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Data Science - Notes

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Introduction to Data Science

“Data Science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods,
processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from noisy, structured
and unstructured data, and apply knowledge from data across a broad range of application
domains. Data science is related to data mining, machine learning and big data.”

➢ Tools required for building A Data Science Project

Figure 1: Tools required for building a Data Science Project

• Importing data into R: This typically means taking data stored in a file, database, or
web API, and loading it into a data frame in R.
• After importing data, tidy it: Tidying your data means storing it in a consistent form
that matches the semantics of the dataset with the way it is stored. In brief, when your
data is tidy, each column is a variable, and each row is an observation.
• Transformation: Transformation includes narrowing in on observations of interest
creating new variables that are functions of existing variables, and calculating a set of
summary statistics. Together, tidying and transforming are called wrangling.
• Engines of knowledge generation: visualization and modelling: Visualization is a
fundamentally human activity. A good visualization will show you things that you did
not expect, or raise new questions about the data. A good visualization might also hint
that you’re asking the wrong question, or you need to collect different data. Models
are complementary tools to visualization. Once you have made your questions
sufficiently precise, you can use a model to answer them. Models are a fundamentally
mathematical or computational tool, so they generally scale well.
• Communication: It doesn’t matter how well your models and visualization have led
you to understand the data unless you can also communicate your results to others.

2. Introduction to R Programming

The R Foundation describes R as “a language and environment for statistical computing and

➢ Features of R in data science:

➢ R is open-source software: R is free and adaptable because it’s an open-source

software. R’s open interfaces allow it to integrate with other applications and
➢ R is a programming language: As a programming language, R provides objects,
operators and functions that allow users to explore, model and visualize data.
➢ R is used for data analysis: R in data science is used to handle, store and analyze
data. It can be used for data analysis and statistical modeling.
➢ R is an environment for statistical analysis. R has various statistical and graphical
capabilities. The R Foundation notes that it can be used for classification, clustering,
statistical tests and linear and nonlinear modeling.
➢ R is a community: R Project contributors include individuals who have suggested
improvements, noted bugs and created add-on packages. While there are more than 20
official contributors, the R community extends to those using the open-source
software on their own.

➢ Real-Time Applications of R

R for data science is used in industries such as banking, telecommunications and media. Few
examples of data visualization in R through real-life projects are as follows:

• T-Mobile: The international communications company uses R to classify customer

service texts so it can properly direct customers to an agent, Revolutions reports. T-
Mobile even shared an open-source version of their messaging classification
application programming interface on GitHub.
• Twitter: R can be used to perform text analysis of tweets. Text analytics and scraping
of Twitter data is possible through the twitteR package.
• Google Analytics: R can be combined with Google Analytics data to complete
statistical analysis and create clear data visualizations, according to Google
Developers. Installing the RGoogleAnalytics package will enable these insights.
• The Financial Times: The Financial Times embraced R to create a data
visualizations in its article, “Is Russia-Saudi Arabia the worst World Cup game
ever?,” Revolutions reports. The visualization mapped every World Cup match since
1998 and was created using R and the ggplot2.
• BBC: Similarly, Revolutions explains how BBC uses data visualization in R to create
graphics for its publications. BBC developed an R package and R cookbook to
standardize their data visualization graphic creation process. Its cookbook is based on
the bbplot package. BBC offers a six-week training for its data journalists to learn this

3. Installation of R on windows

Step – 1: Go to CRAN R project website.

Step – 2: Click on the Download R for Windows link.

Step – 3: Click on the base subdirectory link or install R for the first time link.
Step – 4: Click Download R X.X.X for Windows (X.X.X stand for the latest version of R.
eg: 3.6.1) and save the executable .exe file.

Step – 5: Run the .exe file and follow the installation instructions.
5.a. Select the desired language and then click Next.

5.b. Read the license agreement and click Next.

5.c. Select the components you wish to install (it is recommended to install all the
components). Click Next.

5.d. Enter/browse the folder/path you wish to install R into and then confirm by
clicking Next.
5.e. Select additional tasks like creating desktop shortcuts etc. then click Next.

5.f. Wait for the installation process to complete.

5.g. Click on Finish to complete the installation.
4. Installation of RStudio on Windows

Step – 1: With R-base installed, let’s move on to installing RStudio. To begin, go

to download RStudio and click on the download button for RStudio desktop.

Step – 2: Click on the link for the windows version of RStudio and save the .exe file.
Step – 3: Run the .exe and follow the installation instructions.
3.a. Click Next on the welcome window.
3.b. Enter/browse the path to the installation folder and click Next to proceed.

3.c. Select the folder for the start menu shortcut or click on do not create shortcuts and then
click Next.
3.d. Wait for the installation process to complete.

3.e. Click Finish to end the installation.
➢ “R” Objects
An object refers to anything that can be assigned to a variable. Each object has two

1. length: number of elements in the object

2. mode: denotes type of the object’s data (numeric, character, complex or logical)

5. “R” Data Structures

Data structures are the objects that are manipulated regularly in R. They are used to store data
in an organized fashion to make data manipulation and other data operations more efficient. It
reduces the complexities of space and time in various tasks.

➢ Vectors

Vector is one of the basic data structures in R. It is homogenous, which means that it only
contains elements of the same data type. Data types can be numeric, integer, character,
complex, or logical.
Vectors are created by using the c() function. Coercion takes place in a vector, from bottom
to top, if the elements passed are of different data types, from logical to integer to double to

The typeof() function is used to check the data type of the vector, and the class() function is
used to check the class of the vector.

