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Watertite TS

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Watertite TS

Twin sided self adhesive bituminous membrane

Waterproofing non-reinforced twin sided self adhesive membrane for concrete, wood and
metal surfaces.

► Cold applied, self adhesive and easy to apply
► Bitumen to bitumen adhesion on the laps provides a
seamless layer
► Excellent adhesion to vertical and horizontal surfaces.
► Improved heat resistance
► Excellent resistance to chlorides, sulphates, dilute alkalis

TDS_Watertite TS_GCC_0519
and acids
► Water and vapor proof

self adhesive

Watertite TS is a non-reinforced twin side adhesive bitumen 1
membrane which comprises of polymerized bitumen
sandwiched between a plastic release film on either side.
USES 3. Peel off the release film from the underside and keeping
Watertite TS is mainly used for providing a seamless the release film on the top surface intact. Carefully place
waterproofing membrane on concrete, wood and metal the membrane so as to ensure a minimum of 150 mm
surfaces. overlap and then smoothen the membrane from the
center to the edges in order to drive out entrapped air.
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 4. The release film from the top will be peeled off prior to
Surface preparation the laying of the subsequent membranes.
A smooth, regular and dry surface is always a must for STORAGE & SHELF LIFE
good application. The substrate should be completely
Watertite TS range of membranes have to be stored in a
free of any protrusions or cavities. The presence of oily
shaded area on wooden pallets neatly covered by any thick
substances, frost or other moisture should be completely
fabric like tarpaulin sheets tied and secured properly to
avoided. Apply Polyprime SB at a rate of 4 to 6 m²/lt. as
ensure no excessive exposure to sunlight. The shelf life is
a primer coat. The primer coat should be touch dry before
12 months if a stored as per recommendations. Excessive
the application of the membrane.
exposure to sunlight, UV and other sources of heat will
Application result in considerable deterioration of the product and
The application temperature should be between 4° C to reduce its shelf life.
45° C. The installation procedures are to be as follows:
1. Unroll only the required length, and cut the piece to the HEALTH AND SAFETY
desired shape and size. Watertite TS contains a tacky Bitumen compound which
2. Place the pieces of membrane on the area to be while applied can adhere to human skin. Such stains of
covered, and check whether they match with the profile Bitumen can be removed by using a cloth dipped in light
of the marked substrate. solvents. Incase the affected area is sensitive like the eye,
please take medical assistance immediately.
Thickness 1.5mm EN 1849-1
Apart from the information given here it is also important to observe the relevant
guidelines and regulations of various organisations and trade associations as Color Black -
well as the respective standards. The aforementioned characteristics are based
on practical experience and applied testing. Warranted properties and possible Elongation, [%] >1500 ASTM D 412
uses which go beyond those warranted in this information sheet require our Water permeability @3 bar Nil BS EN 12390-8
written confirmation. All data given was obtained at an ambient and material
temperature of +23°C and 50 % relative air humidity at laboratory conditions Crack bridgeability >1.5mm ASTM C 836
unless specified otherwise. Please note that under other climatic conditions
hardening can be accelerated or delayed. All values given are subject to 5-10% tolerance
The information contained herein, particularly recommendations for the
handling and use of our products, is based on our professional experience.
As materials and conditions may vary with each intended application, and
thus are beyond our sphere of influence, we strongly recommend that in each
case sufficient tests are conducted to check the suitability of our products
for their intended use. Legal liability cannot be accepted on the basis of the
contents of this data sheet or any verbal advice given, unless there is a case
of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on our part. This technical data sheet
supersedes all previous editions relevant to this product.
TDS_Watertite TS_GCC_0519

Henkel Polybit Industries Ltd.; PO Box: 293, Umm Al Quwain, UAE

Tel:+971(6)76 70 777; Fax:+971(6)76 70 197; [email protected]
Henkel Polybit Industries Ltd.; PO Box: 5911, Dammam-31432, KSA
Tel:+96613808 4061 / 62, Fax: +966 13 812 1164; [email protected]

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