffeners (perpendicular to
 Derivation of the coefficient ‘0.9’ compression stress):  2 2
 s 2.1
 cr  2E t
2 k  k s  c 1    
From Bryan’s formula

 e     K ,
12 1  2   b 
  l     1.1
2 3.1415932 Example) If   1.0, c  1.05, s / l  1/10
  0.9038 (≒0.

12 1  2   
12 1  0.32
9) k  kl 
1.0  1.1
σel : ideal compressive buckling stress
2 2
σc : critical buckling stress   s  2  2 .1   1 2  2 .1
σf : upper yield stress in N/mm2 k  k s  c 1      1.051      1.071
t : thickness (mm)   l     1.1   10   1.0  1.1
tk : corrosion addition
E : modulus of elasticity Thus, the plate with longitudinal stiffeners can endure much
s : stiffener spacing (m) stress than the plate with transverse stiffeners
ν : 0.3 (Poisson's ratio of steel)
Design Theories of Ship and Offshore Plant, Fall 2017, Myung-Il Roh


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