Universal Prec Questions

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Notre Dame University

First Trinal Exam

Topic/s: Universal Precaution, Care of Sterile Materials, Open Gloving

Situation: Rose Kanapia, a 2nd year Nursing student is assigned in Medical ward to a patient with
a Diagnosis of Tuberculosis. Before she goes to the patients room, she remembers her concepts
on Universal Precaution.

1. Ms. Kanapia performs handwashing before entering the patients room. Which element
of handwashing is most important in getting rid of microorganism?

A. Soap C. Friction
B. Water D. Paper towel

2. Miss Kanapia read on the patients chart that the room is on Airborne Precaution. Which of
the following are appropriate actions of the nurse when entering the patients room?

1. She wears mask, covering the nose and mouth

2. She washes her hands before and after removing gloves, after suctioning the client’ssecretion
3. She removes gloves and hands before leaving the client’s room
4. She discards contaminated suction catheter tip in trashcan found in the clients room

A. 1,2 C. 1,2,3,4
B. 1,2,3 D. 1,3

3. Using the principles of standard precautions, Miss Kanapia

would wear gloves in what nursing interventions?

A. Providing a back massage

B. Feeding a client
C. Providing hair care
D. Providing oral hygiene
4. After routine patient contact, handwashing should be done at least:

A. 30 seconds C. 2 minutes

B. 1 minute D. 3 minutes

5. Which of the following nursing interventions is considered the most

effective form or universal precautions?

A. Cap all used needles before removing them from their syringes
B. Discard all used uncapped needles and syringes in an
impenetrable protective container
C. Wear gloves when administering IM injections
D. Follow enteric precautions

6. Which of the following is the FIRST priority in preventing infections when

providing care for a client?

A. Handwashing
B. Wearing gloves
C. Using a barrier between client’s furniture and nurse’s bag
D. Wearing gowns and goggles

Situation 2:

7. Nurse Abdul is an Infection Control Nurse in an acute care hospital. He

understands the importance of effectively reducing the spread of
microorganism. Which of the following actions will most effectively reduce
the incidence of health-care-associated infections?

A. Screen all newly admitted clients for colonization or infection with MRSA.
B. Develop policies that automatically start antibiotic therapy for clients
colonized by multi-drug resistant organisms.
C. Ensure that dispensers for alcohol-based hand rubs are readily available
in all client care areas of the hospital.
D. Require nursing staff to don gowns to change wound dressings for all
8. Pedring a 29-year-old client is admitted with the diagnosis of Pneumonia.
Which of the following is the most appropriate type of isolation for this

A. Airborne. C. Droplet.
B. Contact. D. Standard.

9. Nurse Abdul went to the room of Pedring who has Tuberculosis and on
Airborne Precaution to perform oral suctioning. After the procedure Pedring
is about to leave the patients room. In which order will you perform the
following actions?

 1. Take off the gown.

 2. Remove N95 respirator.
 3. Perform hand hygiene.
 4. Take off goggles.
 5. Remove gloves.

A. 5, 4, 1, 2, 3 C. 1, 2, 4, 5, 3
B. 4, 5, 2, 1, 3 D. 2, 4, 2, 1, 3

10. Nurse Abdul is reviewing their policies on Infection Control and reading
about the Chain of Infection. Which element in the circular chain
of infection can be eliminated by preserving skin integrity?

A. Host C. Mode of transmission

B. Reservoir D. Portal of entry

11. Nurse Abdul is teaching Pedring about information regarding the most common
means of transmitting the tubercle bacillus from one individual to another. Which
contamination is usually responsible?

A. Hands. C. Milk products.

B. Droplet nuclei. D. Eating utensils.
Situation 3:

Peter a 36 year old construction worker, is a post Appendectomy (surgical removal

of the appendix) patient. Nurse Shaly is the Nurse on Duty assigned to Peter.

12. Nurse is scheduled to dress Peters’ incision site. The nurse is guided of Sterile
Technique. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about Sterile

A. It eliminates all microorganisms in the procedure room.

B. It is the key responsibility of a Personnel.
C. It helps prevent health care associated infection in patients and medical
D.It includes wearing gloves,gowns, and surgical masks appropriate for the
specific procedure being performed.

13. The tip of the sterile forceps is considered sterile. It is used to manipulate the
objects in the sterile field using the non sterile hands. How should nurse Shaly
hold a sterile forceps?
A. The tip should always be lower than the handle
B. The tip should always be above the handle
C. The handle and the tip should be at the same level
D. The handle should point downward and the tip, always upward

14. Which of the following is not a key aspect of sterile technique?

A. All articles used in a procedure have been sterilized previously
B. Moisture can cause contamination
C. All articles used in a procedure have not been sterilized
D. Tables are sterile only at table level

15. Peters operative site opened up. The doctor ordered an immediate closure of
the wound. Nurse Shaly prepares to put objects on the sterile field. Which
statement is not correct when introducing an object to a sterile field?
A. Check for expiration date
B. Immediately open the package and hand to the scrub
C. Ensure packaging is intact
D. Hold the forceps with the prongs pointing upward in order to
prevent solution from flowing into the contaminated parts of the
16. Nurse Shaly remembers to remove excess solution by gently tapping the prongs
together directly over (but not touching the rim) the container. This action does not
violate the principle of Sterile Technique because:
A. A sterile object remains sterile only when touched by another
unsterile object.
B. Sterile touching clean becomes sterile.
C. A sterile area/object becomes contaminated when touched by an
unsterile object.
D. An unsterile object becomes sterile when it touches sterile object.

