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National Service Training Program (NSTP)

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Worksheets 6-10
Angela Mae Velarde
Module 2
Lesson 3
Worksheet No. 6
Name: Angela Mae Velarde Score:______________
Class Code: NSTP-CWTS I Date Performed:_________
Schedule: [BSCE 1B-1F 8:00 AM-11:00 AM SUNDAY]
Course/Year: BSCE-1F Instructor: Ms. Castillo_____
Answer what are being asked for.
1. How do you define values?
Values, in my opinion, are positive teachings provided to assist us in choosing the right
path in life. Every parent wants his or her child to learn these values. These are even
considered positive characteristics. A person who is instilled with good values grows up
to be a responsible individual who can distinguish between right and wrong.
2. Write at least 10 values that you possess and rank them according to what you
think is important to you.
Faith Compassion
Respect Humility.
Integrity Kindness
Care Empathy
Honesty Gratitude
3. Explain the following briefly:
a. Using "po" and "opo" and kissing the hands of elders should be preserved.
I think the use of “po” and “opo” and the kissing of the hands of older people should be
preserved and maintained because those are the basic and unique ways of showing/giving
respect to others, especially to elders. This is where Filipinos become known and it became
a way for us to distinguish a true Filipino.
b. "kung ano ang puno sya ang bunga"
For me, it is used to compare a child with his parents. Because the parents shape the
personality and behavior of the child, the child becomes the image of the personality and
behavior of his parents.
c. "Values are caught and not taught"
It means that values or behaviors are learned from those who exhibit them rather than
being taught. We learn these values by watching them in action. The values that we
actually live are learned rather than taught. Simply put, moral values are caught rather
than taught. Simply put, moral values are caught rather than taught. Students learn moral
values by watching others practice them rather than from classroom lessons. For example,
if a student is told or taught not to smoke by teachers or parents who smoke, the lesson is
likely to be ineffective.
Module 3
Lesson 1
Worksheet No. 7
Name: Angela Mae Velarde Score:______________
Class Code: NSTP-CWTS I Date Performed:_________
Schedule: [BSCE 1B-1F 8:00 AM-11:00 AM SUNDAY]
Course/Year: BSCE-1F Instructor: Ms. Castillo_____
Answer what are being asked for.
1. Give the definition of volunteerism.
Volunteerism is a type of helping in which people actively seek out opportunities to help
others in need, make significant and ongoing commitments to provide assistance and
sustain these commitments over long periods of time, often at great personal cost.

2. Discuss the purpose of the Volunteerism Act.

Volunteerism Act was enacted to provide a policy framework on volunteerism that
emphasizes the fundamental principles required to harness and harmonize the voluntary
sector's broad and diverse efforts into an integrative and effective partnership for local
and national development Volunteering benefits the economy and helps to create a
more secure and united society. This, in turn, promotes civic engagement, resulting in a
nation's socioeconomic growth.
3. Enumerate the salient features of this Act.
SECTION 1. Title. — This Act shall be known and cited as the “Volunteer Act of 2007”.
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy.
SEC. 3. Statement of Goals and Objectives.
SEC. 4. Definition of Terms. — For purposes of this Act, the following shall mean
SEC. 5. Role and Modalities of Volunteerism in the Private Sector
SEC. 6. Role and Modalities of Volunteerism by Foreign Volunteer Organizations.
SEC. 7. Role of the Government
SEC. 8. The Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA)
SEC. 9. Mandates of the PNVSCA
SEC. 10. The MultiSectoral Advisory Body (MSAB)
SEC. 11. Functions of the MSAB
SEC. 12. Special Provisions.
SEC. 13. Institutional Mechanism for Research, Documentation, Recognition, and
Modeling of Best Volunteer Practices
SEC. 14. Implementing Rules and Regulations.
SEC. 15. Repealing Clause.
SEC. 16. Effectivity.
Module 3
Lesson 1
Worksheet No. 7
Name: Angela Mae Velarde Score:______________
Class Code: NSTP-CWTS I Date Performed:_________
Schedule: [BSCE 1B-1F 8:00 AM-11:00 AM SUNDAY]
Course/Year: BSCE-1F Instructor: Ms. Castillo_____

Answer what are being asked for.

4. Explain the Importance of volunteerism in economic development.

Volunteering benefits the economy and helps to create a more secure and united society.
This, in turn, promotes civic engagement, resulting in a nation's socioeconomic growth.
Youth play an especially important role in leveraging volunteer programs to shape a better
future. Volunteering can aid in the expansion and mobilization of constituencies, as well
as in engaging people in national planning and implementation of sustainable
development goals. Volunteer groups can also help to localize the new agenda by
opening up new channels of communication between governments and citizens for
concrete and scalable actions.
Module 4
Lesson 1
Worksheet No. 7
Name: Angela Mae Velarde Score:______________
Class Code: NSTP-CWTS I Date Performed:_________
Schedule: [BSCE 1B-1F 8:00 AM-11:00 AM SUNDAY]
Course/Year: BSCE-1F Instructor: Ms. Castillo_____
Answer what are being asked for.

