Infectious Diseases Policy and Procedure V2021.1

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Infectious Diseases Policy and Procedure V2021.

Infectious Diseases Policy and Procedure

Category: Health, Hygiene and Safety Version: V2021.1

Effective From: May 2021 Next Review: May 2022

Policy Statement
Our service is committed to ensuring all reasonable steps to control the spread of infectious diseases
in accordance with recognised guidelines. This policy outlines steps to ensure a healthy environment
is maintained for children and adults.

Background and Guiding Principles

Regulation 88 and Standard 2.1 of the National Quality Standards deal with infectious diseases.
The Guide to the National Quality Framework include the following guidance for services:
 “implement effective hygiene practices to control the spread of infectious diseases
 communicate with families if there is an outbreak of an infectious disease
 the service’s policies on dealing with infectious disease address child and staff immunisation,
including exclusion periods
 guidelines for the exclusion of ill children and educators are implemented
 the service’s policy and procedures on dealing with infectious disease, including notifying families
of cases of infectious illnesses in the service and exclusion of ill children, that is consistent with
current information from a relevant recognised authority
 a written process for observing, responding to and recording signs of illness and injury in children
and notifying families of illness or injuries that affect children while at the service
 families are advised of cases of infectious illnesses in the service, including information about the
nature of the illness, incubation and infectious periods and the service’s exclusion requirements
for the illness.”1

National Law and Regulations:

• The following regulations stipulate reporting that may be required due to an infectious disease:
o 175(2)(b) any incident that requires the approved provider to close, or reduce the
number of children attending, the education and care service for a period
o 175(2)(c) any circumstance arising at the service that poses a risk to the health, safety or
wellbeing of a child or children attending the service
o 176(2)(a)(ii) in the case of any other serious incident, within 24 hours of the incident or
the time that the person becomes aware of the incident
o 176(2)(c) in any other case, within 7 days of the relevant event or within 7 days of the
approved provider becoming aware of the relevant information.
• Regulation 4 – Definitions:
o “infectious disease, in relation to a participating jurisdiction, means an infectious disease
that is designated under a law of that jurisdiction or by a health authority (however
described) as a disease that would require a person with the disease to be excluded from
an education and care Service”

“Illness management and hygiene practices

While it is not possible to prevent the spread of all infections and illnesses, effective illness
management practices and maintaining high standards of hygiene significantly reduce the likelihood
“Guide to the National Quality Framework” Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority
September 2020

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Infectious Diseases Policy and Procedure V2021.1

of children becoming ill. This involves reducing children’s exposure to materials, surfaces and body
fluids that may cause infection or illness. For more information, see the National Health and Medical
Research Council’s (NHMRC) publication Staying Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early
childhood education and care services, 2013. In helping children to take growing responsibility for
their own health and physical wellbeing, educators’ model and reinforce health and personal hygiene
practices with children. Educators also promote continuity of children’s personal health and hygiene
by sharing ownership of routines and schedules with children, families and the community.” 2

Preventing Illness
“Microscopic living things (known as germs) are all around us. Some of these germs can cause
disease in people, other animals or plants. There are four major types of germs:
 bacteria
 viruses
 fungi
 protozoa.
Infections can also be caused by parasites such as roundworm and hookworm.

The three steps in the chain of infection

1. The germ has a source.
2. The germ spreads from the source.
3. The germ infects another person.
You can break the chain of infection at any stage.

The way that children interact with each other and with adults in education and care services means
that diseases can quickly spread in a variety of ways. Children, especially younger children, have close
contact with other people through playing or cuddling; they often put objects in their mouths; and
they may not always cover their coughs or sneezes. Because some germs can survive on surfaces,
children may touch a contaminated surface, then put their hands in their mouth and become

If a child has an ill sibling at home, they could also be incubating the illness, and risk bringing germs
from home into the education and care service. Whether or not a person becomes ill in an education
and care service depends on three things:
• The type of germ—some viruses, such as measles and norovirus, are very infectious. Others, such
as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are very difficult to spread in
education and care services.
• The opportunity for transmission—germs have a greater chance of spreading if, for example,
there are inadequate hand-washing facilities, or ill children are not excluded from the education
and care service.
• The person’s immunity—people who have been immunised against a particular disease, or who
have had that disease before, are unlikely to become ill if they come in contact with the disease.
People who have not been immunised, or who do not have natural immunity to that disease,
have a much higher risk of becoming infected and developing the disease.

