JULY 2020
I hereby declare that I am the sole author for this work except for quotations and citations, which
have been duly acknowledged. I certify that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted
for any other degree at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin or any other institutions.
Signature: _________________________________
Date: .......................................................
This is to confirm that the project title Gym Reservation System was prepared and submitted by
Nik Muhammad Farhan bin Nik Zulkifli (BTAL 17047070) and has found satisfactory in terms
of scope, quality and presentation as partial fulfilment for the Bachelor of Computer Science
(Software Development) requirement under Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). The
Signature : ________________________________
Binti Mohamad
Date : …………………………………
Praised be to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful for blessing me and giving me the
opportunity to undergo and complete my final year project, Gym Reservation System. This
project could not be finished without the support, encouragement and cooperation of my
supervisor, my family, friends and everyone surrounds me. Thus, I would like to thank a lot to
my supervisor, Prof. Madya Dr. Fatma Susilawati Binti Mohamad, who has always guiding me
and giving ideas in developing this project successfully. Last but not least, a lot of thanks and
appreciation to everyone who directly or indirectly involved in the process of making the system
and documentation.
Thank you.
The Gym Reservation System for fitness center (gym) is a web-based system developed with the
aim of making it easier for customer to book session with coach via online booking by using this
system. After customers login to the system, they can book a queue number by clicking the
button in system and the queue number will be automatically generated by the system, meaning
the customer get a queue number for available coaches that are free during that time to attend the
customers. Furthermore, the system also has several functions among them for customers to book
available session dates online. Customers can also request to get another follow-up session with
the coach if the customers want it. Another function is that customers can see their previous
history of workout session records added by coach such as description of the workout and notes
of recommendation on what to do after the session. Customers also can rate their coach after
completed doing each session. The expected outcome of this project is that this system allow
customers to use the system wherever they are located regardless of time. It will also reduce the
waiting time for customers to get a workout session with coach at the gym. In conclusion,
technology is now more sophisticated and it will benefit many users. A wise users will use
Gym Reservation System untuk pusat kesihatan (gim) adalah sistem web-based yang
dibangunkan dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan pelanggan menempah sesi dengan pelatih
melalui tempahan dalam talian dengan menggunakan sistem ini. Setelah pelanggan login ke
dalam sistem, mereka dapat menempah nombor giliran dengan mengklik butang dalam sistem
dan nombor giliran akan dihasilkan secara automatik oleh sistem, bermaksud pelanggan
mendapat nombor giliran supaya pelatih yang tersedia ketika itu dapat melayani pelanggan
tersebut. Selain itu, sistem ini juga mempunyai beberapa fungsi antaranya untuk pelanggan
menempah tarikh sesi yang tersedia secara dalam talian. Pelanggan juga boleh meminta untuk
mendapatkan sesi susulan dengan pelatih jika pelanggan menginginkannya. Fungsi lain ialah
pelanggan dapat melihat sejarah tentang sesi latihan yang direkod oleh pelatih seperti
penerangan tentang latihan dan nota cadangan mengenai apa yang harus dilakukan selepas sesi
tersebut. Pelanggan juga dapat menilai(rating) jurulatih mereka setelah selesai melakukan
setiap sesi. Hasil yang diharapkan dari projek ini adalah bahawa sistem ini membolehkan
pelanggan menggunakan sistem di mana sahaja mereka berada tanpa mengira masa. Ini juga
akan mengurangkan masa menunggu pelanggan mendapatkan sesi latihan dengan pelatih di
gimnasium. Kesimpulannya, teknologi kini lebih canggih dan akan memberi banyak faedah
kepada pengguna. Pengguna yang bijak akan menggunakan teknologi dengan sebaik mungkin
1.1 Background 1
1.2.3 Motivation 3
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Scope 4
1.4.1 Administrator: 4
1.4.2 Coach 4
1.4.3 Customer 4
1.6 Limitation 7
1.8 Introduction 8
2.9 Summary 15
In this phase it will deliver the information about the study on the past research, current application or system,
and article on the website. This study is more to focus to do the development and guide to the successful
project, to come out with the new system will benefits to all user. 15
2 CHAPTER 3 16
2.1 Introduction 16
2.2.1 Planning 17
2.2.2 Requirements 17
2.2.5 Testing 18
2.2.6 Evaluation 19
2.3.1 Software 19
2.3.2 Hardware 20
2.8 Summary 28
3 CHAPTER 4 29
3.1 Introduction 29
3.1.1 Deployment/Configuration 29
3.1.2 Interfaces 30
3.2 Testing 47
3.2.2 Test Case 48
3.2.3 Results 49
4 CHAPTER 5 50
4.1 Discussion 50
4.2 Limitation 50
GUI android application maybe not fit with the size of the device. This is because the resolutions of each device
are different and the possible font size, position and size design system will be affected. 50
4.3 Recommendations 50
4.4 Summary 51
CD Context Diagram
DFD Data Flow Diagram
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
FYP Final Year Project
HCI Human Computer Interface
1.1 Background
network. It is a set of principle or procedures according to something done with all algorithm and
method uses in the system. The system is very useful to provide convenience to user to solve
their problems.
