This document provides a scope and sequence for an advanced English language course. It outlines 3 topics covered in each of 6 units, including key vocabulary, grammar points, and skills. Topic 1A of unit 1 focuses on vocabulary for tidying up and simple vs continuous verb forms. Learners will practice listening and speaking skills related to essential items in the home.
This document provides a scope and sequence for an advanced English language course. It outlines 3 topics covered in each of 6 units, including key vocabulary, grammar points, and skills. Topic 1A of unit 1 focuses on vocabulary for tidying up and simple vs continuous verb forms. Learners will practice listening and speaking skills related to essential items in the home.
This document provides a scope and sequence for an advanced English language course. It outlines 3 topics covered in each of 6 units, including key vocabulary, grammar points, and skills. Topic 1A of unit 1 focuses on vocabulary for tidying up and simple vs continuous verb forms. Learners will practice listening and speaking skills related to essential items in the home.
This document provides a scope and sequence for an advanced English language course. It outlines 3 topics covered in each of 6 units, including key vocabulary, grammar points, and skills. Topic 1A of unit 1 focuses on vocabulary for tidying up and simple vs continuous verb forms. Learners will practice listening and speaking skills related to essential items in the home.
(to) accumulate forms Decluttering The simple life (to) allocate Habits SPEAKING LIVING (to) declutter Complete actions Talk about essential (to) deposit States and general truths items in the home (to) donate Actions in progress Spot the difference (to) get rid of Temporary actions (to) mend Repeated actions (to) sort out Stative verbs (to) upcycle WORD MAKER The suffix -ism 1B Possibility & change: READING Make unnecessary The invisible invention Inventing the modern world (to) dispense with that transformed our BUSINESS (to) do away with cities (to) make obsolete, SPEAKING redundant, superfluous, Discuss items that have a thing of the past an impact on our lives (to) supersede Change completely (to) bring about a transformation, revolution in (to) have a profound impact on (to) revolutionise (to) transform Make possible or easier (to) enable (to) facilitate (to) permit (to) simplify 1C Strong emotional Perfect forms SPEAKING Interview with a reactions Unfinished actions Talk about an emotional psychologist Moved by music Finished actions reaction (to) be in tears STUDIO VIEWS (to) burst into tears Present and past perfect: (to) feel a lump in your specific uses throat Present perfect and past (to) feel an simple in American overwhelming sense English of sadness, joy (to) get butterflies (in your stomach) (to) get goosebumps (to) get the chills (to) make your hair stand on end my heart was racing, pounding (to) send shivers up / down your spine
studio Advanced Scope and Sequence Topic Vocabulary Grammar Skills Video & Audio
2 CEFR B2+, C1
2A Describing amounts Future forms LISTENING
considerable Plans Interview about plastic Are you eating plastic? overwhelming Predictions WRITING & SPEAKING EARTH sizeable Other future forms Do a survey on plastic substantial Completed and usage whopping continuous actions in the insignificant future minuscule Future assumptions modest The immediate future negligible A future story nominal
prefixes and suffixes 2B Personality & style READING assertive What’s your type? More than just words authoritative SPEAKING STYLE childish Choose fonts for daring different contexts elegant inventive refined self-assured sincere straightforward superficial trustworthy 2C Truth & falsehood Obligation & necessity LISTENING an assumption must, have to and need to Interview with a personal Exercise myths & beyond dispute didn’t need to and trainer misconceptions (to) cast doubt on needn’t SPEAKING STUDIO VIEWS (to) challenge should, ought to, Discuss your relationship a claim supposed to and meant with exercise conflicting to (to) debunk Other verbs and entrenched expressions to express incompatible obligation and necessity a misconception Prohibition a myth (to) prove beyond doubt Exclamations of annoyance Emphasis Express irritation & For crying out loud! annoyance Express irritation & Argh! annoyance That’s the last straw! Phrases meaning ‘It annoys me’ I’ve had enough of this. I can’t stand this. It drives me up the wall.