New DLP Tle Agri q1 Week 1 10
New DLP Tle Agri q1 Week 1 10
New DLP Tle Agri q1 Week 1 10
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Mylene L. Dela Pena Learning Area Agriculture
Teaching Dates and Time August 14 – 18, 2017 / Week 1 Quarter SECOND
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Perform propagation of Trees and Fruit trees following agricultural standards set in the industry.
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
1a. Importance of 1.1.1. Characteristics of 1.2.1 Identifying successful 1.3.1 Common nursery 1.4.1 Benefitsderived from a nursery.
II. CONTENT trees and fruit trees and fruit bearing orchard growers in the work. 1.4.2 Nursery plant maintenance, operation and
bearing trees trees. community. 1.3.2 Proper use of nursery activities.
Activities: 1.2.2 Sources of Trees and tools and equipment. 1.4.3 Greening the nursery.
Classification of the 1.1.2. Benefits derived Fruit bearing Trees: 1.3.3 Nursery hygiene and
different trees and from trees and fruit Commercial safe work practices.
fruit bearing trees in trees. Nursery 1.3.4 Varieties of seedlings
your/the community. Agricultural of trees and fruit trees, and
Importance of 1.1.3 Products Institutions their characteristics.
planting and obtained from trees Department of 1.3.5 Ways how to care for
propagating trees and fruit trees. Agriculture seedlings.
and fruit trees. Bureau of Plant
A. References Curriculum Guide for Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-Agriculture p.32
Grade VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Production, WastongPagtatanim WastongPagtatanim
Resource (LR) portal Production, Teachers Production, Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual object.
Actual object. Actual object. Actual object. Actual object.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask any one from the Read the different Students will report on Discussions about “Plant Discussions about the benefits we can get from
presenting the new lesson members of the class benefits derived from personalities, experts and Nursery” having a Nursery and how to green the nursery.
to tell something about planting trees and fruit practitioners who are Used of different tools in
the word “Agriculture”. trees to family and successful orchard the nursery.
Identify some trees and community. growers. Presentation about the
fruit trees available in Ask students to identify Identify some well known systematic and scientific
the community. some products we can orchards/agri-farms in the ways of caring for
get from trees and fruit Provinces. nursery, orchards and
trees. farmland.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Discuss the importance Show pictures of some Learners will identify the Students will describe Students willdetermine the nursery, plant
lesson of planting and by-products derived from different sources of trees what they see inside the maintenance and operation/activities and some
propagating trees and trees and fruit trees. and fruit trees. nursery. organic ways in greening the nursery.
fruit trees. Demonstration of the
different systematic and
scientific ways of caring
for a nursery, an orchard
and a farm land.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Introduction to data Presentation of some Identify some government Presentation of the different Presentation of different agricultural produce/organic
the new lesson gathering of some products derived from trees and non-government entities, types or classification of produce from a nursery.
elements to be observed and fruit trees. private agencies that plant nursery.
in planting trees and fruit distribute trees and fruit trees.
D. Discussing new concepts and Data presentation. Product presentation skills. Interviewing skills. Presentation skills using Product presentation skills.
practicing new skills #1 video footages.
F. Developing mastery (leads to Identify the scientific List down some Identify some Presentation on List down some benefits derived from managing a
Formative Assessment 3) practices in planting benefits derived from personalities known for nursery. nursery.
trees and fruit trees. trees and fruit trees. exemplary performance Identification of Describe the maintenance, operations and the
in growing and different tools used in a different activities in a nursery.
maintaining orchard. nursery.
Identify some well known Identification of
orchard farms in the Systematic and
provinces. scientific ways of caring
for nursery, orchards
and farmland.
G. Finding practical applications of Present before the Present actual, real by- Present before the Present before the Present before the class the different by-products
concepts and skills in daily living class the scientific products derived from classvideos, film clips of class the scientific produced in the nursery.
practices in planting trees and fruit trees. different personalities practices in caring for a
trees and fruit trees. and their farm, orchard nursery.
that have given them Show the different
recognition of exemplary tools, materials used in
performance. a nursery.
Show some footages of
different government,
non- government as well
as private entities,where
trees and fruit trees are
obtained from.
H. Making generalizations and The Importance of The benefits derived from Some known personalities Managing a nursery; Benefits derived from a nursery and its by-products.
abstractions about the lesson propagating trees and planting trees and fruit who have excelled in describing the different
fruit trees. trees. maintaining orchards and activities; identifying the
farmlands where trees and tools and the materials
fruit trees are grown. used in maintaining a
nursery and an orchard.
I. Evaluating learning Written examination Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation Written examination
Demonstrations. Demonstrations. skills. Ocular Inspection. Product Analysis.
J. Additional activities for application Take Video footages of Preparation of Picture Invite at least one practitioner Develop a flip chart of Video shoot of different types of nursery andproducts.
or remediation some trees and fruit trees Album about the benefits who can share his/her different systematic and
grown in their respective derived from trees and fruit expertise in growing trees, scientific ways of
community. trees. fruit trees and managing an maintaining a nursery.
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
2.1.1. Elements to be 2.2.1 Identify different market 2.3.1 Present data 2.4.1 Present data regarding famous orchards and
II. CONTENT observed in planting demands for trees and fruit regarding different sources farmlands within the community in the different provinces
trees and fruit trees trees of trees and fruit trees in the country.
Be able to present Be able to present data Be able to present data using interview or a survey.
Be able to present data using interview using interview or a
data using or a survey. survey.
interview or a
A. References Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-Agriculture p.32
VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Production, Wastong Pagtatanim WastongPagtatanim
Resource (LR) portal Production, Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual Object, Guidebook,
Actual Object, Guidebook, Actual Object, Guidebook, Actual Object, Guidebook, Internet.
