BCP 503

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Paper code: BCP 503

60 Hrs (4Hrs /week) Marks for Major Test (External): 70
Credits: 2 Marks for Internal Exam: 30
Time: 4 Hrs Total Marks: 100

1. Determination of cell constant.

2. Determination of equivalent conductance, degree of dissociation and dissociation constant of a

weak acid.

3. Perform the following conductometric titrations:

i. Strong acid vs. strong base,

ii.Weak acid vs. strong base,

iii. Mixture of strong acid and weak acid vs. strong base

iv. Strong acid vs. weak base


4. Perform the following potentiometric titrations:

i. Strong acid vs. strong base,

ii. Weak acid vs. strong base,

iii. Dibasic acid vs. strong base,

iv. Potassium dichromate vs. Mohr's salt


1. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A. Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R. Chand & Co.:
New Delhi (2011).
2. Garland, C. W.; Nibler, J. W. & Shoemaker, D. P. Experiments in Physical Chemistry 8th Ed.;
McGraw-Hill: New York (2003).
3. Halpern, A. M. &McBane, G. C. Experimental Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed.; W.H. Freeman &
Co.: New York (2003).
4. Yadav J. B., Advanced Practical physical Chemistry
Experiment 1
Aim: To determine the cell constant for a given cell at room temperature.

Apparatus: Beaker, Pipette, Standard flask-100ml, Weight box.

Chemicals: N/10 KCl Solution

Principle: Cell constant for a cell is defined as the constant factor which stands for the ratio of
the specific conductance of a solution and its measured conductance in the cell.

Specific conductance / measured conductance = Cell constant

Or Specific conductance = measured conductance x Cell constant.

Since for any conductor the resistance R = p 1/a

Taking reciprocals 1/R = 1/p x a/1

Or 1/p = 1/R x 1/a

Therefore specific conductance = conductance x 1/a Therefore cell constant = 1/a

Procedure: Prepare 0.1M KCl solution by weighing accurately 0.7455gm of KCl into a clean
100ml standard flask. From this 0.1M KCl solution prepare 100ml each of 0.05M, 0.02M,
0.01M, and 0.001M KCl solutions. Take about 40ml of each solution in to a clean and dry 100ml
beaker and dip the conductivity cell and make necessary connections. Measure the conductance
of each solution and note down.

Note the specific conductance values of each of the solution from literature. The Cell constant is
calculated by using the formula given.

Result: The cell constant was observed to be --------

Experiment 2

Aim: Determination of equivalent conductance, degree of dissociation and dissociation

constant of a weak acid.

Determination of dissociation constant of a weak acid

Aim: To determine the dissociation constants of acetic acid and to verify the Ostwald’s dilution

Apparatus: Conductivity meter, Conductivity cell, Pipette, Glass rod, Beaker

Chemicals required: 0.1M CH3COOH, distilled water

Principle: An acid dissociation constant, Ka, (also known as acidity constant, or acid-ionization
constant) is a quantitative measure of the strength of an acid in solution. Each acid has a different
pKa. It is the equilibrium constant for a chemical reaction known as dissociation in the context of
acid-base reactions. The larger the Ka value, the more dissociation of the molecules in solution
and thus the stronger the acid. Thus, a strong acid "wants" to get rid of its hydrogen ion, much
more so than a weak acid. A small amount of strong acid in water will lead to a low pH whereas
the same concentration of a weak acid will not lead to such a low pH.

Owing to the many orders of magnitude spanned by Ka values, a logarithmic measure of the acid
dissociation constant is more commonly used in practice.

pKa = -log KaT he logarithmic constant, pKa is sometimes also referred to as an acid
dissociation constant. The larger the value of pKa, the smaller the extent of dissociation at any
given pH, the weaker the acid.

According to Arrhenius theory of electrolyte dissociation, the molecules of an electrolyte in

solution are constantly splitting up into ions and the ions are constantly reuniting to form
unionized molecules. Therefore, a dynamic equilibrium exists between ions and unionized
molecules of the electrolyte in solution. It was pointed out by Ostwald that like chemical
equilibrium, law of mass action van be applied to such systems also.

The law is based on the fact that only a portion of the electrolyte is dissociated into ions at
ordinary dilution and completely at infinite dilution.

