Reliance Communications Limited. H Block, 1st Floor, Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Navi Mumbai - 400 710 CIN No.: L45309MH2004PLC147531

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Reliance Communications Limited Tel : +91 022 3038 6286

Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City Fax: +91 022 3037 6622

Navi Mumbai - 400 710, India

January 23, 2023

The General Manager The Manager

Corporate Relationship Department National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
BSE Limited Exchange Plaza, C/1, Block G
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Bandra - Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)
Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 051
Mumbai 400 001

BSE Scrip Code: 532712 NSE Symbol: RCOM

Dear Sir(s),

Sub: Clarification regarding news items in accordance with Regulation 30 of the

Securities and Exchange Board ofIndia (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015

RCOMhas noted that certain reported news articles have indicated that the committee of
creditors (“CoC”) of RCOM is planning to put up the headquarters of RCOM, situated at
Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Navi Mumbai (“DAKC Property”), for sale and has set up a
committee consisting of two lenders and the resolutionprofessional to identify buyers for such

At the outset, it is clarified that the media reports indicating that the CoC or the resolution
professional of RCOM is conducting any process for sale of the DAKC Property is factually
inaccurate. It is important to highlight that the DAKC Property is an asset of a subsidiary of the
Company, namely Reliance Realty Limited (“RRL”).

In the interest of complete disclosure, it may be noted that the board of directors of two wholly
owned subsidiaries of RCOM, namely RRL and Campion Properties Limited (“CPL”) (RRL and
CPL are collectively referred to as “Selling Companies”) have vide their respective board
resolutions approved the initiation of sale process for certain propertiesowned by such Selling
Companies (“Properties”). These Properties inter alia include the DAKC Property.

Further, given that the sale of the Properties shall also require the approval of RCOM (being the
sole shareholder of the Selling Companies) under the Companies Act, 2013, the Selling

Registered Office:
Reliance Communications Limited. H Block, 1st Floor, Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Navi Mumbai - 400 710
CIN No.: L45309MH2004PLC147531
Companies have intimated RCOM in its capacity as the shareholder of the Selling Companies,
regarding the proposed process being initiated by the Selling Companies for identification of
potential buyers, and at the time of finalisation of the terms of sale, the Selling Companies shall
respectively approach RCOM for seeking necessary approvals, in its capacity of being
shareholder of the Selling Companies.

The resolution professional of the Company has intimated and deliberated over the above
matter with the committee of creditors of the Company; however, no approval has been sought
from or given by the committee of creditors regarding the sale of the Properties at this stage.

You are requested to kindly take the above information on record.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,
For Reliance Communications Limited

RAKESH Digitally signed by


GUPTA Date: 2023.01.23

10:06:13 +05'30'

Rakesh Gupta
Company Secretary

(Reliance Communications Limited is under corporate insolvency resolution process pursuant to

the provisions of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. With effect from June 28, 2019, its
affairs, businessand assets are being managed by, and the powers of the board of directors are
vested in, the Resolution Professional, Mr. Anish Niranjan Nanavaty, appointed by Hon'ble
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench, vide order dated June 21, 2019 which was
published on the website of the Hon'ble National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench on
June 28, 2019).

Registered Office:
Reliance Communications Limited. H Block, 1st Floor, Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Navi Mumbai - 400 710
CIN No.: L45309MH2004PLC147531

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