Internet. Internet. Internet.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Identification of the Report on market Discussion on the Presentation of the different well-known orchard/farm
presenting the new lesson different elements to be demands for trees and fruit different sources of trees in the country.
observed in planting trees. and fruit trees.
trees and fruit trees.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Present the different Learners will identify the Present before the class Learners will be able to gain information about the
lesson elements to be observed different market demands some sources of trees success story of some well-known orchards/farms in
in planting trees and fruit for trees and fruit trees. and fruit trees. the country.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Show data regarding the Identify market demands for Using a developed data Presentation of the different well-known orchards/farms
the new lesson different elements to be trees and fruit trees. base, present before the with exemplary characteristics and awards.
practiced in planting trees class the different sources
and fruit trees. of trees and fruit trees as
Department of
Bureau of Plant
D. Discussing new concepts and Present charts/pictures Interviewing skills on market Presentation skills using Video presentation featuring the outstanding
practicing new skills #1 showing the different demands for trees and fruit video footages on the orchards/farms in the country.
elements practiced in trees. different sources of trees
planting trees and fruit and fruit trees.
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to List down different Identify some market Presentation skills on Video coverage presentation of some well-known
Formative Assessment 3) elements involved in demands related to trees the different agencies, orchard farm in the country.
planting trees and fruit and fruit trees. partners being the
trees. source of trees and fruit
G. Finding practical applications of Demonstrate the Present before the Show some footages of Present data of some outstanding orchards/farms in
concepts and skills in daily living different practices in classvideos, film clips of different government, the country.
planting trees and fruit different products non-government as Present their sample proposals or project study.
trees. thatserve as a market well as private entities,
demand for trees and where trees and fruit
fruit trees trees are obtained
(ex: foods: fruits, candies, from.
jams, vegetables,
non-food: furnitures,
energy source,
infrastructure, etc.
H. Making generalizations and The different elements in Some products derived from Sources of trees and fruit Qualities and characteristics of an ideal orchard.
abstractions about the lesson planting trees and fruit trees and fruit trees that will trees.
trees. provide for a market demand.
I. Evaluating learning Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation. Written examination.
Demonstrations skills. Video presentation. Word Game.
Brainstorming. Role Play. Quiz. Direct Observation.
J. Additional activities for application Demonstration on the Invite at least one practitioner Develop flip chart on the Video shoot of different types of orchard.
or remediation different practices in who can share his/her different sources of trees
planting trees and fruit expertise/experiences in and fruit trees.
trees. marketing products out of
trees and fruit trees.
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
A. References Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade
VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Production, WastongPagtatanim
Resource (LR) portal Production, Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video,
Actual object, Guidebook, Actual object, Guidebook, Actual object, Guidebook,
Internet Internet Internet
F. Developing mastery (leads to Show list of different Show video footages on Do’s and Don’t in
Formative Assessment 3) trees and fruit trees caring for propagated caring for seedlings.
that grow during trees and fruit trees.
Show list of different
trees and fruit trees
that grow during rainy
G. Finding practical applications of Present before the Present before the class Present before the
concepts and skills in daily living class the name of trees pictures of matured trees class the scientific way
and fruit trees that grow and fruit trees that came of planting seedlings.
both rainy days and from budding, grafting,
summer. marcotting.
H. Making generalizations and The planting seasons for The different method of How to care for seedlings.
abstractions about the lesson trees and fruit trees. propagating trees and fruit
I. Evaluating learning Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation.
Demonstrations. skills. Word Game.
Role play. Nursery visitation.
Direct Observation.
J. Additional activities for application Trees and fruit trees and Invite at least one practitioner Develop a flip chart on the
or remediation their planting season. who can share his/her different systematic and
expertise experiences in scientific ways of caring for
propagating trees and fruit seedlings.
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
A. References Curriculum Guide for Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-Agriculture p.32
Grade VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Production, WastongPagtatanim WastongPagtatanim
Resource (LR) portal Production, Teachers Production, Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual object, Guidebook,
Actual object, Guidebook, Actual object, Guidebook, object, Guidebook, Internet Actual object, Guidebook, Internet
Internet Internet Internet
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Assign groups to report Identify different regions Students will report on Different ways on how to Processes involved in orchard production.
presenting the new lesson on the Importance of and the trees and fruit different designs and lay out care for and maintain the
Orchard. trees that grow in their of an orchard. orchard.
orchard. Presentation sample of
different orchard layout and
B. Establishing a purpose for the Identify the different Present before the class Identify the functions of the Orchard site Packaging the products.
lesson benefits derived from the success story of different tools and materials maintenance calendar.
orchards. people who excel in their used in an orchard.
orchard business.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Types of orchard and the Video Presentation of some Discuss the step by step Using personal protective Show video footage about orchard entrepreneurship.
the new lesson trees and fruit trees that trees and fruit trees that procedures in laying equipment in maintaining
grow in them. grow in an orchard during out/designing an orchard. an orchard.
summer, rainy days or cold
D. Discussing new concepts and Presentation of different Show pictures of trees and Prepare a Dio-Rama of an Presentation skills using Identify successful entrepreneurs and their orchard, as
practicing new skills #1 orchard plantations. fruit trees grown in an Ideal Orchard. video footages on caring for well as its produce.
orchard. orchards.
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to Identify some orchard Show list of different Shows video footages on Do’s and Don’ts in Show an actual product derived from an orchard.
Formative Assessment 3) plantation in the trees and fruit trees actual setting up and maintaining an orchard
region. that grow during laying out of an orchard. Identify some organic
summer and rainy ways of caring for and
days. maintaining an orchard.
G. Finding practical applications of Present before the Bring samples/cuttings Present before the class Organic agriculture Present before the class the ways of supporting
concepts and skills in daily living class the outstanding of trees and fruit trees pictures of matured trees practice. damaged trees and fruit trees.
orchards and their that grow in an orchard and fruit trees that were
best practices. during both rainy days planted in an orchard.
and summer.