Vec1 <- c(44, 25, 64, 96, 30)

Vec2 <- c(1, FALSE, 9.8, "hello world")




[1] "double"

[1] "character"

To delete a vector, you simply have to do the following:

Vec1 <- NULL

Vec2 <- NULL

➢ Methods to Access Vector Elements

Vectors can be accessed in the following ways:

• Elements of a vector can be accessed by using their respective indexes. [ ] brackets are
used to specify indexes of the elements to be accessed.

For example:

x <- c("Jan","Feb","March","Apr","May","June","July")

y <- x[c(3,2,7)]



[1] "March" "Feb" "July"

• Logical indexing, negative indexing, and 0/1 can also be used to access the elements of a

For example:

x <- c("Jan","Feb","March","Apr","May","June","July")


z <- x[c(-3,-7)]

c <- x[c(0,0,0,1,0,0,1)]





[1] "Jan" "March" "June" "July"(All TRUE values are printed)

[1] "Jan" "Feb" "Apr" "May" "June"(All corresponding values for negative indexes are

[1] "Jan" "Jan"(All corresponding values are printed)

➢ Vector Arithmetic

You can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on the vectors having the
same number of elements in the following ways:

v1 <- c(4,6,7,31,45)

v2 <- c(54,1,10,86,14,57)

add.v <- v1+v2


sub.v <- v1-v2


multi.v <- v1*v2


divi.v <- v1/v2


[1] 58 7 17 117 59 66

[1] -50 5 -3 -55 31 -48

[1] 216 6 70 2666 630 513

[1] 0.07407407 6.00000000 0.70000000 0.36046512 3.21428571 0.15789474

➢ Recycling Vector Elements

If arithmetic operations are performed on vectors having unequal lengths, then a vector’s
elements, which are shorter in number as compared to the elements of other vectors, are
recycled. For example:

v1 <- c(8,7,6,5,0,1)

v2 <- c(7,15)

add.v <- v1+v2

(v2 becomes c(7,15,7,15,7,15))


sub.v <- v1-v2



[1] 15 22 13 20 7 16

[1] 1 -8 -1 -10 -7 -14

➢ Sorting a Vector

You can sort the elements of a vector by using the sort() function in the following way:

v <- c(4,78,-45,6,89,678)

sort.v <- sort(v)


#Sort the elements in the reverse order

revsort.v <- sort(v, decreasing = TRUE)


#Sorting character vectors

v <- c("Jan","Feb","March","April")

sort.v <- sort(v)


#Sorting character vectors in reverse order

revsort.v <- sort(v, decreasing = TRUE)



[1] -45 4 6 78 89 678

[1] 678 89 78 6 4 -45

[1] "April" "Feb" "Jan" "March"

[1] "March" "Jan" "Feb" "April"

➢ Lists

A list is a non-homogeneous data structure, which implies that it can contain elements of
different data types. It accepts numbers, characters, lists, and even matrices and functions
inside it. It is created by using the list() function.

For example:

list1<- list("Sam", "Green", c(8,2,67), TRUE, 51.99, 11.78,FALSE)




[1] "Sam"


[1] "Green"

[1] 8 2 67


[1] TRUE


[1] 51.99


[1] 11.78



➢ Accessing the Elements of a List

The elements of a list can be accessed by using the indices of those elements.

For example:

list2 <- list(matrix(c(3,9,5,1,-2,8), nrow = 2), c("Jan","Feb","Mar"), list(3,4,5))






[,1] [,2] [,3] (First element of the list)

[1,] 3 5 -2

[2,] 9 1 8


[1] "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" (Second element of the list)

[1,] 3 5 -2



[1] 3
[[1]][[2]] (Third element of the list)

[1] 4


[1] 5

➢ Adding and Deleting the Elements of a List

You can add and delete elements only at the end of a list.

For example:

list2 <- list(matrix(c(3,9,5,1,-2,8), nrow = 2), c("Jan","Feb","Mar"), list(3,4,5))

list2[4] <- c(“HELLO”)




[1] "Hello"


list2[4] <- NULL





➢ Updating the Elements of a List

To update a value in a list, use the following syntax:

list2[3] <- "Element Updated"




[1] "Element Updated"

➢ Matrices

Matrix is a two-dimensional data structure that is homogenous, meaning that it only accepts
elements of the same data type. Coercion takes place if elements of different data types are
passed. It is created by using the matrix() function.

The basic syntax to create a matrix is given below:

matrix(data, nrow, ncol, byrow, dimnames)


data = the input element of a matrix given as a vector.

nrow = the number of rows to be created.

ncol = the number of columns to be created.

byrow = the row-wise arrangement of the elements instead of column-wise

dimnames = the names of columns or rows to be created.

For example:

M1 <- matrix(c(1:9), nrow = 3, ncol =3, byrow= TRUE)



[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 1 2 3

[2,] 4 5 6

[3,] 7 8 9

M2 <- matrix(c(1:9), nrow = 3, ncol =3, byrow= FALSE)



[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 1 4 7

[2,] 2 5 8

[3,] 3 6 9
➢ Accessing the Elements of a Matrix

To access the elements of a matrix, row and column indices are used in the following ways:
For accessing the elements of the matrix M2 created above, use the following syntax:





[1] 1 (Element at first row and first column)

[1] 9 (Element at third row and third column)

[1] 8 (Element at second row and third column)

➢ Factor

Factors are used in data analysis for statistical modeling. They are used to categorize unique
values in columns, such as “Male”, “Female”, “TRUE”, “FALSE”, etc., and store them as
levels. They can store both strings and integers. They are useful in columns that have a
limited number of unique values.

