Resilience and Empathy As Predictors

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Resilience and Empathy as Predictors

of Psychological Wellbeing among
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International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ISSN: 2249-9571

Original Research Article

Resilience and Empathy as Predictors of

Psychological Wellbeing among Adolescents
Seema Vinayak1, Jotika Judge2
Professor, Department of Psychology, Punjab University, Chandigarh
Ph.D. Student, Department of Psychology, Punjab University, Chandigarh
Corresponding Author: Seema Vinayak


The purpose of this study was to examine predictors of psychological wellbeing among adolescents. A
sample of 150 adolescents (13-15 years) was administered Psychological well-being scale (Ryff, &
Keyes, 1995), Conner-Davidson resilience scale (Campbell-Sills & Stein, 2007) and Toronto empathy
questionnaire (Spreng, McKinnon, Mar & Levine, 2009) to examine the impact of resilience and
empathy on psychological well-being. Correlational analysis, t-test and multiple regression analysis
were applied. Resilience and empathy were found to be positively related to psychological well-being.
Resilience and empathy were retained as predictors among girls while resilience came out to be the
sole predictor of psychological well-being among boys. Girls were found to be more empathetic and
resilient than boys. No gender differences were found on psychological well-being.

Keywords: Empathy, gender differences, psychological well-being, resilience

INTRODUCTION advent and growth of field of positive

Youth is an important part of psychology. Before the focus shifted
population for any nation as they bring new towards positive psychology, health
ideas and energy, contributing to the overall especially psychological health was viewed
development of nation in particular and more in terms of psychological distress and
world in general. In a country like India absence of any disease. Positive psychology
where 41 % of population is under 20 years shifted the focus towards a fully functioning
of age (Census, 2011), the need to ensure individual who is not only free from
the proper health and development of this infirmity and disease but also strive for
age group increases manifold. The his/her own betterment. Defining
definition of health has itself undergone psychological wellbeing has remained a
various changes over years. Today, difficult task as various concepts such as life
psychological and mental health is been satisfaction; happiness as well as subjective
acknowledged at par with physical health wellbeing has been included in the foray of
world over. WHO describes health as “a psychological wellbeing. Ryff and Keyes
state of complete, physical, mental and (1995) came up with a multidimensional
social well-being and not merely the model of psychological wellbeing. This
absence of disease or infirmity.” Any model is a shift from developmental and
definition of health is today, incomplete abnormal psychology approaches to
without the mention of psychological health. psychological well-being. According to
Psychological well-being has become the Ryff‟s model, psychological well-being has
centre of psychological research with the six different dimensions; autonomy,

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Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2018
Seema Vinayak et al. Resilience and Empathy as Predictors of Psychological Wellbeing among Adolescents

environmental mastery, personal growth, levels of psychological well-being across

