Sensory Evaluation of The Developed Product

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Sensory Evaluation of the Developed Product

Jezzabie G. Gamis, Geraldine F. De Jesus, Rogelio B. Las Pinas Jr., Joycelyn D. Labalan, Richard Kevin Espedido

Abstract:- This study provides sensory acceptability test acceptance, and is now generally recognized as a core
of the developed products utilizing 9-point hedonic scale resource for any sensory program.
score sheet and rank preference. This aim to determine
sensory acceptability of the developed product in terms The discipline of hedonic response flourished swiftly in
taste, color and aroma along three group of respondents 20th century along with the growth of food processing
and determine the most preferred formula for each industries. It encompasses a set of techniques required for
product. the precise measurements of human reactions to foodstuff
ultimately persuading the consumer perceptions. According
Descriptive research method was employed in this to the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), sensory
study. On the other hand, operational principles in evaluation is a scientific method used to evoke, measure,
selecting panelist, design of the sensory area and coding analyse and interpret those responses to products as
samples were considered along the research. For the data perceived through the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell
analysis, arithmetic weighted mean and rank were used. and taste (Stone and Sidel 1993; IFT 2007). Since its advent
Results of the research showed that sensory acceptability in 1940s, sensory assessment has been established as an
of the three products (Corned Lawlaw, lawlaw in Oil and exciting, dynamic and continually evolving discipline that is
Bottled Sisog lawlaw) 7.48, 7.31 and 7.10. For the group now renowned as a scientific field in its own right. The
of respondents ages 30 and above is 7.60, 7.50 and 7. sensory professionals are regularly challenged with problems
Likewise, the Bottled Sisig is the most preferred product, which call upon widespread skills derived from array of
followed by corned lawlaw and lawlaw in Oil. It is disciplines, like bio-sciences, psychology, statistics and
therefore recommended to conduct consumer testing to often required to work with other experts from these areas.
further determine the wide range acceptance in the Furthermore working with a human as ‘measuring
market. Also, conduct similar test but with the aid of instrument’ is challenging due to great variability. Today’s
Analysis of Variance for the variables as statistical tool. lifestyle is entirely different; hypermarkets are offering
consumers a great range of food products. The competition
Keywords:- Sensory Acceptability, Rank preference, 9-Point between food processing industries is escalating for more
hedonic scale, Food Products space in superstores; hence sensory analysis has become
vital part of food production. Sensory evaluation has emerged
I. INTRODUCTION as an essential component of food product development and
The sensory quality of foods is one of the most standards for setting up, testing, analyzing and interpreting
important factors influencing a consumer’s decision to buy, sensory results are now at an advanced stage. Moreover,
as this aspect makes an immediate impression. Sensory innovations and advancements in electronic devices have
testing as an approved testing method is therefore increasing further simplified the evaluation process.
in importance in many areas of food production. This course The sensory quality of food products has been
provides you with an introduction to this field. You learn considered an important factor since the beginning of the food
about the theory and practice of the fundamentals of human industrialization process due to its influence on the overall
sensory perception, the most important testing methods and quality of the product. Quality, in terms of sensory properties,
the most important frame conditions for sensory testing (Tzu is related to the adequate levels of sensory attributes
Graru). considering the appearance, aroma, flavor, and texture.
Sensory evaluation is a scientific discipline that is used Sensory analysis is used to characterize and measure sensory
to measure, analyze, evoke, and interpret the reactions to attributes of products. Sensory Analysis is the description and
those characteristics of foods and materials as they are scientific measurement of the attributes of a product
perceived by the senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and perceived by the senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.
hearing. Sensory evaluation involves the measurement and By understanding sensory data, one can offer food-product
evaluation of the sensory properties of foods and other development guidelines as to which property should be
materials. Sensory evaluation also involves the analysis and emphasized when making product-development decisions.
the interpretation of the responses by the sensory This decision process includes processing ingredient and
professionals. Linking of sensory testing with other business economic considerations. Not merely food “tasting” it can
functions is essential, because it is essential for the sensory involve describing food color as well as texture, flavor,
professional to understand the marketing strategy. Sensory aftertaste, aroma, tactile response, and even auditory
evaluation principles have their origin in physiology and response. Sometimes sensory analysis is used
psychology. The information derived from experiments with interchangeably with sensory evaluation.
the senses has a major influence on test procedures and on the Sensory analysis examines the properties (texture,
measurement of human responses to stimuli. Sensory flavor, taste, appearance, smell, etc.) of a product or food
information is used as a part of marketing decision to identify through the senses (sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing) of
and quantitatively model the key drivers for a product's the panelists. This type of analysis has been used for centuries

