Counselling Theories-Midterm Requirements

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The assessment in this article was intended for the high school students and it talks about the

implication of assessment for guidance counselling. Why high school? Because This period is

characterized by physical and social changes as well as mental and psychological developments.

Physically, the transition is marked by the changes in the body as a whole, but specifically, changes

are manifested in the voice, sex organs, height and weight. Socially, they become attached to one

member of the opposite sex, although at times they become gregarious when the group faces a

common foe or have a common problem (ibid.). They are also emotional and almost respond in the

same way to similar situations. In addition, they tend to develop adventurous spirit to do the

forbidden, like defy authority, challenge authority, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and engage in sex.

According to Gichunge (1996), the students' individualistic ideals, interests and emotions need

recognition and encouragement. Normally, they are faced with the desire for education and career

development. What hinders them from achieving these desires is the influence of a money economy,

a pluralistic society, growing materialism and the adoption of western technology. As a result of

these influences, they are constantly searching for identity, stability and direction in a changing and

uncertain world. Their main concern is to find a coherent and consistent identity so as to function

well in the world. There is therefore need to provide them with Guidance and Counselling services to

help them make the right choices at every transitional stage. As Durojaiye (1972) rightly puts it:...

Through a purposeful guidance, the pupil's attempts to learning are channeled into wider knowledge

and nurtured into correct reactions in different situations. His moral training, social development:

emotional reactions and intellectual growth are given correct orientation (p. 33).
Guidance and Counselling assists students to resolve and cope with conflicts arising from or are

bound to arise in a changing society. Students need to be helped to understand themselves in

respect to their abilities and interests and with these, the selection of future careers or occupations

and/or generally the making of appropriate decisions. Indeed, according to Pecku (1991), Guidance

is an important part of a child's development and education. It is only by making a survey that an

insight into the existence, nature and service delivery of Guidance and Counselling units can be made

known and any flaws detected. Moser and Moser (1963), on the other hand, observe that students

have personal problems for which they need help. Every student needs help in formulating a

workable philosophy of life and in developing goals outside the spheres of vacation and education.

Personal growth and development is an important consideration at the secondary school level,

counsellors can do much to aid the students in developing their personality and building attitudes

conducive to a full and happy life (ibid. p. 37). Adesina (1990) seems to agree with this statement

saying that: Guidance is that education function that has a direct synthesizing influence on the life of

the student. ... Basically, its purpose involves assisting the individual (learner) develop his potential

and aid him in becoming more and more self-directive (p. l4). Similarly, Kipnusu (2002) states that

the need for Guidance and Counselling in schools and the role of Guidance and Counselling teachers

in it increases every year with increasing enrolments of children in schools. In order for the guidance

counsellor to better assist the students, assessment is important as well.

Assessment is the process by which counselors gather the information they need to form a holistic

view of their clients and the problems with which they present. As a counselor, they will regularly

assess their clients throughout the counseling process, especially in the early stages.

Evaluation is a critical component of a developmental guidance and counseling program and ensures

accountability. The purpose of evaluation is to determine the value of the program, its activities, and

staff in order to make decisions or to take actions regarding the future.

Assessment methods include a wide array of formal and informal instruments and strategies, such as

standardized and nonstandardized tests, questionnaires, inventories, checklists, observations,

portfolios, performance assessments, rating scales, surveys, interviews, and other measures.
Students are very much focused on academic performances but they never assess themselves

because they haven’t explored in Schools/colleges. They choose/plan their career not assessing self

but with the influence of others expertise. 

II-CRITIQUE- reference: counseling services can be said to be successful if the subject being

served develops positive references to behave Effective Daily Life as the purpose of counseling

services. I choose this as the main striking point from the article. Really we cannot set aside the

importance of counselling services to be effective and successful if the after the non- test

assessment given the students can already identify negative or illogical thinking patterns that

contribute to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, and to develop a more positive outlook.

That they can already explore learned thoughts and behaviors that create or maintain problems.

They can regain a sense of control and pleasure life. Encourage support from family and friends.

Find solutions to life's problems and discover personal strengths and how to use those strengths

to grow stronger in other areas.

Students often seek and benefit from counseling for issues such as academic difficulty,

relationship problems, adjustment concerns, managing stress, or choosing a major, after all the

purpose of this article is to looked into the effectiveness of counseling and guidance services in

shaping students character as part of the evaluation process.


Strength: The strength that was observe in the article were the process was followed, such as giving

feedback, to teachers ,school leaders, subject teachers, in other words everything are well

coordinated such as student participation/activity and understanding; the usefulness of the service

according to students; student acquisition of the service; and student interest in further services;

student development over time; acquisition of a supervising teacher ; commitment of related parties;

as well as the smoothness and atmosphere of organizing activities.

Weaknesses: 1.not a few supervising teachers know the concept of BK assessment, and (2) neglect
of assessment principles.

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