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Arfan Nur Karim


A Graduating Paper
Submitted to the Board of Examiners
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Diploma III Degree
In the English Program
Vocational College
Universitas Gadjah Mada


Arfan Nur Karim


Tugas Akhir
Dikumpulkan kepada Dewan Penguji
Sebagai salah satu syarat untuk mendapatkan gelar Ahli Madya
Pada Prodi Bahasa Inggris
Sekolah Vokasi
Universitas Gadjah Mada


Arfan Nur Karim


Tugas Akhir
Diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Ahli Madya pada
Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Departemen Bahasa Seni dan Manajemen Budaya
Sekolah Vokasi
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Yogyakarta, Tanggal
Diterima dan disetujui oleh,

Penguji I Penguji II

Agnes Siwi Purwaning T., S.Pd., Alfelia Nugky Permatasari,S.S., M.A.

NPU. 111199001201602201 NPU. 111199202201706202


Ketua Departemen
Dr. Endang Soelistiyowati, M. Pd.
NIP. 197710312015042002


I hereby state that this Final Paper entitled “Tribun Jogja's Strategies in
Maintaining A Printed Newspaper in the Midst of Digital Disruption” is my own
original work. I claim there is no content has ever created and I am fully aware
that i may have quoted some statements and ideas from various sources, and they
are properly acknowledged in the text.

Yogyakarta, 22 March 2019

Arfan Nur Karim



“There are no facts, only

-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche


First of all I would be grateful to my one and only Allah SWT, which is give
me live and saved. I thank my beloved parents for their support in everything.
Foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Alfelia Nugky Permatasari, ,
S.S., M.A. for her remarkable patience, for her support in my writing process, and
motivation. For all of staff and lecturers in English Program Vocational College
of UGM, who have taught me, I thank them for the knowledge they shared.
Then I give thanks for Tribun Jogja, especially for Mr. Edy Utama Anastasius,
Mr. Sigit Widya, and Mr. Ikrob Didik Irawan who always support me in making
this Final Paper, and thanks to all members of Tribun Jogja who helped me during
my internship time in Tribun Jogja.

Yogyakarta, March 2019

Arfan Nur Karim



Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk membahas profil perusahaan Tribun Jogja
serta strategi-strategi yang diterapkan oleh Tribun Jogja dalam mempertahankan
surat kabar cetak di era disrupsi digital. Metode pengumpulan data yang penulis
lakukan adalah studi kepustakaan dengan membaca beberapa sumber dari buku
dan internet, wawancara langsung bersama pimpinan divisi redaksi Tribun Jogja
dan observasi lapangan yang telah dilakukan dari 1 Januari sampai dengan 2
Maret 2019. Data yang didapatkan dikelompokkan secara objektif yakni dengan
tidak menambah atau mengurangi sedikitpun data yang telah didapatkan pada
observasi lapangan dan wawancara. Data tersebut kemudian disajikan dengan
detail menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan dukungan grafik. Berdasarkan hasil
observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan oleh penulis, Tribun Jogja terbagi atas 2
divisi, yaitu perusahaan dan redaksi. Dalam menghadapi era disrupsi, divisi
perusahaan dan redaksi Tribun Jogja saling bersinergi untuk menghadapi
tantangan-tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh era disrupsi. Divisi redaksi terutama
berperan untuk menjaga eksistensi koran cetak Tribun Jogja dengan cara menjaga
kualitas, menarik simpati Generasi Z dengan rubrik-rubrik yang menarik seperti
EPA (Ekspresi Putih Abu-abu), serta melakukan konvergensi (penyatuan) antara
media cetak dan media digital atau online.

Kata Kunci: Koran, Era Disrupsi, Tribun Jogja, Disrupsi Koran, Eksistensi


This Final Paper aims to discuss the profile of Tribun Jogja company and the
strategies implemented by Tribun Jogja in maintaining printed newspapers in the
era of digital disruption. The method of data collection that I did was library
research by reading several sources from books and the internet, direct interviews
with the leadership of Tribun Jogja editorial division and field observations that
had been conducted from January 1 to March 2, 2019. Data obtained were
grouped objectively by not adding or reducing the substance of the data that has
been obtained in field observations and direct interviews. Data is then presented in
detail using English with graphical support. Based on the results of observations
and interviews conducted by the author, Tribun Jogja is divided into 2 divisions,
namely companies and editors. In facing the era of disruption, the company's
division and editorial staff of Tribun Jogja synergized to face the challenges posed
by the era of disruption. The editorial division is primarily responsible for
maintaining the existence of the Tribun Jogja print newspaper by maintaining
quality, attracting Generation Z sympathies with interesting rubrics such as EPA
(Ekspresi Putih Abu-abu), and convergence (intergration) between print and
digital media or online.

Keywords: Newspapers, Disrupted Era, Tribun Jogja, Disruption of

Newspapers, Existence of Newspapers

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN..................................................................................iii
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY...................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................ix
LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................xi
LIST OF TABLE..................................................................................................xii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................1
1.1 Background of Study......................................................................................1
1.2 Objectives of Study........................................................................................2
1.3 Scope of Study...............................................................................................3
1.4 Method of Study.............................................................................................3
1.5 Presentation....................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 2: THE PROFILE OF TRIBUN JOGJA.......................................5
2.1 A Brief History of Tribun Jogja......................................................................5
2.2 Tribun Jogja’s News Section..........................................................................6
2.3 The Vision and Mission of Tribun Jogja........................................................11
2.4 Organizational Structure.................................................................................12
3.1 The Disruption Era.........................................................................................16
3.2 Challenges, Existence, and The Future of Newspapers in Disruption Era.....18
3.3 Tribun Jogja’s Strategies in Maintaining Printed Newspapers
in Disruption Era............................................................................................24
3.3.1 Challenges Faced by Printed Newspapers.................................................25
3.3.2 Tribun Jogja’s Strategies............................................................................26

ix The Accesibility to information sources........................................27 Printed Newspapers Presentation...................................................28 Synergy Between Editorial Division and Company......................32 Digital or Online Advertizing........................................................34 World Economy.............................................................................35
CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION............................................................................37
WORKS CITED...................................................................................................39
Appendix 1. List of Informants..............................................................................
Appendix 2. List of Questions................................................................................
Appendix 3. Logbook.............................................................................................
Appendix 4. Curriculum Vitae...............................................................................