“Guide to the National Quality Framework” Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority
September 2020

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Different germs spread in different ways

• Airborne: The virus that causes measles can stay in the air for up to 2 hours after an infected
person has left the room. This means that people can be exposed to the virus without having
direct contact with the infected person.
• Contact: Germs such as norovirus and rotavirus can cause gastroenteritis, leading to symptoms
of diarrhoea (loose stools) and/or vomiting. It may be obvious that a person can spread the
disease while they are unwell, but what is not so well known is that a person may still be
contagious up to 10 days after the symptoms have stopped.
• Droplets: The bacteria that cause meningococcal disease can be present in people’s throats. If an
infected person coughs or sneezes, the droplets they produce can infect other people nearby.

Some germs are very difficult to spread in education and care services—these include
• mosquito-borne germs (which do not spread directly from person to person), and
• human immunodeficiency virus (HI V, which spreads through blood and sexual contact).

Main ways to prevent infection

The most important ways to break the chain of infection and stop the spread of diseases are:
• effective hand hygiene
• exclusion of ill children, educators and other staff
• immunisation.

Other strategies to prevent infection include:

• cough and sneeze etiquette
• appropriate use of gloves
• effective environmental cleaning.

Exclusion of ill children, educators and other staff

The aim of exclusion is to reduce the spread of infectious disease. The less contact there is between
people who have an infectious disease and people who are at risk of catching the disease, the less
chance the disease has of spreading. Excluding ill children, educators and other staff is an effective
way to limit the spread of infection in education and care services.

By excluding one ill person, you can protect many other people from becoming ill
The need for exclusion and the length of time a person is excluded depend on:
• how easily the infection can spread
• how long the person is likely to be infectious
• how severe the disease can be.

The exclusion procedure

To determine when a person should be excluded:
• identify whether the symptoms or a diagnosed illness have an exclusion period
• refer to Table 1.1 for the recommended minimum periods of exclusion
• advise the parents, or the educator or other staff member, when they may return to the
education and care service.

Children, educators and other staff who are unwell should stay home from education and care
services. Even if they do not have a condition that requires exclusion, the best place for an ill child to
rest and recover is with someone who cares for them. 3

“5th Edition Staying Healthy Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care Services”
Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council 2013

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“Because you care for the children in your group every day, you are probably used to the way each of
them looks and behaves when they are healthy. It is useful for educators and other staff to have
some understanding of the signs and symptoms that suggest that a young child may be quite ill and
need urgent medical attention. These include the following:
• High fever—a high fever in a young child can be a sign of infection and needs to be investigated
to find the cause. However, fever by itself is not necessarily an indicator of serious illness
• Drowsiness—the child is less alert than normal, making less eye contact, or less interested in
their surroundings.
• Lethargy and decreased activity—the child wants to lie down or be held rather than participate
in any activity, even those activities that would normally be of interest.
• Breathing difficulty—this is an important sign. The child may be breathing very quickly or noisily
or be pale or blue around the mouth. The child may be working hard at breathing, with the
muscles between the ribs being drawn in with each breath.
• Poor circulation—the child looks very pale, and their hands and feet feel cold or look blue.
• Poor feeding—the child has reduced appetite and drinks much less than usual. This is especially
relevant for infants.
• Poor urine output—there are fewer wet nappies than usual; this is especially relevant for infants.
• Red or purple rash—non-specific rashes are common in viral infections; however, red or purple
spots that do not turn white if pressed with a finger require urgent medical referral because the
child could have meningococcal disease.
• A stiff neck or sensitivity to light—this may indicate meningitis, although it is possible for infants
to have meningitis without these signs.
• Pain—a child may or may not tell you they are in pain. Facial expression is a good indicator of
pain in small infants or children who do not talk. General irritability or reduced physical activity
may also indicate pain in young children.
These clinical features cannot be relied on to say for certain that a child is seriously ill, nor does their
absence rule out serious illness. The more of the above features that are seen, the more likely it is
that the child may have a serious illness. Remember that illness in infants and young children can
progress very quickly. If there is any doubt, seek medical advice without delay.” 4

