Napoleon Questions

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Napoleon Questions

??Napoleon 1 was more concerned with

his personal control over France than upholding

revolutionary ideals?? Discuss. 2: Why Napoleon B ?S

achievements in his foreign policy so short lived? 3:

Was the foreign policy of Napoleon B characterized by

anything more than a ceaseless search for personal

glory? 4: Why did the Empire of Napoleon 1enjoy

widespread support within France? 5: How far as

Emperor did Napoleon 1maintain the ideals of the

French Revolution? 6: Assess the extent of support and

opposition to Napoleon B in France between 1799 and

1814. 7: Explain why European states were slow in

defeating Napoleon 1. 8: When did Napoleon 1?s career

reach its peak and what were the reasons for his

downfall thereafter? 9: Explain the reasons which led

Napoleon 1 becoming Emperor in 1804. 10: How far did

Napoleon seek to rule France by force rather by

consent? 11:?A soldier hated of disorder.?? How valid is

this view of the domestic policy of Napoleon 1? 12: His

greatest achievement for France was to construct a

new order by borrowing from the ancient regime and

the revolution.?? How justified is this view? 13: Why was

Napoleon able to supplant the Directory and then

establish himself the Emperor? 14: ?Napoleon?s defeat

was self ?inflicted .He did not recognize his limitations

and underestimated the strength of his enemies.??

Discuss this explanation of Napoleon 1?s downfall from

1808-1814. 15: To what extent can Napoleon 1 be

regarded as an heir of the Revolution in France? 16: By

what means and how successful was Napoleon 1 in his

attempt to exert his power over other European states.

17?: Napoleon 1?s foreign policy was only intended to

secure his hold over France? Discuss. 18:?Progressive

and yet dictatorial? How valid is this description of the

domestic policy of Napoleon 1? 19: How far was

Napoleon 1 able to balance militarism and diplomacy in

period 1795 and 1814? 20: To what extent were the

aims of Napoleon 1?s foreign policies after 1802

defensive than aggressive? 21:?A most effective short

term schemer but an unpractical long term dreamer?

Discuss this comment on Napoleon 1 ?s foreign policy.

22: How far did the establishment of the empire of

Napoleon 1 mark the end of the revolution in France?

23: ??Napoleon?s wars were fought for defensive

reasons ?he was unable to tolerate the independence of

other countries?? Which is more valid comment on

Napoleon 1?s foreign policy. 24: Examine the view that?

Napoleon 1 gave France order at the expense of

liberty.? 25: Examine the role played by Britain, Prussia

and Russia in the defeat of Napoleon 1. 26: Critically

examine the reasons why Napoleon was defeated by

the fourth coalition in 1814. 27:??The downfall of

Napoleon 1 was inevitable?? How far do you agree?

28:??A great servant of France.?? Discuss this view of

Napoleon 1?s contribution to France up to 1814. 29: To

what extent did war determine the outcome of

Napoleon Bonaparte?s foreign policy after 1802? 30:

How far did Napoleon 1?s rule of France change after

he became emperor in 1804? 31: Why were Napoleon

1?s efforts to control Europe initially successful but

ultimately a failure? 32: To what extent should

Napoleon Bonaparte?s rule in France from 1799 to

1814 be called ??ruthless and dictatorial??? 33??Provactive

and aggressive ??.Is this a fair comment on Napoleon

1?s foreign policy between 1803 and 1814? 34: Why

despite his dictatorship did Napoleon 1 remain a

popular ruler? 35: To what extent and for what did

Napoleon Bonaparte enjoy widespread support within

France? 36:??A negation of the idea of the sovereignty

of the people?? How accurate is this view of Napoleon

Bonaparte?s rule of France? 37: How valid is the view

that by the treaty of Tilts Napoleon?s power had

reached its peak? 38:??Napoleon?s insatiable desire to

conquer Britain was a recipe for his catastrophic

foreign policy.?? Discuss the validity of this assertion.

39: To what extent was Napoleon?s foreign policy

revolutionary oriented?

40: How effectively was Napoleon Bonarpate able to

deal with opposition to his regime between 1799 and

1814? 41: ?? Up to 1807 Napoleon ?s successes abroad

rested on the relative weaknesses of his enemies?? Do

you agree? 42: Compare the contribution of Prussia and

Russia to the defeat of Napoleon Bonarpate. 43: ??It

was more the weakness of the Directory than the

character and ability of Napoleon that led to his rise to

power?? Discuss. 44: ??His accomplishments as an

administrator were more effective than his military

exploits?? Examine the validity of this assertion of

Napoleon 1?s contribution to France. 45: How effective

were Napoleon?s strategies in crippling his enemies in

Europe? 46: Why inspite of dictatorial policies was

there no revolution against Napoleon 1? 47: How far

was Napoleon Bonaparte an oppressive ruler in his

domestic policy from 1799 to 815?

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