Figure 2.1: Tribun Jogja Logo..............................................................................5
Figure 2.2: Tribun Jogja Front Page (Headline)..................................................7
Figure 2.3: Tribun Jogja Hotline Public Service..................................................8
Figure 2.4: Magelang Square Rubric...................................................................9
Figure 2.5: Malioboro Blitz Rubric......................................................................10
Figure 2.6: Ekspresi Putih Abu-Abu....................................................................11
Figure 2.7: Organizational Structure of Tribun Jogja..........................................12
Figure 2.8: Organizational Structure of Tribun Jogja Business...........................13
Figure 2.9: Organizational Structure of Tribun Jogja Redaction.........................14
Figure 3.1: Industrial Revolution 4.0 aim changes..............................................17
Figure 3.2: List of Newspapers that Shut Their Operation from 2014 to 2016...19
Figure 3.3: Cohort Demography..........................................................................20
Figure 3.4: Ekspresi Putih Abu-Abu (EPA) Rubric...............................................33
Figure 3.5: Virtual Reality Newspapers concept.................................................23
Figure 3.6: Tribun Jogja Augmented Reality.......................................................24
Figure 3.7: List of Digital or Online Portals from
Figure 3.8: Difference between & page....27
Figure 3.9: Tribun Jogja Epaper...........................................................................28
Figure 3.10: News about Siti Aisyah who escaped the death sentence................31
Figure 3.11: News about Siti Aisyah who escaped the death sentence..................32
Figure 3.12: Coverage of BPD DIY Event by Tribun Jogja..................................34
Figure 3.13: List of Tribun Family Card Promo and Discount Offers...................35

Table 2.1: Information About Tribun Jogja...........................................................6


1.1 Background of The Study

Newspapers have a long history in human civilization. Humans who are social
creatures have always carried out communication activities or exchanged
information by word from mouth to mouth. When human civilization developed
from oral to written as in Rome and China, humans began writing news in written
form. Rome had a particularly sophisticated system for circulating written news,
centered on the Acta—daily handwritten news sheets which were posted by the
government in the Roman Forum from the year 59 B.C. to at least A.D. 222
(Stephens Mitchell in Cox, 6). According to Pew Research Center, from the
beginning until now the newspaper was still always one of the main mass media
for people to obtain information. There is no source of information that can match
the breadth and depth of coverage as in printed media because of the sharpness
and depth of the news in newspapers. That advantages strengthens the popularity
and influence of newspapers (14-16).
In the 21st century, there is a trend throughout the world that is influenced by
very rapid acceleration in technology, especially in the field of communication
and information that causes changes in the way humans get and exchange
information. Technological advances in telecommunications eliminate barriers
(distance and time) in exchanging information. This can make someone to
communicate with someone else anytime and anywhere. The existence of the
internet as a medium of communication and new information for humans makes
people not depended on traditional media such as television, newspapers, and
radio (Rizal, 1). Also, access to information sources that can be accessed for free
causes conventional media, especially printed media, lose competitiveness with
online or digital media. However, newspapers are still an important thing in the
midst of society, especially in the era of post-truth. According to AC Grayling (in
C. Carillo, 2), post-truth can be defined in a statement "My opinion is more

valuable than facts".
The development of technology towards digital or digitalization led to a
revolution that would change all aspects of human life. The revolution is known
as the 4.00 industrial revolution. The 4.00 revolution encouraged digital
disruption. The term Digital Disruption is a change that arises because of digital
technology and digital business models. Digital technology and digital business
models have an impact on the ups and downs of the business value of a service or
item that already exists (Personal interview, 29 January 2019). And this is what is
happening now technological advancements, digitalization on information and
media, free access to information cause changes in the way people obtain and
share information have a direct impact on the media, especially newspapers.
Tribun Jogja is no exception, as one of the largest news and information media in
the area of Yogyakarta and its surroundings that is also a part of the Group of
Regional Newspaper Kompas Gramedia. Mr. Edy Utama Anastasius as circulation
manager, Mr. Sigit Widya and Mr. Ikrob Didik Irawan as part of the editorial said
that problems such as world economic growths cause the increase in prices of
tools and materials, the change of patterns of society in seeking for information,
and the changes in Generation Z’s interests as future consumers of the print media
industry. Those become a challenge for the existence of printed media, to be able
to survive and continue to provide reliable news for the community (Personal
Interview, 29 January 2019).
Tribun Jogja as one of the largest local printed media in the Yogyakarta and
surrounding areas that is still able to show its existence, of course, has powerful
strategies in facing challenges in the era of media disruption and media
digitalization. As stated by Mr. Edy Utama Anastasius, Mr. Sigit Widya, and Mr.
Ikrob Didik Irawan, Tribun Jogja has some powerful strategies in facing this era
of media disruption; an era or condition where print media was forced to continue
to make new innovations. Some of which are by not overruling online media,
presenting different news from online news portals, and reducing the number of
pages from 22 pages to only 16-20 pages (Private Interview, 29 January 2019).
Therefore, in this paper, I am interested in discussing Tribun Jogja’s Strategy in

maintaining printed newspapers in the era of disruption in the hope of increasing
academic insight related to the theme of media disruption and also being able to
implement for other printed media to understand and strategied in dealing with
disruption era.
1.2 Objective of The Study
This paper aims to:
1. describe the profile company of Tribun Jogja; and
2. explain how the Tribun Jogja’s strategies in maintaining printed newspapers in
the era of disruption.
1.3 Scope of The Study
This paper focuses on describing the company profile from Tribun Jogja and
explaining Tribun Jogja Strategies in maintaining printed newspapers in the era of
disruption. The observation was started from December 2018 until February 2019.
I interviewed Mr. Edy Utama Anastasius as circulation manager, Mr. Sigit Widya
and Ikrob Didik Irawan as part of redaction about the media disruption and what
will be done by Tribun Jogja to deal with this issue.
1.4 Method of Study
This paper consists of three methods, namely methods of collecting data,
methods for analyzing data, and methods for presenting data.
In collecting data, This paper uses three ways, namely library research, direct
interviews and field observations. Library research was used to get the data from
book and articles from web which are related to media disruption. I used another
book to collect more data about the history and development of printed media. I
also took data from the Tribun Jogja data library to get the number of readers and
its company profile and organizational structure in descriptive forms. Other than
that, I did direct interview with Mr. Edy Utama Anastasius as circulation
manager, Mr. Sigit Widya and Ikrob Didik Irawan as part of redaction at Tribun
Jogja to get the data about Tribun Jogja’s strategies in facing of printed media
disruption. This was done on 29 January 2019 only. I also observed the activities
of Tribun Jogja to obtain supporting data regarding the strategies used in the era

of media disruption. Observations were done at the Tribun Jogja office, Jl. Jendral
Sudirman No.52 Kotabaru District, Gondokusuman Village, Yogyakarta
Province. The observation started from December 2018 until February 2019.
In analyzing the data, first I sought the impact of the era of disruption from
direct interviews such as, world economic growths, the change of patterns of
society in seeking for information, and the changes in Generation Z’s interests.
Then, I transcribed the data about Tribun Jogja’s strategies and problems in the
era of media disruption that I had obtained based on the results of direct
interviews with Mr. Edy Utama Anastasius as circulation manager, Mr. Sigit
Widya and Ikrob Didik Irawan as part of redaction Tribun Jogja. Then I translated
the data from Indonesia to English.
In presenting the data, the descriptive method was used. Descriptive method
aims to examine and explain an event or phenomenon in a descriptive way, in the
found of words that describes the condition and impact of the disruption era for
Tribun Jogja printed newspaper and the strategies they implemented to survive in
this era of disruption. Pictures are also attached to enhance the understanding on
the explanation about strategies used by Tribun Jogja in facing media disruption.
1.5 Presentation
This graduating paper contains four chapters. The first chapter consists of the
background of study, objectives, scope, methods of study including method
collecting data, method of analyzing data, and method of presenting data and
presentation. Chapter two contains the company profile description of Tribun
Jogja. The third chapter describes Tribun Jogja’s strategies in maintaining printed
newspapers in the era of disruption. The final chapter is the conclusion of this
graduating paper.