positive relations with others, purpose in life various traditions (O‟Conner et al., 2015)
and self-acceptance. All these dimensions However, the relationship between empathy
have their own role and add to the and wellbeing has not been clearly defined
psychological well-being of an individual. in literature. Researches like Figley (1995),
This multifaceted model is today, the most Jones et al. (2000), Batson, Ahmad &
empirically tested and scientifically valid Stocks (2004), Prinz (2011), Bloom (2013),
model of psychological well-being (David, have put forward a different side of empathy
2015). where it may relate to negative emotions
Resilience leads to positive youth and distress if one takes it to extreme levels
development (Larson, 2006) and empathy and thus negatively affect an individual‟s
develops extensively during adolescence wellbeing. Due to such claims researchers,
(Shellenbarger, 2013). Resilience is helpful now, have begun to differentiate between
for adolescents in gaining a healthy sense of positive and negative empathy (Morelli,
identity (Dent, 2016) and empathy helps in Lieberman & Zaki, 2015). However, the
the development of emotional as well as majority of research on empathy finds
social competence in adolescent and desirable correlates and outcomes (Konrath
adulthood (Allemande, Steiger & Fend, & Gyrnberg, 2013).
2014). This study explores the relationship Resilience has been found to play
of these two variables with psychological role in promoting and enhancing
well-being among adolescents in Indian individuals‟ well-being by various
context as both these variables contribute researchers (Kimberly, Christopher &Kulig,
positively to mental health. Resilience is 2000; Souri & Hasanirad, 2011; Hasse et al.,
defined as “the process of adapting well in 2014; Fabio & Palazzeschi, 2015;
the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, Scoloveno, 2015). Resilience prepares an
threats, or even significant sources of stress- individual to fight against and remain
such as family and relationship problems, vigilant regarding any sort of risk, thus,
serious health problems, or workplace and acting as a deterrent to any potential
financial stressors (American Psychological maladaptive coping and behaviour.
Association, 2014). Lee, Cheung & Kwong Psychological well-being is also found to be
(2012) in their review on resilience, put positively influenced by empathy (Ickes,
forward its three main aspects, resilience as 2003; Khajeh, Baharloo & Soliemani, 2014;
a capacity, as a process and as a result. In all Bourgault et al., 2015; Shanafelt, 2005;
these capacities the construct of resilience is Choi et al, 2016; Morelliet al., 2017).
considered to be an important Empathy enhances an individual‟s self-
developmental construct for adolescents. image and also helps to maintain
Sagone and De Caroli (2014) found that relationships (Chung, 2014) which add up to
resilience in middle as well as late the well-being of an individual. Empathy is
adolescents is positively related to PWB. a key component of resilience (Brooks &
When adolescents view themselves being Goldstein, 2003) as when one tries to
growing, expanding and able to make understand the perspective of others‟ he also
choices, the more resilience they possess. prepares oneself to tackle with any situation
Empathy has been described in that might come his way. By putting
terms of emotional appreciation of others ourselves in others‟ situation we can learn
feelings by Lipps, (Montag, Gallinat& resilience without even being going through
Heinz, 2008) in days, when research on the stressful situation. Various researchers,
empathy began. It is the ability to feel the over the years have found a positive
emotions of others and understanding it correlation between empathy and resilience
from his/her perspective. Empathy was (Samani et al., 2007; Grant & Kinman,
found to be related positively to higher 2014; Haramati & Weissinger, 2015; Smith

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Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2018
Seema Vinayak et al. Resilience and Empathy as Predictors of Psychological Wellbeing among Adolescents

& Hollinger-Smith, 2015). Exclusion Criteria

Review of literature points out the  Adolescents suffering from
importance of psychological well-being for psychopathology or deteriorated mental
adolescents and this makes it necessary to or physical health were not included in
dig deeper all the aspects that can influence the sample.
it, previous researches have shown  Adolescents from dysfunctional and
resilience and empathy to be two such broken families were excluded from the
variables. The primary objective of the sample.
study was to predict whether resilience and  Adolescents with parents suffering from
empathy can predict psychological well- psychopathology or deteriorated mental
being among adolescents. It also measures or severe physical health issues were not
the associations between these three included in the sample.
variables viz. resilience, empathy and
psychological well-being among MEASURES
adolescents. In addition, study also Conner-Davidson Resilience Scale
measures gender differences in resilience, Conner-Davidson Resilience Scale
empathy and psychological well-being (Campbell-Sills & Stein, 2007) consists of
among adolescents. The study can help in 10 items, each rated on a five point scale.
identifying ways in which levels of Scale has internal consistency reliability
psychological well-being and mental health of0.85 along with satisfactory construct
among adolescents can be promoted. validity.
Based on review of literature following The Toronto Empathy Questionnaire
hypothesis were proposed The Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ;
1. PWB will be positively related to Spreng, McKinnon, Mar & Levine, 2009)
resilience and empathy among consists of 16 questions, each rated on a five
adolescents. point scale. It has internal consistency
2. Resilience and empathy will predict reliability coefficient of 0.72 with strong
PWB among adolescents. construct validity.
3. There will be significant gender Psychological Well Being Scale
differences in levels of resilience, Psychological Well-Being Scale is an 18
empathy and psychological well- item scale (Ryffet al., 1995). All responses
being among adolescents. are made on 7-point scale ranging from
1(strongly agree) to 7 (strongly disagree).
METHOD The measure has adequate reliability of .70
The study was designed to measure (Ryff et al., 2007).
the predictors of psychological well-being
among adolescents. The data was collected STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
from private schools in Jalandhar district. Correlation analysis and predictor analysis
300 students of classes 9th and 10th were were applied. Descriptive statistics viz,
contacted in the age range of 13-15 years. mean and standard deviation was also
Out of these 300, 150 students (75 boys and performed and t-test was used to find the
75 girls) who met the inclusion criteria were gender differences among variables.
chosen as final sample.
Inclusion Criteria RESULTS
 Participants who were from middle One of the objectives of study was to
socio economic group were included. find the relationship between resilience,
 Participants staying in nuclear families empathy and psychological well-being. The
were included. result shows that resilience (r= 0.51**, p
 Participants from rural areas were ≤0.01) and empathy (r= 0.54**, p ≤0.01) are
included. positively related with psychological well-