Factors can be created using the factor() function and they take vectors as inputs.
For example:

data <- c("Male","Female","Male","Child","Child","Male","Female","Female")


factor.data <- factor(data)



[1] Male Female Male Child Child Male Female Female

Levels: Child Female Male

➢ Data Frame

Data frame is a two-dimensional array-like structure that also resembles a table, in which
each column contains values of one variable and each row contains one set of values from
each column.
A data frame has the following characteristics:

• The column names of a data frame should not be empty.

• The row names of a data frame should be unique.
• The data stored in a data frame can be a numeric, factor, or character type.
• Each column should contain the same number of data items.

➢ Creating a Data Frame

You can use the following syntax for creating a data frame in R programming:

empid <- c(1:4)

empname <- c("Sam","Rob","Max","John")

empdept <- c("Sales","Marketing","HR","R & D")

emp.data <- data.frame(empid,empname,empdept)


Sl.No. Empid empname Empdept

1 1 Sam Sales

2 2 Rob Marketing

3 3 Max HR

4 4 John R&D

➢ Extracting Columns or Rows from a Data Frame

To extract a specific column from a data frame, use the following syntax:

result <- data.frame(emp.data$empname,emp.data$empdept)

Sr. No. emp.data.empname emp.data.empdept

1 Sam Sales

2 Rob Marketing

3 Max HR

4 John R&D

To extract specific rows from a data frame, use the following syntax:

result <- emp.data[1:2,]


Sr. No. Empid empname Empdept

1 1 Sam Sales

2 2 Rob Marketing

The following code extracts the first and third rows with second and third columns

result <- emp.data[c(1,2),c(2,3)]


Sr. No. Empname Empdept

1 Sam Sales

2 Max HR
➢ Adding a Column to a Data Frame

To add a salary column to the above data frame, you can use the following syntax:

emp.data$salary <- c(20000,30000,40000,27000)

n <- emp.data


Sr. No. empid empname empdept Salary

1 1 Sam Sales 20000

2 2 Rob Marketing 30000

3 3 Max HR 40000

4 4 John R&D 27000

➢ Adding a Row to a Data Frame

To add a new row(s) to an existing data frame, you need to create a new data frame that
contains the new row(s), and then merge it with the existing data frame using the rbind()

➢ Creating a New Data Frame

emp.newdata <- data.frame(

empid = c(5:7),

empname = c("Frank","Tony","Eric"),

empdept = c("IT","Operations","Finance"),

salary = c(32000,51000,45000)

➢ Merging the New Data Frame with the Existing Data Frame

emp.finaldata <- rbind(emp.data,emp.newdata)

Sr. No. Empid Empname empdept Salary

1 1 Sam Sales 20000

2 2 Rob Marketing 30000

3 3 Max HR 40000

4 4 John R&D 27000

5 5 Frank IT 32000

6 6 Tony Operations 51000

7 7 Eric Finance 45000

➢ Arrays

An Array is a Multi-Dimensional data Structure. Arrays refer to the type of data structure that
is used to store homogeneous elements. This leads to a collection of items that are stored at
contiguous memory locations. This memory location is denoted by the array name. The
position of an element can be calculated simply by adding an offset to its base value.

Syntax: array(c(elements),dimension=c(rows,cols,number_of_dimensions))

For example:

> vec1<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6)

> vec2<-c(7,8,9,10,11,12)

> a1<-array(c(vec1,vec2),dim=c(2,3,2))

> print(a1)


,,1 #Dimension1
[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 1 3 5

[2,] 2 4 6

,,2 #Dimension2

[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 7 9 11

[2,] 8 10 12

➢ if Condition in R
This task is carried out only if this condition is returned as TRUE. R makes it even easier:
You can drop the word then and specify your choice in an if statement.
if (test_expression) {


values <- 1:10

if (sample(values,1) <= 10)

print(paste(values, "is less than or equal to 10"))

➢ if-else Condition in R
An if…else statement contains the same elements as an if statement with some extra
• The keyword else, placed after the first code block.
• The second block of code, contained within braces, that has to be carried out, only if the
result of the condition in the if() statement is FALSE.
if (test_expression) {


} else {


val1 = 10 #Creating our first variable val1

val2 = 5 #Creating second variable val2

if (val1 > val2){ #Executing Conditional Statement based on the comparison

print("Value 1 is greater than Value 2")

} else if (val1 < val2){

print("Value 1 is less than Value 2")


➢ For loop in R
A loop is a sequence of instructions that is repeated until a certain condition is reached. for,
while and repeat, with the additional clauses break and next are used to construct loops.

These control structures in R, made of the rectangular box ‘init’ and the diamond. It is
executed a known number of times. for is a block that is contained within curly braces.
values <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
for(id in 1:5){

➢ while Loop in R
The format is while(cond) expr, where cond is the condition to test and expr is an
val = 2.987

while(val <= 4.987) {

val = val + 0.987



7. Functions
A function is a set of statements organized together to perform a specific task. R has a large
number of in-built functions and the user can create their own functions.

➢ Function Definition

An R function is created by using the keyword function. The basic syntax of an R function
definition is as follows −
function_name <- function(arg_1, arg_2, ...) {
Function body

➢ Built-in Function

Simple examples of in-built functions are seq(), mean(), max(), sum(x) and paste(...) etc.
They are directly called by user written programs.
# Create a sequence of numbers from 32 to 44.