2.1 A Brief History of Tribun Jogja

Figure 2.1. Tribun Jogja Logo. Source:


Tribun Jogja is one of the largest local newspapers published in Yogyakarta

region and its surroundings. Tribun Jogja is a subsidiary of Kompas Gramedia.
Kompas Gramedia was founded by Petrus Kanisius Ojong and Jakoeb Oetama on
June 28th, 1965. Kompas Gramedia has two types of newspapers: National
Newspaper (Kompas) and local newspaper like Tribun Network (Tribun Jogja
Company Profile, 2019).
Tribun Jogja is a member of the Tribun Network. Tribun Network itself has
newspapers that are widespread in various provinces in Indonesia. In Sumatra
there are Serambi Indonesia (Aceh), Sriwijaya Post (Palembang), Bangka Pos
(Bangka Belitung), Tribun Batam (Batam), Tribun Pekan Baru (Riau), Tribun
Jambi (Jambi), and Tribun Lampung (Lampung). In Java there are Tribun Jabar
(Bandung), Surya (Surabaya), Tribun Jateng (Jawa Tengah) and Tribun Jogja
(Yogyakarta). In Kalimantan there are Banjarmasin Post (South Kalimantan),
Tribun Kaltim (East Kalimantan) and Tribun Pontianak (West Kalimantan). In
Bali there are Tribun Bali. In Sulawesi, there are Tribun Manado (North Sulawesi)

and Tribun Timur (Makassar) there is also Pos Kupang (Kupang) in the area of
East Nusa Tenggara.
The Tribun Jogja's name philosophy was taken from other terms from the stage
or stadium. First, Tribun is always in a higher position than the arena. This
enables anyone to always see through all directions. From here Tribun gives a
broader view because of the position above, where they can see things clearly.
Tribun Jogja name was first used in 2004 by Tribun Kaltim. Tribun Jogja is an
area with 11th place that uses the name Tribun. For Tribun Jogja the community is
placed as a special party on the honor stage. This is because the name of the
stands is also interpreted as a stage of honor and a place to tell and show special
Tribun Jogja was first published on 11 th April 2011 with a display of 24 pages.
Prior to that, on 1st November 2010 Tribun Jogja had issued a newspaper in digital
form under the name Tribun Jogja Online. The information about office address,
printing, and Tribun Jogja telephone number, are as follows:
Table 2.1. Information about Tribun Jogja. Source: Tribun Jogja. Company Profile Tribun Jogja.
Januari 2019.
Business/Editor's Office Address Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.52
Kotabaru, Gondokusuman,

Printing Address Jl. Ringroad Barat Km.8

Trihanggo, Gamping, Sleman,

No. Phone 0274-557687

2.2 Tribun Jogja’s News Section

Each newspaper must have different news offerings, one of which is the
presentation of news in the Tribun Jogja’s printed newspaper. Tribun Jogja
presents various news rubric presentation techniques. The following are the
rubrics in Tribun Jogja:

Figure 2.2. Tribun Jogja Front Page (Headline). Source: Tribun Jogja Newspapers.
1. Tribun Jogja Front Page (Headline): This page contains news that is
happening or warmly discussed both nationally, locally, or internationally.
It is presented with pictures and cover designs that appeal to the readers'
2. Jogja Life Rubric: Rubric about things or phenomena that are happening in
the Yogyakarta region and its surroundings.
3. International Rubric: This rubric contains news that occurs in various parts
of the world including news about the country in the eyes of the world.

Figure 2.3 Tribun Jogja Hotline Public Service. Source: Tribun Jogja Newspapers.
4. Hotline Public Services Rubric: As the name implies, this rubric contains
questions or complaints from the public related to public services both
government and private.

Figure 2.4. Magelang Square Rubric. Source: Tribun Jogja Newspapers.
5. Magelang Square Rubric: In this rubric, news from the Magelang and
Central Java regions are presented in depth.
6. Rubric Seleb Lifestyle: This rubric is a collection of news about the world
of celebrities, related to their personal lives, both national and international
7. I-tribunners Rubric: In this rubric, readers read comments from cyberspace
about a news or issue that is hotly discussed, such as Facebook and Twitter

Figure 2.5 Malioboro Blitz Rubric. Source: Tribun Jogja Newspapers.
8. Malioboro Blitz Rubric: This rubric contains news from Yogyakarta
region in terms of education, politics, crime, and culture, as well as news
about the Malioboro area which is considered the heart of Yogyakarta.
9. Superball and Soccerland Rubrics: This rubric contains news about the
world of football and examines several sports figures, both from
international, national to regional.
10. Smart Women Rubric: This rubric is about the world of career or life, an
inspirational woman who aims to inspire and move women to advance in
their careers or daily lives.
11. Culinary Guide Rubric: This rubric contains a foods or drinks menu from a
cafe or a restaurant that is aimed at readers of Tribun Jogja.
12. Art and Culture Rubric: This rubric contains related news in the existing
arts or culture with light and relaxed reviews.
13. Community Life Rubric: This rubric deals with communities that exist and
develop in Jogja.
14. Inspiring Beauty: Rubric about things related to beauty. This rubric
displays figures who are considered to have outer and inner beauty.
15. Familia Rubric: Rubric that contains stories about families that are able to
inspire or things about the family, such as how to educate children.

16. Gaspol Rubric: Rubric that contains information about the automotive
17. Music Zone Rubric: This rubric contains news about the development of
the local, national to international music world.
18. Jogja Sport: Rubric that contains information related to PSIM Yogyakarta.
Such as match schedule, match results, player transfers, and other

Figure 2.6. Ekspresi Putih Abu-Abu. Source: Tribun Jogja Newspapers.

19. EPA (Ekspresi Putih Abu-Abu): Rubric that contains information about
highschool such as, school event, students inspiration, student opinion, and
2.3 The Vision and Mission of Tribun Jogja
Every company has a vision and mission that forms the basis of their work.
With the vision to become the largest newspaper publishing, online media and
printing business group in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Jawa
(Company Profile Tribun Jogja, 2019). Tribun Jogja has a mission to present
information that can be relied on by the community and encourage the creation of
democratization in the Yogyakarta region by becoming an independent media (not
taking sides with certain parties such as political parties). In addition, Tribun Jogja
also aims to present information that has ethical and efficient benefits for the
public in order to develop the Yogyakarta region (Company Profile Tribun Jogja,

In addition to having a vision and mission, Tribun Jogja has a tagline, namely
"Spirit Baru DIY-Jateng". The aim of the tagline is to encourage and assist and
criticize the government to encourage democratization in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta and Central Java. In addition, Tribun Jogja also has aspirations to
assist and criticize the government to encourage the creation of democratization in
the DIY-Central Java region.
2.4 Organizational Structure
Tribun Jogja is under the auspices of the company PT. Media Tribun Yogya. In
general, PT. Media Tribun Yogya is divided into two general divisions, namely
Editor and Company led by Herman Darmo as a publisher. List of names of
management of PT. Media Tribun Yogya and its duties in general is illustrated in
Figure 2.7, Figure 2.8, and Figure 2.9.