Weak electrolytes are partially dissociated in solution. Hence for such electrolytes the
dissociation constant (Ka) is given by the Ostwald’s dilution law as follows
Where C = the molar concentration, α = degree of dissociation

The value of ‘α’ is given as the ratio of the equivalent conductivity of the electrolyte at a
particular concentration to that at infinite dilution. i.e. α = λv / λ∞.

However, in such cases λ∞ may be determined by the application of Kohlrausch’s law of

independent migration of ions and λv = 1000*kv/c. [Where ‘kv’ = specific conductance]


Determination of cell constant:

Take 40mL of 0.1M KCl solution into a 100mL beaker. Dip the conductivity cell into the KCl
solution which in turn connected to the Conductivity Bridge and note down corresponding
observed conductance value. Now take 40 mL0.01M KCl solution into the beaker and repeat the
same experimental procedure as mentioned earlier. Calculate the cell constant using following

Take 40 mL 0.1M CH3COOH solution in a clean beaker whose dissociation constant is to be

determined. Now dip the conductivity cell whose cell constant is known which in turn connected
to the Conductivity Bridge and note down corresponding conductance value. For other
concentrations, remove the 20ml of this solution and add 20ml distilled water to the same.
Repeat the similar procedure for four more times and note down the corresponding conductance
values for each dilution. Model graph: Plot a graph between α2 / (1- α) and 1/c. The slope gives
the dissociation constant of weak acid (Ka).
Result: Dissociation constant of acetic acid (Ka) = ………………
Aim: Titration between a strong acid and strong base: Titration between HCl and NaOH

Aim: Determine the concentration of the given strong acid (HCl) solution by titrating it with
standard strong base (NaOH) conductometrically.

Apparatus: Conductivity bridge, conductivity cell, 100 ml beaker, pipette, stand, etc.

Chemicals: HCl solution (≈ 0.1M), 0.5M NaOH solution.

Principle: The reaction between HCl and NaOH can be represented as:

HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O

HCl undergoes reaction with sodium hydroxide resulting in the formation of sodium chloride
and unionized water. At the beginning of the titration the acid solution has a high
conductivity due to highly mobile hydrogen ions. When NaOH is added to HCl solution the
highly mobile H+ ions are replaced by less mobile sodium ions. This will result in the
decrease of conductivity rapidly. At the end point the solution will contain only sodium and
chloride ions. Hence there will be minimum conductivity. After the end point the
conductivity rises due to the presence of fast moving OH– ions. Thus the graph which is
plotted between the conductance and the volume of sodium hydroxide added include two
straight lines. The point of intersection of these two sharp lines gives the end point of the

Procedure: Pipette out 40 ml of the given HCl solution into a clean 100 ml beaker and dip
the conductivity cell in it. Connect the conductivity cell to a conductivity bridge and measure
the initial conductance of the given HCl solution. Fill the burette with the given sodium
hydroxide solution. Then add 0.5 ml of the given NaOH solution to the HCl solution present
in the beaker and stir the contents well. Measure the conductance of the solution. Continue
the addition of the sodium hydroxide solution in equal volumes (0.5 ml) until you get a
minimum of 25-30 conductance readings. The end point of the titration can be detected by
plotting a graph in between the measured conductance and the volume of sodium hydroxide
that is added during the titration.

Result: The concentration of the given acid solution is ____________M.


HCl vs NaOH

M1V1 = M2V2

M1 = Molarity of the given HCl solution

V1 = Volume of the HCl taken in the beaker = 40 ml

M2 = Molarity of the given NaOH solution = 0.5M

V2 = Volume of the NaOH required to neutralize the given acid = end point volume

M1 = M2V2/ V1

M1 = 0.5 × E.P.V / 40
2. Titration between a weak acid and strong base: Titration between CH3COOH and

Aim: Determine the concentration of the given weak acid (CH3COOH) solution by
titrating it with standard strong base (NaOH) conductometrically.

Apparatus: Conductivity Bridge, conductivity cell, 100 ml beaker, pipette, stand,


Chemicals: CH3COOH solution (≈ 0.1M), 0. 5M NaOH solution.

