Resilience and Empathy As Predictors
Resilience and Empathy As Predictors
Resilience and Empathy As Predictors
Correlat es and predict ors of posit ive ment al healt h for school going children
Kamlesh Singh, Mohit a Junnarkar
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ISSN: 2249-9571
The purpose of this study was to examine predictors of psychological wellbeing among adolescents. A
sample of 150 adolescents (13-15 years) was administered Psychological well-being scale (Ryff, &
Keyes, 1995), Conner-Davidson resilience scale (Campbell-Sills & Stein, 2007) and Toronto empathy
questionnaire (Spreng, McKinnon, Mar & Levine, 2009) to examine the impact of resilience and
empathy on psychological well-being. Correlational analysis, t-test and multiple regression analysis
were applied. Resilience and empathy were found to be positively related to psychological well-being.
Resilience and empathy were retained as predictors among girls while resilience came out to be the
sole predictor of psychological well-being among boys. Girls were found to be more empathetic and
resilient than boys. No gender differences were found on psychological well-being.
being. However, resilience and empathy findings, this study found that resilience is
have the higher correlation (r= 0.67**, p related to psychological wellbeing in
≤0.01) as compared to their correlations adolescents (Miller et al., 1996; Carver,
with psychological well-being. Scheier, & Segerstrom, 2010; Smith &
Another objective of the present Smith, 2015; Faisal & Mathai, 2017). Ryff
study was to delineate the significant and Singer‟s (2003) model of psychological
predictors for PWB. Variables i.e. resilience well-being states that resilient people are
and empathy were entered as predictors. better in maintaining their physical as well
Regression Analysis revealed that both as psychological health which gives them
resilience (β = 0.61) and empathy (β = 0.76) more power to recover easily and quickly
turned out to be relevant and were retained from stressful situations. Resilience gives an
as predictors for girl respondents. They individual a better confidence and sense of
explained 61.3% (R2 = 0.61) of the variance self which empowers them to deal
in the criterion variable i.e. PWB (Table 1). effectively with stress and negative
Among the two variables entered as emotions, and thus, plays important role in
predictors i.e. resilience and empathy only psychological health. Rutter (2008) found
resilience (β = 0.69) came out to be a that there is a common misconception that
significant predictor among boys. It people who are resilient experience no
explained 48.8 % (R2= 0.48) of variance in negative emotions or thoughts and display
criterion variable i.e. PWB (Table 1). high wellbeing and optimism in all
situations. Contrary to this misconception,
Table 1 shows the regression equations for resilience and the reality remains that resiliency is
empathy as predictors of PWB.
Predictor Standardized t-value R2 F-value demonstrated within individuals who can
Variables Coefficients effectively and relatively easily navigate
Resilience 0.61 6.67** 0.37 44.56** their way around crises and utilize effective
Empathy 0.76 10.25** 0.59 105.23** methods of coping.
Resilience 0.69 8.33** 0.48 69.53**
The results also indicate a positive
**Significant at p≤ .01 level *Significant at p≤ .05 level relationship between empathy and
psychological wellbeing. Not many research
Yet another objective of study was to find has been conducted with these two variables
gender differences on resilience, empathy but few researches (Shanafelt et al., 2005;
and PWB. Gender differences were found Stutzer & Frey, 2006; Lee, Brennan, &
on resilience (t = 4.06**, p ≤ 0.01) and Daly, 2011; Khajeh, Baharloo & Soliemani,
empathy (t = 1.80**, p ≤ 0.01) while no 2014) have found about the positive impact
gender difference exists on PWB (t= 0.32). that empathy has on psychological well-
being. Empathy has an influence on
DISCUSSION psychological well being as taking others‟
The current study primarily aimed to perspective indicates doing away with
investigate the associations between egoistic perspective of one‟s own self, and
resilience, empathy and psychological well- therefore, helps in reduction of selfish and
being, and to investigate whether resilience impulsive behaviour, which in turn
and empathy predicts psychological well contributes towards enhanced well-being
being in urban and rural adolescents. (Gazzaniga, 2008).Empathy adds in to
Psychological wellbeing is an important psychological well-being because an
aspect for the growth and development of empathetic individual has positive
adolescents. Adolescence is a period of perception of one‟s own self resulting from
turmoil and during this time it becomes their empathetic feelings and actions
imperative to focus not only on physical but towards others. According to Lyubomirsky
also on psychological wellbeing of and Layous‟s (2013) positive-activity
adolescents. Consistent with previous model, acts of kindness and gratitude
Krahn, 2006). Males are more Bloom, P. (2013, May 20). The baby in the
individualistic in terms of coping (Sneed et well: the case against empathy. The New
al., 2006), thus it limits their resilience as Yorker, 20.
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situations as compared to females. Girls also Gregoire, M., Michaud, C., Gosselin, E. &
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taught to be compassionate, soft spoken Nurturing resilience in our children:
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qualities. However, these differences are questions. New York: Contemporary Books.
evident in self-report measures while when Campbell-Sills, L. & Stein, M.B. (2007).
measured in objective ways gender Psychometric analysis and refinement of the
differences seem to be non-existent Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-
(Rueckert, Branch & Doan, 2011). RISC): Validation of a 10-item measure of
One of the limitations of the study is resilience. Journal of Traumatic Stress,
that the sample is based only on adolescents 20(6). 1019-28. Doi:10.1002/jts.20271.
from rural areas. For better understanding Carnicer, C.J. &Caterina, C.
(2014).Empathy and coping strategies as
and clear picture of adolescent health it is
predictors of well-being in Spanish
important to include population from urban university students. Electronic Journal of
areas as well. Also, the sample belongs to Research in Educational Psychology, 12
middle socio-economic strata which again (1), 129-146.
limit its scope. For further studies, it is Carver, C. S., Scheier, M. F., &Segerstrom,
recommended that sample be included from S. C. (2010).Optimism. Clinical Psychology
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On basis of this study, one can trait empathy and psychological well-being
conclude that resilience and empathy are in Japanese university students. Psychology,
very closely related to psychological well 7, 1240-1247.
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How to cite this article: Vinayak S, Judge J. Resilience and empathy as predictors of psychological
wellbeing among adolescents. Int J Health Sci Res. 2018; 8(4):192-200.