Introduction of The Study of Political Science
Introduction of The Study of Political Science
Introduction of The Study of Political Science
1.6. Political Science and Other Social And human Sciences: Social science are those sciences,
which discuss about the things connected with the affairs of individuals living in society, political
science, economics, history, geography are some of the important social sciences. Political science
is immensely benefited from other social sciences. It is essentially connected and related to other
social sciences. As a matter of fact, all social sciences are interrelated and interdependent.
Political Science and History: There is closed and intimate relationship between political science
and history. The relationship between political science and history is beautifully explained by
John Seeley. “History without political science has no fruit and political science without history
has no root”. To quote the same author again, “Politics is vulgar when not liberalized by history
and history fades into mere literature when it loses sight of its relation to politics”. According to
Freeman, “History is past politics and politics is present history “. They are complementary to
each other. Montesquieu and Bryce made use of historical materials to study political science.
Lord Bryce claims that, political science stands midway between history and
politics, between the past and the present. It has drawn its materials from the one; it has to apply
them to the other. History deals with past events, movements revolutions, national struggles etc.
and gives information about the origin and development of political institutions and thought.
When various issues, concepts and terms, ideologies, are discussed in political science, their
historical development is also taken into consideration.
Political Science and Economics: Political science and economics are very closely related. In the
past, economics has been regarded as a branch of political science. Adam smith the father of
economics in his book “An Enquiry into the Nature and Courses of Wealth of Nations” also
considered economics as an important branch of political science. It was called political economy.
Now the two social sciences namely political science and economics have their individuality and
identification. Economics is a social science dealing with the production, distribution, exchange
and consumption of wealth in the society. All economic activity is carried on within the state on
conditions and stipulations laid down by the state. Political science and economics are concerned
with such matters, as formulation of five year plans, the socialistic pattern of society economic
and welfare activities of government. The political conditions of a country are greatly affected
by its economic conditions. Healthy economy depends on a strong, effective and efficient
administration of a country.
Political Science and Geography: Political science is also related to geography. Geo means
earth and graphy means description and geography is the description of the earth. Geography is
the study of the earth’s surface, physical features, natural and political divisions, climatic
conditions, population, etc. It helps us to understand the impact and influence of geographical
conditions of the political institutions of a country. Political geography is known as geopolitics, a
new branch of study in modern times. Montesquieu stressed the influence of physical
environments on the forms of government and liberty of the people. As territory is an essential
element of a state, geo-political factors influence political environment. According to Rousseau,
there is a link between the climatic conditions and form of government. Warm climates are
conducive to despots, cold climates to barbarism and moderate climate to a good polity.
Political Science and Sociology: Sociology is the root of all social sciences. Auguste Comte is the
father of sociology. Sociology is the study of Society. Political science and sociology are inter-
related political scientists and sociologists contribute mutually for the benefit of whole society.
For example, the institution of marriage and related problems after that, namely divorce are
within the domain of sociology. How to solve these problems in a harmonious way for better
standard of life is within the competence of political science. What was once a sub-field of
sociology has now takes the form of “political sociology” which is now a legitimate subfield of
political science.
1. Define Political Science and examine its nature.
2. Explain the Meaning of Political Science. Is it a Science or an art?
3. Write in details about the scope of Political Science.
4. Describe the relationship of political science to sociology.
5. Write a note on behaviouralism.
6. Discuss the scope and significance of political science.
7. Describe the nature of post-behaviouralism.
8. Bring out the relationship of political science with other social sciences.