Naduvinamani 2001

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Static and dynamic behaviour of squeeze-film

lubrication of narrow porous journal bearings with
coupled stress fluid

N B Naduvinamani¤ , P S Hiremath and G Gurubasavaraj

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, India

Abstract: In this paper an attempt has been made to study the rheological effects of coupled stress fluids
on the static and dynamic behaviour of squeeze-film lubrication in porous journal bearings. A generalized
modified form of the Reynolds equation is derived for the squeeze-film lubrication of porous journal
bearings with a coupled stress fluid as the lubricant. The analysis takes into account the velocity slip at the
surface of the porous medium by using the Beavers– Joseph criterion. A closed-form expression for the
squeeze-film pressure is obtained for the narrow porous journal bearing. The cases of a constant applied
load and an alternating applied load are analysed. It is observed that the effect of coupled stress is to
increase significantly the squeeze-film pressure and the load-carrying capacity compared with the
Newtonian case. Under cyclic loading, the coupled stresses developed in the fluid cause a reduction in the
velocity of the journal centre and an increase in the minimum permissible squeeze-film thickness.

Keywords: squeeze film, porous, coupled stress, journal bearing

NOTATION T(ij) symmetric part of Tij

T[ij] antisymmetric part of Tij
c radial clearance u, v, w components of fluid velocity in the x, y, z
Dij deformation tensor directions respectively
D/Dt material derivative u1 , v1 , w1 Darcy velocity components in the x, y, z
e eccentricity directions respectively
Gs body couple W non-dimensional load-carrying capacity
h film thickness ˆW s c2 =[ í LR3 (då=dt)]
H porous layer thickness W(t) applied load
k permeability Wij velocity tensor
l coupled stress parameter ˆ ( í=è)1=2 Ws steady load
L bearing length W0 amplitude of the applied load
Mij couple stress tensor x, y, z rectangular coordinates
N number of revolutions per minute á slip coefficient
p pressure in the film region â ratio of length to diameter ˆ L=(2R)
p1 pressure in the porous region äij Kronecker delta
R radius of the journalp å eccentricity ratio ˆ e=c
s slip parameter ˆ á= k å ijk alternating unit tensor
S¤ Sommerfeld number ˆ åmax maximum eccentricity ratio
f í N =[W 0 =(2RL)]g(R=c)2 è, è9 material constants with the dimensions of
t time momentum
Tij stress tensor õ circumferential coordinate
í viscosity coefficient
r density
ô non-dimensional response time ˆ (2ð N =60)t
The MS was received on 23 June 2000 and was accepted after revision for ¾ permeability parameter ˆ kH =c3
publication on 14 September 2000.
¤ Corresponding author: Department of Mathematics and Computer ö frequency of oscillation
Science, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga 585 106, India. öi vorticity tensor
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slip condition has been prescribed at the porous interface