“5th Edition Staying Healthy Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care
Services” Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council 2013 provides the
following guidance on exclusion:
 “Separate the ill child from the other children. If the child is not well enough to participate in
activities, contact their parent and send them home. A child who is feeling unwell needs to be
with a person who cares for them—this is usually a parent or grandparent.
 While waiting for the parent to arrive, keep the child away from the main group of children, if
possible. For example, they could lie on a floor cushion or mat in a corner of the room where you
can still comfort and supervise them. After the child leaves, ensure that the mattress or floor
cushion is cleaned before it is used again. Some infectious agents can persist on surfaces and may
cause infection even if an object looks clean or is wiped clean.
 When caring for an ill child, remember the main ways to break the chain of infection:
 Remind a child who is coughing or sneezing to cough or sneeze into their elbow. If the child
covers their mouth with their hands, ask them to wash their hands.
 If you wipe a child’s nose, dispose of the tissue in a plastic-lined rubbish bin and then wash
your hands. If you touch a child who might be ill, avoid touching other children until after you
have washed your hands.

“5th Edition Staying Healthy Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care Services”
Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council 2013

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 Encourage parents to tell you when anyone in the family is ill. If someone in the family is ill,
watch for signs of illness in the child.
• If a child appears very unwell or has a serious injury that needs urgent medical attention, call an

“It is usually not necessary to reduce a fever, because fever in itself is not harmful. However,
medication is sometimes given to ‘bring a fever down’ because there is no doubt that fever can make
a person feel miserable. Some studies show that giving medication to reduce the fever can actually
slow down the body’s immune response to infection. In most cases, do not worry about treating the
fever itself—instead, focus your attention on the way the child looks and behaves, their level of
alertness, and whether there are any other symptoms that indicate serious infection, such as
vomiting, coughing or convulsions. Key things to remember about fever:
• The normal temperature for a child is up to 38°C.
• Fevers are common in children.
• If the child seems well and is happy, there is no need to treat a fever.
 If the child is less than 3 months old and has a fever above 38 °C, contact the child’s parent and
ask them to take the child to a doctor.
 If the child is unhappy, treatment is needed to comfort them. Give clear fluids and, if the parents
give permission, paracetamol.
• Watch the child and monitor how they are feeling.
• In some cases, a child may have febrile convulsions, which are physical seizures caused by the
fever. They usually last only a few seconds or minutes; however, you should call an ambulance.” 6

Viral or Suspected Viral Gastroenteritis Outbreaks

“A single case (no other cases within three days at the same centre) of gastroenteritis (children and
adults) should be excluded from childcare until at least 24 hours after the symptoms have ceased.
Two or more cases may indicate transmission within a centre, therefore until the cause is identified
the exclusion period should be for 48 hours after symptoms ceases. Staying Healthy pp. 53 & 99
recommends the ECECS contact the Public Health Unit if there are two or more cases of
gastroenteritis in the centre.” 7

 “A pandemic is a worldwide spread of a new disease such as a new influenza virus or the
coronavirus, COVID-19
 An epidemic, on the other hand, is when many more cases of a health condition occur than
expected in a certain region, but it does not spread further.
 Knowing how to self-isolate and practise physical distancing will help stop the spread of a

Our service refers to the “5th Edition Staying Healthy Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early
Childhood Education and Care Services” Australian Government National Health and Medical
Research Council 2012 ” as a minimum for controlling infectious diseases. Additoinal precautions
“5th Edition Staying Healthy Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care Services”
Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council 2013
“5th Edition Staying Healthy Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care Services”
Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council 2013
“Viral or Suspected Viral Gastroenteritis Outbreaks – Information for Directors and Staff of Early Childhood
Education and Care services”, Queensland Health (accessed on-line March 2021)
“What is a pandemic?” Health Direct website, Australian Department of Health (accessed on-line March 2021)

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including longer periods of exclusions and additional control measures may also be taken based on
instruction or advice from Public Health or another recognised government or health agency. The
National Health and Medical Research Council says that children who are unwell should stay home
from schools, pre-schools and childcare centres.