Herman Darmo



Figure 2.7. Organizational Structure of Tribun Jogja. Source: Tribun Jogja. Company Profile
Tribun Jogja. January 2019.
Figure 2.7. shows information about the main structure of Tribun Jogja. Tribun
Jogja is led by a publisher, Herman Darmo who oversees two divisions,
companies and editors. The company division is led by a general manager, FX
Agus Nugroho and the redaction division is led by Ribut Raharjo.

Business GM
FX Agus Nugroho

Human Superinten Print Circulation Ad Finance

Resource & dent Manager Manager Manage Manage
General Promotion Supriyon Edy Utama r r
Affair & EO o Anastasius Lioni Ridwan
Subardiyanto Adi S T.A M

Figure 2.8. Organizational Structure of Tribun Jogja Business. Source: Tribun Jogja. Company
Profile Tribun Jogja. January 2019.

The Company Division is led by a general manager, FX Agus Nugroho, who

oversees subdivisions of Human Resources & General Affairs, Superintendent
Promotion & EO, Print Manager, Circulation Manager, Ad Manager, and Finance
Manager. The tasks of the Company Division include managing management
issues, advertising, cooperation with agencies, and managing events.



MANAGER Sulistiono Ikrob Didik Irawan
Sigit Widya






Figure 2.9. Organizational Structure of Tribun Jogja Redaction. Source: Tribun Jogja. Company
Profile Tribun Jogja. January 2019.

The editorial and redaction division consists of three main subdivisions, news,
production, and digital. The news division led by Sigit Widya consists of two sub-
sections, a reporter and a photographer, whose job is to cover the news. The
Production Division led by Sulistiono consists of three sub-sections, layout,
design, and print editors are responsible for the news production process. The last
division is digital led by Ikrob Didik Irawan which consists of four sub-sections,
graphic designer, videographer, and online and social media reporters. The digital
division functions to manage digital media owned by Tribun Jogja. The three
main divisions of the editorial division communicate directly to the editor in chief,

namely Ribut Raharjo.
The task of each editorial division is to manage the management and coverage
of newspapers and online news portals. The news division is responsible for
covering news, events or events. Meanwhile, the production division has the task
of producing news that has been covered by the news division to make it more
interesting. Finally, the digital division is in charge of managing online news
portals, from coverage, editing, to production.



3.1 The Disruption Era

Where there is a technological revolution, there is disruption. This causality
relationship between technological revolution and disruption formed an era called
the disruption era. Lately disruption has been discussed as a part of an industrial
revolution called the industrial revolution 4.00. Industrial revolution 4.00 that has
occurred at this time is the impact of the occurrence of digital steroids
(acceleration of digital technology that is so fast) that changes every aspect of
human life.
This term (disruption) was first popularized by Clayton M. Christensen,
professor of Business Administration from Harvard University in his book entitled
The Innovator's Dilemma (Aristyavani, 7). Christensen called the disruption as a
major change that made the industry does not work as usual, largely because of
technological inventions. The change brings new players and makes old business
players have to rethink the strategy facing this new era. This can be seen from the
changes made by the 4.00 industrial revolution that is happening now. Disruption
of the fourth generation or the Industrial Revolution 4.00 was marked by the
increasing importance of artificial intelligence (AI), the use of robotics, the
internet for everything, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and three-
dimensional printing machines (Aristyavani, 8). Another key word for the
industrial revolution 4.0 is automation. All aspects of human life will change to
automatic with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), robots, the internet, virtual
reality, augmented reality and three-dimensional printing machines whose use is
increasing every year in every aspect of human life. In addition, innovations in
every aspect of human life, will be related to these things.

Figure 3.1. Industrial Revolution 4.0 aim changes. Source:
Especially internet usage, as predicted by the theory of disruption, online
media initially took the lower class market by offering speed and free access to
reading media. For lower class market quality—in terms of media disruption,
means the presentation of content—is not the main problem. In presenting online
media— in terms of news presentation factors, such as writing that presents
information that is not very complete and not as good as the quality of newspaper
writing—the depth of information (Personal Interview, 29 January 2019). Initially
that condition did not get the attention of conventional media who believed that
the public still chose conventional media as information resources. Online media
is not considered a competitor, until the disruption process begins. When online
media already has a strong foothold, they will gradually improve its quality, and
like the prediction of interference theory, it will point up (high-end) and then deal
with conventional media (M. Christensen, Clayton, 10-12). The argument was
reinforced by Mr. Ikrob, Online News Manager Tribun Jogja (Personal Interview,
29 January 2019), that disruption media that occurred caused digital and online
media that were initially not looked at by printed newspapers as competitors, now
threatening the existence of printed newspapers. Moore's Law that describes the
developments in the field of technology, saw that every 18 months there are
developments in the field of technology in microscopic scale (chip) which then

trigger changes, from the social, economic and technological aspects itself
(Moore, in Cleary, Sean & Thierry Malleret, 48). Moreover, Moore's Law also
views that with the development of technology, the price will become cheaper.
This further accelerated the process of industrial revolution 4.00 and disruption.
Through the improving speed of manufacturing, technological improvement is
available faster, cheaper, and therefore open to a large number of customers.
3.2 Challenges, Existence, and The Future of Newspapers in Disruption Era
In the context of the current era of disruption in the printed media industry, we
can find several printed media companies that have to stop printing because they
are unable to adapt and face the challenges of the times. In fact, some even
included large printed media companies that had stood for a long time, such as
Indonesian Financial Services Magazine, Sightseeing, Gaul Tabloid, National
Journal Daily, Soccer, Chic, Tempo Minggu printed newspaper, Jakarta Globe,
Harian Bola, Daily Sinar Harapan, Majalah Horizon Literature, Cita Cinta
Magazine, Signal Tabloid, Trax Magazine, and My Friends Magazine (Nur Zahra,
Ulfa, In the writings of Nur Zahra at, they were all media that
had to stop printing completely from 2014 to 2016.

Figure 3.2. List of Newspapers that shut their operation from 2014 to 2016. Source: Nur Zahra,
Ulfa. “Media Cetak Bisa Mati, Jurnalisme (Seharusnya) Tidak”. 8 February 2017.
Accessed on 21 March 2019. Web.
One of the causes of this phenomenon for Wisnu Prasetya Utomo, a media
researcher from Remotivi, was a failure from printed media to read a whole era
(Nur Zahra, Ulfa, One cause of failure leads to changes in the way
people get information and sometimes ignore the internet. Technological

advancements, information on media and digitalization, free access to
information, and changes in the way people obtain and share information disrupt
the printed media industry, for example, the emergence of media in digital
platforms this can be accessed for free such as,,,, and others digital or online media.
The challenge of the internet in this disruption era has caused a change in the
pattern of society in seeking information and communicating which has
experienced a shift towards digital and online. Especially for the generation Z and
generations after generation Z. Generation Z are those who were born in 2001
until now. This division can be seen in the picture below.