1 INTRODUCTION and the most general modified form of the Reynolds
equation for porous journal bearings without journal
The extensive use of porous oil bearings is found in rotation is derived. The modified Reynolds equation is
industry because of their low cost and reduced oil simplified by adopting the ‘short bearing approximation’.
requirement. The behaviour of various types of porous The essence of this approximation is that the variation in
bearing, such as squeeze films [1], externally pressurized the pressure across the width of the bearing is much greater
bearings [2], journal bearings [3] and slider bearings [4] than the circumferential pressure variation, provided that
have been studied with a Newtonian fluid as the lubricant. the bearing is short enough [14]. The simplified Reynolds
Of late, the use of non-Newtonian fluids as lubricants has equation for porous short journal bearings is solved for the
gained importance in modern industry, since the Newtonian film pressure. The load-carrying capacity and the velocity
fluid constitutive approximation is not found to be a of the journal centre are compared with the solid case and
satisfactory engineering approach for many practical the no-slip case to reveal the influence of permeability and
lubrication applications. slip velocity on the performance characteristics of the
Experimental results show that the addition of a small bearings. The effects of the coupled stresses are analysed
amount of a long-chain polymer solution to a Newtonian by comparing the results with the corresponding Newtonian
fluid gives the most desirable lubricant [5]. The use of case.
additives stabilizes the flow properties and minimizes the
sensitivity of the lubricant to changes in the shear rate.
The simplest generalization of the classical theory of 2 MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION AND
fluids which allows for polar effects such as the presence SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM
of an antisymmetric stress tensor, coupled stresses and
body couples was given by Stokes [6]. The microcontin- The constitutive equations proposed by Stokes [6] for fluids
uum theory proposed by Stokes [6] describes the peculiar with coupled stresses are
behaviour of fluids containing a substructure and it will
account for the size effects of additives. The coupled T(ij) ˆ …¡ p ‡ ì D kk †ä ij ‡ 2 í Dij (1)
stress effects are considered as a result of the action of
one part of a deforming body on its neighbourhood. r
T[ij] ˆ ¡2è W ij,kk ¡ å ijs G s (2)
Coupled stresses may appear to a noticeable extent in a 2
lubricant containing long-chain molecules when confined
to narrow passages. When the liquids containing long- and
chain molecules (polymer additives) throttles through a
M ij ˆ 4èö j,i ‡ 4è9ö i,j (3)
small orifice under a fairly high pressure, fragmentation
of the polymer molecule can occur; i.e., when the liquids
containing long-chain molecules are subjected to a very
powerful shearing force, the long-chain systems will be
Dij ˆ 12… V i,j ‡ V j,i †
broken down [7].
Many researchers have used the coupled stress theory to
W ij ˆ ¡12…V i,j ¡ V j,i †
study the performance characteristics of various bearing
systems, such as squeeze films [8], slider bearings [9],
journal bearings [10] and externally pressurized bearings
[11]. These studies have led to the predictions such as ö i ˆ 12å ijk V k,j
larger load-carrying capacity, lower coefficient of friction
and delayed time of approach in comparison with the
Vi the velocity field, ì and í are the material constants with
Newtonian case. Recently, Lin’s [12] study of the static and
the dimensions of viscosity and è and è9 are the material
dynamic behaviour of squeeze films using a coupled stress
constants with the dimensions of momentum.
fluid in a short journal bearing shows results conforming to
The basic equations governing the motion of an
these predictions.
incompressible coupled stress fluid, in the absence of body
So far, no attempt has been made to study the squeeze-
forces and body couples, derived by Stokes are
film characteristics of porous short journal bearings with a
coupled stress fluid as the lubricant. In the present paper, =: V ˆ 0 (4)
an attempt is made to study the static and dynamic
characteristics of the coupled stress squeeze-film lubrica- DV
tion of porous short journal bearings. In addition to their r ˆ ¡= p ‡ í =2 V ¡ è =4 V (5)
applications in engineering, the porous squeeze-film theory
can be studied in the context of the lubrication mechanism The ratio è= í has the dimensions of length square and,
of synovial joints also. The Beavers–Joseph [13] velocity hence, characterizes the material length of the fluid.
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A schematic diagram of the problem under study is purely viscous. This assumption is made to model the flow
shown in Fig. 1. The non-porous journal of radius R is situation in which the polymer additives present in
approaching the homogeneous and isotropic porous bearing lubricant do not percolate into the porous matrix, i.e. it is
surface with a given velocity dh=dt at any circumferential assumed that the pore size of the porous bearing is less than
section õ. The lubricant between the journal and porous the size of polar additives present in the lubricant.
bearing is a Stokes coupled stress fluid and the body forces Under the usual assumptions of hydrodynamic lubrica-
and body couples are assumed to be absent. However, the tion applicable to a thin film [15], the equations of motion
fluid in the porous matrix of the bearing is assumed to be (4) and (5) take the form