Procedures and Responsibilities

Protecting children and each other is a team approach.
Leadership and Management Responsibilities, including Approved Providers, Nominated
Supervisors and Responsible Persons will:
 Positively and clearly communicate all aspects of the policy and take a zero-tolerance
approach to compliance.
 Understand and comply with all aspects of this policy and related legislation and support team
members to do the same.
 Lead a culture of reflection and regular review of policies, seeking feedback from educators,
families, children and other community agencies and professionals as appropriate.
 Be proactive in communicating expectations around the exclusion of unwell children during
orientation and enrolment discussions.
 Provide families with a copy of this document as part of enrolment at the service.
 Discuss exclusion of unwell adults and children during staff inductions.
 Take active steps to ensure that staff follow all requirements outlined in other health policies,
including but not limited to; Health and Hygiene, Food Safety, Handwashing and Nappy
Change and toileting.
 Record all illness in the Illness Register, for both children and staff who have attended
the service or called in absent with an illness.
 Provide the necessary equipment, facilities and products to maintain a clean and hygienic
enironment including effective handwashing facilities and waterlesss products.
 Notify the Public Health Unit immediately upon being made aware of a suspected or
confirmed case of a notifiable disease.
 Ensure families are notified of the occurrence of an infectious disease as soon as possible.
o For serious illnesses – email or phone should be used to contact all families, this
would be done only on the advice of the Public Health Unit
o For other illnesses – an email and/or signs placed in a number of spaces to advise
families of the presence of the infectious disease. These signs should include:
 information about the nature of the illness,
 incubation and infectious periods
 the service’s exclusion requirements for the illness

In the event a child is unwell at the service

 Consider the need for an ambulance where you believe it is life-threatening.
 Coordinate with the educators who will call the family to advise their child is unwell and
respectfully request collection.
 Ensure the Injury, Incident, Trauma and Illness Record Form is fully completed, including the
date and time the parent was notified.
 Consider use of the sample “Report Form for parent or doctor” template from page 182 of
“Staying Healthy” outlining the symptoms that presented during the child’s time at the service
to assist families and medical practitioners in a diagnosis and treatment.
 Nominated Supervisors and Approved Providers should consult with the Notification Decision
Tree (NDT) for guidance on reporting requirements and timeframes.
 Contact Public Health in the event of an outbreak where multiple cases are occurring, for

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instance when numerous children develop gastro symptoms.

 Be consistent in excluding children and adults with infectious diseases in accordance with the
guidelines from the “5th Edition Staying Healthy Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early
Childhood Education and Care Services” Australian Government National Health and Medical
Research Council 2013 and any Public Health advise.
 Made decisions around excluding or re-admitting a child who has been sick based on the best
interests of the child and in the interests of the other children in the centre. The decision will
take into account:
o Medical certificates
o Other conditions present
o Whether the child is well enough to participate in normal activities at the service
o Previous History
o Diseases prevalent at the time of illness.
o Information provided on the Illness Record Form provided by the centre and
completed and stamped by a medical practitioner.
o NHMRC Recommended Minimum Exclusions Periods Table
 Understand that a medical clearance is not a guarantee that the child can return, all factors
should be considered in making a decision to re-admit a child how has been unwell.
 Request a medical certificate where appropriate before confirming a child or team member
can be re-admitted to the centre, particularly in the case of a serious illness o hospitalisation.
 Apply 24hrs exclusion where there is a single case of gastro with no other cases within three
days for adults or children and 48hrs from the last symptom where ther are two or more
cases within the service. Contact the Public Health Unit where there have been two or more
cases. Staff working with food must be excluded for the minimum 48hrs.
 Apply a risk management approach in the event of an identified outbreak or pandemic. In
collaboration with the Approved Provider, determine and apply standard exclusions
timeframes for certain symptoms, for instance 24hrs after a fever. Ensure this is clearly
communicated to families and consistently implemented.
 Enforce restrictions on attendance at the service where it is deemed necessary based on
health or government advise.

 Ensure that permission to administer paracetamol in an emergency situation is sought upon
enrolment in the Enrolment Form and that permissions are shared with educators caring for
 Ensure children with a fever (38degress or higher) are collected from the service, where the
child is less than 3mths old the family should be encouraged to seek medical attention.
 Contact the family to advise of the fever and seek for them to collect. Depending on how long
the family will be, the decision to administer paracetamol may be given over the phone.
 Where an emergency situation arises from an extreme fever, a dose of Paracetamol may be
administered where authorisation is given verbally by—
o (i) a parent or a person named in the child's enrolment record as authorised to
consent to administration of medication; or
o (ii) if a parent or person named in the enrolment record cannot reasonably be
contacted in the circumstances, a registered medical practitioner or an emergency
 Supervise the administration of paracetamol with another staff member and request the
family to collect. Emergency services should be contacted where needed.
 Attendance of emergency services must be reported to the Approved Provider and the

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regulatory office within 24hrs.