A health club (also known as a fitness club, fitness center, health spa, and commonly
referred to as a gym) is a place that houses exercise equipment for the purpose of physical
exercise which in a controlled environmental condition space and services focused on physical
fitness and health in exchange of a fee (private company) or publicly free (government) to
everyone. Gym usually accept customer booking for coaches. Since most of the places doing the
booking manually, there will be a redundancy toward the booking which can cause an ineffective
session between customers and coaches. These problems have led to the idea of developing a
system that would help the customers to reduce waiting time and get an effective workout
Reservation and booking system for gym is a system developed to ease customers to
register early and get fast booking before they get to the gym to do some workouts. In addition,
this system allows customers to get session date with coach and also get a follow-up workout
session at the gym. With this system, customers can book reservation date easily and do not have
to wait for a long period of time to get a coach to attend them at the gym. Besides, the customers
can book queue number in this system and can view display live queue number to let them know
when they will be attended to. This will save the time, cost, and energy of the customers to go to
the gym. Now, customers can use this system wherever they are, regardless of time.
Some coaches can be very busy during the time attending other customers. This makes it difficult
for customers to get one and have to wait for them to be available. Often, customers will go to
the counter or call to confirm. Gym management sometimes take times to check on availability
of coaches when doing it manually. Waiting for a long search of availability from management
will make the customers lose interest in book a reservation there. This system will help reduce
customers waiting time as they can know the status of the coaches whether they available or not.
1.2.2 Uncoordinated Schedule
Coach tend to have other customer being attended to or late notice resulted to manual reservation
which make the customers left unattended for a period of time. With this system, coaches will be
able to arrange session for customers which customer can choose from and can also review
1.2.3 Motivation
Traditionally, before customers get a session workout, they need to go to the place or call for
availability. However, this is time consuming and can decrease the mood to make a book if it
takes a lot of time. As a result, developing a system or program that assist a systematic
reservation is a need for customer and coach which will ease them in accomplishing an effective
workout session and let the gym have a more user-friendly environment and get a better
reputation than before. Building this system can be challenging and exciting because it requires
independent thinking and intuition. In addition, it helps build social and life skills and combines
1.3 Objectives
Every project developed must have objectives to be implemented in order to solve the problem
stated in the beginning. Thus, there are three objectives stated in Gym Reservation System. The
1) To design the customer-coach reservation system that enables coach manage their slot.
2) To develop a system that allows customers to make request to have a session with the
3) To test the system by eliminating the possibility of redundancy of the same time slot with
other customers or in case coach is not available because already in a session with another
1.4 Scope
The scope of the Gym Reservation System is for the use of fitness center throughout Malaysia.
The development of the system will help the admin and coach-customer to manage their session.
The followings are the user’s scope for the proposed system:
1.4.1 Administrator:
• Manage the session record, coaches and customers that exist in the system
• Manage database
1.4.2 Coach
1.4.3 Customer
• Check date and time slot before proceeding with the reservation process.