Figure 3.3 Cohort Demography. Source: Ali, Hasanuddin & Lilik Purwandi. Millenial
Nusantara. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama: Jakarta, 2017. Web.
This generation of Z is indeed different from other generations. Especially in
terms of communicating and seeking information. Generation Z is a generation
that is more familiar with technology or called native technology, as generation Z
was born when digital technology was very advanced. This makes Z generation
more like to communicate and find information in practical ways. Books were
replaced with ebooks, face-to-face verbal communication in the real world was
replaced with social media, and printed newspapers were replaced with digital
media or online. This can be seen from research conducted by on
Generation Z—those born in 1995-2010—behavior in accessing information and
news carried out in Java and Bali in March to June of 2017, it shows that of the
1,201 respondents from Generation Z with 7-21 years of age using the one on one
interview method, only 14.4 percent answered television as the main source of
information access. While 83.6 percent obtained information from the internet,
and only 1.7 percent read printed newspapers. (Nur Zahra, Ulfa, From's research data on Generation behavior in accessing information and news

shows that Generation Z is more likely to access the internet to obtain information
and news.
If classified based on education level, the portion looks different. Generation
Z who still sits in elementary school often accesses news from television. The
biggest access to news from social media is done by Generation Z from high
school age (Nur Zahra, Ulfa, While those who study access the news
through social media and browsers with almost the same portion. Only 5 percent
of college-age of Generation Z access news via television. Three to five years
from now, Generation Z is starting to enter the workforce. Ten years later, they
will occupy important positions in their workplaces. In the research carried out by
the, it was found that the more mature this generation was, the more they
left printed newspapers and television as sources of access to the news. One of the
biggest reasons this generation chooses information sources is the ease in terms of
accessibility. They were not the generation who bother to come to the printed
newspaper agent or sit in a chair and flip through the printed newspaper.
According to, this generation wants to be able to access the news while
still on the bed, hugging a bolster, wearing a blanket, and holding a cellphone
(Nur Zahra, Ulfa,
To deal with the decline in Generation Z interest in printed newspapers,
Tribun Jogja has a strategy by adding rubric for Generation Z in their printed
newspapers. An example is Ekspresi Putih Abu-Abu (EPA) created by dozens of
high schools in Jogja.

Figure 3.4. Ekspresi Putih Abu-Abu (EPA) Rubric. Source: Screenshot of Tribun Jogja newspaper
digital from, 29 March 2019.
At least students from these schools will buy the Tribun Jogja newspaper to
read the rubric and see what trends or activities are being carried out by other high
school students. Besides that, there is also a music section called Music Zone that
contains news about the development of the local, national to the international
music world. Finally, there is the Inspiring Beauty rubric that contains trends in
the world of beauty (Personal Interview, 29 January 2019).
However, this kind of media disruption is not something that needs to be
exaggerated; remembering things like this is not something that just happened. In
fact, according to Dahlan Iskan, printed newspapers have been long predicted to
‘eliminated’ from ‘the game’ that offered by this disruption era due to attacks
from various other types of media. However, to this day the printed newspaper is
still able to survive. Since the 1800s the printed newspaper has been predicted to
be abandoned by its readers. When the radio appeared, the printed newspaper was
predicted to die because it was replaced by radio, because at that time the radio
was considered faster in spreading information. The same thing happened when
television appeared. Printed newspapers and radio were predicted to be displaced
by the presence of television. However, until now the printed newspapers and

radio are still able to exist together with television (Eko, 12). Because radio,
printed newspapers, and televisions have their respective segments. This was
confirmed by Mr. Ikrob in a personal interview (January 29, 2019), that
newspapers will still have their own customers even though in small amounts.
Furthermore, Dahlan Iskan argued that printed newspapers could both be
‘eliminated’ from ‘the game’ offered by this disruption era, and could also be
‘survive’. To be able to survive, the printed newspaper must follow certain
conditions, such as the quality of the news presented. If the quality of the news is
not maintained, the newspaper will be ‘eliminated’ from ‘the game’ offered by
this disruption era, and this has been proven (Eko, 12). For example, Tabloid
Bola, as one of the largest sports print newspapers in Indonesia who cannot
survive in the era are disrupted due to the lack of progressive innovation. After 34
years greeting his loyal readers Tabloid Bola published the latest edition. Tabloid
Bola was forced to leave because the age could not be resisted. According to
Weshley Hutagalung, editor in chief of Tabloid Bola in an interview session with, that the end of the Tabloid Bola was due to increasingly rapid
technological developments that changed the way humans got information.
Everything runs fast, including the flow of information paraded every second.
Leaving the old way of getting information that runs slowly. At this point
traditional media moving on the print line had no choice: they had to move
quickly, trace the twists and turns online, and separate from readers who were
used to paper was inevitable. Weshley say, "The impact of high production costs
related to paper prices, printing, and distribution followed by technological
advances as if it did not give time for traditional media to survive, to improve
solutions" (Teguh, Irfan, On the other hand, it is also proven that if the
newspaper keeps its quality, the newspaper will remain alive and able to survive
in this disruption era (Eko, 12). For example, Tribun Jogja that still exists today,
because of its convergence—the combination between printed and online or
digital media—to the media they have, which is one of the important innovations
that must be carried out by media that have printed newspapers and digital
newspapers or online.

Innovation is an important key for anyone who wants to survive in the era of
disruption, including printed newspapers. Disruption is an issue of innovation, as
explained by Clayton M. Christensen that fundamentally disruption will change
the smallest aspects of human life (in Aristyavani, 7). One of the innovations
made by digital newspapers or online, according to Nonny de la Peña (TEDTalks
Conference, 2015) is by combining virtual reality technology (computer-
generated simulation of a three-dimensional image). The aim is to make people
can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way using special electronic
equipment. the community not only reads the news and gets the information that
is available, but also can feel what is happening directly, like being on the scene.