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
for the purpose of accepting or rejecting food products. acceptability of the developed product to gain products
Historically, it was considered a methodology that importance in the market space and able to meet consumers
complements technological and microbiological safety when preference and needs.
assessing the quality of food. However, its important
evolution and impact in recent decades has placed it as one of  OBJECTIVES
the most important methodologies for innovation and  Determine sensory acceptability of the developed
application to ensure final product acceptance by consumers product in terms taste, color and aroma along the three
group of respondents
In the process of designing food products, it is important  Determine the most preferred formula for each product
to recognize the needs of the customer, direct the designed
product towards them, and then communicate and explain the II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
value of this designed product to the consumer [9].
Consumers buy image, comfort, nutrition, using their senses,  Materials Preparation. The materials used in this study are
sensory sensitivity, they buy sensory properties. That is why the food samples, distilled water, palate cleanser (unsalted
sensory methods are an important, integral tool that should be cracker), tissue, sample container, research questionnaire
used in NPD process. When designing products, the most and ballpen.
important quality feature of a product is its direct relationship
The food three food samples were coded accordingly.
to satisfaction, perception and ultimate acceptance by the
Sample size of each sample is 30g. The sample container
consumer of the sensory qualities of the product (’Sullivan).
used is clean and identical for all samples at all sessions.
Sensory evaluation and new product development are
Serving temperature was at room temperature to remove
strongly linked. Sensory analysis methods can be used at
possible errors and bias on the samples.
many stages of the design process to assess the quality of the
product and the expectations of consumers and their reactions As to the flow of this study, Figure 1 shows a flow
to the product. Following the framework indicating the diagram of the procedures of this study. The food samples
importance of sensory evaluation. were prepared, collected and coded accordingly. It is
followed by subjecting each sample to sensory evaluation
Sensory evaluation is a multidisciplinary science used
using the 9-point Hedonic Scale score sheet. After which,
to understand human perception and response to the sensory
the panel of evaluators were given another set of
characteristics of foods and non-foods. Products attain market
questionnaires for preference test, and asked them to rank
success when they meet consumer need and expectation, and
in descending order to determine their most preferred
when their benefits are well communicated to the target
consumers. Thus, this paper seeks to determine sensory

Sample Preparation

Corned Lawlaw in Oil Bottled Lawlaw


Sensory Evaluation (taste, color, aroma)

Rank Preference for the three products

Fig. 1: Flow of Sensory Evaluation of Developed Products

 Samples and Sensory Panels. The samples of this study are with illness and pregnant. They are also informed that during
shown in Table 1. The three food samples were replicated the tasting, talking with each other is prohibited since they
by 30 and divided into 3 for the different age groups having may affect the result of their judgement about the food
10 panels each. products. Also, wearing of strong perfumes is not allowed.

In selecting panel of evaluators, guidelines in sensory

evaluation were followed such as to not include smokers,

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Food Samples Number of Replications Number of Panels Age Group
10 10 13-18
Corned Lawlaw 10 10 19-30
10 10 30 up
10 10 13-18
Lawlaw in Oil 10 10 19-30
10 10 30 up
10 10 13-18
Bottled Lawlaw sisig 10 10 19-30
10 10 30 up
Table 1. Lists of Food Samples, Number of Replications, Number of Panels

 Design of sensory evaluation. As to Sensory Laboratory Set rate the product on the scale based on their response. Along
Up and Equipment The physical setting was design to with the rank preference, this test asks the consumer to
minimize the subject's biases, maximize their sensitizing, order the samples based on preference, with a ranking of
and eliminate variable which do not came from the product “1” meaning most preferred.
themselves. The test area is free of crowding and confusion,
as well as comfortable, quiet, temperature controlled and  Research Method. Descriptive Research was employed in
free from odour & noise. the study. Descriptive research refers to the methods that
describe the characteristics of the variables under study.
 Questionnaire. There are two type of questionnaire used in This data aims to know the extent to which different
the study. The first questionnaire is the 9-point Hedonic conditions can be obtained among these subjects
scale score sheet, that includes variables such as color, taste
and aroma. The hedonic scale was used to determine degree  Statistical Tool: In determining the acceptability of the
of acceptability of one or more products. This scale is a three food samples (food products), arithmetic weighted
category-type scale with an odd number categories ranging mean was used for each variable. As to rank preference,
from “dislike extremely” to “like extremely.” A neutral rank average was used.
midpoint (neither like nor dislike) is included. Consumers


This section provides data on the sensory acceptability of the developed product along the target group of consumers.

8 7.5 7.53 7.5 7.7 7.6

7.18 7.2 7.4

13-18 19-30 30 and UP

Color Taste Aroma

Table 2: Sensory Acceptability of Corned Lawlaw

It can be gleaned in Table 2 the result of sensory group of 30 and UP, followed by 7.4 (age group 19-30), and
acceptability of Corned Lawlaw along the three groups of 6.8 (age group 13-18). The result implies that along with the
respondents. Along with the parameter of “Color”, the “taste” Sensory acceptability, the respondents of ages group
product got a weighted mean score of 7.5 and as interpreted 30 and UP preferred the taste of the Corned Lawlaw. On the
as Like moderately for the groups 19-30 and 30 and UP as to otherhand, along with the acceptability of Aroma, the product
the group of 13-18 with a weighted mean average of 7.18. got the highest means score of 7.6 and lowest means score of
As to “taste” acceptability, the highest weighted mean score 6.8.
of 7.7 and interpreted as Like very much was noted in the age

IJISRT22NOV936 1461

Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

8 7.3 7.22 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.5
6.9 7
7 6.5
13-18 19-30 30 and UP