Principle: The reaction between acetic acid and sodium hydroxide can be represented as:


At the beginning of the titration the conductance of the solution is found to be less because of
poor dissociation of the acetic acid, which is a weak acid. Thus the number of ions produced
by the dissociation of the acid is found to be less. When small amount of NaOH is added to
the acetic acid solution the conductance increases due to the formation of sodium acetate
which is a strong electrolyte than the acetic acid, hence dissociates rapidly producing more
number of ions than acetic acid. At the end point of the titration both the sodium and acetate
ions are present in the solution. The conductance of the solution increases when further
sodium hydroxide is added to the solution at the end point. This increase is due to the
presence of fast moving OH– ions.

Procedure: Pipette out 40 ml of the given CH3COOH solution into a clean 100 ml beaker
and dip the conductivity cell in it. Connect the conductivity cell to a conductivity bridge and
measure the initial conductance of the given CH3COOH solution. Fill the burette with the
given sodium hydroxide solution. Then add 0.5 ml of the given NaOH solution to the
CH3COOH solution present in the beaker and stir the contents well. Measure the conductance
of the solution. Continue the addition of the sodium hydroxide solution in equal volumes (0.5
ml) until you get a minimum of 25-30 conductance readings. The end point of the titration
can be detected by plotting a graph in between the measured conductance and the volume of
sodium hydroxide that is added during the titration.

Result: The concentration of the given acetic acid solution is ____________M.



M1V1 = M2V2

M1 = Molarity of the given CH3COOH solution

V1 = Volume of the CH3COOH taken in the beaker = 40 ml

M2 = Molarity of the given NaOH solution = 0.5M

V2 = Volume of the NaOH required to neutralize the given acid = end point volume

M1 = M2V2/ V1

M1 = 0.5 × E.P.V / 40

4. Perform the following potentiometric titrations:

i. Strong acid vs. strong base,

1. Titration of a strong acid with a strong base – Titration of HCl against NaOH

Aim: To find out the concentration of the given hydrochloric acid solution by
potentiometric method.

Apparatus: Potentiometer, beaker (100 ml), stand, pipette, reference electrode(Calomel

electrode), etc.

Chemicals: HCl solution, 0. 1 M NaOH Solution, Quinhydrone powder, potassium chloride, etc.

Principle: The cell which is established to determine the concentration of an acid is represented

The two electrodes are calomel electrode (reference electrode) and quinhydrone electrode which
is a pH indicating electrode. Quinhydrone is an equimolar mixture of both quinine and
hydroquinone. This electrode is developed by the addition of a pinch of quinhydrone to a
solution containing H+ ions to which it is reversible. During the titration as concentration of H+
ions changes the potential of the indicator electrode, quinhydrone electrode changes. This change
in potential can be determined by coupling this with a reference electrode, calomel electrode
whose potential value remains constant. Thus, the cell EMF varies only with the potential of
indicator electrode. Thus, end point of such titration can be obtained by plotting a graph between
the measured EMF and volume of base added which causes a change in potential of indicator
electrode and hence the cell EMF. Procedure:Pipette out 10 ml of the given HCl solution into a
clean beaker and dip the calomel electrode and the Platinum electrode. Now a pinch of
quinhydrone is added to the HCl solution. Connect the two electrodes to a potentiometer to read
the cell EMF. Fill the burette with the given NaOH solution (0. 1M). Before the addition of
sodium hydroxide to the acid solution measure the EMF. Now add 1 ml of the given sodium
hydroxide solution to the HCl solution present in the beaker and stir with a glass rod and
measure the EMF. Continue the addition of equal volumes of base until a large change in EMF is
observed. Now add 0. 2 ml of NaOH every time to get an accurate end point. Continue this
addition until you get a minimum of 7-8 readings after the end point. Plot a graph between the
measured EMF of the cell and volume of sodium hydroxide where in a sigmoid curve will be
obtained. The inflexion of the curve i.e, where the curve changes its direction is taken as the end
point of the titration. Accurate endpoint can be obtained by plotting a graph between ∆E/∆V
against Vavg.
Result: Concentration of the given HCl solution = _____________M
ii. Weak acid vs. strong base,

2. Titration of a Weak acid with a strong base – Titration of CH3COOH against NaOH

Aim: To find out the concentration of the given acetic acid solution by potentiometric

Apparatus: Potentiometer, beaker (100 ml), stand, pipette, reference electrode, etc.

