Facilities of Hospitals

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HOSPITAL Under the University of Bharati Vidyapeeth University. Dr. S. H. Kulkarnrni is a medical Superintendent of the hospital. 18 yr.

of experience in department of surgery Medical Superintendents Office - Size : 36 Sq. mt. Principal/Deans Office in the Hospital Size :- 75 Sq. mt. Hospital Office space Size :- 120 Sq.mt. Nursing Superintendents Office Size :- 10 Sq. mt. Waiting space for visitors - Size Total 350 Sq. mt. Enquiry/office Size :- Included in Administrative block Reception area Size :- 100 Sq. mt. Store rooms No. & Size :- 5 rooms, 500 Sq. mt. Over all Central Medical Record Section- Size :- 250 Sq. mt. Linen rooms No. & Size :- 100 Sq. mt. over all Hospital & Staff Committee Room Size :- 80 Sq. mt. Indoor Facilities (In each ward) (g) (h) (i) Nurses duty time table is available in each ward. With having facility of Examination & Treatment Room ,Ward Pantry. Store Room for linen & equipment Resident doctors duty room, Students duty room are very near that of the wards.

DISTRIBUTION OF BEDS Medicine & allied Specialties+ No. of teaching Beds 120 60 20 10 10 220 No. of units Average bed occupancy/day (percentage of Teaching beds) 4 2 1 1 1 9 80 to 85 % 120 60 20 20 220 60 500 4 2 1 1 8 2 19

Gen. Medicine Paediatrics Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy Psychiatry Total Surgery & allied Specialities Gen. Surgery including Pediatric Surgery Orthopedics Ophthalmology Oto - rhinolaryngology Total Obstetrics & ANC Gynecology GRAND TOTAL CLINICAL MATERIAL (HOSPITAL WISE)

In the Bharati medical college and hospital daily average 815 patient visit the OPD, out of which approx. 337 are old patient and 478 are the newer one. An average 18317 patients get admission in to the hospital annually, and the average teaching bed occupancy is nearly 80% to 85%.

We also have provided Demonstration room in each OPD and Demo room in each ward REGISTRATION, MEDICAL RECORDS & STATISTICS DEPARTMENT We have central registration, medical record & statistic department for the inpatent and for OPD, with full man power. The record section have the updated software facility. Like, we have internal disease coding ISD 10th classification. We also provide the computerized manual and follow up service. CENTRAL CASUALTY SERVICES Hospital provides 24 hrs emergency services. There is a separate casualty department. All facilities for resuscitation are available with all time availability of doctors, nursing, staff, and Other paramedical staff. 20 number of emergency beds are available in the casualty ward. 5 medical officers provides services in rotation order. Consultants are also available in on call services. In casualty all the resuscitation facilities like oxygen supply, ventilator, defibrillator fully equipped disaster trolley, X ray and laboratory facility. The operation theatre is available adjacent to the casualty. We have two ambulance in 24 hour service. (a) Total no. of investigations (Average daily) O.P.D. Bio Chemistry Clinical Pathology Micro Biology





In-patients Total:Grand Total

205 430

142 631 1211

69 150

OPERATION THEATRE UNIT 9 major OTs are currently available in this hospital. All are air conditioned in main OT complex + 2 Causality + 1 Septic + 1 Minor O.T. General Surgery including paed. Surgery Neuro Surgery Opthalmology ENT Orthopaedics Obst. & Gynaecology Emergency OT Endoscopy Plastic Surgery Causality Septic OT Minor OT Total 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 13

Arrangement & Distribution: A fixed schedule of unit-wise operating days is followed. Routine working hours 9.00 am to 5.00 p. m. & Emergency as per above table

Equipment: (including Anesthesia equipment) Anaesthesia department has Boyls apparatus, Pulse Oxymeters, Monitors etc. OT table Hydrolics Motorized Manual Surgical Cauterizes Suction Machine 9+2 = 11 2 6 11

Central Oxygen and Nitrous oxide supply central suction available. Infusion syringes, etc are available. All the necessary equipments required for routine and emergency surgery are available. Facilities Following facilities available in each O.T. unit I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. Waiting room for patients Soiled Linen room Sterilization room Nurses duty room Surgeons & Anesthetists room For Males - 1 For Females - 1 Assistants room Observation gallery for students Store room Washing room for surgeons & Assistants Students washing up and dressing up room

Arrangement of Anesthesia Pre-anesthetic car : Yes

Nature of anesthesia used

All types of Anesthesia, General, Epidural, Local Regional, etc. Yes beds in OT complex - 4 beds in OT complex - 8 Available

Post-anesthetic care

Pre-operative ward (no. of beds) : Post-operative ward (no. of beds) :

Resuscitation facilities and special equipment : If any super specialty exists Give details : :

Plastic Surgery One Major OT dedicated to super speciality surgery

Intensive Care Area No. of Beds Specialized equipments in each ICU/ICCU Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 39 Particular NICU RICU PICU SICU CCU Dialysis Renal ICU Burn ICU MICU Total

6 2 6 8 5 2 2 8 39

I.C.U. of Burn Unit

: 2

Surgical intensive care area : 8

RADIOLOGICAL FACILITIES (a) Radio Diagnosis No. of rooms & their Size : Machine 500MA 800 MA 800I.I.T.V. 160 MA (b) 1) 2) Strength 01 01 01 01 Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Mobile 100ma x 6.

