Csbs 6
Csbs 6
Csbs 6
Course Pre Requisites: The prerequisite for this class is successful completion of Object Oriented
Design, Data Structures,Data Communications.
Course Objective:
4. Understand the concepts of reliable data transfer and how TCP implements these concepts.
5. Know the principles of congestion control and trade-offs in fairness and efficiency.
6. Learn the principles of routing and the semantics and syntax of IP.
Course Outcomes:
1. Have a good understanding of the OSI Reference
2. Analyze the requirements for a given organizational structure and select the most appropriate
networking architecture and technologies;
3. Specify and identify deficiencies in existing protocols, and then go onto formulate new and
better protocols;
4. Have an understanding of the issues surrounding Mobile and Wireless Networks.
5. Have a working knowledge of datagram and internet socket programming
6. Have a basic knowledge of the use of cryptography and network security
Topics to Be Covered:
UNIT – I [6 Hours]
Introduction: Computer networks and distributed systems, Classifications of computer networks,
Preliminaries of layered network structures.Data communication Components: Representation
of data and its flow, Various Connection Topology, Protocols and Standards, OSI model,
Transmission Media.LAN: Wired LAN, Wireless LAN, Virtual LAN
Network Layer: Switching, Logical addressing – IPV4, IPV6; Address mapping – ARP, RARP,
BOOTP and DHCP–Delivery, Forwarding and Unicast Routing protocols.
UNIT – IV [6 Hours]
Application Layer: DNS, DDNS, TELNET, EMAIL, FTP, WWW, HTTP, SNMP, Bluetooth,
UNIT – V [6 Hours]
Techniques for Bandwidth utilization: Multiplexing - Frequency division, Time division and
Wave division, Concepts on spread spectrum.
UNIT – VI [6 Hours]
Network Security: Electronic mail, directory services and network management, Basic concepts
of Cryptography.
Home Assignments:
Course Prerequisites:
Students should have primary knowledge of
1 Fundamentals of Digital Communication and Computer Networks.
2. Operating Systems
Course Objectives:
• Discuss various administrative, technical, governance, regularity and policy aspects of Information
Security Management.
• Discuss and provide hands on approaches to better understand and to devise strategies related to
security policy.
• Understand different security issues related to computer network, operating systems and database
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to:
1Understand security parameters and cryptosystems.
2) Understand security and access control models.
3) Understand aspect of information security management including planning, process, policy, procedure
and monitoring.
4) Understand various issues related to threats like Threat Analysis, Threat Modeling, threat
awareness and threat modeling
5) Understand security issues related to networks, operating systems and database.
6) Learn information audit and business continuity planning concepts.
UNIT-II ( 6 Hours)
Access Control Models
Discretionary, mandatory, roll-based and task-based models, unified
models, access control algebra, temporal and spatio-temporal models,
Authorization and Authentication - types, policies and techniques,
Trusted Computing and multilevel security - Security models, Trusted
Assignment List:
Assignments on different ciphers.
2. Assignments on RSA, DSA, DES, AES, Blowfish, TripleDES.
3. Assignment based on the presentation on following topics:
ISO 17799 Standard
NESSUS and NMAP Audit Tools
Asymmetric Cryptosystems
4. Case study on secure configuration of Email Server
5. Case study on Incidence Response and Forensics analysis
6. Assignment on Computer Forensic Tools
Text Books:
1) Neal Koblitz, “A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography”, 2nd Edition, Springer,
2) Johannes A. Buchman, “Introduction to Cryptography”, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2004.
3) Serge Vaudenay, “Classical Introduction to Cryptography – Applications for
Communication Security”, Springer, 2006.
4) Victor Shoup, “A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra”,
Cambridge University Press, 2005.
5) William Stallings and Lawrie Brown, “Computer Security: Principles and Practice”,
Prentice Hall, 2008.
6) Thomas Calabres and Tom Calabrese, “Information Security Intelligence: Cryptographic
Principles & Application”, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2004.
Reference Books:
1) .Nina Godbole, Information Systems Security-Security Management, Metrics, Frameworks
and Best Practices, Wiley, 2009
2) Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards:Guidelines for Effective
Information Security Management (Paperback) Auerbach,1st edition, 2001
3) Neal Koblitz, “A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography”, 2nd Edition,
Springer, 2002.
4) Swiderski, Frank and Syndex, “Threat Modeling”, Microsoft Press, 2004.
Syllabus for Unit Test:
Unit Test -1 Unit I ,II and III
Unit Test -2 Unit IV, V and VI
Artificial Intelligence
1. Describe the concept of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent agents and Learning agents
2. Identify issues in problem solving and apply the appropriate search methods.
3. Use the appropriate search method and identify the constraints
4. Describe and select the different knowledge representation methods
5. Identify the components of planning for a particular System
6. Use appropriate domain knowledge and develop an Expert system
UNIT – I [6 Hours]
Introduction, Overview of Artificial intelligence: Problems of AI, AI technique, Tic - Tac - Toe
problem. Intelligent Agents, Agents & environment, nature of environment, structure of agents,
goal based agents, utility based agents, learning agents.