Fig. 1 Geometry and coordinates of the journal bearing

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@u @v @w L L
‡ ‡ ˆ0 (6) v ˆ ¡v1 , 0 < x < 2ð R, ¡ <z<
@x @ y @z 2 2
@2 u @4 u @ p
í ¡è 4 ˆ (7) á
@y 2 @y @x @w
p (w ¡ w1 ) ˆ , 0 < x < 2ð R,
k @y
@2 w @4 w @ p
í ¡è 4 ˆ (8)
@y 2 @y @z L L
¡ <z< (15c)
2 2
0ˆ (9)
@y @2 u @2 w
ˆ ˆ 0, 0 < x < 2ð R,
@ y 2 @ y2
The flow of a viscous fluid in a porous matrix is governed
by Darcy’s law
k @ p1 ¡ <z< (15d)
u1 ˆ ¡ (10) 2 2
í @x
In equations (14) and (15), L is the bearing length and á is
k @ p1 the slip coefficient; equations (14d) and (15d) indicate the
v1 ˆ ¡ (11)
í @y vanishing of coupled stresses on the boundaries at y ˆ h
and y ˆ 0 respectively.
k @ p1 The solution of equations (7) and (8) subjected to the
w1 ˆ ¡ (12)
í @z boundary conditions (equation 14a), (14c), (15a), (15c) and
(15d) is obtained as
where k is the permeability and p1 is the pressure in the μ ¶
porous region which, due to continuity, satisfies the 1 @p h tanh(lh=2)
uˆ ê
( y ¡ h) y ‡ 1 ¡ 2
Laplace equation 2í @ x 3 l(hs ‡ 1)
μ ¶¼
@ 2 p1 @ 2 p1 @ 2 p1 2 cosh(ly ¡ lh=2)
‡ ‡ ˆ0 (13) ‡ 2 1¡ (16)
@x 2 @ y2 @z 2 l cosh(lh=2)
μ ¶
The relevant boundary conditions for velocity components 1 @p h tanh(lh=2)
wˆ ( y ¡ h) y ‡ ê1 ¡ 2
are as follows: 2í @ z 3 l(hs ‡ 1)
μ ¶¼
(a) At the journal surface y ˆ h, 2 cosh(ly ¡ lh=2)
‡ 2 1¡ (17)
l cosh(lh=2)
u ˆ 0, 0 < x < 2ð R, ¡ <z< (14a)
2 2 where
dh L L ´1=2
vˆ , 0 < x < 2ð R, ¡ <z< (14b) 3(2á2 ‡ hs) í
dt 2 2 ê1 ˆ , lˆ , x ˆ Rõ
hs(hs ‡ 1) è
w ˆ 0, 0 < x < 2ð R, ¡ <z< (14c) á
2 2 h ˆ c(1 ‡ å cos õ), s ˆ p
@ 2 u @2 w
ˆ ˆ 0, 0 < x < 2ð R,
@ y 2 @ y2 and å ˆ e=c is the eccentricity ratio, c being the radial
L L Substituting equations (16) and (17) into equation (6)
¡ <z< (14d)
2 2 and integrating over the film thickness and also using the
boundary conditions (14b) and (15b) give the modified
(b) At the bearing surface y ˆ 0, Reynolds equation as
μ ¶ μ ¶
@ @p @ @p
á @u f (h, s, l ) ‡ f (h, s, l )
p (u ¡ u1 ) ˆ , 0 < x < 2ð R, @x @x @z @z
k @y
μ ¶
dh @ p1
L L ˆ 12 í ¡ 12k (18)
¡ <z< (15a) dt @ y yˆ0
2 2
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Fig. 2 Non-dimensional film pressure p versus õ for different values of the coupled stress parameter l with
¾ ˆ 0.01 and s ˆ 5.0 for å ˆ 0.4 and 0.6

Fig. 3 Non-dimensional film pressure p versus õ for different values of ¾ with l ˆ 2.0 and s ˆ 5.0 for å ˆ 0.4
and 0.6

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where L
p ˆ 0, 0 < õ < 2ð, at z ˆ § (21)
h2 tanh(lh=2)
f (h, s, l ) ˆh3 (1 ‡ ê1 ) ¡ 6 (b) For the porous region,
hs ‡ 1 l
μ ¶
12 tanh(lh=2) p1 ˆ 0, 0 < õ < 2ð, ¡ H < y < 0,
¡ 2 h¡2
l l
dh då at z ˆ § (22)
ˆ c cos õ 2
dt dt
@ p1 L L
For k ! 0, equation (18) reduces to the non-porous case ˆ 0, 0 < õ < 2ð, ¡ <z< ,
@y 2 2
Using the short bearing approximation, the circumferen- at y ˆ ¡H (23)
tial pressure variation can be neglected in comparison with
the axial pressure variations. Then equations (13) and (18)
(c) At the interface,
@ 2 p1 @ 2 p1 p1 ˆ p, 0 < õ < 2ð, ¡ <z< ,
‡ ˆ0 (19) 2 2
@ y2 @z 2
μ ¶ at y ˆ 0 (24)
@2 p dh @ p1
f (h, s, l ) 2 ˆ 12 í ‡ 12k (20)
@z dt @ y yˆ0 In equations (22) and (23), H is the porous layer thickness.
The solution of equation (19) satisfying the boundary
The relevant boundary conditions for the pressure are as conditions (22) and (23) is
follows: X
p1 (õ, y, z) ˆ C n cos(ìn z) cosh[ì n ( y ‡ H)] (25)
(a) For the film region, nˆ1