# Find mean of numbers from 25 to 82.


# Find sum of numbers frm 41 to 68.

When we execute the above code, it produces the following result −
[1] 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
[1] 53.5
[1] 1526

➢ User-defined Function

We can create user-defined functions in R. They are specific to what a user wants and once
created they can be used like the built-in functions. Below is an example of how a function is
created and used.
# Create a function to print squares of numbers in sequence.
new.function <- function(a) {
for(i in 1:a) {
b <- i^2

Calling a Function

# Call the function new.function supplying 6 as an argument.


When we execute the above code, it produces the following result −

[1] 1
[1] 4
[1] 9
[1] 16
[1] 25
[1] 36

8. Install a New Package

There are two ways to add new R packages. One is installing directly from the CRAN
directory and another is downloading the package to your local system and installing it
➢ Install directly from CRAN
The following command gets the packages directly from CRAN webpage and installs the
package in the R environment. You may be prompted to choose a nearest mirror. Choose the
one appropriate to your location.
install.packages("Package Name")

# Install the package named “dplyr".

➢ Load Package to Library
Before a package can be used in the code, it must be loaded to the current R environment.
You also need to load a package that is already installed previously but not available in the
current environment.
A package is loaded using the following command −
library("package Name")

9. Package for “Data Science”- The Tidyverse

. An R package is a collection of functions, data, and documentation that extends the

capabilities of base R. The packages in the tidyverse share a common philosophy of data and
R programming, and are designed to work together naturally. You can install the complete
tidyverse with a single line of code:


Once you have installed a package, you can load it with the library() function:

#> Loading tidyverse: ggplot2

#> Loading tidyverse: tibble
#> Loading tidyverse: tidyr
#> Loading tidyverse: readr
#> Loading tidyverse: purrr
#> Loading tidyverse: dplyr
#> Conflicts with tidy packages --------------------------------
#> filter(): dplyr, stats
#> lag(): dplyr, stats
This tells you that tidyverse is loading the ggplot2, tibble, tidyr, readr, purrr, and dplyr
➢ Working with CSV Files
Importing CSV Files
Comma separated values or CSV files can be imported and read in
using read.csv() function.
read.csv(filename, header = FALSE, sep = "")
header represents if the file contains header row or not sep represents the delimiter
value used in file





Selecting specific columns from dataset


> laptops %>% select(1,2)->laptops1_2

> View(laptops1_2)

Output: first and Second Column selection from laptops.csv file

Selecting a range of columns
Taking into consideration the laptops.csv file, a range of columns is selected by the
following code

> laptops %>% select(3:6)->laptops3_6

> View(laptops3_6)


Selecting columns with column names

> laptops %>% select("Manufacturer")->lap

> View(lap)
laptops %>% filter(Manufacturer=="Dell")->dell_laptop

> laptops %>% filter(Manufacturer=="Dell"& Category=="Ultrabook")->dell_laptop

> View(dell_laptop)

Writing to CSV files

A matrix or data-frame object can be redirected and written to csv file
using write.csv() function.
Syntax: write.csv(x, file)
file specifies the file name used for writing

> x <- c(1, 3, 4, 5, 10)

> y <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

> z <- c(10, 12, 14, 16, 18)

> data <- cbind(x, y, z)

> write.csv(data, file="abc.csv")

> read.csv("abc.csv")


➢ Working with XML Files

XML is a file format which shares both the file format and the data on the World Wide Web,
intranets, and elsewhere using standard ASCII text. It stands for Extensible Markup
Language (XML). Similar to HTML it contains markup tags. But unlike HTML where the
markup tag describes structure of the page, in xml the markup tags describe the meaning of
the data contained into the file.
You can read a xml file in R using the "XML" package. This package can be installed using
following command.

Input Data

Create a XMl file by copying the below data into a text editor like notepad. Save the file with
a .xml extension and choosing the file type as all files(*.*).









Reading XML File

The xml file is read by R using the function xmlParse(). It is stored as a list in R.
# Load the package required to read XML files.

# Also load the other required package.


# Give the input file name to the function.

result <- xmlParse(file = "input.xml")

# Print the result.

When we execute the above code, it produces the following result −








➢ Working with JSON Files in R Programming

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. These files contain the data in human
readable format, i.e. as text. Like any other file, one can read as well as write into the
JSON files. In order to work with JSON files in R, one needs to install
the “rjson” package. The most common tasks done using JSON files under rjson
packages are as follows:
• Install and load the rjson package in R console
• Create a JSON file
• Reading data from JSON file
• Write into JSON file
• Converting the JSON data into Dataframes
• Working with URLs
Install and load the rjson package
One can install the rjson from the R console using the install.packages() command in the
following way:
After installing rjson package one has to load the package using the library() function
as follows:
Creating a JSON file
To create a JSON file, one can do the following steps:
Copy the data given below into a notepad file or any text editor file. One can also
create his own data as per the given format.
Choose “all types” as the file type and save the filewith .json extension.(Example:
One must make sure that the information or data is contained within a pair or curly
braces { } .

Reading a JSON file

In R, reading a JSON file is quite a simple task. One can extract and read the data of a
JSON file very efficiently using the fromJSON() function. The fromJSON() function takes
the JSON file and returns the extracted data from the JSON file in the list format by
Suppose the above data is stored in a file named example.json in the E drive. To read
the file we must write the following code.

# Read a JSON file

# Load the package required to read JSON files.


# Give the input file name to the function.

result <- fromJSON(file = "E:\\example.json")

# Print the result.


[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "Mithuna" "Tanushree" "Parnasha" "Arjun" "Pankaj"

[1] "722.5" "815.2" "1611" "2829" "843.25"

[1] "6/17/2014" "1/1/2012" "11/15/2014" "9/23/2013" "5/21/2013"

[1] "IT" "IT" "HR" "Operations" "Finance"

Writing into a JSON file

One need to create a JSON Object using toJSON() function before he writes the data to
a JSON file. To write into a JSON file use the write() function.