1.5 Project Schedule
Project schedule is one of the import documents before developing the system. It comprises of
activities in timeline and summary elements of the project. It acts as a project guideline to finish
Table 1 : Project Gantt Chart
ACTIVITY / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Proposal writing –
Proposal writing –
literature review
Proposal progress
Propose solution
Proof of concept
Analysis and
Design system
Design database
Design interface
Drafting report of
Final presentation
Final report
1.6 Limitation
It is only a web-based system so it can only be accessed through web browsers. Also, system
The development of Gym Reservation System is intended to allow the customer to make a
reservation with the coach at an appropriate time without interfering with any other activities. In
addition, to ensure that all records of the customers and coaches are kept in a more organized and
effective manner.
2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, discussions on past research and developed systems related to the proposed
project. Previous research can serve as a general description and may broaden the topic. In this
literature review, relevant research or systems are presented in the table to facilitate
understanding. The research is then described in paragraphs for more information on components
and details. Comparison between existing systems and the systems to be developed makes for
Reservation are times that are devoted to things like doctor visits, business matters, and much
like booking. The recipient notification agent receives the message notification on behalf of the
recipient. Getting the system with many free participants for behavior is a big challenge.
Nowadays, people use computer systems on it organization. The reason is to reduce human
workload and at the same time, it will require less staff or employees to operate in various
systems within the organization. Organizations may need only one worker per system. In
addition, technology helps people to save time by using electronic systems instead of manually
recording data. For this reason, an online appointment system is built in some organizations to
make meetings and appointments more convenient. The online appointment system is a paperless
electronic application designed with high flexibility and ease of use, implemented for
organizations such as faculty, administration, hospitals, clinics, and other business organizations
to handle meetings with customers or customers more effectively. There are many types of online
appointment systems that exist today. This system is usually built to avoid repeating the same
Protein is one of the nutrients along with carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals and water.
The source of all of these nutrients is good. Some foods contain much higher amounts of
specific nutrients than others and sometimes we refer to certain foods as “protein foods”. It is
important to realize that all goods contain more than one nutrient and most foods contain
Protein is an important part of life and nutrition; it is the substance that composes a large
portion of your body’s structure. Proteins are made up of amino acids arranged in different
combinations. Next to water, protein is the most abundant substance in the human body. It is
part of all body cells and is a vital building block in the growth, maintenance and repair of the
body tissue.
2.3 How does nutrition will be related to health?
Food energy is used by the body for metabolic processes, physiological functions, heat
production, growth and synthesis of new tissues. It is also the source of energy for physical
activity. Excess energy intake is stored as fat, which can lead to overweight and obesity.
How much protein you need in your daily diet depends on the amount of activity you
exert in a day. Below is an equation to help calculate the amount of protein you should have
in your diet.
2.5 Web Based Application
connection using HTTP, rather than existing within a device’s memory. Web-based
applications often run inside a Web browser. However, Web-based applications also may be
client-based, where a small part of the program is downloaded to a user’s desktop, but
processing is done over the Internet on an external server. Web-based applications are also
This system presents the Fitness Center that consider fulfill the requirement and can
deliver the system on time. However, the interface is bored interface. In order to standardize
the interface, Object Oriented Approach is used to design the system. This method will draw
out some diagrams in order to help having the better idea when developing the system. This
system’s objective is developed to help the organization to reduce the overload paperwork,
storage space problem of keeping the member records and update record quickly and easily
2.6.2 Online Diet Planning System
This system present about Online Diet Planning System which help people to manage
their diet. However, the systems are not specifically focusing on the user’s own needs.
Different people will require different dietary needs or nutrition for their body. This is due to
variety of weight, daily activity level and so on. In order to find out personal body needs, this
web-based application system will help user to get information about their dietary intake.