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Seema Vinayak et al. Resilience and Empathy as Predictors of Psychological Wellbeing among Adolescents

being. However, resilience and empathy findings, this study found that resilience is
have the higher correlation (r= 0.67**, p related to psychological wellbeing in
≤0.01) as compared to their correlations adolescents (Miller et al., 1996; Carver,
with psychological well-being. Scheier, & Segerstrom, 2010; Smith &
Another objective of the present Smith, 2015; Faisal & Mathai, 2017). Ryff
study was to delineate the significant and Singer‟s (2003) model of psychological
predictors for PWB. Variables i.e. resilience well-being states that resilient people are
and empathy were entered as predictors. better in maintaining their physical as well
Regression Analysis revealed that both as psychological health which gives them
resilience (β = 0.61) and empathy (β = 0.76) more power to recover easily and quickly
turned out to be relevant and were retained from stressful situations. Resilience gives an
as predictors for girl respondents. They individual a better confidence and sense of
explained 61.3% (R2 = 0.61) of the variance self which empowers them to deal
in the criterion variable i.e. PWB (Table 1). effectively with stress and negative
Among the two variables entered as emotions, and thus, plays important role in
predictors i.e. resilience and empathy only psychological health. Rutter (2008) found
resilience (β = 0.69) came out to be a that there is a common misconception that
significant predictor among boys. It people who are resilient experience no
explained 48.8 % (R2= 0.48) of variance in negative emotions or thoughts and display
criterion variable i.e. PWB (Table 1). high wellbeing and optimism in all
situations. Contrary to this misconception,
Table 1 shows the regression equations for resilience and the reality remains that resiliency is
empathy as predictors of PWB.
Predictor Standardized t-value R2 F-value demonstrated within individuals who can
Variables Coefficients effectively and relatively easily navigate
Resilience 0.61 6.67** 0.37 44.56** their way around crises and utilize effective
Empathy 0.76 10.25** 0.59 105.23** methods of coping.
Resilience 0.69 8.33** 0.48 69.53**
The results also indicate a positive
**Significant at p≤ .01 level *Significant at p≤ .05 level relationship between empathy and
psychological wellbeing. Not many research
Yet another objective of study was to find has been conducted with these two variables
gender differences on resilience, empathy but few researches (Shanafelt et al., 2005;
and PWB. Gender differences were found Stutzer & Frey, 2006; Lee, Brennan, &
on resilience (t = 4.06**, p ≤ 0.01) and Daly, 2011; Khajeh, Baharloo & Soliemani,
empathy (t = 1.80**, p ≤ 0.01) while no 2014) have found about the positive impact
gender difference exists on PWB (t= 0.32). that empathy has on psychological well-
being. Empathy has an influence on
DISCUSSION psychological well being as taking others‟
The current study primarily aimed to perspective indicates doing away with
investigate the associations between egoistic perspective of one‟s own self, and
resilience, empathy and psychological well- therefore, helps in reduction of selfish and
being, and to investigate whether resilience impulsive behaviour, which in turn
and empathy predicts psychological well contributes towards enhanced well-being
being in urban and rural adolescents. (Gazzaniga, 2008).Empathy adds in to
Psychological wellbeing is an important psychological well-being because an
aspect for the growth and development of empathetic individual has positive
adolescents. Adolescence is a period of perception of one‟s own self resulting from
turmoil and during this time it becomes their empathetic feelings and actions
imperative to focus not only on physical but towards others. According to Lyubomirsky
also on psychological wellbeing of and Layous‟s (2013) positive-activity
adolescents. Consistent with previous model, acts of kindness and gratitude

