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Disk-Partition and File System

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Disk Management is a Windows system utility that lets you perform advanced
storage tasks. Here are a few things Disk Management is right for:
 To setup a new drive.
 To extend a volume into space that's not already part of a volume on the same
 To shrink a partition, usually so that you can extend a neighboring partition.
 To change a drive letter or assign a new drive letter.

Partition and Format a Drive

This utility can be performed after installing the operating system and would like
to have an additional partition on the hard disk.

Disk Management PowerShell

a) Open Disk Management with a) Type get-disk and press Enter to
administrative permissions. To do this, generate a list of currently accessible
use the Taskbar search box: disks.
 type Disk Management, b) Now you have a list of disks, select
 Select and hold down (or right- the one to format and partition. Type
click) the disk management, then the following command:
select Run as administrator and
select Yes. If you are unable to clear-disk -number x -removedata
open it as an administrator, type
Computer Management instead, Replace number x with the number
and then go to Storage, Disk of the disk you want to clear, then
Management. press Enter to run the command.
b) Under Disk Management, right-click c) Create a new partition, in this case,
the disk you want to initialize, then create a single partition covering the
click Initialize Disk (see the figure entire drive, then format the volume
below). If the disk is listed as Offline, using the NTFS file system with a
click first with the right mouse button newly created volume a name.
and select Online.
new-partition -disknumber X -usemaximumsize
| format-volume -filesystem NTFS
-newfilesystemlabel newdrive

d) After formatting the volume and

adding a new name, you can assign a
new drive letter using the following

get-partition -disknumber X | set-partition

c) In the "Value label" field, confirm a -newdriveletter X
new name for the storage.
d) Use the "File system" drop-down
menu, and select the NTFS option
(recommended for Windows 10).
e) Use the "Allocation unit size" drop-
down menu, and select the Default
f) Check the Perform a quick format

g) Clear the Enable file and folder

compression option.
h) Click the OK button.

Initialize new disks

Disk Management PowerShell

a) Under Disk Management, right-click a) Run PowerShell in administrator
the disk you want to initialize, then mode
click Initialize Disk (see the figure b) Type "get-disk" and tap "Enter" to
below). If the disk is listed as Offline, get information on any disk attached
click first with the right mouse button to the current operating system.
and select Online. Then you can find the un-initialized
disk is shown as "RAW".
c) Type "initialize-disk n" and hit
"Enter": n represents the number of
the disk to be initialized. Example,
initialize disk 1.
d) Type in “New-Partition -Disk Number
1 -AssignDriveLetter –
b) In the Initialize Disk dialog box (see the UseMaximumSize” and press
figure below), verify that the right disk “Enter”. Input “get-partition” and
is selected and click OK to accept the you can find a new partition is
default partition style. The disc status created with a drive letter (G).
changes briefly to Initialize and then to e) Type in “Format-Volume –DriveLetter
Online. G -FileSystem NTFS” and press
“Enter” to format the new partition
as an NTFS file system.
c) Select and hold down (or right-click)
the unallocated drive on the player and
select New Simple Volume.
d) Select Next, specify the volume size
(you will probably want to stick with
the default value, which uses the
entire drive), and then select Next.
e) Specify the drive letter you want to
assign to the volume, and choose Next.
f) Specify the filesystem you want to use
(usually NTFS), select Next, then Finish.

Extend Volume or Partition

Disk Management PowerShell
a) Under Disk Management, right-click a) Run PowerShell in administrator
the disk you want to partition/volume mode
(ex: "F") you want to extend, and b) Type diskpart and press Enter.
click/tap on Extend Volume. c) Type list volume and press Enter.
d) Type select volume # (e.g., Volume 3)
to select the partition that you want
to extend and press Enter.
e) Type extend size=# (e.g., size=2048)
to extend the partition by size in
megabytes (MB) and press Enter.
f) Double type exit and press Enter to
exit Diskpart and PowerShell

b) Click/tap on Next in the Extend Volume Note: Shrinking a partition is like

Wizard extending the partition via
c) If you are extending a partition/volume PowerShell, just change the fifth step
(ex: "D") into noncontiguous mentioned above, for example,
unallocated space, then you will be shrink desired=# (ex: desired=2048).
prompted to click/tap on Yes or No to
convert the basic disk to a dynamic
disk to be able to perform this action.
d) If successful, the selected amount of
unallocated space will now be added
to the partition/volume (ex: "F").

Note: Partition and volume can be

extended using the command line or
disk PowerShell (See available

File System
A file system is a method of organizing files on physical media, such as hard
disks, CDs, and flash drives. In the Microsoft Windows Operating System family, users
are shown with several different file system choices when formatting these media.
These choices depend on the type of media involved and the situations in which the
media is being formatted. The most commonly used filesystems in Windows are NTFS,
FAT, exFAT, HFS Plus, and EXT.

NTFS File System

NTFS (short for New Technology File System) is a modern and well-formed file
system which is most often used by Windows Vista, 7 & 8. It has a feature-rich yet
simple organization that allows it to be used on huge volumes. NTFS is equipped with
the following properties:
 NTFS partitions can extend up to 16EB (about 16 million TB).
 Files stored within NTFS partitions may be as large as the partition.
 NTFS partitions occasionally become fragmented and should be defragmented
every one to two months.
 The NTFS partitions can be read and written by Windows and Linux systems and
can only be read by Mac OS X systems (default). Mac OS X, together with the
NTFS-3G driver, can write on NTFS partitions.

FAT File System

The File Allocation Table (FAT) file system is a versatile file system that supports
all major operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix). It has relatively
simple technical foundations, and was the default filesystem for all Windows operating
systems before Windows 2000. Due to its overly simplistic structure, FAT suffers from
problems such as over-fragmentation, file corruption, and filename limitations and size.
FAT 32 is equipped with the following properties:
 FAT partitions cannot extend beyond 2TB.
 NOTE: Windows cannot format a disc larger than 32 GB to FAT32, but Mac OS X
 Files stored to a FAT partition cannot exceed 4GB.
 FAT partitions need to be defragmented often to maintain reasonable
 FAT partitions larger than 32GB are generally not recommended as that amount
of space starts to overwhelm FAT's overly simplistic organization structure.

The exFAT file system

The exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table) is a Microsoft file system that is
compatible with Windows and Mac OS 10.6+. It is also compatible with many media
devices such as TVs and portable media players. exFAT has the following properties:
 exFAT partitions can extend up extremely large disc sizes. 512 TiB is the
recommended maximum.
 Files up to 16 EiB can be stored on an exFAT partition.
 exFAT is not compatible with linux/Unix.
 exFAT partitions should be defragmented often.
 exFAT cannot pre-allocate disk space.

The HFS Plus file system

HFS (Hierarchical File System) Plus is a file system developed by Apple for Mac
OS X. It is also referred to as Mac OS Extended. HFS Plus has the following properties:
 Maximum volume is 8 EB (about 8 million TB).
 Files stored to HFS+ partitions can be as large as the partition.
 Windows users can read HFS+ but not write.
 Drivers are available that allow Linux users to read and writer to HFS+ volumes.

The EXT file system

The extended file system was created to be used with the Linux kernel. EXT 4 is
the most recent version of EXT. EXT4 has the following properties:
 EXT4 can support volumes up to 1 EiB.
 16 TB maximum file size.
 Red Hat recommends using XFS (not EXT4) for volumes over 100 TB.
 EXT4 is backwards compatible with EXT2 and EXT3.
 EXT4 can pre-allocate disk space.
 By default, Windows and Mac OS cannot read EXT file systems.

Note: Watch the video via this link https://bit.ly/3zRO5K3.

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