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When do we use educational and psychological assessments?

When do we use educational and psychological

Educational assessments are used in the school
Chapter 1.3 Different Classifications of setting for the purpose of tracking the growth
Assessment What are the different of learners and grading their performance. This
classifications of assessment that assessment in the educational setting comes in
the form of formative and summative
teachers can use?

What are the different classifications of Psychological assessments, such as tests and scales, are
assessment? measures that determine the learner’s cognitive and
non-cognitive characteristics. The results of these
assessments are used by the school’s guidance
counselor to perform interventions on the learners’
academic, career, and social and emotional


Paper-and- pencil type of assessments are
cognitive tasks that require a single answer.
They usually come in the form of test types,
such as binary (true or false), short answer
(identification), matching type, and multiple
Performance-based type of assessments
When do we use educational and psychological assessments? require learners to perform tasks, such as
Educational Assessments demonstrations, arrive at a product, show
Educational assessments are used in the strategies, and present information.
school setting for the purpose of tracking the Performancebased tasks are usually open-
growth of learners and grading their ended, and each learner arrives with various
performance. This assessment in the possible responses.
educational setting comes in the form of
formative and summative assessment
How do we distinguish teacher-made from
standardized test?
Psychological Assessments Teacher-made tests are usually intended for classroom
Psychological assessments, such as tests and scales, assessment. They are used for classroom purposes,
are measures that determine the learner’s cognitive such as determining whether learners have reached
and non-cognitive characteristics. The results of these the learning target. These intend to measure behavior
assessments are used by the school’s guidance (such as learning) in line with the course objectives
counselor to perform interventions on the learners’
academic, career, and social and emotional

Standardized tests have fixed directions for

When do we use paper-and-pencil and administering and scoring .They can be
performance-based type of assessments? purchased with manuals, booklets, and answer
Paper-and- pencil type of assessments are sheets. When these tests were developed, the
cognitive tasks that require a single answer. items were sampled on a number of target
They usually come in the form of test types, groups called the norm. The norm group’s
such as binary (true or false), short answer performance is used to compare the results of
(identification), matching type, and multiple those who took the test.
What information is sought from achievement How do we differentiate norm-referenced
and aptitude tests? from criterion-referenced test?
Achievement tests measure what learners
have learned after instruction or after going Criterion-referenced tests have a given set
through a specific curricular program. They of standards, and the scores are compared
provide information on what learners can do to the given criterion. One approach in
and have acquired after training and criterion-referenced interpretation is that
instruction. the score is compared to a specific cutoff.

Aptitude tests determine the degree of Norm-referenced tests interpret results

readiness to learn and perform well in a using the distribution of scores of a sample
particular situation or domain. Examples group. The standing of every individual in a
include the ability to comprehend instructions, norm-referenced test is based on how far
manage one’s time, appropriately use they are from the mean and standard
previously acquired knowledge, make good deviation of the sample. Having an
inferences and generalizations, and manage established norm for a test means obtaining
one’s emotions the normal or average performance in the
distribution of scores.

How do we differentiate speed from power test?

Speed tests consist of easy items that need to be
completed within a time limit.

Power tests consist of items with increasing level

of difficulty, but time is sufficient to complete the
whole test.

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