NSTP Eporfolio
NSTP Eporfolio
NSTP Eporfolio
I clearly recall our professor telling us on the first day of our National Service Training Program
class that the NSTP, also known as the National Service Training Program, is a government-
mandated citizenship course that all Filipino college students must take. By fostering the virtues
of service and patriotism, it seeks to improve youth civic awareness and defense readiness. The
NSTP course, in some ways, gives me the feeling or impression that it would teach us students
about the responsibilities that come with being citizens of the Philippines and as people. Besides
that, I hope that studying this topic will improve my self-control and instill in us a feeling of
accountability. I think the NSTP subject is important, particularly for young people like myself,
because having a solid legal basis helps us to acquire an education that instills nation-building
skills, knowledge, and values. There is a strong sense of nationalism among the students still.
This program or subject is incredibly beneficial since it is the only method we can study and train
to be disciplined and effective for everyone or in every situation. Its main objective is to instill in
students a variety of values that are beneficial to the development of both our individual selves
and the community as a whole; as a result, I anticipate that it will also motivate youngsters to
become active members of their local communities and civic organizations. I think the NSTP will
give me training in leadership development. However, I think that learning about this topic will
also help me in the future when I need to serve my own country. due to the fact that, while
being young, I am still learning how to serve my country. In the NSTP course, I'm hoping that all
of the teachings and training I've received will be helpful to me or be of use to me in the future.
And I have a lot of faith in HAU because I am confident that it will give us students the highest
quality education. I'm hoping that this course will help me to grow more as an individual and as
a servant of our country.
Considering that it teaches you how to be a responsible leader, "Module 2: Leadership and
Community" is, in my opinion, the most crucial module or lesson in our NSTP course. This will
enable you to deal with or handle many aspects of a person's life in a good, responsible, and
positive way.
We can define leadership as a person's ability to persuade others to carry out a task. A vision is
something that leaders communicate to others. All of us, since we were born, have been
leaders. We are the leaders of our own lives. If we were not good leaders of our lives, we would
not be who and where we are today. However, being a leader comes with a lot of obligations.
Being a leader is a huge duty that necessitates a great deal of discernment. Each of us has the
authority to fulfill leadership capabilities.
Every one of us is a leader in some way, whether we are in charge of an entire company, a
group of employees, a group of friends, our families, or just ourselves. No matter how limited
our circle of influence may be now, if we work to improve as leaders, it will expand. Leaders that
truly embody their principles are conscious of who they are. Regardless of the difficulties they
encounter, they are mindful of their guiding principles and the guidelines they will adhere to.
True leaders create a sense of certainty and trust among those they are in charge of by being
open and conscious of their own values. They make it possible for their followers to understand
the principles they are committed to upholding, which lays the foundation for the laws that their
followers will be expected to follow. Furthermore, as a result of the leader's ability to connect
the group to his or her beliefs, values, and knowledge, the organization is also more structured
and coherent. Others in leadership roles inspire and guide people toward a goal. And it does so
by giving followers the impression that they had a choice, as opposed to having them feel like
they were being led. Leadership involves paying attention to your employees rather than
claiming to have all the ideas and the answers. Furthermore, leaders who are receptive to their
followers' ideas and interested in what they have to say can more successfully influence others
in a particular direction. Leaders can recognize others' untapped or underutilized potential.
Afterward, provide a framework for that potential to be realized. Then they unlock it. Using
leadership as a method can also motivate people to give their all in their field of work. Leaders
don't hesitate to offer new opportunities to their followers. Additionally, they make an effort to
create an atmosphere that promotes confidence in others. They support, assist, and work
together with their followers to urge them to take on new challenges, learn new skills, and
uncover hidden talents.
Both you and I are able to take action in a leadership role. We may all be leaders in our own
ways because a true leader is someone who can stand up for themselves despite all of his or her
failures and rejections in life. A person with more life experience is someone who can teach
more to their followers and we can learn more from him, thus he is growing and becoming
stronger in the face of what is happening in his life. It takes selflessness to make a good leader.
Any dimension must be acceptable to you if it will improve you. It's challenging to be a leader,
though. It's important for everyone to realize that nothing worthwhile in life comes without
effort. Life will inevitably bring challenges, but with effort, commitment, resolve, fortitude,
discipline, and tenacity, you can conquer any obstacle.
