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a beautiful, open-arched, hexagonal structure, 21 ft.


a bend of the river just before it turns S. towards Hit,

fathers and the liturgies; thusiasterion (rarer; used in

principal articles of import are coffee, Cotton-piece goods,

on account of it. It was destroyed at the Revolution. The

of all the temporary feelings and tendencies of the time

was liable to be quickly disproved by the appearance of new

Limit of Price; Moses Hess, ``Sozialismus und Communismus,

of the City of London school in 1865 at the early age of

The following list, therefore, must be regarded as purely tentative,

in a climate a little more severe. After an exceptionally cold

Amsterdam, 1879-1881), a full history with documents.

120,000 men to the Confederate service, practically all her

Poisonous properties.

O. Halliwell: ``Pronostycacyon of Mayster John Thybault,

608 vessels with a tonnage of 202,502. The present town of

But the area under effective control of Portugal at that time

119 and in Nebuchadnezzar, col. ii. line 50 (Hilprecht,

Testament is not free from obscurity, due to the uncertain


It takes its name from the river Acis, into which, according

without opposition. One AElfred, probably a descendant of

dissolution, was much increased when Alexandria fell under Roman

from the oosphere at this point and to escape through the

in 1822, Castlereagh had realized the eventual necessity

same epochs in Paul's history, argues such an independence

sodium, formation of the pure double chloride of sodium and

Superieur, about 2 m. from the centre of the city on the

the Verona conferences (see VERONA, CONGRESS OF), and the

the body collecting together and undergoing decomposition.

m. The district possesses many natural attractions, and

defraying the current expenses of state-administration.

celebrated English theologian of the 13th century, was born in

sometimes amounted to more than half of the total cost of the

reform, he contributed more than any one to the adoption of

his wide knowledge of people outside the limits of Israel?

Operations on the American Coast.--When the war began the

The Scientific Papers of John Couch Adams, 4to, vol. i.

ALLPORT, SIR JAMES JOSEPH (1811-1892), English railway

grant, as a reward for his services, and retired in 1872.

principal towns are Scutari (Albanian Shkoder, with the

collected. Ale-tasters had to look after the ale and test it

of all naval hospitals, dispensaries and laboratories,

siege of Wittenberg, and presided at the court-martial which

acolyte. The conclusion, then, which seems warranted by

December and captured nearly 1000 prisoners. This brilliant

king went to Italy to receive the imperial crown; and from

ships, at Cadiz. Merchant vessels were required for their

R. Driver, Introd. to the Lit. of the Old Test.;

his mother at Phthia with his cousin and intimate friend

throughout a large part of Bering Sea. The western and northern

(1741-1819), afterwards professor of geology at the Musee

The next great monastic revival, the Cistercian, arising in

Skrifter, edited by F. C. Bornemann (Copenhagen, 1863). (R. N. B.)

all resistances to propulsion. This being kept in view,

authority of France was incarnate; and the insults offered

Fucus,'' Cytologische Studien (Berlin, 1897); F. Schutt,

vogue and shows an increasing hold as an exception among

characterizes the species of Polysiphonia, the "siphons" of

and the able'' should be set apart from other men in a

gratification of his long cherished desires. In April 1865

Edition of his works by S. Lambros (1879--1880); Migne, Patrologia

not afford to stand aside and watch the accomplishment of an

about two centuries ago. Ross wrote: ``So may he (Sir Thomas

Sicily. The son of a potter who had removed to Syracuse,

sides during 1862-1863, of which the battle of Prairie

tassels. They are rigidly secluded, but intrigue is frequent.

an expanse of shallow water. It seems probable that, in a

of an important ancient capital. The later Assyro-Babylonian

Pointe de Lechaud . . . . . 10,260 Mont Joly. . . . . . . . . . . . .8,291

Auxerre for some time. He died on the 6th of February 1593,

two), a philosophical term used in ethics for that theory of

of prize; but in 1659 a commission of councillors of state

We shall see a consciousness of its presence rehected in the

ABDICATION (Lat. abdicatio, disowning, renouncing,

the earth's surface. It includes within its remarkably regular

pits. The Ainu, on the contrary, never had any knowledge of

are most common in the summer. The prevailing winds are from

and Isaac. As Sarai was barren (cf. xi. 30)2 the promise

failure. The utmost extent of geographical knowledge of the

colonies, and in his mind the future began to be comprehended

from time to time. A few of these have been translated, but

empire. It is strange, therefore, if the Roman alphabet,

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