1. Discuss the Importance of the Dangerous Drugs Act to the Youth.

In this case, the importance of the Dangerous Drugs Law, specifically to the NSTP students
and the community in general is to educate people and to campaign against the trafficking
and use of dangerous drugs which also serves as a guide to everyone in the right approach
towards issues brought by drug abuse. Drug abuse can have many short- and long-term
negative effects including physical and mental health problems, legal consequences, and
impairment in many areas of a person's life, from school to work and interpersonal
2. Explain the Liability of a person violating any regulation issued by the Board.
If it will be used to inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce a dangerous drug into the
human body in violation of this Act, a penalty of imprisonment ranging from six months and
one day to four years and a fine ranging from ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) to fifty
thousand pesos (P50,000.00) will be imposed. Any person who employs a minor or a person
who is mentally ill to provide such equipment, instruments, apparatus, and other
paraphernalia for dangerous narcotics shall be subject to the maximum penalty provided
for under this Section.
3. Discuss the need for the participation of the family, students, teachers, and school
authorities in the enforcement of this Act.
The State's policy is to protect the integrity of its territory, and the welfare of its citizens,
especially the youth, from the negative effects of dangerous drugs on their physical and
mental health and to defend these interests against actions or inactions that could
jeopardize their growth and preservation.
4. Explain the need for compulsory confinement of a drug dependent.
The current idea is summarized as follows: drug dependence is a chronic, progressive
disease characterized by significant impairment that is directly associated with persistent
and excessive use of a psychoactive substance. Impairment may involve physiological,
psychological, or social dysfunction. In case of compulsory confinement, the
parent(s)/spouse/relative(s) shall execute and submit a statement/affidavit providing
information as to the drug-taking habit of the alleged drug dependent. The need for
compulsory confinement of a drug-dependent person comes from the fact that he/she has
become addicted to drugs.
Module 4
Lesson 2
Worksheet No. 8
Name: Angela Mae Velarde Score:______________
Class Code: NSTP-CWTS I Date Performed:_________
Schedule: [BSCE 1B-1F 8:00 AM-11:00 AM SUNDAY]
Course/Year: BSCE-1F Instructor: Ms. Castillo_____

Answer what are being asked for.

1. Definition
Define the following:
Drugs-Any substance (other than food) that is used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or
relieve symptoms of a disease or abnormal condition. Drugs can also affect how the
brain and the rest of the bodywork and cause changes in mood, awareness,
thoughts, feelings, or behavior.
Drug Abuse-The use of illegal drugs or the use of prescription or over-the-counter
drugs for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or in
excessive amounts. Drug abuse may lead to social, physical, emotional, and job-
related problems.
II. Enumeration

Enumerate the Following:

Reasons why people turn to drugs
1. Peer pressure
2. Curiosity
3. Feel good
4. Escape from reality
5. Easy access to drugs
6. Family history.
7. Mental health problems.
8. Adverse childhood experiences (ACE).
9. Use of drugs that are highly addictive.
Module 4
Lesson 2
Worksheet No. 8
Name: Angela Mae Velarde Score:______________
Class Code: NSTP-CWTS I Date Performed:_________
Schedule: [BSCE 1B-1F 8:00 AM-11:00 AM SUNDAY]
Course/Year: BSCE-1F Instructor: Ms. Castillo_____

Answer what are being asked for.
Description of a person who takes drugs
10. Irritable, discourteous, defiant, and aggressive;
11. untrustworthy and lacks self-confidence;
12. unhealthy and unconcerned with good grooming;
13. has a low frustration tolerance;
14. lacks interest in his studies or work;
15. blames everybody for his problems
16. prefers his "barkadas" where he feels accepted.
III. Effects of Drugs
16. Malnutrition
17. Panic Reaction
18. Physical Damage

What can you do as a student of NSTP to help in the campaign against

drug abuse?
19. Be firm to say NO to drugs.
20. Connect to your friends but avoid Negative peer pressure.
21. Make connections with your parents and other adults.
22. Enjoy Life and do what you Love.
23. Get Educated about alcohol and drugs.
24. Be a role model and set a positive example.
25. Planning ahead is very important.
26. Speak Out/Speak up/Take Control
Module 5
Lesson 1
Worksheet No. 9
Name: Angela Mae Velarde Score:______________
Class Code: NSTP-CWTS I Date Performed:_________
Schedule: [BSCE 1B-1F 8:00 AM-11:00 AM SUNDAY]
Course/Year: BSCE-1F Instructor: Ms. Castillo_____

Answer what are being asked for.
1. Describe the Geographic Profile of the Philippines.