Figure 3.5. Virtual Reality Newspapers concept. Source: TED Talks The Future of News?
Virtual Reality
That is the future of online and digital newspapers. Meanwhile, printed
newspapers do not want to be outdone by making innovations that are almost the
same as different technologies, namely augmented reality. Tribun Jogja is one of
the newspapers that applies this innovation, in addition to Kompas which is also
under the auspices of Kompas Gramedia. Even Tribun Jogja is the first newspaper
in Yogyakarta to implement this innovation. Tribun Jogja combining Augmented
Reality technology (a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image
on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view) with a printed
newspaper in 2017 (Dnh, Pengaplikasian teknologi augmented
reality pada koran digadang-gadang akan menjadi tampilan koran cetak di masa

Figure 3.6. Tribun Jogja Augmented Reality. Source: Tribun Jogja.
Finally, in the future the printed newspaper will become an exclusive and
luxurious media. The exclusivity of printed newspapers is caused by the
narrowing of consumer segmentation in printed newspapers due to disruption that
occurs. Only certain groups will read the printed newspaper. This was revealed by
Mr. Edy in a personal interview (January 29, 2019), for him disruption driven by
digitalization of information did not make the interest of newspaper readers
diminish, because readers only moved the medium from offline printed
newspapers to digital newspapers or online. He further argued that the disruption
that occurred was only as a form of elimination which would only make the
newspaper enjoyed by certain groups. The same thing was expressed by Mr. Ikrob
in a personal interview (29 January 2019) he said that the newspaper would still
be in the future, even since the Tribun had been carrying out the passion to
become the Last Standing of Newspapers in all regions in Indonesia, including
3.3 Tribun Jogja’s Strategies in Maintaining Printed Newspapers in
Disruption Era
Disruption presents many challenges for printed newspapers, as previously
explained, among them are the accessibility to information sources that must be
easier, cheaper and faster than before as a form of technological development in
the telecommunications sector—internet and smartphones for example—which
cause abundance, ease, and speed in accessing information and news. The
decrease of Generation Z's interest in printed newspapers which was influenced
by the digitization process in various aspects of life that caused civilization to
change to be more practical and Generation Z was identified as the digital native
—a generation from childhood, under the age of five who knew gadgets,
computers, and smartphones as part of their lives (Andreano, SB, 1). The

competition with online or digital-based media as a result of disruption in the
world of information media as a form of change or revolution in civilization—
revolution 4.00—towards the digitalization of information. Advertisers who are
starting to tend to switch to social media and online or digital-based media to
more easily reach the Generation Z segment that chooses social media and online
or digital based media as a means of getting information and news. and the factors
in the world economy that caused production costs to increase, the main driver of
which was the strengthening of the United States of America economy. Of all the
challenges that have been mentioned, Tribun Jogja as one of the biggest local
print media in Yogyakarta and its surroundings, of course has a strong strategy in
the era of media disruption and media digitalization.
3.3.1 Challenges Faced by Printed Neswpaper
Of the many effects of disruption to the media, especially printed newspapers,
one thing that is certain in the era of disruption driven by the digitalization process
is the decrease in the number of readers. Tribun Jogja as one of the largest local
printed media in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas also feel the same. However,
according to Mr. Edy, this was not a sign of a decline in interest in printed
newspapers, but the natural selection of printed newspaper readers. The decline in
readers according to him is the impact of disruption driven by the digitization
process. Now, many people prefer digital media or online as a source of news
because it is far more updated than the printed newspapers. However, that does
not mean the printed newspaper loses its selling value. According to Mr. Edy, the
printed newspaper now functions as a confirmation media for news scattered in
online and digital media which often carelessly presents the news (Personal
Interview, 29 January 2019). Mr. Edy is confident because the name Tribun Jogja
has been well known by the people of Yogyakarta and its surroundings. He gave
an example of a taxi case in collaboration with Uber. The taxi drivers went to
Tribun Jogja to confirm the news and not other printed media offices because they
considered Tribun Jogja as their third eye. They knew the Tribun Jogja news was
useful and informative for them. Tribun Jogja is indeed known to be independent
and credible in the eyes of the public—impartial to anyone, in the case of

affiliation with certain parties, such as political parties. This is because all media
owned by Tribun Jogja, inherit the journalistic spirit of Kompas Gramedia Group,
which is to remain independent by maintaining credibility by not affiliating with
any political party (Personal Interview, 29 January 2019).
Meanwhile, for the problem of reader growth, Mr. Edy believes there must be
a growth of readers. This belief is based on the fact that there are still many people
in Yogyakarta who have not become readers of the Tribun Jogja printed
newspaper. Meanwhile, according to him, the growth process of the reader
depends on how the concepts offered by the editorial team and the relationship
between the editorial team as the party that presents and produces the news and
the circulation team as news marketers. The relationship between the editorial
team and the circulation team must be strong, because the circulation team has the
duty to find out what is needed now by the public and the editorial team is tasked
with producing what is needed by the public today, one of which is more news
presentation practical than before (Personal Interview, 29 January 2019).
Furthermore, according to Mr. Edy, even though the worst possibility of
disruption driven by digital processes he believes that Tribun Jogja will still exist
with the digital media and online. However, he still believes that the printed
newspaper will still exist and still have a future, although in the end, the printed
newspaper readers will be very minimal. The optimism shown by Mr. Edy, Mr.
Sigit, and Mr. Ikrob is not unfounded, because Tribun Jogja can exist in the midst
of increasingly fierce media competition with the disruption of media driven by
digitalization because of the strategies they have in facing existing challenges
(Personal Interview, 29 January 2019).
3.3.2 Tribun Jogja’s Strategies
All effects of disruption which later became problems for print media such as
accessibility, new readers from Generation Z, advertisers, and economics of
course can be overcome with innovative strategies—according to the needs of the
era and society. As one of the great local news and information media in
Yogyakarta, Tribun Jogja has specific strategies to continue to exist in the era of
digital and media disruption.

27 The Accessibility to Information Sources
First strategies is for accessibility issues to information sources that are
required to be easier, cheaper and faster, Tribun presents a solution by launching
online or digital based media portals. For national scale, online or digital media
portals can be accessed through

Figure 3.7. List of digital or online portals from Source: Screenshot from, 13 March 2019.
Not only that, Tribun also presents online or digital based media portals for
local newspapers, for example for Tribun Timur
(Makassar and its surroundings). Meanwhile, for Tribun Jogja itself, it can be
accessed through

Figure 3.8. Difference between and page. Source: Screenshot
from, 13 March 2019 & Screenshot from, 13 March 2019.

However, the information contained in each online news portal owned by the
Tribun is in the rubric issues presented. Each region has its own issue or regional
specific section. For example Figure 3.2, there is a special column on the Tribun
Timur website that discusses PSM Makassar—a football club from Makassar.
Meanwhile, on the Tribun Jogja website there is no special section that discusses
PSIM Yogyakarta or PSS Sleman—football clubs based in the Yogyakarta area
and its surroundings. In addition, Tribun Jogja also conducts convergence—
merging or synergize Tribun Jogja printed newspaper and Tribun Jogja online or
digital media. Also, they provide printed newspapers in digital form namely
Tribun Jogja Epaper that can be directly accessed via on the
lower right side or can be accessed directly through the link However, the digital newspaper
was only accessible in the afternoon or several hours after the print newspaper
Tribun Jogja was published.

Figure 3.9. Tribun Jogja Epaper. Source Printed Newspapers Presentation
Because of the convergence between printed newspapers and online or digital
media owned by Tribun Jogja, the majority of news topics, themes, or issues in
printed newspapers can be found in online or digital media and vice versa. It
seems as if it doesn't make a difference between printed newspapers and online or
digital media. However, it is different from the Tribun Jogja.