# Writing into JSON file.

# Load the package required to read JSON files.


# creating the list

list1 <- vector(mode="list", length=2)

list1[[1]] <- c("sunflower", "guava", "hibiscus")

list1[[2]] <- c("flower", "fruit", "flower")

# creating the data for JSON file

jsonData <- toJSON(list1)

# writing into JSON file

write(jsonData, "result.json")

# Give the created file name to the function

result <- fromJSON(file = "result.json")

# Print the result


[1] "sunflower" "guava" "hibiscus"

[1] "flower" "fruit" "flower"

➢ Working with URLs

One can take datasets from any websites and extract the data and use them. This can
be done under any of two packages, namely RJSONIO and jsonlite.

# working with URL

# import required library


# extracting data from the website

Raw <- fromJSON( "https://data.ny.gov/api/views/9a8c-vfzj/rows.json?accessType=DOWNLOAD")

# extract the data node

food_market <- Raw[['data']]

# assembling the data into data frames

Names <- sapply(food_market, function(x) x[[14]])










[1] "DOLLAR GENERAL # 17913"


[1] "DOLLAR GENERAL #8363"



➢ Databases in R Programming Language

R can be connected to many relational databases such as Oracle, MySQL, SQL
Server, etc, and fetches the result as a data frame. Once the result set is fetched into
data frame, it becomes very easy to visualize and manipulate them. In this article,
we’ll discuss MySQl as reference to connect with R, creating, dropping, inserting,
updating, and querying the table using R Language.

RMySQL Package

It is a built-in package in R and Its provides connectivity between the R and MySql
databases. It can be installed with the following commands:
Connecting MySQL with R Programming Language
R requires RMySQL package to create a connection object which takes username,
password, hostname and database name while calling the
function. dbConnect() function is used to create the connection object in R.
Syntax: dbConnect(drv, user, password, dbname, host)
Parameter values:
• drv represents Database Driver
• user represents username
• password represents password value assigned to Database server
• dbname represents name of the database
• host represents host name

# Install package


# Loading library


# Create connection

mysqlconn = dbConnect(MySQL(), user = 'root', password = 'welcome', dbname = 'mydb', host


# Show tables in database


Tables present in database named “mydb”:

Create Tables in MySQL Using R

Tables in MySQL can be created using function dbSendQuery() in R.

# Create connection object

mysqlconn = dbConnect(MySQL(), user = 'root', password = 'welcome', dbname = 'mydb',host =


# Create new table Cars

> dbSendQuery(mysqlconn, 'CREATE TABLE Cars(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name

VARCHAR(20), Price INT)')

Insert into Table in MySQL Using R

Here we are going to insert a value into a table.

# Create connection object

mysqlconn = dbConnect(MySQL(), user = 'root', password = 'welcome', dbname = 'mydb', host =


# Inserting into articles table

> dbSendQuery(mysqlconn,"INSERT INTO Cars VALUES(1,'Audi',52642)")


Database content:
Selecting Data from MySql table using R

Working with Excel Files

Reading Excel Files in R Programming Language
First, install readxl package in R to load excel files.

> library(readxl)

> Data1 <- read_excel("C:/Users/jaideep/Documents/practiceR/excel.xlsx")

> head(Data1)


Data Visualization using R

➢ R – graphs and Charts

ggplot2 is a plotting package that provides helpful commands to create complex plots
from data in a data frame. It provides a more programmatic interface for specifying
what variables to plot, how they are displayed, and general visual properties.

To build a ggplot, we will use the following basic template that can be used for different
types of plots:

ggplot(data = <DATA>, mapping = aes(<MAPPINGS>)) + <GEOM_FUNCTION>()

• define a data set.

• define an aesthetic mapping (using the aesthetic (aes) function), by selecting the
variables to be plotted and specifying how to present them in the graph, e.g., as x/y
positions or characteristics such as size, shape, color, etc.

ggplot(data = surveys_complete, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length))

• add ‘geoms’ – graphical representations of the data in the plot (points, lines,
bars). ggplot2 offers many different geoms; we will use some common ones today,
o geom_point() for scatter plots, dot plots, etc.
o geom_boxplot() for, well, boxplots!
o geom_line() for trend lines, time series, etc.


Consider diamonds dataset for this example. Use Command View(diamonds) to view dataset
and ?diamond to get complete information about diamonds dataset.


> library(ggplot2)

> ggplot(data=diamonds)

> ggplot(data=diamonds, aes(x=price))

> ggplot(data=diamonds,aes(x=price))+geom_histogram()

Output: Hitogram
> ggplot(data=diamonds,aes(x=price))+geom_bar()

Output: Bar graph

> ggplot(data=diamonds,aes(x=carat, y=price))+geom_point()

Output: Scatter plot

> ggplot(data=diamonds,aes(x=clarity, y=carat))+geom_boxplot()

Output: BoxPlot

> ggplot(data=diamonds,aes(x=clarity, y=carat))+geom_line()

Output: Line graph

11.Statistical Analysis Using R
➢ Measure of Central Tendency

Central Tendency is one of the features of descriptive statistics. Central tendency

tells about how the group of data is clustered around the centre value of the
distribution. Central tendency performs the following measures:
• Arithmetic Mean
• Geometric Mean
• Harmonic Mean
• Median
• Mode
Arithmetic Mean
The arithmetic mean is simply called the average of the numbers which represents
the central value of the data distribution. It is calculated by adding all the values and
then dividing by the total number of observations.