The Philippines is an archipelago comprised of 7,641 islands

with a total land area of 301, 780 square meters, in South
China, the Philippines, Sulu, and the Celebes Seas, along with
the Luzon Strait. The topography of the islands is mostly
mountainous with narrow to large coastal lowlands, depending
on the island. The Philippines is divided into three main
geographic areas: the Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao
2. Identify the Philippine Disasters.
Tropical cyclones

3. Explain Philippine Disaster Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121)

Republic Act No. 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Act of 2010 (DRRM Act) is a law which transforms the Philippines' disaster
management system from disaster relief and response towards disaster risk
reduction (DRR). This Act provides for the development of policies and plans and
the implementation of actions and measures pertaining to all aspects of disaster
risk reduction and management, including good governance, risk assessment and
early warning, knowledge building and awareness raising, reducing underlying risk
factors, and preparedness for effective response and early recovery.
4. Discuss the role of the youth in Disaster Preparedness.
Making a difference: Young people can make a difference by sharing the
knowledge they gained from youth preparedness programs and by assisting
parents and communities in disaster preparation, such as by creating a disaster
plan or disaster preparation pack. Participating in disaster planning and recovery
can help young people become more aware of dangerous circumstances that
might arise in their community and educate them on how to react to a variety of
Module 5
Lesson 1
Worksheet No. 10
Name: Angela Mae Velarde Score:______________
Class Code: NSTP-CWTS I Date Performed:_________
Schedule: [BSCE 1B-1F 8:00 AM-11:00 AM SUNDAY]
Course/Year: BSCE-1F Instructor: Ms. Castillo_____

Answer what are being asked for.
Ten common types of disasters
1. Earthquake 6. Landslide
2. Volcanic Eruption 7. Bush Fire
3. Tsunami 8. Drought
4. Tropical cyclone 9. epidemic
5. Flood 10. Major accidents

General Effect of Disasters

1. Loss of Life 6. Disruption of lifestyles
2. Injury 7. Loss of Livelihood
3. Damage to and destruction of 8. Disruption of essential
property services
4. Disruption of production 9. National economic loss, and
5. Damage to and destruction of 10. Sociological and
subsistence and cash corps. psychological after- effects

Components of Disaster Management

1. Prevention
2. Mitigation
3. Preparedness
4. Disaster Impact
5. Response
6. Recovery
7. Development
Module 5
Lesson 1
Worksheet No. 10
Name: Angela Mae Velarde Score:______________
Class Code: NSTP-CWTS I Date Performed:_________
Schedule: [BSCE 1B-1F 8:00 AM-11:00 AM SUNDAY]
Course/Year: BSCE-1F Instructor: Ms. Castillo_____

Answer what are being asked for.

1. Explain the two categories of disaster and differentiate each.
There are two categories of disaster, Natural and Man-made disasters, A natural
disaster is characterized by the abnormal intensity of a natural agent (flood, mudslide,
earthquake, avalanche, drought) when the usual measures to be taken to prevent this
damage were not able to prevent their emergence or were not able to be taken while
Man-made disasters are those that occur as a result of human intent, negligence, or a
failure of a man-made system, resulting in human suffering and environmental damage.
Man-made disasters are the result of technological or human risks.

2. How can you actively participate in enhancing community preparedness during

disasters and calamities?
By strongly supporting disaster preparedness at all levels and at all times, even when
there aren't any crises or disasters. Create a plan for neighborhood evacuation. Find out
in advance which evacuation routes have been authorized for your region by getting in
touch with the neighborhood emergency management office. Give out maps to people
in the neighborhood. Learn the main and alternate exits from your region in case of an
Module 5
Lesson 2
Worksheet No. 10
Name: Angela Mae Velarde Score:______________
Class Code: NSTP-CWTS I Date Performed:_________
Schedule: [BSCE 1B-1F 8:00 AM-11:00 AM SUNDAY]
Course/Year: BSCE-1F Instructor: Ms. Castillo_____

Answer what are being asked for.
I. Fill in the blanks with a correct answer.

1. STORM SURGE pertains to the abnormal rise of water level along a shore as a
result of primarily the winds and pressures associated with storms.
2. Flood is a condition that occurs when water overflows the natural or artificial
confines of a stream or body of water.
3. Tropical cyclone is a water disturbance that is intense such as a typhoon or
storm composed of a big whirling mass of wind and rain.
4. Earthquakes are vibrations produced when the stability of rock masses under the
surface of the earth is disturbed.
5. Structure fire is a large disastrous fire involving numerous buildings/houses or
6. VOLCANIC ERUPTION pertains to the volcanic materials ejected such as lava,
ashes, rock fragments, stem, and other gases through a fissure brought about by
tremendous pressure.
7. Tsunami is a series of traveling ocean waves of long length and period usually
caused by seismic disturbances in the ocean floor or confines.
8. Typhoon is the most common and destructive of all the natural calamities.

II. Enumerate 6 things to do after a flood

1. Wait until it is safe to return.
2. Travel with care.
3. Use extreme caution when entering buildings
4. Your home is no longer a safe place.
5. If a building was flooded, check for safety before entering.
6. When making repairs, protect your property from future flood damage

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