Tribun Jogja sees that when the news or information in the printed newspaper
they have can be found in online or digital media, readers or consumers will
prefer digital or online media rather than printed newspapers. For this reason,
Tribun Jogja applies the strategy, namely by making distinctions in writing and
presenting news. Mr. Sigit, as the News Manager at the Tribun Jogja editorial
division, stated that there was an agreement between the printed media and digital
media or Tribun Jogja online in the presentation of the news. The agreement
includes, first, digital or online media that is required to present the news quickly,
causing news that is produced and presented in digital media or online Tribun
Jogja is not very good quality compared to the quality in the Tribun Jogja printed
newspaper. The lack of writing knowledge happens due to the deadlines given to
digital or online media reporters, is much shorter compared to printed newspapers.
The quality and knowledge of digital or online media writing is not very
important for Tribun Jogja, because what is highlighted in their digital or online
media is the speed of the news. This quality and knowledge of news writing also
affects the editor's power which is far less than what their printed media has
(Personal Interview, 29 January 2019).
Also, differences in the highlighting of news and sharpness are other factors
that make the Tribun Jogja still exist. News presented in digital media or online
Tribun Jogja is different from what is presented in their printed media in terms of
quality, sharpness, and perspective. Mr. Sigit gave an example if in digital media
or online Tribun Jogja present or writes about a bus accident case, what they
highlight is the chronology and number of victims. Meanwhile, in the printed will
highlight other things from the accident case. Such as the testimony of survivors,
or eyewitnesses who witnessed the process of the accident, and other information
that was much deeper about the accident. Finally, the news that will be presented
in the printed newspaper will be saved first, so it is not possible to get it on their
digital or online media before their printed newspaper is published. After their
printed newspaper is published, then the information can be published in their
digital or online media, it is quite effective in making the quality and sharpness of
the news produced by Tribun Jogja maintained (Personal Interview, 29 January

2019). For example, look at Figure 3.10 and 3.11.
Figure 3.10 on left is a picture taken from the front page or the main headline
of Tribun Jogja print newspaper on March 12, 2019 which reported the problem
of Siti Aisyah, an Indonesian citizen accused of involvement in the murder of Kim
Jong Nam, North Korea's presidential brother Kim Jong Un on February 13, 2017.
In the left picture we can see information about what happened after the trial
process that was carried out by Siti Aisyah. There is also a timeline of events that
began from the murder of Kim Jong Nam February 13, 2017 to the free verdict of
Siti Aisyah given by the Supreme Court of Shah Alam Malaysia March 11 2019.
While picture on the right is a picture taken from a digital-based news portal or
Tribun Jogja online with the same headline as those contained in news headlines
in the Tribun Jogja printed newspaper. However, the information presented on
online or digital news portals is relatively less than that in print newspapers. In
printed newspapers, Tribun Jogja presents a timeline of events in a continuous
manner starting from the murder of Kim Jong Nam to the free decision of Siti
Aisyah. Meanwhile, on online or digital news portals the information is not
In addition, the picture on the left taken from the Tribun Jogja print newspaper
is presented in the morning, while the picture on the right taken from online media
or digital Tribun Jogja is presented after the printed newspaper or precisely at 12

Figure 3.10. News about Siti Aisyah who escaped the death sentence. Source: Screenshot of
Tribun Jogja printed newspaper and Tribun Jogja online or digital media from, 12 March 2019.
Furthermore, in figure 3.10 on the left sides is the follow-up news from the
front page or the main headline of Tribun Jogja print newspaper on March 12,
2019 which more specifically highlights the moment after the return of Siti
Aisyah to Indonesia which was directly invited to meet with President Jokowi in
the Presidential Palace Complex. We can also see sub-news about the escort
obtained by Siti Aisyah and her family during a visit to the State Palace.
On the right sides is the news about Siti Aisyah's visit to the State Palace to
fulfill the invitation of President Jokowi after being declared free of murder
charges. The news on the right sides is also reported in Figure 3.10 on right sides
of the picture, but as explained earlier that to anticipate the similarity of news in
print and digital media or online that Tribun Jogja has, then they will hold back
the news that will be presented in printed newspapers not to be presented in the
media digital or online before their printed newspaper is published. News of Siti
Aisyah's visit to the State Palace in figure 3.11 right sides was loaded after the

Tribun Jogja print newspaper was published, more precisely at 2.21 in the

Figure 3.11. News about Siti Aisyah who escaped the death sentence. Source: Screenshot of
Tribun Jogja printed newspaper and Tribun Jogja online or digital media from, 12 March 2019. Synergy Between Editorial Division and Company

In the face of disruption, as explained earlier, the important key for print
newspapers to survive in the era of disruption is to understand change and make
innovations and continue to emphasize the quality of news which is one of the
characteristics or characteristics of printed newspapers, namely the depth of the
news presented.
The task of the editorial division is to continue to maintain the quality of the
news produced, in this case Tribun Jogja maintains an independent spirit — in a
way that is not in favor of one party — which is indeed the spirit of Tribun

regional newspapers. Meanwhile, the task of the company division is to conduct
consumer surveys as an introspection material and to create innovations and to
collaborate with a number of agencies as one of the strategies to obtain new
income and customers. According to Mr. Edy (Personal Interview, 29 January
2019), the synergy between the editorial division and the company's division is
very important for the survival of the Tribun Jogja print newspaper. He likens it to
fuel and vehicles, when a vehicle does not have fuel, the vehicle engine cannot be
used, as well as fuel without a vehicle engine — just a vehicle frame — cannot
walk. For this reason Tribun Jogja synergized between the editorial division and
the company's division. Digital or Online Advertizing
To deal with the reduction of advertisers who are starting to tend to switch to
social media and media that are online or digital based, Tribun Jogja has prepared
it by collaborating with several parties. According to Mr. Edy, in 2019 Tribun
Jogja has quite some new customers, for example, Bank Pembangunan DIY (BPD
DIY), which all offices subscribe to Tribun Jogja printed newspapers, even small
offices. All urban and sub-district offices in the city of Yogyakarta also
collaborate with the Tribun Jogja. According to him, in every sub-district and
sub-district office in the city of Yogyakarta, there must be a Tribun Jogja printed
newspaper. The collaboration is woven into a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU). However, of course, Tribun Jogja is not just offering news and
information to these parties. Tribun Jogja also provides other benefits, namely
coverage of events and the promotion of Tribun Family Card Premium (TFC
Premium) cards.

Figure 3.12. Coverage of BPD DIY event by Tribun Jogja. Source: Screenshot of Tribun Jogja
digital or online media from, 29 March 2019.

The Tribun Family Card Premium is a type of transaction tool owned by

Tribun Jogja that collaborates with many merchants and companies with the
benefit of TFC cardholders to get a variety of attractive promo and discount offers
(Personal Interview, 29 January 2019).

Figure 3.13. List of Tribun Family Card promo and discount offers. Source: 22 March 2019.