H. Making generalizations and The different types of The planting seasons for The different methods of How to maintain and How to care for trees and fruit trees.
abstractions about the lesson orchard in the country. trees and fruit trees. propagating trees and fruit upgrade orchards.
I. Evaluating learning Written examination. Oral recitation. Reporting and presentation Group presentation. Written examination.
Demonstrations. Demonstrations. skills. Role Play. Word Puzzle.
Word Game. Direct Observation.
J. Additional activities for application Video coverages of some Create a data base of trees Invite at least one practitioner Develop a flip chart of Video shoot of the different ways of caring for trees and
or remediation resort with an orchard. and fruit trees and their who can share his/her different systematic and for fruit trees.
planting season. expertise/experiences in scientific ways of caring and
putting up an orchard. maintaining an orchard.
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
Perform plant propagation techniques based on scientific processes
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives TLE6AG0d-5
Write the LC code for each 5 Propagates trees and 5.1 Identify the functions of 5.2.Demonstrate 5.3 Observed health and 5.4 Clean and Healthy Working Environment
fruit trees using different tools and scientific ways of safety in propagating trees 5.5 Proper waste disposal
scientific processes equipment used in plant propagating trees and and fruit trees
propagations fruit trees
Needs/reasons why 5.1.1. Different tools, 5.2.1Plant Propagation 5.3.1 Different ways of 5.4.1 A visit to a nearby orchard to analyze propagated
II. CONTENT plants propagate. supplies and materials Strategies and Techniques caring for and maintaining plants.
Identification of the in performing plant propagated plant. 5.4.2 Analyzing propagated plants.
different propagation propagations and their 1. Wrapping and Waxing
techniques. purpose. 2. Budding
3. Grafting
4. Marcotting
5. Pruning
A. References Curriculum Guide for Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-Agriculture p.32
Grade VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Production, Wastong Pagtatanim Wastong Pagtatanim
Resource (LR) portal Production, Teachers Production, Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual object, Guidebook, Internet
Actual object, Guidebook, Actual object, Guidebook, Actual object, Guidebook, Actual object, Guidebook,
Internet Internet Internet Internet
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Assign groups to report Identify different regions Students will report on the Identification of the Processes involved in orchard production.
presenting the new lesson on the Importance of and the trees and fruit different design and layout different ways on how to
Orchards. trees that grow in their of an orchard. care for and maintain the
orchard. Presentation sample of orchard.
different orchard layout and
B. Establishing a purpose for the Identify the different Prepare all the materials Identify the functions of the Demonstrate health and Provide documentation to monitor the day-to-day status
lesson benefits derived from needed in performing different tools and materials safety in performing plant of a propagated plant.
plant propagation. plant propagation. used in an orchard. propagation.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Present actual sample of Video Presentation in Video presentation of the Using personal protective Present charts/video showing proper waste disposal after
the new lesson trees and fruit trees preparing for actual plant step-by-step procedures in equipment in performing plant propagation.
propagated using different propagation for trees and performing plant propagation. plant propagation.
techniques. fruit trees.
D. Discussing new concepts and Storing and caring for Proper use of tools and Document the steps and Proper wearing of Personal Analyzing failed or un- successful plant propagation.
practicing new skills #1 propagated plant. equipment in performing procedures in performing Protective Equipment.
plant propagation. plant propagation.
E. Discussing new concepts and Safety practices in Proper procedures in
practicing new skills #2 performing plant preparing the cuttings for
propagation. plant propagation.
F. Developing mastery (leads to What is the Write down the proper Identify the best plant Do’s and Don’ts while Proper labelling of propagated plants.
Formative Assessment 3) importance of plant steps and procedures propagation techniques performing plant
propagation? in performing different used. propagation.
plant propagation.
G. Finding practical applications of What benefits can we Bring samples/cuttings Present before the class Present before the Present before the class the ways of supporting
concepts and skills in daily living derived from plant of trees and fruit trees pictures of matured trees class the scientific way damaged trees and fruit trees.
propagation? that grow in the orchard and fruit trees from of trans-planting
during both rainy days budding, grafting propagated plants.
and summer. marcotting and pruning.
