Ballroom Dance
Ballroom Dance
Ballroom Dance
way of dancing in which partners
hold onto each other and move
to the rhythm of the music as
they perform a series of dance
steps to form patterns in a
particular type of dance.
Proper Shoes
Ballroom was an exclusive Different dances require
assembly, held before war to different types of shoes, so if you
send the troops off in great spirits. are trying out different kinds of
dances, consider purchasing
By the 19th century, ballroom practice dance shoes that are
designed to work with all dances.
dances were invitation-only social
Ballroom dancing has been
gatherings. Asking and Receiving Dances
proven to:
Approach a partner who looks
lower blood pressure and
friendly or eager to dance, and ask
politely. If the partner refuses, he or
improve cardiovascular health
she may be shy; socialize a little
strengthen weight-bearing bones
and ask another time. Don’t give up
aid in the prevention of bone loss
and stay positive..
associated with osteoporosis
Sharing the Floor Space reduce the risk of obesity and Type
As much as possible, keep your 2 diabetes
body in its own space. Don’t dance promote higher lung capacity
with arms out wide; you may hit All of this with an hour of
someone. Don’t dance dancing once a week!
aggressively or to show off, as this
"Dancing is a wonderful activity that
could earn you a reputation as a
“ballroom bully.”
can be done for both fun and fitness."