Workload per day Nos. per day Radiographics OPD- 120 & IPD 39 Special Radiographs (for example, Barium and Dye OPD- 2, IPD 1, Approximately studies)

3) 4) (c)


OPD 65 & IPD- 22

Any other like mammography etc Color doppler available Protective Measures Adequate per BARC specification Yes as per BARC Inadequate

PHARMACY Organization set up Staff : (a) (b) (c) 1 Supervised by whom :- Pharmacist Qualification of pharmacist Incharge : B. Pharm No. of other staff Pharmacist 4, Clerk- 1, Peon-


No. of prescription dispensed a day (i) (ii) Wards 450 approximately O.P.D.- 900 approximately

CENTRAL STERLISATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT : (a) Exclusive or with substeriliation centres als 03 Horizontal High vaccume Double with three presents programe Glove washer Glow Drayer Two drying cabinets 275 liters Two water disinfectrs 275 liters Two ultra sonic cleaners 30 liters Two packing table with drawer Two work tables with shelf One distilwater still 20 liters. (d) We have facility for sterilization of mattresses & blankets with full of man power.

CENTRAL LAUNDRY: (a) Equipment: Boiler 400 liters Washing Machine 40 kg Hydro extractor

Ironing table (I ) Mechanised : Bulk washing machine, Hydro extractor, Flat & Rolley Steam Press. two Iron table (b) Volume of work/day : 150kg per day

Blood Bank: We have fully functional and well equipped blood bank & aphaeresis unit. From 1st Oct 08-30th Sep 09 -1424 donors have donated blood (at BVUMC&H,Sangli855 and 569 in camps at other places) Central Clinical Laboratory :The CCL plays a central role in patient care and management and is rightly called the backbone of a hospital . We provide prompt and quality laboratory reports that help and guide the clinicians in proper and timely management of patients. The professor and HOD of Pathology is in charge of CCL and the day to day work is looked after by one Professor and two lectures of Pathology , one lecturer and one tutor of Biochemistry and one associate professor and one lecturer of Microbiology. The CCL comprises of three main departments Pathology, Biochemistry & Microbiology . Our CCL is participating in internal quality control programme run by CMC, Vellore and consistantly showing accuracy of >90% making it one of the first 15 Labs in India. Senior Citizen Scheme catering for the needs of especially senior citizens has been launched on 8th Jan 09. The Pathology laboratory has sections like haematology, clinical pathology & cytopathology A} Central Sample collection area:-

The central patient sample collection is situated in the CCL which is on the ground floor. All the out patients report to this area for collection of blood, urine and fluid samples irrespective of the nature of the test. The place comprises of registration counter, blood collection room and a spacious waiting area. We use the vaccumised syringes (VACCUTAINER) for the blood collection


Haematology :-

Routine hematology investigations (CBC/ Platelet count) are carried out with the equipments like 3 part haematology analyzer Celtac X, Nikhon khoden, Japan and fully automated 5 part haematology anlyser .- Cell Dyn. 3200 , Abbott Diagnostics , Germany . ESR , Reticulocyte count , Absolute eosinophil count , P/S for M.P/ M.F and Bone marrow examination is also done. Special stains like MPO and PAS are done for diagnosis of leukemia. Bleeding time , clotting time , and other coagulation studies including prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time ( APTT) are carried out on semi automated coagulometer KC 1 , Trinity, Biotech , USA . C} Clinicalpathology : -

Routine physical, chemical and microscopic exam of urine and special tests like B.J. protein , pregnancy test etc. are also done . CSF, semen and other body fluids are examined . D} Cytopathology :-

Cytopathology studies including fine needle aspiration cytology of palpable masses / lesions and exfoliative cytology including cervical smear (PAP) studies and fluid cytology ( Peritoneal fluid , pleural fluid , synovial fluid , Broncho alveolar lavage , semen , CSF ) are done in cytopathology department . FNACs of deep eated intraabdominal and retroperitoneal masses are done under USG guidance . E} Biochemistry :-

Clinical biochemistry :- All routine investigations like BSL, LFT, RFT, lipid profile, uric acid , calcium , amylase , electrolytes , LDH etc. are done. Special biochemistry includes CPKMB , CPK Nac , Glycosylated Hb, Urine microalbumin, Troponin, Blood gas etc.



Bacteriology Gram and ZN staining , Giemsa staining , slit smear examination Parasitology :- Routine examination of stool , modified ZN staining on stool , Mycology:- KOH mount , India ink preparation for cryptococci 1} Serology : -

Widal, RPR test, ASO titre, CRP, RA Latex test, Dengue IgM/IgG Immunocomb, Chikanguniya IgM spots test , Brucella slide agglutination test, HIV and HBs Ag Rapid and Elisa test 2} Histopatholgy :-

Histopathology examination of specimens including Hysterectomies, GI tract lesions , MRM , RND, Prostates, lymph node biopsies excisional and incisional biopsies of soft tissue tumours, skin biopsies, core biopsies etc. are done in histopathology department . Special stains like reticulin , MTS , ZN, PAS , melanin bleach etc. are also done wherever necessary . 3} Autopsy :-

Clinical autopsies are performed in separate autopsy block equipped with necessary instruments and disposable autopsy kits . The dissection is performed and the tissue sections are processed and reported in histopathology section . CANTEEN (a) (b) we provide All types of Foods / Snacks / Cold drinks We give Subsidized food for students

INCINERATOR One incinerator is available.Waste material disposal Present Contract is with Surya

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