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50 VIDYA CBSE Physics Lab Manual-ill

Activ ty

To assemble household circuit comprising three bulbs, three (on/off switches, a fuse and a power source.

Three bulbs (say of 25 W, 60 W and 100 W ratings), three bulb holders, fuse (of 0.6 A), four on/off switches, A.C.
ammeter (Oto 1 A) and connecting wires.

The domestic appliances are connected in parallel so that non-working of one appliance does not affect the
working of other appliances.

In domestic circuit, the total power consumed is the sum of individual power consumed by each appliance.
i.e., P=P1+P2+P3+
wherePI,P2,P3 are powers drawn by appliances.
At a potential V, the current I drawn is given by :
1- ...(ii)

For power P in watt, V in volts and I is in amperes.

I. Connect bulbs El, B2, B3 in series with switches Sl, S2, S3 respectively and connect each set of Bulb-Switch in
parallel with each other as shown in Fig. below.


source Fuse
Fig. : Three bulb circuit,
@IVIDYA CBSE Physics Lab Manual-Xll
2. connect the ftrse in series with the power
source. One end of parallel
oneend and other to the other end. combinat,ion of Bulb-switch iBconnected at
3. Checkthe circuit again before you start the experiment.
Testing of Fuse : If bulbs are of (5V, 1.0 W)
each, then current drawn will be :
P 1-0
-0-2 A
For 3 bulbs total current drawn should not exceed
0 •6 A.
Thehousehold electrical circuit has been assembled
and tested successfully.
1. Thesafety fuse must be suitably selected.
2. The insulated wires should be used for connections.
3. Bulbs of stated rating should be used, otherwise the fuse
selected should be appropriate value.
4. Switchesshould be put on the live wire and not on the neutral wire.
5. The terminals or exposed portion of wires should not be touched when
power supply is on.
1. Bulbs of proper ratings may not be used.
2. Al the joints may not be properly insulated.

X Viva-Voce
Howmany wires are used in household electric circuit?
Ans. Three (live wire, neutral wire and earth wire).
Onwhat voltage our household electric circuit works?
Ans. 220 v.

Householdcircuit is connected in series or parallel?

Ans. Parallel.

Whatdo you mean by the 'live' wire?

Ans. The wire in which
current is directly coming from power supply source is called live wire.
which wire in an A.C.domestic circuit is the switch introduced to operate the lights?
Ans. Live wire.

What is the colour of the earth wire usually?

Ans. Green.

What is the colour of the Jive wire usually?

Ans. Red.

Whatis the function of the earth wire?

Earth wire is meant for safety of appliances in case of short circuiting or overloading of the electrical circuit.
Why proper earthing is necessary in domestic electrical circuit?
Sothat we are protected from electrical shock in case of possible leak of electrical current from an appliance.
Ans. earthing protect us from electrical shock?
When an appliance is earthed, its outer metallic case is always at the potential of the earth, i.e.,
en a
Persontouches the case with his hand, his feet (at earth) and hand are at the same potential and potential.
through his body. no current
52 @ CBSEPhysics Lab ManuaLXII

Q. i 1, is eolouv of neutral wire usunlkv?

Ans. Black.
Q. 12.mtich applinnees connected in domestic circuit of 5A rating?
Ans. Electric bulbs, tubes, CFL's, fans, etc.
Q. 13.mlich applixnces are connected in domestic circuit of 15 A rating?
Ans. Air conditioner, refrigerator, geyser, electric oven, air cooler, electric iron etc.
Q. 14. is ring main system of electrical wiring?
Ans In this system, a separate fuse is connected to each plug. When one fuse blow-off, it only affects the single
appliance in the particular circuit.
Q. IS. How fuse is useful? Explain.
Ane for any reason, e.g. short circuit, a large current starts flowing, the wire inside fuse blows-off and break
the preventing fire and other damages.


To assemble the components of a given electrical
Inductor, resistor, voltmeter, ammeter, battery, key
and connecting wires.
In an electrical circuit, ammeter is always
connected in series and voltmeter in parallel across those points of a
circuit where potential difference is
to be determined.
1. Connect the components (resistors, inductors, etc) in series with
each other as shown in Fig. below and then in
series with the battery.