X indicates the arithmetic mean xi indicates ith value in data vector n indicates total
number of observations. In R language, arithmetic mean can be calculated
by mean() function.
Syntax: mean(x, trim, na.rm = FALSE)
x: Represents object
trim: Specifies number of values to be removed from each side of object before
calculating the mean. The value is between 0 to 0.5
na.rm: If TRUE then removes the NA value from x


# Defining vector

x <- c(3, 7, 5, 13, 20, 23, 39, 23, 40, 23, 14, 12, 56, 23)

# Print mean


[1] 21.5

Geometric Mean
The geometric mean is a type of mean that is computed by multiplying all the data
values and thus, shows the central tendency for given data distribution.

X indicates geometric mean xi indicates ith value in data vector n indicates total
number of observations prod() and length() function helps in finding the geometric
mean for given set of numbers as there is no direct function for geometric mean.
prod() function returns the product of all values present in vector x
length() function returns the length of vector x

# Defining vector

x <- c(1, 5, 9, 19, 25)

# Print Geometric Mean

print(prod(x)^(1 / length(x)))

[1] 7.344821
Harmonic Mean
Harmonic mean is another type of mean used as another measure of central
tendency. It is computed as reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of reciprocals of the
given set of values.

X indicates harmonic mean xi indicates ith value in data vector
n indicates total number of observations
Modifying the code to find the harmonic mean of given set of values.

# Defining vector

x <- c(1, 5, 8, 10)

# Print Harmonic Mean

print(1 / mean(1 / x))

[1] 2.807018
Median in statistics is another measure of central tendency which represents the
middlemost value of a given set of values.
In R language, median can be calculated by median() function.
Syntax: median(x, na.rm = FALSE)
x: It is the data vector
na.rm: If TRUE then removes the NA value from x

# Defining vector

x <- c(3, 7, 5, 13, 20, 23, 39, 23, 40, 23, 14, 12, 56, 23)

# Print Median


[1] 21.5
The mode of a given set of values is the value that is repeated most in the set. There
can exist multiple mode values in case if there are two or more values with matching
maximum frequency.
Example 1: Single-mode value
In R language, there is no function to calculate mode. So, modifying the code to find
out the mode for a given set of values.

# Defining vector

x <- c(3, 7, 5, 13, 20, 23, 39, 23, 40, 23, 14, 12, 56, 23, 29, 56, 37, 45, 1, 25, 8)

# Generate frequency table

y <- table(x)

# Print frequency table


# Mode of x

m <- names(y)[which(y == max(y))]

# Print mode

1 3 5 7 8 12 13 14 20 23 25 29 37 39 40 45 56
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
[1] "23"
Example 2: Multiple Mode values

# Defining vector

x <- c(3, 7, 5, 13, 20, 23, 39, 23, 40, 23, 14, 12, 56, 23, 29, 56, 37,45, 1, 25, 8, 56, 56)

# Generate frequency table

y <- table(x)

# Print frequency table


# Mode of x

m <- names(y)[which(y == max(y))]

# Print mode


1 3 5 7 8 12 13 14 20 23 25 29 37 39 40 45 56
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4
[1] "23" "56"

➢ Measures of Variablity
Following are some of the measures of variablity that R offers to differentiate
between data sets:
• Variance
• Standard Deviation
• Range
• Mean Deviation
• Interquartile Range

Variance is a measure that shows how far is each value from a particular point,
preferably mean value. Mathematically, it is defined as the average of squared
differences from the mean value.

σ2 specifies variance of the data set
xi specifies ith value in data set
µ specifies the mean of data set
n specifies total number of observations
In the R language, there is a standard built-in function to calculate the variance of a
data set.
Syntax: var(x)
x: It is data vector

# Defining vector

x <- c(5, 5, 8, 12, 15, 16)

# Print variance of x


[1] 23.76667
Standard Deviation
Standard deviation in statistics measures the spreadness of data values with respect
to mean and mathematically, is calculated as square root of variance.

σ2 specifies standard deviation of the data set
xi specifies ith value in data set
µ specifies the mean of data set
n specifies total number of observations
In R language, there is no standard built-in function to calculate the standard
deviation of a data set. So, modifying the code to find the standard deviation of data

# Defining vector

x <- c(5, 5, 8, 12, 15, 16)

# Standard deviation

d <- sqrt(var(x))

# Print standard deviation of x


[1] 4.875107
Range is the difference between maximum and minimum value of a data set. In R
language, max() and min() is used to find the same, unlike range() function that
returns the minimum and maximum value of data set.

# Defining vector
x <- c(5, 5, 8, 12, 15, 16)

# range() function output


# Using max() and min() function

# to calculate the range of data set


[1] 5 16
[1] 11
Mean Deviation
Mean deviation is a measure calculated by taking an average of the arithmetic mean
of the absolute difference of each value from the central value. Central value can be
mean, median, or mode.

xi specifies ith value in data set
µ specifies the mean of data set
n specifies total number of observations
In R language, there is no standard built-in function to calculate mean deviation. So,
modifying the code to find mean deviation of the data set.