There will be dietary recommendations for the user based on what they need. It is more
focusing on the user own needs rather than just giving the general recommendations to all
The Gym Management System requires a system that will handle all the necessary and
minute details easily and proper database security accordingly to the user. However, the gym
is working manually which is time consuming and also it is very costly, because it involves a
lot of paperwork and manually handles the system is also a very difficult task. So, the
objective of the project is to design and develop a user-friendly system, easy to use and
efficient computerized system and also to develop an accurate and flexible system which can
2.7 Comparison table between existing systems
Gym Mr. Sriram - Help to design and develop a - Visual Basic 6.0
Management R.Annam & User friendly system. - Microsoft Access
System Mr. - Less chances of information
Sandhya Leakage
2.8 Proposed method
Weighted Sum method has been proposed to develop the Fitness Coaching Management
System (FCMS).
The weighted sum method is the best and simplest multi-criteria decision analysis
is very important to state here that it is applicable only when all the data are expressed in
exactly the same unit. The calculation weighted sum method as below.
ii) Determine weighted each criteria. The weighted can be obtained via requirement.
iii) Obtain score of option i using each criteria j for all i and j.
Si = ∑ WjSij
S - Score
W - Weighted
i - Value of weighted
j - Value of criteria
2.9 Summary
In this phase it will deliver the information about the study on the past research, current
application or system, and article on the website. This study is more to focus to do the
development and guide to the successful project, to come out with the new system will benefits
to all user.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter will discuss the methodology in this project. There is a detailed system requirements
The methodology that is use to develop the system is Iterative Model. The iterative
model is a particular implementation of a software development life cycle (SDLC) that focuses
on an initial, simplified implementation, which then progressively gains more complexity and a
broader feature set until the final system is complete. There are 5 phases in this methodology that
is planning, analysis and design, implementation, testing and evaluation. The details of these
Figure 3.1 Iterative Model
3.2.1 Planning
In this phase, the requirement needed to develop the system is identified. The meeting with the
supervisor is held to discuss the system that will be developed. Result for the meeting, the system
decided to develop is an system that is used to manage reservation between customer and coach
at gym known as Gym Reservation System. The requirement that needed to develop the system
is identified. The schedule to develop this application is set into a Gantt chart to ensure that the
proposed system is successfully completed within the schedule by make research, observing and
3.2.2 Requirements
All of the systems available for the specific techniques collected have been analyzed,
summarized and complied with to identify any requirements needed for the application. Different
techniques in multi-criteria decision methods have been observed. Previous research and articles
related to specific techniques focused on their advantages and disadvantages for implementing
appropriate techniques in the system. Web Modeling Language (WebML) is selected for the
techniques that will be implemented in the system as it is best suited for positioning based on the
criteria that will be displayed in the system. From research, there are many local systems related
In this phase, the details study of requirements for the application such as from the users,
journals, internet and many more are conducted. There might be a change in requirement while in
this phase to follow the requirement that are gathered. The activities for high-level and low-level
In this phase, the design is translated into coding. To develop this application, the programming
language that has been used is PHP and the server used is Xampp Server. The database also
3.2.5 Testing
During this phase the developed system is tested. The separated modules are combined and
brought together then tested as the complete system. The system needs to be tested in order to
detected errors. It is also being tested to make sure the function is working such as are the
interface work and operate according to the what user requires. The system wills also being
3.2.6 Evaluation
In the testing phase, the system is demonstrated to the user. In this phase, based on customer
feedback the result from the testing is being evaluated. The error and bugs are detected, and then
the repair and modifications are made accordingly. There might be some feature that is removed
The requirement of hardware and software are the most important part of the successful of the
project. The project cannot be completed without software and hardware requirement. The
consumption of these facilities depends on what already provided or what they have been used
before. These are the details of the requirements for the Gym Reservation System:
3.3.1 Software
a) Notepad++
This software is a text-editor and even a source code editor for the Microsoft Windows. It
supports code folding and syntax highlighting for many programming, scripting and
markup languages which make it the popular source code editors in the world.