Color Taste Aroma

Table 3: Sensory Acceptability of Lawlaw in Oil

Table 3 presents the result of sensory acceptability of mean score is 7.5 and interpreted as Like very much and was
Lawlaw in Oil along the three groups of respondents. Along again given by the age group of 30 and UP, followed by 7.22
with the parameter of “Color”, the product got a highest (age group 19-30), and 6.5 (age group 13-18). The result
weighted mean score of 7.5 and as interpreted as Like implies that along with the “taste” Sensory acceptability, the
moderately for the groups 19-30 and 30 and UP, and lowest respondents of ages group 30 and UP preferred the taste of
mean score of 6.9. This shows that the product is most the Lawlaw in Oil. On the otherhand, along with the
preferred by the respondents of ages of 30 and UP along with acceptability of Aroma, the product got the highest means
the color. As to “taste” acceptability, the highest weighted score of 7.5 and lowest means score of 7.0

7.6 7.8
8 7.5
7.11 7.02 6.98 7.1 7.2 7
13-18 19-30 30 and UP

Color Taste Aroma

Table 4: Sensory Acceptability of Bottled Lawlaw Sisig

It can be gleaned in Table 4 the result of sensory terms of taste is most accepted by the by the group of
acceptability of Bottled Lawlaw Sisig along the three groups respondents of ages 30 and UP and least accepted by the
of respondents. Along with the parameter of “Color”, the group of respondents of ages 13-18 years old. Along with
product got a weighted mean score of 7.5, followed by 7.2 Aroma, the product got an average weighted mean score of
and 7.11. this shows that in terms of Color the product is most 7.5, 7 and 6.98. The highest weighted mean score was given
accepted by the group of respondents of ages 30 and UP. by the respondents of ages 30 and UP and lowest mean score
Along with the taste, the highest weighted score is 7.8, was given by the group of respondents of ages 13-18 years
followed by 7.2 and 7.02. this also implies that the product in old.

Grp 1 Grp 2 Grp 3

13-18 19-30 31 and UP
Food Products Rank Rank Rank
Corned Lawlaw 2 2 2
Lawlaw in Oil 3 3 3
Bottled Sisig Lawlaw 1 1 1
Table 5: Food Preference of Respondents

IJISRT22NOV936 1462

Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 5 shows the food preference of the three group
respondents along the three products. It can be seen that along
the three group of respondents the most preferred product Is
the bottled sisig, followed by corned lawlaw and lawlaw in REFERENCES
oil. Food preferences on the otherhand, are the evaluative
attitudes that people express toward foods. This also show [1.]
how much the respondents like and dislike the food products. teaching/degree-and-certificate-
Acceptance and preference of the sensory properties of foods programmes/continuing-education/courses-and-
are among the most important criteria determining food seminars/sensory-evaluation-of-food-introduction/
choice. [2.]
IV. CONCLUSION nsory_Evaluation
Based from the data, it can be concluded that: id=6033
 Along with the group of respondents of 13-18 years old, the [4.]
sensory acceptability of the Corned lawlaw along Color is id=6037
7.18, Taste,6.8 and Aroma 7.2. For the group of respondents [5.] file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/foods-10-00446-
of 19-30 years old, sensory acceptability in terms of Color, v3.pdf
taste and aroma is 7.5, 7.4 and 7.53. While for the group of [6.] O’Sullivan, M.G. Innovative tech-nologies for the
respondents of 31 yearss old above, the sensnory food and beverage industry. In A handbook for
acceptability in ters of color, taste and Aroma is 7.5, 7.7 and Sensory and Consumer-Driven New Product
7.6. Development; Elsevier: Cambridge, MA, USA, 2017
For the product lawlaw in Oil, the sensory 1375/
acceptability in terms of Color, Taste and Aroma for the [8.] Claudia Ruiz-Capillas* and Ana M. Herrero
group of respondents 13-18 years is 6.9, 6.5 and 7. For the [9.]
group of respondents ages 19-30, the sensory acceptability _Sensory_Evaluation_and_Consumer_Acceptability
in terms of Color, Taste and Aroma is 7.3, 7.22 and 7.4. For [10.]
the group of respondents ages 30 and above the sensory oads/wm_issues/Sensory%20Analysis/Sensory%20A
acceptability in terms Color, Tase and Aroma is 7.5. nalysis%20-%20Section%205.pdf
For the product Bottled Sisig lawlaw, the sensory
acceptability in terms of Color, Taste and Aroma for the
group of respondents 13-18 years is 7.11, 7.02 and 6.98. For
the group of respondents ages 19-30, the sensory
acceptability in terms of Color, Taste and Aroma is 7.1, 7.2
and 7. For the group of respondents ages 30 and above the
sensory acceptability in terms Color, Tase and Aroma is 7.6,
7.8 and 7.5

 Along with the most preferred product, the three group of

respondents concluded that the Bottled Sisig is the most
preferred product, followed by corned lawlaw and lawlaw
in Oil.


It is therefore recommended to conduct consumer

testing to further determine the wide range acceptance in the
market. Also, conduct similar test but with the aid of Analysis
of Variance for the variables as statistical tool.

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