Search techniques: Problem solving agents, searching for solutions; uniform search strategies: breadth
first search, depth first search, depth limited search, bidirectional search, comparing uniform search
strategies. Heuristic search strategies Greedy best-first search, A* search, AO* search, memory bounded
heuristic search: local search algorithms & optimization problems: Hill climbing search, simulated
annealing search, local beam search
Knowledge & reasoning: Knowledge representation issues, representation & mapping, approaches to
knowledge representation. Using predicate logic, representing simple fact in logic, representing instant &
ISA relationship, computable functions & predicates, resolution, natural deduction. Representing
knowledge using rules, Procedural verses declarative knowledge, logic programming, forward verses
backward reasoning, matching, control knowledge.
UNIT – V [6 Hours]
Probabilistic reasoning: Representing knowledge in an uncertain domain, the semantics of Bayesian
networks, Dempster-Shafer theory, Planning Overview, components of a planning system, Goal stack
planning, Hierarchical planning, other planning techniques.
UNIT – VI [6 Hours]
Expert Systems: Representing and using domain knowledge, expert system shells, and knowledge
Home Assignments:
Assignments should include problems related to the topics covered in lectures, like heuristics, optimal
search, and graph heuristics. Constraint satisfaction problems, k-nearest neighbors, decision trees, etc.
can be included in home assignments.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Course Pre Requisites: familiarity with common concepts and terminologies in economics and
Course Objective:
Topics to Be Covered:
UNIT – I [6 Hours]
Accounting Concept: Introduction, Techniques and Conventions, Financial Statements- Understanding &
Interpreting Financial Statements
UNIT – II [6 Hours]
Accounting Process:
.UNIT – IV [6 Hours]
Cash Flow and Fund Flow Techniques: Introduction, How to prepare, Difference between them
UNIT – V [6 Hours]
Costing Systems:
• Elements of Cost
• Cost Behavior, Cost Allocation, OH Allocation
• Unit Costing, Process Costing, Job Costing
• Absorption Costing, Marginal Costing, Cost Volume Profit Analysis
• Budgets
• ABC Analysis
UNIT – VI [6 Hours]
Home Assignments: Case study materials book will be given to students. Students are required to meet
in groups before coming to class and prepare on the case for the day. Instructor may ask the student groups
to present their analysis and findings to the class.
Further, the topic for class discussion will be mentioned beforehand and students should be prepared to
discuss these topics in class. Few topics are mentioned below as examples. Instructor can add or change
any topic as per requirement.
1. Topic: Corporate Accounting Fraud: A Case Study of Satyam
2. Topic: Application of costing concepts in the Service Sector
Text Books:
1. Robert N Anthony, David Hawkins, Kenneth Marchant, Accounting: Texts and Cases, McGraw-
2. Case Study Materials: To be distributed for class discussion
Reference Books:
Course Objective Recognize the importance of diversity in workplace, Recognize the best
practices of communicative writing, Understand the importance of
emotional intelligence in personal and professional lives, Apply emotional
intelligence in real life scenarios, Use the best practices of public speaking
in real life scenarios, Understand the importance of corporate social
responsibility (CSR), Understand the importance of corporate etiquettes,
Practice corporate etiquettes in real life scenarios
Course Outcomes:- Upon completion of the course, students shall have ability to
Recapitulation activity of Satori, Introduce the concept of Diversity in corporate environments through an
activity. Understand the importance of diversity and inclusion at workplace, Diversity and inclusion matter
at workplace.
Aspects of communicative writing, Application of communicative writing in real life scenarios , Use of
charts and graphs in communicative writing, The best practices of communicative writing
what is emotional intelligence?, Emotional intelligence in personal and professional lives its importance
need and application, public speaking at workplace, Importance , need and ways, The best practices of
public speaking, Apply public speaking in real life scenarios
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) its importance and need, Stalwarts in CSR, the attributes needed to
function and grow in a corporate environment, the best practices to share and receive feedback for CSR
Application of emotional intelligence in real life scenarios, intelligences and learning styles in
interpersonal interactions, the impact of conflicts, Basic guidelines required to manage conflicts
The key features of corporate etiquette, Application of the business idioms and corporate terms, the impact
of stress in life and work, the best practices to manage stress, the importance of time management, the best
time management practices
Project: Each group to create a POC (Proof of Concept) for their start-up applying their learning’s from
(Summative the CSBS course (core subjects + BCVS).
based on The evaluation for this POC will be done as part of the Sem end assessment by the TCS
team. During the assessment, students need to share the journey of creating their start-up:
from inception to POC.
Reference Books:
01 Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman
02 Putting Emotional Intelligence To Work by Ryback David
How to Develop Self Confidence and Improve Public Speaking - Time - Tested Methods of Persuasion
03 by Dale Carnegie
04 TED Talks: The official TED guide to public speaking: Tips and tricks for giving unforgettable
speeches and presentations
05 Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement 3rd Edition by Mervyn Hyde Lorelei Carpenter , Shelley Dole
Web References:
Online Resources:
Course Prerequisites:
Students should have primary knowledge of
1 Good programming skills in C/C++. Basic knowledge of linear algebra. (for Robotics)
2. Basic knowledge of operating system
3. Basic knowledge of microprocessors and microcontrollers
Course Objectives:
During the course the students will: -
1) Learn the concepts of embedded system, its components and its application areas.