This software is a Windows web development environment to create the web application
with Apache2, MySQL database and PHP. It allows easily manage of database via
This software is used for develop the Gantt Chart. As a project management tool that
tracking progress, allocating the project budget, tracking the labor effort and generating
This software is used for make the report of this system and creates diagrams for this
system. Go from complicated text and tables that are hard to understand to Visio
Hardware requirement of this project is Laptop Acer with processor Intel® Core i5-8250U CPU
3.4 Context Diagram
Context diagram is a diagram that defined the boundary between the system or part of the
system and its environment, showing the entities that interacts with it and its input and output
from/to external factors. It is used in a project to get agreement on the scope under
investigation. Context diagram is beneficial because of it depicts the project scope at a high
level of abstraction.
The Context Diagram for Gym Reservation System (GRS) is shown in the figure above, (GRS)
process is at the centre of the diagram. The two other entities (Customer/coach and Admin) are
placed around the central process. For the Client/coach entity, there is three incoming data flow
which are system record, session record, and planning record, and has three outgoing data flow
3.5 Data Flow Diagram
Data flow diagram (DFD) is a representation graphical of the flow of the data in
the system. Figure 3.2 show the six process on this system. To use this system, all user
must login the system. Firstly, admin need to register coach that’s mean add the coach.
After that, coach can login and can view their profile and can update that. Coach also can
update the available appointment date in this system. Next, customer must register before
can login the system. After login, customer can view their profile and can update that.
Customer also can view the reservation date available and also can booking the date for a
session. After booking that, the data reservation will update in the reservation database.
Next, customer also register the queue number and the queue number data will update in
queue number database. For the session process, coach can see and view the list
appointment customer and the list queue number of customer, and coach can choose them
to have a session. When choose them, coach must insert the session data customer in the
session database. In the meantime, customer can view the previous record session. Next,
admin can view the list of coach, customer, reservation and queue number.
3.6 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Figure 3.7 shows the ERD which contains four entities which are CUST, SESSION, COACH
and ADMIN. This ERD will shows the relationship between entities. Each entities have their
own attributes. For Customer entities, it has the attributes cust_id (as primary key), cust_name,
cust_ic, cust_pnumber, cust_password and cust_gender. In addition to Session entities, it has the
customer_id and coach_id (as Foreign Key). Then, for the Coach entity, it has the coach_id
coach_password. Finally, for Admin entities, they have the Username attribute (as Primary Key)
and Password. For the cardinal process, one Customer to one Session. Many Session to Many
Figure 3.3 Entity Relationship Diagram
The Data Dictionary is a file or set of files containing the metadata of the database. The data
dictionary contains records of other objects in the database, other data, relationships with other
objects, and such as data ownership. The data dictionary is an important component of the
relational database. For most relational database management systems (RDBMS), database
management system software includes a data dictionary to access data within a database.
Table 3.1 shows customer have 6 attributes with customer_id as the primary key. For cust_id and
cust_pnumber it needs to meet the integer requirements, while for cust_name, cust_ic,
Table 3.1 Student Table
cust_ic Varchar(50) No
cust_gender Varchar(30) No
Table 3.2 show lecturer have 6 attributes with coach_id as the primary key. For coach_id and
coach_pnumber it needs to meet the integer requirements, while for coach_name, coach_ic,
coach_gender Varchar(20) No
coach_password Varchar(15) No
Table 3.3 shows that admin have 2 attributes with username as primary key. Admins need to
enter a username that has an integer and a password that has varchar requirements.
password Varchar(100) No
Table 3.4 shows that booking is a composite table that has 7 attributes with app_id as primary
key and contains 2 foreign key which is cust_id from table customer and coach_id from table
coach. For app_id, coach_id and cust_id need to meet integer requirements, while for app_date,
app_status Varchar(15) No
coach_id Int (100) No Foreign key reference
3.8 Summary
For conclusion, in order to develop a successful and complete system for Appointment
Consultation Application, we need to have a better understanding about the flow of the whole
system. The design and modeling which are system framework, context diagram, DFD, ERD,
will make us clear about the system when we have understanding the overall system.
