Social Studies SBA Questionnaire
Social Studies SBA Questionnaire
Social Studies SBA Questionnaire
Answer all of the questions below. This questionnaire is comprised of multiple choice, yes or no,
and short answer questions. Please read each question carefully and select the answer of
your choice.
Over 10 years ☐
6-10 years ☐
1-5 years ☐
Under 1 year ☐
10-20 ☐
21-30 ☒
31-40 ☐
41+ ☐
African descent ☐
Chinese descent ☐
Indian descent ☐
Mixed descent ☐
5. How do you access water?
Rainwater ☐
Running water ☐
Water Trucks ☐
Blue barrel ☐
Plastic tank ☐
Concrete tank ☐
7. What has the government done to aid with the lack of running water?
Nothing ☐
Very reliable ☐
Reliable ☐
Not reliable ☐
9. Do you think water should be provided by the water commission or are you fine with the
way things are?
Yes ☐
No ☐
Doesn’t matter ☐
Extended family ☐
Single-parent family ☐
Nuclear family ☐
Stepfamily ☐
11. What are some challenges faced with the availability of water?
No water to drink ☐
12. How has the lack of running water affected the development of your community?
13. Do you have any relatives that also live in your community?
Yes ☐
No ☐
14. Do you have any suggestions for the increase of accessibility for water?
15. Do you plan on moving out because of the situation or are you staying?
Yes ☐
No ☐