Chemicals: Acetic acid solution, 0. 1 M NaOH Solution, Quinhydrone powder, potassium

chloride, etc.

Principle: The cell which is established to determine the concentration of an acid is represented

The two electrodes are calomel electrode (reference electrode) and quinhydrone electrode which
is a pH indicating electrode.

Quinhydrone is an equimolar mixture of both quinine and hydroquinone. This electrode is

developed by the addition of a pinch of quinhydrone to a solution containing H+ ions to which it
is reversible. During the titration as concentration of H+ ions changes the potential of the
indicator electrode, quinhydrone electrode changes. This change in potential can be determined
by coupling this with a reference electrode, calomel electrode whose potential value remains
constant. Thus, the cell EMF varies only with the potential of indicator electrode. Thus, end
point of such titration can be obtained by plotting a graph between the measured EMF and
volume of base added which causes a change in potential of indicator electrode and hence the
cell EMF.

Procedure: Pipette out 10 ml of the given acetic acid solution into a clean beaker and dip the
calomel electrode and the Platinum electrode. Now a pinch of quinhydrone is added to the acetic
acid solution. Connect the two electrodes to a potentiometer to read the cell EMF. Fill the burette
with the given NaOH solution (0. 1M). Before the addition of sodium hydroxide to the acid
solution measure the EMF. Now add 1 ml of the given sodium hydroxide solution to the acetic
acid solution present in the beaker and stir with a glass rod and measure the EMF. Continue the
addition of equal volumes of base until a large change in EMF is observed. Now add 0. 2 ml of
NaOH every time to get an accurate end point. Continue this addition until you get a minimum of
7-8 readings after the end point.

Plot a graph between the measured EMF of the cell and volume of sodium hydroxide where
in a sigmoid curve will be obtained. The inflexion of the curve i.e, where the curve changes its
direction is taken as the end point of the titration. Accurate endpoint can be obtained by
plotting a graph between ∆E/∆V against Vavg.
Result: Concentration of the given acetic acid solution = _____________M.



M1 = Molarity of the sodium Hydroxide solution = 0.1M

V1 = Volume of the NaOH required to neutralize the HCl solution = end point volume
M2 = Molarity of the given acetic acid solution

V2 = Volume of the given acetic acid solution taken in the beaker = 10 ml

M2 = M1V1/ V2

M2 = 0.1 × E.P.V /10

iii. Dibasic acid vs. strong base,

AIM:- To determine the normality and strength of given dibasic acid (oxalic acid) solution
by titrating against standard NaOH solution conductometrically.

THEORY:- In case of dibasic acid like oxalic acid vs strong base, the shape of the curve is
found different. In oxalic acid, the two dissociation exists one after the other as the first
dissociation is similar to that of strong acid and second one is similar to that of a weak acid like
acetic acid. The titration curve shows two well marked break points.



1. Oxalic acid solution

2. Standard NaOH solution

APPARATUS USED:- 1. Beaker 2. Pipette 3. Buretee 4. Conductometer 5. Conductivity cell

PROCEDURE:- 1. Take 20 ml of oxalic acid in a beaker. Dilute the solution so that

conductivity cell dips in the solution.

2. Wash the conductivity cell with distilled water and connect it to the conductometer.

3. Dip the cell in the oxalic acid and find out the conductance.

4. From the burette, mix standard NaOH solution into oxalic acid solution with shaking and note
down the observed conductance.

5. Repeat the procedure on recording the observed conductance.


PRECAUTIONS:- 1. The temperature should be kept constant during the experiment.

2. The apparatus used should be clean.

3. Rinse the electrodes of the conductivity cell thoroughly with the given acid.
iv. Potassium dichromate vs. Mohr's salt

4. Perform the following potentiometric titrations:

i. Strong acid vs. strong base,

1. Titration of a strong acid with a strong base – Titration of HCl against NaOH

Aim: To find out the concentration of the given hydrochloric acid solution by potentiometric

Apparatus: Potentiometer, beaker (100 ml), stand, pipette, reference electrode (Calomel
electrode), etc.