35 World Economy
Finally is the growth of the economy. The growth of the economy which
caused the price of the Dollar to Rupiah to go crazy — the weakening of the
rupiah exchange rate — affected Tribun Jogja 's production costs, such as the
price of paper, ink, printing machine components, paper, and printing plates. The
main problem is that all production goods are imported from abroad. In the matter
of ink for example, Indonesia has not been able to create an ink that is not black.
The Increasing costs for tools and production materials have caused production
costs to be more suppressed. However, the strategy to reduce production costs
must consider the number of printed media readers that continue to decline and, of
course this, impacts on reducing advertisers. Other newspapers deal with the
problem by increasing the selling price of their printed newspapers. However, for
Tribun Jogja, raising price is a very difficult choice, because now people can
access information at a very low cost and even free. For this reason, Tribun Jogja
applies a strategy to reduce the number of pages from 24 pages to just 20 pages.
In fact, on certain days there are 16 pages and at most 20 pages (Personal
Interview, 29 January 2019).
So far, the strategy adopted by Tribun Jogja is quite appropriate. By
converging, merging or mixing between printed media and digital media or online
they have, presenting rubrics for Generation Millennials or Generation Z,
maintaining news quality, and not raising price to deal with world economic
growth which impacts on the price of tools and materials production. Mr. Edy
newspaper confidently said that newspaper will continue to exist, although he
thinks the number of printed media will continue to decrease. In time, the
newspaper will become an exclusive type of media. After this disruption era, he
say that there will be one printed newspaper only on one area. Tribun Jogja as one
of the great information and news media has echoed from Jakarta, that Tribun
Jogja will become The Last Standing Newspaper in all regions. For example, in
Jogja, Tribun Jogja is sure to win the competition with other major newspapers.
Tribun Jogja believe that they will become the last newspaper in Yogyakarta and
surrounding areas (Personal Interview, 29 January 2019).

Therefore, according to Mr. Edy, the prediction that say printed newspaper
will be ‘eliminated’ from ‘the game’ that offered by this disruption era that have
been widely heard lately is no more than mere predictions. As in the era where the
radio was hit by television — TVRI and private TV — because TV played on the
visual aspect with images and sound, a radio that did not have a visual aspect was
expected to meet its end to broadcast information. However, until now radio, is
proven to be still existed. According to him, one of many reasons that make radio
still exist is by the growth of four-wheeled vehicles. People who are stuck in
traffic, according to him, tend to hear the radio. Likewise the newspaper, he
believes 150% of the printed media industry will remain exist (Personal Interview,
29 January 2019).


Tribun Jogja is one of the largest local newspapers published in the Yogyakarta
region and its surroundings. Tribun Jogja is a subsidiary of Kompas Gramedia.
Kompas Gramedia was founded by Petrus Kanisius Ojong and Jakoeb Oetama on
June 28, 1965. Kompas Gramedia has two types of national newspapers; Kompas
and newspapers based locally or regionally, like Tribun Jogja Network. As one of
the largest news and information media in the area of Yogyakarta and its
surroundings, Tribun Jogja must face the impact of disruption.
Disruption, as mentioned by Clayton M. Christensen, means changes that
occur begin with small things, so small that they are neglected by the big ones.
Disruption presents many challenges for printed newspapers, as previously
explained, among them are the accessibility to information sources that must be
easier, cheaper and faster than before as a form of technological development in
the telecommunications sector—internet and smartphones for example—which
cause abundance, ease, and speed in accessing information and news. The
decrease of Generation Z's interest in printed newspapers which was influenced
by the digitization process in various aspects of life that caused civilization to
change to be more practical and Generation Z was identified as the digital native
—a generation from childhood, under the age of five who knew gadgets,
computers, and smartphones as part of their lives (Andreano, SB, 1). The
competition with online or digital-based media as a result of disruption in the
world of information media as a form of change or revolution in civilization—
revolution 4.00—towards the digitalization of information. Advertisers who are
starting to tend to switch to social media and online or digital-based media to
more easily reach the Generation Z segment that chooses social media and online
or digital based media as a means of getting information and news. and the factors
in the world economy that caused production costs to increase, the main driver of
which was the strengthening of the United States of America economy.
In conclusion, the predictions of the end time of printed newspapers that have

been widely heard lately are no more than mere predictions like in an era where
radio will be replaced by television because it combines visual and sound aspects.
However, until now radio and television still exist together and have their
respective interests. Mr. Edy, as Tribun Jogja Circulation Manager, confidently
said that the prediction that say printed newspaper will be shut down because this
disruption era that have been widely heard lately is no more than mere
predictions. As in the era where the radio was hit by television — TVRI and
private TV — because TV played on the visual aspect with images and sound, a
radio that did not have a visual aspect was expected to meet its end to broadcast
information. However, until now radio, is proven to be still existed. According to
him, one of many reasons that make radio still exist is by the growth of four-
wheeled vehicles. People who are stuck in traffic, according to him, tend to hear
the radio. Likewise the newspaper, he believes 150% of the printed media
industry will remain exist.

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Fullname : Ikrob Didik Irawan

Nickname : Ikrob

Gender : Male

Nationality : Indonesia

Position : Digital Manager

Fullname : Edy Utama Anastasius

Nickname : Edy

Gender : Male

Nationality : Indonesia

Position : Circulation Manager

Fullname : Sigit Widya

Nickname : Sigit

Gender : Male

Nationality : Indonesia

Position : News Manager


The writer do an interview to collect data from Tribun Jogja Digital Manager,
Circulation Manager, and News Manager. Digital Manager are Ikrob Didik
Irawan. Circulation Manager are Edy Utama Anastasius. News Manager are Sigit

The question are:

1. Apa dampak yang paling signifikan dari disrupsi digital yang terjadi dalam
media informasi?

2. Strategi apa yang digunakan oleh Tribun Yogyakarta dalam menghadapi era

3. Apakah era disrupsi akan menyebabkan kematian media cetak ataukah mungkin
sejarah radio akan terulang di mana pada waktu itu radio, televisi, dan koran tetap
memiliki pasarnya sendiri?

4. Inovasi kreatif apa yang telah dilakukan oleh pihak Tribun Yogyakarta untuk
tetap eksis di era disrupsi?



Arfan Nur Karim

Personal Data
Adresss : Jl Sri Andana No 69 Kampung Mekar Jaya Kelurahan Batu IX,
Kecamatan Tanjungpinang Timur, Kota Tanjung Pinang
Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, Kode Pos 29125
Cell Phone : +6281991390991
E-mail : [email protected]
Place/Birth Date : Tanjungpinang, Indonesia, 18th of April 1999
Gender : Male
Formal Education
2016 – Now Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada
2018 Tribun Jogja
1 January – 2 march 2019
 Work in the editorial section
 Make newspaper news
 Make online media news
 Editing Video For Instagram, facebook, and
twitter Tribun Jogja
Talent and Skill
 Expert in diving
 Expert in swimming
 Expert in debate
Music (listening and playing), reading, swimming, diving, and debate

Yogyakarta, March 2019

Arfan Nur Karim


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