Fig. 4 Non-dimensional film pressure p versus õ for different values of s with ¾ ˆ 0.01 and l ˆ 2.0 for å ˆ 0.4
and 0.6

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where ìn ˆ (2n ¡ 1)ð/L and C n are the Fourier coefficients Introducing the non-dimensional transformations
to be determined by using the orthogonality of cosine
functions. x z
Equations (25) and (20) yield õˆ , zˆ , l ˆ lc
¡48 í L2 (¡1) n¡1 (dh=dt) cos(ìn z)
p(õ, z) ˆ
2 ì3 ì ì
nˆ1 c n [ f (h, s, l) ‡ 12(k= n )tanh( n H )] k H h
kˆ , Hˆ , hˆ
(26) c2 L c

Fig. 5 Non-dimensional maximum film pressure pmax versus ¾ for different values of the coupled stress
parameter l with å ˆ 0.4 and s ˆ 5.0

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pc2 ác
pˆ , s ˆ p
í R2 (då=dt) k

into equation (26) gives the non-dimensional squeeze-film pressure (after suppressing the bars) in the form

(¡1) n cos õ cos[(2n ¡ 1)ð z]
p(õ, z) ˆ 192â2 (27)
(2n ¡ 1)3 ð3 f f (õ, s, l) ‡ [12¾ =[(2 n ¡ 1)ð H ] tanh[2n ¡ 1)ð H ]g

Fig. 6 Non-dimensional load-carrying capacity W versus å for different values of the coupled stress parameter l
with s ˆ 5.0 and s ˆ 1

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where For the short bearings, â , 0.5.

The load-carrying capacity of the squeeze-film is
f (õ, s, l ) ˆ (1 ‡ å cos õ)3 (1 ‡ ê1 ) obtained by integrating the film pressure acting on the
surface of the journal shaft. The load-carrying capacity of
6(1 ‡ å cos õ)2 tanh[l(1 ‡ å cos õ)=2] the bearing, W(t), generated by the pure squeeze-film
s(1 ‡ å cos õ) ‡ 1 l pressure is
μ ¶¼
12 2 l(1 ‡ å cos õ) … L=2 … 3ð=2
¡ 2 (1 ‡ å cos õ) ¡ tanh
l l 2 W (t) ˆ ¡2R p(õ, z) cos õ dõ dz (28)
zˆ0 õˆð=2
c3 For the bearing operating under a steady load,

Fig. 7 Non-dimensional load-carrying capacity W verus å for different values of s with l ˆ 5.0, ¾ ˆ 0.001 and
á ˆ 0.1

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W (t) ˆ W s (29) where

Substituting equation (27) into equation (28) gives the non- g n (õ, s, l )
dimensional load-carrying capacity in W in the form
Ws c2 ˆ f (õ, s, l ) ‡ ð
tanh[(2n ¡ 1) H ]
W ˆ (2n ¡ 1)ð H
í LR3 (då=dt)
… 3ð=2
384â2 X
1 In many applications the pure squeeze-film bearing will
ˆ cos2 õ g n (õ, s, l ) dõ operate under dynamic conditions. In these cases, the path
ð4 nˆ1 (2n ¡ 1)4 õˆð=2
of the rotor centre will fluctuate in a manner compatible
(30) with the variations of the applied load. Hence, a bearing

Fig. 8 Non-dimensional load-carrying capacity W versus ¾ for different values of coupled stress parameter l with
s ˆ 5.0

