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Speaking Assessment 2 (Forum)

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Course Learning Outcome 3:

Express point of views clearly in formal discussion related to the field of arts [CEFR B1]
(PLO5, A2)

Scope of Task

1. This assignment will be done in groups of 3 to 4 students.

2. Each group has to record a 15-minute virtual forum/talk show via the Google Meet
3. Choose one of the members to be the moderator/host and other team members will be
the panelists/guest speakers.

4. You are to discuss the following topic:

Nowadays, the new generation does not show much interest and passion in
practicing the Malaysian cultural heritage namely traditional dances (e.g: Mok
Yong, Kuda Kepang, Zapin, Dikir Barat), traditional arts (e.g: Batik printing, Wau
making) and traditional literature (e.g: Gurindam, Syair & Pantun). Select one
cultural heritage (e.g: Zapin or Batik printing) and discuss on how we can promote
this heritage among the new generation.

5. Remember the format of the forum/talk show is ‘Question & Answer’. The moderator
or host should ask questions and the panelists should be prepared to provide a response.

6. Students are required to upload their videos to YouTube. Then, share the links on
E-Campus (only group representative).


1. Each group will be given 15 minutes to present.

2. You are free to assign the appropriate roles to the panelists.
3. Ensure everyone has equal participation during the forum. Each student should speak not
less than 3 minutes (less than 3 minutes of speaking = fail submission).
4. Ensure you integrate signpost language appropriately.
5. Time starts when the moderator starts speaking.
6. Your forum should follow this format:

(a) Introduce yourself (mention your name ONLY - matric number is not required)
(b) Content

 Introduce the cultural heritage that your group has chosen to discuss (choose only
one. For example, Dikir Barat) together with its specifications or descriptions.
You may include information such as its origin, its nature, history, the people
involved and etc.
 Why do you think that this cultural heritage is still important or relevant to the
younger generation?
 How can we cultivate the interest of the younger generation to preserve this
cultural heritage? What are the measures that can be taken?
 What are the impacts of this cultural heritage to the economy and to the tourism
sector in our country?
 Do you wish that this cultural heritage will be practiced by the future generation?
State your reasons.

(c) Conclusion
● Re-state the main points from the discussion.

7. Quality of multimedia element

● The quality and the sound of the video must be good.

Duration and submission

1. Deadline: Week 14
2. Duration of the video: 15 minutes

Marking Criteria

Marks: 50
Percentage: 20%
The marking criteria is as follows:

B1+ (7-10 marks) B1 (4-6 marks) A2 (1-3 marks)

RANGE Has a sufficient range of language to be Has enough language to get by, with Uses basic sentence patterns with
able to give clear descriptions, express sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself memorised phrases, groups of a
viewpoints on most general topics, without with some hesitation and circumlocutions on few words and formulae to
much conspicuous searching for words, topics such as family, hobbies and interests, communicate limited information
using some complex sentence forms to do work, travel, and current events. in simple everyday situations.

ACCURACY Shows a relatively high degree of Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of Uses some simple structures
grammatical control. Does not make frequently used “routines’’ and patterns correctly, but still
errors which cause misunderstanding and associated with more predictable systematically makes basic
can correct most of his/her mistakes. situations. mistakes.

FLUENCY Can produce stretches of language with a Can keep going comprehensively, even Can make him/herself understood
fairly even tempo; although he/she can be though pausing for grammatical and lexical in very short utterances, even
hesitant as he or she searches for patterns planning and repair is very evident, though pauses, false starts and
and expressions, there are few noticeably especially in longer stretches of free reformulation are very evident.
long pauses. production.
INTERACTIO Can initiate discourse, take his/her turn Can initiate, maintain, and close simple Can answer questions and
N when appropriate and end conversation face-to-face conversation on topics that are respond to simple statements.
when he / she needs to, though he /she familiar or of personal interest. Can repeat Can indicate when he/she is
may not always do this elegantly. Can help back part of what someone has said to following but is rarely able to
the discussion along on familiar ground confirm mutual understanding. understand enough to keep
confirming comprehension, inviting others conversation going of his/her own
in, etc. accord.

(4-5 marks) (2-3 marks) (0-1 marks)

CLARITY Contributes to discussion with clear and Contributes valuable information to Can communicate in friendly,
AND concise comments. Effective and discussion with minor clarity. Good use courteous, and helpful manner
CREATIVIT smooth graphics and transitions. of graphics, transitions, and other design with some errors. Too many
Y elements. graphics; transitions, clips, and
sounds detract from the
TASK The information conveyed is relevant, The information conveyed is quite relevant, The information conveyed is
ACHIEVEME accurate, complete, and up to date. Able to true, sufficient, and quite recent. Able to quite relevant and true but
NT grasp the audience's attention using a grasp the audience's attention. insufficient. Able to grasp
(CONTENTS creative approach. the audience's attention.
Learner’s Name Matric No. Rang Accurac Fluenc Interactio Clarity Task Total Comments
e y 10 y 10 n 10 and Achievemen Mark
10 Creativit t5 s 50

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