Sri - Krishna - Kathamrita - Bindu 310
Sri - Krishna - Kathamrita - Bindu 310
Sri - Krishna - Kathamrita - Bindu 310
Issue No. 310 Śrī Indirā Ekādaśī 1 October 2013 Circulation 6,610
Unknown artist
provided clarity and beauty to the lake, the flowers,
the lotus, and the moon has also led to a total lack
of clarity of the beauty of each gopī’s mind [which
is compared to a lake], eyes [which are compared
Krishna plays his flute
to flowers], face [which is compared to a lotus] and
teeth [which are compared to the moon]. How can Sri Krishna, too, invested his mind in the gopīs, and
this be tolerable?” from then on he always paired himself with Balaram
This has also been described by Sri Shukadev Goswami: and started playing on his sweet flute. In the midst of
āśliṣya sama-śītoṣṇaṁ prasūna-vana-mārutam the forest (which had a different mood, sakhya, due
janās tāpaṁ jahur gopyo na kṛṣṇa-hṛta-cetasaḥ to him being with his friends), incomprehensible
Except for the gopīs, whose hearts had been stolen by Krishna displayed his expertise in playing the flute
Krishna, the people could forget their suffering by among his friends on a daily basis and started giving
embracing the wind coming from the flower-filled forest. them all lessons in the flute.
This wind was neither hot nor cold. (Bhāg. 10.20.45)
And the desire of the gopīs to have the personal
Krishna’s condition, too, was strange. During times association of Krishna was satisfied through hearing
of union, his beauty, form, grace and bluish hue these sounds of Krishna’s flute. Indeed, the very nature
appeared to be the greatest nectar. But in times of of Krishna consciousness is that its possessor can be
separation these same qualities appeared like great effectively captured by Krishna even from a distance.
[bluish] venom. Among the gopīs, those who had particularly
While everyone else recognized the fragrance from intense feelings of love for Krishna still remained
Krishna’s body to be their very life, the gopīs, who had distressed. However, they never considered their
become skinny due to separation, considered these unhappiness to be a serious concern.”
fragrant airs to be like sharp arrows. Although all Sri Radhika had her companions like Vishakha,
of the gopīs had attained the pinnacle of eagerness, Lalita, and the similar-sounding Anuradha.
they did not express their feelings to one another. Chandravali had her companions such as Shaibya,
Their mood was, “Even if it is irreligious, I will serve Padma, etc. Considering Lalita, Vishakha and others
Krishna.” And Krishna’s mood was similar. to be very dear, Radharani revealed her heart to
Both of them were unhappy, feeling separation, but them out of friendly affection. Seeing that Krishna
the gopīs were more unhappy due to their simplicity. was almost hidden in the company of Balaram, they
Seeing no other way to rid them of their suffering, glorified Krishna by camouflaging his name under
Krishna tried to use his stern glances as a chastising the name of Balaram through a song. This song did
rod to forcibly calm them down. When that also did not refer to Krishna directly by his name, but it
not succeed, he started playing his flute in a unique referred to Krishna in a covered way by referring to
way to tame them. his brother as follows:
Issue Three Hundred Ten, Page — 4
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expert connoisseurs, together with friends they sing
a wonderful song. [Refrain]
nava-yauvana-vana-bījāṅkuram iva dhārayad-atanu-cikīrṣam
Their foreheads are decorated with a spotless youthful
leaf from a nectar-laden mango tree. Indeed, they
seem to be carrying the forest seeds of youthful vitality
with them.
dadhad iva hari-dhanur-anugata-tārā-vali-valitāmbuda-leśam
A most attractive peacock feather and strands of pearls
decorate their hair. The peacock feather appears to be
a rainbow around which the strands of pearls appear
like stars studded on the dark clouds of their hair.
Early Bengal School, c. 1880
latikā kāsāv iti vismayakṛti madhukṛti vinihita-lobham
Their ears are like two beautiful whorls of freshly
blooming lotus flowers. Even the bumblebees get
confused as to which is the more beautiful ear. Thus,
the bumblebees are endowed with great greed.
Sri Sri Krishna Balaram hasta-kamalam abhi kamala-vighūrṇana-ramaṇa-kalā-ramaṇīyam
madhupa-gaṇaṁ prati madhu-kaṇa-varṣaṇam akṛta yataḥ kamanīyam
(jaya) rāmo rāmānuja iti yugalam
kṛta-naṭa-veṣatayā paṭu rājati gāyati sakhi-gaṇa-yugalam Both appear beautiful as they display their expertise in
swinging the lotus flowers in their hands. Bestowing
nectar-drops on the bumblebees, they fulfill the
Glories to the brothers Rama (Balaram) and Ramanuja bumblebee’s desires.
(Rama’s younger brother)! Decorating themselves as
mālāmālā-parimala-bali-bali-vapur ali-valita-sadeśam
Their sturdy bodies are well decorated with a host of
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu flower garlands. With great reverence, the bumblebees
A free bi-monthly service provided by: buzz around these garlands, offering various prayers.
Gopal Jiu Publications Indeed, it appears as if a great commotion of such
c/o Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir prayers is going on around about them.
National Highway No. 5, IRC Village sitam asitaṁ vapur asitaṁ pītaṁ vasanaṁ yasya ca gītam
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, 751015 tad idaṁ yadi gokulam anu gokulam ayati tadāgham atītam
Phone: (0674) 2553250, 2557026 Their bodies are bright (Balaram) and dark (Krishna),
Email: [email protected] but their clothes are dark (blue) and bright (yellow)
Website: respectively. Seeing these beautiful brothers enter
into Gokul, all our miseries vanish.
Subscriptions: [email protected]
Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of the International Soci- (to be continued)
ety for Krishna Consciousness, Founder-Acharya: His Divine — Translated by Hari Parshad Das from the Sanskrit at Gaudiya
Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Grantha Mandira (
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Divine Grace A.
C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
International. All other materials, unless specified, © ISKCON
Bhubaneswar/Gopal Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket
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