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operating under a cyclic loading condition represented by where

the sinusoidal function of time is considered:
1 … 3ð=2
W (t) ˆ W 0 sin(ö t) (31) F(å, s, l ) ˆ cos2 õ g n (õ, s, l ) dõ
(2n ¡ 1)4 ð4 õ ˆð=2

where W0 is the amplitude and ö is the frequency of the

ô ˆ ö t ˆ (2ð N =60)t ˆ the non-dimensional response time
applied load oscillations. As the journal operates with no
rotation, the cyclic load is applied in one direction over one ´2
íN R
half-cycle of sine loading. Before the journal comes into S¤ ˆ ˆ Sommerfeld number
contact with the bearing, the load reverses its direction over W 0 =(2RL) c
the other half-cycle. From equation (29), the equation for
the locus of the journal centre is given as L
då 5 sin ô
ˆ ¤ (32)
dô 32ð S â2 F(å, s, l) The aspect ratio â is less than 0.5 for short bearings.

Fig. 9 Velocity of the journal centre, då=dô, versus ô for various values of the coupled stress parameter l with
s ˆ 5.0, S¤ ˆ 0.8, ¾ ˆ 0.01 and å ˆ 0.4 under a sinusoidal load

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clearance is small, i.e. when l is small. For large values of

3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION l, either the chain length of the molecule is small or the
radial clearance is large; in these cases, the coupled stresses
The effect of coupled stresses on the bearing performance are not significant. In this paper, all the bearing character-
can be observed with the help of the dimensionless istics for intermediate values of the coupled stress para-
parameter l defined by l ˆ c=(è= í)1=2. The dimension of meter l are studied. In addition to this, the other two
(è= í)1=2 is length and it may be identified as the chain dimensionless parametersp ¾, defined by ¾ ˆ kH=c , and

length of the polar additives in a lubricant. Therefore, the s, defined by s ˆ á c= k, give the effects of permeability
dimensionless parameter l provides the relevant mechanism and velocity slip respectively.
for the interaction of the fluid with the bearing geometry. For the graphical representation of results, the pressure
The polar effects will be prominent when either the p, the load-carrying capacity W and the velocity of the
molecular size of the polar additives is large or the radial journal centre, då=dt, are computed by summing the

Fig. 10 Velocity of the journal centre, då=dô, versus ô for different values of s with l ˆ 5.0, S¤ ˆ 0.8, ¾ ˆ 0.01
and å ˆ 0.4 under a sinusoidal load

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infinite series in equations (27), (30) and (32) respectively, parameter ¾ and for different values of the slip parameter s
up to the first 100 terms, which yields sufficient accuracy respectively. In Fig. 2, the effect of coupled stresses is to
in the computed values. The integrals in equations (30) and increase the fluid-film pressure compared with the New-
(32) are computed numerically. tonian case (l ! 1). The increase in the pressure is more
The non-dimensional pressure p is a function of the pronounced for the larger value of the eccentricity ratio å.
circumferential coordinate õ. Figures 2, 3 and 4 depict the In Fig. 3, it is observed that the effect of the permeability
õ dependence of p for different values of the coupled stress parameter ¾ is to decrease the fluid-film pressure com-
parameter l, for different values of the permeability pared with the solid bearing [12]. In Fig. 4, the effect of

Fig. 11 Velocity of the journal centre, då/dô, versus ô for various values of ¾ with s ˆ 5.0, l ˆ 5.0, S¤ ˆ 0.8 and
å ˆ 0.4

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slip is to reduce the squeeze-film pressure. Further, the The dimensionless load-carrying capacity W is a func-
maximum squeeze-film pressure pmax is attained at tion of the eccentricity ratio å. In Figs 6 and 7, the å
õ ˆ 1808. Figure 5 indicates the variation in pmax with the dependence of W for different values of l and s respectively
permeability parameter ¾ for different values of l. It is are shown. It is observed that the load-carrying capacity is
found that pmax is insensitive to variations in ¾ up to higher for coupled stress fluids than for the Newtonian
¾ ˆ 0.0001 and, for ¾ . 0.0001, pmax reduces rapidly for case. This result is expected in view of the fact that coupled
increasing values of ¾. This result is expected since larger stress accounts for the higher squeeze-film pressure as
values of ¾ represent a more sparsely packed porous layer. noted in the foregoing discussions. Further, the effect of
Interestingly, this result also provides a design criterion that slip is to reduce the load-carrying capacity, since the slip
enables the lubrication engineer to choose the bearing accounts for the reduction in the squeeze-film pressure.
parameters k, H and c so as to restrict ¾ values to less than Figure 8 indicates the variation in W with ¾ for different
0.0001 in order to obtain maximum pressure build-up in values of l and å. The graphs of W versus ¾ indicate the
the squeeze film. existence of a critical value ¾critical of ¾, such that W is