Pandemics and other occasions of localised health concerns or outbreaks

Where a pandemic or other situation which impacts the health of the local community has been
declared, the Approved Provider and Nominated Supervisor must:
 Follow all advise from government and other health organisations such as Public Health. This
may include exclusion of some or all persons at the service or temporary closure of the
 Take all reasonable steps to ensure that staff, children, families and visitors do not present to
the service if they are unwell to minimise the risk of any spread of an illness.
 Ensure any person required to self-isolate under a public health order or recommendation
should not attend to the service and must notify the Nominated Supervisor immediately.
 Consult with Public Health around suspected or confirmed cases of any identified condition
and follow their advice.
 Document cases and report cases to the regulatory authority as directed.
 Ensure that they follow only factual advice, including from government agencies, public health
and the regulatory authority.
 Share factual information with families and educators and coordinate the implementation of
all control measures recommended.
 Follow all steps as recommended, including but not limited to effective handwashing,
additional cleaning requirements, effective hygiene practices, physical distancing and
exclusion of unwell persons.
 Conduct a risk assessment and identify all reasonable control measures to be taken. This
must be shared with educators and others required to undertake control measures. Families
should be advised of the risk assessment and be provided with a copy when requested.
 Work collaboratively with the Approved Provider to determine any recommended or
reasonable measurers to prevent the spread of an infectious disease, this may include, but is
not limited to:
o Limiting non-essential visitors
o Restricting certain persons from attending parts or all of the centre as per medial or
government recommendations.
o Reduce or temporarily cease incursions and excursions where there is an identified
increase in the spread of any infectious disease
o Monitoring the health of persons attending the service
o Any other reasonable steps which are intended to protect the health of others.
 Take all reasonable steps to ensure that families, educators and all visitors abide by all
recommendations and not attend the service if they are identified as being at a higher risk of
infection based on their recent travel or contact with other persons or animals.
 Use the Infectious Disease Information Record Form to determine a suitable start date for a
new family, educator or visitor to the service during times of a local community outbreak or
pandemic. This is because the recent health and travel of new persons to an organisation
during a pandemic our localised outbreak is less known than for those with an existing
relationship with the service such as current staff and families. This information will be used
to apply any recommended exclusions or delays in starting at the service based on
government or public health recommended exclusion periods.

Educators and Other Team Members will:

 Be proactive in fulfilling the requirements of this service policy and related legislative
 Seek further guidance where required to fulfil your requirements.
 Report any concerns or non-compliance immediately to the Nominated Supervisor or

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Approved Provider.
 Participate in the review of documents and provide constructive feedback to the Nominated
Supervisor or Approved Provider.

 Following all requirements outlined in other health policies, including but not limited to;
Health and Hygiene, Food Safety, Handwashing and Nappy Change and toileting.
 Engage in communication with families upon arrival including conversations about how their
child slept and how their evening/morning has been.
 Respond immediately and respectfully when families advise that children have been unwell,
advise families that under our service policies and obligations, children who are unwell and
not able to fully participate in the program should stay home.
 Acknowledge that while the conversation may seem difficult to have at the time of drop off, it
is best to advise families at that time as opposed to calling them later in the day and risk a
spread of a potentially infectious condition.
 Advise the Nominated Supervisor immediately where a family has advised that their child is
unwell, whether they attended the service or called to advise of an absence.
 Notify the Nominated Supervisor immediately of any requirement to self-isolate based on
current health advise or a government directive.

In the event a child is unwell at the service

 Ensure the child is comfortable and being cared for in relation to their symptoms. particular
attention should be paid to unwell children who are sleeping.
 Consider if the child is well enough to participate in normal activities and able to manage
hygiene dependent on their age. Children who are not able to participate fully in the
program without additional support due to signs or symptoms of a possible illness should be
collected from the service by an authorised contact and cared for in a home environment.
 If symptoms are contagious, such as vomiting, consider how to separate the child from the
group but still maintain supervision and care. This may be in another location within the room
where they can rest.
 Advise the Nominated Supervisor or Responsible Person in Charge of any suspected illnesses
immediately and coordinate who will call the family to collect.
 Ensure families are contact to collect their child if:
o They are not well enough to participate in the program
o They are presenting with symptoms which may be contagious, including symptoms
which have recently been diagnosed at the service as contagious
o They are demonstrating an inability to manage safe hygiene practices (such as
controlling nasal discharge or sneeze/cough etiquette)
o They have a fever of 38degrees or higher.
 Ensure the Injury, Incident, Trauma and Illness Record Form is fully completed, including the
date and time the parent was notified. Ensure this is signed upon collection.
 Conduct additional cleaning of all resources and surfaces.
 Consider the need for an ambulance where you believe it is life-threatening.