# Defining vector

x <- c(5, 5, 8, 12, 15, 16)

# Mean deviation
md <- sum(abs(x-mean(x)))/length(x)

# Print mean deviation


[1] 4.166667
Interquartile Range
Interquartile Range is based on splitting a data set into parts called as quartiles.
There are 3 quartile values (Q1, Q2, Q3) that divide the whole data set into 4 equal
parts. Q2 specifies the median of the whole data set.
Mathematically, the interquartile range is depicted as:
IQR = Q3 – Q1
Q3 specifies the median of n largest values
Q1 specifies the median of n smallest values
In R language, there is built-in function to calculate the interquartile range of data
Syntax: IQR(x)
x: It specifies the data set

# Defining vector

x <- c(5, 5, 8, 12, 15, 16)

# Print Interquartile range


[1] 8.5
13. Hypothesis Testing
A hypothesis is made by the researchers about the data collected for any experiment
or data set. A hypothesis is an assumption made by the researchers that are not
mandatory true. In simple words, a hypothesis is a decision taken by the researchers
based on the data of the population collected. Hypothesis Testing in R
Programming is a process of testing the hypothesis made by the researcher or to
validate the hypothesis. To perform hypothesis testing, a random sample of data
from the population is taken and testing is performed. Based on the results of testing,
the hypothesis is either selected or rejected. This concept is known as Statistical
Inference. the four-step process of hypothesis testing are One sample T-Testing,
Two-sample T-Testing, Directional Hypothesis, one sample T-test, two sample T-
test and correlation test in R programming.

Four Step Process of Hypothesis Testing

There are 4 major steps in hypothesis testing:
• State the hypothesis- This step is started by stating null and alternative
hypothesis which is presumed as true.
• Formulate an analysis plan and set the criteria for decision- In this step,
significance level of test is set. The significance level is the probability of a false
rejection in a hypothesis test.
• Analyze sample data- In this, a test statistic is used to formulate the statistical
comparison between the sample mean and the mean of the population or standard
deviation of the sample and standard deviation of the population.
• Interpret decision- The value of the test statistic is used to make the decision
based on the significance level. For example, if the significance level is set to 0.1
probability, then the sample mean less than 10% will be rejected. Otherwise, the
hypothesis is retained to be true.
One Sample T-Testing
One sample T-Testing approach collects a huge amount of data and tests it on
random samples. To perform T-Test in R, normally distributed data is required. This
test is used to test the mean of the sample with the population. For example, the
height of persons living in an area is different or identical to other persons living in
other areas.
Syntax: t.test(x, mu)
x: represents numeric vector of data
mu: represents true value of the mean
To know about more optional parameters of t.test(), try below command:

# Defining sample vector

x <- rnorm(100)

# One Sample T-Test

t.test(x, mu = 5)

One Sample t-test
data: x
t = -49.504, df = 99, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 5
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.1910645 0.2090349
sample estimates:
mean of x
Two Sample T-Testing
In two sample T-Testing, the sample vectors are compared. If var.equal = TRUE, the
test assumes that the variances of both the samples are equal.
Syntax: t.test(x, y)
x and y: Numeric vectors

# Defining sample vector

x <- rnorm(100)

y <- rnorm(100)

# Two Sample T-Test

t.test(x, y)

Welch Two Sample t-test
data: x and y
t = -1.0601, df = 197.86, p-value = 0.2904
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.4362140 0.1311918
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
-0.05075633 0.10175478
Directional Hypothesis
Using the directional hypothesis, the direction of the hypothesis can be specified
like, if the user wants to know the sample mean is lower or greater than another
mean sample of the data.
Syntax: t.test(x, mu, alternative)
x: represents numeric vector data
mu: represents mean against which sample data has to be tested
alternative: sets the alternative hypothesis

# Defining sample vector

x <- rnorm(100)

# Directional hypothesis testing

t.test(x, mu = 2, alternative = 'greater')

One Sample t-test
data: x
t = -20.708, df = 99, p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true mean is greater than 2
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.2307534 Inf
sample estimates:
mean of x
One Sample T-Test
This type of test is used when comparison has to computed on one sample and the
data is non-parametric. It is performed using wilcox.test() function in R programming.
Syntax: wilcox.test(x, y, exact = NULL)
x and y: represents numeric vector
exact: represents logical value which indicates whether p-value be computed
To know about more optional parameters of wilcox.test(), use below command:

# Define vector

x <- rnorm(100)

# one sample test

wilcox.test(x, exact = FALSE)

Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction

data: x
V = 2555, p-value = 0.9192
alternative hypothesis: true location is not equal to 0
Two Sample T-Test
This test is performed to compare two samples of data.

# Define vectors

x <- rnorm(100)

y <- rnorm(100)

# Two sample test

wilcox.test(x, y)

Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
data: x and y
W = 5300, p-value = 0.4643
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
Correlation Test
This test is used to compare the correlation of the two vectors provided in the
function call or to test for the association between the paired samples.
Syntax: cor.test(x, y)
x and y: represents numeric data vectors
To know about more optional parameters in cor.test() function, use below

# Using mtcars dataset in R

cor.test(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$hp)

Pearson's product-moment correlation

data: mtcars$mpg and mtcars$hp

t = -6.7424, df = 30, p-value = 1.788e-07
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.8852686 -0.5860994
sample estimates:

14. Chi-Square Test

The chi-square test of independence evaluates whether there is an association
between the categories of the two variables. There are basically two types of random
variables and they yield two types of data: numerical and categorical. Chi-square
statistics is used to investigate whether distributions of categorical variables differ
from one another. Chi-square test is also useful while comparing the tallies or counts
of categorical responses between two(or more) independent groups.
In R, the function used for performing a chi-square test is chisq.test().
data: data is a table containing count values of the variables in the table.
We will take the survey data in the MASS library which represents the data from a
survey conducted on students.