Fig. : Electric circuit using given

VIDYA CBSE Physics Lab Manual-Xll 53
of current in the eitseuit,connect Cheammeter
in series with the components.
n,rmasurement of potential drop, connect the volttneter in pnrnllel with the circuit element,
of the electrieal components in electrie circuit complete.
Testthe assemblv of electrical circuit, put the plug in gap of key K. If assembly is correct, ammeter and
give some NRdings.

of the eomponents of given electrical circuit has been completed and tested

• the key onlv for the period of measurement and then remove otherwise heating of the circuit takes place
this will result in the damage of the circuit.
• Ammeteris connected in series and voltmeter is connected in parallel.

AmmetermQVnot be connected in series and may not be connected in parallel.
current may flow in the circuit due to improper selection ofthe battery, resistor and inductor.

'z Defineelectric circuit.
•s Peth along whichan electric current flows is called electric circuit.
is meant by an open circuit?
Then nocurrentflows thrÖaghan electriceircuitdueto off position of switch or key or outage of a component
circuitthen such a is called an open circuit.
V¯hatis a closed circuit?
An electric circuit carrying Current is called a closed circuit.
Howvoltmeter is connected in circuit? Whyit should have high resistance?
Voltmeteris connected in parallel so that it does not affect the voltage intended to be measured.
Howammeter is connected in circuit? Whyit should have very low resistance?
In series so that it does not reduce the current which is intended to be measured.
Mhich material is used for connecting wires being used by you?
Copperbecause it is one of the best conductors of electricity.
Wouldyou prefer to use a thin copper wire or a thick copper wire as the connecting wire?
A thick copper wire because its resistance will be extremely less.
is a rheostat?
It is a variable resistance used to bring appreciable change in the circuit,
do you connect the terminals of ammeter/voltmeter?
Wealways mnnect the positive terminal of ammeter as well as voltmeter towards the positive terminal
does ammeter show no reading when plug is taken out of the key?
Removalof the plug breaks the conducting circuit and the air gap in the key being bad eonduetor
topass throudi
does not
case Physics Lab Manual-Xil 57
do you mean by term potentinl gradient?
Fallin potential per unit length of n wire is called the potential gradient.
working principle of n potentiopreter.
Q2, Mention
If the potentiometer wire is of uniform cross-sectionalarea, the
Ans appliedpotential drop gets distributu
across the wire. In other words,
uniformly the potential drop along a section
of the wire is directly proportional to its
Q3. is the SI unit of potential gradient?
Ans. SI unit of potential gradient is volt/metre (V m -1).
Q4. Howcan you find the value of potential gradient from V-lgraph?
Ans The slope of V-l graph will be equal to the potential gradient.
QS. Whatdo you understand by 'fall of potential along a potentiometer wire?'
Ans. Whena battery is connected across a potentiometer wire AB, such that the end A is connected to the positive
terminalofthe battery and end B, to the negative terminal of the battery, then there is a fall of potential, from theend
Ato the end B of the potentiometer wire.
Q,6. For measuring small resistance by the help of a potentiometer, would you prefer high potential
gradientor a low potential gradient?
Ans Lowvalue of potential gradient is preferred.
Q.7. Howcan we reduce the value of potential gradient for a potentiometer?
Ans. Either by connecting a high resistance in series of potentiometer or by taking a long potentiometer Wire.
Q.S. Onwhat factors does the potential gradient depend?
Ans Onthe current flowing and the resistance per unit length of the potentiometer wire.
Q.9. Doespotential drop is always directly proportional to length?
Ans.Yes,providedthat the potential gradient remains constant throughout.
Q.10.If you have a choice to work on a potentiometer with wire length of 1 m or on a potentiometer
withwire length of 4m, what should be your choice?
Ans. Potentiometer with wire of length 4m. It is because with longer wire the potential gradient is lower and
measurement can be made.


Todrawthe diagram of a given open circuit comprising atleast a battery, resistor/rheostat, key,
ammeter and
Markthe components that are not connected in proper order and correct the circuit and also the

VOItmeter,an ammeter, a rheostat, a battery, a one-way key and connecting wires.
58 @IVIDYA CBSE Physics Lab

making a circuit, the following point,s are to be followed
the battery flowing throughthe
1. The ammeter is to be used in the series of the circuit and the current from
circuit should enter through the positive terminal of ammeter and should leave through the negative terminal
of ammeter.
2. The voltmeter is to be connectedin parallel across a given resistor of the circuit, across which potential
difference is to be determined. The positive terminal of voltmeter is to be connected to that end of
through which the current from battery enters the resistor and negative terminal of voltmeter is be
connected to that end of resistor from which the current leaves the resistor.
3. A rheostat when is to be used as a variable resistor is to be used in circuit, with one lower terminal and the other
upper terminal of it.