I am most affected by this output because I genuinely want to pursue through with this
action plan. If I'm not too busy with life right now, especially because I'm a student and pursuing
my dreams and ambitions, I really want to make all I said in this output a reality and I want to
help the children with all my heart. Everything I need was provided for me while I was growing
up. My home is filled with love, food, and other necessities, and I have had access to my right to
study ever since I was a small kid. I was one of those lucky kids who had things that most other
kids didn't. Literally the biggest influence on who we are and who we become is what our
parents teach, educate, and help us through as children. Without them, we would be vulnerable
to the whims of the outside world and would have to make our way through bitter lessons and
blunders. Children can become orphans for a variety of reasons, such as when their parents pass
away or when they are abandoned, but they are all in the same situation in that they are
expected to mature into adults too soon and without a place to call home. It's really difficult,
and I can't even begin to picture what the kids that needs help are going through.
Helping others feels good. The world is facing a lot of challenges at the moment with what's
going on, but we can all do our bit to make a change and cheer others up. If you have the energy
and the ability, please do, as many need it...
I committed everything I had into this output, and I'm very happy with how it turned out. I know
we can't always get things perfect, but as long as you are confident that you gave it your best
shot, it feels fantastic and you have no reason to second guess yourself because you worked
hard and determinedly to complete the task. Don't lower your standards because of your own
expectations. By assuming that the hole should be square or desiring that the peg be round, the
square peg won't fit into a round hole any better. Identify your capabilities first. The act of
accepting reality as it is enabling rather than limiting. You can deal with situations more
professionally and find a solution when you are aware of how they are. You set false
expectations for yourself and others when you overlook the current situation. The simplest way
to misjudge how something should or should not be is to project your expectations onto the
Remember that if you don’t know what you’re looking for, you’re not going to see it, and that
it’s not just what you see, but how you see it.
I must admit that I have no idea what this is all about. I was mistaken when I believed this
college course to be uninteresting. Being taught how to know yourself and what you truly
want in life was a fascinating aspect of the lesson when it first began.
As we all know, being self-aware entails being aware of who you are, your personality, your
strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes, and, of course, your abilities as a unique
individual. Your thoughts and actions and ability to face the difficulties in your life that you
believe will prevent you from succeeding in life will be strengthened by your development
of self.
To me, self-leadership is the most important or greatest lesson of the NSTP subject. Since
self-leadership has significance for you individually as a leader or merely as a human being,
self-awareness and self-leadership can go hand in hand. This means that you have the
capacity to act as your own leader, which has an impact on all part of your life, including
your relationships, profession, and health. Why? You can actually endure those obstacles
that can bring you down when you know who you are because you are conscious of who
you are and when you know yourself, you can. Think about a goal you currently have in
mind, such as improving your health, expanding your income, or forming a relationship, to
help you understand this in the context of your own life.
I believe it's important to note that the National Service Training Program is a significant
part of our educational experience. In a variety of circumstances and in our everyday lives,
this component can be helpful. We develop into even more capable leaders as a result. due
of how it influences how we are. With the aid of NSTP, we may all benefit—our ourselves,
our communities, our country, our environment, our relationships with others, and every
facet of our way of life. The NSTP also promotes moral character development, which is one
of its advantages. Students are better able to create compelling characters when the
module incorporates self, family, community, and nation. The exercises promote group
work among students. Students will exhibit greater teamwork as a result.
Additionally, the National Service Training Program supports the growth of leaders. Being
able to transform leadership resources into valuable assets, or effective leadership tactics, is
a component of developing leadership talents. It also entails being exposed to ideas and
concepts related to leadership. Motivational speakers that place a strong emphasis on
developing leadership skills will help students become leaders through the component's
group activities. Participating in national service will motivate people to compete in teams.
The necessary values and leadership skills can be developed as a result.
By virtue of RA 9163, also referred to as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001,
the NSTP was created. By cultivating service ethics and patriotism while receiving training in
any of its three (3) program components, the National Service Training Program (NSTP), as it
is defined by law, aims to improve civic consciousness and defense preparedness in young
people. Its various components are specifically created to increase the youth's active
contribution to the welfare of society. As it really encourages in all adolescents a sense of
patriotism for our nation, the National Service Training Program is essential to include in
college curricula. if it also equips them with the necessary social awareness and self-
discipline to function as productive citizens.