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Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2018
Seema Vinayak et al. Resilience and Empathy as Predictors of Psychological Wellbeing among Adolescents

towards others enhance the well-being of an role of empathy as predictor of

individual. Empathy enhances self-esteem psychological well-being among male and
and purpose in life but over indulgence in females.
the emotion can also result in increased Resilience comes out be as yet
physiological difficulties (Manczak, another predictor of psychological well-
DeLomgis & Chen, 2016) being. Resilience is an ability to bounce
Another objective of the present back from stressful experiences effectively
study was to delineate the significant and quickly (Tugade & Fredrickson, 2004)
predictors for criterion variable PWB. For when one does so he not only gets a sense of
this, multiple regression analysis was self achievement but it also makes him
applied on the sample. The variables i.e. believe that he is strong enough to face any
resilience and empathy were entered as hardships in the future, which resonates
predictors. The results revealed that positive feelings even in the aftermath of
empathy contribute majorly in prediction of difficult times. Resilience acts as a
PWB followed by resilience in females protective factor which enhances positive
while resilience came out to be the sole thoughts and leads to healthy personality
predictor of PWB among male respondents. characteristics (Shastri, 2013). Hasse et al.
Empathy is associated with positive (2014) resilience in illness model states that
emotions, able to understand others‟ in a positive health factors induce resilience in
better way leads to better sense of one‟s individuals, thus establishing a favourable
own self and also leads to altruistic actions link between psychological well-being and
which in turn gives a satisfaction and resilience. Youth with any past trace or
happiness of being useful to someone else. current mental illness have low levels of
Recognizing one‟s own emotions well and resilience, thus, showing the inverse
also able to „feel‟ the emotional states of relationship between two variables across
others‟ is beneficial for the mental health time (McDermott et al., 2010). People high
(Carnicer & Caterina, 2014). As empathy on resilience are less likely to interpret an
works to understand others‟ perspective event as stressful, which in turn, contributes
while remaining detached, it works towards towards their psychological well-being.
the direction of protecting against damage to Resilience relates to positive evaluations of
psychological well-being (Gerdes& Segal, one‟s self, a sense of growth, development
2009). Gender differences in empathy and self-determination, it enhances an
develop in adolescence with increase in individual‟s belief in purposeful and
empathy in female adolescents (Mestre et meaningful life, thus, contributing towards
al., 2009). Thus, it failed to work as psychological well-being (Fava &Tomba,
predictor of psychological well-being 2009).
among males. The differences in The study also found gender
socialisation of genders as well as biological differences in terms of resilience and
changes occurring at adolescent, tilts the empathy. Girls are found to be high on
development of empathy towards females resilience as well as on empathy. In terms of
(Oransky & Mareeck, 2009). Irrespective of psychological well-being, no such
biological gender, femininity has been differences exist. Female on an average are
found to be related with empathetic more resilient than male. Women face
tendencies, whereas masculinity inhibits multiple challenges and prejudices in their
these same tendencies (Karniol et al., 1998). lives, the accumulation of all this may
On average, male adolescents are more enhance the resilience among them (Issacs,
passive emotionally, and therefore, show 2014). Women also receive more social
lower sensitivity and loyalty than do female support and expresses less anger which
adolescents (Tello et al., 2012). Thus, the serve as a protective factor that adds up to
difference between genders contributes to their resilient abilities (Galambos, Barker &

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Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2018
Seema Vinayak et al. Resilience and Empathy as Predictors of Psychological Wellbeing among Adolescents

Krahn, 2006). Males are more  Bloom, P. (2013, May 20). The baby in the
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evident in self-report measures while when  Campbell-Sills, L. & Stein, M.B. (2007).
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conclude that resilience and empathy are in Japanese university students. Psychology,
very closely related to psychological well 7, 1240-1247.
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mediating roles of rumination, empathy, and
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How to cite this article: Vinayak S, Judge J. Resilience and empathy as predictors of psychological
wellbeing among adolescents. Int J Health Sci Res. 2018; 8(4):192-200.


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Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2018

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