4.1 Introduction
An implementation and result are to construct the product as design specifications developed in
previous phase, methodically verified to ensure that they are error-free and fully meet user
requirements. Implementation and result should be done before a system is fully utilized. System
implementation consider that the hardware and software system components are installed, the
selected software is configured and tested, the software may be customized to meet local
functional requirement, data mapping, signed off and becoming a fully operational production
4.1.1 Deployment/Configuration
Implementation is the process of carrying out, execution or practice of plan according to the
main objective of the system and achieve user requirement. This project is developed using PHP
language in the whole project. For the server, XAMPP server used to manage connection
between Apache and MySQL. The database used in this system is MySQL. This is because,
MySQL is easy to support browser and also easy to support coding in PHP. For writing coding,
software Notepad++ and Sublime Text 2.0 is used in this project. For testing, it uses three
different browsers to avoid problems not supporting the browser. Among the browsers used is
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera. When the project is developed, the project file will
always be updated and stored in Google Drive Cloud Storage as backup if there is a problem
4.1.2 Interfaces
This developed system is a gym system used by 3 users namely customer, coach and admin.
Customer can set reservation date with a coach without them having to go the gym. The system
has 3 different login, function and dashboards for customer, coach and admin.
In the user’s dashboard, there are 4 main menus that have specific functions namely Home,
Figure 4.1 shows the user login. User must use the identification card number as their username.
User need to fill username and password to enter the system. After login, the system will
Figure 4.2 shows the profile user. It displays user information such as identity card number, full
name, gender, address and phone number. User can update all their information in this menu.
Figure 4.3 Interface design “Booking Queue Number”
Figure 4.3 shows displays the latest queue number called by the coach. With this function, user
can know the latest queue number called by the coach and they can plan the time to come to the
gym if they are outside of the gym. The user can also book a queue number by pressing the
“Booking Queue Number” button, and the system will automatically generate the queue number.
Figure 4.4 shows displays the entire appointment date with the coach which is booked by the
Figure 4.5 Interface design “List All Available Session Dates”
Figure 4.5 shows the user can select to booking an available session date and can also cancel the
booking date. The user does not need to go the gym to make session date with the coach.
Figure 4.6 shows displays the all session history that the coach had insert in during their previous
appointment. This is to facilitate the coach to view the previous user’s progress record as a
reference. At the same time, user can also look at their record information, with the comment
provided by the coach after the session, user can improve from time to time.
Figure 4.7 shows users can also comment and give a good rate to the coach.
34 Coach Interfaces
Inside the dashboard coach, there are 4 main menu that have certain functions that’s is My
Profile, List Queue Number, Add Session Date and Manage Session. Before the coach login, the
admin should register the coach first. Coach cannot register themselves, only the admin can
Figure 4.7 shows the coach login. Coach must use the identification card number as their
username. Coach need to fill username and password to enter the system. After login, the system
Figure 4.8 Interface design “My Profile Lecturer”
Figure 4.8 show the coach lecturer. It displays a coach’s information including identity card
number, full name, gender, address, expertise and phone number. Coach can also update all their
Figure 4.9 Interface design “List All Queue User Number”
Figure 4.9 shows all users queue number. The coach should choose a user according to the queue
trained is also displayed shows at Figure 4.4 in the user's dashboard section for the user know the
latest turn queue number called by coach. After the coach trains, the queue number will be lost
on the coach's display and the user's dashboard display, indicates that the user is already done for
Figure 4.11 shows display the entire session date that has been entered by the coach along with
the status of whether the session date is still available or has been booked by the user.
Figure 4.12 Interface design “Add Reservation Date”
Figure 4.12 shows the coach insert reservation date in this system to facilitate the user to book an
reservation date. The coach may also delete reservation date if the date has not been booked by
the user.
Figure 4.13 shows displays the list user’s booked date of appointment. It has 2 functions, coach
can view the previous reservation records user and coach can insert the user’s reservation record
Figure 4.14 shows the coach can view the previous reservation records user. This as a reference
to facilitate the coach know the progress of the user after the train before.
Figure 4.15 Interface design “Follow Up Session Date Customer”
Figure 4.15 shows after session data is stored in the system, the coach can choose and insert the
date of reservation to follow up the user. This function facilities the coach to book an reservation
date with the user and the user does not need to book reservation date again.