# load the MASS package



'data.frame': 237 obs. of 12 variables:
$ Sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "Female","Male": 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 ...
$ Wr.Hnd: num 18.5 19.5 18 18.8 20 18 17.7 17 20 18.5 ...
$ NW.Hnd: num 18 20.5 13.3 18.9 20 17.7 17.7 17.3 19.5 18.5 ...
$ W.Hnd : Factor w/ 2 levels "Left","Right": 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ Fold : Factor w/ 3 levels "L on R","Neither",..: 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 ...
$ Pulse : int 92 104 87 NA 35 64 83 74 72 90 ...
$ Clap : Factor w/ 3 levels "Left","Neither",..: 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
$ Exer : Factor w/ 3 levels "Freq","None",..: 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 ...
$ Smoke : Factor w/ 4 levels "Heavy","Never",..: 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ Height: num 173 178 NA 160 165 ...
$ M.I : Factor w/ 2 levels "Imperial","Metric": 2 1 NA 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 ...
$ Age : num 18.2 17.6 16.9 20.3 23.7 ...
The above result shows the dataset has many Factor variables which can be
considered as categorical variables. For our model, we will consider the variables
“Exer” and “Smoke“.The Smoke column records the students smoking habits while
the Exer column records their exercise level. Our aim is to test the hypothesis
whether the students smoking habit is independent of their exercise level at .05
significance level.
# Create a data frame from the main data set.

stu_data = data.frame(survey$Smoke,survey$Exer)

# Create a contingency table with the needed variables.

stu_data = table(survey$Smoke,survey$Exer)


Freq None Some
Heavy 7 1 3
Never 87 18 84
Occas 12 3 4
Regul 9 1 7
And finally we apply the chisq.test() function to the contingency table stu_data.

# applying chisq.test() function


Pearson's Chi-squared test
data: stu_data
X-squared = 5.4885, df = 6, p-value = 0.4828
As the p-value 0.4828 is greater than the .05, we conclude that the smoking habit is
independent of the exercise level of the student and hence there is a weak or no
correlation between the two variables.
The complete R code is given below.

# R program to illustrate
# Chi-Square Test in R



stu_data = data.frame(survey$Smoke,survey$Exer)

stu_data = table(survey$Smoke,survey$Exer)



So, in summary, it can be said that it is very easy to perform a Chi-square test using
R. One can perform this task using chisq.test() function in R.

15. ANOVA testing

ANOVA also known as Analysis of variance is used to investigate relations between

categorical variables and continuous variable in R Programming. It is a type of
hypothesis testing for population variance.
R – ANOVA Test
ANOVA test involves setting up:
• Null Hypothesis: All population means are equal.
• Alternate Hypothesis: Atleast one population mean is different from other.
ANOVA tests are of two types:
• One way ANOVA: It takes one categorical group into consideration.
• Two way ANOVA: It takes two categorical group into consideration.

The Dataset

The mtcars(motor trend car road test) dataset is used which consist of 32 car brands
and 11 attributes. The dataset comes preinstalled in dplyr package in R.
To get started with ANOVA, we need to install and load the dplyr package.

Performing One Way ANOVA test in R language

One way ANOVA test is performed using mtcars dataset which comes preinstalled
with dplyr package between disp attribute, a continuous attribute and gear attribute,
a categorical attribute.
# Installing the package


# Loading the package


# Variance in mean within group and between group


xlab = "gear", ylab = "disp")

# Step 1: Setup Null Hypothesis and Alternate Hypothesis

# H0 = mu = mu01 = mu02(There is no difference

# between average displacement for different gear)

# H1 = Not all means are equal

# Step 2: Calculate test statistics using aov function

mtcars_aov <- aov(mtcars$disp~factor(mtcars$gear))


# Step 3: Calculate F-Critical Value

# For 0.05 Significant value, critical value = alpha = 0.05

# Step 4: Compare test statistics with F-Critical value

# and conclude test p < alpha, Reject Null Hypothesis

The box plot shows the mean values of gear with respect of displacement. Here
categorical variable is gear on which factor function is used and continuous variable
is disp.

The summary shows that the gear attribute is very significant to displacement(Three
stars denoting it). Also, the P value is less than 0.05, so proves that gear is
significant to displacement i.e related to each other and we reject the Null

Performing Two Way ANOVA test in R

Two-way ANOVA test is performed using mtcars dataset which comes preinstalled
with dplyr package between disp attribute, a continuous attribute and gear attribute,
a categorical attribute, am attribute, a categorical attribute.

# Installing the package


# Loading the package


# Variance in mean within group and between group

boxplot(mtcars$disp~mtcars$gear, subset = (mtcars$am == 0),

xlab = "gear", ylab = "disp", main = "Automatic")

boxplot(mtcars$disp~mtcars$gear, subset = (mtcars$am == 1),

xlab = "gear", ylab = "disp", main = "Manual")

# Step 1: Setup Null Hypothesis and Alternate Hypothesis

# H0 = mu0 = mu01 = mu02(There is no difference between

# average displacement for different gear)

# H1 = Not all means are equal

# Step 2: Calculate test statistics using aov function

mtcars_aov2 <- aov(mtcars$disp~factor(mtcars$gear) * factor(mtcars$am))


# Step 3: Calculate F-Critical Value

# For 0.05 Significant value, critical value = alpha = 0.05

# Step 4: Compare test statistics with F-Critical value

# and conclude test p < alpha, Reject Null Hypothesis

The box plot shows the mean values of gear with respect of displacement. Hear
categorical variables are gear and am on which factor function is used and
continuous variable is disp.

The summary shows that gear attribute is very significant to displacement(Three

stars denoting it) and am attribute is not much significant to displacement. P-value
of gear is less than 0.05, so it proves that gear is significant to displacement i.e
related to each other. P-value of am is greater than 0.05, am is not significant to
displacement i.e not related to each other.


We see significant results from boxplots and summaries.

• Displacement is strongly related to Gears in cars i.e displacement is dependent on
gears with p < 0.05.
• Displacement is strongly related to Gears but not related to transmission mode in
cars with p 0.05 with am.

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