 Notify the Nominated Supervisor immediately of any child or adult (including yourself) who is
unwell at the service.
 Be consistent with exclusion as per the exclusion periods in Staying Healthy or as directed by
Public Health.
 Follow the Service Leave Policy and Procedure when unwell and don’t attend to the service
where you may be infectious.

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 Understand that the Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor may enforce restrictions on
attendance at the service where it is deemed necessary based on health or government

 Check for any signs of a fever and record the child’s temperature on the Reducing Fever
Record Form.
 Notify the Nominated Supervisor or Responsible Person immediately. Any paracetamol
administered at the service should be done with the Nominated Supervisor or Responsible
Person present.
 Where the child seems well and is happy, there is may be no need to treat a fever, however as
a fever is a sign of a possible illness children with a temperature of 38degrees or above must
be collected from the service and excluded for the remainder of the day. Exclusion may be
longer depending on any other confirmed contagious diseases with the same symptoms.
 Closely supervise a child with a fever and record any other signs and symptoms on the
Reducing Fever Record Form.
• Ensure they drink plenty of water and are not overdressed. Avoid cold-water sponging or cold
baths that make the child shiver. If sponging or bathing makes the child feel more
comfortable, use lukewarm water.
• Notify the Nominated Supervisor and call an ambulance immediately in the case of febrile
• Communicate respectfully to families that a fever is one of the symptoms listed in “Staying
Healthy Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care Services” that
indicate a child is unwell and as such families are asked to please collect from care.

 Role model good hygiene practices including coughing and sneezing into their elbow.
 Take many opportunities to engage in conversations with children about healthy habits and
how to prevent illness including hygiene etiquette such as coughing and sneezing into their
 Document learning around health and hygiene matters and incorporate them into everyday
programs and routines.
 Support children to develop healthy, hygenic habits that will support them into adulthood.

Families are asked to:

 Fulfil responsibilities under this policy and related legislative requirements.
 Understand that the service must take steps as required under legislative requirements and
follow advise from recognised authorities.
 Participate in the review of documents and provide constructive feedback to the Nominated
Supervisor or Approved Provider.
 Discuss any questions with the Nominated Supervisor or Responsible Person in charge.
 Understand that the service has an obligation to prevent the spread of communicable
 Keep children who are unwell at home and notify the service so they can be aware of
symptoms to be on the watch for.
 Consider if your child is well enough to participate in normal activities and able to manage
hygiene dependent on their age. Children who are not able to participate fully in the
program without additional support due to signs or symptoms of a possible illness should be
collected from the service by an authorised contact and cared for in a home environment.
 Understand that the Nominated Supervisor must follow this policy and public health advise
and has the right to exclude a child where they reasonably believe that it is not in the best

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interest of the child or other adults or children at the service for the child to return. This may
be the case even where a medical clearance has been provided.
 Provide a medical clearance to return when requested and understand that this will be used
in the decision-making process about your child returning to care but does not automatically
guarantee they can return to care.
 Understand that, in times of an identified outbreak or pandemic, the service reserves the right
to place standard exclusions timeframes for certain symptoms, for instance 24hrs after a
 Understand that children with a temperature of 38degrees or above must be collected from
the service and excluded for the remainder of the day. Exclusion may be longer depending on
any other confirmed contagious diseases with the same symptoms.
 Not to provide paracetamol, Ibuprofen or other similar products to their child before
attending care, especially if it is for a temperature, this is based on the National Health and
Medical Research Council (NHMRC) recommendations, this is because:
o A temperature or fever is usually a sign of illness, this may be contagious and result in
a circulation of an infectious disease,
o These products mask the symptoms which may both delay the child seeking required
medication attention or rest to recover from and fight the illness, and
o Your child may start to feel unwell a few hours after being dropped off as these
products wear off, this may result in your child experiencing discomfort while is care.
Educators will need to contact families to collect their child if they are displaying
symptoms of being unwell and are not able to participate fully in the program.
 Where a child may legitimately require pain relief medication, for example after the
extraction of a tooth or an injury, parents may provide paracetamol, Ibuprofen or similar for
educators to administer only if:
o There is a letter from a doctor requesting this medication for a non-infectious
condition and records the frequency of administration (this may be a current
prescription in the child’s name with the dosage requirements)
o Parents complete the Medication Form which is current for 5 consecutive days.
o As per the Medication Policy and Procedure.
 Follow exclusions as per the Immunisation Policy and Procedure where required.
 Understand that where your child is excluded due to an illness normal booking fees apply.