2) Learn the concepts of robotics and robot design components.
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to:
• Acquire knowledge about microcontrollers embedded processors and their applications.
• Understand the internal architecture and interfacing of different peripheral devices with
• Understand the role of embedded systems in industry.
• Understand the concepts of real time operating system.
• Understand various applications of embedded system and various electronics parts used in
embedded system design.
• Understand different concepts in robotics, various parts used in robotics.
UNIT-I Introduction to Embedded System (6 Hours)
List of Assignments/Tutorials
1) Assignment on State machine programming model of Fibonacci sequence generator.
2) Assignment on actuator behavior.
3) Assignment on Real time scheduling algorithms.
4) Assignment on CAN protocol.
5) Assignment on microcontrollers used in embedded systems.
6) Assignment on Program Modeling concepts.
Text Books:
Introduction to Embedded Systems : Shibu K. V. (TMH)
Embedded System Design – A unified hardware and software introduction: F. Vahid
(John Wiley)
Embedded Systems : Rajkamal (TMH)
Embedded Systems : L. B. Das (Pearson)
The 8051 Microcontroller and embedded systems by Muhammad Ali Mazidi, PHI.
Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis, Oxford University Press
Reference Books:
1) Embedded System design : S. Heath (Elsevier)
2) Embedded microcontroller and processor design: G. Osborn (Pearson)
Course Pre Requisites: Student should possess a strong mathematical background in Probability
and Statistics. Also should have programming proficiency with algorithmic approach.
Course Objective: is to make statistical foundation, followed by various machine learning and
data mining algorithms. This course will also give coverage to practical systems and software used
in data analytics.
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand basic concepts and techniques of Data Mining
3. Classify and differentiate between situations for applying data-mining techniques such as
frequent pattern mining, association, correlation, classification, prediction, cluster, and
outlier analysis.
4. Apply knowledge for understanding data and select suitable linear, nonlinear data model
and time series analysis model.
5. Develop skills of using data mining software for solving practical problems.
6. Understand and apply several statistical analysis techniques: regression, ANOVA, data
Topics to Be Covered:
UNIT – I [6 Hours]
Introduction to Data Mining: What is data mining? Related technologies - Machine Learning,
DBMS, OLAP, Statistics, Stages of the Data Mining Process, Data Mining Techniques,
Knowledge Representation Methods, Applications
UNIT – II[6 Hours]
Data preprocessing: Data cleaning, Data transformation, Data reduction, Discretization and generating
concept hierarchies, Installing Weka 3 Data Mining System, Experiments with Weka - filters, discretization
Data mining knowledge representation: Task relevant data, Background knowledge, Representing input
data and output knowledge, Visualization techniques
Attribute-oriented analysis: Attribute generalization, Attribute relevance, Class comparison, Statistical
UNIT – IV [6 Hours]
Descriptive analytics: Data Modeling, Trend Analysis, Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Forecasting models: Heuristic methods, predictive modeling and pattern discovery, Logistic Regression:
Logit transform, ML estimation, Tests of hypotheses, Wald test, LR test, score test, test for overall
regression, multiple logistic regression, forward, backward method, interpretation of parameters, relation
with categorical data analysis. Interpreting Regression Models, Implementing Predictive Models
UNIT – V [6 Hours]
Generalized Linear model: link functions such as Poisson, binomial, inverse binomial, inverse Gaussian,
Non Linear Regression (NLS): Linearization transforms, their uses & limitations, examination of
nonlinearity, initial estimates, iterative procedures for NLS, grid search, Newton-Raphson, steepest descent,
Marquardt’s methods. Introduction to semiparametric regression models, additive regression models.
Introduction to nonparametric regression methods
UNIT – VI [6 Hours]
Time Series Analysis: Auto - Covariance, Auto-correlation and their properties. Exploratory time series
analysis, Test for trend and seasonality, Exponential and moving average smoothing, Holt – Winter
smoothing, forecasting based on smoothing
Linear time series models: Autoregressive, Moving Average, Autoregressive Moving Average and
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average models; Estimation of ARMA models such as Yule-Walker
estimation for AR Processes, Maximum likelihood and least squares estimation for ARMA Processes,
Forecasting using ARIMA models
Prescriptive Analytics: Mathematical optimization, Networks modeling-Multi-objective
optimizationStochastic modeling, Decision and Risk analysis, Decision trees.
Home Assignments:
Course faculty must design one home assignment on every unit. Text
1. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 3rd ed, 2010.
2. Lior Rokach and Oded Maimon, “Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook”,
Springer, 2nd edition, 2010
3. Box, G.E.P and Jenkins G.M. (1970) Time Series Analysis, Forecasting and Control,
Reference Books:
1. Draper, N. R. and Smith, H. (1998). Applied Regression Analysis (John Wiley) Third Edition.
Hosmer, D. W. and Lemeshow, S. (1989). Applied Logistic Regression (Wiley).