41 Admin Interfaces
In the admin dashboard, there are 4 main menus that have specific functions namely Home,
Manage Session, Manage Coach and Manage Customer. For admins, only one admin can login
into system.
Figure 4.17 Interface design “List All Queue Number Customer”
Figure 4.17 shows after the admin login, the system will continue to go into the Home menu
where it displays the all Queue Number Customer. In this menu, it displays the latest queue
number called by the coach. It also displays the status of whether the customer has been trained
or not by the coach. In the meantime, the admin can book a queue number for the customer, if
the customer goes directly to the gym staff at the registration counter. The admin needs to select
the customer, and after that just click the generate number of the turn queue number and the
Figure 4.18 shows Interface design “List All Reservation Date”
Figure 4.18 shows displays the entire Appointment Date that has been entered by the coach and
also shows status the date is still available or has been booked by customer. In the meantime, the
admin can book reservation date for the customer, if the customer goes directly to the gym. The
admin needs to select the student, and select the reservation date which is still available. In
addition, the admin can cancel the booking reservation date made by the customer
Figure 4.19 Interface design “List All Coach Data”
Figure 4.19 shows the list all coach and overall details of the coach. Admin can add a new coach
Figure 4.20 Interface design “Add New Coach Data Form”
Figure 4.20 shows admin can add a new coach into this system.
Figure 4.21 which shows all customer and the overall details of the customer. Admin can add
new customer into this system, can also update and delete existing customer data.
Figure 4.22 Interface design “Add New Customer Data”
Figure 4.22 shows admin can add a new customer into this system if customer come directly to
4.2 Testing
There are two types of testing which are user interface and usability testing. User interface
testing defines the emotions of the potential product users. Usability testing is the expression of
the usage. The product form and its appearance are taken into account during user interface
4.2.1 Types of testing
User Interface testing was created to test and interact with the system to find errors and bug
in this system. The test is done by trying all the buttons in the system to link the correct page
and menu. In the meantime, it tests every page that includes text and design positions, font
size and design size so they are organized and consistent with each other.
Menu, buttons or links to different pages on site should be easily visible and
❖ Usability Testing
Usability testing is now a key part of any web-based project. It is a method used to view and
evaluate how easy it is to use this system. Tests are done with real users and small focus
groups similar to target audience of this system. It is to measure how this system can be used
This system is tested repeatedly, especially on interface buttons that are already linked to on
other pages. This is very important to prevent the user from being mistaken on the system.
Additionally, test involving connection to the database are also being tested. Among them is,
entering the data into its example system from registering the customer, after insert fill data in
form and the button submit is pressed, the data goes in and stored into the database. Among other
functions tested are display data, update data, insert data and also delete data..
4.2.3 Results
As a result of the test, there are some errors and bug in the user interface such as non-link buttons
on other pages. After encountering some errors, correction is promptly done and continues to be
tested repeatedly to detect other errors. In addition, there is also a coding error that causes data
from the database to not display on the system screen. Correction takes a while to be repaired
because the coding is correct but there are still errors in the system. After repeated testing, the
resulting solution is clear cookies in the browser and the system can continue to display as usual.
In conclusion, if an error on the web system is not necessarily a problem with coding but a
5.1 Discussion
Overall, this project has been developed and follow the main objective that have been explained
in Chapter 1.
This system developed to facilitate to register early and fast online before they get reservation
date at the gym. In addition, this system allows customer to set reservation date in online with
coach to get follow-up reservation date and do not need to go to the gym for a date. This will
save the time, cost and energy of the customer to go to the gym. Now, customer can use this
5.2 Limitation
GUI android application maybe not fit with the size of the device. This is because the resolutions
of each device are different and the possible font size, position and size design system will be
5.3 Recommendations
Among the suggestions for the addition of this system is, for the reservation, the user can view
calendar slots that are free to book for an appointment. Additionally, it can be improved from a
user-friendly standpoint by providing notifications to directors and customer when they have
5.4 Summary
As a conclusion, this system can set reservation date with a coach without them having to go the
gym earlier. This system also hopefully can help the customer, coach and admin do their
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