Other Members of Community are asked to:

 Comply with all directions given by the service staff.
 Understand that restrictions on attendance may be enforced where deemed necessary.
 Not attend the service if you are unwell or been in close contact with someone who is unwell
or have travelled to an identified hot spot or been asked to self-isolate.

 Educators and families will have access to this policy at all times.
 Information will be included in induction for new educator and be included in service handbooks
 Educators and families will be provided with opportunities to be involved in the review of this
 Educators and families will be provided with information from this policy at the time of
employment and orientation.
 Changes to this policy and procedure document will be shared with families and educators.
The failure of any person to comply with this policy in its entirety may lead to:

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Infectious Diseases Policy and Procedure V2021.1

 Termination or modification of child enrolment

 Restriction of access to the service
 Performance management of an employee which may lead to termination

Related Policies and Forms

 Service Handbooks
 Handwashing Policy and Procedure and posters
 Nappy Change Policy and Procedure and Poster
 Centre Illness Register
 Infectious Disease Information Record (for use during a pandemic)
 5th Edition “Staying Healthy Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care
Services” Recommended Minimum Exclusion Table
 Enrolment and Orientation Policy and Procedure
 Orientation Checklist
 Induction Checklist
 Leave Policy and Procedure
 Health and Hygiene Policy and Procedure
 Immunisation Policy and Procedure
 National Immunisation Program Schedule
 Medical Conditions Policy and Procedure
 Medication Policy and Procedure
 Injury, Incident, Trauma, and Illness Policy and Procedure
 Injury, Incident, Trauma, and Illness Record Form

Legislation, Recognised Authorities and Sources

 “Viral or Suspected Viral Gastroenteritis Outbreaks – Information for Directors and Staff of Early
Childhood Education and Care services”, Queensland Health (accessed on-line March 2021)
 “What is a pandemic?” Health Direct website, Australian Department of Health (accessed on-line
March 2021)
 “5th Edition Staying Healthy Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care
Services” Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council 2013
 “The approved provider, nominated supervisors, co-ordinators and educators have
responsibility for supporting the health, protection, safety and wellbeing of all children. In
exercising their responsibilities, they must take reasonable care to protect children from
foreseeable risk of harm, injury and infection.” ACECQA Guide to the National Quality
 “Guide to the National Quality Framework” Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality
Authority September 2020
 Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 (version February 2021)
 Education and Care Services National Regulations (version Oct 2020)
o 85 Incident, injury, trauma and illness policies and procedures
o 86 Notification to parents of Incident, injury, trauma and illness
o 87 Incident, injury, trauma and illness record
o 88 infectious diseases
o 168 Education and care service must have policies and procedures
o 170 Policies and procedures to be followed
o 171 Policies and procedures to be kept available
o 172 Notification of change in policies or procedures affecting ability of family to utilise

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Infectious Diseases Policy and Procedure V2021.1

 National Quality Standards

o QA2 Children's health and safety.

Review Information
Dates of Revisions in past 12mths:
March 2020
Changes in this revision:
 Updated to new format including defined responsibilities
 Updated sources and references
 Children should be excluded if they demonstrate an inability to manage safe hygiene practices
(such as controlling nasal discharge or sneeze/cough etiquette).
 Requirement to contact Public Health in the event of an outbreak.
 Requirement to exclude gastro symptoms for 48hrs when there have been two or more cases
and contact the Public Health Unit.
 Information for families around medical certificates and the Nominated Supervisor’s right to
exclude, regardless of a medical clearance.
 The Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor may enforce restrictions on attendance at
the service where it is deemed necessary based on health or government advise.

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