H. Making generalizations and Importance of plant Functional tools used in The different method of Health and safety Proper monitoring of propagated plant
abstractions about the lesson propagation and the performing plant performing plant propagation procedures in performing
benefit derived from it. propagation plant propagation
I. Evaluating learning Written examination Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation Written examination
Demonstrations Demonstrations skills Role Play Word Puzzle
Role Play Demonstration Direct Observation
Ocular Inspection
J. Additional activities for application Video coverage’s of some Create a data base of Trees Invite at least on practitioner Develop flip chart of Video shoot of different ways of caring trees and fruit trees
or remediation resort with orchard and fruit trees and their who can share his/her different systematic and
planting season experienced in putting up an scientific ways of caring and
orchard maintaining an orchard
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
Perform plant propagation techniques based on scientific processes
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives TLE6AG0e-6
Write the LC code for each 6 Identify systematic and 6.1 Perform systematic and 6.2.Perform proper 6.3 Identify and explain the Observe healthy and safety measures in formulating
scientific ways of scientific ways of caring procedures in preparing importance and benefit of organic fertilizer and pest /insect control
caring seedlings and seedlings, trees and fruit organic fertilizer and using organic fertilizer and
orchard trees and fruit trees organic pest/insect pest/insect control towards
trees Cultivating control sustainable development
Applying organic
Systematic and 6.1.1. Perform systematic 6.2.1Introduction to Organic 6.3.1Advantages of organic 4.1.4 Proper labelling of prepared organic concoction
II. CONTENT scientific ways of and scientific ways of Agriculture fertilizer and pest/insect
caring seedlings and caring seedlings, control
orchard trees and propagated trees and fruit 6.2.2 Procedures in making
fruit trees trees organic fertilizer
Transplanting 6.2.3Steps and procedures in
Watering making organic pest and
Applying organic fertilizer insect control
6.1.2 Maintenance plan
and schedule in
caring seedlings
and propagated
A. References Curriculum Guide for Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-Agriculture p.32
Grade VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Production, WastongPagtatanim WastongPagtatanim
Resource (LR) portal Production, Teachers Production, Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual object, Guidebook, internet
Actual object, Guidebook, Actual object, Guidebook, Actual object, Guidebook, Actual object, Guidebook,
internet internet internet internet
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Assign groups to report Identify the proper ways Students will report on Identification of different Processes involved in producing orchard products
presenting the new lesson on the characteristics of caring for propagated different design and layout ways on how to care and
of seedlings trees and fruit trees in the of an Orchard maintain the orchard
orchard Presentation sample of farm
different Orchard layout
and design
B. Establishing a purpose for the Identify the systematic Perform the systematic Apply proper use of organic Demonstrate health and Provide documentation monitoring the day to day status
lesson and scientific ways of and scientific ways of fertilizer and organic safety in handling organic of propagated plant with organic fertilizer and
caring for seedlings, caring for seedlings and pest/insect control products pest/insect control
trees and fruit trees propagated plants
C. Presenting examples/instances of Present actual sample of Video Presentation in Video presentation of the Benefits derived from Present charts/video showing proper storages of organic
the new lesson seedlings, trees and Fruit Systematic and scientific step by step procedures in organic fertilizer and products
trees done with different ways of caring for seedlings formulating organic fertilizer organic pest/insect control
plant propagation propagated trees and fruit and organic pest/insect
techniques trees control
D. Discussing new concepts and Storing and caring for Proper use of tools and Document the steps and Proper wearing of Personal Analyzing failed or un- successful formulation of organic
practicing new skills #1 seedlings, propagated equipment in caring for procedures in performing protective equipment fertilizer and organic pest/insect control
plant seedlings, propagated organic fertilizer and other
plants organic concoctions
E. Discussing new concepts and Safety practices in Introduction to Organic Proper ways in handling Proper ways of storing organic concoctions
practicing new skills #2 transplanting seedlings and concoctions organic concoction
propagated plants
F. Developing mastery (leads to Identification of Write down the proper Identify the proper Do’s and Don’ts while Proper Labelling and storing of organic products
Formative Assessment 3) systematic and steps and procedures procedures in formulating formulation of organic
scientific ways of in caring for seedlings organic fertilizer and fertilizer and organic
caring seedling and and orchard trees and organic pest/insect pest/insect control
orchard trees and fruit trees control
fruit trees
G. Finding practical applications of When is the proper Bring samples/cuttings Present before the class Demonstrate the Present before the class what are the ways of
concepts and skills in daily living time to transplant of trees and fruit trees Pictures of transplanted proper ways of disposing waste materials in the orchard
seedling and and seedlings ready for seedlings, trees and fruit applying organic
propagated trees and transplanting trees that came from fertilizer and organic
fruit trees? budding, grafting, pest/insect control to
marcotting, pruning seedlings and
propagated plants
H. Making generalizations and Importance of caring Functional tools used in The different procedures in Health and safety Proper storage and labelling of organic concoctions
abstractions about the lesson seedling, plant caring for seedlings and formulating organic fertilizer procedures in formulating
propagation in the propagated plants and organic pest/insect organic fertilizer and
orchard control organic pest and insect
I. Evaluating learning Written examination Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation Written examination
Demonstrations Demonstrations skills Role Play Word Puzzle
Role Play Demonstration Direct Observation
Ocular Inspection
J. Additional activities for application Video presentation of Create a data base of Invite at least on practitioner Develop a documentation Video presentation of proper storages and labelling of
or remediation some best practices in seedlings, trees and fruit who can share his/her about different systematic and organic concoctions
caring for seedlings and trees and their care & organic agriculture scientific ways of
orchard maintenance schedule formulating organic
products and concoctions.