1. Draw the circuit diagram as shown in fig. (a).

Fig. (a) : Wrong circuit diagram.

2. Arrange the various components of the circuit in the same manner as shown in circuit diagram 6.1.
3. Rub the ends of the connecting wires with the help of sand paper and clean the different terminals.
4. Take out the plug from the one key and make the neat and tight connections as shown in the circuit diagram fig.
6.1 using connecting wires.
5. Close key K and note the readings of ammeter and voltmeter.
6. We do not observe any reading in ammeter and voltmeter. It is due to the fact that the ammeter and voltmeter
are not connected properly in the circuit.
7. Draw the circuit diagram as shown in fig. (b).

Fig. (b) The correct circuit diagram.

CBSE Physics Lab Manual-Xll 59
Takeout the plug from one way kqy K and make the neat
and tight connectiong ng ghown in circuit diagram fig.
using connecting wires.
9. Closekey K. Now both the ammeter and voltmeter show readings.
By84iusting we can have various observations
for the resistance, connected in the circuit.
In this way, you check and correct any electric circuit.

Thediagramof an open circuit comprising of at least a battery, a resistor,

rheostat, a key, an ammeter and a
atoeter can be drawn successfully.

Ammeterand voltmeter should be QCproper range.
Keyshould be inserted only after the components are connected properly.
• A] the connections should be neat and tight.
AL the components may not be properly connected.

Ammetermay not be connected in series and voltmeter may not be connected in parallel.
3 Keymay be inserted before ensuring the proper connectionsof all the components.

Q. YTatis the purpose of a key in an electrical circuit?
Tomake or break the electrical circuit.
Q is a voltmeter always connected in parallel? parallel and thus will not affect the
A voltmeter has very highresistance so it will draw very less current in
Q. VLat is a battery eliminator?
A battery eliminator converts A.C. into low voltage
Q4 Whatis a battery?
a battery.
Combination of electro chemical cells is called
Q.S. For what purpose a rheostat is used? How? an variableresistor,Dependingupon the positionof
acts as
a rheostat is connected properly it only the part of wire through which current is passing provide
used and
knob, only a part of the rheostat is

To observe polarization of
light using two Polaroids.
A monochromatic source of light and two polaroid pieces.

Light •-aves are transverse
waves. Unpolarized ray of light possesses vibrations in
to the direction of alldirections
an unpolarised
light is allowed to pass through a polaroid, only the
vibrations parallel%
of the polaroid passes
through it and all other components are cut-off.As a result,
through intensity
polaroid decreases. The light passing through polaroid is polarised light and

If a second polaroid is placed in the path of the polarisedlight, the intensity

of the light passing
proportional to cos é for 8 = 900 i.e.,polaroids in crossed position, no light passed through the analyser
angle é between the polaroid increases from 00 to 900, the intensity goes
on decreasing and the intensity
for é = Again as 6 changes from 90 0 to 180 0 the intensity increases to maximum
at 0 = 180 0.

1. Take apolaroidand observethelightsourcethroughit. Sourceshouldbevisiblebutwith
2. Now, take the second polaroid and place it over the first polaroid. Observe the source
3. Rotate the second

YOZ plane c

x o
Unpolarised Analyser
Plane polarised
Polaroid light
Analyser A
No light

Fig. ; Polarization and analysis of light.

On rotating the analyser polaroid with respect to the first polaroid, the intensity of light reduces
times in one complete rotation of analyser.
CBSE Physics Lab Manual-Xll
lightcan be polarized it is transverse in nature.
j, .sedlight cannot pass through a polariser
whose nxi9 is
perpendicular to the plane of vibration.

pifferenti*tebetween unpolarized nud polarized
unpolarized light, the electric field vector light.
virbrate in all possible
are confinedinto a particular plane. direction while in a polarized light its
Pefinethe term 'linearly polarised light'.
Linearlypolarised light is that in which vibrations
of electric field are
confined in one direction in a plane.
is plane polarised light?
Thelight in which the vibrations of electric vectors
are confined only in one particular plane perpendicular to
of propagation of light, is called plane
thedirection polarised light.
Cansoundwaves be polarised? Why?
No,becausesound waves travel as longitudinal waves.
5. is a polariser?
polariseris a device which transforms ordinary unpolarised
light into a plane polarised light.
6. ghat is a polaroid?
polaroidis a synthetically prepared device used to produce plane polarised light by making use of dichroism of

7. Define'plane of vibration' and 'plane of polarization'.

Theplane in which the vibrations of eleetric field vector is confined is called the plane of vibration and a plane
to the plane of vibration is called the plane of polarization of the polarized light.
Q.8. Defineangle of polarization.
Ans. Angleof polarization is the angle of incidence at which the light rays reflected from a surface get completely

Q.9. Namesome common devices used to produce plane polarised light.

