What is the importance of ideas? How do ideas structure human behavior and direct
political systems?
Why do some people resist change while others want it? Is such resistance to or
support for change reflected in your own family? What are some of these instances?
How do you look at the political world? What is your political personality? Visit
https://www.politicalcompass.org/test to know your position in the political
1. What are the differences among the major political ideologies reviewed
2. What similarities do these political ideologies share?
1. Look at everyday situations in your school. How is power exhibited and in what
of relationships does it exist?
2. In what particular instances in your school could the dimensions of power be
In what other situations are these present?
Read the article titled “Political Transitions and Legitimacy” by Randy David at
opinion.inquirer.net/69879/political-transitions-and-legitimacy and answer the
1. What is political legitimacy according to the author?
2. How similar are the cases of the Philippines and Thailand regarding the crisis
3. Which of the contentions of the author do you agree with the most? disagree with
most? Why?
1. Try to think of relationships within your family. Who exercises power and what
consequences does this have?
2. How about in school and in the workplace? Can you give instances where power
relations exist? Is the relationship between employers and employees characterized
power, too? Explain.
How important is power in both domestic and international politics?
Given the present condition of the country and based on your own observations,
would you consider the Philippines an effective, weak, or failed state? Why?
What cultural belief and value systems do you share with the larger Philippine
which makes you feel that you belong to the Filipino nation?
How are Filipinos affected by globalization? To what extent has your family been
influenced by this phenomenon?
What were the characteristics of our precolonial system of government? How did
these reflect the current political system? Give some examples
Observe the structure of your barangay. How does your barangay settle disputes? Do
you feel the government is at work when disputes are settled? Explain your answer.
How did the government structure change during the Spanish period? What were
some of the influences of the Spaniards in the political system of the country?
1. Imagine the revolutionary forces’ struggle against a new colonizer during the
revolutionary period. What could have gone wrong that resulted in the failure of
2. What struggles does the nation face at present? Are the Filipinos bound to
repeat history?
Explain your answer.
What were the changes in the government structure that took place during the