Chapter 2 - Facilities and Equipments

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Facilities and Equipment’s


a) Recognize the different

facilities and equipment
b) Identify the measurement of
the facilities and
equipment of basketball.


The playing court shall be a rectangular hard free from obstructions and shall have
dimensions of 28m in length by 15m in width, measured from the inside edge of the
boundary lines.

The following variations in the dimensions are permitted: plus or minus 2m on the
length and plus or minus 1m on the width, the variations being proportional to each

The height of ceiling should be at least 7m. The playing surface should be uniformly
and adequately lighted. The lighting units should be placed where they will not hinder vision
of player.
Boundary Lines
The playing court shall be marked by well-defined lines, which shall be at every point
at least 12m from any obstruction. The lines of the long sides of the court shall be termed
the side lines, those of the short sides, the end lines. The distance between these lines and
the spectators should be at least 2m.

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Center Circle
The center circle shall have a radius of 1.80m and it shall be marked in the center of the court. The radius
shall be measured to the outer edge of the circumference.

Center Line- front court, back court

A center line shall be drawn, parallel to the end lines, from the mid-points of the side lines and shall
extend 15cm beyond each side line. A team’s front court is that part of the court between the end line
behind the opponent’s basket and the nearer edge of the center line. The other part of the court,
including the center line, is the team’s back court.

Free throw Lines

A free throw line shall be drawn parallel to each line. It shall have its further edge 5.80m from the inner
edge of the end line and it shall be 3.60m long and its mid-point shall lie on the line joining the mid-points
of the two end lines.

A regulation basketball court international games is 28 by 15 meters (approx. 92 by 42 ft.) and the NBA is
94 by 50 feet (29 by 15m).
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Most courts are made of wood. A steel basket with net and backboard hang over
each end of the court. At almost all levels of competition, the top of the rim is exactly 10
feet (3.05m) above the court and 4 feet (1.2m) inside the baseline. While variation is
possible in the dimensions of the court and backboard, it is considered important for the
basket to be of the correct height; a rim that is off by but a few inches can have an adverse
effect on shooting.
The ring is made up of solid iron with 45 cm. diameter attached to the board
lying on a horizontal place 3.05m above the floor.


The ball shall be made of leather or rubber on synthetic materials.

Approximately, it is less than 75 cm. to 78 cm. in circumference with a weight of not less
than 567 – 650 grams. Its color shall be dark orange for men’s basketball and tri-color for

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women’s basketball. Women’s basketball is lighter and smaller compared to the men’s
Circumference Weight

74.9 – 78cm 567 – 650g

It shall inflated to an air pressure such that when it is dropped onto the playing
surface from a height of 1.80m measured from the bottom of the ball, it will rebound to a
height of 1.20-1.40m measured at the top of the ball.

Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball

The home shall provide at least 2 balls that meet the above specifications.

The referee shall be the sole judge of the legality of the balls. Should either of the two ball
prove to be unsuitable as the game ball, the referee may select a ball provided by the

visiting team, or one of the balls used by either team for the warm-up.

For more information please click the link below. Slide share of facilities and equipment’s of

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The Game Clock

The game clock is used for timing periods of play and the intervals between

Time –out Clock

A stopwatch is used for timing time-outs

30-Second Device

The device shall be automatic, digital count-down type, indicating the time in
seconds. The signal of the device should automatically sound with a very loud signal
when it reaches “zero”.

Score Board

The scoreboard shall indicate the time remaining in a period as prescribed by

the game clock. It shall also indicate the points scored and the number of time-outs taken by
each team, the fouls from 1 to 8 for games played in 2x20 minutes and from 1 to 5 for
games played in 4x12 minutes.
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A scoresheet is used by the official scorer for recording games.

Player Foul Marker

The player foul marker is used for indicating the number of fouls committed by
a player. For games played in four periods of 12 minutes they shall be numbered 1-6 (1-5 in
black, 6 in red).

Ring and Back Board

Both team foul markers shall be red, and they shall be positioned on the
scorer’s table when a team has reached the penalty status.

Team Foul Indicators

Team foul indicators are suitable devices to indicate the number of team fouls. The device
shall stop the number of team fouls (8 for games of 2x20 minutes and 5 for games of 4x12

minutes) to indicate that a team has reached the penalty status.

Pictures and more information about facilities and equipment’s of basketball. Please click the

Book: Physical
Education for College

Author: Mr. Doris D. Tulio

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