Ans. Polarü dichoriccrystals, Nicoprism etc.
Q Twopolaroids are in crossed position. A sodium lamp is placed in front of one polaroid. is
the intensity of light emerging after passing through both the polaroids.
Ans. Zero.
Q11.Whatdo you mean by polariser and analyser?
Ans•Thepolaroidwhich is used to polarise an unpolarised light is called the polariser and the second polaroid which
isusedto checkthe polarised light is called the analyser.•
Q Whenunpolarised light passes through a tourmaline crystal, will there be some change in the
intensityof emergent light?
Ans. Theintensity
of emergent light will decrease.
types of polarized lights.
(i) Plane polarised light
(ii) Circularlypolarised light
(iii) Ellipticallypolarised light
Q' Whatis the main importance of the phenomenon of polarisation of light?
of light helped to establish the transverse nature of
The Phenomenon of polarisation

by a convex lens on a screen by using a candle and a screen
To study the nature and size of the image formed
different distances of the candle from the lens).

meter scale and a screen.
A convex lens, an optical bench, three uprights, a candle, a

of the object with respect to
The nature of the image formed by a convex lens depends upon the position
The image may be real or virtual. Convexlens producesreal image for an object at or beyond the focus.For
between O and F, the image is virtual and erect.
(i) When the objectis at infinity
(ii) When the object is beyond 2F.

Convex lens Convex lens

F A' 2F


(iii) When the object is at 2F'

(iv) When the object is between F' and 2F'
Convex lens

F A' 2F 2F A'

(c) (d)
CBSE Physics Lab Manual-X!l
is at F'
theobject 103
Convexlens (vi) When tho
object ig F' and O

Screen Convex lens


o 1 20 3 4 5 60 0 8 90


l.Obtainthe approximate focal length of the given convex

lens by
obtaining a sharp image of a distant object (say,
atree)on the screen. Place the lens in the middle of the opticalbench.
Keep the candle and the screen on either side of
lens. Ensure that the screen,
lens and candle flame are on same
horizontallevel as the optical centre of the lens.
Mckthe position of F and 2F on the optical bench on either side of the lens.
Lightthe candle and keep it at maximum possible distance from the lens. Adjust
the screen to be at focus on the
othersideofthe lens and obtain the clear image of the candle on the screen with minor adjustment. The image is
inverted and small.
5, Move the candle closer to the lens so that it is beyond 2F, at 2F, between F and 2F and at F. Adjust the position
ofthe screen each time to get the clear image of the candle flame. Recordthe nature, size and position of the
imagein the following table.

Thenature and size of the image formed by a convex lens is as given below
S.NO. Position of Position of image Size of image Nature ot image
1. At infinity At F Highly diminished Real and inverted
2. Beyond 2F' BetweenF and 2F Diminished Real and inverted
3. At2F' At2F Same size Real and inverted
4. Between
F' and 2F' Beyond2F Large Real and inverted
5. Atr At infinity Very large Real and inverted
BetweenF' and pole of the On the same side of lens Highly magnified Virtual and erect.

It is significantthat even with a virtual image, its real image always appear on the retina of the eye.

from the lens and its size increases. For the object
theobject moves closer to the lens, the image moves away
eenF and the obtained on the screen.
pole Ofthe lens, the image is not
@ case Physics
and the centre of the
of the lens, centre of the screen
1. should be ensured chat the pole
horizontal level.
2. The uprights should be
be performed in a well lit room.
3. The experiment should


1. The uprights may not be perfectly

convex lens, where is the image formed?

If an object is placed at the focus of a
Ans. The image is formed at infinity.
is the nature of image formed by a convex
virtual depending on the position of object in front
Ans. Image formed by a convex lens may be real or
from a convex lens. What is the height of
A 1 cm high object is placed at a distance of2f
Ans- 1 cm.

For what position of an object, a virtual image is formed by a convex lens?