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
Markets Fruits and Seedlings
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives TLE6AG0f-7
Write the LC code for each 7 Market fruits and 7.1 Applies scientific knowledge 7.2.Keep updated 7.3 marketing strategy to be 7.4 Uses of on line marketing of orchard trees and
seedlings and skills in identifying fruits and records of used in selling seedlings
seedlings ready for sale trees/seedlings for sale 7.5 Prepares flyers and Brochures
How to sell your crop 7.1.1. Scientific 7.2.1Proper record keeping of 7.3.1Marketing strategy 7.1.4 Benefits of on line marketing
II. CONTENT Wholesale and retail knowledge/skills in identifying events, expenses, sales and Transactional Advantages and dis advantages of on line
Marketing of fruits fruits and seedlings for sale improvement of orchards Word of Mouth marketing
and seedlings Ripeness Personalized 7.1.5 Design and layout of flyers and brochures for
The Farmers Market Physiological maturity 7.2.2 Maintaining records Free sample marketing fruits and seedlings
Colouring Tree map marketing
Organoleptic quality Tree growth Telemarketing
Commercial maturity Seedlings growth Community
A. References Curriculum Guide for Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-Agriculture p.32
Grade VI-Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Production, Agricultural Crops Production, Wastong Pagtatanim Wastong Pagtatanim
Resource (LR) portal Production, Teachers Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual object, Guidebook,
Actual object, Guidebook, object, Guidebook, internet Actual object, Guidebook, Actual object, Guidebook, internet
internet internet internet
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Assign groups to report Perform systematic and .Perform proper Demonstrate the proper Observe healthy and safety measures in
the new lesson on the systematic and scientific ways of caring procedures in preparing ways of applying organic formulating organic fertilizer and pest /insect
scientific way of caring seedlings, propagated trees organic fertilizer and fertilizer and organic control
for seedlings, trees and and fruit trees organic pest/insect pest/insect control to
fruit trees Cultivating control seedlings and
Transplanting propagated plants
Applying organic
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Apply entrepreneurial Scientific knowledge Skills Maintaining record and Choosing the best Practice marketing strategy through advertising
skills in marketing and and in identifying fruits and keeping all data in tact marketing strategy in and on line techniques
selling fruits, seedlings seedlings for sale selling fruits and seedlings
and cuttings
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Proper selection and Practice .Scientific Proper maintenance of Presentation of different Practice advertising techniques in marketing fruits
harvesting of fruits, and knowledge/skills in identifying records and Books, ledger for Marketing strategies in and seedlings
new lesson proper selection of fruits and seedlings for sale marketing fruits and seedlings marketing fruits and
seedlings for sale Ripeness seedlings
Physiological maturity
Organoleptic quality
Commercial maturity
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Environmental and Analyzing your orchard s and Bookkeeping techniques Proper wearing of Personal Analyzing failed or un- successful formulation of
new skills #1 community scanning in plantation status protective equipment organic fertilizer and organic pest/insect control
marketing fruits and
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Safety practices in transplanting Introduction to Organic Ideal marketing strategy Advertise your product
new skills #2 seedlings and propagated concoctions applied for fruits and
plants seedlings
F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Discussed Applies scientific Proper record keeping of Discuss the different Layout and design advertisement for fruits and
Assessment 3) entrepreneurial skills knowledge and skills in events, expenses, sales marketing strategies in seedlings for sale
in marketing and identifying fruits and and improvement of selling fruit and
selling fruits, seedlings ready for sale orchards seedlings
seedlings and
G. Finding practical applications of Knowing your market Proper analysis of fruits Develop proper records Selection and best Practice on-line marketing strategy
concepts and skills in daily living and customer and seedlings ready for and books intended for marketing strategy for
market marketing fruits and seedlings
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Entrepreneurial skills in Scientific way and skills in Record keeping and Scope and characteristics of Present different way of advertising your product
about the lesson Marketing fruits and identifying fruit and seedlings maintenance of data for different marketing
seedlings for sale marketing techniques
I. Evaluating learning Written examination Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation Written examination
Demonstrations Demonstrations skills Role Play Word Puzzle
Role Play Demonstration Direct Observation
Ocular Inspection
J. Additional activities for application or Video presentation of Video presentation of scientific Present ideal existing actual Invite speaker who is an Video presentation in developing advertisement like
remediation some best practices in skills in identifying fruits and records of books and ledger authority in marketing fruits brochure, leaflets and posters for marketing
marketing fruits and seedlings for sale intended for fruits and and seedling and who will
seedlings seedling sales and market talked on marketing
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
Develops plan for expansion of planting trees and seedling production
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives TLE6AG0g-8
Write the LC code for each 8 Develops plan for 8.1 Identify other varieties of and layout of 8.3 Identification of 8.4 discussion on proper care of additional trees and
expansion of planting trees and seedlings available for possible plantation plantation requirement of seedlings for expansion
trees and seedling planting expansion expansion additional plants and
production seedlings ready for
Multi-cropping 8.1.1. Varieties of tress, fruit 8.2.1 Design/lay out options 8.3.1 Identifying plantation 8.4.1 Proper caring techniques for additional trees ,
II. CONTENT Plan/lay out for trees and seedling for for plantation expansion requirements for expansion fruit trees and seedling
plantation expansion plantation expansion
A. References Curriculum Guide for Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-Agriculture p.32
Grade VI-Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32 VI-Agriculture p.32
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Production, Agricultural Crops Production, Wastong Pagtatanim Wastong Pagtatanim
Resource (LR) portal Production, Teachers Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual object, Guidebook,
Actual object, Guidebook, object, Guidebook, internet Actual object, Guidebook, Actual object, Guidebook, internet
internet internet , Structural plans internet
Structural plans
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Discuss before the Demonstrate some Scientific . Proper record keeping Discuss the different Advantages of on-line marketing strategy
the new lesson class the different knowledge/skills in identifying of events, expenses, Marketing strategy as
strategies in marketing fruits and seedlings for sale sales and improvement follows:
trees and fruit trees Ripeness of orchards Transactional
Physiological maturity Word of Mouth
Colouring Personalized
Organoleptic quality Free sample
Commercial maturity marketing
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Evaluate orchard area Analyse other variety of trees Develop design and plans Identify some plantation List down proper caring techniques applied to
for possible plantation and fruit trees for possible for plantation expansion requirements needed for additional trees and fruit trees needed for
expansion multi cropping expansion expansion