Fig. 12 Locus of the journal centre for different values of the coupled stress parameter l with s ˆ 5.0, S¤ ˆ 10.0
and ¾ ˆ 0.001

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insensitive to variations in ¾ for ¾ , ¾critical and reduces time variable ô, for various values of l with the Sommerfeld
rapidly for ¾ . ¾critical . Further, it is observed that ¾critical number S¤ ˆ 0.8, s ˆ 5.0, ¾ ˆ 0.01 and å(0) ˆ 0.4 under
decreases as å decreases. Thus, this result helps the design a sinusoidal load, which is exhibited in Fig. 9. The velocity
engineer to choose suitable values for the design para- of the journal centre is found to be reduced for coupled
meters in order to achieve the optimum bearing perform- stress fluids compared with the Newtonian case. This is
ance. because the coupled stresses result in an increase in the
The bearing performance under dynamic loading is load-carrying capacity and, hence, cause more resistance to
examined by considering the variation in the velocity of the the journal motion. Figure 10 exhibits the effects of slip on
journal centre, då=dô, as a function of the dimensionless the journal motion. The journal centre velocity is found to

Fig. 13 Minimum possible height hmin versus 1=l for different values of S¤ with s ˆ 10.0 and ¾ ˆ 0.001 under a
sinusoidal load

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be increased as s decreases in comparison with the no-slip with microstructure additives is smaller than for Newtonian
case (s ! 1). Further, Fig. 11 shows the effect of the lubricants. Thus the coupled stresses developed in the fluid
permeability parameter on the journal motion. It is ob- film cause a reduction in the journal centre velocity by
served that the journal velocity decreases as ¾ decreases. offering higher resistance to the journal motion and also
Figure 12 depicts the locus of the journal centre with the allow a smaller eccentricity ratio å. Consequently, the
Sommerfeld number S¤ ˆ 10, the permeability parameter porous squeeze-film bearing lubricated with the coupled
¾ ˆ 0.001 and the slip parameter s ˆ 5.0, for different stress fluid can sustain the same load for a longer period of
values of the coupled stress parameter l under a sinusoidal time than in the corresponding Newtonian case.
load. It is observed that the eccentricity ratio å for fluids The dimensionless minimum permissible height hmin

Fig. 14 Minimum possible height hmin versus 1=l for different values of ¾ with S¤ ˆ 10.0 and s ˆ 10.0 under a
sinusoidal load

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ˆ 1 ¡ åmax is an important parameter for design of

squeeze-film bearings. Figures 13 and 14 show the graphs 4 CONCLUSIONS
of hmin versus 1=l for different values of s and ¾
respectively. It may be observed that the minimum In this paper, the effects of coupled stresses on the
permissible height is larger for coupled stress fluids and it performance of a squeeze-film porous short journal
increases as 1=l increases. It is also observed from Fig. 14 bearing are investigated with respect to the non-dimen-
that the effect of ¾ is to decrease the minimum permissible sional parameters l, ¾ and s under static and dynamic
height hmin compared with the solid case [12]. Further, Fig. loading. The presence of microstructures in the fluid film
15 shows the variation in hmin with the Sommerfeld number cause an enhancement of squeeze-film pressure and hence
S¤ for different values of l, and hmin is found to increase as an increase in the load-carrying capacity. These results
S¤ increases. confirm the experimental observations that the load

Fig. 15 Minimum possible height hmin versus S¤ for different values of the coupled stress parameter l with s ˆ 10.0
and ¾ ˆ 0.001 under a sinusoidal load

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