Chemicals: HCl solution, 0. 1 M NaOH Solution, Quinhydrone powder, potassium chloride,


Principle: The cell which is established to determine the concentration of an acid is

represented as:

The two electrodes are calomel electrode (reference electrode) and quinhydrone electrode
which is a pH indicating electrode. Quinhydrone is an equimolar mixture of both quinine and
hydroquinone. This electrode is developed by the addition of a pinch of quinhydrone to a
solution containing H+ ions to which it is reversible. During the titration as concentration of
H+ ions changes the potential of the indicator electrode, quinhydrone electrode changes. This
change in potential can be determined by coupling this with a reference electrode, calomel
electrode whose potential value remains constant. Thus, the cell EMF varies only with the
potential of indicator electrode. Thus, end point of such titration can be obtained by plotting a
graph between the measured EMF and volume of base added which causes a change in
potential of indicator electrode and hence the cell EMF.

Procedure: Pipette out 10 ml of the given HCl solution into a clean beaker and dip the
calomel electrode and the Platinum electrode. Now a pinch of quinhydrone is added to the
HCl solution. Connect the two electrodes to a potentiometer to read the cell EMF. Fill the
burette with the given NaOH solution (0. 1M). Before the addition of sodium hydroxide to
the acid solution measure the EMF. Now add 1 ml of the given sodium hydroxide solution to
the HCl solution present in the beaker and stir with a glass rod and measure the EMF.
Continue the addition of equal volumes of base until a large change in EMF is observed.
Now add 0. 2 ml of NaOH every time to get an accurate end point. Continue this addition
until you get a minimum of 7-8 readings after the end point. Plot a graph between the
measured EMF of the cell and volume of sodium hydroxide where in a sigmoid curve will be
obtained. The inflexion of the curve i.e, where the curve changes its direction is taken as the
end point of the titration. Accurate endpoint can be obtained by plotting a graph between
∆E/∆V against Vavg.

Result: Concentration of the given HCl solution = _____________M

ii. Weak acid vs. strong base,

Titration of a Weak acid with a strong base – Titration of CH 3COOH against NaOH

Aim:To find out the concentration of the given acetic acid solution by potentiometric

Apparatus: Potentiometer, beaker (100 ml), stand, pipette, reference electrode, etc.

Chemicals: Acetic acid solution, 0. 1 M NaOH Solution, Quinhydrone powder, potassium

chloride, etc.

Principle: The cell which is established to determine the concentration of an acid is represented

The two electrodes are calomel electrode (reference electrode) and quinhydrone electrode which
is a pH indicating electrode.

Quinhydrone is an equimolar mixture of both quinine and hydroquinone. This electrode is

developed by the addition of a pinch of quinhydrone to a solution containing H+ ions to which it
is reversible. During the titration as concentration of H+ ions changes the potential of the
indicator electrode, quinhydrone electrode changes. This change in potential can be determined
by coupling this with a reference electrode, calomel electrode whose potential value remains
constant. Thus, the cell EMF varies only with the potential of indicator electrode. Thus, end
point of such titration can be obtained by plotting a graph between the measured EMF and
volume of base added which causes a change in potential of indicator electrode and hence the
cell EMF.

Procedure: Pipette out 10 ml of the given acetic acid solution into a clean beaker and dip the
calomel electrode and the Platinum electrode. Now a pinch of quinhydrone is added to the acetic
acid solution. Connect the two electrodes to a potentiometer to read the cell EMF. Fill the burette
with the given NaOH solution (0. 1M). Before the addition of sodium hydroxide to the acid
solution measure the EMF. Now add 1 ml of the given sodium hydroxide solution to the acetic
acid solution present in the beaker and stir with a glass rod and measure the EMF. Continue the
addition of equal volumes of base until a large change in EMF is

observed. Now add 0. 2 ml of NaOH every time to get an accurate end point. Continue this
addition until you get a minimum of 7-8 readings after the end point.

Plot a graph between the measured EMF of the cell and volume of sodium hydroxide where
in a sigmoid curve will be obtained. The inflexion of the curve i.e, where the curve changes its
direction is taken as the end point of the titration. Accurate endpoint can be obtained by
plotting a graph between ∆E/∆V against Vavg.

Result: Concentration of the given acetic acid solution = _____________M.