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Practice alternate planting Characteristics of trees and fruit Develop new design and Identification of additional Analyse other way in caring for trees and fruit trees
new lesson in orchard plantation trees for multi cropping plans for plantation expansion plantation requirements during plantation expansion
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Perform multi cropping Study varieties and Design proper lay out of Presentation of Modern Scientific and modern way of caring for additional
new skills #1 characteristic of trees and fruit orchard for expansion orchard plantation layout and trees and fruit trees for plantation expansion
trees for multi cropping design
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Introduction to Green House Applying Proper Watering Application of sprinkler inside the orchard
new skills #2 technology and irrigation of Orchard
F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Discuss multi Classification of crops Identification of facilities Discuss the advantages Discuss the importance of applying proper care for
Assessment 3) cropping techniques applicable to multi and amenities of modern of a fully equipped trees and fruit trees during plantation expansion
in orchard plantation cropping orchard plantation orchard plantation
G. Finding practical applications of Explain the principles Present some photos of Develop proper records Perform an interview to Practice modern approach in caring for additional
concepts and skills in daily living of multi cropping orchard practicing multi and inventories of an orchard owner who is trees and fruit trees inside the orchard
cropping standard amenities for applying modern
modern orchard techniques in
plantation maintaining an orchard
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Identify some benefit Be able to present pictures of Take video footages of an Present before the class the Benefit derived from modern approach in caring for
about the lesson derived from multi different multi crops for orchard ideal orchard practicing multi video footages of an orchard plantation
cropping expansion cropping interview to an orchard
owner applying modern
techniques in maintaining
I. Evaluating learning Written examination Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation Written examination
Demonstrations Demonstrations skills Role Play Word Puzzle
Role Play Demonstration Direct Observation
Ocular Inspection
J. Additional activities for application or Site visitation to a nearby Make your own design/plan of Present pictures of orchard Invite speaker who is an Video presentation of an orchard practicing modern
remediation multi cropping orchard an ideal orchard plantation design and plans practicing authority in orchard strategy in caring for trees and fruit trees
plantation specifying expansion plantation expansion plantation expansion
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills and develops one’s interest in animal/fish raising
Conduct a 9.2.1.Livestock in farm 9.3.1 Possible farm hazard 9.4.1 Possible ways to 9.5.1 Market demand for animal/fish products/by products
II. CONTENT survey/interview to a settings that an animal raising cause prevent farm hazard Meat
local to people and community brought about animal Dairy
practitioner/owner of 9.2.2. Types/kinds of Animal Bites raising. Clothing
an animal/fish farm livestock being raised Animal kicks, Avoid contact with Fertilizer
Research on the as means of livelihood rushing, trampling animal feces Labor
nature and or history Spread of Infectious Do not inhale medicine
of the animal/fish 9.1.3 Identify some diseases animal fur
farm types/kinds of fish Chemical-pesticides Do not mingle or
being raised as means transmission get closer with
of livelihood any animals
Practice proper
animal handling
A. References Curriculum Guide for Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-Agriculture
Grade VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture Wikipedia
Internet, Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agri-fishery, Classifying Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Habitat of Animals,
Resource (LR) portal the Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Aquaculture
Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquaculture
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Guidebook, internet, CBC
Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Perform multi cropping Study varieties and Design proper lay out of Presentation of Modern Scientific and modern way of caring for additional trees
presenting the new lesson characteristic of trees orchard for expansion orchard plantation layout and fruit trees for plantation expansion
and fruit trees for multi and design
B. Establishing a purpose for the
lesson Conduct Identify kinds of Enumerate possible Enumerate ways Identify market demand for animal/fish products
survey/interview four legged hazard that animal how to prevent and by-products
to : animals/fish being raising can cause to hazard brought
Persons in the raised as means of the people and the about by raising
community livelihood community animals
whose 9.2a Identify kinds
occupation is of fish being raised
animal (four as means of
legged)/fish livelihood
C. Presenting examples/instances of Use of Survey Instrument Introduction to “Livestock” The different environmental Ways of preventing some Market demands derived form fish and farm animal
the new lesson for the survey/ interview The types and kinds of hazard from farm and farm hazards from farm and products and by products
of practitioner/owner of Livestock such as small and animals animals
animal/fish farm large ruminants
F. Developing mastery (leads to Analyzing Survey Definition of “Livestock” Identification of environmental Ways of preventing some Market demands derived form fish and farm animal
Formative Assessment 3) Instrument for the survey/ The types and kinds of hazard from farm and farm hazards from farm and products and by products
interview of Livestock such as small and animals animals
practitioner/owner of large ruminants
animal/fish farm
Types and kinds of Aquatic
resources such as fishes
G. Finding practical applications of concepts Develop Survey Show video footages of Show video presentation Ways of preventing some Market demands derived form fish and farm animal
and skills in daily living Instrument for the survey/ “Livestock” environmental hazard from hazards from farm and products and by products
interview of The types and kinds of farm and farm animals animals
practitioner/owner of Livestock such as small and
animal/fish farm large ruminants
J. Additional activities for application or Present stories of Preparation of Picture Invite at least on practitioner Develop flip chart of Prepare chart of of different products and by product of
remediation successful entrepreneurs album about “Livestock” who can share his/her different systematic and animals and fishes
in animal and fish raising and its habitat experienced in maintaining scientific ways of
animal farm or fish farm/pond maintaining animal farm/fish
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills and develops one’s interest in animal/fish raising
Plans for family’s animal and fish raining project
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives TLE6AG0i-10
Write the LC code for each 10. Identifies 10.1 Prepare list of needed 10.2 Prepares schedule of 10.3 Record potential Second Periodical Examination
animals/fish to be raised materials to start the works for the following: income, expenses and 1st Day
as an alternative source project Raising gains out of farm
of income for the family Caring animals and fish
Processing products
Marketing of farm/fish
A. References Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade
VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture
Internet, Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the
Resource (LR) portal Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals,
Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquaculture
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video,
Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review about Livestock Identify the types and Enumerate the hazards in Enumerate ways of
presenting the new lesson and Habitat of Animals kinds of ruminants, the animal farm and fish preventing hazards in
and fishes Cattle and swine farm the animal/fish farm
B. Establishing a purpose for the
lesson Development of Prepare the Prepare schedule of Maintain
project plans and inventories of tools, work involved in records/ledger of
feasibility study of equipment, putting up the project transactions
the proposed supplies and involved in the
animal farm and materials needed in project
fish farm putting up the
C. Presenting examples/instances of Development of site Workplace Lay out of the Work scheduling and Bookkeeping
the new lesson development plans for the project graphical presentation
animal and fish raising
F. Developing mastery (leads to Identification of Prepare list of needed Prepares schedule of Record potential
Formative Assessment 3) animals/fish to be raised materials to start the works for the following: income, expenses and
as an alternative source project Raising gains out of farm
of income for the family Caring animals and fish
Processing products
Marketing of farm/fish
G. Finding practical applications of concepts Environmental Scanning for Preparation of canvass for Document schedule of work, Keep track Accounting and
and skills in daily living the animal and fish raining the needed materials to time requirement and days to records of the project
project start the project be undertaken for the
Marketing of farm/fish
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Site development Plans Design and materials Work scheduling involved in Record and transaction
about the lesson requirement of the project the project keeping and management
I. Evaluating learning Oral interview Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation
Demonstrations Demonstrations skills Ocular Inspection
Drafting of Plans
J. Additional activities for application or Take photos of an ideal Canvass for the tools, Invite at least one practitioner Develop ledger, book for
remediation animals and fish farm supplies ,materials and who can share his/her accounts of the project
project consumables of the project experienced in maintaining
animal farm or fish farm/pond
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills and develops one’s interest in animal/fish raising
Implements plan on animals/fish raising
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives TLE6AG0i-11
Write the LC code for each 11. Monitors growth and 11.1 Keeps records and 11.2 Be updated of the 11.3 Apply modern 11.4 Benefits derived from the animals and fish raising
progress of animals/fish updates status of modern and latest trend and project
in the project farm growth and progress of trend in maintaining maintenance of
the animals and fishes animal and fish farm the animal and
project thru the internet fish raising project
Inspection and 10.2.Recording 11.2.1 Identification modern 11.3.1 Implement modern 11.4.1 Expands/enhances ones experience about
II. CONTENT monitoring strategy for strategies involve in approach in maintaining trends and maintenance of animal/fish raising project
growth and progress of updating growth and animals/fish farm project the animal and fish project
animals/fish in the progress of the animal
project and fishes
A. References Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-Agriculture
VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture Wikipedia
Internet, Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Habitat of Animals,
Resource (LR) portal Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Aquaculture
Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquaculture
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Guidebook, internet, CBC
Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review about Livestock Identify the types and Enumerate the hazards in Enumerate ways of Identify farm and fish product and the marketing
presenting the new lesson and Habitat of Animals kinds of ruminants, the animal farm and fish preventing hazards in strategy applied to it
and fishes Cattle and swine farm the animal/fish farm
B. Establishing a purpose for the
lesson Development of Prepare the Prepare schedule of Maintain Prepare or inventories of supplies, tools and
project plans and inventories of tools, work involved in records/ledger of materials and consumables needed in the
feasibility study of equipment, putting up the project transactions animal farm and fish project
the proposed supplies and involved in the
animal farm and materials needed in project
fish farm putting up the
C. Presenting examples/instances of Development of site Workplace Lay out of the Work scheduling and Bookkeeping Record Management
the new lesson development plans for the project graphical presentation
animal and fish raising
F. Developing mastery (leads to Identification of Prepare list of needed Prepares schedule of Record potential Maintain bookkeeping of transactions made in
Formative Assessment 3) animals/fish to be raised materials to start the works for the following: income, expenses and marketing animal and fish product
as an alternative source project Raising gains out of farm
of income for the family Caring animals and fish
Processing products
Marketing of farm/fish
G. Finding practical applications of Environmental Scanning for Preparation of canvass for Document schedule of work, Keep track Accounting and Maintain Marketing and Financial Status of the project
concepts and skills in daily living the animal and fish raising the needed materials to time requirement and days to records of the project
project start the project be undertaken for the
Marketing of farm/fish
H. Making generalizations and Site development Plans Design, supplies and Work scheduling involved in Record and transaction Marketing Strategy
abstractions about the lesson materials requirement of the the project keeping and management
I. Evaluating learning Oral interview Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation Written examination
Demonstrations Demonstrations skills Ocular Inspection Product Analysis
Drafting of Plans
J. Additional activities for application Take photos of an ideal Canvass for the tools, Invite at least one practitioner Develop ledger, book for Prepare marketing strategy of the products and by
or remediation animals and fish farm supplies ,materials and who can share his/her accounts of the project product of animals and fishes
project consumables of the project experienced in maintaining
animal farm or fish farm/pond
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills and develops one’s interest in animal/fish raising
Implements plan on animals/fish raising
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives TLE6AG0i-12
Write the LC code for each 12 Monitors growth and 12.3 Keeps records and 12.4 Be updated of the 12.5 Maintain operations of 12.6 Identify partners and
progress of animals/fish updates status of modern and latest animal/fish raising stakeholder of the
in the project farm growth and progress of trend in maintaining project animal/fish raising project
the animals and fishes animal and fish farm
project thru the
Assigning manpower 12.2. Individual task of 12.2.1 Keep records of 12.3.1 Keep record and 12.4.1 Expands/enhances ones
II. CONTENT requirements for the the manpower websites containing updates schedule of the experience about animal/fish
monitoring of growth requirement of the and trend in maintaining maintenance and operation raising project
and progress of the animal/fish raising animal/fish raising project needed for the maintenance
animal/fish raising project of the animal/fish raising
project project
A. References Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-
VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture Agriculture
Internet, Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the
Resource (LR) portal Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Aquaculture
Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquaculture
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video,
Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review about the Characterize the type of Enumerate other hazards Enumerate other ways of Identify some benefit derived
presenting the new lesson classification and type of ruminants, cattle and in the animal farm and fish preventing hazards in from the animal/fish raising
four legged animals swine. Its description farm the animal/fish farm project
and breed
B. Establishing a purpose for the
lesson Development of Prepare the Prepare schedule of Maintain Identify ocular
Business plans inventories of tools, work involved in records/ledger of inspection procedures
about animals/fish equipment, putting up the project transactions in monitoring the
raising project supplies and involved in the finished animals/fish
materials to include project farm raising project
the specifications
C. Presenting examples/instances of Entrepreneurial Workplace Lay out of the Preparation of Monitoring Bookkeeping, Accounting Record Management
the new lesson Design/Plan of the project to include lay out of Gantt Chart of the project and auditing record
animals/fish raising project equipment and facilities
D. Discussing new concepts and Discussion of Business Identifying areas in the Workloads and schedule of Book and ledger Maintaining Marketing strategy
practicing new skills #1 Plan for the Animals/Fish workplace and its constructions maintenance for animals and fish products
Raising Project operations and functions
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to Identification of Prepare list of needed Prepares schedule of Record potential Maintain bookkeeping of
Formative Assessment 3) animals/fish to be raised materials to start the works for the following: income, expenses and transactions made in
as an alternative source project 13 Raising gains out of farm marketing animal and fish
of income for the family 14 Caring animals and fish product
15 Processing products
16 Marketing of farm/fish
G. Finding practical applications of Environmental Scanning for Preparation of canvass for Document schedule of work, Keep track Accounting and Maintain Marketing and
concepts and skills in daily living the animal and fish raising the needed materials to time requirement and days to records of the project Financial Status of the project
project start the project be undertaken for the
17 Raising
18 Caring
19 Processing
20 Marketing of farm/fish
H. Making generalizations and Site development Plans Design, supplies and Work scheduling involved in Record and transaction Marketing Strategy
abstractions about the lesson materials requirement of the the project keeping and management
I. Evaluating learning Oral interview Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation Written examination
Demonstrations Demonstrations skills Ocular Inspection Product Analysis
Drafting of Plans
J. Additional activities for application Take photos of an ideal Canvass for the tools, Invite at least one practitioner Develop ledger, book for Prepare marketing strategy of
or remediation animals and fish farm supplies ,materials and who can share his/her accounts of the project the products and by product of
project consumables of the project experienced in maintaining animals and fishes
animal farm or fish farm/pond
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills and develops one’s interest in animal/fish raising
Manages Marketing of Animals/Fish Raised
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives TLE6AG0i-13
Write the LC code for each 13. Manages 13.1 Discuss indicators for 13.2 Demonstrate skills in 13.3 Prepares marketing 13.4 Market animals/fish
Marketing of harvesting/capturing of harvesting/capturing strategy by asking help harvested/captured
Animals/Fish animals/fish raised animals/fish raised from other using the 13.5 Computes the income
Raised internet earned from marketed
(Gross Sales less
Expenses=Net Income
13.6 Prepares plan for expansion
of animals/fish venture
Practice marketing 13.1.1. Scientific 13.2.1 Proper procedures in 13.3.1 Marketing strategy for 13.4.1 1Proper record keeping
II. CONTENT strategy for knowledge/skills and capturing and harvesting Harvested and captured of events, expenses, sales and
animals/fish raised indicators in animals/fish raised animals/fish improvement ofanimal/fish farm
harvesting/capturing Transactional
animals/fish raised Word of Mouth 13.4.2 Preparation iof Plans and
The Body Built Personalized additional design for future
and Health Free sample expansion of animals/fish
Movement marketing venture
Maturity Telemarketing
Good Feces and Community 13.4.3 Costing of additional
Urine condition marketing facilities and amenities
Healthy feeding
A. References Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-
VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture VI-Agriculture Agriculture
Internet, Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the
Resource (LR) portal Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Aquaculture
Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquaculture
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video,
Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Monitors growth and Keeps records and Be updated of the modern Keep record and Expands/enhances ones
presenting the new lesson progress of animals/fish updates status of and latest trend in schedule of the experience about
in the project farm growth and progress of maintaining animal and maintenance and animal/fish raising project
the animals and fishes fish farm project thru the operation needed for the
internet maintenance of the
animal/fish raising project
B. Establishing a purpose for the
lesson Practice marketing Discuss some Good Identify proper Prepares marketing Computes the income
strategy for animals/fish indicators of animals/fish procedures in strategy by asking help earned from marketed
raised ready for harvest and harvesting and from other using the products
capture capturing internet (Gross Sales less Expenses=Net
animals/fish raised Income
C. Presenting examples/instances of Practice Retail and Keeping records of Growth Practice proper harvesting Practice on-line marketing Bookkeeping, Accounting and
the new lesson Merchandized and schedule of vitamins and capturing techniques for auditing techniques Record
and supplements for animals/fish raised Management
D. Discussing new concepts and Discussion of Business Practice animal husbandry Harvesting, Capturing and Practice other Marketing Maintaining Ledger for Debit and
practicing new skills #1 Plan and establishment of Packaging Techniques Strategy Credit and Trail Balance
farmers market
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to Identification of Identification of some 13. Identification of Record potential Maintain bookkeeping of
Formative Assessment 3) animals/fish to be raised indicators that an proper procedures in income, expenses and transactions made in
as an alternative source animals/fishes is ready harvesting and gains out of farm marketing animal and fish
of income for the family for harvest and capturing animals/fish animals and fish product
captures raised products
G. Finding practical applications of Environmental Scanning for Random sampling in Marketing of farm/fish product Keep track Accounting and Maintain Marketing and
concepts and skills in daily living the animal and fish raising harvesting and capturing records of the project Financial Status of the project
project animals/fish raised
H. Making generalizations and Work scheduling involved in Record and transaction Marketing Strategy
abstractions about the lesson harvesting and capturing keeping and management
I. Evaluating learning Oral interview Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation Written examination
Demonstrations Demonstrations skills Ocular Inspection Product Analysis
Drafting of Plans
J. Additional activities for application Take photos of an ideal Maintain growth and health Invite at least one practitioner Develop ledger, book for Prepare marketing strategy of
or remediation animals and fish farm ready records of animals/fish who can share his/her accounts of the project the products and by product of
for harvesting and experienced about capturing animals and fishes.
capturing and harvesting animals and