Ans. lens.
Object between optical centre (O) and focus (F) of the convex
If the image formed by a convex lens is of the same size as that of the object, What is the
of the image with respect to the lens?
Ans. The image is at a distance of2f (twice the focal length) from the lens on the side opposite to the object
For what position of an object, a real diminished image is formed by a convex lens?
Ans. When the object is placed beyond 2f.
The power of a lens is +5•5. Is it Convex or concave.
Ans. Convex.
V"hichlens is known as the converging lens?
Ans. Convex lens.

V'%atis the lens formula?

Q 10.If an object is at a considerable distance (infinity) in front of a
convex lens, where is the
Ans. At the focus (F) of convex lens,
Q. 11.For what position of object, a convexlens forms
Ans. Between focus and optical centre, an erect and enlarged image?

Q. 12. Where should an object be placed in

Ans. The object should be within the focus of a
to use a convex lens as a magnifying glass?
conve%lens (at a distance less than the focal length).
Q. 13. Define focal length of a convex Jens.
Ans. It is the distance between the optical centre
O and the focus of a lens.
Q. 14. Why is a convex lens called a converging lens?
Ans. A convex lens is called a converging
lens because it converges onit'
the parallel beam of light incident

CBSE Physics
Todetermine the
nnd sun on the ot

sun. Will

one half of be
lens,while of tooaJ
of light. distant
same but in
the image it
will become
lenses of faint because
same of decrease in
aperture and
.SDistinguishbefiveen different thickness
virtual Which of
formed by
image of an object
a convex
lens and
åninished one. a convex
virtual formed by a
is always
the focal length of magnified
one but
a lens is dependent image formed
by a concave
length f of a lens is lens
directly on
the wavelength
proportional to of the incident
the wavelength
Inwhat situation a ofthe used light. That
convex lens can is focallength ofred
lens is placed act as a
in a medium
diverging lens?
index higher than the
refractive index
oflelens material

Activ e y

Tostudy the nature and

sizeofthe image formed by a concave mirror
distances of the candle from the mirror). on a screen by using a candle
and a screen

Aconcavemirror with a
stand, an optical bench, a metre scale, a screen, two uprights and candle.

Thenature Ofthe image formed by a concave mirror depends on the position of the object with respect
to the
The image may be real or virtual. Concave mirror produces real image for object at the focus or beyond
ForObjectbetween P and F, the image is virtual and erect. For variouspositionsof the objectand the
images are shown below.
(i) the objectis at infinity
Parallel rays
from infinity
From Infinity

(iii) the object is at C.

and C.
(ii) the object is between infinity

c B
B' B'

(v) the object is at focus.

(iv) When the object is between F and

(vi) the object is between focus and pole.



1. btain the approximate focal length of the given concave mirror by obtaining a sharp image of a
(say a tree) on the screen. Place the concave mirror on one end of the optical bench. 0
2. Place the lighted candle and screen on uprights and them on the optical bench so that the centre
flame lies at the same level as the centre of the screen.
3. Set the concave mirror at one end of the optical bench and mark the approximate position of the focalI
the centre of curvature.
cBSE Physics Lab Manual-Xll
61 107
the candleat maximum possible distance
from the mirror.
he candle closer to the mirror at a distance A very grnall image will be obtained at F.
The image will be formed between F more than 2F. Obtain
and 2F, It ig diminished, clear image of the candle on the
in the observation table. real and inverted. Record these
Screen Concave mirror

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


6. Movethe candle at a distance of2F at the centre ofcurvature.

Obtain the image and again record the nature and
•tionof the image.
Movethe candle between F and2F and then also at F. Carefully note the
changes in the image and record the same.
S.Finallyput the object between the mirror and F and obtain the image (the
image cannot be obtained on the

Thenature and size of the image formed by a concave mirror is as given below :

s.No. Position of Position of image Size of image Nature of image

1. At infinity AtF Highly diminished Real and inverted

2. Betweeninfinity and C Between F and C Diminished Real and inverted
3. At C Same size Real and inverted
4. Between F and C Between infinity and C Enlarged Real and inverted
5. At F At infinity Highly enlarged Real and inverted
6. BetweenF and Mirror Behind the mirror Enlarged Virtual and erect.

Asthe object moves closer to the concave mirror, the image moves away from the mirror and its size keeps on

Thepole of the mirror, the candle and the screen should be at the same horizontal level.
2. Theu •ghts should be vertical.

1. Theuprights may not be perfectly vertical.
2• Theexperiment may not be performed in a well-lit room.
Opticalcentre, pole of the mirror and the tip of the object needle are not placed in a line.

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