M1 = Molarity of the sodium Hydroxide solution = 0.1M

V1 = Volume of the NaOH required to neutralize the HCl solution = end point volume
M2 = Molarity of the given acetic acid solution

V2 = Volume of the given acetic acid solution taken in the beaker = 10 ml

M2 = M1V1/ V2

M2 = 0.1 × E.P.V /10

iii. Dibasic acid vs. strong base
iv. Potassium dichromate vs. Mohr's salt

Aim: Potentiometric titration of Fe2+ with Cr2O7−2


A detail of potentiometry is already disused the unit 2 of MCH -004 course. In this experiment
you are going to perform a redox titration. EMF change during the titration is measured by
potentiometer. The equivalence point of the titration is detected by plotting a titration curve
similar to the previous experiment.


After performing this experiment you will be able to:

• Discuss how the potential changes with relative concentration of oxidised/reduced from,

• perform a redox titration of ammonium iron (II) sulphate using potassium dichromate as
oxidizing agent,

• determine the equivalence point of the redox titration by plotting titration curve using
potential change values and amount of oxidizing agent added during titration,

• estimate the strength of iron (II) ions in the given solution,

• state the advantages of potentiometry in redox titrations, and

• practice the precautions while performing a potentometric titration experiment.

This is an example of redox titration and is based on the oxidation-reduction reaction between
the titrand and the tirant. Here the end pint is detected using a potentiometer.

From the Nernst equation, you know that the potential of a given reaction will depend on the
relative concentration of oxidised/reduced from.

During their titration, the solution potential changes due to the change in the concentration of
oxidised/reduced form. At one stage, where either of the form is absent i.e. at the end point, there
is a sharp change in potential.

Potassium dichromate is an oxidising agent and in acid medium; it follows the half reaction to
give Cr (III) as the reduction product.
The overall ionic equation of this titration can be obtained by adding the above two:

Burette, pipette, volumetric flasks, beakers, magnetic stirrer, potentiometer, SCE, platinum
indicator electrode, connecting wires etc.
Potassium dichromate, ammonium iron (II) sulphate and sulphuric acid

1. Using 100 cm3 volumetric flasks prepare of 0.02 M potassium dichromate solution and 0.10 M
ammonium iron (II) sulphate solution. You may have to add sufficient amount of dilute acid to
prepare ammonium iron (II) sulphate solution.
2. Take 25 cm3 of given Fe2+ solution and add 25 cm3 dilute H2SO4 acid and 50 cm3 of distilled
water in a 250 cm3 beaker.
3. SCE is used as the Reference electrode. Platinum metal foil, dipped in Fe2+ solution is used as
the indicator electrode.
4. Carry out necessary connections as shown in Fig. 3.1.
5. Standardise the potentiometer using a standard cell before replacing it with the working cell.
6. Add 2 cm3 of 0.02 M K2Cr2O7 solution from burette, operate the magnetic stirrer for 2
minutes, stop it, wait it for 1 minute and measure the E.M.F.
7. Repeat the above step, each time adding two more cm3 of K2Cr2O7 at a time and go on noting
the E.M.F. after each addition.
8. When the volume reached near about 1 cm3 of the expected equivalence point (approximate),
add the solution from burette in 0.5 cm3 instalments and note the potential each time.
9. Continue adding these instalments even after the equivalence point (This can be easily
observed from the change in measured potential). The change becomes very small. Continue for
another 5-6 additions. Note the potential readings.
10. Record the observations in the Observation Table 1. Plot the graphs and locate the
equivalence point.


Observation Table 1
Sr.No Volume (V) EMF. (E) of ΔV ΔE ΔE/ΔV
of K2Cr2O7 the cell
added (cm3) (millivolts)
1. 0.0
2. 2.0
3. 4.0
4. 6.0
5. 8.0
6. 10.0
7. 12.0
8. 14.0
9. 16.0
10. 18.0
11. 20.0
12. 22.0
13. 24.0
14. 24.5
15. 25.5
16. 26.0
17. 26.5
18. 27.0
19. 28.0
20. 30.0

From the plotted curve, the volume of K2Cr2O7 used corresponding to the equivalence point =
V cm3 ………..

Apply the molarity equation to calculate molarity of potassium dichromate solution.

Strength of the potassium dichromate solution is ………… mol dm–3

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