17. A sterile field includes which of the following?

A. The site surrounding an incision or tissue perforation
B. Personnel in sterile attire
C. Working areas and equipment covered with sterile drapes and drape
D. All of the above

18. Peter will have to change the dressing on her injured right leg twice a day. The
dressing will be a sterile dressing, using 4 X 4s, normal saline irrigant, and
abdominal pads. Which statement best indicates that Peter understands the
importance of maintaining asepsis?
A. “If I drop the 4 X 4s on the floor, I can use them as long as they are not
B. “If I drop the 4 X 4s on the floor, I can use them if I rinse them with
sterile normal saline.”
C. “If I question the sterility of any dressing material, I should not use it.”
D. “I should put on my sterile gloves, then open the bottle of saline to soak
the 4 X 4s.”

19.Nurse Shaly needs to maintain a sterile field for the procedure. All of the
following will contaminate the field Except: 

A. A sterile kit that has become damp

B. A sterile kit that has a broken seal
C. Sterilized instruments taken from the sterilizer to the sterile field while
wearing sterile gloves
D. A sterile kit that was found in an area that is contaminated 
20. You are preparing a sterile field for a operating room surgical procedure. When
should you stop the preparation of this sterile field?
A. When you have placed a sterile item only 1 inch and not 2 inches from the
edge of the sterile field
B. When you have completely finished the field. You cannot stop the set up
until it is all done.
C. When you have accidentally poured a sterile liquid into a container that
was on the sterile field
D. When you turn your back away from the field because the surgeon calls
your name

Situation 3

21. The staff nurse observes Mr. Tony a student nurse who is changing a
dressing on a surgical wound. After carefully washing his hands the Mr. Tony dons
sterile gloves to remove the old dressing. After removing the dirty dressing, Mr.
Tony removes the gloves and dons a new pair of sterile gloves in preparation for
cleaning and redressing the wound. The most appropriate action for the Staff nurse
is to:

A. interrupt the procedure to inform the staff nurse that sterile

gloves are not needed to remove the old dressing.
B. congratulate the nurse on the use of good technique.
C. discuss dressing change technique with the nurse at a later
D. interrupt the procedure to inform the nurse of the need to wash
her hands after removal of the dirty dressing and gloves.

22. Which of the following would require the staff nurse to put on a pair of sterile

A.Transferring a sterile forceps to a sterile tray.

B.Arranging sterile supplies on the center of the sterile field.
C.Grasping a pts gown to move it out of the way.
D.Picking up unused gauze from the central line dressing tray and
dropping it on the sterile field.
23. The best way to decrease the risk of transferring pathogens to a patient when
removing contaminated gloves is to:
A. Wash the gloves before removing them
B. Gently pull on the fingers of the gloves when removing them
C. Gently pull just below the cuff and invert the gloves when removing
D. Remove the gloves and then turn them inside out
24. All of the following statements are true about opening the package of a sterile
gloves, Except:

A. Place the package of sterile gloves on a clean, dry surface

B. Remove the inner package from the outer package.
C. Open the inner package. Make sure not to touch the inner surface which
is considered as sterile.
D. Fold the right side of the packaging material and then fold the left side to
completely finish the wrapping.

25. The first step in donning sterile gloves, after choosing the correct size is:
A. Wash hand with soap and water using good hand-washing
B. Use the folded cuffs in the wrapper to open the sides fully
C. Open the wrapper fully, touching only the outer 1inch edge of the
D. Fold the first flap of the outer wrapper away from you

26. When starting to put on sterile gloves, Mr. Tony can touch with his hands

A. the inside cuff of the first glove to be worn

B. the underneath part of the first glove to be worn
C. the inside of the wrapper only
D. the inside cuff of the second glove to be worn

27. Mr. Tony inserts his dominant hand while keeping thumb of inserted hand
against the palm of the hand during insertion. The purpose of doing this is:

A. to prevent the thumb from contaminating the outside of the gloves.

B. Allow the other hand to do something else.
C. contaminate the sterile glove if the outside of the glove is not sterile.
D. ensure that no microorganism will enter the glove.

28. All of the following statements are true about donning sterile gloves Except:

A. The first glove should be picked up by grasping the inside of the cuff.
B. The second glove should be picked up by inserting the gloved fingers
under the cuff outside the glove.
C. The gloves should be adjusted by sliding the gloved fingers under the
sterile cuff and pulling the glove over the wrist
D. The inside of the glove is considered sterile

29. Sterile gloves must be worn for each of these procedures except:
A. Urinary Catheterization
B. Arranging of sterile materials
C. Caring for transfer forceps
D. Wound dressing
30. While wearing sterile gloves, Mr. Tony must keep the hands above his own
waist at all times. What principle in the sterile technique explains this action?

A. Persons who are sterile touch only sterile articles; persons who are

not sterile touch only unsterile articles.
B. Gowns/gloves are considered sterile only from the waist to shoulder
level in front and the sleeves to 2 inches above the elbows.
C. Sterile persons keep well within the sterile area.
D. Sterile persons keep contact with sterile areas to a minimum.

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